Ascend-HI – Notes for Troubleshooting Install and System ...


Ascend-HI – Notes for Troubleshooting Install and System problems

"Program won’t open when you click on icon or when you double-click on the EXE’

This occurred after the PC apparently was successfully updated with latest program update. However, when we tried to run program, nothing happened. If the user does not have either Power User or Admin rights to the PC, then the DLL won’t be registered, and there is no error message. See command: regsvr32 ”C:\program files\ascend-hi\ascendhi.dll”. To test, try using regsvr32 command to manually register the DLL; if it fails, the user does not have sufficient rights to the directory.

"Program won’t open; appears to ‘freeze’ with message ‘Unable to locate the SQL Server named ; Additional error msg is SQL Server does not exit or access denied"

This occurred on a Win98 PC, and happened right after they updated the server to SP2 (Nov 2004). To fix this kind of situation (all other PCs working fine), per MC, is to upgrade to latest MDAC drivers. In this case, he first downloaded and applied MDAC 2.5 and that didn’t fix the problem; He then downloaded and applied MDAC 2.8 and the PC could now (slo-o-owly) connect and show the screens.

"ActiveX component cannot create object"; also Error 429

A PC that just ran the workstation update now gets error, error 429, then error 91 when the user tries to log into AHI.  Had them manually run the workstation update again (UpdateHI.exe) to fix.

For Medilink (3/17/05), the error occurred when the client install on one person’s PC appeared to have been tampered with and she apparently was running a trial version of the program. Reinstalling software and setting it up properly fixed the problem. Prior to that, also tried checking version of CRUFLAHI.DLL on their C:\Program Files\Crystal directory and/or C:\Program Files\Winnt\System32 (or similar) directory; registered those drivers also (regsvr32), but that did not fix the problem.

"ActiveX component cannot create object"; then Error 429 OLE automation server cannot create object.

A PC that tried to “fall off” to beta update and go back to an earlier version of the program encountered this error; occurred after running the program update for the earlier version, then attempting to log back into the program. Had to re-run beta update in order to get everything working again.

"ActiveX component cannot create object"; also Error 91

At Childrens, a PC was getting error 75 Path/file access error. IT gave customer rights to their local PC directories (AHI and Windows/Crystal), and now customer is getting error 429, then error 91, when attempting to edit an order or to do Find An Order by Rx Number process. Finally resolved when the software was deinstalled and reinstalled. Did not determine original cause of error 75, assume some kind of permissions problem.

“Automation Error; ClassFactory cannot supply requested class”.

Happened to Maureen once upon logging into program after unpacking 1.4.9 update. Happens to Randi on her PC when she toggles back and forth between Access and SQL versions.

This message is followed by error –2147221231, same error message in Location frmPassword-cmdOK_Click, then error 91 (possibly more than one), DLL issue; likely fix is to re-run UpdateHI.exe and try logging back into program.

On or about version 2.1.52, this was a problem for NuFactor. Per programmer, have them check the version of CRUFLAHI.DLL. Each workstation should have a copy and it should be dated 1/6/2005 10:35 pm with a version of (client should match copy in Ascend-HI\Update directory). If not, running a workstation update should fix the client; if client not updated, may have a permissions issue. Later found the error was for a specific patient only, not PC-specific, and MiC indicated problem could be with Allergies or Diagnoses. If patient has multiple diagnoses or allergies, and the number of characters is over 256 (for either), then this error could be triggered.

“Automation Error; %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

Kaiser, version 2.14.21, happened to staff at Fontana

"A Number is expected here” or “A ) is missing”

If you get this in printing labels, a driver needed for Crystal (CRUFLAHI.DLL needed for Order Label printing; evidently not needed for IV Label). This problem sometimes happens if the user who updated their PC does not have rights to update Windows\Crystal or WINNT\Crystal directory and that driver has to be registered.

For Mark at Quality Infusion, somehow the CRUFLAHI.DLL did not get copied to the PC when he installed Ascend-HI. I had him manually copy and manually register this driver.

"The CalcTPN.DLL has encountered the following error: Couldn’t open PAT file 198"

Client reported this error when he hits Calculate button on the TPN tab of the order screen (on AHI version 2. 14.138). The process of updating the order with the necessary Inventory water item is done, and he can hit OK to save/print the order, but he wants to know why he is getting this error when no one else doing TPNs at this site (Covenant Home Infusion) has the problem. There is no path in Options/TPN Calculator/Baxa Pat File Directory.

"Compile error – can’t find project or library"

Client reports this on 8/14/03 (St Johns – version 613) whenever staff attempt to get into Access Forms, following download of this latest version. Maureen was able to duplicate the problem on 8/18/03 with then current beta version (1.3.624). Michael fixed on 8/19/03 for Maureen and for St Johns. Innovative Nursing reported the problem after downloading vsn 1.3.639 on 8/28. Per Michael, he was using diff method to link DLL used by Access Forms. Fixed the problem in vsn 1.3.640 by putting DLL in local directory rather than UPDATE subdirectory.

"Could not log onto your SQL server with your assigned password"

It is not an issue with the Ascend-HI User not being able to log into the application but rather not being able to log into SQL Server. If user can log into Ascend-HI from another workstation then it is likely his SQL Server User Id and/or password is wrong (if using SQL Server Authentication). User can copy the user id/password from another workstation in the setup screen and copy them to his/her machine. If they are using Windows Authentication (which I don't think they are) then it is user’s Windows account doesn't have SQL Server access. (from MiC)

"The page size was not large enough to format the contents of an object in the report "

Customer at Central Washington reported this error. She was trying to print Patient Account Statement; we found that the error occurred on any document we tried to print that was letter-sized (i.e, Compound sheet, DME, Nursing Notes clinical doc, any report), though she could print preview labels. Her PC had just been updated with Ascend .NET that day. Had the customer reboot her PC and then found we could print or print preview any of these documents.

