Items for May/June 2009 Tascribe


State Newsletter: Print Post Number PP 733781/00010

The Fellowship of Australian Writers Tasmania Inc



ISSUE No. 3 MAY – JUNE 2013

Patron: Wal Eastman OAM

2013 Committee

Karen Armstrong, President; Solveig Hamilton, Vice President, Robyn Mathison Secretary/Treasurer Jen Gibson &John Biggs, Committee Members

Forthcoming Meetings

Friends Meeting House, 395 Argyle Street, North Hobart. All welcome

Saturday, May 11th at 2 pm: Announcement of results of 2013 Nairda Lyne Award will be followed by readings of entries in Patron’s Puzzler No. 3 (see below) and members’ readings.

Patron’s Puzzler No.3: Double-barrelled names, which enclose the profession of the bearers. Examples: Ben Dover-Boyes, the cruel schoolteacher; Ivor Carter-Wynne, the racing-car driver. Robin Ffolkes-Knightly, petty thief; Gail Wynns-Cumming, the weather forecaster.

Get your imaginations going, people. Wal Eastman

Saturday, June 8th at 2 pm: John Biggs will deliver the Jess Castle History Lecture entitled Generational Phases in Post-colonial Tasmania. Gold coin donation, please.

John is a fifth-generation Tasmanian, born and educated in Hobart. After graduating from the University of Tasmania, he held academic appointments in England, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong and China. Since returning to Hobart after forty years absence, he has concentrated on writing. His books of fiction are The Girl in the Golden House; Project Integrens; Disguises; Tin Dragons; and Towards Forgiveness: Sino-Tasmanian Stories from Two Islands. Nonfiction titles are: Information and Human Learning; Student Approaches to Learning and Studying; The Process of Learning; Evaluating the Quality of Learning: The SOLO Taxonomy (with K. Collis); Testing: To Educate or to Select?; Teaching for Quality Learning at University (with his wife Catherine Tang); Tasmania over Five Generations: Return to Van Diemen’s Land? and Changing Universities.

Meeting Reports

Saturday, March 9th: Solveig Hamilton welcomed visitors Betty Paisley (from Scotland), Nancy Schaffner and Vikas Kaushal. She then spoke of the outstanding voluntary contribution Megan Schaffner has made to the Fellowship over many years. To show our appreciation, Megan has been awarded Life Membership. Readings of Patron’s Puzzler entries from Jess Castle, Jim Bashfield, Shirley Burke and John Hale followed. Wal Eastman was so impressed with these that he awarded $5 prizes to all entrants. We then enjoyed readings from Robyn Mathison, Diarmid Ross, Betty McKenzie-Tubb, visitor Vikas Kaushal, Megan Schaffner, John Biggs and Karen Armstrong.

Saturday, April 13th: Solveig Hamilton welcomed visitors Ash K. and Rosey Marwick (former Vice President of FAW Q). Solveig then spoke of the huge voluntary contribution Yvonne Stadler has made to the Fellowship over many years and announced Yvonne’s Life Membership. John Biggs introduced a lively discussion of the recent Tasmanian Writers Festival. Points raised will be discussed further at the next committee meeting. Jess castle and John Hale then read the counting-out rhymes they’d composed for Patron’s Puzzler Number 2. Again, Wal Eastman awarded prizes to each of the contestants. Members’ readings followed from Karen Wilson, Leigh Swinbourne, John Biggs, Judy Waddell, Shirley Burke and Solveig Hamilton. Teodino Ottavi brought work written by his granddaughter when she was nine years old. Karen Wilson read a poem and Robyn Mathison read a story, both by Isolina Ottavi.

News & Views

Warm welcome to new members Yvonne Fogarty, formerly of NW Branch, and Nathan Eden

* Leigh Swinbourne is one of two recipients of Arts Tasmania individual writers’ grants for 2013.

* Issue 1 of Windfall Australian Haiku published by Peter Macrow’s Blue Giraffe Press was launched by Robyn Mathison at the March Republic reading. The editor, Beverley George of Pearl Beach, NSW was at the launch. Also present were the proprietors of Picaro Press, Rob Riel and Judy Johnson of Cardiff NSW, who designed, typeset and printed the book. Local contributors Lorraine Haig, Lyn Reeves and Ron Moss (who designed the elegant Windfall cover) read their haiku from the book.

