
DOON PUBLIC SCHOOL, PASCHIM VIHAR, NEW DELHI.SUMMER VACATION ASSIGNMENT 2019-20Class 11MathematicsI.Using section formula, show that the points A (-4,6, 10), B (2, 4, 6) and C (14, 0, -2) are collinear.The centroid of a triangle ABC is at point (1, 1, 1). If the Coordinates of A and B are ( 3, -5, 7 ) and ( -1, 7, -6 ), respectively, find the coordinates of the point C. If the origin is the centroid of the triangle PQR with vertices P( 2a, 2, 6 ) ; Q(-4, 3b, -10 ) and R( 8, 14, 2c) , then find the values of a, b, c. Find the equation of the set of points which are equidistant from the points ( 1, 2, 3 ) and ( 3, 2, -1 ) The three vertices of the parallelogram are A(3, - 1, 2), B(1, 2, - 4) and C(- 1, 1, 2). Then find the coordinate of the fourth vertex. Find the coordinates of the point which divides the join of P(2,-1,4) and Q(4,3,2) in the ratio 2:3 (i) Internally (ii) externallyFind the mean and variance for first n natural numbers. The mean and standard deviation of a group of 100 observations were found to be 20 and 3, respectively. Later on it was found that three observations were incorrect, which were recorded as 21, 21 and 18. Find the mean and standard deviation if the incorrect observations are omitted.The mean and variance of 7 observations are 8 & 16 respectively. If 5 of the observations are2, 4, 10, 12,14 , find the remaining two observations.Calculate mean deviation about the mean for the following frequency distribution, Classes 0-4 4-8 8-12 12-16 16-20 Frequency 4 6 8 5 2Calculate mean deviation about the median for the following distribution, Marks obtained 10 11 12 14 15 No. of students 2 3 8 3 4Find the mean, variance and standard deviation for the following data :Xi 4 8 11 17 20 24 32 Fi 3 5 9 5 4 3 1Calculate mean, variance, & standard deviation for the following distribution,Classes 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 Frequency 3 7 12 15 8 3 2Find the coordinates of the centroid of a triangle if the coordinates of the vertices are (a,b),(c,d), (e,f)Prove by principle of Mathematical InductionFor every integer n, prove that 7n -3n is divisible by 4.Prove that n(n+1)(n+5) is a multiple of 3.Prove that(1+11 )( 1+12 )(1+13 )………….(1+1n ) =(n+1)Using induction, prove that (10 n + 3.4 n+2 + 5) is divisible by 9. Prove that 12 + 22 + 3 2 + ……… + n2 > n33 Prove that (ab)n = an bnII. Exercises of the following chapters from NCERT EXEMPLAR Statistics , 3 D , Trigonometry , Induction Economics*Read well the book understand the concepts and learn well for the periodic test. *Complete the assignments given in the class.*Prepare the project on anyone of the following tropics. *Marking Scheme: Marks are suggested to be given as –S.No. Heading Marks Allotted1. Relevance of the topic 32. Knowledge Content/Research Work 63. Presentation Technique 34. Viva 8Total 20 MarksSuggestive List1. Micro and small scale industries . 2. Food supply channel in India3. Contemporary employment situation in India4. Disinvestment policy 5. Price Determination6. Price Discrimination 7.Opportunity Cost8. Production Possibility Curvek9. Demand and its determinants 10.Supply and its determinants11. Production – Returns to a Factor 12. Cost function and Cost Curves13. Monopoly14. Oligopoly 15.Monopolistic Competition16. Any other topic Following essentials are required to be fulfilled in the project. Explanation of the concept:-Introduction - Meaning and Definition- Application of the concept- Diagrammatic Explanation (if any)- Numerical Explanation related to the concept etc. (if any)- Pros and Cons of the economic event/happening-Major criticism related to the topic (if any)-Students’ own views/perception/ opinion and learning from the work- Any other valid idea as per the perceived notion of the student who is actually working and presenting the Project-Work.work ( Computer Science)PsychologyPrepare the project on ‘Research Methods in Psychology’(Topics Already Given).Start the practical file work ‘Experimental Psychology’ as per the discussion in class. (Reference Material already given)Complete the written work of Chapter -2 including the extra questions (already given).Prepare a file collecting all the articles and news related to Psychology.Prepare a file writing the contribution of different Psychologists along with their theories and pictures.Physical educationComplete notebook up to chapter 2Prepare practical puter ScienceQ1 Convert the following Decimal No. to Binary 214.125 , 73.0625 , 54.5 , 154.246Q2. Convert the following Binary No. to Decimal No. 111010.101 , 110011.111 , 101011.1101 , 101111.11001Q3. Convert the following Decimal No. to Octal No. 243.126 , 111,25 , 93.125 , 145.112Q4. Convert the following Octal No. to Decimal No. 472,24 , 125.76 , 351.26 , 672.155Q5. Convert the following