Cris Release Notes 05

Cris Release Notes 06.04b v1.1


© Healthcare Software Systems 2004

Registered Office: Priory Road, Mansfield-Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire, NG19 9LP

General Information

This release replaces all previous major, minor and emergency releases.

All changes included in a major release will also be included in a minor release.

There is no downtime needed to install a release unless specifically mentioned in the Implementation Issues section.

All sites can be upgraded to this release of Cris.

No changes are included in a release until the change passes all tests and that change has no known issues or has caused any new known issues at the time of release.

Each release of Cris is not normally released with any known issues unless specifically mentioned in the known issues section.

Release Dates & Reason For Release

06.04 22/05/2006 Audit Release to include new functionality and fixes.

06.04a 27/06/2006 Additional fixes and improvements to Audit release.

06.04b 21/07/2006 Patch to fix Referring Location Prefix problem found in 06.04a

Notes on the following tables:

"HSS Ref" – these are internal HSS change numbers.

"LSP Ref" – these relate to Fujitsu Incident references or RFC references.

"Request Only" – these changes are only made active only on specific request by a trust.

"Interest to Trust" – these changes are deemed to be of significance to trusts either because they impacts end users, require trust action or are desirable new features/fixes, which trusts are most likely to take advantage of.

New Functionality

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |Request Only |Interest to |

| | | | |Trust |

|86780 | |Export diff and import format tool | | |

|89205 | |Change/delete old status records via right click menu | |Y |

|89615 | |User in multiple user groups | |Y |

|89631 | |PACS examination names in reports | | |

|89971 | |Print pregnancy fields |Y |Y |

|90066 | |Obstetric graph cross size configuration |Y |Y |

|90147 | |Stats field | |Y |

|90210 | |Recount all button | |Y |

|90215 | |Add national user id | | |

|90441 | |Interface status and message manager views |Y |Y |

|90680 | |Close tab icon | |Y |

|90711 |23417 |Waiting list waiting time | |Y |

|90719 | |Dual reporting | |Y |

|90933 | |Busy hourglass cursor | |Y |

|91082 | |SNOWMED CT field | | |

|91245 | |Printing fexiforms | | |

|92062 | |Agfa PACS dictation triggers | | |

|92346 | |Added configuration settings to the PACS interface | | |

|92385 | |CRIS Help | |Y |

|92416 | |Intended radiologist | |Y |

|94129 | |Network test tool | | |

Issues Resolved

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |Request Only |Interest to |

| | | | |Trusts |

|74393 | |Enter diagnosis codes using coded phrases | | |

|86783 | |Improved print content editor | | |

|86966 | |Delete film track | | |

|88701 | |Append Dictation directory to base directory | | |

|88801 |23358 |Scan reason when foetus is added | |Y |

|89022 | |First patient load time | | |

|89080 | |Event tooltip null pointer exception | | |

|89085 | |Work list status popup | |Y |

|89214 | |New dictation priority colour | |Y |

|89235 |24634 |Inactive fields colour | |Y |

|89385 | |mA decimal places | |Y |

|89429 | |PCE cut copy and paste of formatted text | | |

|89489 | |Stats selectable fields is displayed in alphabetical order | | |

|89508 | |Stats total line value field | | |

|89513a | |Dictation page focus issues | | |

|89513b | |Update unreported list when a dictation is finished | |Y |

|89516 | |Disable practice field | | |

|89523 | |Searching for old dictations | |Y |

|89528 | |Filter Radiologist unverified reports by site code | |Y |

|89623 | |Batch print order | | |

|89762 | |Display coded phrases of dictator not user | |Y |

|89777 | |Reflex order messages | | |

|89802 | |Tape controls | |Y |

|89970 | |BPD and FL fields | |Y |

|89972 | |Liquor volume table | |Y |

|90063 | |Cancel order title | | |

|90147 | |Total lines on stats csv format | |Y |

|90246 | |PACS patient id on merge | | |

|90319 | |New features in print content editor | | |

|90340 | |GP in patients |Y |Y |

|90347 | |User setting inheritance | |Y |

|90455 | |Marking print previewed reports as printed | | |

|90459 | |New event on patient search | | |

|90534 | |Change password | |Y |

|90554 | |Batch print order typed by | | |

|90573 | |Blank obstetric reports |Y | |

|90589 | |Pending date | | |

|90624 | |Spell check | | |

|90625 | |Join patient message | | |

|90889 | |Printing twins obstetric reports | |Y |

|90996 | |Non unique hospital numbers | | |

|91072 | |Restrictions on the “in” selections in stats | | |

|91085 | |Referrer Search | | |

|91119 | |Site codes auto select | |Y |

|91123 | |Revised ARSAC limit error message | | |

|91132 | |Increase code field size in STYPE | | |

|91311 | |Unmerge screen does not fit | |Y |

|91336 |58473 |Request card button | |Y |

|91384 | |Sorting change hospital page | | |

|91414 | |Exam validation group multi | | |

|91463 | |Report Info List Changes | |Y |

|91465 | |Available fields list in stats total lines | | |

|91467 | |Speech mike fixed | | |

|91487 | |Aborted dictation problems | |Y |

|91494 |44294 |DOB error on dictation list | | |

|91510 | |Sex hover help | | |

|91666 | |Staff table queries | | |

|91709 | |Site code setup bug | | |

|91721 | |Porter list columns | | |

|91732 | |Diary exceptions | | |

|91778 | |First exam details | | |

|91820 |59577 |Request category default | |Y |

|91994 | |Results message ID change | | |

|92019 | |Obstetric exam warning | |Y |

|92020 | |User ID tool tip text | | |

|92234 | |Additional debugging on today’s messages | | |

|92237 | |Tool tip location | | |

|92244 | |Diary mouse pointer | | |

|92297 | |Dept lookup in rooms setup | | |

|92337 | |Blank NTE on orders | | |

|92340 | |Merge problem on interface | | |

|92350 | |PAS not updating GP to blank | | |

|92368 | |Backslashes in XR settings | |Y |

|92437 | |Urgency on orders list | |Y |

|92452 | |Speciality default | | |

|92518 | |KH12 Speed Increase | |Y |

|92570 | |Lookup table refresh | | |

|90720 | |Radiol type field in staff setup | | |

|92756 | |order comms status reason | | |

|92732 | |Report info list dictated | |Y |

|92791 | |Useful error messages | | |

|92798 | |Total line number alignment | | |

|92797 | |Count decimals in statistics total lines | | |

|90901 | |User timeout | | |

|92789 | |Scanning crashes | |Y |

|89640 | |Confirm LR | | |

|92843 | |Database reconnect | |Y |

|92793 | |Caching of SQL requests | | |

|91443 | |Fix to status load routine for use in application server | | |

|91543 | |Stats waiting time calculation | | |

|93022 | |Flexiform focus traversal | | |

|90879 | |Schema changes to paper and dept | | |

|93026 | |User setup | |Y |

|93043 | |Demographic history validation | | |

|86780 | |Print System Changes | | |

|93035 | |AGFA PACS 2 way DTI | | |

|93483 | |Change Scan Form | | |

|93727 | |Sorting waiting list by pending column | | |

|93850 | |Rescan request card | |Y |

|94681 | |String field operators in stats total lines | | |

|95124 | |Checked ID | | |

|94605 | |Lowercase hospital numbers | | |

|94622 | |Today’s messages null date | | |

|95321 | |Login SQL Alterations | | |

|95980 | |Download of spell.txt on login | | |

|95967 | |Stats methods on server | | |

|97315 |75904 |Referring Location Prefix | | |

Systems or Other Applications Affected

Implementation Issues Summary

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary and user training required.

Implemented by Trust

New user security setting GENERAL ChangeStatus available to be used.

To continue to see Print Setup, Printing and PrintContentEditor in Cris Setup requires the users group to have the permission VIEWS.PRINTING = Y.

See change description later in document for details.

Implemented by HSS

This change is not inherently backwards compatible. The existing data will need to be checked. The CRISLIQ table will need the previously used CRISSEEN values added to maintain backwards compatibility.

Also the print definition will need to be checked to ensure it uses the new table liquor instead of liquorseen on dating scan 2,4 and growth + anomaly scans 4,6 of anatomy sections.

For those users that require a change in cross size or thickness the print format for obstetrics graphs will require modification.

2 new fields needed in DATAFLDS table. They are EXAMS.WAS WAITING, and EXAMS.WAITING N PLAND.

Print Preview requires loading a preview template into the database. This will not affect any other formats or data.

NPINHERIT table needs adding to the database schema.

User setting VIEWS PERMISSIONS needs to be available.

Configure JBoss and cris settings to allow access to the interface status and message manager. See release note 90441 Interface status and msg manager.

Need to run the new database schema.

The following line needs to be added to the relevant report format (reportrep.vtl) where the flexiform should be printed:


The datafield of DERIVED.NO OF EXAMS needs to have its expression changed to getNumberOfExams(EXAMS.EXAMINATION).

Cris 06.04 requires these schema changes to be made.

Applying a unique index will create problems if there are duplicate rows. In this case all but one of the duplicate rows should be deleted. Since there are only 10-50 rows in this table per SHA, this will not take long.

Need to set LOCATION.PACSIdentifier so that desktop integration can determine the correct patient ID to send to PACS.

Need to set LOCATION.UID.Site so that desktop integration can determine the study UID.

Requires an HL7 PACS interface configured to send study UID from CRIS.

Known Issues

|HSS Ref |LSP Ref |Description |

|92912 | |Fields on event details page not saved when you click process ( finished ( save |

Additional Information


Installation Method

Software placed on server. Each client automatically updated on next reconnect to application.

Appendix A

Change Details

Change details are presented in chronological order – i.e. in the sequence in which the changes have been made to the product build. The net effect of a change must be considered in the light of such sequencing. The format of future release notes is under review with the aim of improving intelligibility to end users.

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |74393 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |22/12/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Diagnosis codes from phrases |

|CRIS Versions Reported In | |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The report finished page did not display diagnosis codes entered via the coded phrases in the report page.

Change Description

When a coded phrase is inserted with a diagnosis code the diagnosis code is added to the event.

Classes and Tables Changed



Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the diagnosis codes entered in the report via coded phrases appeared on the report finished |5 |0 |

| |page. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |86780 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |07/12/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Export, diff and import format tool |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To add a tool to export print formats, highlight the differences and upgrade them.

Change Description

Added a tool to export formats, diff them and upgrade them. Also added the ability to use it for Rooms, Departments and Paper types. Can filter by site or trust and include or exclude generic formats

This tool is not intended for trust use.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Tested exporting, then importing showed which formats were to be overwritten or were new and that |5 |0 |

| |viewing/diffing formats as appropriate worked correctly. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |86783 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |09/12/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Print Content Editor changes |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To improve the functionality of the print content editor.