* Congratulations to Susan Austin, Sarah Day, Kathryn Lomer, Liz McQuilkin, Gina Mercer, Annette Sumner & Jane Williams who all have work in a beautiful anthology Women’s Work: A Collection of Contemporary Women’s Poetry, edited by Libby Hathorn and Rachael Bailey and released by Pax Press on International Women’s Day. Watch for a Hobart launch of this book later this year.

* Tasmanian Writers’ Festival – The Shock of the Now was held between March 16th and 24th as part of Ten Days on the Island. Most events were held in Hobart Town Hall or the Salamanca Arts Centre Founder’s Room, but at The Lark on the second Saturday evening, Sarah Day spoke with Chris Wallace-Crabbe about Things That Poets Notice. Kathryn Lomer featured in two sessions on the Day for Young Readers and Writers and Susan Austin & Ben Walter were on the panel: Writing on the Edge – New Tasmanian Writing. Unpublished manuscripts by Ben Walter and Leigh Swinbourne were shortlisted for the University of Tasmania Prize in the 2012 Tasmanian Literary Awards (won by Katherine Johnson). Also in these awards, Adrienne Eberhard’s poetry collection This Woman [Black Pepper, 2011] was shortlisted for the Tasmanian Book Prize (won by James Boyce’s 1835: The Founding of Melbourne & the Conquest of Australia [Black Inc, 2011]). Adrienne was a reader – of the winning entry of the 2013 Wildcare Tasmania International Writing Prize at the Lark and from This Woman at the final event of the Festival, The Book End reading in the Town Hall.

* Danielle Mulholland has written an excellent review of Lyn Reeve’s poetry collection Designs on the Body [Interactive Press, 2010] on M/C Reviews: Culture & the Media. To read the review, google Designs on the Body – Lyn Reeves.

*John Biggs has just published his memoir Changing Universities, an account of the more bizarre, traumatic and rewarding experiences he has had in nearly 60 years of his academic career. It is available as an e-book or print-on-demand. He has also republished, under his own name this time, a slightly sanitised version of his novel Disguises, previously published under the pseudonym Sally Leigh. Disguises is also available as an e-book or print-on-demand.

* Many members will recall the Jess Castle History Lecture Alison Alexander gave us in 2011, about the research she was then doing for a biography of Jane, Lady Franklin. On March 27th Frances Underwood, wife of the present Governor of Tasmania, launched the resulting book at Acanthe, the small Greek temple Jane Franklin had had built for her in Lenah Valley. Professor Marilyn Lake has written of The Ambitions of Jane Franklin by Alison Alexander [Allen & Unwin, 2013]: ‘An engrossing biography of a fascinating and fearless modern woman. Alison Alexander provides a thoroughly researched and engagingly written account of a famous yet fraught life.’ The book is available from bookshops now.

* Megan Schaffner and her publication subcommittee members Avril Caney and Liz McQuilkin have completed the selection of work to be included in the FAW non-fiction anthology. The committee thanks these members most sincerely for all their voluntary work assessing the 54 submissions. 19 pieces from 15 authors have been chosen and the successful contributors have all been notified. They are John Biggs, Anne Collins, Solveig Foss (Hamilton), Jen Gibson, John Hale, Jacqueline Lonsdale-Cuerton, Andrea McMahon, Mal Robertson, Susan G. Scott, Anne Shimmins, Sheila Spargo, Yvonne Stadler, Ted Sturges, Leigh Swinbourne and Janet Upcher The book should be in print before the end of this year.