Decimal No. to Hexa –decimal No. 102.125, 57.225 , 99.0625, 157.112Q6. Convert the following Hexa –decimal No. to Decimal No. 7CD.26 , 5AF.2C , 94.234 , ABF.CDQ7. Do the Following Operation 1110111 + 10111 10100000 - 101111 10101 X 1011 10100110 / 101Q8. DAF to take amount in RS. Calculate and print Minimum No. of Notes 500, 100 , 50 , 20 , 10 .Q9. DAF to take a No. check and print No. is prime or not.Q10. DAF to take no. of terms and print Fibonacci series upto required no. of terms. EnglishRead the instructions carefully:-The assignment should be done in the Writing Skills Notebook.The work should be neat and systematic.Label the assignment properly; use headings and sub-headings wherever required.Paste the samples of writing skills neatly; no loose ends of the paper should be visible.ASSIGNMENTRead a book/novel of your choice and write its review including the plot,theme,characters and other important elements in about 200-250 words.Read the lesson-‘Discovering Tut…..the saga continues’ from Hornbill and make a collage on King Tut by finding details about him and his reign. It should be made in the notebook only.Read the newspaper daily and find out samples of the following:-5 Reports5 Posters8 Advertisements [ eg-situation vacant, lost and found, missing and obituary from the classified columns of a newspaper.]Paste them neatly in the writing-skills notebook.Writing Skills-Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily, drawing attention of the concerned authorities towards the long power cuts that your colony is facing, causing a lot of inconvenience to the students, the old and the sick. You are Vineet/Vineeta of 44 Srinagar Colony, Roorkee. [150-200 words]You are Sanjeet of 122 Arjun Nagar, New Delhi. A number of scooters and cars are parked in your locality without any order, causing blockage of the streets. Write a letter to the local Secretary of the Resident’s Association complaining against this problem. [150-200 words]Write an article on the topic-‘How Google controls the life of an average person’ [150-200 words]Design a poster on the topic –‘How CNG can be the best alternative to diesel and petrol.’ [50 words]Learn lessons 1,2 and 3 from Snapshots for test.HistoryFROM THE BEGINNING OF TIMEASSIGNMENT1.????? What are the sources available to understand the history of Early Humans? ??????????? 2.????? How was the Neanderthal man’s skull discovered??????????????????????????????????????????????????? 3.????? Explain the story of human evolution from 36 MYA to Modern period.????????????????? 4.????? Explain positive feedback mechanism.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 5.????? Explain the Replacement model and regional continuity model theories to understand the centre of human origin.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 6.????? How did early humans obtain food?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 7.????? How did early humans make tools???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 8.????? Explain early humans’ patterns of residence.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 9.????? Explain early humans patterns Language and art in five points.??????????????????????????????? 10.? Explain any two differences between hunter gatherer societies of past and present.??????????? 11.? Explain some of the developments which took place between 10000 BCE and4500 BCE.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Writing and City lifeAssignment12.? What are the sources available to understand the history of Mesopotamia?????????????? 13.? ?Explain the Mesopotamian geography.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 14.? Explain the system, development and uses of writing in Mesopotamia??????? 15.? Explain the social life of people of Ur in five points.???????????? ??????????????????????????????????? 16.? Explain the social life of people of Mari in five points.????????????????????????????????????????????? 17.? Explain the legacy of Mathematics, engineering, astronomy and schooling in Mesopotamia?????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 18.? Explain the construction and maintenance of temples in the southern Mesopotamia.19.? Explain the role of rulers in construction and maintenance of temples in the southern Mesopotamia.????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????20.? Explain the significance of urbanism and movement of goods in Mesopotamia.????? 