Unit 4: Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid

Chapter 1: Achieving a Healthy Lifestyle

Lesson 2: Cadet Challenge

Time: 1400 minutes

• (a) 1 (one) 90-minute block with Part 1 and 2 or (b) 2 (two) 45-minute periods with activities for Days 1 and 2 or (c) 4 (four) 45-minute periods with Part 1 activities for Days 1 and 2, and Part 2 activities for Days 3 and 4

• 14 (fourteen) 90-minute lessons of physical fitness practice

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|Competency: Meet the physical fitness standards for the Cadet Challenge. |

|McRel Standards: PE3. Understands the benefits and costs associated with participation in physical activity: PE4. Understands how to monitor and |

|maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness H7 - Knows how to maintain and promote personal health, SR1 - Sets and manages goals, SR2 - |

|Performs self-appraisal, SR4 - Demonstrates perseverance |

|Linked Program Outcomes: Promote wellness through nutrition, physical fitness and substance abuse prevention [wellness] |

|Lesson Question: Why is physical fitness important? |

|Thinking Processes |Core Abilities |

|Defining in Context – Circle Map* (Alt. = Mind or Concept Map, Sunshine Wheel) |Build your capacity for life-long learning |

|Describing Qualities - Bubble Map* (Alt. = Star Diagram, Brainstorming Web) |Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and |

|Comparing/Contrasting - Double Bubble Map* (Alt. = Venn Diagram) |written techniques |

|Classifying -Tree Map* (Alt. = Matrix, KWL, T-Chart, Double Tt, P-M-I) |Take responsibility for your actions and choices |

|Part-Whole - Brace Map* (Alt. = Pie Chart) |Do your share as a good citizen in your school, |

|Sequencing -Flow Map* (Alt. = Flow Chart, Linear String) |community, country, and the world |

|Cause and Effect - Multi-Flow Map* (Alt. = Fishbone Diagram) |Treat self and others with respect |

|Seeing Analogies - Bridge Map* (Alt. = Analogy/Simile Chart) |Apply critical thinking techniques |

|* Thinking Map( | |

|Multiple Intelligences |Bloom’s Taxonomy |Authentic Assessment |Lesson Objectives |

|Bodily/Kinesthetic |Knowledge |Observation Checklist |Compare the Cadet Challenge to the Presidential Physical|

|Visual/Spatial |Comprehension |Portfolio |Fitness Award |

|Logical/Mathematical |Application |Rubric |Distinguish between the Presidential Physical Fitness |

|Verbal/Linguistic |Analysis |Test and Quizzes |Award and the National Physical Fitness Award |

|Musical/Rhythmical |Synthesis |Thinking Map® |Identify the six Cadet Challenge exercises |

|Naturalist |Evaluation |Graphic Organizer |Describe the proper techniques for the Cadet Challenge |

|Interpersonal |Structured Reflection |Notebook Entries |exercises |

|Intrapersonal |Metacognition |Logs |Define key words: Cadet Challenge, curl-ups, |

| |What? |Performance |flexed-arm hang, Presidential Physical Fitness Award |

| |So What? |Project |(PPFA) pull-ups, shuttle run, V-sit reach |

| |Now What? | | |

| |Socratic Dialog | | |

| |E-I-A-G | | |

| | | |Legend: |

| | | |( Indicates item is not used in lesson |

| | | |( Indicates item is used in lesson |

|Learning Materials: Student Learning Plan, Student Text, Visual #1, |Lesson Preview/Setup: |

|Handout #1, Information Sheet #1, Exercise #1, Thinking Map® samples, |Energizer – Have access to exercise mats, pull-up bar(s), and stop watch(es) |

|Cadet Challenge Assessment Task, |so cadets check ability to perform curl-ups and flexed-arm hang or pull-ups. |

|Supplies: Chart Paper, Colored Markers |Inquire – Guide cadets to the learning objectives and key words in their |

|Resources: Cadet Notebooks, LET CM, Computer with Internet Access, |Student Learning Plan to preview the lesson activities. Distribute chart paper|

|Monitor, Classroom Performance System (CPS), Cadet Portfolio Track, |and colored markers; display Visual #1 Double Bubble Map so cadets compare the|

|Athletic or Drill Field or Gymnasium, Pull-up Bar*, Mat*, Two 2x2x4 Inch |Presidential Physical Fitness Awards program and Cadet Challenge. |

|Wood Blocks*, Yardstick/Tape Measure*, Adhesive Tape, Stopwatch*, Set of |Gather – Have senior cadets give demo on each of the activities in the |