Error: 0 (1) for PCHC, in version 2.9.1, happened in Laboratory tab, when entering lab data without results (date only, no results yet) . Fixed by new update from programmer; no explanation of what caused the problem.

(2) for ANMC, happened in version 2.9.1 in Reports, when attempting to run Drug Utilization report.

Error: 0; Description: ; Location: frmProfile__Login. This happened at Kaiser, when testing login via Citrix. Client (Arun) said this error did not occur when he logged in via “thick client”. Client spoke to Michael Cook and he says that everyone should have modify permission to the file HIUsers.dat  on the application folder (C:\Program Files\Ascend-HI),  in order to get rid of this error message.

Error: 0; Description: ; Location: frmProfile_ mnuOrdersClick.; also Location: frmOrder_SaveOrder; This happened for clients on version 2.9.1 when creating orders (fills or refills, from scratch or from a common order). At the time when they click OK to create the order and get forms/labels screen, the error comes up. They can OK past it, but is an annoyance.

Error: 0; Description: ; Location frmReports_FormLoad

This happened for clients on version 2.9.1 when trying to print a label or form on an order from Orders tab.

Error 5 “Invalid Procedure Call or argument” in Procedure: frmReports – Cmd_Click” when attempting to run Print or Print Preview. Happened at Kaiser when testing version 2.14.11; found that the PC with the problem did not have a printer attached or configured. Fix was to attach/configure a printer so the Print/Print Preview process could run.

Operating system error code 5 (Access is denied) in First Databank when NuFactor attempted to run the first update after moving to a new SQL server. “Cannot bulk load because the file ‘ \RNDC14_NDC_Mstr’ could not be opened” was the remainder of the message. Per MikeT, got this msg when he installed Manilaq; had to move Share directory to SQL server box to get around it. Had emailed error to RandyM, but no response yet.

Error 5 “Invalid Procedure Call or argument“ when attempting to open OnLine Help (CHM) file reported by Marsha at Infusion Services in version 2.14.122. CHM file is in both server directory and client directory (server and client is same PC at this location). Referring to programmer.

“6 Overflow” in order entry and in patient admit (at Kaiser facilities while they were on version 2.3.13). This error was fixed in the update they are getting mid-December. In order screen, caused by interaction checking problem; not sure what causes error in Insurance add process for new pt. We tell client to continue through the message and should save data OK.

“6 Overflow” in Patient_Find when verifying orders (at a Kaiser facility, staff person working on a laptop PC, on version 2.5.2). Client cannot OK past the error; PC is locked and she has to Alt+Ctl+Del to get out. Client later reported this error occurred on a desktop PC, not just the laptop. When client logs back in, the order has been verified.

“6 Overflow” in Inventory when adding shelf numbers to Inventory items. Client just OKs past it and continues with save of the item.

“7 Out of Memory” in Inventory Susan and Diane encountered this in testing version 2.9.112. Added an item from FDB Search process, then scrolled up/down to locate it and got this error. Per MiC, happens when you selected an item (so it displays in screen at right, the scroll so that item name no longer shows in list at left, then hit Enter. He is fixing this in next version.

“7 Out of Memory” in Add Dx Code Client (Medilink) on Version 2.7.126 and gets this when adding diagnosis codes in patient admission. Had occurred 3 times in two days.

“7 Out of Memory” in Payer/Billing Gina (Yakima) reports this when adding items in Payer/Billing screen, for custom billing units or HCPC codes. Version 2.12.20.

“7 Out of Memory” in patient Profile Rod at Loma Linda (vsn 2.14.74, 03/2008) was viewing all Active patients (staff not DCing when patients leave), then went to look at one patient, went between Active orders (2 entries) to All orders (under 20), then back to all patients. Got Error 7 Out of Memory in frmProfile, mnuPatients_Click, then Error 7 Out of Memory in frmPatient, loadPatient. Error Log report showed the first error 7, then >2 pages of the second error 7. Had him A+C+D to get out (on a VPN connection to production server), he was able to log in without incident and view same patient again.

“7 Out of Memory” in Reports Bob at River City (vsn 2.14.110, 01/2009) called to report this error while attempting to run Referral List for several months. I had him shut down the PC (he said he does not shut down, instead he does a Restart each day so he can VPN in from home). After shut down and boot up again, he can run the report with no problem. I surmised issue with RAM incorrectly showing as In Use when not (per input from a previous colleague); shut down cleans up the In Use table where Restart does not.

“Error 9” in order entry, SaveOrder routine. Happened in version 2.14.97 due to error in Drug-Drug interaction checking. Fixed in version 2.14.98. Orders are still saved, but with a blank Clinical Interaction entry.

“13 Type Mismatch” in order entry. Happened for one client (on version 2.0.48) when they were editing an item in Order Item list, and edited in the display window on left in addition to editing the item name in Item Description window. Had her stop editing in that display window and no longer got error 13.

MSC ; 12/21/2009: Customer was running Narcotics export process for ASAP version 3, State OH, Date range of 12/13/09 to 12/19/09. Error: 13; Description: Argument ‘Date2’ cannot be converted to type ‘Date’; Location: clsNarcoticsExport – Export.

