Home Medical Equipment - eCommunity

Home Medical Equipment

Community Home Health Services 9894 East 121st Street Fishers, IN 46037 Local: 317-621-4800

Community Home Health Services We are honored that you and your family have entrusted us with your care. Our team works to develop a strong rela onship with the individuals we serve, empowering them to become our partners. This book contains important informa on about your rights, your safety and your right to decide about your health care. If you have any ques ons, please speak with your caregiver or call the number listed below. Thank you for allowing Community Home Health to provide care for you and your family.

Community Home Health Services is a wholly owned subsidiary of Community Health Network.

(317) 621-4800 or 1-800-404-4852 (toll free)


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Table of Contents

Pa ent and Family Partnership Philosophy Home Medical Equipment Pa ent Bill of Rights Home Medical Equipment Services Medicare Supplier Standards Oxygen at Home CPAP/ AutoPAP/Bi-level PAP Equipment Educa on Pa ent Li ing Devices Suc on Unit Hospital Bed Wheelchairs, Walkers, Canes and Shower Benches Advocacy Resources Complaint /Concern Process No ce of Privacy Prac ces Release of Informa on Preven ng Fraud and Abuse in Healthcare Weather Safety and Emergency Preparedness Fire Safety Fall Preven on Vaccines/ Infec on Preven on Indiana State Department of Health: Advanced Direc ves Indiana Living Will Declara on Indiana Out of Hospital Do Not Resuscitate Declara on and Order Indiana Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment Indiana Appointment of Healthcare Representa ve



4 5 6 7 8-17 18-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30 32 33-36 36-37 37 38 38 39 39 40-48 49 50 51-53 54-55

Pa ent and Family Partnership Philosophy

This booklet serves to assist you with your medical equipment and supplies needs.

Your Community Home Medical Equipment team is available 24/7. You may reach us by calling 1 (317) 621-4800 or toll free at 1- 800-404-4852. In the event the phone number is out of service, please call 1-888-621-4659.

Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Outside of these hours, and on holidays and weekends, our on-call staff will return your call as soon as possible.

Community Home Health Services, doing business as Community Home Health, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Community Health Network. Community Health Network assigns care for all patients in a non-discriminatory manner and cannot guarantee that care preferences will be honored. You have the right to refuse treatment at any time and our staff will provide a list of other healthcare organizations where you may seek treatment.

Terms you may see in this booklet:

CMS DME HME CHHS or CHH DMEPOS DME MAC Break-in need Break-in service RUL

Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services Durable Medical Equipment Home Medical Equipment Community Home Health Services Durable Medical Equipment Prosthe c Ortho c Supplier Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Approved Contractor Change in medical condi on that affects use of medical equipment Break in monthly billing for medical equipment Reasonable Useful Life (of a piece of medical equipment); generally 5 years

For further assistance, please contact a customer service representa ve at (317) 621-4800 or (800) 404-4852, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.



Pa ents have the right to: Have their property and person treated with respect Be free from verbal, mental, sexual, and physical abuse, including injuries of unknown source, neglect and misappropria on

of property Have his or her personal values, beliefs and preferences respected.


Pa ents have the right to file complaints with the home medical equipment agency (HMEA): Regarding their treatment and/or care that is provided Regarding treatment and/or care that the agency fails to provide Regarding the lack of respect for property and/or person by anyone who is providing services on behalf of the home health


Decision Making, Consent, and Services Provided

Pa ents have the right to: Par cipate in, and be informed about, and consent or refuse care in advance of and during treatment. Protec on of rights during research, inves ga on and clinical trials When requested, the agency will make available a lis ng of all individuals or other legal en es who have an ownership or

control of interest in the agency.

Privacy, and Access to Medical Records

Pa ents have the right to a confiden al clinical record. Patents have the right to access and to the release of pa ent informa on and clinical records. Give or withhold informed consent to produce or use recordings, films, or other images of the pa ent for purposes other

than his/her care.

Financial Informa on

Pa ents will be advised of: The extent to which payment for home medical equipment services may be expected from Medicare, Medicaid, or any other

federally-funded or federal aid program known to the HMEA, The charges for services that may not be covered by Medicare, Medicaid, or any other federally-funded or federal aid pro-

gram known to the home health agency. The charges the individual may have to pay before care is ini ated. Any changes in payment responsibility orally and in wri ng as soon as possible but no later than 30 calendar days from the

date the agency becomes aware.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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