FailSafe Enterprise Liability Expense Application

|This application is for a Claims Made Policy. |

|Name of Insurer |      | |

| |

|[pic] Release 4.2 [pic] |

| |Agent Name: |      |Agent License Number: |      |

|The Basics |

|The words You, Your and Yours in this application means all of the following: the entity indicated in question ( below (the “Applicant”); all subsidiaries in which |

|the Applicant has more than a 50% ownership interest; and all officers, directors, owners, partners and employees of the aforementioned entities. The words We, Us |

|and Our means the Insurer named above. |

| |

|( |Name of Applicant (use the complete legal entity name as it should appear on the policy) |

| |       |

| | |

|( |Please list all subsidiaries of the Applicant |

| |       |

| |       |

| | |

|( |Applicant’s Address (provide mailing & physical address if they’re not the same) |

| |       |

| |       |

| |List foreign countries You have physical offices in, if any. |

| |       |

| | |

|( |How many years has the Applicant been in business? _________ |

| | |

|( |List all of Your Websites. Include all URLs registered in Your name. |

| |       |       |

| |       |       |

| |If a description of Your products / services is not available on Your website(s), please include additional information (brochure, summary of products / |

| |services, etc.) when You submit the application. You are also welcome to include any other information You think may help Us understand what You do. |

| | |

|( |Desired limit of liability: $250,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $5,000,000 $     |

| | |

| |Desired Retention: $2,500 $5,000 $10,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000 $     |

| |

|( |If the Applicant currently has Errors & Omissions (E&O) insurance with a Company other than the Hartford, please provide: |

| |

| |Limit of Liability |$ |       | |Expiration Date |       |

| |Deductible/SIR |$ |       | |Retroactive Date |       |

| |First Party Limit(s) |$ |       | |First Party Deductible / SIR |$        |

| |Premium |$ |       | |Insurance Company |       |

| |

|( |Is this Your first time purchasing this coverage? Yes No |

| |

|( |Are You purchasing or seeking to purchase E&O insurance to comply with a Contract requirement? Yes No |

| |If Yes, please provide a complete copy of contract, including Statements of Work and annual revenue expectations for such contract. |

| |

|( |Have You acquired or merged with any companies in the past 3 Years? Yes No |

| |If Yes, please provide the name of each company and the applicable date of acquisition / merger. |

| |  |

| |     |

| |  |

| |     |

| |  |

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|Expense and Claims Made Disclosure |




| |

|Covered claims expenses and damages within the retention amount must be paid by You and do not reduce Limits of Liability. Covered claim expenses and damages above|

|the retention amount are payable under the policy, and may reduce, and may completely exhaust the limits of liability. We shall not be liable for claims expenses |

|or damages after exhaustion of the applicable Limit of Liability. |

|The Money |

| | | |

|( |Please confirm the Applicant’s Fiscal Year End Date: |     /     /       |

| |

|( |Please provide the revenue and expense information for Your operations as requested below: |

| |Domestic |Foreign |Total |Total |

| |Revenues |Revenues |Revenues |Operating Expenses |

|Actual Prior Year |       |       |       |       |

|Projected Current Year |       |       |       |       |

|Projected Next Year |       |       |       |       |

| |

|If Your financials are not available on Your Website(s), please include Your Income Statement and Current Balance Sheet for the most recently completed fiscal year|

|and the current Year To Date when You submit this application. |

|What You Do |

| |

|( |Please provide a detailed description of Your products / services: |

|  |

|     |

|  |

|     |

|  |

|     |

| |

|( |Please provide the percentage of revenue attributable to the following activities for Your company: |

| |

|Hardware Products / Services: |

|      % |Manufacturing / Design of Hardware Products / Components for Others |

|      % |Resale of Hardware Products / Components Manufactured by Others |

|      % |Installation / Integration / Maintenance of Hardware Products Manufactured by Others |

|Software Products / Services: |

|      % |Prepackaged Software Development and Sales |

|      % |Custom Programming & Software Development Services |

|      % |Software Installation / Integration / Maintenance Services for Software Products of Others |