"Error 52 Bad file name or number " when going into program

Client cannot “see” SQL server, either due to rights/permissions problem, or PC may not be on same version of the software (check in password screen) or may not have correct path to server directory (also on password screen). If not on current version, manually run workstation update by running UpdateHI.exe in Ascend-HI directory on that PC. If not correct server path, edit AscendHI.INI and enter correct path OR go into Setup screen from password screen and edit/enter path in that screen.

"Error 52 Bad file name or number " when going into program via Terminal Services (at location clsWorkstation_Initialize)

Jen at AHP-Webster (NY) reported this error 7/15/2005; reported to Help Desk at their central location and the staff there referred her back to HOS. Worked w/Help Desk staff on 7/18/2005 to determine where the problem exists since logging in on her PC with Admin pswd (or someone else’s password) doesn’t cause the error. Paul (Help Desk) found that Jen’s login script (resides on one of their drives) was all greyed out; he then had her log out and log back in (totally shut down the PC and start back up);

"Error 52 Bad file name or number " when exporting Outcomes data

Deb at HealthCenter (Fletcher Allen) Pharmacy reported this error 3/21/05 and again on 4/02/05. No apparent problem with connection to SQL server and all data apparently still exports and is imported into SHC’s system. Cause of error still under investigation.

"Error 52 Bad file name or number " (at location frmUpdate) when running workstation update

Mark (IT support) at Fletcher Allen reported this (07/10/06) when trying to troubleshoot a problem on Deb’s PC; found he does not have rights to the AscendHI server for downloading the files for a wkstn update.

"Bad file name or number Occurring in procedure: WorkstationChanges” during a workstation update at Medilink on the Citrix server box. Complete message started “Please report the following frmWorkstationUpdate module error”. Per MiT, hit OK 4 times (same message each time), workstation update completed and appears to work just fine. Message forwarded to programming for further research. No other workstations at this site had a problem during the workstation update; this is assumed to be a problem specific to Citrix.

"Error 53 File not found " when going into Access Forms

Path to Access2000 is missing from Setup screen (go to password screen, click on Setup; 3rd window at upper left is for path to Access2000 on this local PC). Note: client must have Access2000 loaded on the local PC in order to use AccessForms.

"Error 75 Path/File access error ", then "Error 91" when running wkstn update

This occurred at Innovative Nursing when Cherie tried to update 2 workstations where she signed in with her ID (not her workstation). Maureen had her sign off and log in under those users's network logins and workstation update completes successfully now on both PCs. Appears to be part of Windows authentication and/or security (they use Win Auth, not SQL Server auth logic); referred her to local IT/IS staff to resolve.

Note from Michael: Error 75 is usually caused by the Ascend-HI.EXE file being in use or by the user not having full permissions to the Ascend-HI directory. Have the client try to delete the file from the local Ascend-HI directory, then copy it from the Update folder (manually do what the update automatically does) and that should tell you what file is causing the problem. I would suspect they don't have permission to delete the Ascend-HI.EXE file on the local machine.

"Error 75 Path/File access error " when trying to send electronic claims via SecureTrans

With AHP-Webster, a couple of problems – (1) appears the rights/permissions to the newly-created SecureTrans directory on the SQL server had not been set properly for staff and (2) for Jason, the directory in Options/Billing was pointing to C:\ instead of C:\SecureTrans\.

"Error 75 Path/File access error ", then "Error 58 File Already exists" when trying to print label/form (HealthEast, version 1.5.503). Per Mike/Maureen, the error is due to users not having correct rights/permissions to Ascend-HI shared directory. Fixed when rights were properly set for all users.

"Error 76 Path not found”, Location: frmEBill-Transmit. This error occurs when SecureTrans not installed on the PC, or if it is installed, it is in a different directory than what is listed under Options/Billing. First check for SecureTrans and, if on the PC, verify directory listed in Options. If not on the PC, download and install, then make sure to set In File and Out file in Options correctly.

"Error 91 Object Variable or With Block Variable not set ",usually the second error; if client reports this error message, ask what showed up first (if anything); was also reported as only/prime error when client was getting knocked off the network.

"Error 94 Invalid use of Null ",occurred in frmPassword_GetLogUsers in version 2.11.25 and 2.11.34 when logging in as a multi-facility user.

Error 94 reported by customer at LomaLinda when changing metric values of ht/wt, vsn 2.14.122.

Error 339 "Component COMDLG32.OCX or one of its dependencies is not correctly registered; a file is missing or invalid. Location: frmPassword-cmdOK_Click."

(1). This happened at a Kaiser facility (05/01/2006, Woodland Hills); problem was that the install was not done properly. Had local IT dial in and install software again (re-image).

(2) Also happened at IVA Home Care on 04/14/06; just reinstalled software on a PC and the client install version was newer than the server version. Had administrator log onto that PC and forced a workstation update, so PC version and server are the same. Then had user log in and she still gets error 339 – looks like a rights issue.

(3) Darrell-Kaiser Help Desk called me (06/15/06) with this error occurring on a PC that had been working fine up until that day (Fontana). Suggested re-imaging anyway to resolve problem. Another staff person reported the problem the next day (06/16) for same PC; evidently PC is shared by two people. Per call from Darrell on 6/27, the re-imaging was not done since PC was on a bad port; plan is/was to move PC to a good port, plug it in and see if that resolves the error. This hadn’t been done as of 6/27/06.

Error 339 reported by 2 staff members at Fontana on 6/27/2006, turned out to be same PC as from 6/15/06. After some testing, Darrell determined (per email sent 4:09p) that staff were canceling a message “Please wait while Windows configures Outlook 98R1”. He said staff will have to wait for this configuration to complete before logging into the program. Referred to MiC for any feedback on version/setup.

