Build Safety from Bare Metal - Intel

Build Safety from Bare Metal - Practices on Hardening and Harnessing

the Secure Platform

Dong W ei, Fellow , HP Qin Long, Softw are Architect, I ntel Jie Sh e n , Se nior Se cur it y Consult a nt , M cAfe e I nc.

PTAS0 0 2


? Overview of UEFI and it s Securit y Handling ? Plat form Hardening Pract ices ? McAfee* Endpoint Encrypt ion and Secure Boot

The PDF for this Session presentation is available from our Te chnica l Se ssion Ca t a log a t t he e nd of t he da y a t : / go/ idfsessionsBJ URL is on top of Session Agenda Pages in Pocket Guide


Overview of UEFI and I t s SAegceunrditay IHt eamn d1lin g

Dong W ei

Fellow , Hew lett Packard VP, UEFI Forum


Lat est Updat es from UEFI Forum

? Linux Foundat ion has signed t he agreem ent t o becom e a UEFI Forum Cont ribut or

? UEFI 2.3.1d errat a available soon ? UEFI 2.3.1c SCT Final Draft soon ? UEFI 2.4 reaches cont ent com plet e ? PI 1.3 reaches cont ent com plet e ? Fut ure of UEFI wit h syst em configurat ion and

m anagem ent considerations


Real W orld!

Researchers find attack on Millions of printers Can a hacker t ake cont rol of your print er? Using it t o sniff inform at ion from the network, steal confidential inform ation, or even attack other m achines. Researchers have found an attack im pacting m illions of printers around the world.



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