Francisco MunguiaWTC1/31/13Technology PaperThe average adult is awake for 15 hours and 45 minutes every day and 45 per cent of that time is spent using technology. Kids between the ages 8-18 to became more lazy, violent, and obese. Technology has influenced humanity in a very negative way.Now that I’m almost done with high I have seen many different types of kids. In my gym class, I know there are plenty of technology nerds, how I know this, because some are my friends. By technology I mean anything such as computers, video games, television etc. My friends honestly became lazier than ever. I would ask them if they want to go play some sports with me and they would reply “I’m watching T.V.” or “I’m online, making kids rage”. Back in elementary I remember that we went for bike cruises, go to the park, or go play rollerblade hockey. This was before this high tech stuff came out. Now they are use to sitting on the couch or spinning chair.Kids today become more violent for technology. I have personal experience with kids becoming more violent. I also think it’s kind of disrespectful how kids handle things. I have a cousin that usually come visits our house about every two weeks. My six year old cousin always asks to play Xbox. I usually say yes, and when I do say he could play, he only wants to play one game called, “Grand Theft Auto”. GTA is a really violent game meant for mature people, but I let him play anyways. I see him play I would always find him getting chased by cops, but when he dies he always throws the controller to the floor and starts shouting to get cheat codes so he won’t die. Well kids today get very mad when they play games on systems or computers. Now they get actually get really mad and don’t understand that that game won’t mean anything in real life. A video game should be used when you having nothing else to do and kill some time. It should be your life; there are better things to do.People that rely on technology on the daily basis won’t be healthier than the people that play sports and are usually outdoors. People think being on computers is fun and playing with other people online. It is fun I have done it for the past two years but it will make you gain weight and become obese. People that are on technology all the time probably don’t have the endurance or condition to run the mile non-stop without having trouble breathing. Ten percent of children that are in pre-school are considered over weight. These children are obese because they are watching television, playing games, and on the computer learning or playing more games.In conclusion, people in my point of view are lazier, more violent, and obese. One way to fix this problem in the U.S. is Physical Education. Every school should have this class for at least an hour. Only so that children could have their exercise for the day. This could help a lot of people who always stay in door. Work Cited“Computers and TV Take up Half Our Lives as We Spend Seven Hours a Day Using Technology." Mail Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2013."Is Technology Making Students Lazier?" Toronto Sun. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2013."Do Violent Video Games Influence Children?" LoveToKnow. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2013."Obesity in Children & Technology." . N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2013. ................

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