(4) Call on 8/3/06 from Mike (IT) at San Diego re: this error and he stated a working PC had only COMDLG16.OCX.

Call on 8/18/06 from Dennis Kim at Bellflower re: this error; referred to Darrell since calls are not supposed to come here directly.

(5) Call on 6/20/07, then again on 7/24/07, from Linda at Chapman (also involved Kaiser Help Desk) re: this error; referred first call to Todd since calls are not supposed to come here directly; on 2nd call, I called Liz at Kaiser’s Help Desk (central desk, not the staff that work w/Todd) and found that they had already opened a ticket with local IT to re-install the software.

Error 339 "Component MSADODC.OCX’ or one of its dependencies not correctly registered, or a file is missing, or invalid. Location: frmPassword – cmdOK_Click.

Email from Mark C at Quality Infusion on 09/26/07 with this error msg. This is all he sent, so I assumed, based on the error location, that the problem occurred while logging into software for the first time after install. I replied via email to deinstall and reinstall the software, by someone with rights to update registry, and to also run the workstation update after installation. When we worked on the problem on 09/27, found the user had not been added in User Accounts. He added the user manually, and now that userid can run AHI without this error.

Error 339 "Component MSDATLST.OCX or one of its dependencies is not correctly registered; a file is missing or invalid. Location: frmProfile-mnuPatients_Click." This error reported by Mark at Quality Infusion on 08/07/2007. I had him try updating workstation (he had to log onto the PC as administrator since users here cannot update their own PC) and that ran to completion, but when the user logged onto network, then into AHI, she again got that message when she tried to bring up a patient. I said to deinstall and reinstall the software under that user’s ID; worked.

"Runtime Error 380 Invalid Property Value”. Happened at Ivy Home Infusion when client tried top edit an existing Insurance record. Viewed the record and only field that looked strange was Insured Phone number – the number was like this: “(999) 999-9999 - “. I manually deleted that field using SQL (in Browse tables) and the user could edit the Insurance record now. Added phone # back; still OK, though no extra dash in the field.

Happened at Kaweah Delta (12/07/09); OtherPhone1 value was listed in database browser as ( (559) 781-8960. I used SQL to blank out that field and now we can edit the doctor record. Added the phone number back; told customer that possibly someone typed in the extra parentheses; while the data entry process would accept it, the software could not resolve it when it tried to display the number in the screen.

"Runtime Error 381 Invalid Property Array Index”. Happened at Homereach when someone tried to access reports. Fix: found the client (1) was pointing to wrong directory; (2) was not on current update. I repointed her to the correct directory and ran wkstn update. Now able to get to report.

Happened also at River City Pharmacy; in SETUP, pointed to path to share directory, not mapped drive letter, and problem resolved (did not check if on latest version).

"Runtime Error 400 Form already displayed; Can’t show modally”. Happened in version 2.14.53 at AHP-Webster; reported by client who got message when she tried Print on orders tab. Resolved itself while I was trouble-shooting (just stopped happening). 3/2008. From Microsoft article ID 262441, This error occurs because the mouse capture is not released, so all of the mouse inputs still go to the TabStrip control window instead of the modal window. This message appears only with the Service Pack 3 version of Mscomctl.ocx.

"Runtime Error 401 Can’t show non-modal form when modal form is displayed”. Happened in version 2.7.45 when we answered “yes” to truncating the d/b log. No action taken to “fix”.

”Error 429; Description: ActiveX component cannot create object:”

A PC that just ran the workstation update now gets error, error 429, then error 91 when the user tries to log into AHI.  Had them manually run the workstation update again (UpdateHI.exe) to fix.

For Medilink (3/17/05), the error occurred when the client install on one person’s PC appeared to have been tampered with and she apparently was running a trial version of the program. Reinstalling software and setting it up properly fixed the problem. Prior to that, also tried checking version of CRUFLAHI.DLL on their C:\Program Files\Crystal directory and/or C:\Program Files\Winnt\System32 (or similar) directory; registered those drivers also (regsvr32), but that did not fix the problem.

10/2009: Tammy (AHP-Spruce Pine) reports this error at Location:frmProfile-mnuOrders_Click, followed by error 91, when she attempted to refill an order. She was able to refill orders the previous day, and no system changes, to my knowledge, since that time. Contacted IT support (client runs on Citrix server) to run a workstation update on the Citrix client install.

"Runtime Error 713 Class not recognized. You need the following file installed on your system: MSSTDFMT.dll”. Happened with a client on Citrix server after IT staff de-installed a software package that evidently used this driver (and removed it). They reinstalled AHI and then installed the upgrade to that other software package, but the re-installed MSSTDFMT.dll did not have correct rights. Had to change security settings so Users had full rights to that driver, then had to log onto each server (3 Citrix servers) as a user and re-register the driver (had to do as a user, not by logging remotely to the server and registering the driver).

"Runtime Error 713 Class not registered. You need the following file installed on your system: MSSTDFMT.dll”. Happened to Phil, on his laptop, 3/xx/2008, after updating to Ascend vsn 5.4.17 for the NHIA show. He was unable to bring up existing orders or add new Common Orders in AHI, vsn 2.14.74 without this error. He tried updating to AHI vsn 2.14.79 (latest current update) without fixing the problem. Randy had him unregister this file (MSSTDFMT.DLL) and then re-register it and the error went away.

