Carmandale Persians & Exotics

Caring for your new baby

Your Carmandale baby has been brought up in the best of homes. If you follow this care sheet your kitten’s transition to life in your own home will be seamless and happy – for both of you.

Please don’t try to take in all the info and guidance set out in this care sheet in one go. Think of it more as a reference guide. Don’t give yourself ambitious tests along the way to see what a grand master of kitten hood you have become overnight.


Kittens thrive on a varied diet that gives them all the daily nutrition they need. As with most healthy baby animals, kittens know when it’s feeding time.

It's better to cook meat for your kitten, except for beef and good quality chicken products, which are more nutritious served raw. Give your kitten topside mince or minced chicken breast twice a day with the cat pellet you prefer. The pellets should be available at all times, along with lots of fresh water.

Please don’t give your kitten milk. Yes, most kittens love milk but it brings on diarrhea that fast leads to dehydration.

New parents of an Exotic kitten please don’t feel left out. Any guidance that applies to a Persian kitten applies to your Exotic kitten too.

The diet in the box shown here is great for kittens:

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|Cooked: Pork, lamb, pet mince and offal; Liver (in small quantities), fish and small amounts of cooked vegetables can be added to |

|their diet. |

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|Fresh: Beef, chicken and good quality pet food or tinned food; ox liver given only in moderation, as it can cause paralysis |

|otherwise. |

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|Dry: Royal Canin Persian Kitten or Hills Kitten until they are 6-months old and then Persians Adult Cat / Hills Adult Pellets left |

|out for them to nibble on all day. |

Royal Canin Range of products for your Persian kitten or cat

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Hills Science Range of Products


If you would like to give your kitten a treat as a replacement to cow’s milk you can give a mixture of Royal Canin milk replacer and Nestle Nestum Rice Porridge.

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Royal Canin Baby Cat Milk or Kyron Kitty Milk with Nestle Nestum Rice Baby Cereal

Your baby has been brought up on Royal Canin Kitten and a mixture of varied raw protein products of beef and chicken that are set out in our recipes given in this sheet.

Feeding times:

Feed your kitten raw meat at least three times a day and reduce to twice a day at four months. Leave pellets down for your kitten to nibble on at any time of the day. Smaller meals are a lot healthier for your baby.

And never forget the fresh water on a daily basis.

At adult stage your cat must still have a once-a-day portion of raw meat but check that it isn’t putting on too much weight.

A conditioning tonic:

We recommend a conditioning tonic such as Bob Martins kitten Cat Conditioner and Mirra-cote with wet food on a daily basis.


Multi-vitamins and Omega Oils – Mirra-Cote, Bob Martins, Feli-Vit and Promix Multi vitamins – are great products to add to wet food once a day.

Keeping worms and ants at bay:

If your kitten or cat seems listless, vomits, has an increased appetite, has a ‘staring’ coat or loses weight, it could have worms.

Your kitten has been de-wormed from 8 weeks old and we suggest you keep this up by de-worming once a month until it is 6 months. From then on deworming every 3 to 6 months should do the trick.

A dewormer can be purchased from your vet, pet shop or super market and comes in a range of products for cats. Try to find a dewormer that takes care of all types of worms.

Ants can bring about worms and we recommend you try keeping them out of your pets' food. Not always easy even with feeding bowls that have ‘moats’. A quick solution is to feed your pets on a mat sprayed with Baygon and left to dry before your cat goes back to it.

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A variety of de-wormers like Antezole, Mediworm, Bob Martins de-wormer range & Milbemax are all great products available for your cat.

Fleas and ticks:

Cats and kittens should be kept free from fleas and ticks. These can cause worms and anemia. Use only cat dusting powder on your cats and kittens. Shampooing in dog dip can be fatal. Never spray Baygon or any similar product on or near your cat or kitten.

The presence of black specks in a cat’s coat is a sign of fleas. If you find these pests take instant action to remove them all. You might need to bath your cat with a suitable cat shampoo.

Follow the directions when you use Frontline. The product Program used once a month at the recommended dosage is fantastic because it keeps your cat free of ringworm, which can be stubborn in Persians.

Flego can eradicate all existing fleas and their young. Make sure all animals are out of the room before you use Flego. Only once the smell has gone can the animals come back inside.

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The life cycle of a flea shows that adult flea’s amount to only 5% of the problem. So get rid of this problem at the larva and pupa stage.