|      % |Application Service Provider (ASP) Services / Software as a Service (SaaS) |

|      % |Website Design Services |

|Communication / Connectivity Services: |

|      % |Internet Access / Website & Data Hosting / IT Connectivity Services / Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) |

|      % |Telecommunication Services (wire-line, wireless, VoIP, local/long distance telephone services) |

|      % |Internet Search Engine, Website Portal, or Social Networking Services |

|Other Information Technology Services: |

|      % |IT Networking, Systems Management, & Systems Outsourcing Services |

|      % |Information Security Services (network vulnerability & penetration testing; intrusion detection services, etc) |

|      % |IT Consulting Services (strictly providing advice and direction on information technology) |

|      % |IT Staffing Services (Please indicate % of: Time & Materials Work      % Project/Deliverables/Turnkey Work      %) |

|      % |Other IT Services (Please describe):   |

| |     |

|Non-Technology Products / Services: (accounting, architectural, engineering, legal, medical, insurance, etc.) |

|      % |(Please describe):   |

| |     |

|Who You Do It For |

|( |Please provide the percentage of Your revenue attributable to the following industries: |

| |

|      % |Federal Government (Prime Contractor and/or Subcontractor) |      % |Aerospace / Aircraft / Aviation |

|      % |Local / State Government (Prime Contractor and/or Subcontractor) |      % |Banking / Investment / Financial Services |

|      % |Biotechnology / Life Science / Pharmaceutical / Renewable Energy |      % |Insurance |

|      % |Medical / Healthcare |      % |Manufacturing / Industrial |

|      % |Entertainment / Broadcasting / Gaming |      % |Law Firms / Accounting Firms |

|      % |Information Technology / Telecommunications | | |

|      % |Other (Please describe):   |

| |  |

|What It Does |

| |

|( |Please provide a detailed description of the applicable end use(s) of Your products / services for Your customers: |

|  |

|     |

|  |

|     |

|  |

|     |

| |

|( |Please provide the percentage of revenue attributable to the following end use(s) of Your products / services: |

| |

|      % |Medical Purposes (diagnostics, patient care / treatment, non-administrative medical applications, etc.) |

|      % |Aerospace Applications (flight control, guidance systems, aircraft tracking and warning systems, etc.) |

|      % |Defense / Military Applications (warfare, weapon & targeting systems; non-administrative military applications, etc.) |

|      % |Training & Education Purposes (products / services used to train/educate others on information technology products) |

|      % |Fire / Physical Security / Emergency Applications |

|      % |Information and Computer Systems Security Advice / Products |

|      % |Network / Systems Administration |

|      % |Business Intelligence / Data Management |

|      % |Communication Applications (voice / data / internet connectivity technologies) |

|      % |Financial Transaction Applications (funds transfer, trading, financial modeling, credit card transactions, etc.) |

|      % |Accounting / Financial Applications (excluding those indicated as Financial Transactions above) |

|      % |Administrative Applications (sales, marketing, billing, human resources, etc.) |

|      % |Physical Process / Manufacturing Process Controls (robotics, automation, PLC, CAM, CAE, etc.) |

|      % |Multi-media / Gaming Applications |

|      % |Social Media / Social Networking |

|      % |Other (Please describe):              |

|Your Team |

| |

|( |Composition of Your work force: | | |

| |     |# of principals, partners, directors and officers |      |# of clerical / support personnel |

| |     |# of technical personnel |      |# of sales and marketing personnel |

| |     |# of independent contractors performing services on Your behalf |      |# of Other |

| | |      |Total # for all categories listed above | |

| | |      |% of personnel that work in remote locations Please describe:             | |

| |      |Average years of experience for technical staff and subcontractors |

| |

|( |Do You subcontract any activity involved in the research, development, distribution and sale of Your products/services? |

| |Yes No If Yes, please answer a. & b. below |

| |a. |Do You require subcontractors to maintain Errors or Omissions Coverage? Yes No |

| |b. |Identify services You subcontract & how You ensure the quality of these services. |

