Rocky Mountain Christian Institute



Revised and Updated 4/12/2007



In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night. " And there was evening, and there was morning--the first day.


1 Cor 1:27

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. (NIV)

The foolishness of man.

Beware of what is written in school text books, not all is scientific!

"The Dynamic Universe" by Theodore P. Snow, University of Colorado states that:

"Whereas the age of the earth itself is thought to be some 4.5 billion years, the ages of most surface rocks can be measured in the millions or hundreds of millions of years. The age of the earth, estimated from geological evidence, is about 4.5 billion years. The earth probably formed from the coalescence of a number of planetesimals, small bodies that were the first to condense out of the debris that swarmed about the infant sun in the earliest days of the solar system."

Many details have yet to be worked out, but the overall scenario is probably in essence correct. Based on American Scientific - 1975-78


Wise men counted stars in the 17th Century

a. Ptolemy said their were 1,056

b. Brahe said 777

c. Kepler said 1,005

d. Jeremiah said, “The host of heaven cannot be numbered", Jeremiah 33:22

Today, Our astronomers agree that it is impossible to number the stars, in fact, our own galaxy has over 100 billions of stars and their are billions of galaxies.


Have your read early world history that shows that man believed that the earth was flat. They believed that you could sail of the edge of the earth.

Job 26:7

He spreads out the northern [skies] over empty space; he suspends the earth over nothing. NIV

Isaiah 40:21-22 Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood since the earth was founded? 22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in. NIV

THE AGE WHEN JOB LIVED: Eusebius fixes it two ages before Moses -- i.e., about the time of Isaac -- 1800 years before Christ, and 600 years after the deluge. (from Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright (c) 1997 by Biblesoft)

CREATION RESEARCH - 600 Advanced degreed scientists plus 1,100 members dedicated to dynamic creation. Creation Research Quarterly Volume 23 - Number 4 dated March 1987 contains the following article.

Theistic and Secular Evolution is a classic example of an antagonist trapped between the horns of a dilemma. He cannot have his cake and eat it to. The argument is sharply defined when one horn of the dilemma is a recent creation and the other horn is evolution. These are mutually exclusive positions!

Two prominent scientists are quoted in this article. These are:

Eddy - Evolutionist presenting at the Geochronological Symposium Gentry - Creationist presenting at Louisiana State University - 1978


LORD KELVIN - It takes but one proof of a young-age limit on the earth, the moon, or the sun to refute the whole gamut of evolution.

Eddy states that there is no evidence, based solely on solar observations, that the sun is 4.5 to 5 billion years old.

Astronomy, as an observational science, can say nothing about the chronology as far back as 4.7 billion years. Theoretical astronomy says that in the distant past the sun should have been cooler and radiating less. This is the "faint star" problem, but climate models say that given 1% less radiation from the sun and you would have a little ice age. If the sun were 15-20% less brilliant, ice would have covered the Earth!

The research reported in Eddy's paper was based on the time it takes the sun's diameter to cross the meridian, measured at the Royal Greenwich Observatory. Those measurements showed that the transit time is getting smaller. The sun’s orbital speed is not increasing. So the diameter of the sun must have been getting shorter, a shrinking sun. This data is from more than one hundred years of observation. Everyone agrees that a shrinking sun implies a young-age sun. The debate is whether or not the sun is shrinking. Eddy’s research shows that it is!


1836-1953 by Eddy - Astronomer and Boornazian - Mathematician

Based on solar meridian transit-time data at the Royal Greenwich Observatory.

Conclusion: The sun's diameter is shrinking two arc seconds per century. That translates into a shrinkage of five feet per hour or 43,800 feet per year which is 8.29 miles per year. The data shows that it is a continuing process. There is no way an atheistic evolutionist can live with Eddy/Boornazian data and analysis. It provides scientific evidence of an age limit for our sun of thousands of years, not billions! Scientific evidence, such as this, completely demolishes the theory of evolution.

Eddy notes a solar eclipse observation that supported the sun shrinkage for more than 400 years. That evidence is provided by a 1567 solar eclipse (Lubkin, 1979). The sun was too large to be blocked out by the moon. This is known as an annular eclipse, an annular portion of the sun showing. No record of an eclipse with as large an annulus has been recorded since 1567. This is visual evidence that the sun was large in 1567.

Sofia, O'Keefe, Lesh and Endal in 1979 said the sun was only shrinking at 0.5 arc seconds between 1850 and 1937. That is no help to the evolutionist as that rate still yields a limit on the suns age in thousands of years.


