Arnold press: 3x8reps. Don’t let the name intimidate you ...

leftcenter* Don't do jumping exercises 7 days a week. Four or five days per week is enough. If you do it every day, you may give up after a week or two.*When training don’t overload the body. Mix and match work outs. For example, I wouldn’t do this whole workout together. You don’t want to over exhaust your body because then you won’t perform well. Better performance better results. 300000* Don't do jumping exercises 7 days a week. Four or five days per week is enough. If you do it every day, you may give up after a week or two.*When training don’t overload the body. Mix and match work outs. For example, I wouldn’t do this whole workout together. You don’t want to over exhaust your body because then you won’t perform well. Better performance better results. WORKOUT ROUTINEVolleyball is a game that demands athleticism and coordination among all players. One of the keys to becoming a successful volleyball is the ability to produce a strong vertical jump in order to hit put-away shots. Building strength and speed are also important for all volleyball players.The idea behind working out for volleyball is to increase jumping ability, to hit the ball harder and to dominate the game as it is played in the air. This means doing jumping exercises, strength building exercises and quickness work that will help a volleyball player execute the shot he/she wants at the right moment. Executing the proper jumping drills can help a player dominate in all three of those areas. Building explosiveness on the court comes with a commitment to working out. Be consistent with your training.JUMPING: Quick Movements, Not Slow ExercisesSquat Jumps: The first exercise for your jumping workouts is Jump Squats; it is just like a typical squat but without weight. Lower your body into squat position with your hands behind your head (or out in front of you for balance). And when you reach the point where your legs are parallel to the ground, spring upwards and explode towards the ceiling. When you reach the ground, repeat with no rest. Keep rest to a minimum in all your jumping workouts to get the most improvement. 3x10Box Jumps: These exercises for your jumping workouts are great because they force you to jump high each time. So make sure that you get a large box or something to jump onto and standing in front of it with your feet together, with all your force, jump on top of the box then step back down. Repeat. If the box is too short, then you won’t actually build the strength you would like, and if it is too high, then you won’t be able to make it on top and most likely you will hurt yourself. So make sure it is something that is high enough to make you push yourself to improve. 10,8,6Step-up Jumps: Using the smaller box, put one foot on top of the box and using that leg, push your body up and off the box. On the way back down, switch legs so your opposite leg is now on the box and your other foot is on the floor. 3x10 reps. Once you’ve done both feet that’s one. Jump Rope: These are the best jumping exercises for jump workouts. You can perform most any style of jump rope exercise, but use these typical exercises for the most improvement. The typical jump rope with both feet. Single leg jump rope. Do each of these 100 times, for a total of 300. If that is too easy, start increasing after the first week of workouts.righttopIf you notice exercises are in 3x10 reps. Put 3 or 4 exercises together and do a circuit.Example circuit:50 jumping jacks5 pushups20 sit ups20 mountain climbers30 second plank7 burpeesRepeat 3x 1 min break in between300000If you notice exercises are in 3x10 reps. Put 3 or 4 exercises together and do a circuit.Example circuit:50 jumping jacks5 pushups20 sit ups20 mountain climbers30 second plank7 burpeesRepeat 3x 1 min break in betweenUpper Body:Pushups- 3x:12,10,8Regular, Wide Reach, Close reachInverted push-up to row: You’ll need a set of light (5-10 lbs) dumbbells. Place the dumbbells with the handles angled 45 degrees to the outside. Grab the handles with your palms facing up towards your head. Now perform a push up. Each time you come up, pull one of the dumbbells up to your chest. Bring the dumbbell down to the same spot and perform another push up. Do the same thing for the other arm on your way up. Keep alternating the arm performing the row. Each push up is one repetition. *Focus on coming down slow and forcefully pushing up (with control). Aim for 2-3 seconds going down and 1 second coming up. 3x 10 reps 1 min rest in between. Alternating dumbbell chest press on stability ball: Grab a set of dumbbells (10-15lbs) and lie back on a stability ball. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor . Bring the weights to your chest and press them both up above your head, arms extended. Your palms should be facing forward (towards your feet). Lower the right dumbbell down to your chest and press it back up to the starting position. Do the same thing for the left side. That’s one repetition. Continue alternating arms throughout the set. Always be in control of the weight. 3x10 reps*if you don’t have a stability ball just lay on flat surface tricep extension: You’ll need a bench and a set of dumbbells (10-12 lbs).Lie down on the bench face-up and bring both dumbbells straight up. Keep your arms fully extended and your palms facing each other. Slowly, without moving your upper arm, bring both dumbbells down to the side of your head by bending your elbow. Pause for a second and, again without any movement of the upper arm, bring the weights back up to the starting position. Remember to inhale as your bring the weights down and exhale on the way up. *you can also just use one big weight and you can also do this standing up if you don’t have a bench. 3x10 reps. Pull ups: 10, 8, 6- if you have access to a place where you can do them. Great way to build upper body strength. If you’re struggling a little bit. Use one of those stretchy bands hook it on the grips of the pull up bar and put knee or foot inside other end. Will give some extra help. Or if your at a gym that has an assisted pull up machine use that.Tricep dips: 2x10 reps. if this becomes too easy. Put feet up as well and a plated weight on your thighs. Arnold press: 3x8reps. Don’t let the name intimidate you. The exercise won’t leave you looking like Arnold, but it will give you the most incredible shoulders of your life. Grab a set of dumbbells (10-15 lbs). Sit down on a bench that has lower back support. Bring the dumbbells to your shoulders with a pronated grip (palms facing away from you) and press them above your head. Then slowly bring them down to starting position. Next, immediately bring your elbows in as if they’re to touch and twist your forearms so your palms are facing you. Reverse this movement to bring the dumbbells back to original position. That is one repetition. Plank to extension. Find a matt that you can lie on face down on your stomach. Bring yourself into plank position. Now, by extending one arm at a time, bring yourself up to where both arms are extended. Right away, bring yourself back down to a plank. Continue bringing your body up and down for a set period of time. Prepare for the burn! 45 seconds then 1 min or if you do better with numbers do 2 sets of 15.Lower body:Goblet squats: 3X12 reps. You’ll need a dumbbell or medicine ball. Hold the dumbbell as shown in the picture below and bring it close to your chest. Keep it tight to your body. Your feet should be slightly past shoulder width apart and your feet should be pointing out – 11 and 1 o’clock should work. Squat deep down until the outside of your elbows brush the inside of your knees (your thighs will probably go just past horizontal). Go down slowly (2-3 seconds) and explode up (one second).388620055245Always start the movement by hinging your hips back and sitting back into the squat, keeping the weight on your heels,Keep your chest up and your head facing forward,Do not let your knees ride past your toes,Keep the dumbbell clinched and tight to your chest.00Always start the movement by hinging your hips back and sitting back into the squat, keeping the weight on your heels,Keep your chest up and your head facing forward,Do not let your knees ride past your toes,Keep the dumbbell clinched and tight to your chest.40081201132205Keep your head straight; do not over-extend your neck as you bend down – keep it within its natural alignment,Keep your body fully aligned at all times (no rounding of the back or bending of the rising leg),Maintain a slow pace (2-3 seconds) going up and down.00Keep your head straight; do not over-extend your neck as you bend down – keep it within its natural alignment,Keep your body fully aligned at all times (no rounding of the back or bending of the rising leg),Maintain a slow pace (2-3 seconds) going up and down.Single Leg dead lift: 3X12 reps. You’re going to be performing this exercise one leg at a time. Start by balancing on your left leg. Keeping your back straight, hinge your hips so you’re bending forwards (please don’t round your back). As your upper body is bending forward, you’ll want to raise your other leg straight back behind you. Your body will essentially be making the shape of a letter T. Keep your arms out straight in front of you at all times and as you bend forward aim to get close to your toes. This exercise will require a great deal of balance and coordination at first and you’ll probably be all over the place. All out Lunges – Keep knee over toes. Do not let knee touch the floor. 