INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT AND PSYCHOLOGYUnit- I CONCEPTS OF MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION Short type: What are the functions of management in the organization?Explain the Hertzberg’s Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs?Explain the importance of the scientific management by Taylor?Define the organization and list out the types of organizationWhat are the differences between line and staff organizationWhat is the modern organization designWhat is departmentation and explain the types of departmentation?What is use of the recentralization in organizationHow system approach in the organization is helpful to the management.Write a short note on organic structures of organizationWhy is management so important to the organizations?Define management and list out the functions of management?List out the 14 principles of Henry Fayol?Explain the Hertzberg’s Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs?What is the importance of the scientific management by Taylor?Explain the systems approach to the managementWhat is meant by line organizationWhat is meant by organic structures of organizationWhat is mean by decentralization?What is the way of system approach in the organizationDefine management as a process.Why management is important.Define organization.Define planning and controlling.What is meant by directing?Essay:“Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment for efficiently accomplishing selecting aim. Managers are charged with the responsibility of taking actions that will enable individuals to make their best contributions to objectives”. Show how management function will work in the organization to achieve the objectives.According to Taylor’s scientific management approach bring to the process of management? Did it change the value of time? If so, in what way?What is the contribution of Henry Fayol to the management process? Are his administrative principles strictly enforceable in the current trends towards participative management process?Discuss the systems approach to management. Is it necessary to optimize the sub- system in order to optimize the whole system? Explain the concepts of synergy.Define organization? Explain the types of the organization?Good organization design is a function of a number of factors including the environment, technology, size of the company and the philosophy of the central management. Explain how the design and structure of the organization.Explain the line organization and staff organization? Show the illustration of this organization?Describe the bases for departmentalization within an organization and its advantages and disadvantages.What are the five major functions of management? Is planning the most important function? If so, why?The logical sequence of management functions cannot be subordinated even by one function. Do you agree? Support your answer.What changes did Taylor’s scientific management approach bring to the process of management? Did it change the value of time? If so, in what way?What is the contribution of Henry Fayol to the management process? Are his administrative principles strictly enforceable in the current trends towards participative management process?“The hierarchy of human needs is based on the assumption that most people are motivated by the desire to satisfy specific groups of needs”. Explain the maslow theory of hierarchy?Interview a line manger and a staff person at a local company. Ask them what they like and dislike about their jobs. Reflect on the interviews and ask yourself whether a line or a staff position is the major aim of your career plan.Describe the basis for departmentalization within an organization and its advantages and disadvantages?Along with successful and professionally managed companies, we also find such business organizations which refuse to give good service to customers and still thrive. What do you suggest to get these organizations more professionalized? Explain Evolution of Management Thought: Taylor’s Scientific Management, Fayal’s Principles of Management.What is organization? And explain line organization, functional organization, matrix organization and committee organization with merits and demerits.Scientific management did much more than what was planned. Support your answers with suitable Indian examples.Explain the importance of management. Are management and administration similar? Discuss.Discuss the challenges to management in the new millennium.Explain the different views expressed on the functions of management.Discuss management is a process.Explain what you understand by managerial objectives. What could be the different objectives the management can set for itself? Illustrate.Discuss the process of organizing. Explain the principles to be observed while creating an organizing structure. Explain the principles of management as outlined by Henri Fayol.Scientific management did much more than what was planned. Do agree? Discuss.Good organization design is a function of a number of factors including the environment,technology, size of the company and the philosophy of the central management. Explain how the design and structure of the organization.Interview a line manger and a staff person at a