Change Description

Made changes to display bold, italic and underline in the editor as bold, italic and underline instead of the markup. Also added a ‘grammar checker’ to check to warn attempts to parse formats that don’t exist and limited support for pasting formatted text from Microsoft Word documents.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Tested viewing formats displayed the correct sections as bold, italic, underlined or as a red |5 |0 |

| |strikethrough for formats that don’t exist and ensured that the text survived a save and reload intact. | | |

|5 |Checked that pasting from Microsoft Word worked from a range of documents. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |86966 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |03/01/2005 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Delete Film Track Bug |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

When you delete the last film location it resets the current location of the volume as one of the old tracks, but not necessarily the previous one.

Change Description

Ensured when deleting the last film location it resets the current location of the volume to the previous location.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured deleting the last film location returned the volume’s current location to the previous location.|5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |88701 |

|Incident No. |N/a | |LSP RFC No. |N/a |

|Date Raised |05/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. |N/a |

|Title of Change |Append Dictation Directory to BaseDir |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |all |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

When removing the temporary dictation file CRIS will delete the contents of the BaseDir directory. If this directory is shared with any other data (say it is set to C:/CRIS3) then CRIS will delete everything else in the directory (i.e. In the example given it will delete itself from the machine.)

Change Description

A directory called Dictations is now appended to the end of the BaseDir unless this is already present. i.e.:

BaseDir=C:/CRIS3 would become BaseDir=C:/CRIS3/Dictations

BaseDir=C:/CRIS3/Dictations would remain BaseDir=C:/CRIS3/Dictations

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |Tested the two cases described in 'Change Description' and confirmed that the temporary directory |3 |0 |

| |created has the correct name in both cases. | | |

|Initiator |Dave Hall HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |88801 |

|Incident No. |23358 | |LSP RFC No. |23358 |

|Date Raised |05/12/2005 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Change Scan Reason |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.09b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

When form type is changed on an Obs report and then a foetus is added the wrong scan reason form was added.

Change Description

Added set scan reason when new ultra report is added.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Added new obs report, changed scan reason and added new foetus. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |Dave Hall HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89022 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |12/12/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |First Patient Load Time |

|CRIS Versions Reported In | |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The first patient load takes longer than the second, this is very obvious on slower networks. Problem is that film locations are not loaded at start-up so load on first patient load.

Change Description

Have added film locations to the list of tables loaded at start-up. This will increase the amount of data downloaded at start-up but is more than off-set by other changes which reduce overall data download.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|4 |Included some timing code in PatientManager and checked load times were similar for first and second |4 |0 |

| |patient. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89080 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |13/12/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Event Tooltip NPE |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To prevent the possibility of a null pointer exception being thrown from the event in an event list table row’s tooltip.

Change Description

Checked for null when the event is loaded to construct the tooltip.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured that there were no null pointers thrown when loading the event list table and ‘mousing over’ the|5 |0 |

| |exams. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89085 |

|Incident No. |N/a | |LSP RFC No. |N/a |

|Date Raised |06/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. |N/a |

|Title of Change |Work lists status popup |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |All |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

When a status code is end dated it still appears in the list for selection after the date it was due to end on.

Change Description

For the lists for a single day (i.e. Day List, the Unprocessed List and the Appointment List) status codes with an end date are removed from the selection list when the end date has passed. For lists over a range of days status codes with an end date are removed from the the list when the first date in the range (Waiting/Requested After) is after the end date on the status.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|10 |Added three test status codes (one relevant to each list type) all end dated. Tested to see if the |10 | |

| |status codes appear in the selection list a) before the end date and b) after the end date. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89205 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |14/12/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Change/delete old status records |

|CRIS Versions Reported In | |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To allow users to change old, non-current status records.

Change Description

Added the ability to edit the status of a record in the status history of an event. Accessible via double clicking on an item in the status history list. Controlled by the security setting GENERAL CHANGE_STATUS.

Details of changes made to the status are kept in the change log. The change log is not visible to users but is available if required.

Classes and Tables Changed






Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

New user security setting GENERAL ChangeStatus available to be used.

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the change status dialog appeared only if the CHANGE_STATUS setting was set to Yes and that it |5 |0 |

| |successfully saved status changes. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89214 |

|Incident No. |N/a | |LSP RFC No. |N/a |

|Date Raised |05/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. |N/a |

|Title of Change |New Dictation Priority Colour |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |04.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Increased Clarity. The change makes level four dictations stand out a bit more.

Change Description

Dictations of priority level four are now displayed in orange on the Dictation List.

Dictations of priority level five are still displayed in red. Priorities of 1, 2 and 3 are still in white.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Added three dictations of priority 3, 4 and 5. Then checked they were all displayed with the correct |3 |0 |

| |colours. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89235 |

|Incident No. |050I0024634 | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised | | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Inactive fields colour |

|CRIS Versions Reported In | |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To make the text on inactive fields darker so it is more easily readable.

Change Description

Darkened the text on inactive fields.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the text was darker and more easily readable |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89385 |

|Incident No. |050I0026283 | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |21/12/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |mA Decimal places |

|CRIS Versions Reported In | |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To allow two decimal places in the mA field.

Change Description

Changed the mA value to a double instead of a long and set the format to allow two decimal places.

Classes and Tables Changed






Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured saving and reloading mA values with and without two decimal places worked correctly |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89429 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |21/12/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |PCE cut, copy and paste of formatted text |

|CRIS Versions Reported In | |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Adds new functionality

Change Description

Added/improved the ability to cut, copy and paste formatted text within the Print Content Editor. Also added limited functionality for pasting text from Microsoft Word.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Tested cut, copying and pasting from within the Print Content Editor and from Microsoft Word. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |Steve Jennings – HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89489 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |23/01/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Stats selectable fields displayed in alphabetical order |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The list of fields within a table in stats was sorted by the order of the field name. However stats shows the short description, therefore if the short description was different to the field name, they may not appear to be in alphabetical order to the user, and fields may be more difficult to find.

Change Description

This has been changed to order the fields by the short description before displaying them. This means the fields should always be displayed to the user in alphabetical order

Classes and Tables Changed





Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |View fields in a table in selections tab |3 |0 |

|3 |View fields in a table in outputs tab |3 |0 |

|3 |View fields in a table in group by tab |3 |0 |

|3 |View fields in a table in order by tab |3 |0 |

|3 |View fields in a table in total lines tab |3 |0 |

|Initiator |Steve Jennings - HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89508 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |23/12/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Stats Total Line Value field |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The value field on the total line tab in stats added the value both if you double clicked the value in the table, and also when you pressed return in the field. This was causing many users to add the field twice, as it is natural to press return in a field rather than tab.

Change Description

I have changed the value field to only add the value if return is pressed in the field and not when the user double clicks a value in the table. This should reduce the amount of duplicates the users are creating and having to delete.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |Select a value from the popup menu using the enter key. The value should not be added |2 |0 |

|2 |Select a value from the popup menu by double clicking. The value should not be added. |2 |0 |

|3 |Type keys other than enter in the value field. The value should not be added |3 |0 |

|3 |Press enter in the value field. The contents of the field should be added as a value |3 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89513a |

|Incident No. |N/a | |LSP RFC No. |N/a |

|Date Raised |01/10/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. |N/a |

|Title of Change |Dictation Page Focus Issues with Externally and Partially Dictated Events |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

If the dictation started or Ext Dictated warning message pops up then the focus seems to have gone somewhere strange and stops the function keys such as F5 working. If the message doesn't pop up then it is fine.

Change Description

In the cases where the dictation page is preceded by a selection (yes/no) dialogue focus is now correctly passed to the page.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Loaded a previously started dictation and ensured focus is correct. Loaded an externally dictated event|3 |0 |

| |and ensured focus is correct. Loaded a new dictation and made sure focus is correct. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89513b |

|Incident No. |N/a | |LSP RFC No. |N/a |

|Date Raised |10/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. |N/a |

|Title of Change |Update unreported list when a dictation is finished. |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

When a dictation has been saved against an event it will show the tape or speaker icon on the event. In the unreported list this will only show up after the list has been refreshed. It would be nice if this could show as soon as the user saves the dictation.

Change Description

The Clear() method is called on all pages when a dictation is finished. The Clear() method for the report info list will now refresh the unreported list when called.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|1 |Open the unreported list and pick an event that has not been dictated. Dictate this event and click |1 |0 |

| |finish, check that the speaker icon appears. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89516 |

|Incident No. |050I0024634 | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |28/12/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Disabled fields |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The practice field was not disabled in the patient details tab when all other fields were.

Change Description

Ensured the practice field was disabled if the current user did not have permission to edit the field.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the practice field was disabled when the current user did not have permission to edit the field.|5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89523 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |28/12/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Delete old dictations |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Searching for old dictations by site did not work.

Change Description

Fixed searching for old dictations by site.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured that searching for old dictations by site worked correctly. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89528 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |28/12/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Radiol Shame List |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The Radiologist’s Unverified Reports List is not filtered by site codes.

Change Description

Filtered the Radiologist’s Unverified Reports List by site code. The site codes setup allows users to configure several tables so that the codes are specific to only some of the hospitals on the system.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the Radiologist’s Unverified Reports List is correctly filtered by site code. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89615 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |03/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Users in multiple user groups |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To allow users to choose from multiple users groups – new functionality.

Change Description

On login, a user who belongs to multiple user groups can choose which one to join.

Classes and Tables Changed






Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured logging in worked successfully when the user had either one or more user groups and that the |5 |0 |

| |selected user group settings were correctly applied. | | |

|Initiator |Justine Sutton Kings | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89623 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |03/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Batch Print Order |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To add new functionality so that reports can be printed from batch print and automatically sorted in a new way.

Need to be able to sort batch print by referral source and courier code (found in the referral sources).

Change Description

Added referral source and courier code sort orders for batch report print. If the reports are for the same courier code or referral source then they are sorted by date and time the report was typed.

Classes and Tables Changed




Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Checked that the sort ordering worked as expected. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89631 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |03/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Trust and national user groups |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To be able to get user groups as fixed and not alterable for national level user groups.

To be able to allow user groups to be trust specific.

Change Description

Added a trust field to USRGRP table. Added a SPINE.RoleProtection XR setting. Added a SPINE.OverrideRoleProtection user preference. Changed the user settings display tree to sort by trust with a Generic group of national level groups.

