The purpose of this form and the accompanying information ...

Counselor Recommendation SurveyProvide detailed answers to the following questions. Your responses should be in complete sentences on this form and uploaded via ManageBac. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND The more information you provide, and the more details you add, the better we can showcase you in the letter of recommendation. Passion for Learning: Write about anything you have a passion for, list and explain the steps you took to learn more about your passion. This includes; your own research, any dual enrollment/summer enrichment courses you have completed or any step you took to learn more about your passion. Also, include an explanation of your educational goals and how this passion ties into your educational goals and why…. Feel free to be creative in your description. List and describe any school awards/recognitions you have received. (Please make sure to write the full name of the award & year received).Leadership Skills/Influence on Peers: List and describe any athletic programs, extra-curricular clubs and/or any leadership positions that you hold or have held, with a description of what you did in that capacity. Service: Detail any significant contributions you have made to your school and/or community (IB Students: you can write about your CAS Project). Include in this discussion the mission of your project, the outcome, and the long-term benefits of your service.Goal Setting: Describe your short term/long term educational and career goals. Include in these goals how/why a specific college/university will help move you forward to achieve these goals. Career Interest: Beginning with your most current position, list your work/internship/job/ shadowing experience, including length of time and job responsibilities. (You may provide a résumé in lieu of this question).List the languages you speak and your level of fluency (e.g., Beginner, Intermediate and/or fluent)1. ____________________________________2. ____________________________________3. ____________________________________Discuss any significant travel experiences that you have had and how that experience has impacted you. What five adjectives would you use to describe yourself? Elaborate on WHY you chose these five adjectives to describe yourself. (Include Examples) _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Are you the first in your nuclear family to go to college? Please explain in detail. Describe any personal conflicts that have had an impact on you. (This information will be strictly confidential.) This information allows us to tell your story and individualizes your journey. Please include and provide more details on anything you feel is pertinent to this survey. Teacher Recommendation SurveyPlease provide detailed answers to the following questions. Your responses should be in complete sentences on this form and given to your TEACHER either digitally or as a print out.What do you find difficult or challenging in class? What is easy?Describe the academic accomplishment you are most proud of and why you take pride in it.Has anything affected your academic performance? If so, what?What do you hope to accomplish in college and after? Consider you career goals and broader goals.What five adjectives would you use to describe yourself?Why?What would you like emphasized in the recommendation?Please include and provide more details on anything you feel is pertinent to this survey. Parent Brag Sheet 2020 - 2021Parents: We have found that this additional input from you provides us with an abundance of information to better showcase your child on the letter of recommendation. What do you consider to be your child’s outstanding accomplishments during high school? Why did you select these as most important?In what areas has your child shown the most growth and development during high school? Describe1 or 2 events that demonstrate this growth and the significance of this growth/development.Describe any cultural experiences that have had an impact on your son or daughter.What do you consider to be his/her outstanding personality traits?If you had to describe your son/daughter in 5 adjectives, what would they be?6. What are his/her greatest strengths (2) and weaknesses (2)?Please list an anecdote that you feel will shed light on any of the following: your son/daughter’s preferences, character, work habits, goals or true personality.Are there any unusual or personal circumstances that have affected your child’s educational or personal experiences? THANK YOU! IT HAS BEEN WONDERFUL WORKING WITH YOUR CHILD! ................

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