local company. Ask them what they like and dislike about their jobs. Reflect on the interviews and ask yourself whether a line or a staff position is the major aim of your career plan.What is meant by system approach to management. Explain with an suitable example.UNIT- II Short:What is meant by plant location?What is meant by plant layout?Write is meant by micro motion?List out the objective of the plant location?How do you compare rural and urban sites in the plant location?What is meant by optimization?How good plant location does reduce the manufacturing cost?What are the types of production?List out the advantages and disadvantages of product layout?List out the different types of plant layout?Define work study?Define work measurement?What is Method study?What is meant by Time study?What are the different types of Time study equipments?What is meant by memo motion studies?What is meant by standard time?What are the different types of recording techniques?Explain different types of stop watches?List out different types of process chart symbols?What is meant by allowance?What are the types of allowances?What are the types of rating methods?What is meant by relaxation allowance?What are the symbols used in method study for operation, delay and transportation?Essay:Explain in brief the factors determining the location of an industrial plant?Differentiate rural and urban sites?What is meant by plant layout? How it is useful to the organizations.What are the types of plant layout?Explain about product layout with suitable example?Explain about process layout with suitable example?Explain about travel chart?Explain about combination layout with suitable example?Explain about fixed layout with example?Write down the differences between product layout and process layout?Explain different types of production?Write short notes on work study?Explain the objectives of work study?Explain the procedure of method study?Write short notes on method study?Explain process chart symbols?Discuss any two types of recording techniques while recording the job?Explain about two handed process chart?Explain about outline process chart?Write short notes on work measurement?Write short notes on work sampling?Explain different types of allowances?An operator was kept under observation for five days. He was found working on 400 occasions and abstaining idle 100 times. He produced 100 jobs during these days. The observation per day was five hours only and the total number of observations was 500. Take 130 as the performance rating for the operator and 30 per cent allowance. Calculate the standard time.Calculate the no of observations required for an accuracy of ±5 percent and confidence level of 95 percent, if p=0.5.Explain different methods of performance rating?An operator was kept under observation for 5 days. He was found working on 400 occasions and abstaining idle 100 times. He produced 100 jobs during these days. The observation per day was 5 hrs only and the total no of observations were 500. Take 130 as the performance rating for the operator and 30 percent allowance. Calculate the standard time.What do you mean by allowances.Explain different types of allowances?Explain about micro motion and memo motion studies?What are the objectives of work measurement?List out the applications of work study?UNIT- III INTRODUCTION TO PERT/CPMShort:what are the differences between PERT and CPM?Explain the project management important in the organization?What is meant by network analysisDefine the inspectionList out types of inspectionWhat do you mean by statistical quality controlWrite a short note on the assignable and non assignable ?What do meant by Acceptance sampling plan?Write a short note on the single sampling planWrite a short note on the double sampling planWhat is meant by total quality management?What do mean by ISO 9000 series procedures.Write a short note on quality circlesExplain the OC curves?Write a short note on Total FloatWhat do you mean by Dummy ActivityWrite a short note on Normal CostWrite a short note on crash costList out the early techniques of network analysisWhy quality circles are important in the organizationsWhat do you mean by UCL and LCL in control chartsWhy UCL and LCL are important in quality inspections.Mention any two rules for drawing networkWhat do you interpret by calculating CPMMention the formulae for calculating average time in PERTEssay:Briefly write a note on PERT & its time estimates. How do you calculate the expected time PERT?A small engineering project consists of six activities. The three time estimatesin number days for each activity are given below.Find out:Draw the network diagramCalculate EST and LFT and mark them on the net work diagramIdentify the critical path and mark on the net work diagramProbability of completing project in 25 days.The following table gives details about the various activities of a project(a) Draw the network.(b) Find the critical path and its expected project duration.