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Name _____________________________ Date _________________

Spelling Exercises: Unit #13

FIX IT This is not right. Fix it.

Mother said, I am to stop talk on the phone so long. That’s fine with me? However, I don’t know weather her order is for a few days or forever.

STRETCH Add words to make this sentence longer and better.


I can’t stop to talk.

SORT Sort these words in some way:


Stop, talk, run, begin, notice, piece, complete, hear, copy, become, cherries

ADD IT How are these words alike? Add more.

Stop, pear, rest …

____________,____________, ____________,____________

FIND IT Words to which the er suffix can be added.

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FINISH Finish the sentence. Then tell more.


We can talk when ______________________________.


Sentence Dictation

1. There are times when I’m talking to others that I don’t know whether my words are really worth saying.

2. I feel fine as long as it’s only my voice being heard in a conversation.

3. Nothing can stop me from thinking that I’m pretty special.

4. Am I a person you would enjoy being around?


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