Classes and Tables Changed

USRGRP table








Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Tested adding, creating and editing group settings was not possible for national level groups if role |5 |0 |

| |protection XR setting was on and the override was off. Users can still view the settings though. | | |

|Initiator |Dave Hall HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89640 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |03/01/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Confirm LR |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12a |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Full functionality requirements mean that an LR (Legitimate relationship) be in place for any one to view sensitive information on a patient in CRIS. This means that an LR being requested and the viewing be logged for audit the first time a CRIS user views sensitive data in a login session.

Change Description

Methods have been implemented that will request an LR from the Spine (once this has been implemented) and will log any time a CRIS user first views sensitive data in a login session.

Classes and Tables Changed















New Table Added


userid varchar(10)

crisnumber number(8)

pasid varchar(10)

timeviewed date

lrreason varchar(2)

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|25 |Check that any place in CRIS where a user can see sensitive patient information produces a log patient |25 |0 |

| |view message the first time it is seen on a list and in full. Test that an LR is claimed the first time | | |

| |a user tries to view sensitive patient information and that the LR is checked in the cache each | | |

| |subsequent time that information is viewed. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89762 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |27/05/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Phrases assigned to a user |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The coded phrases are currently taken from those of the user logged in, not who has dictated the report.

Change Description

Changed CRIS to take the coded phrases for a report from those of who dictated the report, not who is currently logged in. This means that Radiologists can now correctly have their own set of phrases that are different to the generic phrases used.

Classes and Tables Changed



Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the phrases displayed were those of who dictated the report, not who was currently logged in. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89777 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |06/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Reflex order messages |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Reflex orders generated as a result of adding and exam to an order and saving as a request do not generate a message for order comms. This is because we do not normally notify OC of an order being stored as a request (there is no HL7 status for this) however in this case we need to generate a new order message in order to get an order ID from OC.

Change Description

Modified Outgoing message generator to generate a message in this circumstance.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Accept an order, add an additional procedure and store as a request. Ensure that a new order message is |5 |0 |

| |generated by the order comms interface. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89793 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |06/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |PACS Examination names in report |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The CRIS HL7 message generator has the facility to include the names of examinations within the report text when generating OBX segments. The PACS interface component (also used for results interfaces) currently lacks the switch to enable this functionality.

Change Description

Added a configuration switch to the PACS message generator to enable the required functionality.

Classes and Tables Changed



Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |With the new configuration option in the default (off) state, Create an attendance and enter a result. |2 |0 |

| |Check that the generated report does not contain examination names. | | |

|2 |With the new configuration option in on state, Create an attendance and enter a result. Check that the |2 |0 |

| |generated report does contain examination names. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89802 |

|Incident No. |050I0027780 | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |06/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Tape controls |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Tape control buttons disappear when selecting the play option at a screen resolution of 1024x768.

Change Description

Removed the word ‘Exam’ in ‘PACS Exam Image’. Also provided an XR setting to remove the Undo and Redo buttons (still accessible via the right click menu or keyboard shortcuts). Defaults to keep the undo and redo buttons.

Classes and Tables Changed



Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured selecting play in the report editor’s dictation tools did not cause the tape control buttons to |5 |0 |

| |disappear. | | |

|5 |Checked that the undo and redo buttons are hidden only if the relevant XR setting is set to No. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89970 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |12/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |BPD and FL |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Two of the measurements on later Obs scans also need to be able to be recorded on the dating scan.

Change Description

Added the BPD and FL to the DATKM Dating Scan.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the FL and BPD fields appeared on the Dating Scan and that they worked as expected. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89971 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |12/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Print pregnancy fields |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To be able to print fields from the current pregnancy; expected delivery date source, LMP date, intended surname and others.

Change Description

Allowed access to the current event being printed, which provides the pregnancy details.

Classes and Tables Changed



Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Tested the relevant fields could be printed. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |89972 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |12/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Liquor volume table |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To allow the liquor volume to have fields other than those in the CRISSEEN table that is used by most of the other anatomy fields.

Change Description

Changed the liquor volume to use the CRISLIQ limited table. This table normally contains values such as Oligo, Poly, Low, Raised etc.

Classes and Tables Changed




Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

This change is not inherently backwards compatible. The existing data will need to be checked. The CRISLIQ table will need the previously used CRISSEEN values added to maintain backwards compatibility.

Also the print definition will need to be checked to ensure it uses the new table liquor instead of liquorseen on dating scan 2,4 and growth + anomaly scans 4,6 of anatomy sections.

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured each form used the CRISLIQ table. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90063 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |16/01/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Cancel Order title |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To display “Cancel Request” instead of “Add Request” as the cancel order finishing page title.

Change Description

Change to display “Cancel Request” instead of “Add Request” as the cancel order finishing page title.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the correct title displayed when the request finish page was used for cancelling orders and when|5 |0 |

| |finishing requests. | | |

|Initiator |Dave Hall HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90066 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |16/01/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Obstetric Graph Cross Size Configuration |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12a |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Users would like to be able to define the size and thickness of crosses on the printed obstetrics graphs to aid clarity.

Change Description

A method has been added to allow the size and thickness of crosses on the printed obstetrics graphs to be defined.

Classes and Tables Changed





Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


For those users that require a change in cross size or thickness the print format for obstetrics graphs will require modification.

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|4 |Change the size and thickness of crosses and print obstetrics reports to confirm that the size and |4 |0 |

| |thickness have been altered correctly. | | |

|Initiator |Steve Jennings – HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90147 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |17/01/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |New Stats Field for exams that have been on the waiting list or were a scheduled appointment, but were never planned |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12.b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

We did not have a field which corresponded to the field the trusts are required to return on the DWT activity report, which was “Cumulative waiting list tests / procedures excluding planned”.

Change Description

A new method has been created to recognise that an exam was either on the waiting list or had an appointment but was never on the pending list.

Classes and Tables Changed



Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

2 new fields needed in DATAFLDS table. They are EXAMS.WAS WAITING, and EXAMS.WAITING N PLAND.

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Scheduled appointment never on pending list |5 |0 |

|4 |Waiting exam never on pending list |4 |0 |

|7 |Waiting and scheduled appointment never on pending list |7 |0 |

|2 |Scheduled appointment been on pending list |2 |0 |

|3 |Waiting exam been on pending list |3 |0 |

|2 |Waiting and scheduled appointment been on pending list |2 |0 |

|10+ |Not waiting or scheduled exam |All |0 |

|Initiator |Steve Jennings – HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90147 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |17/01/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Total lines on stats csv format |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12a |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

When running a stat report to csv format, the total lines that count the figures were not output, they were only output on the user friendly format. This made it impossible for the users to open the file in excel, and copy and paste the figures around.

Change Description

The csv format output of a stat now includes total line values on it, enabling the user to copy and paste and manipulate the figures, just as they can the rest of the report.

Classes and Tables Changed



Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Run stat with overall total lines to csv format. |5 |0 |

|2 |Run stat with group total lines to csv format. |2 |0 |

|4 |Run stat with overall and group total lines to csv format. |4 |0 |

|2 |Run stat without any total lines to csv format. |2 |0 |

|5 |Run stat with overall total lines to user friendly format. |5 |0 |

|2 |Run stat with group total lines to user friendly format. |2 |0 |

|4 |Run stat with overall and group total lines to user friendly format. |4 |0 |

|2 |Run stat without any total lines to user friendly format. |2 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90210 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |20/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Recount Button Added to the Radiologists Page |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Functionality required.

Change Description

'Recount all' button has been added to the bottom of the Radiologist page.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Added three reported but not verified events and check, for each one, if they appear on the |3 |0 |

| |radiologists list. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90215 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |18/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Add national user ID |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To add scope for accessing a national ID variable.

Change Description

Added a national_id field to the database and the staff setup table.

Classes and Tables Changed





Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Checked the new field existed and was editable from the staff setup with validation as appropriate. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90246 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |19/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |PACS Patient ID on merge |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

If a PACS system is installed subsequent to the installation of CRIS there is a chance that some patients on CRIS will never have been sent to PACS. If one of these patients is the source patient of a merge, the PACS interface will not populate the MRG:1 field with the patients ID.

Change Description

When processing the merge message, prior to looking up the PACS identifier of the source patient, create a temporary message and populate the PID with the source patient, then call checkRequiredIdentifier on this PID segment. This will create the PACS identifier if it does not currently exist. Also, if the source patient has a previous PACS id and it has changed since last being sent to PACS the interface will first send a merge from the old ID to the new one, prior to sending the merge to the destination patient.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |Create two patients on CRIS, perform a merge. Ensure that the message is generated and contains IDs of |2 |0 |

| |both the source patients. | | |

|2 |Create two patients on CRIS. Remove the PACS id record for the source patient (simulating the scenario |2 |0 |

| |where a PACS has been installed after go live and the interface has not generated a PACS id record for | | |

| |this patient). Perform a merge. Ensure that the message is generated and contains IDs of both the | | |

| |source patients. | | |

|Initiator |Alexander Slack HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |86783, 90319, 91092 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised | | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |New features in Print Content Editor |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Some tasks in the Print Content editor are not obvious and are difficult to test. The following changes will make it easier to use.

Change Description

Now groups templates by trust and type to more easily identify which templates affect what sites.

Has a Print Preview option to see how a template will look on the printed page including options for age, sex, room, status, letter, modality, inpatient, private etc. Previosly this required making multiple test events which is impractical on live systems.

Has a search option to find text in any format.

Has a references option to find references to the current template. Right click on template.

Has a feature to load multiple formats and exam to preparation code associations supplied in the HSS standard format.

Supports pasting formatted text from Microsoft Word.

Highlights some common errors

No longer asks to save changes after Control-A or Control-C.

Dialogs now behave more logically

Shows Velocity parse error dialogs.

PrintSetup, Printing and PrintContentEditor are now controller by the security setting VIEWS PRINTING.

Shows a list of all prep codes at the current trust, making it easier to find and edit them

Makes it possible to see what preps are for which exams and enables the user to change these easily.

Improved “New” dialog makes it clearer what templates should be named

Displays HSS markup again to make it easier to fix mistakes

Improved list of common expressions

Shows title of template separately (the first line if it starts with ##) to encourage the use of titles

PrintContentEditor added to Setup/system/PrintContentEditor rather than having to go though Print Setup.

Unicode characters are filtered out of saved templates to avoid printer driver problems

Classes and Tables Changed

Several classes in hss.print.*, hss.admintools.setup.*, and hss.cris3.jdbc.PrintManager.

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

Print Preview requires loading a preview template into the database. This will not affect any other formats or data.

To continue to see Print Setup, Printing and PrintContentEditor in Cris Setup requires the users group to have the permission VIEWS.PRINTING = Y.