|Lightweight Numbered Devices*, Flat Area with Two Parallel Lines 30 feet |Challenge requirements. Cadet teams create performance standard reference |

|Apart, Flat Area with a Known Measured Distance of One Mile, Ladder (for |checklists for an assigned event. Distribute Information Sheet #1 and Handout |

|Flexed-Arm Hang if needed as an Alternative Event) |#1 as reference. |

|*Note - Quantity depends upon factors such as the number of cadets being |Process – Arrange for senior cadets to monitor each physical event and |

|tested, number of assistant instructors, equipment availability, etc. |distribute copies of Exercise #1 so cadets practice physical events. |

|McRel Standards: Grade-level benchmarks for the McRel Standards can be |Apply – Distribute copies of assessment task and reference Exercise #1 so |

|found in your JROTC Instructor’s Desk Reference. |cadets prepare for Cadet Challenge. |

|Location Note: |

|This lesson will be conducted in an area suitable for exercise with access to the equipment listed in the resource section. Prepare to provide |

|approximately 1400 minutes of lesson time for physical fitness practice in preparation for the Cadet Challenge |

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|Time Note: |

|Use this 90-minute lesson plan to demonstrate and explain the five events that make up Cadet Challenge. Schedule additional time (90-270 minutes) to |

|assess cadets for the Cadet Challenge preferably four to six weeks after the demonstration period to give cadets time to improve their scores. Consider |

|using optional time and/or cadets' individual time for cadets to practice the events prior to conducting Cadet Challenge for record. It has been |

|recommended that fourteen (90-minute) lessons be devoted to practice time for Cadet Challenge. This not only provide ample time for cadet practice and |

|progress toward a personal goal, but it also meets the POI requirements for Cadet Challenge (over and above the 90-minute lesson) and in many cases, |

|additional contact hours for PE credit. |

|Part 1: 45 minutes |

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|Lesson Plan |

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|Icebreaker/Energizer: |

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|Setup: |

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|Prepare to display multimedia items including: Focusing Question |

|Arrange for cadets to have access to exercise mats and pull-up bars. |

|Provide stopwatches at the exercise mat stations. |

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|Direct Cadet Focus: |

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|Ask cadets if they think they are physically fit and how they know they are or are not physically fit. |

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|Learning Activity: |

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|Divide cadets into the same number of teams as exercise stations with a minimum of two cadets per team. |

|Guide cadets to check their sit-up or pull-up performance at one of the exercise stations: |

|Note: Allow cadets to use whatever techniques they are familiar with at this phase. The correct techniques for Curl-ups and Pull-ups will be demonstrated|

|during the Inquire and Gather Phases. |

|Exercise Mat stations: Guide cadets to perform as many sit ups as they can in 60 seconds. Direct a cadet to keep track of the time during this activity. |

|Pull-up Bar stations: Guide cadets to check how many pull-ups they can do or how long they can hang with their chins above the bar. |

|Direct cadets to record their accomplishments in their Cadet Notebooks. |

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|Reflection: |

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|Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection and note taking: |

|What kind of physical shape do you think you are currently in? |

|How do you feel about your ability to perform the two exercises? |

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|Total Time: 10 minutes[pic] |

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|Phase 1 – Inquire: |

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|Setup: |

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|Prepare to display multimedia items including: Key Word(s), Double Bubble Map and Visual #1 |

|Distribute chart paper and colored markers to teams. |

|Display Double Bubble Map sample titled “Cadet Challenge vs. PPFA Program”. |

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|Direct Cadet Focus: |

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|Guide cadets to preview the information in the Student Learning Plan including the competency, performance standards, learning objectives, key words, |

|learning activities, and assessment activities. |

|Guide cadets to read Student Learning Activities 1 and 2 in their Student Learning Plans. |

|Ask cadets to think about Cadet Challenge and President’s Physical Fitness Test/Awards. |

