Florida Compilation of School Discipline Laws and Regulations

Florida Compilation of School

Discipline Laws and Regulations

Prepared: June 30, 2022


This compilation presents school discipline-related laws and regulations for U.S. states, U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia, and, where available, links to education agency websites or resources related to school discipline and student conduct. The discipline laws and regulations presented in this compilation have been categorized by type of specific discipline issue covered, according to an organizational framework developed by the National Center for Safe and Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE). For example, one major category encompasses all laws or regulations governing states or territories that mandate specific disciplinary sanctions (such as suspension) for specific offenses (such as drug possession on school grounds). The school discipline laws and regulations were compiled through exhaustive searches of legislative websites that identified all laws and regulations relevant to each specific category. Compiled materials were subsequently reviewed by state education agency (SEA) representatives in the 50 states, Washington D.C., and the U.S. territories.

Discipline categories were not mutually exclusive. Laws and regulations often appeared across multiple categories. For jurisdictions with more extensive laws covering a breadth of topical areas, relevant sections were excerpted from the larger legislative text for inclusion in the appropriate discipline category. Laws, ordered by chapter and section number, appear first within each category followed by regulations. All laws and regulations listed within categories in the compilation also appear in the sources cited section of the document, which lists laws by chapter and section number and title, and where available, includes active hyperlinks to source websites supported or maintained by state legislatures. Additional links to government websites or resources are provided at the end of this document.

Notes & Disclaimers

To the best of the preparer's knowledge, this Compilation of School Discipline Laws and Regulations is complete and current as of June 2022. Readers should also note that the information in this document was compiled from individual sources that are created by each jurisdiction and which are maintained and updated with varying frequencies. Readers should consult the source information provided directly in order to check for updates to laws and regulations reported in this document or to conduct further research.

For further information, including definitions of the different policy categories, please refer to the Discipline Laws and Regulations Compendium posted on the Center's website.

Prepared by:

Table of Contents

Florida Codes Cited......................................................................................................................................... 1 Codes of Conduct............................................................................................................................................ 5

Authority to Develop and Establish Codes of Conduct .................................................................................. 5 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Communication of Policy ............................................................................................................................. 12

In-School Discipline....................................................................................................................................... 14 Discipline Frameworks................................................................................................................................. 14 Teacher Authority to Remove Students From Classrooms ......................................................................... 16 Alternatives to Suspension .......................................................................................................................... 19

Conditions on Use of Certain Forms of Discipline ..................................................................................... 22 Corporal Punishment ................................................................................................................................... 22 Search and Seizure ..................................................................................................................................... 24 Restraint and Seclusion ............................................................................................................................... 24

Exclusionary Discipline: Suspension, Expulsion, and Alternative Placement........................................ 28 Grounds for Suspension or Expulsion ......................................................................................................... 28 Limitations or Conditions on Exclusionary Discipline................................................................................... 29 Due Process ................................................................................................................................................ 31 Return to School Following Removal........................................................................................................... 33 Alternative Placements ................................................................................................................................ 35

Discipline Addressing Specific Code of Conduct Violations .................................................................... 40 Firearms and Other Weapons Violations..................................................................................................... 40 Students with Chronic Disciplinary Issues ................................................................................................... 41 Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy.............................................................................................................. 42 Substance Use ............................................................................................................................................ 47 Gang-related Activity ................................................................................................................................... 52 Bullying, Harassment, or Hazing.................................................................................................................. 53 Dating and Relationship Violence................................................................................................................ 59

Prevention, Behavioral Intervention, and Supports ................................................................................... 61 State Model Policies and Implementation Support ...................................................................................... 61 Multi-tiered Frameworks and Systems of Support ....................................................................................... 62 Prevention.................................................................................................................................................... 64

Social-emotional Learning (SEL) ................................................................................................................. 65 Trauma-informed Practices ......................................................................................................................... 66 Mental Health Literacy Training ................................................................................................................... 67 School-based Behavioral Health Programs ................................................................................................. 69

Monitoring and Accountability ..................................................................................................................... 74 Formal Incident Reporting of Conduct Violations ........................................................................................ 74 Parental Notification .................................................................................................................................... 76 Data Collection, Review, and Reporting of Discipline Policies and Actions ................................................ 81

Partnerships between Schools and Law Enforcement .............................................................................. 84 Referrals to Law Enforcement ..................................................................................................................... 84 School Resource Officer (SRO) or School Security Officer (SSO) Training or Certification ....................... 88 Authorizations, Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), and/or Funding..................................................... 89 Threat Assessment Protocols ...................................................................................................................... 92

State-Sponsored, Publicly Available Websites or Other Resources on School Discipline ................... 97

Florida State Codes Cited

Florida Statutes

Title XII. Planning and Development

Chapter 187. State Comprehensive Plan


State comprehensive plan adopted

Title XXIX. Public Health

Chapter 381. Public Health: General Provisions

381.0057. 381.84.