21.? Explain some of the superstitions practiced by Mesopotamians.????PROJECT WORK IN HISTORY FOR CLASSES XI AND XII History is one of the most important disciplines in school education. It is the study of the past, which helps us to understand our present and shape our future. It promotes the acquisition and understanding of historical knowledge in breath and in depth across cultures. The course of history in senior secondary classes is to enable to students to know that history is a critical discipline, a process of enquiry, a way of knowing about the past rather than just a collection of facts. The syllabus helps them to understand the process, through which a historian collects, chooses, scrutinizes and assembles different types of evidences to write history. The syllabus in class-XI is organized around some major themes in world history. CBSE has decided to introduce project work in history for classes XI and XII in 2013-14 as a part of regular studies in classroom, as project work gives students an opportunity to develop higher cognitive skills. It takes students to a life beyond text books and provides them a platform to refer materials, gather information, analyze it further to obtain relevant information and decide what matter to keep and hence understand how history is constructed. OBJECTIVES: - Project work will help students:- To develop skills to gather data from a variety of sources investigate diverse viewpoints and arrive at logical deductions. To develop skills to comprehend, analyze, interpret, evaluate historical evidence and understand the limitations of historical evidence. To develop 21st century managerial skills of co-ordination, self-direction and time management. To give a multidisciplinary approach to topics. To learn to work on diverse cultures, races, religions and lifestyles. To learn through constructivism a theory based on observation and scientific study.To inculcate a spirit of inquiry and research.To communicate data in the most appropriate form using a variety of techniques.To provide greater opportunity for interaction and exploration.To understand contemporary issues in context to our past. THEMES IN WORLD HISTORY Topics: Evolutionary aspect of human beings.The Legacy of Mesopotamia civilization with special reference town planning, Script and Writing system, Mathematics, Astronomy, Science and their calendar.The Roman Empire with special reference to Architecture, government and society. The Islamic Land with special focus on religion, politics and their contribution to the world. Role of Genghis Khan in establishing nomadic empire.Europe from 13th to 16th century.European voyages and explorations. The great American civilizations- Incas, Aztecs and Mayan civilizations. Case study on China and Japan. (Path to modernization) NOTE:The project work to be done in group of five. Each group to select one topic. Each student to have a separate project file.The project should be minimum of 40-50 pages each.Use colourful sheets for the work and spiral binding.Each group has to prepare Power point presentation related to their topic. The groups can present role play, drama, songs, bulletin board, poem related to the topic. The project should be totally research and survey based.The project must be neat and well presented and must be completely handwritten.The topic and the group members must be first approved by the teacher.The project should be done on inter leaf A-4 sized sheets.Students have to preserve the initial draft of the project as well as any research papers that they may have used. (To be attached at the end of the project) Revise and write all the assignments of the chapters done in the class. FINAL PRESENTATION/LAYOUT OF THE PROJECT Section 1: History Project (Title of the Project) Name: School: Year: Roll no.: Section 2: Certificate of authenticity (To be pasted) Teacher’s Signature Section 3: Index Section 4: Acknowledgement (Acknowledging the institution , the place visited and the person who has helped.) Section 5: Preface: Problem Statement/Objective of the project Section 6: Introduction: (Objective/learning outcomes of the project. Introduce the selected topic by giving some historical background) Section 7: Summary of the topic Activities done during the project Section 8: Observations and Analysis Section 9: Conclusion Summarized suggestions of findings/Future scope of study Section 10: Appendix Person consulted, Bibliography, Books, Websites, Films/ Television referred. Section 11: Values and Life skills learned through the project Section 12: Draft Thank you. Fashion StudiesGive a brief Introduction, U.S.P. and Labels of following Indian designers:1. Abu Jani&SandeepKhosla 2. AnamikaKhanna3. Anita Dongre 4. AshishSoni5. Gauri&Nainika Karan 6. JatinKochhar7. J.J. Valaya 8. Manish Arora 9. Manish Malhotra 10. ManovirajKhosla11. MandiraWirk 12.Monapali13. NamrataJoshipura 14.NikiMahajan 15. Pooja Nair 16.Raghuvendra Rathore 17. Ranna Gill 18. Rina Dhaka 19. RituBeri20.Ritu Kumar 21. Rocky S. 22. RohitBal23. Sabyasachi Mukherjee 24.Satya Paul 25. TarunTahilaniGive a detailed profile of any two