(c) The probability that the project will be completed within 50 daysActivity Optimistic time Most likely time pessimistic Pessimistic time1-21011122-3610142-458112-51593-63754-649145-71236-737117-8912157-93578-9000Explain the nature of costs involved in a project. Discuss how a project manager should go about analyzing the difference costs for the purpose of project crashingFollowing data relates to a certain projectActivity optimistic time (te)Most likely time(tm)Pessimistic time (tp)1-225141-3312212-4514173-42584-51473-561530Find out Construct the network,find the project duration identify the critical path, andWhat do you mean by inspection and explain type of inspection?Construct and R charts form the following information and state whether the process is in control. For each of the following has been computed from a sample of 5 units drawn at an interval of half an hour from an ongoing manufacturing process. Sample1234567891020344539262913343723R233914520172111410The following data represent the number of defects found on each sewing machine cabinet inspected plot a control chart with control limits. Comment on the chart.SampleNumber12345678910NumberOf defects81079678945What do you understand by total quality management? How it is used in business?Write a short note onISO 9000 series proceduresquality circlesassignable non assignable causesExplain the nature of costs involved in a project. Discuss how a project manager should go about analyzing the difference costs for the purpose of project crashingA small engineering project consists of 6 activities namely ABCDE & F with duration of 4, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 3 days respectively. Draw the network diagram and calculate EST, LST, EFT, LFT and floats. Mark the critical path and find total project duration.What do you understand by acceptance sampling? Explain the concepts of single and double sampling?Write short notes on the following Project managementCritical path method Deterministic modelWhich of the following two time estimates is reliablea m bEstimate by P 18 22 27Estimate by Q 22 30 36Determine the critical path for the below network. Also, determine the optimum duration that involves the optimum durationActivity Normal Days Normal cost Crash days crash cost1-2 4 35034001-3 5 1450316202-3 72200524002-4111120716003-4940059603-6121600918104-5645046105-661200414406-745003860Project cost can be divided into direct costs and indirect costs. Elaborate. Also explain how these direct costs and indirect costs influence in crashing.The crashing of an activity may lead to a change in the critical path. Do you agree? Support your answer with an suitable example.Define project management. Explain the rules of network in detail.How Float is important in CPM Network. Also explain the different types of Float.Write a short note on ActivityEventDummy activityCPM always involves in a trade off between Cost & Time. Discuss. Support your answer with an suitable example.All events carrying a zero slack or minimum slack fall under dummy activity. Discuss. Also explain the importance of dummy activity in construction of network.Crash costs will be more than the normal cost. Discuss. Also explain why organizations consider crash cost in completing the project.Write a short note on:Crash costNormal costCost slopeWrite a short note on:Crash timeNormal timeOptimal costsWhat do you mean by PERT and CPM. Also differentiate PERT from CPM.Write a short note on:Under utilized resourcesOver utilized resourcesOptimally utilized resourcesExplain the significance of calculating critical path, variance , crashing with an suitable example.Define inspection. Also explain the different types of costs with their significance.Unit -4Materials Managementwhat are the objective of the inventoryExplain the VED analysis methods in inventory control?What is store management and list out the store records?Explain advantages of job evaluation and merit rating?What are different types of wage incentive schemesWhat is meant by job description?Define marketing mix.What do you mean by marketing mix?Explain the stage of product life cycle with illustration?Explain the function of the HRMWhat is inventory management?Differentiate marketing and sellingWhat are the main duties of purchase manager?Explain about associate forms.What is meant by HRM?What are the stages of product life cycle?List out the evaluation methods. What is saturation in product life cycle? Explain maturity stage.What is meant by decline stage?Write a short note on wage incentive.How to define the job evaluation.What is inventory control system?Mention any three function of inventory.Define ABC analysis.Essay: Explain the objectives in which value analysis is carried out with respect to inventory management.Define inventory management? Write short note on inventory management use in business?Define merit rating? Explain and evaluate method of the merit rating in the organizationExplain the important and significance of wage and incentives administration in the organizations.Explain how job analysis forms the basis for job description and job specification. How does it help the personnel manager?Explain product life cycle in detail. How the strategies keep changing at each phase of product life cycle for a marketer.Define marketing. How is it different from selling? Explain how marketing starts and ends with the customer.Explain material management is a process.Explain the objectives of material management? How do you organize the material management department?Define