Error 3027 documenting this partially. This error appears to occur when the person logging onto the PC/network has a userid that DOES NOT have permission to run Ascend-HI (or AIP). To verify, have the person open the AHI/AIP client directory on this PC and attempt to create/save a text file. If they cannot do that, they don’t have permissions/rights. If this person has used AHI/AIP in the past, have them log fully off the PC and log in with their userid/password on the network, then attempt to launch the software.

"Error 3265 Item not found in this collection " or Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal

1) This occurred at Avera-McKennon when trying to e-bill a version other than 5.1; Michael had to update the software to allow for vsn 30, 32, 3A, 3C.

2) Also occurred at ivA Home Care when staff person tried to save form 485 in AccessForms for one patient; form not saved. Generally occurs when a database field change has not been “programmed for” in some area of the program; usually requires a program fix and another update for the client.

3) Can also occur if the client updated and there is some kind of “disconnect” between forms/reports/labels, the database data and the database structure. Can sometimes be fixed by re-running server update after back-dating the Defaults table field LastUpdated appropriately (usually a week prior to the current date).

4) Also occurred on my PC when I updated a client (workstation) to a newer version, but it was pointing to a server that was on an older version still. The error occurred upon logging in (after entering userid/password and hitting OK). Message was Error 3265 Description: Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal. Location: clsUser – Find. Followed by error –2147217904 Description: [Microsoft].[ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1. Location: Common – ExecuteSQL

5) Occurred 5/2007 at Mountain States. Lew said he updated Test system, then mirrored that to Production. Somehow, Test system did not get new field updated to Patients table, but that new field was in production. In Test, any time he searched for a patient, got this error before the patient screen was populated. To fix, he mirrored the file structure back from Production to Test; now OK.

6) Happened upon update to internal version 2.14.45, on Patient_Find (when trying to load a patient record in Search Patient, edit Claims, edit Orders, or edit Clinical Docs).

Error 3256 or Error -2147217865 Invalid Object Name “Units”; Error, when it came up at AHP, was caused by Units table (and 4 other tables) having an incorrect owner (Ascend instead of dbo). Error manifested in this way – users could log in with no problem but could not run any function (add/edit orders, Options, print labels or forms) that referenced the Units table, effectively stopping any clinical work. Fixed by checking the tables in SQL and using SQL command to change owner to ‘dbo’, per MiC.

"Error 3704 “Module: frmClaim; Procedure: LoadClaim Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.

Usually shows as a secondary error after the first error message pops up (i.e., after error 3265 for billers at ADIMA when there was a problem with default AWP billing).

"Error 3704 “Location: clsPrinterDefaults - OpenReport; Description: Operation is not allowed when the object is closed. This error reported by one customer when they attempted to run Physicians License Expiration report. This report has no SQL, and should not have been listed in Reports listing. Error resolved when we removed the report from Reports listing.

"Error 3704 “Module: frmItem ; Procedure: LoadOrderItem or dbcInventory_Change; Operation is not allowed when the object is closed. Happened at Loma Linda (9/12/06; 10/17/06) when client did Copy/Paste of TPN order from one patient to another; error occurred when he edited several items in the TPN. He was able to save order with changes; this was only error (not a second error).

Reported by Imran for Healix (5/1/09), screen shot from one staff member who states two other colleagues also saw same message on different orders. I replied that the problem is usually temporary, does not prevent client from finishing her/his work and appears to be due to temp communication problem between PC and server. Asked for more information about the process leading up to the order if the user is unable to get past the error and complete her/his work.

Happened at HealthEast Home Care (4/13/2009), user running in Terminal Services, copied an order from one patient to another and was attempting to edit one item when error popped up (user said it was only error that happened), and then TS session ‘froze’. She had to have IT staff cancel her session.

Happened at Loma Linda (10/16/2009), pharmacist Paul Morris. He did Copy/Paste of TPN order (which he says he does fairly often), but this time he attempted to edit the item list, and got the error. They run in Citrix; AHI closed, his Citrix session was hung up and he had to contact specific IT support to get it handled; per Rod, the Help Desk staff could not terminate the session. Wrote CSR 3677. When user got back into AHI, found his edits were saved.

Happened at IVA Lifetek (12/29/2009);Stacey did Copy/Paste of TPN order, tried to edit the Pasted order before saving it and got the error.

Happened at Kaweah Delta (AscendHI, vsn 2.14.118) on 03/10/2010; Tim did Copy/Paste of TPN order, got this error and PC ‘froze’; he rebooted PC to continue. Ticket 144207

Happened at Kaweah Delta (AscendHI, vsn 2.14.122) on 05/14/2010; Tim got this error, plus another error, when he attempted to Print a Compound Sheet and a label (IV? TPN?). Label printed, but Compound Sheet print job was >200 pages and had only header/footer lines printing, no data. He cancelled job, called me, I dialed in and we could print OK. He tried Copy/Paste of order and that worked OK, plus Print of form and IV Label worked. I recorded this on ticket 147442.

Error 3704 “Module: clsPrinterDefaults; Procedure: OpenReport Operation is not allowed when the object is closed. Client (Cindy at Kaweah Delta) reported this error when trying to run Receipts Log with a WHERE clause. She had done A+C+D to exit error screen by the time I called; we could not reproduce error.

"Error 3705 Description: Operation is not allowed when the object is open. Location-ClinicalDocument Save"

Client reports this (version 1.3.603) for every document worked on, whether existing or new, whether locked or not; happens upon exiting the document; they OK past and changes are saved. Fixed in version 1.3.618

"Error 5050 Description: Application-defined or Object-defined error; Location: frmProfile_GetHHLAAccessId"

Client reports this (version 2.14.90) on a patient record.

