The Poor Man's Guide to a Weightless Workout

The Poor Man's Guide to a Weightless Workout

A training program inspired by the US Military, Special Forces that will get you lean, mean and ripped!

When you're in hostile territory and there's no specialized training equipment available, you still need to stay in shape to maintain your edge and mental sharpness. With this exclusive training regimen you can do just that with no free weights, benches or other gym equipment. Hey, it's a battle out there - no matter what your vocation (if you have one). And despite what your last girlfriend told you, women are more attracted to a lean guy with some muscle! It's time to lose the pot belly and show her exactly why she was a fool to dump your fat-ass!

Below is a 6-day workout planner that involves 2 weightless workouts for each day, performed 3 times a week and 3 days of aerobic activity, alternated. The weightless workout should take you 45 minutes or less and the days of aerobic activity only require a 20 minute session using our Variable Intensity Principle. Plan integrating this workout with The 15 Minute Solution performing The 15 Minute Solution on the days you have aerobic activity.

Tips & Tricks To Get The Most Out Of Your Workouts:

Your workouts are split up into two segments...Front, Upper Body and Back Upper Body and Lower Body. If you only have 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening, plan your workouts accordingly. Do Your Upper Body in the AM and Lower Body in the PM or vice versa. Wear comfortable, loose fitting (nonrestrictive) clothing and always wear a pair of comfy sneaks. A 100% cotton T-Shirt is ideal.

For your aerobic activity, pick something that interests you. It doesn't matter if you like to run, swim, row, cycle or roller blade. Just be sure to follow our Variable Intensity Principle and even walking is a completely effective aerobic workout!

Always begin your workouts with your HANGING abdominals! As you'll see when we get into the exercises, doing your hanging abdominals first will help pre-exhaust all your major muscle groups making it possible to get a killer pump with fewer reps. This is more efficient for both results and for SAVING YOU TIME!

Your Weightless Workout:

For all exercises you'll perform 2 sets at the specified number of reps or the most you can do if you can't hit the recommended number.

Take a one minute rest between each set and your super set, but not between the individual exercises found within the superset. Use this minute to catch your breath, take a gulp of water, stretch, curse yourself for ever taking on this intense program or for deprogramming your mind of all the stupid one-liners you've learned over the years that you think will score you a date.

Finish with crunches.

How To Use The Chart Below:

As you can see by the chart below you'll be performing your Poor Man's Workout every other day with Aerobics on the alternating day. You will also see a notation next to "WORKOUT" that says either 1:2 or 2:1. As we said earlier your workouts are divided into 2 separate workouts. On Monday and Friday of week #1 and Wednesday of week #2 you'll do WORKOUT #1 followed by WORKOUT #2. On Wednesday of week #1 and Monday and Friday of week #2 you'll do workout #2 followed by WORKOUT #1. Just follow the chart and understand that you'll be performing both WORKOUT numbers 1 AND 2 on each day you perform your Poor Man's Weightless Workout!

Here's your overall workout planner:

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |Sunday |



Workout 1:

Workout #1 focuses on Abdominals, Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. Follow the chart below then read about the description for each exercise.

Exercise Sets Reps

Hanging Ab Crunch 2 20

Push Ups 2 15

Tricep Push Ups 2 12

Shoulder Dips 2 12

Cross Crunches 2 20

SEAL Flops 2 10

Raised Leg Crunch 2 15

Superset 1:

5 SEAL Flops, 8 Shoulder Dips, 12 Triceps Push Ups, Push Ups...max reps

Crunches - max reps

Hanging Abs Crunch - Grip an overhead bar with palms facing away from you, hands shoulder width apart. Hang your legs straight down from you, your pelvis rolled forward slightly. Slowly bend your knees and continue to bring your knees up until your upper thigh is parallel to the ground. Focus on your lower abs as you do so and be sure to perform this contraction by rolling your pelvis forward to avoid unnecessary strain on your lower back. Hold this position for one second and slowly release until your legs are again hanging beneath you. You will exhale as you lift your knees and inhale as you lower.

Push Ups - You know how to perform a push up....Hands on the ground directly beneath your shoulders, fingers pointing forward. The key to a safe push up is to not lower your chest to the ground. Instead go down until the back of your arm is parallel to the ground. Exhale as you raise back up.

Triceps Push Up - Start in the up position of a normal push up, feet spread out in a "V," hands in the diamond shape, together directly under the center of your chest. Lower your chest to your hands, keeping your arms in close to your body, keeping your chin up. Hold this position 2 inches from resting your chest on your hands for one full second. Raise up by focusing on your triceps, using all arms and repeat.

Shoulder Dips - You can use two high back chairs for this one or go to the school yard and use a set of parallel bars. Place your hands on the backs of the chairs...the chairs should have their backs facing in towards each other. Keep your body straight up and down, knees bent with lower legs crossed for stability. Slowly lower yourself by bending your elbows until your chest is the height of your hands. Hold for one second then raise back up. Your arms should flare out from your body at a 45 degree angle.

Cross Crunches - Lie flat on your back, feet straight out in front of you, arms out beside you in the snow angel position. Bend your arms and place your hands behind your ears. Bend your knees slightly so you can get your lower back flat to the ground, feet flat on the ground. Raise your right shoulder off the ground by bringing your right elbow up and across your body towards your left leg. Simultaneously raise your left leg to come up and meet your right elbow. Hold for one second then return to the start position and alternate over to your left elbow and right knee.