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A wide range of tick and flea products can be found like the Frontline products, Advantage and Bob Martin products


Your Persian will need a lot of attention and grooming. You will need a good strong comb, a brush and ‘Johnson’s Baby’ powder when your baby is dirty. Comb the tail hair first, up the body, and towards the head, getting rid of all the knotted fur. After combing, fluff up the coat with a brush. Brushing the coat up encourages it to stand up on its own and allows air into the coat. Ears should be cleaned weekly with cotton wool and Boracic Solution. If the ears are very dirty apply a small amount of sweet oil into the ear with an ear bud. If mites are suspected ask your vet for suitable eardrops. Eyes should be cleaned every day with a boracic solution that works on excess tearing and build up around the eye.

Boracic eye cleaning recipe

Three heaped teaspoons of Dischem Boracic Acid Powder (obviously not the acid itself)

Three teaspoons of witch hazel & rose water

Mixed into 500ml of boiling water

Once cooled, the solution can be decanted into smaller containers and used once a day with cotton wool.

If crystals form in the solution you can warm it up in the microwave to dissolve them.

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Boracic Acid Powder / Boor Suur Poeier & Witch Hazel & Rose Water


Before you start get everything ready for the bath. The list looks chilling but you need to keep everything within hands’ reach and have spare hands at hand if you can.

It’s important for you to have diluted your shampoos and conditioners before bathing starts.

What you will need:

• Towels

• A plastic container for warm water to float the coat and get rid of residual soap

• A rose hand sprayer on your bath to wash your cat or a detachable hand sprayer to be used at bath time

• Flight hand cleaner (grit free)

• Sunlight liquid washing up soap for degreasing the coat

• Kitten or cat shampoo (diluted to ensure you do not strip their coat)

• Kitten or cat conditioner (diluted to prevent adding grease back into the coat)

• Johnson’s baby shampoo or Elizabeth Arden Baby Shampoo

• Soft toothbrush to clean either side of the nose, the head, and under the eyes

• A good strong hair dryer

• A Teflon-coated comb

• Soft slicker brush

• Tick & flea shampoo safe for cats; if there is a concern

• Anti-fungal, bacterial shampoo as a control for any skin ailments; very important and a must at every bath.

• Ear buds for cleaning out wax build up on the inner ears

• Nail clippers to clip their nails before starting the bath

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Strong hair dryer Cat Carrier to dry Towels Nail Clippers to trim nails

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Metal Combs & Slicker brushes to work the coat & Cotton Ear Buds to clean their ears & Make up Eye Cotton Pads for their eyes.

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Rose Spray to bath, Plastic bowl to float the coat & Baby No Tears Shampoo and baby tooth brush to clean the face.

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Flight Hand Cleaner & Sunlight Liquid for degreasing the coat & a fungal medicated shampoo of choice to keep the skin healthy

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Oster, All Systems, Biogroom, Wampum & Purl range of Shampoos are excellent for cats

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1. Trim their nails with nail clippers making sure to not cut too deep.

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2. Clean their eyes & ears with cotton eye pads, & ear buds with the Boracic Solution as per the recipe above.

3. Using the Teflon metal comb & slicker brush’s comb through the coat to get rid of any knots.

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4. Wet the coat and apply ‘Flight Hand Cleaner’ and massage into the coat and leave for at least 5 minutes.

5. Rinse thoroughly.

6. Apply your Sunlight Liquid, massage and wash thoroughly concentrating on the areas behind the ears, legs, butt and tall.

7. Rinse thoroughly

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8. Apply your next shampoo of choice and rinse thoroughly.

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9. Finally apply small amount of diluted conditioner (1 teaspoon in a bottle of warm water) and leave in while you clean their heads.

10. Using your tooth brush gently scrub the inner area of the eye, under the chin, cheeks and wash the head with Johnson’s Baby Shampoo; rinse thoroughly.

11. Lastly & most importantly apply your Anti-fungal / Bacterial shampoo as a control for any skin ailments & leave for a few minutes.

12. Finally fill your basin or large plastic bowl with warm water and allow your kitten to sit in it to rinse out the last of the soap; this is called floating the coat and is very important.

Most of Persians skin problems come from soap left on the skin and coat; so once you think you have completed your wash, rinse again to make sure they are completely clean.

Towel dry by padding your cat DO NOT rub dry as this will tangle the coat. Place your cat into a cat carrier and allow a strong hairdryer to blow warm air into the cage for about 20 minutes. This will allow the coat to dry without stressing your cat out.

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Take care not to burn your cat by leaving the hairdryer on hot!

