Submissions Guidelines

Submission Guidelines


Please become familiar with our magazine before submitting your work. The editors’ statements in issue one are a good place to start. That said, we are always on the lookout for innovative work that surprises us.

Please send submissions of poetry, criticism, reviews, essays, or fiction as MS word attachments to submissions@. Note the genre of the piece you are submitting (e.g., “Poetry”) in the subject line. If you would like to propose a piece (for example, an interview), please write “Proposal” in the subject heading.

Poets: Please send at least two, but no more than four, poems.

Fiction Writers: We do not publish long pieces of fiction. Four to five double-spaced pages is our maximum publishing length. We also do not publish so-called “flash fiction;” pieces should be at least two double-spaced pages.

The Straddler does not consider previously published work. We will read simultaneous submissions. Please let us know upon submission whether a piece is under consideration by other magazines; if it is selected for publication at another magazine before we have responded, we request that you notify us promptly of its acceptance elsewhere. We will congratulate you.

Contributors retain the rights to all published pieces. However, The Straddler requires that it be given credit in the case of pieces subsequently published in another magazine or book (including an anthology).

Visual Artists:

Please send scans, and a brief description, of your work to artsubmissions@. We are interested in all forms of visual art, and will even consider photographs of installations if the presentation is compelling. The simultaneous submissions guidelines we ask writers to follow also apply to visual artists.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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