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|Learning Activity: |

|(addresses Student Learning Activities 1 and 2) |

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|Display Key Word(s). |

|Form cadets into teams of 3-4 cadets. |

|Guide teams to compare what they know about the President’s Physical Fitness Test/Awards and the JROTC Cadet Challenge. |

|Teams create a Double Bubble Map (or T-chart) for their illustration. |

|Direct teams to present their maps to the class. |

|Display the real definitions of the two in Visual #1: Cadet Challenge vs. President’s Physical Fitness Test/Award. |

|Direct cadets to add answers to the Reflection Questions to their Cadet Notebook. |

|Self-paced Option: Cadets write a short summary in their Cadet Notebook about what they know about the Presidential Physical Fitness Test and Aware and |

|the JROTC Cadet Challenge program. Cadets compare their summary to the Visual #1: Cadet Challenge vs. President’s Physical Fitness Test/Award. Cadets add |

|answers to the Reflection Questions to their Cadet Notebook |

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|Reflection: |

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|Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection and note taking: |

|What was the difference between the two programs? |

|How well do you think you meet the standards for these programs? |

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|Total Time: 15 minutes |

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|[pic] |

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|Phase 2 – Gather: |

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|Setup: |

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|Prepare to display multimedia items including: Reinforcing Question(s) |

|Distribute Handout #1: The Health Fitness Award. |

|Distribute Information Sheet #1: Cadet Challenge Criteria. |

|Distribute chart paper and markers. |

|Access the Internet to showcase more about the Presidential Fitness Challenge Award at |

|. Handouts and additional information can be obtained and printed |

|for your students. |

|Assure student text is available for cadet use. |

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|Direct Cadet Focus: |

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|Guide cadets to read Student Learning Activities 3 and 4 in their Student Learning Plans. |

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|Ask cadets to think about all the physical activities they engage in each week and if this prepares them for the rigor of Cadet Challenge. |

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|Learning Activity: |

|(addresses Student Learning Activities 3 and 4) |

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|Divide cadets into 5 teams. |

|Review the Cadet Challenge requirements and explain Cadet Command’s standards in the Cadet Challenge. Have senior cadets give demonstrations on each of |

|the activities. |

|Discuss how cadets can work to meet the criteria of the Cadet Challenge by following a routine exercise program and review the guidelines for awards in |

|Handout #1: The Presidential Fitness Challenge Award Chart. |

|Provide each team with chart paper and markers for cadets to make a scoring checklist of key criteria necessary for each of the five Cadet Challenge |

|Events. Explain that these nicely created charts will be used as performance standards for self and peer-assessment during physical fitness practice |

|phases of this lesson. They will be posted next to each exercise station. |

|Remind cadets to refer to the Information Sheet #1: Cadet Challenge Criteria to review the criteria for cadet challenge events. Note: Provide additional |

|handouts, as desired, from the President’s Challenge Website, also provided is Handout #1: The Health Fitness Award. |

|Display reinforcing question(s). |

|Direct cadets to add answers to the Reflection Questions to their Cadet Notebook |

|Self-paced Option: Cadet read about Cadet Challenge criteria in their student textbook and develop a self-assessment checklist for each of the five |

|events. Cadets add their checklist to their Cadet Notebooks along with their responses to the Reflection Questions. |

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|Reflection: |

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|Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection and note taking: |

|Why do you think you should learn these exercises? |

|What other forms of exercise can help build your strength and endurance? |

| |

|Total Time: 20 minutes |

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|[pic] |

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|Part 2: 45 minutes |

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|Phase 3 -- Process: |

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|Setup: |

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|Prepare to display multimedia items including: Exercise #1 and Reinforcing Question(s) |

|Arrange for access to exercise equipment listed above. |

|Arrange for senior cadets to monitor each physical event. |

|Provide clipboards, exercise log sheets, and pencils for each exercise station. |

|Distribute copies of Exercise #1: Keeping Track of Your Progress on “The Challenge”. |

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|Direct Cadet Focus: |

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|Review with cadets where they are in the learning process. Brainstorm on the board the key concepts and supporting activities introduced during Part 1 of |

|this lesson. |

|Guide cadets to read Student Learning Activities 5 and 6 in their Student Learning Plan. |

|Tell cadets that they are going to practice each of the physical skills. Senior cadets will provide guidance. |

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|Learning Activity: |

|(addresses Student Learning Activities 5 and 6) |

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|Divide cadets into 5 teams. |

|Guide senior cadets to lead teams through assigned activities at each station. |

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|Direct senior cadets to record each cadet’s initial time/score for each physical activity. |

|Each team will rotate through the five workstations where senior cadets will explain/demonstrate the activity: |

