'How You Can Make $49,877 a Year (Every Year) Investing in ...

"How You Can Make $232,016.96 a Year (Every Year) Investing in Real Estate Without Having to Touch a Screw Driver!"


You'll Learn How to Make an Average of $58,004.24 by Buying & Selling ONE Beautiful Home to your Tenant on a Rent-to-Own Program. All in Your Spare-Time!

Dear Friend,

If you'd like to automate your real estate investing, create a $232,016.96 a year and not have to fix up or repair any homes, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.

Here's why:

Our Income for Life Members buy and resell about four homes a year following the information outlined in this special report. They average $58,004.24 per home thereby creating an extra $232,016.96 a year of income.

Now, we know you're probably skeptical. That's normal and healthy. Let us give you four good reasons to back up our claim:

Four Reasons To Believe What We Say

Reason one: As a Real Estate Professionals, we have helped hundreds of Income for Life Members acquire investment properties and make amazing returns without having to fix up and repair properties. We have helped our members lock in well over $1,000,000.00 in real estate profits in their spare time.

Reason two: We have years of experience of hands on investing. Collectively, we have personally invested in commercial real estate, multi-family homes, mobile homes, and single-family homes. Recently, I, Rob Minton (the creator of Income for Life) and my partners netted $142,789.23 of profits in one month from real estate investments. See the bank statement below showing the deposit!


Reason three: We have over 43 Income for Life Membership Centers throughout the United States and Canada. In other words, our investing strategy works internationally. In fact, within the last few months, we have had 564 people apply for available Income for Life Membership openings.

Reason four: In surveying our Income for Life investing members, we have found that on average, each member makes $58,004.24 on each investment property they acquire. See the Special and Confidential Profit Report for Preferred Members ONLY.

Here is a summary of the benefits you receive when you are accepted as an Income for Life Member

You will learn how to turn just 3 homes into 24 homes in 6 years!

You can quit your job and live off of the money that your properties generate for you!

You will learn how to charge $200.00 to $300.00 more rent each month for each home that you own!

With two homes, this could mean an extra $5,000.00 a year in profits.

You will have access to our special 10% DOWN PAYMENT Investor Loans.

Now days, most lenders require investors to have a 20% down payment. This requirement limits the number of homes you can acquire. In addition, it reduces your profit on each home. We help our members buy properties with the least amount of money out of pocket. In fact, Joe Mercadante (an Income for Life Member detailed in the Special and Confidential Profit Report for Preferred Members ONLY) has bought 10 homes with our special 10% down loan program.

Receive your monthly rent checks on or before the 1st of the Month

You won't have to chase your tenants each month to collect the rent. They will systematically be glad to pay you on time!

Have Your Tenants Pay You 3 to 5% of the Value of Your Home Up Front before they even get the keys.

You receive thousands of dollars more from each home PLUS get tenants that are more committed. If you buy an investment property and use our special 10% down investor loan program, you could get up to half of your money back within a few short weeks!

Below are two copies of checks that our member, Joe Mercadante, received from his tenants as non-refundable upfront payments. With just two properties, he collected $9,500.00 in upfront payments without ever touching a screw driver!



We will show you how to get your tenants to manage the properties for themselves.

You won't have to deal with all of the day in and day out problems with your properties. Your tenants will operate as if they own your home. Many of our members’ tenants have made improvements to their homes. Some of these tenants have installed new carpeting, painted decks, installed new landscaping and much, much more.

You will learn a way to systematically guarantee that each and every one of your investments will be profitable before you buy it!

You will be able to find out if the property is a great buy before you invest one penny of your money! You will be able to quickly and easily filter out all dog properties and save yourself thousands of dollars and hours of time. We help our members use a simple test to guarantee the property they are considering is a profitable investment.

We provide you with all of the Contracts, Forms and Legal Documents that you will need.

You won't have to worry about how to structure your contracts or agreements because our Attorneys have done that for us! We use these contracts and forms every day. They have even been tested successfully in court! Each of our members receives these forms, which include step-by-step instructions on how to complete them.

Step-by-Step Instructions and Guidance on How to Select the Best Tenants

You probably know someone that has had a problem tenant! In fact, they may have even had to evict a tenant or two. We explain in detail how you can screen, qualify and select the absolute best tenants for your properties. In addition, we help you check their credit and evaluate their rental applications.

We help you create advertisements to use with your investments that will make your phone ring off of the hook.

This will save you hundreds of dollars of expense in trying to find how to get interested buyers and tenants to call you. We have tested countless advertisements and found the absolute best ones for you to use!

We will help you create an auction like environment for all of your properties. You will literally have people competing for your homes.

With a large pool of competing tenants and buyers, you can pick the absolute best one for your properties rather than be stuck with some unqualified person. When you create auction like environments for your properties, you will also be able to command higher rents, sale prices and better terms. This will increase your profits and help you put your properties on autopilot.