| |  |

| |     |

| |  |

| |     |

|What Could Go Wrong? |

| |

|( |Please describe the most likely scenario if Your product / service failed: |

|  |

|     |

|  |

|     |

|  |

|     |

| |

|( |How many users would be affected if Your product / service failed? 1-10 10-100 Over 100 |

| |What is the acceptable downtime for Your product / service according to Your average customer’s needs? |

| |None Less than 1 day Less than 2 days More than 2 days |

| |

|( |Do You warrant or guarantee any standards of performance for Your products/services? (i.e. no service interruptions, delivery / completion time frames, |

| |volume of transactions, etc.) Yes No If Yes, please describe: |

|  |

|     |

|  |

|     |

| |

|( |Do You ever warrant or guarantee that Your product / service has no security vulnerabilities or that Your service will prevent security breaches, the |

| |introduction/transfer of malicious code, etc.? Yes No If Yes, please describe: |

|  |

|     |

|  |

|     |

|Contractual Risk Management & Customer Support |

| |

|( |Please indicate the estimated percentage of time You utilize the following in Your engagements with customers: |

|      % |Your Standard Customer Contract with no Modifications (please provide copy with application) |

|      % |Your Standard Customer Contract with Modifications (not including pricing modification) |

|      % |Customer Provided Contract with no Modifications |

|      % |Customer Provided Contract with Modifications |

|      % |No contractual agreement with Your customer |

| |

|( |The following provisions, when negotiated in Your favor, can offer clarity & insulation in the event of a dispute. Which of the following provisions do You |

| |include, in Your favor, in Your standard contracts / agreements with customers? (check all that apply) |

| Liability Disclaimer of Consequential Damages |

|Disclaimer of Warranty - General |

| |

|Limitation of Liability – Damages Cap |

|Disclaimer of Warranty for Security of Clients’ Systems |

| |

| |

|( |Do You ever negotiate contracts with a customer where You are liable for consequential, liquidated, multiplied, or punitive damages? Yes No If Yes, |

| |please indicate how often and under what circumstances. |

|  |

|     |

|  |

|     |

| |

|( |Do You ever negotiate contracts with a customer where Your liability is not explicitly limited within the agreement? |

| |Yes No If Yes, please indicate how often and describe these situations. |

|  |

|     |

|  |

|     |

| |

|( |How many customers do You currently have?       What is Your customer growth rate?      % |

| |What is the size & length of Your average customer contract? |$        |      Months |      Years |

| |What is the size & length of Your largest customer contract? |$        |      Months |      Years |

| |Name of largest customer & detailed description of work performed. Please provide copy of contract |

|  |

|     |

|  |

|     |

| |

|( |Check (() all items that are elements of Your quality control & customer support programs, if applicable. Check all that apply. |

| |Written & formalized quality control program |

| |Customer signature on each phase of project and change-order |

| | |

| |Recall Plan |

| |Formal customer acceptance procedures |

| | |

| |Formal Customer Notification / Escalation Procedures |

| |Dedicated Customer Service Support M-F 24/7 |

| | |

|IT Operations, Privacy & Security |

|( |Do You or a 3rd Party on Your behalf: collect, control, or store sensitive information of others? Yes No |

| |If yes, please check all that apply and provide approximate number of records. |

| |

| Social Security Numbers: |

|________ |

|Healthcare Records: |

|________ |

| |

|Payment Card Information: |

|________ |

|Medical Identification Information: |

|________ |

| |

|Drivers’ License Numbers: |

|________ |

|Credit Rating Information: |

|________ |

| |

|Financial Account Numbers: |

|________ |

|User Names and Passwords: |

|________ |

| |

|Biometric Data: |

|________ |

|Other Government ID Numbers: |

|________ |

| |

|Other: ____________________ |

|________ |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |What % of the above are records within Your care, custody & control?      % With a 3rd Party on Your behalf?      % |

| |What % of the above are records of employees and / or individual independent contractors?      % |

| |What are Your purging timelines and procedures (for records no longer in use)?  Please confirm whether Your procedures include permanently erasing or |

| |destroying the data using a technique that leaves no residual data. |

| |  |

| |     |

| |  |

| |     |

| |

|( |Privacy Policies / Procedures / Controls: |

| |a. |Do You have a corporate privacy policy for handling confidential / sensitive information? Yes No |

