Little Gasparilla Property Owners Association

Little Gasparilla Property Owners Association PO Box 3643, Placida, FL 33946 May 2017, Coconut Telegraph Important Information in this issue you won’t want to miss!**FPL Update**Great American Cleanup results**Annual Meeting results - Director for District 6 (Hideaway) needed**LGPOA membership drive 2017**Hurricane season**2017 Labor Day Cookout and Fishing Tournament**Environmental update**LGIFR update - Executive Order A New Sailboat From District 8 Board Member - Terrie WeibleyLast week about a 1/4 mile off Gasparilla Sound at the pass another sailboat lost its' way into shallow waters. Charlotte County authorities reported that there was one man aboard. Late in the day it appeared as though Sea Tow made an effort to dislodge the boat and its’ likely-buried keel. Ultimately, the man was convinced to abandon ship and all boats left the sailing vessel on the bar. Since then it's been taking on water and appears to be submerged. The mast and small portions of the stern are still visible. 2015 Annabelle- Sailboat UpdateFrom: Linda Soderquist Roger DeBruler from Charlotte County Natural Resources is working on removal of the sailboat. For whatever reason, it is true that the state will not assist with the removal or the costs incurred. Roger has verified this. The boat has been flagged with a red sticker that notifies the owner that the removal must take place within five days of the notice. Five days have passed. Now it is officially out of the hands of the owners and the county can take over and begin to work to contract with someone to remove it. Currently the county is waiting for bids. The group ROC (Restore Our Coast) is still assisting with logistics of the removal and perhaps helping financially. **FPL UpdateFrom: Matt Skeese, FPL (The LGPOA is not affiliated with the FPL, we just want to keep you up to date on all island activities.)I write today to inform you of a change in our plans in regards to replacing FPL facilities on Little Gasparilla Island (LGI). While I had initially intended to replace five poles on the backbone (the main lines than run from north to south down the eastern side of the island, FPL has made the decision to completely rebuild the island. This process includes changing out all poles (unless they have recently been replaced in the last year on another job), replacing all hardware with zinc coated hardware to greatly reduce wear-and-tear from the extreme salt spray, reconductoring all wire with larger wire, and replacing lateral fuse switches with our new automated switches. We continue to work on a solution to provide a second feed to the island from the southern end. This work is scheduled to begin later this year and will go into late 2018.Thanks to Judy McCoy for sharing the update! **2017 Great American Cleanup The cleanup “where volunteers collect what others have left” was very successful. We had more volunteers and collected more garbage than ever before, almost 3 tons. Everyone’s efforts are deeply appreciated by the LGPOA. In the last year and a half volunteers have cleaned all the mangroves on the island, and with this September’s cleanup will complete a second pass. Thanks are due to Keep Charlotte County Beautiful for the organization of the dumpster and providing T-shirts and water for island volunteers. If you get a chance, please thank Suzanne and Sam Dixon from Eldred’s Marina for providing dumpster space. Glen Schroeder, Richard Leydon and Deric Flom deserve a big thank you for their assistance hauling and transporting what was collected. Everyone’s efforts are deeply appreciated by the LGPOA. Wear your shirts proudly, you deserve them! ** Spring 2017 Annual MeetingThe Spring 2017 Annual LGPOA Membership Meeting was held on Saturday, April 8. The proposed bylaw amendments were approved. Minutes from the meeting can be found at . A special thank you to Mary Lou Davidson for representing District 1 for the last few years. She has worked tirelessly and during her service has redesigned the website, managed LGPOA membership, co-edited the LGPOA by-laws and held the secretary position. She continues to ensure systems are in place to help volunteers get involved in their areas of interest. We’ll miss you as a Director but we’re happy you are willing to continue in your membership role and serve on the planning and development committee. The LGPOA is looking for a District Representative for the Hideaway Bay Condos (District 6). Please email maryloudavidson@ if you are interested.Board of DirectorsBarbara Orcutt, Director, representing District 1 at large, vitaeditor@Rhonda Freeman, Director, representing District 2, rfreeman123@Rhonda Olson, Vice President, representing District 3, twrhonda@Richard Leydon, President, representing District 4, richardleydonjr@Karen Weeks, Director, representing District 5, krw42065@Paul Holmes, Treasurer, representing District 7, pbholmes0@Terrie Weibley, Director and Co-secretary with Mary Lou Davidson, representing District 8, tweibley1@Committee ChairsEnvironmental: Linda Soderquist linist@Fishing Tournament: Volunteers needed go to .Hurricane Preparedness: Leigh Olson, leighols@, Stacy Supanich, supanichs@Island Services: Phyllis NeSmith, phlstory@Membership: Mary Lou Davidson, maryloudavidson@Navigation: Richard Leydon, Jr, richardleydonjr@Social: Debbie Muholand, dkmphoto@Website: Bob Mahoney, bobjm77@, Mary Lou Davidson, maryloudavidson@ 2017 Membership Drive From Membership Chair, Mary Lou Davidson: As of 4/21/17 our 2017-18 Membership Campaign has drawn 201 Members. The Coconut Telegraph is just one of the many benefits of Membership. If a friend or new neighbor it looking to join the LGPOA, please help us get the word out by pointing them to: . For more information please e-mail Membership Chair, Mary Lou Davidson @ maryloudavidson@. **Hurricane season quickly approachingFrom Hurricane Chair, Leigh Olson:Hurricane season starts May 1st. You can check the local weather stations at anytime to get live wind, temperature, barometer and rain from the beach, bay and the Boca bridge. Visit the link below for more information on Hurricane Preparedness Week, which is May 7-13. - GET READY TO FISH!**2017 Labor Day Cookout and Fishing Tournament The LGPOA is looking for a logistics oriented individual who “LOVES TO FISH” to help spearhead the 2017 Little Gasparilla Island Labor Day Weekend Fishing Tournament. The Kid’s fishing gear has already been applied for from FishFlorida, we simply need a few more task-oriented people to help get things rolling. The LGPOA and past volunteers have compiled a detailed account of how to get this off the ground so don’t wait another day to call and join the six other volunteers who are ready to jump in and make this another great success. Please call or e-mail: maryloudavidson@. 404-372-0015. **Environmental CommitteeFrom Environmental Chair, Linda Soderquist: Summer is a busy time for the Florida beaches with both people and sea turtles sharing the sand. Nesting season runs from May 1st through October 31st. Though turtle nesting and hatching usually happens in the middle of the night, it is very possible for humans to cross paths with nesting females or hatchlings on their way to the sea. Should this happen to you, it is important to stay out of their way. Don’t put your hands on or near a turtle. Any distraction may frighten or disorient them, causing a female to return to the ocean before finishing her nest, or misdirecting a hatchling away from the water. Light can also cause a major disruption in the natural behavior of the turtles. Don’t use any flashlights, flash photography or video equipment. This can cause a female to false crawl or lead a hatchling away from the water. Hatchlings must overcome many obstacles in their natural habitat to successfully reach adulthood. After hatching they must dig out of their nest, a process that may take a few days. Once out, predators feed on them and any misdirection may leave them lost and soon dehydrated by the morning sun. Enjoy the experience from a distance. Don’t make it more difficult for them to survive. If you come across a sea turtle that is stranded or dead, a hatchling that’s wandering in a road or directions other than toward the water, or if you see someone disturbing a nest or a turtle, call the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Division or Law Enforcement at 1-888-404-FWCC or *FWC from your cell phone. **Little Gasparilla Island Fire and Rescue (LGIFR) (The LGPOA is not affiliated with the LGIFR, we just want to keep you up to date on all island activities.)From Bob Weronik, President:The Executive Order regarding the statewide wildfire is still in affect. Please remember that during any type of burning escaped debris such as embers may cause a wildfire or even a structure fire. Please remember that we are still in a severe drought (see attached map - ) and any burning is restricted. This includes any prescribed burns, campfires, trash fires or burning of any type. Severe dry conditions and low humidity combine to create an atmosphere favorable for wildfires and the Little Gasparilla Island Fire Rescue personnel are concerned that any burning could cause a serious fire where life or property could be lost. Even in drought conditions cooking fires with a charcoal grill or masonry barbeque pit, including large barbeque pits to prepare food is allowed. Anyone grilling or barbequing during the Drought Emergency should have water hoses on site to prevent any loose sparks from setting a wildfire, a circle at least 10 feet wide around the grill should be cleared of any burnable material. Side fires to generate coals for a barbeque must also be within a grill or masonry pit. Gas grills are allowed. If you see anyone burning, whether safe or not, please ask them to stop until conditions improve. Little Gasparilla Property Owners Association Board and Committee names and emails can be found on the LGPOA website at . Please feel free to email me at twrhonda@ with any information you’d like circulated in the next month’s Coconut Telegraph by the 25th of the month. Content is reviewed by board members for approval. Rhonda Olson ................

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