Have your prospective tenants tell you, before you even speak to them, how much money they have available to give you before they move in.

This one technique will automatically increase your profits and screen out unqualified tenants. When you use this strategy, you can receive thousands of dollars of non-refundable upfront money from your tenants/buyers

You will learn how to get your tenants to pay for the first $200 of any and all repairs in your properties each and every month.

Most investor’s feel that they are nickel and dimed all of the time by their investment properties. With this technique, your tenants will absorb all of the normal repair costs protecting your profits.

You can use this one simple trick when structuring your mortgage that will literally shave off thousands of dollars in interest while you own the property.

With lower interest costs, you will increase your positive cash flow each and every month that you own the property. With this trick, the same property can be thousands of dollars more profitable for you.

We include one specific strategy that you can use to literally double your investing profits.

This strategy does require some extra effort on your part. However, you can go from 3 homes to 48 homes in less than 5 years! If you had a $200.00 monthly cash flow from 48 homes, you would have an income of $9,600.00 per month. Also, if you received $20,000.00 in appreciation on 48 houses, you would have created $960,000.00 of wealth!

We show you how to analyze the profit of the property with a simple 10/5/10 investing formula.

You can quickly determine if a property is worth investing additional time pursing. Many investors spend too much time trying to decide if the property represents a good purchase. By following this guideline, you will be able to quickly determine if the numbers will work for you.

You don't have to paint walls, replace kitchens, fix leaky pipes, or install tile floors!

Our system focuses on buying nice homes in nice areas. If you follow our approach, you will not need to fix up or repair your homes to make money. In fact you should receive money in your pocket before your first mortgage payment is due! (See copies of Joe’s checks above. Joe received both checks before his first mortgage payment was due!)

We will teach you exactly what type of property to look for.

You don't have to try to guess what will work. We have invested in all different types of homes in various areas. We have found a common denominator that you can use to pin point the absolute best home to invest in.

Now, you're probably wondering how and why we can do all those things for you.

Let us explain…

We teach you step-by-step how to rent your homes using our Rent to Own Programs. Following our Rent to Own System, you will get paid thousands of dollars of option money upfront from your tenants, receive higher monthly rents for your home and make a large profit on the sale of the home to your tenant within a few short years.

Our Income for Life team helps you identify homes that can be purchased thousands of dollars below value (and these homes don't include foreclosures or sheriff sales). We explain what homes make the best Rent to Own investments. PLUS a simple 10/5/10 investing formula that you can use with every investment.

We will explain in detail how to advertise, screen calls, show the home and select the absolute best tenants. We will help you step-by-step in building your real estate money machine!

Don't take our words for it.

Listen to what our members say.

“On my first property, my tenant paid me $2,500.00 in upfront money that is completely non-refundable if they don't buy my home. On my second property, I closed on a Friday and within one week received $3,500.00 upfront from my new tenant! I didn't have to paint one wall, or even make one repair!”

Dave Battles

“I tried to find fixer upper homes to flip for many months without any luck. I finally tried this approach. On my first investment, my tenant paid me $5,000.00 upfront and is paying $250.00 more each month than the average monthly rents for the area.”

Bruce Wiley

“I just purchased my first rental property last month. I signed a Rent to Own contract this week to sell this home to my tenant for $22,000.00 more.”

Chris Thomas

“In February, I bought a home with the Income for Life team’s help. I just sold this same home to my tenant for a profit of $23,000.00. In addition to this profit on the sale, I made $200.00 each month in extra positive cash flow.”

Dave Berrow

“Quick note to say thanks for your advice and to let you know that we were successful in renting our home under the Rent to Own Program you designed. In total, your recommendations and help provided us an additional $5,000.00 that we would not have collected otherwise”

Jim Gruver, CPA

“Our five-year plan includes a strategy for purchasing more homes, which should generate nearly $6,000.00 in monthly passive income. Given that one $4,000.00 investment grew over time into a million dollars for Rob Minton, who knows what our actual net worth will be at that point?”

Devin & Kris Murray

“I have been very impressed with your real estate investment approach. Since attending your investment seminar, I have acquired one investment property with plans for some additional units in the near future. I will put the property I just purchased on Autopilot as outlined by your team. You have directed me through the process with every step along the way, from the purchase through the tenant/buyer selection, which has saved me both time and money! Not only did you help negotiate a favorable purchase price, but you provided me with the best tools to generate tenant/buyer interest, which increased the property’s marketability. Your program has generated a significant number of callers, which will allow me to screen through and find the best possible tenant/buyer. I would highly recommend your services to anyone thinking of investing in real estate.”

Dave Raischel

“Thanks for helping me to acquire my 20 houses. I couldn’t have got that $9,000.00 down payment without you on the last one. Also, I did some quick math last night and I figured that my 20 houses combined are worth around 2.3 million dollars. If they’re appreciating conservatively each year at 5%, they earn $115,000.00 annually! I wish I started investing a lot earlier in life.”