Members’ Credits

Susan Austin: Poem, Women’s Work [Pax Press, 2013]; panel member & reader, Tasmanian Writers Festival. John Biggs: Changing Universities & revised edition of Disguises published. Sarah Day: 2 poems, Women’s Work [Pax Press, 2013]; featured, Tasmanian Writers Festival. Adrienne Eberhard: This Woman [Black Pepper, 2011] shortlisted for 2012 Tasmanian Book Prize. Philomena Essex: Winner, poetry section, Positive Words End of Year Competition 2012; poem, Positive Words, February. Rose Frankcombe: Story, SWWT Stylus, April – May 2013. Graeme Hetherington: 2 poems, Valley Micropress (NZ), February. Kathryn Lomer: Poem, Women’s Work [Pax Press, 2013]; panel member, 2 sessions, Tasmanian Writers Festival. Jacqueline Lonsdale-Cuerton: Poem, The Australian Writer #379; The Eyes Have It [Ginninderra Press, 2012] published. Liz McQuilkin: Poem, Women’s Work [Pax Press, 2013]. Peter Macrow: Poem, The Mozzie, Jan / Feb; Hugging the Dog [Picaro Press, 2013] published. Gina Mercer: Poem, Women’s Work [Pax Press, 2013]. Anne Morgan: The Smallest Carbon Footprint in the Land & other eco-tales [IP Kidz, 2013] launched, Hobart Bookshop, April. Lyn Reeves: 8 haiku, Paper Wasp, summer 2012; 2 haiku Evening Breeze, anthology of finalists in Janice M. Bostock haiku award; reader, Republic Bar & Café, March. Annette Sumner: Poem, Women’s Work [Pax Press, 2013]. Leigh Swinbourne: Manuscript shortlisted for 2012 University of Tasmania Prize. Ben Walter: Panel member & reader, Tasmanian Writers Festival; manuscript shortlisted for 2012 University of Tasmania Prize. Jane Williams: Poem, Women’s Work [Pax Press, 2013].

FAW Library

We thank donors of the following material added to the library recently:

Lynn Smailes, Editor: The Australian Writer Issue #377 Sept – Dec 2012 [FAW VIC]

Alicia Bee, Editor: The Australian Writer Issue #379 March – May 2013 [FAW VIC]

Lyn Reeves: Designs on the Body [Interactive Press, 2010]

Vivian Smith & Margaret Scott Editors: Effects of Light: The Poetry of Tasmania [Twelvetrees Publishing Company, 1985]

Peter Macrow: Hugging the Dog [Picaro Press, 2013]

J.B. Bessinger, Jr: A Short History of Anglo-Saxon Poetry in a Normalized Early West-Saxon Orthography [University of Toronto Press, 1960]

A list of FAW library holdings is on our web page. See Robyn Mathison at meetings or phone her on 6234 4418 (after 2 pm) about borrowing material.

Donations to Funds

Sincere thanks to Mae Paterson

FAW Tasmania NW Branch

The Branch meets at the Catholic Church meeting room, Alexandra Rd, Ulverstone on the second Wednesday of each month. Meetings are open to anyone interested in writing in any form. Enquiries: The Secretary. PO Box 608, Burnie TAS 7320, email fawtas@ or see


Normal Competition Conditions

* Entries should be submitted in English, using one side only of white A4 paper, typed 1.5 or double-spaced (except poetry), in a plain standard typeface, 12 point minimum, with generous margins. No fancy fonts, clip art or decorations of any kind.

* No names or addresses to appear on manuscripts. A separate cover sheet must be enclosed, giving title of entry, competition name, section or category if applicable, word or line count, author’s name and contact details. Only the title of the entry and page numbers should appear on the manuscript.

* Entries must be original work and must not have won a cash prize in any other competition, nor have been published in any form (including on-line) as at the closing date of the competition.

* Cheques and / or money orders should be made payable to the organisers unless otherwise stipulated. Multiple entries may be paid with one cheque or money order. Do not send stamps or cash.

* Copyright remains with the author. Entries will not be returned and will be destroyed after the announcement of results.

* The judge’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

* If you require a copy of the results, enclose a standard DL-sized stamped, self-addressed envelope (SSAE) with your entry.

These are general guidelines. Always check conditions for individual competitions and contact the relevant organisers for entry forms, if these are required.


Always make out cheques or postal orders exactly as shown in competition guidelines.

May 15th: Montreal International Poetry Prize is offering $20,000 for one original unpublished poem of no longer than 40 lines written in any English dialect. Online entries only. Details:

May 17th: John Knight Memorial Prize for an unpublished, 40-page poetry manuscript by an Australian author (citizen or permanent resident). Fence Post Press will publish the winning entry as a book in August. Entry fee:$20. Guidelines: john-knight-memorial-poetry-manuscript-prize

May 24th: Katharine Susannah Prichard Speculative Fiction Award for a story of 1500 – 3500 words

Prizes: $600; $300; $175. Entry: $7 per story. Cheque/ Money Order to KSP Foundation Inc. Details, entry forms: or with ssae KSP Foundation, 11 Old York Rd, Greenmount WA 6056.

