Phoenix Primary School


English –3 Billygoats Gruff. Orally retell the story together. Talk about the setting (farm, bridge, river) Think of other stories using these types of settings.

Find the new month on the calendar. What day is it? Say the days of the week, months of the year. 100 Day countdown – cross off next day on 100 chart.

English –3 Billygoats Gruff. Orally retell the story together. Change the ending. How else could they have solved the troll problem?

Maths - Count to 20.

Do next page in Tricky Teens book.

Maths - Count to 20.

Do next page in Tricky Teens book.

Paper , pencils

Letters and Sounds

Letter Kk (kicking K)

Watch Geraldine video. Find things starting with ‘k’. Practise writing ‘k’.

Starfall ABCs

Geraldine the Giraffe learns C

Geraldine the Giraffe learns K

Letters and Sounds

Letter Kk -do an activity.

Eg make a kite, read a story about a koala or a kangaroo

*Each day, revise known letter names and sounds:



Letters and sounds

Letter Cc -do an activity.

Eg make playdough caterpillar, bake cupcakes

Youtube - Days of the Week clap! Clap!

Fitness/Obstacle Course

Any physical activity is good – skipping, riding bikes, hoola hoops, throwing and catching, walking the dog…

Fitness/Obstacle Course

As in Monday/Tuesday

Fitness/Obstacle Course

As in Monday/Tuesday

Find this month on the calendar. What day is it? Say the days of the week, months of the year. 100 Day countdown – cross off next day on 100 chart.

Find this month on the calendar. What day is it? Say the days of the week, months of the year. 100 Day countdown – cross off next day on 100 chart.

English –3 Billygoats Gruff. Orally retell the story together. Draw the 3 billygoats in the order they went over the bridge.







Find this month on the calendar. What day is it? Say the days of the week, months of the year. 100 Day countdown – cross off next day on 100 chart.


Letters and Sounds

Letter Cc (curly C) Watch Geraldine video. Find things starting with ‘c’. Practise writing ‘c’.

Maths – Ordinal numbers 1st, 2nd, 3rd. What do they mean? Do examples.

Write the ordinal numbers on the correct goats in drawing.

Maths - Count to 20. Write the numbers to 20. Ask questions eg what comes after 13? What comes before 16?

English –3 Billygoats Gruff. Draw the troll and colour in. Think of words to describe him (adjectives). Write them under drawing.

Weekly Planner

Fitness/Obstacle Course

We have started playing “Follow the Leader” around the playground.

Youtube – Mini Monsters Music The Best Count To 20 song

Youtube – The 3 Billygoats Gruff /Fairy Tales/Gigglebox

Use a variety of movements – forwards, backwards, sideways, over, under, through, between, in, on.

A calendar

100 chart in Home School pack

Tricky Teens booklet – in Home School pack


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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