"Error 8018 Port not open (or similar) "

Happened with one client (FL Infusion) where they used an external modem to send electronic claims (after testing with an internal modem); MiC changed the software to give the external modem time to actually open the port and connect. Randi also got this error message when she was testing e-billing just to get a SEND file, and manually interrupted the transmission step by Closing the process – this message comes up every time. Client at Century Medical (11/2007) also got this when billing an order; PC froze, so he had to A+C+D to cancel program, then tried again and the process worked – told him the modem was just too slow at that point for the program.

"Run-time error ‘35600’ Index out of bounds "

Happened when client (Loma Linda) was printing labels on a refill (refilled order, was at the Print selection screen). Insufficient info to determine what happened, since this was last of 3 error msgs, and only an error 0 logged in Error Log.

Error reported for Healix by user who logs in via Citrix; occasionally gets this error. Referred to programming for research.

"Runtime Error 35602 Key is not unique in collection "

Client (Yakima Valley MH) reported this with Medicaid patients only (vsn 2.14.53 and 2.14.74) when doing a search by insurance ID number. Per Gayle, these IDs may be duplicated since some spouses share the ID.

Mary Taylor reported this (6/3/08) when working in New Claims (batch billing) screen. Only her PC gets this error; Debbie can bill in same screen (ReadyToBill) with no errors.

Client prompted for SQL password when trying to get into AccessForms.

Occurred at Innovative Nursing and Avera McKennen; appears to be tied to Windows NT authentication as opposed to SQL authentication. Refer to their IT/IS staff to “fix” permissions/rights.

-2147217865 error msg with “Invalid object name ‘SecurityReports’ ” at location clsUser - Find

User updated his PC with a newer version than was on the server (Kaiser on 2.7.1; user updated his PC to 2.7.126) and reported this problem. MiC replied that workstation and server must be on same version.

-2147217904 error msg with “ODBC Too few parameters, expected 1”

Check Setup for D/B type – this comes up when type is set to Access and s/b SQL. (Rich @ Optioncare).

-2147191159 error msg with “Not a 4.x or earlier version of Crystal Reports; Location” clsPrinterDefaults - OpenReport”

Multiple customers reporting this over time; most recent is Healix, on a PC logged into Citrix server. I requested more info, since error frequently indicates problem with drivers. Asked if anyone installed newer version of Crystl Reports on that server. Stated may need to deinstall/reinstall Ascend-HI client on that Citrix server, and also install the extra Crystal drivers on our web site download.

Reported by Lyn Calvert at Group Health, for the Olympia pharmacy. User was attempting to print both a label and a compound sheet. The user first saw this error message, then was prompted to enter parameter values for CompoundSheetFooter1,2,3; and a Boolean value of True or False. Clicked OK and got RunTime Error 35660 Index out of bounds. I told Lyn this may be due to a problem with drivers.

Empty or mostly empty diagnosis code table. Happened in version 2.14.21. Diagnosis code description field was updated to be 100 characters in length. A fix had been applied to the program to trim the data being imported into the DX table to 80 chars from 100. At or about version 2.14.21, that fix was removed and instead the description field in DiagnosisCodes and PatientDiagnoses tables was updated to hold 100 characters. This change was done before data from First Database is imported into these tables (CSR 702). It appears one or more internal and beta program versions were created without either fix, so the copy step (into DiagnosisCodes table) failed when a description was encountered that was longer than 80 characters. This would result in a DX code table that was empty or nearly empty. Fix is to update the client to a version (2.13.31 or later) that had the code changes needed to increase field size in those tables. See also related CSR 592.

Missing Rx Numbers

Two clients reported a gap in Rx numbers (one of 6 missing numbers; one of 33 missing numbers). Found cause was due to Edit of Common Orders in Comments area; somehow ‘dropped into’ logic for processing an order, not a common order, and assigned an Rx number to the common order when it was saved. Reported on 4/11/2006 and fixed as of 4/17/06 (version 2.7.90). Could not reuse the missing numbers; just documented gap as software problem; removed numbers from common order records.

On-Line Help screens are blank or unable to get into Help

Windows problem on that PC; the file AscendHI Manual.chm should be on the local directory (C:\Program Files\AscendHI\AscendHI Manual.chm). If file is not there, can copy from Update directory on server.

Out of Memory.

Occurred at ivA Home Care, in ebilling process. Asked staff person if she cold booted PC regularly – no. Recommended she cold boot PC and try again.

Out of Memory, error 7.

Occurred at Scott and White; client also said that, each time she logged into the program (on Terminal Services), the last patient record she’d worked on was immediately visible (without having to Select Patient). We contacted their IT support, who found this user’s session was still open, and had been, for >20 hours. He closed all her sessions and, when she next logged in, no “Out of Memory” errors and the patient profile was blank. She had been exiting the program by clicking the “X” in upper right corner. That should work, but we told her to either (1) go to Patients and Exit/Logout of Ascend or (2) click on lock icon and click Cancel in the next screen.

Path/File access error in frmWorkstationUpdate when trying to run an update.

Usually means the user doesn’t have full rights (or appropriate rights) to update the server or workstation.

Provider Cannot be found.

Check Provider line in Setup screen – SQL OLEDB Provider or SQL Server driver. For Kaiser facilities, must be SQL Server Driver.

“Unable to print Crystal ActiveX Designer-monograph, to; Do you want to retry or cancel the print job?" This error came up with HealthEast (Terminal Services) when the printer ran out of paper. Client added paper and then the jobs printed. Message is from Windows, via Terminal Services.