| |b. |Do You train employees on handling of sensitive information? Yes No How often?       |

| |c. |For sensitive information indicated above, is information collected with authorization of those whose information is being collected (e.g. in the form |

| | |of an opt-in agreement)? Yes No If Yes, on what basis? Opt-in Opt-out |

| |

|( |Please indicate the operation(s) outsourced and the name of the third party vendor(s)? |

| |Outsourced Service |

| |Vendor |

| | |

| |Outsourced Service |

| |Vendor |

| | |

| | |

| |Network Operations/Data Center |

| |            |

| | |

| |Data Storage/Back-up/Recovery |

| |            |

| | |

| | |

| |Hosting: Corporate Applications |

| |            |

| | |

| |Network Security Services |

| |            |

| | |

| | |

| |Hosting: Customer Applications |

| |            |

| | |

| |Other                 |

| |            |

| | |

| | |

| |Do Your contracts with these third parties specify privacy and security requirements and responsibilities? Yes No |

| |Do these third parties indemnify You for damages & losses, including notification costs, arising from data breach? Yes No |

| |

|( |Please check (() all IT Risk Management elements implemented by You or 3rd Party holding sensitive information on Your behalf: |

| |Data Protection |

| | |

| | |

| | Inventory of Authorized / Unauthorized Devices & Software |

| |You 3rd Party |

| | |

| | Encryption of Data at rest & in motion on desktops, laptops, mobile equipment & servers |

| |You 3rd Party |

| | |

| | Continuous Vulnerability Assessment / Remediation, Patch Management & Intrusion Detection |

| |You 3rd Party |

| | |

| | Maintenance, Monitoring & Analysis of Audit Logs |

| |You 3rd Party |

| | |

| | Email & Web Protections (e.g. Monitoring Data Outflows / Incoming Attachments / URL Filters) |

| |You 3rd Party |

| | |

| | Multi-Factor Authentication |

| |You 3rd Party |

| | |

| | Database and Network Segmentation |

| |You 3rd Party |

| | |

| | Active Management of Security Configurations for Firewalls, Routers, Switches & Devices |

| |You 3rd Party |

| | |

| | Anti-malware Software Automation |

| |You 3rd Party |

| | |

| | Practiced Security Breach Response Plan |

| |You 3rd Party |

| | |

| | Periodic Security Audits including Penetration Testing by 3rd Parties |

| |You 3rd Party |

| | |

| |Employee Access Management |

| | |

| | |

| | Employee Security Skills, Awareness, & Assessment / Training |

| |You 3rd Party |

| | |

| | Secure Remote Access Capabilities ( e.g. VPN) |

| |You 3rd Party |

| | |

| | Controlled Use of Administrative Privileges & Access to Sensitive Data |

| |You 3rd Party |

| | |

| | Procedure for Departed Employees / 3rd Parties (e.g. immediate termination of accounts & access) |

| |You 3rd Party |

| | |

| |

|( |Business Income Loss & Data Restoration |

| |Do You have an alternative processing site to maintain uptime & business function? Yes No |

| |Do You have an alternative storage site that maintains duplicate copies of operating systems, app software, and data? Yes No |

| |Please indicate the type and frequency of backup procedures You have in place: |

| |Type of Backup (check all that apply) |

| |Frequency of Backup |

| | |

| |Full Backup |

| |  Daily    Weekly    Monthly    Never |

| | |

| |Incremental Backup |

| |  Daily    Weekly    Monthly    Never |

| | |

| |Differential Backup |

| |  Daily    Weekly    Monthly    Never |

| | |

| |

|( |What percentage of Your annual revenue is derived from e-Commerce / internet sales?      % |

| |

|( |Are You a Business Associate under HIPAA? Yes No |

| |

|( |Are You compliant with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards? Yes No (Please provide copy of compliance report) |

| |What is Your Visa Merchant Level? 1 (6M+ transactions)    2 (1M to 6M transactions)    3 (20k to 1M transactions)    4 ( ................

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