2x8 reps. Here’s the kicker: your start with your right do side lunge forward lunge left leg forward then side lunge then backwards with your left and backwards with your right. That’s 1. Squat Jumps 2x12 reps. Yes we do them for jumping and for our lower body. This time your doing it with weights though. If you have a medicine ball or weight vest. What you need to do is squat down until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Now, instead of simply getting back up, you’ll want to explode up and jump as high as you can. Land back down and immediately go back into a squat position and jump again. Repeat. This is a fast-paced exercise so be sure that your form is still spot on.One legged squats: 3X10 reps. You’ll need some sort of step or bench for this exercise – anything that is sturdy enough for you to stand on and has a height of 1 or 2 feet (the higher the platform, the more challenging the exercise becomes). Start by balancing yourself on one leg near the edge of the bench, with the other leg held a little bit in front of you hanging over the edge of the bench. Now, hinge your hips back and squat down on the leg you’re balancing on. Go low enough so the heal of your other foot touches the ground. If your legs are not strong enough for you to touch the ground, simply go as low as you can. Without resting, immediately bring yourself back up to starting position. You’ll do the same thing for the other leg on the other side of the bench. 2423160193040Keep your chest up and head facing forwards,Keep your hands held straight in front of you for balance,Keep a slow cadence throughout the lowering and rising movement.00Keep your chest up and head facing forwards,Keep your hands held straight in front of you for balance,Keep a slow cadence throughout the lowering and rising movement.Stability ball Bridges: 3x12 reps. Place the mat down and lay on your back with the stability ball by your legs. Place both of your feet on the ball – you’ll have to raise your butt off the ground. Your hands should be by your side. Now press your feet down into the ball and squeeze your glutes and your hamstrings to raise your hips up high (your body will look kind of like a bridge). Lower yourself back down and repeat. (If you want to really challenge yourself, don’t come all the way down; instead, go down until your butt is 1 inch off the ground and go right back up). If having trouble with ball kick it aside and do exercise without. CORE STRENGTH:Planks and side planks: 30 sec-45 sec-1 min only do side planks for 30 seconds.Bicycle: Lie face up on your mat and place your hands behind your head, lightly supporting it with your fingers. Bring the knees in to the chest and lift the shoulder blades off the floor without pulling on the neck. Rotate to the left, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee as you straighten the other leg. Switch sides, bringing the left elbow towards the right knee. Continue alternating sides in a 'pedaling' motion. 2X50 reps. Paddle the Canoe – Sit with knees bent and feet off the floor. Hold hands together and rotate trunk so that your hands touch the floor on either side of your body. This action should mimic paddling a canoe. 2X 50 reps.Exercise ball crunches: Lie on the ball, positioning it under the lower back. Cross your arms over the chest or place them behind your head. Contract your abs to lift your torso off the ball, pulling the bottom of your ribcage down toward your hips. As you curl up, keep the ball stable (i.e., the ball shouldn't roll). 2X25 reps.6 inches: 30 sec-45 sec-1 minThrow downs: 2x25 reps.Iron crosses: with legs extended and arms out to side. Balance on your butt at a 45 degree angle for 30 sec- 45 sec- 1 min.Vertical leg Crunch: Lie on the floor and extend the legs straight up with knees crossed. Place hands behind head for support. Contract the abs to lift the shoulders off the floor, as though reaching your chest towards your feet. Keep the legs in a fixed position and imagine bringing your belly button towards your spine. 2X50 reps.QUICKNESS:Jumps ropeLine jumping- 1 min or longer Forward/backward-2 feet/1 footSide to side- 2 feet/ 1 footLadders DotsCone drills ................

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