May 31st: Australian Horror Writers Association Flash Fiction and Short Story Competition – Flash Fiction to 1000 words; short story to 8000 words. Prizes: Payment for publication. Entry fees: $5 Flash; $10 Story; Free to AHWA members. Electronic entries only. Details:

May 31st: Bundaberg Poets Bush Lantern Bush Poetry Competition for poetry to 100 lines. Prizes: $200 + trophy, $100; $75. Entry fee: $8. Free entry for separate competition for juniors. Details, entry forms .au/events or with ssae from Bundaberg Poets’ Society Inc, PO Box 4281, Bundaberg South QLD 4670.

May 31st: Walton Sustainability Creative Non-Fiction Essay Prize for essay or story to 4000 words that presents human side of economic, environmental, ethical, and/or social challenges related to the state of the planet and our future. Prize US$10,000. Entry $20, electronic only:

May 31st: Positive Words Mini Competition for a short story of no more than 100 words or a poem up to 10 lines, using the theme word/s dancing/ dance at least once. Fee per entry: $1.20 in unused postage stamps. No entry form. Prize: 6 months subscription to Positive Words. The winning entry will also appear in an issue of Positive Words. Send entry with SSAE or email address for results to The Editor, Sandra James, PO Box 798, Heathcote VIC 3523.

May 31st: Shoalhaven Literary Award for an open-theme short story to 3000 words. 1st Prize: $1000 and two-week residency at the Arthur Boyd Centre, Bundanon, NSW. 2nd Prize $300; 3rd $100. Entry fee: $10 per story. Normal conditions apply. Entry form and conditions: .au Enquiries:

Colleen Duncan (02) 4421 3076, or hollie.collie@

May 31st: Elizabeth Jolley Prize for a short story of 2000 – 5000 words in any genre. 1st Prize $5000 + publication on ABR Online Edition website and an eBook. 2nd Prize $2000; 3rd $1000. Shortlisted entries my also be published in ABR. Entry fee $20. Details: .au

May 31st: ABR Voiceless Fellowship, worth $5000, is for a new article of 7000 – 8000 words on any aspect of animal protection to appear in print and online. All published Australian writers are eligible to apply. Details on .au

May 31st: The Big Issue Fiction Edition seeks stories up to 2500 words on the theme: Make Me Smile. Author’s name must not appear on the story. Give name and details on a separate coversheet. Send two printed copies to Fiction Edition, The Big Issue, GPO Box 4911, Melbourne VIC 3001.

June 7th: Newcastle Poetry Prize for a poem up to 200 lines. Details: June 30th: FAW Tasmania 2013 Henry Savery Award, open to all writers resident in Australia, is for a short story up to 2500 words. 1st Prize $400; 2nd $100. Stories to be original, unpublished and must not have won a prize in any other competition. Work must be typed in 12 pt plain font, 1.5 or double-spaced, on one side only of white A4 paper, with pages numbered and stapled in top left-hand corner. Only the story title is to appear on the manuscript. Author’s name, contact details and title/s of work are to appear on a separate sheet. Entries will be shredded after judging. Entry fee: $5 per story – cheque or money order payable to FAW Tasmania Inc. Send to FAW Tasmania, PO Box 234, North Hobart TAS 7002. Results in August.

June 30th: 2013 FAWNS Vibrant Verse Poetry Competition for unpublished work that has not won a cash prize and is not entered elsewhere. Category A – Free verse. Category B – Traditional, rhymed or structured verse. Both categories open style and theme, maximum 60 lines; 1st Prize $200; 2nd $100. Entry fee $5 per poem, cheques/ money orders payable to Fellowship of Australian Writers North Shore Branch. Entries to be typed, single-spaced in 12-pt plain font on one side only of A4 paper, no decorations of any kind. Title and text only to appear on manuscript. Separate cover sheet should show title, Category (A or B), line count, author’s name, address, phone/email address. Enclose ssae for results and judge’s report. Send to Competition Convenor, FAWNS Vibrant Verse, 5 Clement St, Strathfield South NSW 2136.

