Dr. Sumner's Social Science Course Website


Teacher: Ms. Dix Date/Week of: November 28th

` Grade Level: 10th


|World History | |

|Goals: Big Idea/Concept |HOW will you teach the Content? (strategies, accommodations, |

|What were the dominant characteristics, contributions of, and |groups, content variation, etc.) |

|interactions among major Middle Eastern civilizations? | |

| | |

|Grade Level Expectation/Objectives |I will cater to all of the students learning abilities. Some of |

|(WHAT are you going to teach?) |the students are visual learners, some auditory, some kinesthetic.|

| |Some work well individually, others work well in groups. All of |

| |these different learning strategies will be implemented within |

| |this two week unit. The two page research paper “Connecting Past |

| |to Present” will be an individual project while the webquest |

| |assignment will be a group assignment. There will be various |

| |note-taking using power point (visual) and lecture (auditory) and |

| |there will also be hands on learning (kinesthetic, visual) (as |

| |will be demonstrated during the two activities previously |

| |mentioned). |

| |Research Paper: |

| |The two page research paper will implement the World Literature |

| |200 (cross content integration) in terms of having the students |

| |write a research paper and look up information for supporting |

| |their topic (which is discussing the impact of the Sunnis and |

| |Shiites in the past and the present and how it relates to the war |

| |in Iraq). One of the requirements of this paper calls for citing |

| |sources which teaches the students how to follow the APA format |

| |and create a work cited page. This format teaches the students |

| |how to write and construct a college paper. |

| |Webquest Activity: To change up the routine of taking notes I |

| |created a webquest activity from which the students answer a |

| |series of questions by clicking on the hyperlinks within the |

| |webquest. The students must research the topic of the question |

| |and read the information within the websites to find the answer. |

| |Mapping Activity:In small groups the students will identify the |

| |birthplace of Islam, and use symbols and words to show where and |

| |how the religion and Muslim Empire spread |

| |Poster activity: The students will create a poster urging a new |

| |province to join the Persian Empire. The poster should stress the|

| |Persians’ religious and cultural tolerance as well as the benefits|

| |of the road system and standard money in promoting trade and |

| |commerce. |

| |Episodic Organizer:The students will create an episodic organizer |

| |that details the series of events that led to Islam being a |

| |unifying force on the Arabian peninsula. The organizer should |

| |include the following events: the birth and early biography of |

| |Muhammad, the revelations he received, the Hijrah, Muhammad’s |

| |return to Mecca, and the development of Muslim societies |

| |Five Pillars of Islam Booklet Project: |

| |Students will get into groups of 2 and create a booklet entitled |

| |“A brief guide to the Five Pillars of Islam” The booklet’s target|

| |audience should be people with no knowledge of Islam. It should |

| |identify each pillar and explain and/or cite specific examples of |

| |how Muslims follow these duties. Look at pages 192-195!!!!!!!!!!!|

| |Also, in the beginning of your book include these facts of |

| |information: |

| |Table of Contents (titles of pages; page numbers etc) |

| |Who is Muhammad? What is his story of becoming a prophet and a |

| |leader to the Islamic world? |

| |What are the similarities and differences between Christianity, |

| |Judaism, and Islam? |

| |Identify and explain each pillar of the “Five Pillars of Islam” |

| |Cite specific examples of how Muslims follow these duties. |

| |Explain the law code known as shari’ah. (Explain the daily life |

| |of a Muslim) |

| |You must cite your sources at the end of your book. |

| |Be creative with your books!!!!!!!!!! |

| |Day 1: |

| |Do Now Activity |

| |Cornell Notes over Chapter 6 Section 1 |

| |Cornell Notes over Chapter 7 Section 2 (AP) |

| |Finish Chapter 3 Section 4/Chapter 8 Sections 1,2,3 & 5 Test |

| |In-class assignment (Guided Reading 6-1) |