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|Workstation 1: One-mile run/walk - Explain how to execute the one-mile run/walk, emphasizing that although cadets are permitted to walk, they should try |

|to cover the distance in the shortest time possible. Review the 85th percentile scores for this event for the genders and age groups of the cadets. |

|Workstation 2: Shuttle run - Explain and demonstrate how to execute the shuttle run. Review the 85th percentile scores for this event for the genders |

|and age groups of the cadets. |

|Workstation 3: Pull-Ups or Right Angle Push-ups (or flexed-arm hang for National Physical Fitness Award only) - Explain and demonstrate how to execute |

|pull-ups. Review the 85th percentile scores for this event for the genders and age groups of the cadets. State that for those cadets who cannot do one |

|pull-up, they may do the alternative event of the flexed-arm hang (explain and demonstrate) in order to qualify for the National Physical Fitness Award. |

|Emphasize that to qualify for the Presidential Award, they must do pull-ups to the 85th percentile. |

|Workstation 4: Curl-ups or Partial Curl-ups - Explain and demonstrate how to execute curl-ups. Review the 85th percentile scores for this event for the |

|genders and age groups of the cadets. |

|Workstation 5: V-sit reach or Sit and Reach - Explain and demonstrate how to execute the v-sit reach. Review the 85th percentile scores for this event |

|for the genders and age groups of the cadets. |

|Direct cadets to record their initial time/score on Exercise #1: Keeping Track of Your Progress. |

|Direct cadets to add answers to the Reflection Questions to their Cadet Notebook. |

|Self-paced Option: Cadets develop a place for Cadet Challenge practice and evaluation of skills by a mentor cadet. Cadets use Exercise #1: Keeping Track |

|of Your Progress to record their training results. Cadets add answers to the Reflection Questions to their Cadet Notebook. |

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|Reflection: |

| |

| |

|Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection and note taking: |

|Why is it important to know your starting time/score for each physical activity? |

|Why will practice increase your time/score? |

| |

|Total Time: 30 minutes |

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|[pic] |

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|Phase 4 -- Apply: |

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|Setup: |

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|Prepare to display multimedia items including: Cadet Challenge Assessment Task |

|Copy and distribute Cadet Challenge Assessment Task. |

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|Direct Cadet Focus: |

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|Guide cadets to read Student Learning Activities 7 and 8 and Student Assessment Activities 1 and 2 in their Student Learning Plans. |

|Ask cadets to think about their current physical condition. Ask them to think of ways they can change their behavior at home to improve their physical |

|condition. |

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|Learning Activity: |

|(addresses Student Learning Activities 7 and 8 and Student Assessment Activities 1 and 2) |

| |

|Guide cadets to preview the assessment task and scoring guide. |

|Guide cadets to review Information Sheet #1: Cadet Challenge Criteria to identify appropriate Cadet Challenge goals for each exercise. Direct cadets to |

|record the goals on Exercise 1: Tracking Your Progress. |

|Inform cadets of the date for assessing the Cadet Challenge and dates for practice during class time. Guide cadets to practice the events and record |

|abilities on Exercise #1 at least five times prior to the Cadet Challenge Assessment date. |

|Direct cadets to add answers to the Reflection Questions to their Cadet Notebook. |

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|Reflection: |

| |

| |

|Use these questions as tools to focus cadet discussion, reflection and note taking: |

|How will you change your daily routine to prepare for Cadet Challenge? |

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|Assessment: (addresses Student Assessment Activities 1 and 2) |

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|Guide cadets to preview Cadet Challenge Assessment Task and scoring guide. Guide cadets to refer to Information Sheet #1 to establish fitness goals for |

|the assessment task. Guide cadets to revise Exercise Programs created in the Developing the Right Exercise Program for You and to independently follow the|

|programs to prepare for the Cadet Challenge. Use the Scoring Guide to assess each cadet’s fitness ability. |

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|Total Time: 15 minutes |

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|Homework: |

|Cadets will need time to revise their Exercise Programs from the previous lesson. |

|Cadets will be expected to follow their Exercise Program in preparation to assess for the Cadet Challenge. |

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|[pic] |

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|Note on Cadet Portfolios: |

|As cadets work through the lessons in this chapter, you may want them to compile their documents in a Cadet Portfolio. Portfolios can be arranged by |

|topic, chapter, or LET depending on your needs. Refer to the Cadet Portfolio Assessment Task in your JROTC Instructor’s Desk Reference for ideas on |

|setting up and evaluating Cadet Portfolios. |

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|Note on using the Classroom Performance System: |

|Use the Classroom Performance System (CPS) with cadets to ask questions during lecture, administer tests, quizzes and other class work, grade homework, |

|and/or engage in team activities. |

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|Fourteen (14) 90-minute sessions |

|For Cadet Challenge/Physical Fitness Practice |

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