Joe Mercadante

“In my first month of joining Income for Life, I was able to purchase my first property with none of my own money. In just a short 10 days, I had $6,200.00 literally in my back pocket, $200.00 of monthly cash flow, and $11,000.00 locked in for buyout profit.”

Ben Giles

“Income for Life has helped me acquire 10 homes over an eight-year period. I would estimate that my net worth has been increased by approximately $500,000.00.”

Matt Bobbey, CPA

Warning: Do NOT use any Real Estate Agent

unless THEY meet the following 3 criteria

There is a lot of confusion surrounding our field. We want to give you 3 criteria or elements you absolutely, positively must look for when hiring a real estate agent to help you with your real estate investing:

1: Your real estate agent must be able to pinpoint nice homes available below their market value. Many real estate agents don’t know how to systematically find bargain homes. If you were to call up an agent today and ask them, “What homes can I buy that are under value?”, they wouldn’t be able to respond! In our offices, we have created an automatic system to identify these homes. In fact, you will get notified each week of the Best Buys in your area.

2: Your real estate agent must be able to help you find low down payment investing loan programs. If you have to put a 20% or 30% down payment on your investment, your overall return could drop by as much as 70%. Our team has a special 10% down loan program that you can use. If you own a home we may be able to help you get 100% financing. (Please note that you must qualify for these special loan program.)

3: Your real estate agent must be able to save you time and money! Working with the average real estate agent, you may need to invest 300 hours or more of your spare time from beginning to end on just one investment property. At just $25.00 dollars per hour, you would be investing $7,500.00 of your time. With our team’s help, experience and guidance, you will only need 20 to 30 hours to start earning money on your first home. At $25.00 dollars per hour, you would only be investing $750.00 of your time. This amounts to a timesaving of $6,750.00 to you.

You get at least 10 times your money's worth!

While there are a lot of real estate agents that say they are investing experts, there are also question marks in our minds. Have these people ever truly helped one person make any money?

I'll tell you right upfront: Not everyone qualifies to be an Income for Life real estate investing member of ours. When you send in your completed Income For Life Membership Application, our team will determine whether our not this is appropriate for you. It is important to answer the questions on this membership application honestly and accurately, so that neither your time nor ours is wasted. If your Income for Life Membership Application is accepted, an initial consultation will be scheduled with you. It is very important to keep your appointment for this consultation, as far more people request them than can be accommodated.

You don't know this. But we get paid an average of $4,500.00 for consulting with our members and helping them profit from their investments. Why? Because the people we work with increase their returns dramatically because of our help.

We don’t just accept any investor as an Income for Life Member. We simply do not have enough time to work with every person who calls into our offices. However, based upon our workload, we do agree to accept a select few new members from time to time. To be considered for one of these spots, complete and send us your Income for Life Membership Application form which is included in this packet.

In summary, here's what you get when our team accepts your application for Membership in Income for Life:

You get the full services of our team, which includes:

• A one on one consultation to access your goals and the steps we will take together to accomplish them

• Our Income for Life newsletter, which includes topics such as Asset Protection, Tax Strategies, and audio interviews of various investing experts with special access to our Wealth Building Boot Camps.

• A special Member’s Only Website that will help you make more money from your properties quickly. You can download special articles and previous Income for Life Newsletters.

• Access to our special investor loan program whereby you can buy investment properties with only 10% down

• Our Team’s Exclusive Best Buy Hotlist emailed to you (Generated by our 4 Point Home Search)

• We will walk through the properties that match your criteria together and analyze their condition and profit potential. In other words, you get your own personal real estate investing coach.

• We will help with the legal contracts and addendums and negotiate the purchase for the lowest price and best terms

• We will manage the closing process with all involved parties (lenders, title companies, appraisers and escrow agents)

• We will help design a Rent to Own Program for your property including the advertisements, pricing strategy and monthly rents.

• We will help you create an auction like environment for your rental properties whereby, your prospective tenants will tell you upfront how much money they have to put down on your home

• We will show you How to Show & Prepare Your Property to Prospective Tenants

• You will receive our Legal Agreements, Applications and Documents

• We will help you collect large NONREFUNDABLE Upfront Payments from your tenants

• We Help You Rent Your Home for $200.00 to $300.00 More Each Month

• We Show You How to Get Your Tenant to Be Responsible for All Minor Repairs on YOUR Property

• We EVEN help you setup a system to receive your Rents on or before the 1st of the Month (Every Month!)

• We work with you EVERY step through the process until you have money in your hand from your tenant/buyer and your home is an autopilot cash machine.

• You will also have free access to the monthly Millionaire Mindset Tele-Coaching Program. This program by itself costs over $36,000.00 a year. You get access for free!