Polonium 218 halos are the center of a mystery. The half-life of the isotope is only three minutes. Yet the halos have been found in granitic rocks at considerable depths below land surface, and in all parts of the world. The difficulty arises from the observation that there is no identifiable precursor (preceding isotope) to the polonium; it appears to be primordial polonium. If so, how did the surrounding rocks crystallize rapidly enough so that there were crystals available ready to be imprinted with radio halos by alpha particles from polonium 218?

The simple evidence of halos is that the basement rocks of the earth were formed solid (not molten first). Halos in other minerals can be shown to give equally starling evidence of a young earth.


Before the Apollo landings on the moon, evolutionary scientists had given NASA much concern about deep moon dust. In fact, "Sand shoes" were installed on the lunar landing craft. Their evolutionary advisors predicted great depths of dust on the moon, a "quicksand" hazard. Astronomer Thomas Gold (1985) predicted that space craft landing on the moon would encounter a mile-thick layer of dust.

The rate of influx of cosmic dust had been known within reasonable limits. If the moon really were 4.5 billion years old, the depth of dust would have been great and a real hazard for the Apollo astronauts. However, it is clear now that here is only few thousand years of dust on the surface of the moon.

Apollo 17 Mission to The Moon

One measure of the credibility of a scientific theory is how well it predicts. There is no credibility in how well its failure is explained away later by those "trained in science" - The evolutionists.

Scientist-Astronaut. Harrison H. Schmitt is photographed standing next to a

huge, spliit lunar boulder during the third Apollo 17 extravehicular activity

(EVA-3) at the Taurus-Littrow landing site. (NASA)


Research Publications (1971 to 1986)

All of the historical evaluations of the earths magnetic dipole moment, the only valid measure of the state of the earths basic magnet, indicate a montonic decay (linear). The half-life of its magnetic field is 1400 years, and its magnetic field energy is 700 years. There is no way one can account for more than a few thousand years of the earths basic magnet.

This decay process is precisely what one would expect from the electromagnetic solution to the problem (a common magnetic response). One must begin with an initial postulate. The only reasonable initial postulate for a consistent scientific theory of that decaying system is an initial fully functional electromagnet. Dynamic creation is the only sensible postulate. One thing is certain: the evolutionists have no justifiable initial postulate nor physically valid theory to go with any of their postulates concerning electromagnetic decay.


Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Psalms 102:25 In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands.

CREATION AND CREATION MYTHS-Jerry Bergman, PHD Creation Research Volume 30, March 1994.

A common concern about teaching creationism in the public schools relates to the perception that numerous "creation myths" exist, and if the Judeo-Christian version is taught, the Babylonian, Syrian, American Indian and myriads of other creation myths should also be required. None of these myths, it is often argued, are based on "scientific" evidence and they are all scientifically inaccurate. Others conclude that they should be taught, but only in appropriate classes, such as social studies. Even here, they should be presented only as ancient stories void of factual content.

Van Over, a leading "creation myth" researcher who refers to this type of narrative as "sun songs," concludes, "The surprising and perplexing fact is that the basic themes for creation myths in widely different geographical areas are strikingly similar" (1980, p. 10). Furthermore, these basic themes are all contained in the outline found in the second chapter of Genesis. This similarity has intrigued scholars for years (Leach, 1956). Typical is an analysis of 300 North American Indian creation myths which found them all "remarkably similar" (Rooth, 1957). Variations existed according to culture and other factors, but a few basic themes were commonly found virtually in all of them. Another extensive analysis of ancient African creation myths by Mbiti concluded that "Over the whole of Africa, creation is the most widely acknowledged work of God." As Van Over (1980, p11 queries, "Why such similarity of mythic ideas and images throughout these distant cultures?" The renowned Claude Levi-Strauss is among the many scholars who have puzzled over this phenomenon. After years of studying these myths, he concluded that there exists and "astounding similarity between myths collected in widely different regions of the world" (1963, p.208). In Kluckhohn's word, creation myths throughout the world "resemble one another to an extraordinary degree" (1962, p.53; see also Levi-Strauss, 1963, p.83 and Kluckhohn, 1958).


"I am the alpha and the omega (a-z)," says the Lord God, "I always was, I am and I always will be". Rev 1:8

It would be as likely for all of this to have resulted from super explosion (big bang theory) and then evolve to today's world as it would be for Webster's complete unabridged collegiate dictionary to have resulted from an explosion in a printing shop! (Joe Malone).

I Tim 6:20 0 Timothy guard what has been intrusted to you, avoid worldly and empty chatter and the opposing arguments of what is falsely called "knowledge".

The angels from their thrones on high Look down on us with wondering eye, That when we are but passing guests We build such strong and solid nests, But where we think to dwell for aye We scarce take heed a stone to lay!