Take your cat out and with the use of a soft slicker brush work through the coat slowly to release all the tangled hair in the drying process; part any knots by hand.

Once completed comb out the hair slowly making sure you do not strip the coat and hand dry him completely dry; you can use the slicker brush to encourage the hair to dry quicker.

Make sure you dry behind the back legs and between the toes ensuring your cat is totally dry to stop any irritation of the skin. Place cat in a warm dry place to calm down and relax, a little Lavender oil added to the water will calm your cat down.

Make sure you keep your cats coat clean as a dirty knotted cat is not a happy cat!

Spaying of Females not required for breeding:

If your kitten is a pet they have already been sterilized for their own well being.

Breeders have restricted breeding rights which means all their babies will need to be spayed other than the babies you keep for you own breeding program before they leave for their new homes.

This is necessary for their own protection and to protect their lineage; if they are left un-spayed they will wander off and will become pregnant. As well as contracting viral diseases and even uterus cancer.

If you could only allow her to breed 3 times maximum in a 2 year cycle to allow her to rest and recuperate. Any more than that will put strain on her body and the kittens well being!

Health Issues:

Your kitten comes from Polycystic Kidney Disease free lineage as well as a FIV and FeLV free cattery and we have attached copies of their test results for your records. Great care has been put into ensuring your kitten comes from healthy, genetically sound parents.

Although they comes from FIV and FeLV tested negative lineage; this does not mean they cannot contract it and recommend you keep them away from any stray cats as they may be carriers.

Upper Respitory Tract Infections in Persians - URI’s or Cat Flu (Snuffles):

The Persian / Persian Exotic cat is brachycephalic in the formation of their heads and nasal passage length which does create a few health challenges and strongly suggest that you make sure your cats face and eyes are kept clean. By keeping the area clean it will assist in preventing eye staining which are essentially proteins. If left can have bacteria and fungi growth which moves up the nose and will give them an Upper Respitory Tract Infection.

If your cat or kitten looks out of sorts, has runny eyes, sneezes or refuses food for more than a day, they may be coming down with cat flu which 85% of most cats carry and would advise taking them to your vet.

If you are concerned about anything; please don’t hesitate to contact me at any stage.

FIP - Feline Infectious Peritonitis

Corona Virus is a common cat disease and can be picked up at shows, veterinary practices, during shipping and a number of other simple movements. Though a very simple disease in its initial form can convert into FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) which is deadly to cats and generally seen due to high levels of stress & over vaccinations and we urge you to take as much care and protection in trying to avoid it. This can be done by reducing the initial stress when they arrive home and maintaining high levels of nutrition. Make sure there litter trays are kept clean and feces free.

Ensure that care is taken on follow up vaccinations and do not vaccinate before the stipulated time as this may cause additional stress. Should your kitten or cat get FIP a full test diagnostic will need to be done at the buyers cost and a replacement of same quality baby not including travel in the first three months after purchase. Thereafter there are a number of said reasons why a kitten may convert to FIP and this is out of the breeder’s control.

We suggest the core vaccinations be done with a booster a year later and thereafter every three years, however your current vet must advise you on what they feel is correct and in alignment to the local and international regulations without over vaccination protocol of your kitten which may lead to FIP.

Fungal Issues

Fungal issues such as ringworm are a concern in Persians & Exotics and we as a cattery have implemented an 8 week control medication schedule and bathed weekly to ensure that they are clear. We suggest that a control of anti-fungal shampoo is implemented as part of your Kittens bathing routine and the breeder cannot be held responsible for this once they leave our cattery.

Should you have Fungal / ringworm issues; here are a few ways of sorting it out.

Natural Sulphur Shampoo Remedy

250mls Maltons Medicated Shampoo from Spar / Checkers or Pick-n-Pay

1 x teaspoons of Sulphur Flowers (Flowers of Sulphur)

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Mix thoroughly and use as part of their bathing routine as a control measure

If you find ringworm / fungal issues

Bath your cat every three days and use an antifungal cream on the spots




Mycota Foot Powder can be added to the coat in the areas of concern as well as adding a PINCH of Potassium Permanganate to their final rinsing water and allow the cat to sit in the water for a few minutes.

Please note: a PINCH of granules in a basin of water is all you need. The water must be a light pinkish / purple colour. DO NOT make it to strong as in a strong mix it can be detrimental to your cats health.

How to use flowers of sulphur

You can apply flowers of Sulphur directly to your skin as a dry powder. Shake it on, rub it in, or use a powder puff or a flour shaker. Use it like talcum powder (note: Grow Youthful does not recommend talcum powder as it is harmful to both skin and lungs).