Test Results.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Create new template makes an entry in both Templates and Trusts |5 |0 |

|5 |Rename template moves it to the appropriate Trust folder |5 |0 |

|5 |Delete template removes it from both Templates and Trusts |5 |0 |

|5 |Search finds correct number of results |5 |0 |

|5 |References finds appropriate references |5 |0 |

|5 |Prep list shows which exams use it |5 |0 |

|5 |Template Print Preview works, and notifies user of parse errors |5 |0 |

|5 |Page Preview works for status letters and preparation text |5 |0 |

|5 |Security setting VIEWS.PRINTING enables or disables the Print Setup. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90340 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |23/01/05 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |GP In Patients |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

If an event is entered with a ward that defaults to GP patient type then it copies the patients registered GP and practice onto the event. It should only do this if the patient type has a G group too.

Change Description

Modified the event entry to only apply the patient’s GP details where the ward defaults to GP patient type and the patient type group is G too.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the patient’s GP details were only carried forward when appropriate. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90347 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |23/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |User setting inheritance |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To add functionality for the National Programme.

Change Description

Filters the available security settings if the XR setting SPINE.InheritancePolicyOn is set to Yes and the user setting SPINE.OverrideInheritancePolicy is not set to Yes. Configurable through AvailablePermissions setup table when the security setting VIEWS PERMISSIONS allows.

Classes and Tables Changed

Added database table NPINHERIT






Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

NPINHERIT table needs adding to the database schema.

User setting VIEWS PERMISSIONS needs to be available.

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured that when the XR setting was set to Yes and the override user setting was not enabled that the |5 |0 |

| |list of available user settings was filtered to include only those specified in the NPINHERIT table for | | |

| |that group or any recursed parent of that group. | | |

|5 |Checked that the Available Permissions page worked as expected. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90441 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |26/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Added Interface status and message manager views to GUI |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To provide the ability for users to view the status of interfaces from within the GUI and also to view, delete, and reprocess messages that have failed or are backlogged.

Change Description

Added two new views, Interface Message Manager and View Interface Status. These are accessible from the Tools menu.

Classes and Tables Changed



hss.admintools.jms package

hss.admintools.jmx package

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

The following security items need to be added to the CRISITEM normal table.



The jboss application server needs to be reconfigured to allow remote calls to the JMX, JMS and JNDI services via HTTP over TCP port 8081, as follows.

Reconfigure the port that the jbossmq http invocation layer listens on, this defaults to port 8080 and needs to be changed to 8081 by editing


and adding the line


The HTTP invoker for JMX & JNDI also needs to be reconfigured to listen on port 8081, the default is 8080 by editing


and changing all references of port 8080 to 8081. There are four references in total (one appears in a comment)

All MBeans within an interface need to have a unique JMX Name, This will require the renaming of some components.

Access to individual queues in the message manager is controlled by the Roles property in the users preferences. A role of QueueAdmin gives the user access to all queues, to give a user access to queues for a specific trust give them a role of {TRUSTCODE}QueueAdmin, eg RN7QueueAdmin for Dartford.

No downtime is necessary for any of the above.

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Select the message manager from tools, ensure that all available queues are displayed and messages are |5 |0 |

| |viewable. | | |

|5 |Select the interface status viewer from tools, ensure that all interfaces are displayed with a correct |5 |0 |

| |interpretation of the current status. | | |

|5 |Select the message manager from tools whilst the jboss application server is not accessible, ensure that|5 |0 |

| |this does not lock the GUI | | |

|5 |Select the interface status viewer from tools whilst the jboss application server is not accessible, |5 |0 |

| |ensure that this does not lock the gui | | |

|5 |From the message manager, ensure that it is possible to delete messages |5 |0 |

|5 |From the message manager, ensure that it is possible to move messages between queues. |5 |0 |

|5 |Ensure that message manage only gives access to queues that the user is entitled to. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90455 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |27/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Marking print previewed reports as printed |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Reports which are printed to print preview are marked as printed.

Change Description

If the current report printer is set to print preview then printed reports will not be marked as printed.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured that printed reports were only marked as printed when the current report printer was not set to |5 |0 |

| |print preview. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90459 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |27/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |New Event on patient search |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To enable a new event to be added without viewing the list of previous events for a patient.

Change Description

Added a New Event button to the patient search results page.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the New Event button appeared on the patient search page and allowed the creation of new events |5 |0 |

| |for a selected patient. | | |

|Initiator |Dave Hall HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90534 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |30/01/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change | |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12a |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

There were problems encountered when changing the CRIS password for users other than the current user.

Change Description

Password changing method was rewritten and streamlined.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Change password for the current user using both change password from tools menu and from staff table in |5 |0 |

| |setup. Ensure user can log in using ne password. | | |

|5 |Change password for a different user using the staff table in setup. Ensure user can log in using new | | |

| |password. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90554 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |31/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Batch Print Order Typed By |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

In report batch printing when using typed by order the reports don’t always come out in the order they were typed. This was because the reports were typed in the same minute and their report key was above 16 million.

Change Description

Added fix for systems using reports keys from 16 million upwards by adding two zeros to the upper limit of report key on the sort camparison.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured that reports printed successfully in typed by order |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90573 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |31/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |REPORT.AllowBlank |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Currently this XR setting does not allow for obstetric reports to be saved without text. This should not happen as obstetrics reports can be filled in without free text.

Change Description

Ignore the REPORT.AllowBlank setting on obstetrics reports

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured obstetrics reports did not error on saving without free text and that other reports did. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90589 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |31/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Pending date |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To ensure a date is entered on events added to a pending list.

Change Description

Provides GUI feedback to the user to inform them they need to enter a date when they attempt to add an event to a pending list without one.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the error dialog appeared whenever adding an event to a pending list without a date and that it |5 |0 |

| |did not appear otherwise. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90624 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |01/02/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Spell check |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Spell checking is inconsistent between ‘on-the-fly’ checking of words and loading a full document.

Change Description

Consolidated the delimiters used in each place to use a single location.

Classes and Tables Changed



Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured both spell checking methods used the same set of delimiters. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90625 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |01/02/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Join Patient Message |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To add ability to show a warning message always, never or conditionally on patients being merged with more than one difference. A difference applies to forenames, surnames and individual digits of the date of birth which do not match between patients. Also applies to linking CRIS with PAS records.

Change Description

Added the warning message. Dependent on the XR setting RECEPT_MERGE_PATIENTS_WARNING.

Classes and Tables Changed





Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

No mandatory actions. XR settings must be altered if the new functionality is required.

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the warning message appeared when appropriate and with correctly highlighted differences. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90680 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |02/02/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Close tab icon |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Add new functionality.

Change Description

Added a close icon to tabs in the setup table to enable the user to close individual tabs.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the icon successfully closed the correct tab. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90711 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |13/02/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Waiting list waiting time |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To display the waiting time, less suspended/pending time in the Waiting list.

Change Description

Incorporated this waiting time into the tooltip for the date in the Waiting list table.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the tooltip appeared when different from the standard total waiting time and that it displayed |5 |0 |

| |as expected. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |85223 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |03/02/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Dual Reporting |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To allow a second radiologist on a report to ‘check’ it and allow the first radiologist to then verify the report, both from batch verification and the normal reporting finished page.

Change Description

Added the functionality.

Classes and Tables Changed




Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured that marking a report as unchecked moved it to the first radiologist’s unverified list and that |5 |0 |

| |it was possible to do this from the batch verify and normal reporting routes. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90720 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |03/02/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Radiol type field in staff setup |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

If only the radiologist type field in the staff setup table is changed then it isn’t updated to the database.

Change Description

Ensured the update took place if the radiologist type field was changed.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the radiologist type field updated to the database when changed, even when it was the only field|5 |0 |

| |adjusted. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90889 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |10/02/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Printing Twins Obs reports |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

If you have multiple foetuses and enter the CRL on a foetus other than the first one then the CRL graph is not printed for that foetus.

Change Description

Change to check for each foetus rather than just against the first one.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured that for any foetus with a CRL entered that the CRL graph was printed. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |Dave Hall HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90901 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |10/02/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |User Timeout Spine Alive Message |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12a |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

There is a need for a message to be sent to the Spine at predetermined intervals to inform it of user activity in CRIS. The message should not be sent if there has been no user activity in CRIS since the last message was sent.

Change Description

Added a Spine message timer and XR setting to define when a Spine Keep Alive message should be sent.

Classes and Tables Changed





Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|6 |Set the Keep Spine Alive XR setting to 1 minute, log into CRIS. Whilst activity occurs in CRIS the spine|6 |0 |

| |message should be sent every minute. Once activity stops in CRIS the spine message should stop being | | |

| |sent. Once activity in CRIS resumes the spine message should resume being sent. | | |

|Initiator |Alex Slack HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90933 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised | | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Hourglass cursor now shown when the CRIS application is busy. |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Users find it confusing that the application is busy and ignores mouse and keyboard input, but does not give any indication that it is busy. This change causes CRIS to display the hourglass cursor in these circumstances.

Change Description

If the event thread takes more than 400ms to return then the hourglass cursor is shown.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Testing busy state in various application states |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90996 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |14/02/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Non unique hospital numbers |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To allow multiple patients to have the same Hospital Number, when allowed by an XR setting RECEPT_ALLOW_DUPLICATE_HOSPITAL_NUMBERS.

Change Description

Allowed searching by hospital number to return multiple patients.

Allowed linking of CRIS and PAS patients with the same hospital number.

Allowed manual editing of hospital numbers to new hospital numbers as long as they didn’t conflict with other hospital numbers within the same PAS group.

Classes and Tables Changed




Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured searching by hospital number produced a selected patient if one was found or a search screen if |5 |0 |

| |multiple patients were found and that there was no new display if there were no patients found. | | |

|5 |Ensured that CRIS and PAS patients with the same hospital number could be linked when allowed by the |5 |0 |

| |appropriate XR setting. | | |

|5 |Checked that manually editing a hospital number would only error if the new hospital number conflicted |5 |0 |

| |with another and if appropriate, only when that other hospital number was within the same PAS group. | | |

|Initiator |Steve Jennings HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91072 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |16/02/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Restrictions on the “in” selections in stats |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

If the user selects the “in” operator on a field, to find any results that contain the specified value, they should not be restricted to only the values contained within any popup table for the field

Change Description

If the operator on the stat field is "in" for value contains the specified value, the user is no longer only restricted to values contained within any popup table in the field, they can specifiy any value.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Enter random value in field when “in” is the operator |5 |5 |

|10 |Enter random value in field when anything except “in” is the operator |10 |10 |

|3 |Enter random value in field when previously saved stat loaded and “in” is the operator |3 |3 |

|3 |Enter random value in field when previously saved stat loaded and anything except “in” is the operator |3 |3 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91082 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |16/02/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |SNOMED CT field |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To add a SNOMED CT field to Exam Code setup.

