Grievance Procedure - FSP



1.1 The company acknowledges that an employee who has a grievance or is dissatisfied with any matter concerning the employee’s work situation or conditions of employment, shall have the right to lodge a grievance with the company. The company resolves to consider and attempt to resolve any such grievance at the earliest possible stage to the satisfaction of both parties.

1.2 Accordingly, the company has agreed to implement a grievance procedure, the main purpose of which will be to prevent and resolve conflict in the workplace and to protect the interests of Management and employees.


2.1 Any employee or group of employees may lodge grievances which directly concern them with the company in terms of the grievance procedure.

2.2 Any grievance lodged will be attended to as speedily as possible and will not be unreasonably delayed.

2.3 Management will consider all grievances lodged in a fair and just manner.

2.4 No victimisation of any employee who has lodged a grievance will be tolerated.

2.5 Allow an interpreter if necessary.

2.6 Allow parties to call witnesses to testify.

2.7 Question witnesses who testify.

2.8 Cross-examination should be allowed.

2.9 Do not proceed with the investigation if the aggrieved party is not present.

2.10 Any employee lodging a grievance may be accompanied and represented at any stage of the procedure by a colleague of his/her choice, or by a shop steward who is an employee of the company.

2.11 The grievance procedure may be utilised by all employees of the company.

2.12 Employees will be remunerated at their normal pay rates for the time spent with management in discussing grievances on condition that the laid down procedure is being complied with at the time.


Step 1

An employee who has a grievance must first report such a grievance to his/her immediate supervisor and discuss the matter with him/her on an informal basis. In the event of the grievance not being resolved during these discussions, the employee must inform his/her supervisor that he wishes the matter to be treated as a formal grievance by completing a grievance form in writing.

Step 2

In the event of the grievance not being resolved at Step 1 within a maximum of two (2) clear working days of a formal grievance being lodged, the employee may ask to see his/her head of the section. The head of the section and the employee must endeavour to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

Step 3

In the event of the grievance not being resolved at Step 2 within a maximum of two (2) clear working days, the employee may ask to see his/her head of department (third reporting level). The head of department and the employee must endeavour to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

Step 4

In the event of any grievance not being settled at Step 3 within three (3) clear working days from date on which the grievance was referred to the head of the department, the employee may elect to have the matter referred to a meeting to be attended by the following:

1. The dissatisfied employee

2. A representative

3. The senior company official

4. A representative of the company

The committee must endeavour to resolve the matter within a maximum period of five (5) working days.

Step 5

If a grievance remains unresolved the parties may pursue any other lawful course of action.


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