Funding for school health services Comprehensive Statewide Tobacco Education and Use Prevention Program

Chapter 394. Mental Health

Part IV. Community Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

394.66. 394.75.

legislative intent with respect to substance abuse and mental health services State and district substance abuse and mental health plans

Chapter 397. Substance Abuse Services

Part IX. Children's Substance Abuse Services

397.99. 397.997.

School substance abuse prevention partnership grants Prevention resources; Internet website

Title XLVII. Criminal Procedure and Corrections

Chapter 943. Department of Law Enforcement


School Safety Awareness Program

Chapter 985. Juvenile Justice; Interstate Compact on Juveniles

Part III. Custody and Intake; Intervention and Diversion


Taking a child into custody

Title XLVIII. K-20 Education Code

Chapter 1001. K-20 Governance

Part I. State-level Governance

C. Department of Education


Office of safe schools

Part II. School District Governance

A. District School Boards

1001.42. 1001.43

Powers and duties of district school board Supplemental powers and duties of district school board

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B. District School Superintendents


Duties and responsibilities of district school superintendent

C. School Principals


Duties of school principals

Chapter 1002. Student and Parental Rights and Educational Choices

Part II. Student and Parental Rights


K-12 student and parent rights

Part III. Educational Choice


The hope scholarship program

Chapter 1003. Public K-12 Education

Part I. General Provisions

1003.01. 1003.02.


Definitions District school board operation and control of public K-12 education within the school district Student conduct and parental involvement

Part II. School Attendance

1003.26. 1003.27. 1003.29.

Enforcement of school attendance Court procedure and penalties Notice to schools of court action

Part III. Control of Students

1003.31. 1003.32.

Students subject to control of school Authority of teacher; responsibility for control of students; district school board and principal duties

Part IV. Public K-12 Educational Instruction

1003.42. 1003.4205. 1003.46. 1003.497.

Required instruction Disability history and awareness instruction Health education; instruction in acquired immune deficiency syndrome Service learning

Part V. Specialized Instruction for Certain Public K-12 Students

1003.52. 1003.53. 1003.573.

Educational services in Department of Juvenile Justice programs Dropout prevention and academic intervention Use of restraint and seclusion on students with disabilities

Chapter 1006. Support for learning

Part I. Public K-12 Education Support for Learning and Student Services

Subpart A. Learning Services Generally


Educational multiagency services for students with severe emotional disturbance

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Subpart C. Student Discipline and School Safety

1006.07. 1006.08. 1006.09. 1006.11. 1006.12. 1006.13. 1006.135. 1006.147. 1006.148. 1006.1493.

District school board duties relating to student discipline and school safety District school superintendent duties relating to student discipline and school safety Duties of school principal relating to student discipline and school safety Standards for use of reasonable force Safe-school officers at each public school Policy of zero tolerance for crime and victimization Hazing prohibited at schools with any of grades 6-12 Bullying and harassment prohibited Dating violence and abuse prohibited Florida Safe Schools Assessment Tool

Subchapter D. Student Extracurricular Activities and Athletics


District school board, charter school authority and responsibility to establish student eligibility regarding participation in interscholastic and intrascholastic extracurricular activities

Chapter 1011. Planning and budgeting

Part II. Funding for School Districts

1011.62. 1011.78.

Funds for operation of schools Standard student attire incentive payments

Chapter 1012. Personnel

Part III. Public Schools; Personnel

A. Department of Education, District School Board, District School Superintendent, and School Principal Duties; Public School Personnel


Public school personnel; duties of school principals

D. Educator Certification for Public Schools; Renewal; Duties


1012.583. 1012.584.

Continuing education and inservice training for teaching students with developmental disabilities Continuing education and inservice training for youth suicide awareness and prevention Continuing education and inservice training for youth mental health awareness and assistance

F. Educator Benefits; Liability Protection; Awards in Public Schools


Liability of teacher or principal; excessive force

Florida Regulations

Florida Administrative Code Annotated

Title 6. Department of Education

Division 6A. State Board of Education

Chapter 6A-1. Finance and Administration

6A-1.0017. School environmental safety incident reporting (SESIR) 6A-1.0018 School safety requirements and monitoring Chapter 6A-19. Educational Equity

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6A-19.008. Educational and work environment Title 69. Department of Financial Services Division 69A. Division of State Fire Marshal Chapter 69A-58 Fire Safety in Educational Facilities 69A-58.0084. Seclusion Time Out Rooms

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