| |Students will work on their Independent Reading Assignments/In |

| |class (review and critical thinking questions; general/AP World |

| |History |

| |Students will finish their Daoism Projects |

| |Students will begin working on their missing assignments |

| |Passing out engrades/graded work |

| |Independent Reading/Work |

| |Day 2: |

| |Do Now Activity |

| |Cornell Notes over Chapter 6 Section 2 |

| |In-Class assignment |

| |Independent Reading and Assignments |

| |Day 3: |

| |Do Now Activity |

| |Cornell Notes over Chapter 6 Section 2/3 |

| |In-Class Assignment |

| |Independent Reading and Assignments |

|SS: 2, 5, 6, 7 |Teacher Reflections/Student Work Analysis |

|GLE: World History 2b.A (1) |I will record a journal log describing what methods work and what |

|GLE: Geography 5.D (4) |methods do not work. |

|GLE: Tools of Social Science Inquiry 7.A (1), 7.B (2), 7.C (3), 7.D |I will informally assess students based on observations, class |

|(4), 7.E (5) |discussion, and participation. I will formally assess students |

| |based on results of their homework assignment, which is to answer |

|Alignment to Show-Me Standards for Social Studies: |the assigned questions at the end of sections 1-4 of Chapter 6. |

|Standard 2: Continuity and Change in World History |All of the information can be pulled directly from the text and |

|Standard 5: Major Elements of Geography |the classroom notes, so the students should have no problem |

|Standard 6: Relationships of the Individual and Groups to Institutions|completing this assignment. I will also frequently ask questions |

|and Cultural Traditions |to check for clarification of the material being presented during |

|Standard 7: Tools of Social Science Inquiry |the lecture. Another form of formal assessment will be two to |

| |three quizzes covering sections 1-4. The webquest will also be |

|The Students will learn about: |used as a form of formative assessment. |

|The birth of Islam and its basic beliefs and practices. |I plan to use the results of the homework assignment as a guide in|

|The growth and expansion of Islam under the early caliphs after |measuring what needs to be taught again, and how much the students|

|Muhammad’s death. |comprehend the text when required to read on their own. Also |

|Islamic society. |after ever other lecture and 15 minute note-taking I will give the|

|Islamic contributions to culture, specifically in the arts and |students a 5 question mini quiz in order to encourage the students|

|sciences. |to take notes and to gauge whether or not the students are |

| |grasping the material. (The students are allowed to use their |

| |notes; this encourages good note-taking and being alert in class.)|

| | |

| |Student Analysis: |

| |Do Now’s |

| |Independent Reading and Homework assignments Chapter 6 Sections |

| |1-4 |

| |Independent Reading and Review/Critical Thinking Homework |

| |assignments Chapter 7 (AP) |

| |Five Pillars of Islam Project |

| |Jigsaw (Chapters 1-3) Activity |

|Essential Questions(s)/DOK: | |

|Higher Order Questions scaffolded to reach the Big Idea | |

|Describe the importance of the shari’ah on the daily life of a Muslim.|Reteaching Strategies |

|What problems did Muhammad encounter while trying to spread the | |

|message of Islam? |I plan to use the results of the homework assignment as a guide in|

|Explain how General Mu’awiyah created the Umayyad dynasty. |measuring what needs to be taught again, and how much the students|

|What occupations were given increased respect under the Abbasids? |comprehend the text when required to read on their own. Before I |

|Explain. The initial Mongol reaction to Islam was hatred and |begin instruction for the new section I will review some of the |

|destruction, yet over time that changed. Why do you think the Mongols|material we addressed the other day by writing three review |

|gradually accepted Islam? |questions on the board just to refresh their memory about the |

|Explain how high standards were ensured at bazaars. What was sold at |lesson from the other day. If the majority of the students do |

|the bazaar? |well on the mini quizzes as well as the review questions, then the|

|What was the importance of trade to Arab life, both in rural areas and|format of instruction that I am using (15 minute note taking using|