designers. Supplement your report with pictures of designer’s collection. Prepare a Learning Diary on any creative theme. The diary should have following boards on A3 size.Mood BoardInspiration BoardDesign BoardSwatch BoardColour Board SilhouettesShow your skills in making a figurative Kalamkari painting on A3 size. Give a brief description about the art also. Biotechnology( I ) From the newspaper & science magazines, find out the latest research published on the subject related to biotechnology. Read the article carefully and write the synopsis for at least 5 researches. (II) Read the Unit “Biotechnology within your reach” and answer the following questions:Q1: List few applications of Biotechnology in the field of Health, Agriculture & Chemical.Q2: Explain with the help of graph “Effect of substrate concentration on growth”Q3: For whose production first large scale microbial process was developed? Which is the causative agent responsible for that?Q4: Give the features of detailed report on alcoholic fermentation given by Louis Pasteur.Q5: Give a short note on the pattern of growth of microorganisms with the help of graph.Q6: What are the ethical issues associated with using Biotechnology in Agriculture and Health care field.Q7: What is Bioprocess? Discuss 4 steps involved in Bioprocess with the help of a flow diagram.Q8: What do you understand by IP. Give various types of IPR and their importance.Q9: Differentiate between Growth and non growth associated fermentation.Q10: Give 3 types of microorganisms depending on their optimum temperature.Q11: Give the basic design of fermentor along with all other features.Business StudiesProject Work:Students you are required to collect the information on any one topic out of the following for the ‘Project Work’.“Find out from local sample business units the various objectives they pursue”.“Problems of setting up and Running business units”.“Survey of popularity of credit cards issued by different banks”.“Study of profile of a Sole Trader/Partnership.Visit to an IndustryStudents are required to collect the following information:Nature of the business organization.Determinants for location of business unit.Form of business enterprise: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership or CompanyDifferent stages of production.Auxiliaries involved in the process.Workers employed method of wage payment, training programmes and facilities available. Social responsibilities discharged towards workers, investors, society, environment and government.Levels of management.Code of conduct for employers and employees.Capital structure employed- borrowed v/s owned.Subsidies available/availed.Safety measures employed. Storage of raw material and finished goods.Waste Management.Any other observation.Visit to a Mall.Number of floors, shops occupied and unoccupied.Nature of shops, their ownership status.Nature of goods dealt in: local brands, international brands.Service business shops- Spas, gym, saloons etc.Rented spaces, owned spaces.Different types of promotional schemes.Special attractions of the Mall- Food court, Gaming zone or cinema etc. Innovative facilitiesParking facilities. Any other information. Visit to a Wholesale market: vegetables/ fruits/ flowers/ grains / garments etc.Students are required to observe the following:Sources of merchandise.Local market practices.Any linked-up businesses like transporters, packagers, moneylenders, agents etc.Nature of goods dealt in.Types of buyers and sellers.Mode of the goods dispersed, minimum quantity sold, types of packaging employed.Factors determining the price fluctuations.Seasonal factors (if any) affecting the business.Visit to a Handicraft UnitStudents are required to observe the following:The raw material and the processes used in the business: People/ Parties/ Firma from which they obtain their raw material.The market, the buyers, the middlemen, and the areas covered.The countries to which the exports are made.Mode of payment to workers , purchasers etc.Working conditions.Modernization of the process over a period of time.Facilities, security and training for the staff and the workers.Subsidies available / availed.Any other aspect which deems fit.Project can be on types of insurance and insurance policies available .Import / Export procedure in detail.AccountancyInstruction: Assignment must be submitted on loose sheets, properly arranged in a file.Differentiate between recording and classification of financial transactions in accounting.Explain the steps in accounting process in brief.Distinguish between book-keeping and accounting.Explain objective of accounting.What do you mean by financial accounting? State its end product.What do you mean by users of accounting information? Explain.What is meant by Double Entry System of