Change Description

Added the SNOMED CT field.

Classes and Tables Changed




Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

Need to run the new database schema.

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the SNOMED CT field appeared and worked as expected. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |Steve Jennings – HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91085 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |16/02/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Referrer Search |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Once a GP or dentist and a practice had been searched, the user could show all practices for a GP or dentist, and then all GP's and dentists at that practice, but they were then unable to pick both a GP and practice code simultaneously.

Change Description

It is now possible to search for a GP or dentist and a practice, show all practices for a particular GP or dentist, and then show all GP's and dentists for that particular practice, and still choose which GP and practice you require.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Pick a GP and practice after a GP search |3 |3 |

|3 |Pick a GP and practice after a practice search |3 |3 |

|3 |Pick a GP and practice after a search and showing linked practices to GP's |3 |3 |

|3 |Pick a GP and practice after a search and showing linked GP's to practices |3 |3 |

|5 |Pick a GP and practice after a search and showing linked GP's to practices, and also linked practices to|5 |5 |

| |GP's | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91119 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |17/02/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Site codes auto selects |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To only have ticked sites within sitecodes for the current trust for newly added codes.

Change Description

Adds sites which aren’t in the current trust as unchecked for newly added codes in sitecodes.

Classes and Tables Changed




Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured adding a code that appears in sitecodes appeared with only sites in the current trust selected. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91123 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |23/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Revised ARSAC limit error message |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Error message was not satisfactory.

Change Description

Clear error message added.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|1 |Tested to see if the new error message displays correctly. |1 |0 |

|Initiator |Steve Jennings – HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91132 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |16/02/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Increase code field size in STYPE |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The code field in the STYPE table needs to be increased as the key currently generated at the data centre is 8 digits long, and the code field is only 4 characters long currently

Change Description

Increase the code field in the STYPE table to 8 characters to allow the long keys to fit in the table. This is only a database change.

Classes and Tables Changed

STYPE table

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Add a new stock type with a code of over 4 digits long |3 |3 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91215 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |08/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Printing flexiforms |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To allow for printing flexiforms in the latest version of CRIS.

Change Description

Added support for printing flexiforms.

Classes and Tables Changed





Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

The following line needs to be added to the relevant report format (reportrep.vtl) where the flexiform should be printed:


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Tested several different flexiform versions and ensured all labels and values were printed. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |David Hall | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91311 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |24/02/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Unmerge screen does not fit |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The patient selection area on the unmerge patients tools no longer will fit on a screen resolution of 1024x768. This is because of change 88441 inadvertently altering the height of the DOB and Surname fields.

Change Description

The DOB and surname fields have been reset back to their original size

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Test the areas that use the patient search class to make sure they now fit on 1024x768 resolution |3 |0 |

| |screens. | | |

|Initiator |Andrew Grant - FJS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91336 |

|Incident No. |36264 | |LSP RFC No. |58473 |

|Date Raised |24/2/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. |6/03/2006 |

|Title of Change |Add request card button to report page |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Request card can not be viewed from the report page.

Change Description

Request Card button added to the report page

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |Ensure request card is displayed upon clicking button when request card tab is displayed and not |2 |0 |

| |displayed. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91384 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |28/02/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Change hospital |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Sorting the table by selecting a column header in the Change hospital page updates the display order but not the order of the data in the background.

Change Description

Updated it to function as expected.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured that even after resorting the hospitals the selection behaviour worked appropriately |5 |0 |

|Initiator |Dave Hall - HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91414 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |28/02/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Exam validation for examination group multi |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Event details page is not populated with associated exams when an exam of type examination group multi is selected.

Change Description

Case statement has been added to deal with exams of type ‘M’ and a procedure called examValidateGroupMulti has been created to validate exams of this type.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Exams correctly populated with unique associated exams, duplicate exams and blank parameters are ignored|3 |0 |

|Initiator |Nik Solomon HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91463 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |02/03/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Report Info List Improvements |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12a |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Usability improvements.

Change Description

An error in the date range facility ignoring one day ranges has been fixed.

The status of the include dictated check box will now be remembered.

The selected tab will now be remembered.

The refresh all that occurred on saving a profile has been stopped.

The error where criteria were not remembered between displays of the info lists has been fixed.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Select various date ranges including single day ranges and ensure the correct reports are displayed. |5 |0 |

|6 |Set the include dictated check box to various states in various saved profiles and the no profile |6 |0 |

| |selected option. Close and reopen the report info list and ensure the include dictated check box is | | |

| |correctly set for each profile. | | |

|4 |Set various tabs as the selected tab in various profiles and the no profile selected option. Reload the |4 |0 |

| |various profiles and ensure the correct tab is displayed. | | |

|3 |Add and save a profile and ensure that a refresh all is not performed. |3 |0 |

|5 |Set various criteria in the text fields and save. Ensure that the criteria are remembered when loading |5 |0 |

| |profiles and using the no selected profile. | | |

|Initiator |Steve Jennings - HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91465 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |02/03/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Available fields list in stats total lines |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The countable and top level stats datafields were still available in the stats total line entry. This allowed users to select them but they actually would not behave correctly should they ever be selected, which is why they are not available on any of the other lists in stats.

Change Description

The countable and top level fields are no longer selectable in the available fields tree of the stats total line entry. They were already excluded from the output fields and selections tabs, however they were still available in the total lines, and this would cause problems in the stats.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |The countable fields don't show up in the stats total line available fields tree |2 |0 |

|2 |The top level fields don't show up in the stats total line available fields tree |2 |0 |

|5 |The other fields do show up in the stats total line available fields tree |5 |0 |

|2 |The countable fields don't show up in the output fields available fields tree |2 |0 |

|2 |The top level fields don't show up in the output fields available fields tree |2 |0 |

|2 |The other fields do show up in the output fields available fields tree |2 |0 |

|Initiator |Dave Hall - HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91467 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |02/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Speech mike fix |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The buttons on speech mikes sometimes stop working.

Change Description

Code added to ensure that speech mike is assumed to be working until an error is thrown that proves otherwise.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|4 |Check all three types of speech mike work and that correct errors are thrown when the speech mike really|4 |0 |

| |isn’t working | | |

|Initiator |DH – HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91487 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |02/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Aborted dictation problems |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

If a new dictation is started but not saved the dictated flag is not removed from the event.

Also if they start the dictation then select a different event from the same patient, the focus has got confused and the function key does not work e.g. F5

Change Description

Unsaved dictations are removed from the database upon clearing the screen (Excluding external dictations). This means the dictation flag will no longer appear for unsaved dictations.

Code added to ensure focus is grabbed by dictation page after aborting a dictation and choosing another event from the same patient.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Dication flag appears for saved dictations |3 |0 |

| |Dictation flag does not appear for unsaved dictations | | |

| |Focus is properly grabbed after aborting a dictation | | |

|Initiator |Dave - HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91494 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |02/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |DOB error on dictation list |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

If you have a dictation for a patient that fails DOB validation an error message is displayed when you refresh the dictation list. This error does not detail which patient has caused the error.

Change Description

Change the error message so that the CRIS number is displayed for the patient that caused the error.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Error message is displayed including patient CRIS number when DOB validation is failed |3 |0 |

|3 |Make sure the dictation list shows correctly when no DOB errors exist |3 |0 |

|Initiator |Cate Peace - QMC | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91510 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |30/01/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Sex hover help |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

No hover help is displayed for the sex field

Change Description

Add help text that appears when a user hovers over the sex field

Classes and Tables Changed



Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|1 |Check help text appears when mouse is positioned over sex field |1 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91666 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |08/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Staff table queries |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

When loading the Staff setup table there are multiple queries to the database. Some of these are repeated and are likely to result in reduced performance, to a degree.

Change Description

Removed the causes of the repeat queries.

Classes and Tables Changed




Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the staff setup table did not repeat any database queries and that it still functioned as |5 |0 |

| |expected. | | |

|Initiator |Steve J - HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91709 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |07/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Site code setup bug |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

In site codes setup, if you change the position of a column, i.e., make the last column the first column, and then tick it, the tick gets put in or removed from the site that is now in the second column.

Change Description

Site codes setup changed so that correct column is ticked/unticked when columns have been moved. Columns are referenced using column names rather than column numbers to avoid confusion when the order of columns is changed.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|6 |Check correct columns are ticked/unticked when columns are in default order (using mouse for input). |6 |0 |

| |Check correct columns are ticked/unticked when columns are in a modified order (using mouse for input). | | |

| |Check table data is saved as expected in above scenarios. | | |

| |Repeat above tests using keyboard as input device | | |

|Initiator |Steve J | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91721 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |09/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Porters list columns |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The “When” column on the porters list page is far too big and the “Porters column needs to be slightly wider to display long user id’s.

Change Description

The “When” column has been made smaller and the “Porter” column has been made slightly wider. The “Porter” column is now also resizable.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Check “When” column is now the correct width. |3 |0 |

| |Check “Porter” column is wide enough for long user id’s | | |

| |Check “Porter” column can be resized | | |

|Initiator |Dave - HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91731 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |09/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Diary Exceptions |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

A lot of exceptions occur in the diary when you hover over the diary slots.

Change Description

Changes have been made to the diary to stop exceptions occurring when you hover over the diary slots.

Classes and Tables Changed



Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|1 |Check exceptions no longer occur when hovering over the diary slots and functionality has not been |1 |0 |

| |affected. | | |

|Initiator |Steve J - HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91778 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |11/11/04 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |First exam details |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12.b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

When the first exam on an event is deleted, any diagnosis codes or bone densitometry details will not be moved to the next exam. Currently these are stored against the first exam key on the event, but if that exam gets removed, these details disappear. Injections have a similar problem where all injections for an event are stored against the last nuclear medicine exam at the time of creating the injection. If this exam is deleted the injections are lost.

Change Description

Before deleting an exam move any diagnosis codes and bone densitometry details to the next exam that is not about to be deleted. Also move any injections stored against the exam to the next nuclear medicine exam.

Classes and Tables Changed



Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Diagnosis codes are remembered when 1st exam is deleted |3 |0 |

| |Bone densitometry is remembered when 1st exam is deleted | | |

| |Injections are remembered when an exam with injections attached is deleted | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91820 |

|Incident No. |39783 | |LSP RFC No. |59577 |

|Date Raised |19/03/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. |BJC |

|Title of Change |Request Category Default |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

CRIS was displaying the default values for all GP referred events ie when referral location was set to GP, even when they have been manually changed. Database had stored the change, the problem was just in display.

