Plot Structure

Literary Elements - Notes

Fiction: The created text which are narrative and aim to express the feelings and ideas of the writer within a sequence of events, using the created characters and settings.

Short Story: A form of fiction, which is narrative and generally tells a sequence of events within a certain time and place.

Narration: The telling of the story. Each story has a narrator that talks about the events/characters and describes the setting.

Point of View: 1st person: “ I saw…when I woke up…”

2nd person: “you were…when you woke up…”

3rd person: “ He saw…when she woke up…”


Five Elements of a Story



Plot Structure

Exposition: setting is given, background information is provided, characters are introduced

Rising Action: things start happening, clues are given as to what the climax is, suspense is building

Climax (high point): the big action, the main happening in the story

Falling Action: things start to fall into place, the clues start adding up, the mystery starts to become clear

Resolution: the problem or mystery is solved, all the loose ends are tied up, the happily ever after

Story Elements

Setting: where and when the story takes place

Tone: the feeling of the story ( ex: magical, mysterious, comical)

Characters: the people, animals, etc. in the story

Characterization: the way the author creates the characters, giving them personality traits (evil, selfish, greedy…), physical characteristics

Problem or Crisis: what is wrong in the story

Descriptive language: words that give details ( ex: colors, sounds, adjectives)

Irony: when the end or actual result is not what was the expected outcome

Motive: what causes a person to act

Values: principles, moral or ideals, what “good” lesson was learned

Theme: subject or topic that is dealt with in the story

Personification: Giving human qualities to a non-human being

Metaphor – a comparison of two unlike things without the use of “like” or “as”

Simile – a comparison of two unlike things using “like” or “as”

Allusion – a reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art.

Suspense – is the reader’s feeling of curiosity, uncertainty, or even anxiety about the outcome of events in a story

Foreshadowing – is the use of clues that suggest events that have yet to occur



Falling Action

Rising Action

Exposition (introduction)


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