accounting? How does it differ with single entry system of accounting? Which of the two system can be called value based system and why?Explain accounting as a language of business.Explain the role of accounting.Name accounting as a source of information. Explain.Which qualitative features of accounting is reflected in the following cases:Free from personal biasInformation is clearly presentedInformation about departmentsConsistent use of accounting policies and conventionsExplain the limitations of accounting.Explain the internal users of accounting information.Explain the various branches of accounting.Explain about brief about accounting:Window dressing in accountingReliabilityRelevanceUnderstandabilityComparabilityBased on historical costPART-BClassify the following into Assets, Liabilities, Expenses and Revenues:SalesBank BalanceDebtorsBank OverdraftCreditorsSalary to managerDiscount to debtorsCost of Revenue from operationsExplain the following terms:;RevenueTrade PayablesFictitious AssetsWorking CapitalDrawingsGoodsBank overdraftCostCapitalBusiness TransactionsInventoryWhat is the value involved in classifying the assets into current and non-current?What is the reason that the capital expenditure is shown in the Balance Sheet?Out of the following assets which one is not an intangible asset(s)?Patentsb. Investments c. Furniture d. BuildingAt the end of financial year, during which sale of goods was worth Rs/- 2,00,000 the closing stock is valued at Rs/- 10,000. This is an event or a transaction or both.Godrej Ltd. Imported from Germany one machinery for sale in India and machinery for production purpose. Will you treat them goods or fixed assets?Mr.Jaspal Singh dealing in electronic goods sold 20 TV sets costing Rs/- 30,000 each at Rs/-40,000 each. Out of these Rs/- 5, 00,000 were received in cash and the balance is not yet received. State the amount of revenue.Mr. Dinanath who owed us Rs/- 50,000 became insolvent and paid only 40% of this amount. What is term used for the amount not received?Differentiate between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure.The persons who still owe some amount to the business are termed as…………..?What is meant by window dressing in accounting?Huge loss occurred due to the strikes by employees. Will it be recorded?How is accounting influenced by personal judgments?What is the value involved in adopting the same method of depreciation year after year?PART-CGive two characteristics of accounting principles.What is business entity principle?What is money measurement principle?What is going concern concept?What is accounting period principle?What is cost principle?What is dual aspect principle?What is matching principle?What is accrual concept?Which of the following transactions is not a financial character?Purchase of asset on creditPurchase of asset for cashWithdrawal of money by proprietor from businessStrike by employeesExternal users of accounting information are :Potential investorsGovernmentResearchersAll of the aboveWhich of the following is not a limitation of accounting?Based on accounting conventionsEvidence in legal mattersIncomplete informationOmission of qualitative informationIf accounting information is based on facts and it is verifiable by documents it has the quality of …….Relevanceb. Reliabilityc. Understandabilityd. ComparabilityWhich of the following is not a sub field of accounting?Financial accountingBook-keepingManagement accountingCost accountingInternal users of accounting information are:Potential investorsCreditorsManagementEmployees CASE STUDY-1:Read carefully the following passage and answer the following questions:One of the main objectives of accounting is to ascertain the profit or loss of a business enterprise at the end of an accounting period. There are two bases of ascertaining profit or loss, namely (1) Cash Basis, and (2) Accrual Basis.Cash Basis Accounting: under this basis, incomes are not recorded unless they are received in cash. Similarly, expenses are recorded only when they are paid in cash. In other words, credit transactions are not recorded at all and are ignored till cash is actually received or paid for them. Thus profit is merely the excess of actual cash receipts in respect of sale of goods and other incomes over actual payments in respect of purchase of goods, expenses on wages, salary, rent etc. income or profit is calculated with the help of a receipt and payments account. This basis is useful for professional people like lawyers, doctors, chartered accountants etc.Accrual Basis Accounting: under this basis, incomes are recorded when they are earned or ac-crued, irrespective of the fact whether cash is received or not, e.g., sales made on credit will be included in the total sales of the period. Similarly expenses