Change Description

Made CRIS display the saved value for request category on all events where referral location was set to GP.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |Tested the defaults still populate automatically. Tested that users can change patient type and it will|2 |0 |

| |display correctly. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91994 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |15/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Results message ID change |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The PACS Interface (also used for results interfaces) will often generate multiple result messages from the same interface trigger. As the HL7 message ID is generated directly from the interface trigger ID this results in the duplication of message ID’s which is contrary to the HL7 specification and causes problems for some third party systems.

Change Description

Appended a colon, followed by an incrementing sequence counter to the message ID for each result message generated from the same trigger.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |Generate a report for a single exam attendance, the generated message id’s should end with “:0” |2 |0 |

|2 |Generate a report for an attendance with more than one exam. The colon delimited suffix should increment|2 |0 |

| |for each subsequent generated message. | | |

|Initiator |Dave Hall – HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92019 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |16/03/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Obstetric exam warning |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

If an obstetric exam has been reported and the user then changes the exam to a non obstetric exam then the report will no longer be visible.

Change Description

Display a warning when the user changes a reported obstetric exam to a non obstetric exam.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|4 |Reported obstetric exams can be changed to other obstetric exams without warning. |4 |0 |

| |Warning is displayed when reported obstetric exam is changed to non obstetric exam. | | |

| |Warning is displayed when reported obstetric exam is changed to an exam without a scan reason. | | |

| |No warning is displayed when an unreported obstetric exam is changed | | |

|Initiator |Ian – HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92020 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |13/3/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |User id tool tip text |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The tool tip for user id no longer works. It should show the name of the user logged in.

Change Description

Added a tool tip to the user id to display the name of the user logged in.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|1 |Correct username is displayed when you hover over user id |1 |0 |

|Initiator |Ben Carroll | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92062 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |17/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Agfa PACS dictation triggers |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Additional functionality required.

Change Description

Added calls to three methods in PACS interface. These methods are: startDictation(), completeDictation() and abortDictation(). These calls are performed when the dictation page is opened, closed using the finish button and closed when the current page is cleared.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Opened a dictation and checked the relevant call was made. Closed the dictation by clearing the patient|3 |0 |

| |and checked the relevant call was made. Opened a dictation then closed it using the finish button and | | |

| |ensured the correct call was made. | | |

|Initiator |Alan Shields | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92234 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |28/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Added debugging information to todays messages |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

There was a problem on instance 1 at sdc01 whereby the todays messages process appeared to go into an infinite loop (it stopped processing messages and cpu usage rose to 100%). Need additional debugging information on this component to give a better idea of the problem should it happen again.

Change Description

Added additional debugging messages to the todays messages routine.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Ensure that the updated component still picks up and queues messages. |3 | |

|Initiator |Joe Bloggs Hosp Code | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92237 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |23/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Tool tip location |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12.b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Tool tips no longer auto position themselves and can be hidden by the taskbar

Change Description

Change the user id tool tip to always appear above the cursor. Also set the position of tool tips on the event list so they cannot be displayed lower than the bottom of the application

Classes and Tables Changed



Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |User id tool tip is always displayed above cursor |2 |0 |

| |Tool tips on event list never go below the bottom of the application | | |

|Initiator |Dave Hall – HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92244 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |23/03/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Diary mouse pointer |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

When dragging an appointment around on the diary the mouse pointer flickers and sometimes appears as an egg timer. Also when dragging an exam from the scratch pad the drop not allowed symbol is not displayed.

Exceptions occur when you drag on an empty room slot. Exceptions are also produced when you have multiple exams in a single room slot and then hover over the dead space to get the tool tip.

Change Description

Make alterations so that the egg timer cursor is not displayed when in the diary and so the correct cursor is displayed when dragging exams from the scratch pad. Catch the exceptions so they are not displayed.

Classes and Tables Changed



Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|4 |Cursor no longer flicker when dragging appointments around the diary. |4 |0 |

| |Correct cursor is displayed when dragging exams from the scratch pad. | | |

| |Exceptions are not thrown when dragging on an empty room slot | | |

| |Exceptions are not thrown when hovering over dead space in a room slot containing multiple exams | | |

|Initiator |Alex Slack HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92297 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised | | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Department lookup in Rooms setup now only displays departments for the current trust. |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

SHAs with a large number of departments and trusts find it difficult to use the Department lookup. As this is essential to printing appointment letters it is necessary to make sure it is easy to use.

Change Description

Departments listed in the departments lookup are only for the current trust, not all trusts.

Classes and Tables Changed

ExamManager, Room

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Lookup works |5 |0 |

|Initiator |Alan Shields | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92337 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |27/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Blank NTE on orders |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

On order comms (oracle) it is presently impossible to send a blank line of text within the clinical notes, as an empty text field in the NTE segment results in the word null being inserted in the notes, and a set of double quotes results in the quotes being inserted in the text.

Need to change the interface to replace null and "" with an empty string.

Change Description

Added two lines of code to the NTE processing section of the incoming messages processor to replace null and “” with an empty string.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Send an order message to the interfacing containing clinical notes text and some blank lines signified |3 |0 |

| |by “” and also by an empty NTE. | | |

|Initiator |Alan Shields | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92340 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |27/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Merge problem on interface |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |Interface prior to 0603A |CRIS Versions containing change. |Interface 0603A |

Reason For Change

When a patient is linked (via merge) the previous hospital number is saved as an Old:x number, when linking a patient that already had an Old:x number the link failed due to a bug in the Old number manipulation code in PatientManager

Change Description

Fixed the String manipulation code in getOldSiteCode in PatientManager

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |From the PAS, send a merge message to CRIS where the source patient is registered on CRIS and the |2 |0 |

| |destination is not. This will move the previous hospital number to Old:1. Now merge this patient to | | |

| |another that is not registered on CRIS, the previous hospital number should this time be moved to Old:2 | | |

|Initiator |Alan Shields | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92346 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |27/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Added configuration settings to the PACS interface |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Additional functionality.

Change Description

Extra switches added to allow customisation of the PACS interface.


Allows for report messages to be sent containing just the report for the exam that the message specifies.


Allows the observation id field of the OBX segments in the report to identify the examination pertaining to individual sections of the report.

Classes and Tables Changed




Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |With SendReportForAllExams set to true (Default) create a report on CRIS for an attendance with multiple|2 | |

| |exams, and ensure that the generated messages contain the full report. | | |

|2 |With SendReportForAllExams set to false create a report on CRIS for an attendance with multiple exams, |2 | |

| |and ensure that the generated messages contain only the report text for the specified examination. | | |

|2 |With IndividualExamsInObservationID set to false (the default), create a report on CRIS for an |2 | |

| |attendance with multiple exams, and ensure that the observation ID of all the OBX segments contains the | | |

| |examination that the message relates to. | | |

|2 |With IndividualExamsInObservationID set to true, create a report on CRIS for an attendance with |2 | |

| |multiple exams, and ensure that the observation IDs of each OBX segments contains the examination that | | |

| |the OBX segment relates to. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92350 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |27/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Interface not updating GP to Blank when “” is received |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Bug Fix.

Change Description

When the PAS interface receives “” as the GP and referral code, the system now updates it to blank.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |Send a patient demographic message with a GP and referral code, then send an update with a blank GP and |2 |0 |

| |referral code. | | |

|Initiator |Dave - HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92368 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |28/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Slashes in XR settings |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

If you try to change an XR setting to contain a backslash it will disappear when the settings are saved.

Change Description

The backslash is an escape character in java so measures were taken to ensure backslashes are saved correctly in XR settings.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|1 |Backslashes are saved in XR settings |1 |0 |

|Initiator |Nik - HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92385 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |28/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |CRIS Help |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

No help is displayed when you click Help ( Contents on the menu

Change Description

Open up a browser window when a user clicks on Help ( Contents. The browser is directed to a URL that is set in the GENERAL.HelpUrl XR setting. If the setting is blank then the browser will be directed to .

Classes and Tables Changed



Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

None. Trusts could theoretically create their own help contents and edit the URL to point to this, although the intention is to support HSS delivered content which is subject to on-going improvements.

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |Browser window pops up when you click Help ( contents. Browser is directed to URL specified in XR |1 |0 |

| |settings. | | |

| |If Help URL XR setting is blank browser is directed to without | | |

| |throwing an error. | | |

|Initiator |Emma - HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92416 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |29/03/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Intended Radiologist |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The Intended Radiologist field needs to be on the Post Processing screen

Change Description

Add the Intended Radiologist field to the post processing page and make sure the field is kept in sync with the Intended Radiologist field on the Event Details page.

Classes and Tables Changed



Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |Intended Radiologist field is displayed on Post Processing screen and does not cause layout issues in |2 |0 |

| |1024 x 768 resolution. | | |

| |New field is kept in sync with Intended Radiologist field on Event Details screen. | | |

|Initiator |Dave Hall - HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92437 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |20/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Urgency on orders list |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Need to add urgency to the orders list and then sort the orders list by urgency, date and time.

Change Description

Add urgency on to the end of the Request Number column on the order list page and then sort the order list by urgency, scheduled date and scheduled time.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Urgency appears on orders list and orders list is sorted correctly |3 |0 |

|Initiator |Nik - HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92452 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |30/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Specialty Default |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The referrer speciality changes back to the main specialty of the referrer when you reload the event details page.

Change Description

Don’t update the referrer speciality to match the main speciality of the referrer when you load the event details page.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |Referrer specialty does not change back to default on reload of event details page. |2 |0 |

| |Referrer speciality changed to main speciality of referrer when you change the referrer. | | |

|Initiator |Steve Jennings – HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92518 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |31/03/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |KH12 Speed Increase |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04, Available as Patch |

Reason For Change

When running the KH12 stat there were additional database queries being performed to return the exam details, in case any had changed since the last tables refresh. This was causing the stat to run slower than necessary.

Change Description

The exam details are now cached up within the stats module, increasing the speed of the KH12 stat.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

The datafield of DERIVED.NO OF EXAMS needs to have its expression changed to getNumberOfExams(EXAMS.EXAMINATION).

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |Run the previous version of KH12 stat, and also new version and check the values are the same |2 |0 |

|2 |Run the previous version of KH12 stat , and also new version and check the new version has improved |2 |0 |

| |speed. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92570 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |03/04/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Lookup tables refresh |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To allow searching the database for codes that are not found in the local cache for lookup tables. CRIS and its interfaces cannot validate codes that have been added since they were started because most codes are cached at startup.

Change Description

Added the appropriate changes to the lookup tables to enable searching the database for codes that were not found in the local cache.

