The American Identity Final Project

How have different groups contributed to the evolving American Identity?Rational: In this unit we studied different groups and evaluated their experiences while trying to find their place in America. Although each of the groups may or may not have been fully accepted by society, their experiences represent a ‘piece’ in the overall puzzle of “American Identity.” Your task is to find out how the stories of each of these groups fit together and then describe what the American Identity looks like. Procedure: Select one of the following options to present your project.Spatial/Visual Learners: Take the template puzzle provided and re-create it onto a full tag board sheet. Fill each section with the words, images, symbols, etc. that represent the contribution that specific group has made to the American Identity. Be prepared to explain each puzzle piece as well as the ‘final product’ (finished puzzle) which represents the current American identity. I expect colorful, symbolic, ‘blow my mind’ visuals with clearly labeled puzzle pieces.Spatial Learners: This option is for those who wish to combine many elements, both written and visual. You will create a video that contains your definition of the American Identity. Your video can be a fictitious story, or it can be a documentary. Whichever option you choose, you must utilize enough examples from the groups we have studied to prove that your definition of the American Identity works.Musical Learners: Re-write the lyrics to a familiar song that you feel represents the contribution each group has made to the overall American Identity. The song must have one verse per individual group that demonstrates what you feel their contribution to the American Identity is; the chorus must represent the collective American Identity and will be repeated between each of the verses. You will sing this for the class.Musical/Linguistic Learners: Create a CD entitled “American Identity” that has tracks dedicated to all of the groups studied within the unit. The songs should represent each group’s significance in the overall American Identity. Grow a list of songs and create a CD cover that includes an image representing the A.I today; inside the cover there should be a list of your songs with written paragraph explanations of why you believe that specific song represents the contribution of each of the groups discussed this unit. Your CD title should be the final track on your list- which represents a song you believe encompasses the current A.I.Linguistic Learners: Flash Fiction (1000 words or less): This option is for those that would like to step outside the realm of reality and add a bit of fiction to their project. Flash fiction can be a story, a fable, or a parable. Usually these types of fiction tell not only a story, but also teach a lesson. Your Flash Fiction should use specific examples, terms, or peoples that we have talked about throughout the unit, and should leave no doubt by the end of the story what your definition of the American Identity is.Mathematical Learners: How have the demographics of the U.S. A. changed due to the influx of each group? Research America’s population from Colonization to today and demonstrate via a media presentation including charts/graphs that show how the American population has shifted over the last two hundred+ years. Who are the real ‘minorities’ and what are current immigration trends- plus what impact will that have on the evolving American Identity? I expect your presentation to be a past, present, and future summary of the American Identity based on demographics within the United States.Interpersonal Learners: You are a political candidate for public office who has to explain via a ‘stump speech’ that the meaning of being an American has changed since the inception of our country. Write a speech that acknowledges the contributions that each of the groups have made to the American Identify and summarize what it looks like today as a result. You will ‘perform’ your speech for the class.Interpersonal Learners: You are the host of a Food Network program called “Great Nations in the Kitchen.” Write an annotated recipe for the ‘American Identity’ where all of the ingredients are the different groups studied in class. How ‘much’ of each ingredient do you need to create the ‘American Identity’? You will then write the procedures for how each of the ingredients work together to create the final product. Finally, explain what the final product is. You will need a visual to represent your final product (or your final concept of the American Identity). For example, while watching cooking shows you see a run-down of all the ingredients and their ‘job’ within the recipe, the steps to putting it all together, and then the food item is shared for people to enjoy.Intrapersonal Learners: You are a time traveler named “American Identity” who is writing a diary about all of the experiences with different groups of Americans you are having. Using specifically dated journal entries, discuss your interaction with significant figures from each of the groups we have studied and specifically add how that interaction has impacted your personal growth and development as the “American Identity.” Other? If you have an idea for a presentation that is not listed, but you believe would creatively demonstrate your understanding of the evolving American Identity- see me. Grading Category642Creativity/OriginalityProject is unique- it does not resemble other projects.Project shows creativity that works and is exciting and fresh for the story.Project is somewhat unique, but some themes have been used before.The idea does not flow well or lacks continuity.The project is not original and the story itself does not flow.Effort/GUM*Grammatical*Usage*MechanicsEffort is clearly shown.No GUM errors are present.Average effort is shown (lack of details, color, or dialog).ORSome GUM errors are present.Little effort is shown and many GUM errors are present throughout the project.Historical UnderstandingA clear understanding of the American Identity is presented. Explanations are very well thought-out, and contain enough examples to prove your point.Understanding of the American Identity is presented, but needs further development. Explanations are somewhat confusing or inaccurate, or do not contain enough examples for proof.Littler understanding of the American Identity is shown based on the studied groups. Explanations are inaccurate, and/or no evidence/examples are used.Guiding QuestionsGuiding prompt response is well thought-out and answers are backed-up by evidence and reasoning.Guiding prompt response is well thought-out but lacks specific details to support the student’s assertions.Guiding prompt response is superficial. It lacks support and understanding. ................

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