Your name: ____________________ Your country’s name

Your name: _________________________ Your country’s name: __________________________

National Cereal Box Project

Objective: For students to gain knowledge of a European country’s geography and culture.

Pretend that you are in the advertising department for Kellogg’s cereal. Here are your assignments!

Part I. Create a cereal box that advertises the important features of a country.

Part II. Write a television commercial to advertise the cereal, using a jingle or catchy slogan.

Part I. Cereal Box – Cover with construction paper or plain wrapping paper.

Decorating your cereal box: Students will decorate their country’s cereal boxes based on the following categories listed below but please keep the following guidelines in mind:

• Students will label facts about their country on their cereal box

• Students should also try to represent each category of facts with at least 1 image which can be either hand drawn or computer generated. For example, if a student was assigned Switzerland they may want to have a small image of the Alps near their landform category.

• Every European country is different so there is no set amount of facts that students must have (for example, Germany definitely has more landforms than Vatican City)

• Rather, students should strive to make good use of the space on their cereal boxes while also creating a factual, colorful and creative representation of their assigned country!

Front of box:

o Write a catchy cereal name that relates to the country.

o Beneath the cereal name, draw a bowl or logo that contains cereal “pieces” that represent the country. (symbols, landforms, flags, historic sites, etc)

Side of box labeled : “Ingredients”

o Landforms (mountains, plains, plateaus, islands, deltas, valleys)

o Waterways (rivers, lakes, canals, seas, oceans, fjord, waterfalls, isthmuses, dams)

o Climate (Include type and description)

o Natural resources (Any material in nature that people use and value. Examples: rocks, minerals, metals, wind, trees, soil, plants, animals, water, coal, oil, gas)

o Flora (plants)

o Fauna (animals)

Other side of box labeled: “Nutrition Facts”

o List Festivals ( public celebration (s) unique to a certain area or region, Example: Oktoberfest in Germany)

o List leisure activities. (What do people do for enjoyment? Examples: sports, dance, music, recreation, hiking, swimming)

Back of box labeled: “This cereal can be bought at ______________ (make up names of a store or stores)

o Draw or glue a map of the region where your country is located. (can be hand drawn or computer generated)

o Draw arrows to show stores where it may be purchased. (Make up names of stores, but use real city names.)

Top of the Box

• Name of country decorated appropriately and colorfully

Bottom of the Box

• Student’s name and class period

Part II. Commercial

o You must write a commercial to advertise your country’s cereal.

o Be sure to write a script for your commercial (you may recruit your classmates to help you perform)

o You may read from your script during the performance and the script should be turned into Mr. Sullivan

o Your commercial should include a catchy slogan

o Your commercial may also include a jingle

o You may include a song or dance. (optional)

o You may also make a puppet or dress up as an actor. (optional)

o You will present the box and commercial to the class.

o Commercial presentations should be about 1-2 minutes maximum

Suggested Research Resources

• Course Textbook: Chapter 12 (Southern Europe), Chapter 13 (West Central Europe) Chapter 14 (Northern Europe) Chapter 15 (Eastern Europe) Chapter 16 (Russia and the Caucasus)

• The CIA world fact book website:

• Rick Steve’s travel website, offers an overview of professionally run tours of Europe:

• (search engines like goolge and bing can be great sources of information but be cautious of information or sites that seem inaccurate, consult Mr. Sullivan if questions arise about a site’s reliability)


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