When using it on your skin, test it with a small quantity at first, and then use whatever quantity seems to be effective for your particular situation.

Flowers of Sulphur can be used internally, and traditionally it is taken with molasses (treacle). A small pinch, less than the size if a match head, is mixed with a teaspoon of molasses and that is sufficient dose for one day. Normally it is not taken for more than three days in a row. When used internally it has a mild laxative effect. Warning - test with very small amounts before taking yellow sulfur internally. A very few people react strongly to it.

You can mix FOS with skin oils and skin creams, for use on your own skin, also for pets, farm animals and poultry.

To make an ointment, use coconut oil, palm oil, petroleum jelly, olive oil, cocoa butter or any other skin oil as you need. Slowly warm the oil to melt it, add 2 or 3 tablespoons of Sulphur powder to a cup of oil, mix well and allow to cool.

Animals. To use Flowers of sulphur in their fur, mix 1 part Flowers of Sulphur with 2 parts talcum powder. Part the coat and rub in gently on body, head and back of ears. Make sure you are in a ventilated area as talc powder is damaging to your lungs. If you use neat Flowers of Sulphur without adding talcum powder on cats and some other animals, it makes their coats (fur) very dry and brittle resulting in breakage.

You can add FOS powder to animal's food. However it is difficult to add to their water as it tends to float rather than dissolve in the water.

Settling your kitten into its new home:

After sterilization, vaccinations and now a new home and environment a kitten goes through a very stressful few days which is a very critical time for a baby. There immunities drop in trying to cope with all these stresses and recommend you make the transition as stress free and calm as possible.

All homes have Bacteria & Fungi in the air & suggest you place your kitten in a room away from other pets, family & friends for a few days to let them adjust to their new environment. They may sneeze a few times as they get use to the new atmosphere; please don’t worry. However if this continues for a few days I would consider a check up with your vet just to be sure.

In the selected room where they are settling into, place there litter tray down and place them in it to know where it is, place the food and water bowls close by and show them were everything is and then leave them alone to settle in.

Cats own us and allow them to investigate their new home; once settled allow them to come to you in their own time and once done the bond is made and they will love you forever! Do not run after them until they have settled down and made the first move.

Hygiene talk:

Your kitten will already know how to use a litter tray. The tray should have sides high enough to contain the clumping litter or crystals, but not so high that the kitten cannot see into it. A small plastic washing bowl is ideal. Do not use sawdust or wood shavings as the cat or kitten may ingest these.

Your kitten has been brought up on clumping litter and should you like to move your kitten onto Crystals to please do this slowly as they do not like the crunch of the litter and will stop using the litter tray.

Mix the two products and over a period of a few months slowly reduce the clumping litter and add more crystals until the clumping litter is no more.

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Plastic Bowls force the kitten to elevate its paws and drop its butt which makes sure it always hits the litter. Clumping litter is great but if you want to move to Crystals please do it slowly as they do not like the crunch.


Your kitten is up to date with their vaccinations and will require another set of vaccinations as per his record of vaccinations. There vaccinations are to protect against both Feline Enteritis and Rhinotracheitus (snuffles) and will need a rabies inoculations on its third set.

A booster dose of this vaccine should be given in one year's time and thereafter once every three years is more than enough but suggest following your Veterinaries advice in this regard.


Make certain that your kitten has easy access to the house at all times. It may be able to find his way out of a window but unable to find its way back in again. This could be dangerous, especially after dark. Make sure that your kitten is safely inside at night as night time is danger time for cats. A cat in the habit of coming in at night will not want to stay out.

Persians get stolen for re-sale all the time and highly recommend only allowing them out into the garden when you are around.

Final Words

Thank you once again for giving our baby a wonderful home and welcome to the Carmandale family! Good luck, enjoy your new baby and should you have any challenges, questions or concerns; please don't hesitate to call.

Should your circumstances change and you are unable to keep your cat or kitten, please contact me and we will gladly assist you in re-homing your cat or Kitten.

We will gladly look after your baby if you are going away on a holiday and need assistance in your time away for a nominal fee to cover their food, stay and grooming.

This is our hobby and each and every one of our babies are brought up like our kids and appreciate all your news, pictures and updates.

All the best and warm regards,

The Carmandale Persian & Exotic Team

Contact us 24-7-365:

Shaun Armand: 082 719 0110

Antoni Nortman: 082 742 9366

Email: carmandale@



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