inventory? Explain functions of inventory.Write a notes on following conceptsABC analysisVED analysisWhat is inventory control system? Explain the different types of techniques.What do you understand by ABC analysis? And write short notes?Define marketing. How is it different from selling? How marketing starts and ends with the customer?Discuss the various stages in product life cycle? Why is it essential for the marketers to know about the stages in product life cycle of his product or service?What is meant by Marketing? Write a short note on marketing mix?Differentiate Marketing vs. Selling? What is the concept of product life cycle? And explain different stages of product life cycle?Explain store documents with appropriate illustrations?What is purchase management? Discuss the duties of purchase manager?What is store management? Write short note on store records?Write a note on following concepts.Inventory control systemContinuous review system Explain the concept of human resource management? Discuss the functions of HRM?What is meant by job evaluation? Explain different types of evaluation methods?Explain how job analysis forms the basis for job description and job specifications?Define merit rating? Explain different methods merit rating?Identify the contents of job descriptions?Discuss the functions of HRM in an industrial setting?Define merit rating. Explain and evaluate any four methods of merit rating?How do you determine wage incentives? Explain different types wage incentive schemes?What is the difference between job evaluation and merit rating?UNIT: V : Industrial PsychologyShort typeWhat is industrial psychologyList out the aims of industrial psychologyList out the branches of industrial psychologyWrite a short note on theory XWrite a short note on theory YList out the features of industrial psychologyWrite a short note on Hawthorne ExperimentsDefine Industrial fatigueWhat are the objectives of the industrial psychologyWhat are the group dynamics in the organization?What is meant by moral?Write a short note on industrial psychologyWrite a short note on personnel managementExplain working environmental conditions in the industryWhy morals are so important?Why do individual join informal groups?Define industrial psychologyDefine MotivationWrite a short note on industrial fatigue.How to motivate employeesWhat do you understand by nature of MotivationList out the theories of MotivationList out the needs of Maslow’s need Hierarchy TheoryWhat do you understand by Hygiene factorsWhat do you understand by motivators in motivation.EssayWhat are the implications of Hawthorne experiment on industrial psychologyAccording to you, which phase of Hawthorne experiment is more crucial and why?Discuss the implication and limitations of Hawthorne experimentElaborate the scope of industrial psychologyIs industrial psychology a science? Discuss.What do you mean by industrial psychology, and what are the scope of industrial psychologist?What do you know about Hawthorne studies? Describe in detail with its implications?How is organization culture created? What do you mean by group dynamics?What are the major influences on industrial psychology? Elaborate.Why do individual join informal groups? explain the causes of the formation of group?What are the techniques to increase motivation? ExplainWhat are the changes should be incorporated to improve the work environment?What are the different experiments conducted under Hawthorne experiment?Write a short note onmoral motivation Industrial fatigueDefine behavior ? Discuss the individual and group behavior in the organization?What are the changes should be incorporated to improve the work environment?What are the techniques to increase motivation and moral in the organization ? ExplainDescribe the role and scope of industrial psychology in engineering and technology.It aim not only to obtain greater output to give the worker greater ease at his work. Ease does not mean mere physical ease but also mental ease. Comment on the statement. List out its objectives.It make predictions and can find casual relations that exist in human behavior, and these predictions turn to be true. Illustrate the statement with an example. Explain its scope of industrial psychology.Define “motivation”. Bring out the importance of motivation in modern organisations.What is morale? What factors influence morale? How can managers build morale of employees?What role would money play in the hierarchy of needs theory? In the motivation-hygiene theory? For the individuals with a high each?Briefly explain the following theories of motivationMaslows modelHerzberg’s theoryBriefly explain the following theories of motivationMorale buildingTheory XTheory YWhat do you understand Morale? What are the different measures to measure MoraleMaintaining reasonable level of morale is not an easy job. Discuss. Also explain the steps to be taken by the management on a continuous scale. Define personnel management. Discuss the objectives of personnel Management.What is personnel Management? Explain in detail of three Dimensions of Personnel Management.Define industrial fatigue. Why industrial fatigue is to consider foe smooth running of business. ................

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