Classes and Tables Changed







Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Tested the lookup tables still worked and consulted the database where appropriate for unrecognised |5 |0 |

| |codes. | | |

|Initiator |Nik - HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92732 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |05/04/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Report info list dictated |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12.b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

When you uncheck the “include dictated” box on the unreported tab of the report info list page some events are displayed that have a dictation.

Change Description

When the include dictated box is not checked only display events that do not appear in the dictation table or there dictation status is null.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |Correct events are displayed when the include dictation box is checked |2 |0 |

| |Correct events are displayed when the include dictation box is unchecked | | |

|Initiator |Alan Shields | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92756 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |06/03/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Batch Print Order |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The specification for order comms states that ORC:16 on an incoming message has a maximum width of 30 characters. However the user defined status messages on CRIS will often generate a text field far larger than this which is sent in ORC:16 on an outbound message (we do not specify the length in the spec). Many systems will (quite reasonably) merely reflect this value back on a response message, therefore the interface should check the length of this field and truncate it if necessary.

Change Description

Added a check (and truncation) of the value of ORC:16 when handling an incoming order response message.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|2 |Check that an incoming order response with ORC:16 wider than 30 characters is properly dealt with. | |0 |

|2 |Check that an incoming order response with ORC:16 30 characters or less is properly dealt with. | | |

|2 |Check that an incoming order response with a blank ORC:16 is properly dealt with | | |

|Initiator |Dave Hall HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92789 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |06/04/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Scanning crashes |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12a |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

If you try to scan something in CRIS whilst the scanner is busy it crashes CRIS.

Change Description

Added a check to see if the scanner is in use when a scan is initiated and a popup dialog box to ask the user if they want to wait for the scan to finish or cancel the scan.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|7 |Initiate a scan from either the diary page, request card scanning page or attend patient page and then |7 |0 |

| |initiate another scan from one of these places before the other scan has finished. The second scan | | |

| |should be blocked and the user given the option to wait or cancel. | | |

|Initiator |Steve Jennings | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92791 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |06/04/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |More useful error messages in setup |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

When creating new records in the setup tables of CRIS, if a record could not be saved to the database, the error message did not give any real details about why the record could not be saved

Change Description

The error message now takes the actual oracle error and gives a more useful suggestion of why the records could not be saved

Classes and Tables Changed





Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Try and save record with duplicate key |3 |0 |

|3 |Try and save record with value too large for column |3 |0 |

|3 |Try and save record after connection to database has been lost |3 |0 |

|3 |Try and save record correctly |3 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92793 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |06/04/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Caching of SQL requests |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Some requests can be cached or not queried at all, reducing network and database load.

Change Description

Used cache specialities for speciality lookups.

Don’t query refsrc and referer where code to query with is null.

Uses groups cache for the Edit Groups dialog.

Don’t query for alarms where the CRIS number is 0.

Classes and Tables Changed






Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the specified changes worked successfully, whether removing or caching queries. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |Steve Jennings | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92797 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |06/04/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Decimal values in statistic total lines |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

In order to produce the waste stat, the total lines in statistics needs to be able to add up not only whole numbers but also decimal numbers

Change Description

The total lines in statistics can now handle the added up of decimal values. The limitations of numbers unable to be represented in binary leading to a large amount of decimal digits with a small error in precision have been resolved.

Classes and Tables Changed




Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Run a stat with no total lines |3 |0 |

|3 |Run a stat with whole numbers counted in the total lines |3 |0 |

|3 |Run a stat with decimal numbers counted in the total lines |3 |0 |

|Initiator |Steve Jennings | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92798 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |06/04/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Total line number alignment |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

If a total line in statistics was split up on a datafield, where the data within that field was longer than the name of it, the alignment of the numbers in the total line was not correct and numbers were not displayed under the correct column header

Change Description

The total lines now get the largest piece of data that the values will be split up on, and sets this as the value to align the rest of the numbers to.

Classes and Tables Changed




Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Run a stat with a datafield in the total line where the name of the field is longer that the code ie. |3 |0 |

| |Exams.examination | | |

|3 |Run a stat with a datafield in the total line where the name of the field is shorter that the code ie. |3 |0 |

| | | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |92843 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |07/04/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Database reconnect |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

To update the reconnect button to work with the latest sign on schema.

Change Description

Updated the reconnect procedure.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured logging in and reconnecting worked successfully. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |Alan Shields HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91443 |

|Incident No. |39749 | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |01/03/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Fix to status load routine for use in application server |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |Reported in interface version – 05.12, |CRIS Versions containing change. |Interface release 06.03 |

| |present in all versions prior to 06.02a| | |

Reason For Change

The status load routines where accessing controller.connection, this is fine within the UI however if this code is ever called from the application server it should be using the connection pool. The result is that occasionally outbound messages will fail as this routine tries to access controller.connection concurrently with other threads.

Change Description

Changed the status load routines to utilise the connection pools. Also added an additional stack trace in case of a failure to help with future diagnoses of any further issues with these routines.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Generate an outbound message trigger and ensure that the change does not cause any problems with message|5 |0 |

| |generation. It is impossible to test that the change fixes the original problem as the problem itself | | |

| |can not be re produced on demand. | | |

|Initiator |Alex Slack HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |86780 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised | | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Printing System Developments |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.09, 05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Various problems in using the Cris printing system.

Change Description

The appointment changed letter no longer prints after a change from partial book or DNA status.

Department lookup in rooms now only shows departments in the current trust.

More methods for getting Referrer, Referral Source, Trust, Event, and Exam details

Better caching which should dramatically reduce the necessary amount of database accesses. Renaming and deleting objects now updates the cache. Paper is also cached.

Changes to the department table to include a partial booking confirmation phone number and a secondary department name

Changes to the department table to stop duplicate rows from appearing

Page break feature added for true “Patient Information Sheets”

Miscellaneous documentation on printing features listed in the Texts folder in the Print Content Editor

Patient condition macros such as #adult(“this text only appears for adults”) now available

Printing a report to print preview no longer marks that report as printed

Paper type setup added. Existing rows should not be changed but new ones can be added.

Format loading tool added (under Tools/Format Tool)

Box in the Printing layout editor should no longer produce boxes of area 0.

Pressing cancel after renaming a page layout no longer renames that page layout to “null”.

Printable rows are now saved making it easier to add optional labels.

Better error messages in case of template errors, lack of printer setup, etc.

Labels printed from orders, or letters for new PAS patients should now print correctly

Conditional printing of labels within sets is now possible to a limited degree, eg printing an extra event label if there are too many exams to fit on just one. This requires a change request.

Font now defaults to Arial in Print Setup if the font size is changed

Inpatient letters, DNA letters to both patient and referrer, appointment changed letters, patient and hospital cancel letters and GP no reponse letters are now available. If these are not loaded on your system please contact HSS.

Classes and Tables Changed

PrintManager, PrintEngine, others

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |DNA letter generation |5 |0 |

|5 |Department loookup shows departments for trust only |5 |0 |

|5 |New methods tested |5 |0 |

|5 |Caching tested with delete, rename, new etc. |5 |0 |

|5 |Page break tested |5 |0 |

|Initiator |Alex Slack HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |90879 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised | | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Changes to database tables “paper” and “dept”. |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The database table dept required a column to be made bigger (phone) and some columns to be added (subname, for brief directions, and confirm_phone, for partial booking confirmations). Both dept and paper require a unique index to prevent duplicate rows.

Change Description

Table dept:

added confirm_phone varchar2(40)

added subname varchar2(40)

resized phone from varchar2(20) to varchar2(40)

set unique index code+sitecode (had none previosly)

Table paper:

set unique index paper_name (had none previosly)

Classes and Tables Changed

Database tables dept and paper. The software does not read these fields.

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

Cris 06.04 requires these schema changes to be made.

Applying a unique index will create problems if there are duplicate rows. In this case all but one of the duplicate rows should be deleted. Since there are only 10-50 rows in this table per SHA, this will not take long.

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Trying to create duplicate departments |5 |0 |

|5 |Trying to create duplicate papers |5 |0 |

|Initiator |Ceri Townley – Salisbury | |HSS Change Ref. No. |91543 |

|Incident No. |050i0023417 | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |03/03/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Stats waiting time calculation |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The waiting days in the waiting times report reset the number of days waiting upon the date the appointment was cancelled. This was incorrect, as if an event is cancelled the waiting days should be reset at the date of the appointment not at the date of cancellation.

Change Description

The waiting days field now takes into account the cancellation and dna status' if there are any, and resets the clock to the date of the missed appointment if applicable. If the appointment date is after the end date of the stat, the counter continues to count until the appointment date has passed

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Calculate the waiting time on a requested event |3 |0 |

|3 |Calculate the waiting time on an appointment in the future |3 |0 |

|3 |Calculate the waiting time on an appointment in the past |3 |0 |

|3 |Calculate the waiting time on a DNA'd appointment |3 |0 |

|3 |Calculate the waiting time on a hospital cancel |3 |0 |

|3 |Calculate the waiting time on a patient cancel |3 |0 |

|3 |Calculate the waiting time on a rebooked hospital cancel |3 |0 |

|3 |Calculate the waiting time on a rebooked patient cancel |3 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |93022 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |13/04/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Flexiform focus traversal |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

When focus moves from one flexiform field to the next it does not currently do so in an orderly manner.

Change Description

Updated the focus traversal to move the focus across first and then down.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the focus traversal within a flexiform worked as expected |5 |0 |

|Initiator |Alan Shields | |HSS Change Ref. No. |93035 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |12/04/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Agfa PACS 2 way desktop integration |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Additional functionality required as described in “Desktop Integration LSP Functional Specifications” and “Desktop Integration LSP Technical Specifications”.

Change Description

Changes to the CRIS GUI code to generate appropriate trigger events as described in the functional specifications and also to allow login to be triggered remotely.

Classes and Tables Changed (described in 92062) (described in 92062)

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

Need to set LOCATION.PACSIdentifier so that desktop integration can determine the correct patient ID to send to PACS.

Need to set LOCATION.UID.Site so that desktop integration can determine the study UID.

Requires an HL7 PACS interface configured to send study UID from CRIS.