are recorded when they are incurred or become sue and not when the cash is paid for them, e.g., rent due to the landlord but not paid will be treated as expense for the period when it is due and not in the period when it is paid. This makes it necessary to consider outstanding expanses, prepaid expenses, accrued incomes, incomes received in advance etc. for the preparation of financial statements. Under the Company's Act 1956, all companies are required to maintain their accounts according to accrual basis of account-ing.Questions:What is the main objective of accounting?Name the Basis of Accounting.What do you mean by Cash Basis of Accounting?What do you mean by Accrual Basis of Accounting?Name the users of Cash Basis of Accounting.Name the users of Accrual Basis of Accounting.Give the advantages of Accrual Basis of Accounting.Give disadvantages of Cash Basis of Accounting?Chose the best alternate:In accounts recording is made ofOnly financial transactionsOnly non-financial transactionsFinancial as well as non-financial transactionsPersonal transactions of the ProprietorCASE STUDY-2:Mr.Parkash a sole proprietor introduces some cash as his capital in the business. Here, Mr.Parkash and the business which he owes is treated as two separate entities. One entity i.e. Mr.Parkash is giving money to the other entity i.e. Business. It is worth mentioning here that we should record the transactions in the books of accounts from the point of view of business enterprise. So, in the business the amount of capital is a liability because the business has to pay back the amount of capital invested by Mr.Parkash. On the other hand, the amount of cash inc\vested by Mr. Parkash is an asset for the business. The business can use this amount for the purpose of business. This shows how the money introduced by the owner s treated as a liability for the business despite the fact that the business is owned by Mr. Parkash himself.Q.1) Which accounting principle is highlighted in the above case? Explain in brief.Q.2) State one limitation of the accounting principle identified above.CASE STUDY-3:Mr. Kabir a sole proprietor sold goods to Mr.Shashank on 25th march, 2014 for Rs.25,000 on credit. The amount was received on 16th april, 2014. In this case the sales must be recorded on 25th march 2014, although the amount was received on 16th april, 2014. The transaction of sales should be recorded as the revenue has been earned although the amount has not been received. Similarly, Mr. Shashank should also record the transaction of purchase in his books of accounts on 25th march, 2014 as goods have been purchased although the amount has not been paid on that day.Q.1) Which fundamental accounting assumption is highlighted in the abovecase?Q.2) State one limitation of the accounting assumption identified above.CASE STUDY-4:M/s Ghanshyam Das Industries appointed a sales girl Priya. She is smart and impressive. Though her personality can have great positive influence on the business but her smartness cannot be measured in terms of money.Q.1) Which accounting principle is highlighted in the above case? Explain in brief.Q.2) State one limitation of the accounting principle identified above.CASE STUDY-5:During 18th Century, Mr.A used to purchase gold @ Re.1 per kg. During 19th Century, Mr.B (Grandson of Mr.A) used to purchase wheat @ Re.1 per kg. During 20th Century, Mr.C (Grandson of Mr.B) used to purchase salt @ Re.1 per kg. There are chances that Mr.D (Grandson of Mr.C) could purchase only grass @ Re.1 per kg by the end of 21st Century. These transactions in the books of accounts are recorded @ Re.1. But the items and their worth are different in different centuries.Q.1) Which accounting principle is highlighted in the above case? Explain in brief.Q.2) State one limitation of the accounting principle identified above.CASE STUDY-6:M/s Janki Das purchased Machinery for Rs. 9,70,000 for the business. In the books such machinery will be recorded at RS. 9,70,000 throughout its life, irrespective of its market value. Any subsequent increase or decrease in the market value of themachinery should not be recorded in the books of accounts. It should also be noted that the total cost machinery i.e. Rs. 9,70,000 will be distributed to the useful life of machinery each year as depreciation and asset will appear at Book Value as against Market Value. Here book Value means Cost less Depreciation.Q.1) Which accounting principle is highlighted in the above case?Q.2) Also Explain the accounting principle identified above.ObjectivesQ.1) what do you mean by ‘Substance over Form’. Explain.Q.2) Differentiate between Cash Basis of Accounting and Accrual Basis of Accounting.Q.3) Going Concern concept means ‘with the expectation of continuing indefinitely’. Identify Values