I know that you are probably wondering what the Income for Life Membership will cost you? Enrollment is only $199.00, if your application is accepted. However, please note that within the next few weeks, our enrollment fee will be increased to $399.00. Your membership entitles you to use our entire team’s services in finding, analyzing, purchasing and financing investment properties for FREE. When we assist with your actual investing, we will charge the Seller of the property you purchase a commission to be paid for out of their sale proceeds. Membership entitles you to all of the information mentioned throughout this report plus our monthly Income for Life Newsletter and our Free Real Estate Investing Class. You are under no obligation to buy any investment property and you can cancel anytime by simply faxing a note to our office. However, to have our team help you find, analyze, negotiate an investment property, you must be an accepted member.

During Your Initial Consultation, You Will Receive the Special New Member Value Items – For FREE…

If your membership application is accepted, you’ll receive:


A special report titled “The Art of Getting Money” written by the legendary P.T. Barnum (America’s Greatest Promoter). This report is Barnum’s most famous speech that comes from the 1869 edition of his autobiography, “Struggles and Triumphs”. Many people said that Barnum’s advice in this speech has helped them become wealthy.


A report entitled "What Successful Investors See That Unsuccessful Investors Don't." This report reveals a secret that can help you skyrocket your investing returns. It is a simple idea that you can use over and over again to generate enormous wealth!


A brand new best selling book by Joe Vitale, "The Greatest Money Making Secret in History!" In this book, Joe outlines what he believes is the Greatest Money Making Secret in History. I have tried this simple idea with fantastic results!


A special report that explains how you can magnify your wealth using 1031 exchanges when you sell your Rent to Own Homes to your tenants. In this report, we detail step by step how you can sell your investment property and not pay any capital gains tax at the time of sale! This one report saved on Income for Life Member, Dave Berrow, over $4,000.00 in capital gains taxes!


An audio program entitled "How to Make Money Multiply, Consistently, Constantly, and at Will”. In this CD, we will teach you the three biggest financial mistakes most investors make and how to avoid them. We will also show you how to build wealth fast. And we’ll talk about the proper mindset to have to increase your awareness and financial well being. It’s a huge eye opener for building wealth!


An audio program entitled “How to Be Financially Free in Seven Months”. In this CD, Rob Minton interviewed Joe Mercadante about his real estate success. They discuss how Joe gained financial independence in just seven short months! More importantly, they discuss the mindset and thinking that Joe applied to reach his goals.


An audio program entitled “Self Directed IRA’s”. In this CD, Dick Desich (a national leader in self-directed IRAs) gives a tele-seminar of the advantages and strategies of investing in self-directed IRAs. Did you know that you could buy homes with your IRA? Learn how in this special CD!


The Complete Step-By-Step Book: "The Amazing Rent to Own System" This system has sold alone on the Internet to other investors for $199.00. This system includes:

• A simple 10/5/10 Investing Formula

• Sample Advertisements & Flyers for Your Properties

• A System To Get Buyers & Tenants to Tell You How Much Money They Will Give You Upfront Before You Even Talk to Them

• Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Select the Absolute Best Tenant

• Details on How to Show & Prepare Your Property to Prospective Tenants

• Our Legal Agreements, Applications and Documents

• Strategy on How to Turn 3 Homes into 24 Homes in Less Than 7 Years

• How to Structure Your Rent to Own Program for Maximum Profits.

• The Key to Your Investing Success


Exclusive access to our Real Estate Classes. As needed, we provide classes in our offices to teach you how manage your real estate investments for maximum protection and profit. This is a complete A-Z class that is only available to our Income for Life Members. The classes are FREE of charge to accepted members.


You will receive our Step-By-Step System for Making Money on Used Mobile Homes. You can buy and sell used mobile homes for massive profits. Average return on investment is over 300%. This includes instructions on how to do this in your IRA for tax-free profits! (This is a $99.00 value!)

Here's how to get started right now!

To be considered for Income for Life Membership, simply complete and send us your Income for Life Membership Application Form, which is included in this information package.

To Your Success


Rob Minton, Broker

Creator and Founder of Income for Life

Jim Morton

Jim Morton

Broker in Charge

The Preiss Company

P.S. The number of membership applications we can accept in any given month is severely limited. And at certain times, we cannot accept any new members, as the majority of our time is dedicated to assisting existing members. Also, people referred to us by our existing members take some of the new member openings we have each month. With this in mind, we can only encourage you to fax or send in your membership application immediately. Right now we have sent you this investing report at a time when we have openings for new members. However, should you delay, when you do respond there may be a waiting list and you may have to wait weeks or months for an opening.


Joe bought this home in September and in within 3 weeks had this upfront payment from his tenant/buyer.

Joe bought this home in June and within 4 weeks had this upfront payment from his tenant/buyer.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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