June 30th: Motor Bike Legend Story Competition for entertaining, humorous or crazy stories (emailed, voice-mailed or print) between 500 – 3000 words. Entry is free. Details with ssae from PO Box 3028, Bilpin NSW 2758 or .au Enquiries: 02 4567 2222.

June 30th: Positive Words Mini Competition for a short story of no ore than 100 words or a poem up to 10 lines using the theme word leftovers at least once. Fee per entry $1.20 in unused postage stamps. No entry form. Prize: 6 months subscription to Positive Words and winning entry will appear in an issue of Positive Words. Send entry with SSAE or email address for results to The Editor, Sandra James, PO Box 798, Heathcote VIC 3523.

July 12th: All Poetry Competition for writers aged over 18 years for all genres of original, unpublished poetry of 14 – 40 lines. Please send two copies of each poem. Normal conditions. No entry form. 1st Prize $200; 2nd $100; 3rd $60 and winners will receive a copy of Tangents, a poetry collection by Kitchen Table Poets. Entry fee: $7 per poem, make cheque or money order out to All Poetry. Send to All Poetry, PO Box 3268, North Nowra NSW 2541. SSAE for results (optional). Enquiries: i.wilkie@ or on .au

July 26th: FAW Eastern Suburbs Branch [Bondi Writers] 2013 Short Story Competition for story to 3000 words. Prizes $200; $100. No entry form – normal conditions apply. Entry fee $5, cheque / money order to Bondi Writers Group. Details: SSAE to Competition Convenor, Bondi Writers, PO Box 701, Bondi Junction NSW 1355.

August 31st: FAW Tasmania 2013 Poetry Prize, open to all Australian writers, is for a poem of up to 60 lines. 1st Prize $150; 2nd $50. Poems are to be typed, single-spaced, in 12 pt plain font, on one side only of white A4 paper with pages of longer poems stapled in top left-hand corner. Only the title is to appear on the poem. Author’s name, contact details and title/s of work entered are to appear on a separate sheet not stapled to the poem/s. Keep a copy of work, as all entries will be shredded after judging. Entry Fee: $5 per poem. Please make cheque or money order payable to FAW Tasmania Inc. Send entries to FAW Tasmania, PO Box 234, North Hobart TAS 7002. Results will be announced at the FAW Tasmania October meeting.

August 31st: Central Coast FAW Mona Brand Award for open-theme short story to 2000 words. 1st Prize $200; 2nd $100; 3rd $50. No entry form. Normal Competition Conditions. Entry fee $7 per story. Send SSAE and extra $10 if you want individual judge’s appraisal. Make out cheque or money order to The Fellowship of Australian Writers. Send to The Convenor, Mona Brand Competition, 1/7 Bowcock Place, Kincumber NSW 2251. Enquiries: Helen Luidens (02) 4363 2627 or

September 30th: Scribes Writers Literary Competition – Category A: Fictional short story. 1st Prize $200; 2nd $100 Category B: Memoir. 1st Prize $100; 2nd $50. Open theme; 1000 words maximum both categories. Normal conditions, no entry form. Entry fee $7 per entry. Cheque or money order payable to

Scribes Writers. Enclose DL SSAE for results & judge’s report. Send to Competition Convenor, Scribes Writers Competition, South Barwon Community Centre, 33 Mt Pleasant Rd, Belmont VIC 3216. Details on


Allen & Unwin Friday Pitch Email a short synopsis and the first chapter of fiction, non-fiction, children’s and young adult fiction. Details:

Domain Writers, is seeking new senior women members with some writing experience. They meet on Wednesdays from noon to 2pm in the Meeting Room on the first floor of Salamanca Arts Centre. Members aim to write something fresh each week. Enquiries: Anne 6231 5594 or Eileen 6225 3450.

Eucalypt: a tanka journal: Submissions of up to 6 tanka close on March 31st and September 30th each year. Include a statement that your work is original, unpublished, not broadcast or under consideration elsewhere. Send with ssae to Beverley George PO Box 37 Pearl Beach NSW 2256 or email to editor@.