|in cities? |power-point) is working. However, if the students do not do well |

|Explain how Muslims transmitted ancient literature to other cultures. |on the mini quiz, then I must change the way that I present the |

| |material to the class. The important thing is for the students to|

|List other cultures that influenced Islamic art and architecture. |have a strong knowledge base of the material being introduced, and|

|Argue against the viewpoint that Islamic civilization was mainly a |then having the students apply the material that was presented to |

|preserver and transmitter of culture, rather than a creator of |them. Another important aspect of observing success within the |

|culture. |classroom is if the students are retaining the information |

|(Relate) How does the rise of ancient Islam influence the society of |successfully, reflecting the hands-on activities, then more |

|today’s Islam? |hands-on activities will be incorporated within the lesson. One |

|Analyze the society of Islam. How does the society of Islam today |thing is certain, the students love technology. The more |

|influence the world? |technology incorporated within the lesson plan activities, the |

|Describe current events affecting the U.S. What wars are occurring now|more engaged the students are with the lesson or activity. This |

|in Islam and how are we (U.S) impacted by them? |increases the students’ ability of retaining the information that |

|Evaluate the society of Islam and compare it to our society in the |is taught to them throughout the unit. If most of the students |

|United States. Which society would you prefer? |have trouble retaining the information, then I will split the |

|Compare and contrast the Five Pillars of Islam to the Ten Commandments|students into small learning groups and retackle the learning |

|of Christianity. How do the Five Pillars of Islam differ from the Ten |objectives. If a small percentage of the students have difficulty|

|Commandments? How are they similar? |passing the learning goals, then I will get the help of a resource|