involved in the assumption of Going Concern.Q.4) The Convention of Conservatism, also known as Prudence, is based on the policy of ‘playing safe’. Identify Values involved in the assumption of Prudence.Q.5) The Convention of Full Disclosure directs a business enterprise towards disclosing the full, fair and sufficient information. Stated differently, No information of Substance should be concealed in the financial statements. Identify the Values being reflected above.Power point presentation Prepare a ppt. On scope of Accountancy (at least 10 slides).Report; 1. Make a report on the emerging field of Accounting (at least 1000 words) Visit a bank and explain different activities and functions performed by it.ACCOUNTING EQUATIONQ1: Prepare accounting equation on the basis of the following:Harsha started business with cash Rs 2,00,000Purchased goods from Naman for cash Rs 40,000Sold goods to Bhanu costing Rs 10,000/- Rs 12,000Bought furniture on credit Rs 7,000Q2: Prepare accounting equation from the following:Kunal started business with cashHe purchased furniture for cashHe paid commissionHe purchases goods on creditHe sold goods (costing Rs 20,000) for cashQ3: Mohit has the following transactions, prepare accounting equation:Business started with cashPurchased goods from RohitSales goods on credit to Manish (Costing Rs 17,500)Purchased furniture for office useCash paid to Rohit in full settlementCash received from ManishRent paidCash withdrew for personal useQ4: Rohit has the following transactions:Commenced business with cashPurchased machinery on creditPurchased goods for cashPurchased car for personal usePaid to creditors in full settlementSold goods for cash costing Rs 5,000Paid rentCommission received in advanceQ5: Use accounting equation to show the effect of the following transactions of M/s Royal Traders:Started business with cashPurchased goods for cashRent receivedSalary outstandingPrepaid InsuranceReceived interestSold goods for cash (costing Rs 5,000)Goods destroyed by fireQ6: Show the accounting equation on the basis of the following transaction:Udit started business with:CashGoodsPurchased building for cashPurchased goods from HimaniSold goods to Ashu (Cost Rs 25,000)Paid insurance premiumRent outstandingDepreciation on buildingCash withdrawn for personal useRent received in advanceCash paid to Himani on accountCash received from AshuQ7: Show the effect of the following transactions on Assets, Liabilities and Capital through accounting equation:Started business with cashRent receivedInvested in sharesReceived dividendPurchase goods on credit from RaganiPaid cash for house hold ExpensesSold goods for cash (costing Rs 10,000)Cash paid to RaganiDeposited into bankQ8: Show the effect of following transaction on the accounting equation:Manoj started business withCashGoodsBuildingHe purchased goods for cashHe sold goods(costing Rs 20,000)He purchased goods from RahulHe sold goods to Varun (Costing Rs 52,000)He paid cash to Rahul in full settlementSalary paid by himReceived cash from Varun in full settlementRent outstandingPrepaid InsuranceCommission received by himAmount withdrawn by him for personal useDepreciation charge on buildingFresh capital investedPurchased goods from RakhiQ9: Transactions of M/s. Vipin Traders are given below.Show the effects on Assets, Liabilities and Capital with the help of accounting Equation.Business started with cashPurchased goods for cashPurchase furniture from R.K. FurnitureSold goods to Parul Traders (costing Rs 7,000 vide bill no. 5674)Paid cartageCash Paid to R.K. furniture in full settlementCash sales (costing Rs 10,000)Rent receivedCash withdrew for personal usePhysics A ) Do the following set of questionsTest if the equations are dimensionally correct : a) h= (2S cos θ)/ rρg b) ν= (1/2π)* √ (mgl/ I). I= Moment of inertia, S= Surface tension. Rest of the symbols have usual meaning. In a particular system, the units of length , mass & time are chosen to be 10cm, 10g and 0.1 s respectively. What will be the unit of force in this system? If force [F] , velocity [V] and time [T] are taken as fundamental units, what are the dimensions of mass? A Vernier calipers has 1mm marks on the main scale. It has 20 equal divisions on the Vernier scale which match with 16 main scale divisions. Calculate its least count. Tell the number of significant figures: a) 23.023 b) 0.0003 c) 2.1* 103 .Define systematic errors with an example. Two resistances are expressed as R1 = ( 4 ± 0.5 )? and R2 = (12 ± 0.5 )?. What is the net resistance when these are connected in a) Series b) Parallel , with percentage error in both the cases. The coefficient of viscosity of a gas depends on the mass, diameter and the mean speed of the molecules. Use dimensional analysis to obtain the formulae. Define one