Go Camping Australia Magazine is seeking freelance feature writers with a love of camping, adventure and the great outdoors as regular contributors. Go Camping is published bi-monthly from Brisbane and is distributed nationally. Enquiries: andrea@

History Magazine, the quarterly journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, accepts and pays for freelance articles, fillers, interviews, reviews and cartoons. Contact first by phone (02) 9247 8001 or email Information on .au

Islet quarterly online journal pays for work accepted from emerging writers and visual artists. Submission guidelines on .au/submissions

Magabala Books seeks work from Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander writers, storytellers, artists and graphic designers. Magabala publishes a range of genres, traditional and contemporary, particularly memoirs, social history, young adult fiction and children’s stories. Submission guidelines from or Jacqui Wright on 08 9192 1991.

Penguin Monthly Catch for the first week of every month (1st to 7th) accepts unsolicited electronic manuscripts. Guidelines: .au/getting-published.

Positive Words Magazine offers monthly challenges. Prize is publication + a six-month subscription. Poetry & prose submissions on any theme are also welcome at any time. Send (with ssae) to the Editor Sandra James PO Box 798, Heathcote VIC 3523. Send $2.40 in unused stamps for a sample copy.

Pulp Fiction Press seeks MSS in the genre of crime fiction or mystery, tales of science fiction, fantasy, dark fantasy or horror, and fiction for young adults’. Read Publisher’s notes before making a submission. They require the first 50 – 60 pages in 12 point Courier or Times New Roman, 2 pp synopsis which includes type of story, names, motivations, conflicts and crises of main characters, setting (keen on Australian or NZ based novels, but strong sense of place necessary), plot (entire main story line, show how central conflict and any sub-plots are resolved); a brief letter with personal details and publication history, if any; and SSAE for return of manuscript or reply only. Send by Express Post to the Acquisitions Editor, Diane Waters, Pulp Fiction Press, GPO Box 297, Brisbane Q 4001.

Studio seeks poetry up to 100 lines; short stories, letters, reviews and prose literary articles up to 3,000 words. Payment is a copy of the magazine. Send with SSAE to Studio, 727 Peel Street, Albury NSW 2640.

Tasmanian Sagacity bi-monthly magazine runs ongoing, short story competition, open to all Tasmanian writers of fiction or creative non-fiction, with no entry fee and no restriction on subject or theme. Stories of 1800-word maximum must be either unpublished or not previously published within the last ten years. Winners will receive $100 from Tasmanian Sagacity + a $100 book voucher and publication in the magazine, which is sold in newsagents and goes to subscribers. Entries should be emailed to with the subject title ‘Short Story Comp.’ Enquiries to the same email address.

Windfall: Australian Haiku, edited by Beverley George for Blue Giraffe Press, seeks to publish haiku relevant to the experience of urban and rural life in Australia. Observations that celebrate landform, seasons, and our unique flora and fauna are welcome. Submissions are only accepted in the month of July. Send submissions to Beverley George, Haiku Editor Windfall, PO Box 37, Pearl Beach NSW 2256. For submission guidelines and all other enquiries send SSAE to Peter Macrow, 6/16 Osborne Street, Sandy Bay TAS 7005. A $10 subscription provides 1 issue per year for 2 years in Australia.

Wombat Books, PO Box 1519, Capalaba QLD 4157; phone 07 3245 1938; or .au has a special offer of 3 Andrew Lansdown poetry books for $46.95 including freight. The books are Allsorts: Poetry tricks and treats (normally $24.95); Far from Home: Poems of faith, grief and gladness (normally $19.95) and Birds in Mind: Australian Nature Poems (normally $19.95).


Tuesday, May 7th: 7 – 9 pm at Bellerive Community Arts Centre – Eastern Shore Writers’ Group Wednesday, May 8th at Ulverstone Catholic Church meeting room – FAW NW Branch meeting

Saturday, May 11th: 2 pm at Friends’ Meeting House, Hobart – FAW meeting

Sunday, June 2nd: 3 – 5 pm Republic Bar & Café reading

Tuesday, June 4th: 7 – 9 pm at Bellerive Community Arts Centre – Eastern Shore Writers’ Group

Saturday June 8th: 2pm at Friends’ Meeting House, Hobart – FAW meeting

Wednesday, June 12th: at Ulverstone Catholic Church meeting room – FAW NW Branch meeting

Hobart Bookshop 22 Salamanca Square gives FAW members 10% discount on all purchases.

Email to be placed on their list for regular notices of events.

July/ August Tascribe deadline: Friday, June 14th. News and credits to the postal address. please.


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