William Teague

Further Research can be obtained on the Internet at:

Creation Research Society at

Institute for Creation Research at

Remember this admonition:

1 Peter 3:15-16

15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. NIV

Scientific Evidence – Red Sea Crossing

Evidence of the crossing of the Red Sea....

   Pharaoh's Drowned Army    

Confirmation of the actual Exodus route has come from divers finding coral-encrusted bones and chariot remains in the Gulf of Aqaba

ONE of the most dramatic records of Divine intervention in history is the account of the Hebrews' exodus from Egypt.  

The subsequent drowning of the entire Egyptian army in the Red Sea was not an insignificant event, and confirmation of this event is compelling evidence that the Biblical narrative is truly authentic.  Over the years, many divers have searched the Gulf of Suez in vain for artifacts to verify the Biblical account. But carefully following the Biblical and historical records of the Exodus brings you to Nuweiba, a large beach in the Gulf of Aqaba, as Ron Wyatt discovered in 1978.  

Repeated dives in depths ranging from 60 to 200 feet deep (18m to 60m), over a stretch of almost 2.5 km, has shown that the chariot parts are scattered across the sea bed. Artifacts found include wheels, chariot bodies as well as human and horse bones. Divers have located wreckage on the Saudi coastline opposite Nuweiba as well.   

Since 1987, Ron Wyatt found three 4-spoke gilded chariot wheels. Coral does not grow on gold, hence the shape has remained very distinct, although the wood inside the gold veneer has disintegrated making them too fragile to move.

The hope for future expeditions is to explore the deeper waters with remote cameras or mini-subs. (ABOVE GILDED CHARIOT WHEEL - Mute witness to the miracle of the crossing  of the Red Sea by the Hebrews 3,500 years ago. Found with metal detector.


Coral-encrusted chariot wheel, filmed off the Saudi coastline, matches chariot wheels found in Tutankhamen's tomb.

Mineralized Bone - One of many found at the crossing site (above center). This one Tested by the Dept. of Osteology at Stockholm University, was found to be a human femur, from the right leg of a 165-170cm tall man. It is essentially 'fossilized' i.e. replaced by minerals and coral, hence cannot be dated by radiocarbon methods, although this specimen was obviously from antiquity.

Chariot wheel and axle covered with coral and up-ended. Exodus 14:25 "And took off their chariot wheels, that they drave them  heavily:....."  


Solomon's memorial pillars 

WHEN Ron Wyatt first  visited Nuweiba in 1978, he found a Phoenician style column lying in  the water. Unfortunately the inscriptions had been eroded away, hence the column's importance was not understood until 1984, when a second granite column was found on the Saudi coastline opposite -- identical to the first, except on this one the inscription was still intact! 

In  Phoenician letters (Archaic Hebrew), it contained the words: Mizraim  (Egypt); Solomon; Edom; death; Pharaoh; Moses; and Yahweh,  indicating that King Solomon had set up these columns as a memorial  to the miracle of the crossing of the sea. Saudi Arabia does not admit tourists, and perhaps fearing unauthorized visitors, the Saudi authorities have since removed this column and replaced it with a flag marker where it once stood.

How deep is the water?

THE Gulf of Aqaba is very deep, in places over a mile (1,600m) deep. Even with the sea dried up, walking across would be difficult due to the steep grade down the sides. But there is one spot where if the water were removed, it would be an easy descent for people and animals.  This is the line between Nuweiba and the opposite shore in Saudi Arabia.  

Depth-sounding expeditions have revealed a smooth, gentle slope descending from Nuweiba out into the Gulf.. This shows up almost like a pathway on depth-recording equipment, confirming it's Biblica! l description  "....a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters." (Isaiah 43:16).

The Bible writers frequently refer to the miracle of the Red  Sea crossing, for it was an event which finds no equal in history.   The Hebrew prophets describe the sea at the crossing site as "...the waters of  the great deep ...the depths of the sea..." (Isaiah 51:10). Knowing the exact spot to which the Bible writers were referring, what is the depth there? The distance between Nuweiba and where artifacts have been found on Saudi coast is about 18km (11 miles).

Along this line the deepest point is about 800m (2,600 feet). No wonder that inspired writers of the Bible described it as the mighty waters. And no wonder that not a single Egyptian survived when the water collapsed in upon them. (Above right NUWEIBA BEACH - The spot where the crossing began.)  


(right Model of depths at  crossing site.)

(left The Saudi side also has a  beach area

of a similar size see approximate  path.)   

(below right THE EXODUS ROUTE -  With the correct crossing site in the Gulf of  Aqaba)



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