| |teacher. With the aid of the resource teacher I will re-teach the|

| |learning objectives to that group of students while continuing |

| |slowly with the rest of the class, who passed the learning goals, |

| |giving those students more challenging objectives for the next |

| |lesson that I am going to go into. |

|Assessment/Performance Task: | |

|How will students SHOW what they have learned? | |

|The students will demonstrate what they have learned by completing | |

|various homework assignments and activities that addresses what were | |

|discussed during class. During this unit the students will complete a| |

|two page paper discussing the impact of the Sunnis and Shiites in the | |

|past and the present. The students will also complete a webquest | |

|activity covering section 2 using the internet to locate their | |

|answers. This webquest activity gives the students the opportunity to| |

|become familiar with internet research in prep for their two page | |

|research paper. It is also a change in routine rather than having the| |

|students take a traditional note-taking and lecture class. Another | |

|activity that I will have the students complete is a historical | |

|character journal. This will allow the students to implement the | |

|terms that are learned throughout the chapter and apply them by | |

|creating a character journal. The students will imagine they are | |

|Muslim Arab writing about the achievements of Islam. The more | |

|students can relate to the material the more success the students will| |

|have in retaining the information. (Homework: Chapter 6; section 1-4:| |

|assigned questions; Ancient Islam Movie: “Inside Islam”) The students| |

|will also have mini quizzes at the end of lectures and note taking | |

|sessions. | |

| | |

|The Students will be able to: | |

|Identify and Explain the birth of Islam and its basic beliefs and | |

|practices. | |

|Understand the growth and expansion of Islam under the early caliphs | |

|after Muhammad’s death. | |

|Analyze and describe Islamic society. | |

|Identify and Explain Islamic | |

|contributions to culture, specifically in | |

|the arts and sciences | |

|Students will develop a research plan and identify appropriate | |

|resources for investigating social studies topics (GLE 7.A.1) | |

|Students will distinguish between and analyze fact and opinion and | |

|analyze sources to recognize bias and points of view (GLE 7.C.3) | |

|Plan and make written, oral and visual presentations for a variety of | |

|purposes and audiences. (Goal 2.1) | |

|Vocabulary |Vocabulary Strategies | |

|Vizier, Muahmmad |The students bell work will consist | |

|dowry, Ibn-Rushd |of using vocabulary that they are | |

|Allah, Ibn Sina |about to learn for that days lesson. | |

|Pilgrimage, Quran |This gives the students 2-3 minutes | |

|House of Wisdom |to read some of the material that we | |

|shari’ah, Sultan |are about to cover and identify for | |

|Shiites, Mosques |themselves what these vocabulary | |

|Sunni, Muslims, |words are before we discuss it that | |

|Jihad, |day. The students are more likely to| |

|The Arabian Nights |pay attention to its meaning if they | |

|Sultan, bazaar |attach value to it. Identifying new | |

| |vocabulary words before the lesson | |

| |begins will also reinforce the | |

| |information that is going to be | |

| |presented to the class. I will also | |

| |begin to use word flip games. Each | |

| |student will have a note card and on | |

| |one side it will have a vocabulary | |

| |word, on the other side it will have | |

| |the definition for another vocabulary| |

| |word. The student will read their | |

| |definition and another student’s card| |

| |will have the answer to that | |

| |definition. Once the student with | |

| |that answer reads their vocabulary | |

| |word to that definition, it is then | |

| |their turn to read their definition | |

| |on their card. This game will be | |

| |timed and it will be a competition | |

| |between classes. The game ends when | |

| |all students have read their answers | |

| |to the other students’ definition. | |

| |(This vocabulary strategy will be a | |

| |review strategy. The students must | |

| |already be somewhat familiar with | |

| |these words) I will also be using | |

| |Quiz, Quiz, Trade; Jigsaw; Home | |

| |Plate; and Rally Table | |

| |(Webquest Activity) To change up the| |

| |routine of taking notes I created a | |

| |webquest activity from which the | |

| |students answer a series of questions| |

| |by clicking on the hyperlinks within | |

| |the webquest. The students must | |

| |research the topic of the question | |

| |and read the information within the | |

| |websites to find the answer. | |

|Technology/Manipulatives | |

|Major use of power-point displaying the key terms and identifications.| |

|The format of the power-point is the displaying of the Carnell note | |

|format. There is also use of internet when doing the activities of | |

|this unit. (Activities: “Connections to the Past and Present Research | |

|Activity” which is a two page research paper on the Sunnis and the | |

|Shiites; and a webquest activity on section 2 Chapter 6 “The Abbasid | |

|Dynasty”) There will also be major use of the 16 laptops which are | |

|provided within the classroom for research and there will be use of | |

|the DVD in watching documentaries on the Ancient Islamic civilization | |

|(The movie “Inside Islam”). The smart board will also be used to | |

|display graphic organizers, bubble charts, Venn Diagrams, and Web | |

|Diagrams. | |


Big Idea- The core concepts, principles, theories and processes that should serve as the focal point of curriculum, instruction and assessment.

Grade Level Expectations-The thought or belief of what a student should know at a particular grade level by the end of the school year. Missouri’s grade level expectations are aligned to the Show-Me Standards and The Frameworks from the Curriculum Development.

Objective-The desired concept/skill that is to be learned.

Evaluation-The way that you will assess what the student has learned.

Performance Task-An assessment exercise that has specific performance criteria (this type of assessment needs a rubric/scoring guide).

Essential Questions-A thought-provoking question designed to engage student interest and guide inquiry into the important ideas in a field of study.

DOK-Depth of Knowledge-The degree of knowledge (thinking) complexity elicited from students on an assessment.

Vocabulary-The words that are necessary for students to know in order to grasp a skill/concept.

Vocabulary Strategies-The research based method/strategy used to help students figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Technology-The tools or aids used to teach your lesson.

Differentiated Instruction-A process to approach teaching and learning for students of differing abilities in the same class. To differentiate instruction is to recognize and acknowledge students with varying background knowledge, readiness, language, preferences in learning and interests.

Teacher Reflections-A conscious mental and purposive process relying on thinking/reasoning/examination of one’s own thoughts and feelings.

Student Work Analysis-The explicit process used to analyze student work against a set of standards and scoring guide.


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