Data provider or other service returned an e-fail status, error -2147467259.

At Sonora Community Hospital, client tried several ways to bill some orders (from Financials/New Claims screen and on an individual order) for a Medicare patient; each time, she gets this error at location: frmClaim-loadclaim.  Michael had her update to then-current version (from 1.4.77) to fix the problem.

Download/Unpack Issues:

Unable to unzip \: ; aborting unzip process during the unzip part of server update.

Have client check permissions/rights to the Update subdirectory on the server;

“The ) is missing.” Occurs when attempting to print Order Label; means CRUFLNET.DLL did not get registered during the update, or did not get registered in the correct directory.

AHP-Webster and Spruce Pine locations report this problem when attempting to print Order Label after updating to version 2.14.122, and also after simultaneous move of share server to a new location. I duplicated the problem by unregistering the CRUFLNET.DLL driver on my PC. Solution is to register that driver in C:\Windows\System32 directory in Terminal Services.

“A number, currency amount, Boolean, date, time, date-time, or string is expected here.” Occurs when attempting to print Compound Sheet; means CRUFLNET.DLL did not get registered during the update.

AHP-Webster and Spruce Pine locations report this problem when attempting to print Compound Sheet after updating to version 2.14.122, and also after simultaneous move of share server to a new location. Duplicated the problem by unregistering the CRUFLNET.DLL driver on my PC. Solution is to register that driver in C:\Windows\System32 directory in Terminal Services.

Also had this happen in Ascend, vsn 5.9.4, when running the OnCall Patient List report.

Printing Issues:

"A Number is expected here”

If you get this in printing labels, a driver needed for Crystal (CRUFLAHI.DLL needed to Order Label printing; evidently not needed for IV Label). This problem sometimes happens if the user who updated their PC does not have rights to update Windows or WINNT directory and that driver has to be registered. Can try manually running the registration process; or have someone with appropriate rights run the workstation update again. If they get Path/File Access error when running that, they don’t have sufficient rights.

Reports that should print landscape print as portrait (and also display as portrait in Print Preview); if client tries to force Landscape by changing option in Print Setup window, still prints as portrait. Have client go to Utilities, Options and, on Printing tab, check box for “Do Not Force Original Print Orientation” (if they don’t see this option, update to latest beta version). If this does not fix the problem, have client change orientation in Print Setup window and should print landscape.

For Mark at Quality Infusion, this happened on newly-installed PC when printing labels to Zebra printer. He notified me that he changed the printer driver (didn’t say to what) and the label print orientation was now correct.

When printing labels, suddenly reverts to letter format size.

The cause is not known (maybe someone changed the default printer to paper-size, then forgot to set it back before printing labels). In any case, go to Windows printer settings, select the printer and get to Properties. In General tab/Printing Preferences/Advanced, Advanced tab/Printing Defaults and Device Settings tab, click the paper size drop-down and select the correct label size (if not there, need to add in Printer Server menu). Apply and Save these changes in all three places. Then, in Ascend-HI, select that printer again for each label that you are printing and confirm (in Printing Preferences) that the paper size there is also the correct label size; if not, change and save. Now, you should be able to print the label correctly.

When trying to run reports, you are prompted for a parameter.

This has happened to two different users; appears to be when the PC they are using has not been updated to the latest version of the program. Sometimes this happens when a person has been on vacation; sometimes when someone just answers “No” to update prompt. On one occasion, they did try to run the workstation update and couldn’t because the Update subdirectory was empty (reason unknown).

When to use HCFA-1500 versus HCFA1500 Laser form.

Use HCFA-1500 when printing to a pre-printed HCFA form (uncheck Include Claim Form box).

Use HCFA-1500 Laser when printing to plain paper (check Include Claim Form box).

This user account is no longer active.

The user id has been deleted and is logged in Security table as Inactive. The change was made to recognize inactive IDs around version 1.4.130. Prior to this, inactive IDs that had been imported from Ascend-IV could still be used to get into Ascend-HI.

Page header plus page footer is too large for the page.

The wrong printer has been selected to print this item – usually happens when attempting to print one of the forms to the label printer by mistake; also happens if they select the correct printer, but that printer is not available (dropped from network, turned off, no rights to that printer) and the program defaults to the available printer (a label printer). If the latter problem, have client check the forms printer; if it looks OK, have them reboot their PC to reconnect to the network (and printers).

"ActiveX component cannot create object"; also Error 91/ error 429

User at Medilink (3/17/05) got this series of error messages when she tried to print a report. Need to check version of CRUFLAHI.DLL on their C:\Program Files\Crystal directory and/or C:\Program Files\Winnt\System32 (or similar) directory. May also need to register the driver (regsvr32)

“The ) is missing.” Occurs when attempting to print Order Label; means CRUFLNET.DLL did not get registered during the update, or did not get registered in the correct directory.

AHP-Webster and Spruce Pine locations report this problem when attempting to print Order Label after updating to version 2.14.122, and also after simultaneous move of share server to a new location. I duplicated the problem by unregistering the CRUFLNET.DLL driver on my PC. Solution is to register that driver in C:\Windows\System32 directory in Terminal Services.

Label printer printing a larger size font suddenly

User at Childrens (01/26/07) reported this problem; said labels changed after some program error while entering an order; also NDC no longer printing on order label. Checked settings in Options and rechecked box for NDC to display (worked) but changing font in Labels area did not resolve the printed size. Ended up turning off and turning on the printer, also rebooted PC that printer was connected to, and then labels printed correctly.