parsec and tell its value. With the help of a neat labelled diagram, explain how the distance of a star can be measured by using parallax method.Write the dimensional formula of Universal Gas constant. Explain the RADAR and SONAR method with appropriate diagram.B ) Educational Excursion and ProjectVisit Science Museum during the vacation. Make a project of any topic of your choice in the realm of physics which you observed there. Make a project file with contents not more than 7-8 pages. The content should be informative and interesting. You will be pasting the pictures of your visit to the museumin your project file. This project will be marked as an assessment in the first term examination and viva will be asked from it.ChemistrySOME BASIC CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY1.Determine the empirical formula of an oxide of iron which has 69.9% iron and 30.1% dioxygen by mass.2.?Calculate the concentration of nitric acid in moles per litre in a sample which has a density, 1.41 g mL–1 and the mass per cent of nitric acid in it being 69%.3.?What is the symbol for SI unit of mole? How is the mole defined?4.?The density of 3 molal solution of NaOH is 1.110 g mL–1. Calculate the molarity of the solution.5.?Calculate the mass of ammonia produced if 2.00 × 103?g dinitrogen reacts with 1.00 × 103?g of dihydrogen according to the following chemical equation:??????????????????????????????????? N2(g) + H2(g) → 2NH3(g)6. A vessel contains 1.6 g of dioxygen at STP (273.15K, 1 atm pressure). The gas is now transferred to another vessel at constant temperature, where pressure becomes half of the original pressure. Calculate(i) volume of the new vessel.(ii) number of molecules of dioxygen7. Calcium carbonate reacts with aqueous HCl to give CaCl2 and CO2 according to the reaction given below:CaCO3 (s) + 2HCl (aq) → CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)8. What mass of CaCl2 will be formed when 250 mL of 0.76 M HCl reacts with 1000 g of CaCO3 ? Name the limiting reagent. Calculate the number of moles of CaCl2 formed in the reaction.9. Define the law of multiple proportions. Explain it with two examples. How does this law point to the existence of atoms?A box contains some identical red coloured balls, labelled as A, each weighing 2 grams. Another box contains identical blue coloured balls, labelled as B, each weighing 5 grams. Consider the combinations AB, AB2, A2B and A2B3 and show that law of multiple proportions is applicable.Solve NCERT Questions of this chapter in your notebook.ATOMIC STRUCTUREWhich series of lines of the hydrogen spectrum lies in the visible region? Write the correct set of four quantum numbers for the valence electron of potassium?An atomic orbital has n=3.what are the possible values of l ?An orbital has l=3, what are the possible values of m?Why is 4 s orbital filled before 3d?Which orbital is non directional ?Which quantum number distinguishes the electron in the same orbital? Name the principle involved.Why is energy of electron negative?Which quantum number is not obtained from the solution of Schrodinger wave equation?Write the values of quantum numbers n, l, m and s for electron filling 21st place in the atom of element with atomic number 24.What is the energy in joules required to shift the electron of the hydrogen atom from the first Bohr orbit to the fifth orbit? What is the wavelength of the light emitted when the electron returns to the ground state?Using s, p, d, f notations ,describe the orbital with following quantum numbers(i) n= 1 ,l=0(ii) n=2 , l=0(iii) n=3 , l=1(iv) n=4 , l=2(v) n=4, l=3 13.How many photons of light having a wavelength of 500nm would provide 1.2 J of energy? 14. Calculate the velocity of a particle of mass 0.1 mg which is associated with a wavelength of 3.3 *10-29 m 15. The quantized energy of an electron for the nth level is given by En=-1.312/n2 *106 J/mol. Calculate the energy required to remove the electron completely from an excited hydrogen atom when its quantized level n is 3.SOLVE NCERT QUESTIONS OF THIS CHAPTER IN THE REGISTERBiologyInvestigatory project:?Select a disease which you would like to investigate on. Collect all information regarding its cause/mode of spread, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, prognosis etc.How????to????????write:You are required to get their project report typed on bond paper sheets and to represent it in the best possible manner.Support it with pictures.?Case studies:Attach two case studies minimum with your report.Survey:A survey question can also be attached alongwith.?References?– Give the list of books, internet websites, magazines or journals you have consulted, for the project work.????????????????????? ................

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