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Login to the CRIS application, ensure that Impax also logs in. |5 |0 |

|5 |Log out of the CRIS application, ensure that Impax also logs out |5 |0 |

|5 |Log in to the Impax application, ensure that CRIS also logs in |5 |0 |

|5 |Log out of the Impax application, ensure that CRIS also logs out |5 |0 |

|6 |On CRIS, dictate an attendance. Upon display of the CRIS dictation screen Impax should display the |6 |0 |

| |images for the attendance and update its dictation status to started. | | |

|2 |Whilst dictating an attendance, Press F5 (or the clear) to clear (without saving any dictation) Impax |2 |0 |

| |should revert its dictation status to New | | |

|2 |Whilst dictating an attendance on CRIS, Finish the dictation Impax should revert its dictation status to|2 |0 |

| |Completed. | | |

|2 |Whilst dictating an attendance on CRIS, Press the external dictation button. Impax should revert its |2 |0 |

| |dictation status to Completed. | | |

|3 |Open an event/report viewer on CRIS. Load a patient, select an event then press the view PACS icon. |3 |0 |

| |Impax should display the images for that event. | | |

|12 |On CRIS, report an attendance. Upon display of the CRIS report screen Impax should display the images |12 |0 |

| |for the attendance. | | |

|3 |Log in to the CRIS application under a user that does not exist on Impax. CRIS should log in. Impax |3 |0 |

| |should not. | | |

|3 |Log in to the Impax application under a user that does not exist on CRIS, Impax should log in , CRIS |3 |0 |

| |should not. | | |

|3 |On Impax select a study and from the menu press the dictation button. CRIS should display the patient, |3 |0 |

| |and depending upon the current mode display the dictation or report screen for that attendance. | | |

|4 |On Impax select a study and from the menu press the display on CRIS button. CRIS should open a new |4 |0 |

| |event/report viewer with the appropriate event selected. | | |

|3 |Whilst Impax is logged in, start CRIS and log in under a different user (that exists on Impax). Ensure |3 |0 |

| |that the current user is logged out of Impax and the new user logged in. | | |

|3 |Whilst CRIS is logged in, log into Impax under a different user (that exists on CRIS). Ensure that the |3 |0 |

| |current user is logged out of CRIS and the new user is logged in. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |93043 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |12/04/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Demographic history validation |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Loading the patient demographics will error every time after invalid values have been saved.

Change Description

Stopped validation of demographic history on loading.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured loading invalid demographic history no longer errored. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |Dave Hall HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |93026 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |12/04/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |User Setup |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Creating new users and changing passwords is problematical.

Change Description

Changed create new users method and change passwords method to use pl/sql procedures from sign on schema.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

None – no user impact.

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|10 |Test variations of creating new users and changing passwords of new and existing users. Also test |10 |0 |

| |changing personal password using tools menu. Test database reconnect button. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |93473 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |26/04/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Change scan form |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

When there were not enough scan reasons to scroll the Change Scan Reason menu, the menu was not wide enough to display the full width of all the scan reason names.

Change Description

Widened the Change Scan Reason menu when not scrolling.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the menu displayed appropriately both when there were enough items to scroll and when there were|5 |0 |

| |not enough items to scroll. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |93727 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |05/05/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Sorting waiting list by Pending column |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

Sorting the Waiting list by the Pending column sorted as if the Pending date were a String, not a Date.

Change Description

Used a Date rather than a String and updated the renderer accordingly.

Classes and Tables Changed




Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured sorting the waiting list by the Pending date column sorted by date order. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |Ian - FJA | |HSS Change Ref. No. |93850 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |9/5/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Rescan request card |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |5.12b |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

If the user selects Add Image and then Rescan. The image is deleted but not replaced.

Change Description

The Rescan button is now disabled when the Add Image button is pressed

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|4 |Check Rescan button is disabled after the Add Image button has been pressed |4 |0 |

|4 |Check Rescan button is enabled when Add Image button has not been pressed. |4 |0 |

|Initiator |Chris King HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |94681 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |26/05/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Operators in total lines |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |06.04 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

When counting a String value in the total lines section of stats, the value was only counted correctly when the operator was equals, greater than or less than the value did not count if that was the operator that was chosen. This was only the case for Strings, dates and numerical values work as expected

Change Description

The total lines in statistics can now handle all the available operators for string values as well as numerical values

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Run a stat counting greater than a string value |3 |0 |

|3 |Run a stat counting less than a string value |3 |0 |

|3 |Run a stat counting greater than or equal to a string value |3 |0 |

|3 |Run a stat counting less than or equal to a string value |3 |0 |

|3 |Run a stat counting not equal to a string value |3 |0 |

|2 |Run a stat counting greater than a date value |2 |0 |

|2 |Run a stat counting less than a date value |2 |0 |

|2 |Run a stat counting greater than or equal to a date value |2 |0 |

|2 |Run a stat counting less than or equal to a date value |2 |0 |

|2 |Run a stat counting not equal to a date value |2 |0 |

|2 |Run a stat counting greater than a numeric value |2 |0 |

|2 |Run a stat counting less than a numeric value |2 |0 |

|2 |Run a stat counting greater than or equal to a numeric value |2 |0 |

|2 |Run a stat counting less than or equal to a numeric value |2 |0 |

|2 |Run a stat counting not equal to a numeric value |2 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |95124 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |30/05/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Checked ID |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

The second “Checked ID”, or Difficulty, field was being set to the value of the third Checked ID field in the database.

Change Description

Populated the value of the second Checked ID field correctly.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the Checked ID fields in Post Processing saved and reloaded correctly. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |94605 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |26/05/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Lowercase hospital numbers |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04 |

Reason For Change

It was possible to save lowercase hospital numbers using the Change Hospital Number dialog accessible via the edit button.

Change Description

Ensured the Hospital Number field in the Change Hospital Number dialog forced upper case.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured that a user could not enter lowercase hospital numbers |5 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |94129 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |15/05/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Network test tool |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04a |

Reason For Change

To add a tool for testing the available network bandwidth and latency between the client and the server.

Change Description

Added Network Tester to tools menu.

Classes and Tables Changed

Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

Dependent upon the user security setting GENERAL NETWORK_TEST

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured that the tool produced reasonable values to different servers through differing network |5 |0 |

| |capacities and speeds. | | |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |95321 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |09/06/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Login SQL alterations |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |06.04 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04a |

Reason For Change

To help relieve delays at sites with slow networks.

Change Description

Tidied up some SQL queries, moved others to further into the application.

Classes and Tables Changed








Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured logging in worked successfully and that SiteCodesSetup filtering and user preferences were not |5 |0 |

| |affected. Login time was reduced. | | |

|Initiator |HSS – Steve Jennings | |HSS Change Ref. No. |95967 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |27/06/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Stats Methods on Server |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12 onwards |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04a |

Reason For Change

The stats module only created the where clause on the stat if the fields were actual database fields. This means that any method selections were done locally on the client, after downloading all the initial results. This results in greater network traffic than putting the methods on the server.

Change Description

The method fields are now processed on the server as database functions, instead of doing the processing locally.

Classes and Tables Changed









Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.

A new stat field type of ‘V’ needs to be created, for terminal value ie. XR Setting value.

Three new terminal fields need to be created, they are TERMINAL.HOSP NO SITES, TERMINAL.SITE LIST and TERMINAL.ZZZ_PCT.

The method for the HOSPNOS.BEST HOSP NO field needs to change to getBestHospNo(PUTER_NUMBER,TERMINAL.HOSP NO SITES).

The method for the PATIENT.PCT field needs to change to getResponsiblePCT(PUTER_NUMBER,TERMINAL.ZZZ_PCT)

The method for the DERIVED.PULL FILE NO field needs to change to getFilingNumber(VOLUMES.VOLUME_KEY,PULLINGH.SITE,TERMINAL.SITE LIST)

StatsMethods Package needs to be created on the server.

Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Output a normal database field. |5 |0 |

|5 |Output a foreign field |5 |0 |

|5 |Output a method field |5 |0 |

|5 |Output a method field |5 |0 |

|5 |Do a selection on a normal field having a specific value |5 |0 |

|5 |Do a selection on a foreign field having a specific value |5 |0 |

|5 |Do a selection on a method field having a specific value |5 |0 |

|5 |Do a selection on a normal field joining to a normal field. |5 |0 |

|5 |Do a selection on a normal field joining to a foreign field. |5 |0 |

|5 |Do a selection on a normal field joining to a method field. |5 |0 |

|5 |Do a selection on a foreign field joining to a normal field. |5 |0 |

|5 |Do a selection on a foreign field joining to a foreign field. |5 |0 |

|5 |Do a selection on a foreign field joining to a method field. |5 |0 |

|5 |Do a selection on a method field joining to a normal field. |5 |0 |

|5 |Do a selection on a method field joining to a foreign field. |5 |0 |

|5 |Do a selection on a method field joining to a method field. |5 |0 |

|5 |Create a total line counting values on a normal field |5 |0 |

|5 |Create a total line counting values on a foreign field |5 |0 |

|5 |Create a total line counting values on a method field |5 |0 |

|5 |Create a total line using a normal field as the datafld |5 |0 |

|5 |Create a total line using a foreign field as the datafld |5 |0 |

|5 |Create a total line using a method field as the datafld |5 |0 |

|10 |Run standard stats |10 |0 |

|10 |Run list stats |10 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |94622 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |24/05/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Todays messages null date |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |05.12, 06.04 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04a |

Reason For Change

Performance. Increase of efficiency of the queries executed by the TodaysMessages class.

Change Description

Change the two queries of the inttodo table to not use the safelessthan functions to build the queries.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|3 |Ensure that the TodaysMessages class still picks up event triggers correctly. |3 |0 |

|Initiator |HSS | |HSS Change Ref. No. |95980 |

|Incident No. | | |LSP RFC No. | |

|Date Raised |27/06/06 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Download of spell.txt on login |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |06.04 |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04a |

Reason For Change

Downloads a relatively static file on each login for the dictionary.

Change Description

Moved spell.txt into a Jar file to be cached by WebStart.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Ensured the spelling worked as before the dictionary was moved into a Jar. |5 |0 |

|Initiator |David Hall | |HSS Change Ref. No. |97315 |

|Incident No. |050i0075904 | |LSP RFC No. |75661 |

|Date Raised |21/07/2006 | |Initiator Ref. No. | |

|Title of Change |Referring Location Prefix |

|CRIS Versions Reported In |06.04a |CRIS Versions containing change. |06.04b |

Reason For Change

The referring location was no longer prefixed with the referral source by default.

This has been caused as a side effect of change HSS Ref 95321

Change Description

Change the way CRIS loads the referring location codes for the lookup list such that when CRIS validates these codes it will decide that the prefix should be automatically entered for the user.

This change is such that it does not undo the improvements of change 95321 but does revert the lookup list to only show the appropriate location codes for the referral source as it did before and as a consequence default in the prefix for the user.

Classes and Tables Changed


Implementation Issues

Including Data Populating Actions and Downtime Necessary.


Test Results.

Each change included in the release has passed all tests with no known problems.

|Number Of Tests |Test Description |Tests Passed |Tests Failed |

|5 |Setup CRIS with multiple site codes and check that each one displays the correct list of referring |5 |0 |

| |location codes and also prefixes this field with the referral source code. | | |




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