The library "Pdsmon.dll" cannot be found. The data in this report cannot be refreshed! To install this driver please rerun setup and add the appropriate database feature from the Data Access group.

Several clients on version 2.13.37 or 2.14.11 (and later) have reported getting this message when they try to print or Print Preview reports. Usually happens with a landscaped report (like A/R reports) and usually, if client clicks OK to the message, the report eventually comes up. Re-running the workstation update fixed this for some clients (and for my PC), but at River City Pharmacy, the error is continuing to come up. Note: there is no such driver as pdsmon.dll.

Error occurred for Scott at Quality Infusion in 02/01/07 and again on 05/25/07, when running financial reports.

From 02/22/07 email to Mike and Susan regarding this error:

I found a really old (from 2001) reference to this DLL in a Knowledge Base article -- here it is. I haven't yet checked my System32 directory to see if I have those drivers; maybe that is the way to go. I haven't found anything newer than this article online, but my search skills are not the greatest.


Err Msg: "The library 'pdsmon.dll' cannot be found; Runtime error '20532'"

KBase Article ID:c2001740

Article refers to:Crystal Reports 6


The following error message appears when running a Microsoft Visual Basic application that uses the Crystal Data Object (CDO):

The library "Pdsmon.dll" cannot be found. Continue to open report for viewing only?

Followed by runtime error:

'20532': Can not find database DLL

How can these error messages be resolved?


To resolve these error messages:

1. Copy these files to the Windows System folder on the client computer:

• Msvcrt.dll

• Mfc42.dll

• Odbc32.dll

• Odbcint.dll

2. Register the file Cdo32.dll on the client computer.

After completing these steps, the application now runs successfully.



Cdo32.dll version 6.0010 and later does not have Odbc32.dll and Odbcint.dll as dependency files.


SecureTrans Issues:

No Response from NDC.

For a client on Terminal Services, had to work with in-house IT staff to determine what was preventing the response file from returning in a timely fashion; see MiC about what he did with AHP to resolve this.

For one of MikeT’s clients, found that the configuration settings for In.TXT and Out.TXT were reversed from what they needed to be (that is, In.txt was listed as Source File, when it should be the Destination file, and vice versa for Out.txt). Fixed that and started getting responses. For another client, the incoming port (18004) was not open to receive responses; had to work w/network staff to get that port open.

Can Send a test file, but cannot receive a Response (Create Test File function in SecureTrans screen).

For this client (Central Baptist), appeared that the port (18004) was not accepting incoming files. Notified IT contact for pharmacy, who in turn contacted in-house Network staff to resolve.

Unable to install software; get message that install program is corrupted.

For this client (Children’s Home Pharmacy), could install EXE on all PCs but one. Asked their IT person for help; she determined that person did not have admin rights to their PC. The IT person installed the software successfully.

Electronic billing:

Unknown Trans Type – System Unavailable.

Happened with one client when the claim they were billing inadvertently had no lines checked. Will also happen if a line is checked but there are $0 on that claim. So, check for amount on claim (must be >$0) and if all lines are unchecked.

External modem does not connect/fails to send claims.

Happened with one client where we successfully tested e-billing with internal modem on one PC, but were unable to make a connection and send claims on a PC with an external modem. Michael modified software to create a 15-second “wait” period after hitting Send, to confirm connection has been made, then send the claim. Works most of the time (version 1.5.43).

No response from NDC.

Happened with one client on Terminal Services who is using SecureTrans to send electronic claims. Has to run SecureTrans in same session as AHI. Per pgmr, issue appears to be with timing of “hand-off” of transaction between AHI and SecureTrans, and back again. Other clients are using SecureTrans without this problem.

Also will occur if In.TXT and Out.TXT are not properly set for In file, Out file (Ascend-HI only).

There are no charges to send for this claim.

Check the Payer, Electronic Billing tab – there is probably needed data missing from this tab, so system cannot build the electronic transaction. Also, if claim literally has no charges (no lines checked, or amount owed is zero), you will see this message.

Syntax Error (on NCPDP txn).

Happened with one client with Express Scripts; found that the Date Prescription Written (12/19/2007) was earlier than the start date of the order (12/29/2007) – was just a typo on part of person entering the order. Fixed that and the claim paid.

For claim at Central WA (02/19/08 call), Prior Auth dates of 8/3/06-08/03/07 did not cover the Fill Date of 08/23/007; when we removed the PA, the claim was paid.

For claims at (BCW?), client also got error message for M/I Basis of Request. When we checked the Prior Auth record, there was nothing in Basis of Request. Entered a value and the Syntax error was resolved.

Nothing back (Ascend).

In version 5.3.119, got this message due to problems with receiving and displaying the response file. Fixed in version 5.3.128. (Nufactor)

M/I Cardholder ID – Verify ID, BIN, PCN, RXGRP (Ascend).

When installing Ascend, need to check Options and switch Port from 18007 (test) to 18004 (Production). This message is typical of response when sending to test system instead of production.


Manually changing Status on a Claim – need to update both the Claims.Status field and the Claims.ClaimStatusRef field on the record. Look at ClaimStatuses table to find the Ref value.

Need to remove or alter CloseMonth date: Will have to update the most recent entry (for that pharmacy or site) in the Close Month History table, as well as the Defaults table entry for that pharmacy or site, for the field LastMonthClosed. Preference is to NOT remove the entries, but to correct them. If the date was not intended to be added, I suggest changing these entries to the last valid CLoseMonth date, or , if this was first entry, change it to a very old date (i.e., 01/01/1990).

Last updated 01/22/2010 -rsv-


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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