SEAL Flops - Begin in the up position, in the "monkey walk" position...your hands directly beneath your shoulders, fingers facing forward, feet spread apart, your butt in the air. Flop downwards and FORWARD into the down position of a normal push up, chin to the ground at least 8 inches in front of your hands. Now arch your back leaving your hips and legs in the down position...your upper body will be in the up position of a normal push up while your legs remain spread apart in the down position of a normal push up. Move your body back to your original position and repeat for the specified number of sets and reps.

Raised Leg Crunch - Lie down and raise your feet by straightening your legs completely, feet directly over your hips. Cross your lower legs and place your hands by your ears. Raise your right shoulder off the ground aiming your right elbow for your left knee. Lower and repeat by raising your left shoulder off the ground and aiming your left elbow for your right knee. Your goal is to touch your elbow to your opposite knee with every rep.

Crunches - Lie down, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms in front of your body and focusing on your upper abdominals, raise your head and shoulders off the ground about 30 degrees. Hold for one second, lower and repeat. Focus on keeping your lower back plastered to the ground for maximum protection of your lower back.

Workout 2:

Workout #2 focuses on the Lower Body, Lats, Biceps and Forearms. Follow the chart below then read about the description for each exercise.

Exercise Sets Reps

Wide grip Pull Ups 2 10

Squats 2 20

Narrow Grip Pull Ups 2 10

Single Leg Lunges 2 20

(each leg)

Chin Ups 2 12

Lunge Leaps 2 10

Cross Ups 2 20*

Leg Thrusts 2 12

Superset 1:

2 Wide Grip Pull Ups, 3 Pull Ups, 8 Cross Ups, Chin Ups... MAX REPS

Superset 2:

5 Squats, 6 Single Leg Lunges, 7 Lunge Leaps, 12 Leg Thrusts

Wide grip Pull Ups - Grab a chin bar with your hands 1.5 times wider than shoulder width. Bend your knees and cross your lower legs for stability. Pull yourself up, concentrating on your back muscles, exhaling as you do so. Raise until your chin clears the bar, hold for one second then lower until your arms are slightly bent.

Squats - Stand with your hands on your hips, legs shoulder width apart. Squat down by bending your knees, your knees outward from the center of your body. Hold for one second and raise back up until you're on your toes. Hold for one more second then lower until your feet are flat on the ground. Repeat fro the specified number of sets and reps.

Narrow Grip Pull Ups - Grab a chin bar, palms facing away from you, hands shoulder width apart. Bend your knees and cross your lower legs for stability. Raise yourself up until your chin is just over the bar and slowly lower back to the starting position, arms slightly bent.

Single Leg Lunges - Stand with hands on hips, legs shoulder width apart. Lunge your left leg forward until your right knee touches the ground. Focusing on your left leg, raise back up to the starting position. Repeat lunging your right leg forward until your left knee touches the ground. Again, focusing on your right leg, raise back up to the starting position.

Chin Ups - Just like they made you do in Gym Class! Grasp a chin bar, palms towards you, hands shoulder width. Bend your knees slightly and cross your lower legs for control. Focusing on your biceps muscles, pull your chin up just over the bar, exhaling as you do so. Slowly return to the start position. Don't get caught the in the momentum trap on this one. Use your biceps and back muscles to do all the work. It's the only way to get ripped!

Lunge Leaps - Get into the standard squat position, upper thighs parallel to the ground, hands on your hips where they will remain for this entire exercise. Take a deep breath and leap forward 4 - 6 feet with all you're made of, exhaling as you do so. Return to a squat position after a safe landing. Repeat for the specified number of reps. The key to this exercise is the explosiveness of the move.

Cross Ups - Grasp a chin bar as if grabbing a golf club, hand over hand, hands together (heel of hand against thumb). Hang down with your lower legs crossed, body and arms fully extended. Pull yourself up so your head moves to the side of the chin bar and your collar bone up to your hands. Lower and repeat, this time move your head to the other side of the bar. *Your second set should be performed with your hands in the opposite position of the first set.

Leg Thrusts - You used to do this one in Gym class back in the good old days. Start with your hands on your hips, feet shoulder width apart. Squat down by bending your knees, place your hands on the ground directly beneath your shoulders then thrust both of your legs back simultaneously. You should now be in the starting push up position. Immediately reverse the motion, placing your feet back beneath your hips, then raise back up to the starting position. This entire exercise is down in a rapid fire motion. A full rep, from standing to standing, should take you less than 2 seconds to complete.

Aerobics - The Variable Intensity Principle

The Variable Intensity Principle is a sure fire way to get an optimal Aerobic Workout out of quick 20 minute session. It doesn't matter what Aerobic Activity you like, the principle still holds true. As a matter of fact, using this principle is up to 88% more Aerobically efficient than just performing the activity at a constant pace. Follow the chart below and note the changing level of Intensity. It's that simple.


MINUTE: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

INTENSITY: 5 5 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9 10 5

There you have it! Follow this plan and within 6 weeks you will see a dramatic change In you overall fitness, physique and VIRILITY! Don't be a Sally-Boy! Make the commitment and change your life!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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