Drs. Kyoko Awamura, Joel Berg, and John Liu

Ms. Dana Robinson Slote (team leader)

[pic]Congressman Rick Larsen [D-Washington, 2nd District]

Former Washington State Dental Association staff

Cannon House Office Building, 108, Washington, DC 20515-4702

Tel: (202) 225-2605

Fax: (202) 225-4420

E-mail: rick.larsen@mail.


Began Service: 2001

Fax: (202) 225-4420

E-mail: rick.larsen@mail.

Date of Birth: June 15, 1965

Education: Pacific Lutheran 1987 BA; Minnesota 1990 MPA

Home City: Lake Stevens

Religion: Methodist

Career: Economic Development Official, Port of Everett; Director, Public Affairs, Washington State Dental Association; Councilman, Office of the County Council, County of Snohomish, Washington (1998-2000); Chair, Office of the County Council, County of Snohomish, Washington (1999); Member, Committee on Agriculture,

Executive Assistant/Scheduler Robin Hansen[pic]

Start Date: 2009


Fax: (202) 225-4420

Education: Eastern Washington 2007 BA

Career: Staff Assistant, Office of Representative Rick Larsen (D-WA), United States House of Representatives (2009)

Health staff: Legislative Assistant Elizabeth A. “Betsy” Robblee

Legislative Responsibilities: Banking, Budget, Campaign Finance, Commerce, Elections, Financial Services, Government, Government Affairs, Health/Health Care, Housing, Immigration, Insurance, Medicare/Medicaid, Tax, Transportation and Infrastructure, Women’s Issues

E-mail: betsy.robblee@mail.

Fax: (202) 225-4420

Education: Wellesley 2005 BA

Career: Intern, Office of Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), United States Senate (2003); Legislative Correspondent, Office of Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), United States Senate (2005-2007); Legislative Assistant/Legislative Correspondent, Office of Representative Rick Larsen (D-WA, District 2), United States House of Representatives (2007-2008)

|Committee Assignments |

|Committee |Subcommittee(s) |

|Committee on Armed Services | |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Seapower and Expeditionary Forces |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Strategic Forces |

| | |

|Committee on Transportation and | |

|Infrastructure | |

| |Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, Ranking Member |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials |

| | |

Congressman David Reichert [R-Washington, 8th District]

Dr. Liu resides and practices in his district; Dr. Awamura practices in his district

Longworth House Office Building, 1730, Washington, DC 20515-4708

Tel: (202) 225-7761

Fax: (202) 225-4282


Began Service: 2005

Fax: (202) 225-4282

Date of Birth: August 29, 1950

Education: Concordia Col (OR) 1970 BA

Home City: Auburn

Religion: Lutheran

Profession: Law Enforcement Official

Career: United States Air Force Reserve (1971-1976); United States Air Force (1976); Police Officer, County of King, Washington (1972-1977); Sheriff, County of King, Washington (1997-2004); President, Washington Sheriff’s Association.

Scheduler: Scheduler Nicole Robison

E-mail: nichole.robison@mail.

Fax: (202) 225-4282

Career: Scheduler, Office of Representative Joe Scarborough (R-FL, District 1), United States House of Representatives (2000-2001); Scheduler, Office of Senator John Ensign (R-NV), United States Senate (2001); Scheduler/Office Manager, Office of Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI, District 1), United States House of Representatives (2002-2003); Executive Assistant, Office of Representative Jennifer Dunn (R-WA, District 8), United States House of Representatives (2003-2005)

Health staff:

Legislative Assistant Michelle L. Brenan[pic]

Start Date: 2009

Legislative Responsibilities: Agriculture; Energy; Environment; Foreign Affairs; Health; Native American Affairs; Tribal Issues

Fax: (202) 225-4282


Education: George Washington 2007 BA

Career: Staff Assistant, Committee on Agriculture, United States House of Representatives (2005-2006); Legislative Correspondent, Office of Representative Melissa Hart (R-PA), United States House of Representatives (2006); Account Executive, Ruder Finn, Inc. (2007-2008); Legislative Correspondent, Office of Representative David Reichert (R-WA), United States House of Representatives (2009)

|Committee Assignments |

|Committee |Subcommittee(s) |

|Committee on Ways and Means | |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Health |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Trade |

| | |

Congressman James Adlebert “Jim” McDermott

[D-Washington, 7th District]

 U. of Washington Dental School is in his district

Longworth House Office Building, 1035, Washington, DC 20515-4707

Tel: (202) 225-3106

Fax: (202) 225-6197


Began Service: 1989

Fax: (202) 225-6197

Date of Birth: December 28, 1936

Education: Wheaton (IL) 1958 BS; Illinois 1963 MD

Home City: Seattle

Religion: Episcopalian

Current Memberships: Honorary Member, American Psychiatric Association; Honorary Member, American Psychiatric Association; Member, Advisory Board, Thomas C. Wales Foundation

Career: Resident Psychiatrist, Adult Psychiatry, University of Illinois Hospitals (1964-1966); Resident Child Psychiatrist, Child Psychiatry, University of Washington Hospitals (1966-1968); LCDR Medical Corps, U.S. Navy (1968-1970); Psychiatrist/Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of Washington (1970-1983); State Representative (D-WA), State of Washington (1971-1973); State Senator (D-WA), State of Washington (1975-1987); Regional Medical Officer, Sub-Saharan Africa, U.S. Foreign Service (1987-1988)

Scheduler: Scheduler Myat Phyllis Khaing

Fax: (202) 225-6197

E-mail: phyllis.khaing@mail.

Education: George Washington 1996 MA

Career: Executive Assistant/Office Manager, Office of Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA, District 9), United States House of Representatives; Executive Assistant/Office Manager, Office of Representative Harry E. Mitchell (D-AZ, District 5), United States House of Representatives (2007); Scheduler/Executive Assistant, Office of Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR, District 3), United States House of Representatives; Executive Assistant/Scheduler, Office of Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA, 35), United States House of Representatives (2006-2007); Scheduler, Office of Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX, District 18), United States House of Representatives (2009)

Health staff:

Legislative Assistant Andrew "Andy" Shin[pic]

Start Date: 2010

Legislative Responsibilities: Biotechnology; Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC); Health/Health Care; Judiciary Issues; Medicare/Medicaid; Social Security; Stem Cell Research

Fax: (202) 225-6197


Career: Legislative Fellow, Office of Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), United States House of Representatives (2009)

|Committee Assignments |

|Committee |Subcommittee(s) |

|Committee on Ways and Means | |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Human Resources |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Oversight |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Trade, Ranking Member |

| | |

Congressman Doc Hastings [R-Washington, 4th District]

 He co-sponsored H.R. 2220, the Simpson Medicaid dental reform bill in last Congress

Longworth House Office Building, 1203, Washington, DC 20515-4704

Tel: (202) 225-5816

Fax: (202) 225-3251


Began Service: 1995

Fax: (202) 225-3251

Date of Birth: February 7, 1941

Education: Central Washington; Columbia Basin

Home City: Pasco

Current Memberships: Member, Pasco-Kennewick Rotary Club; Member, The United States Junior Chamber (Jaycees)

Career: U.S. Army Reserve (1963-1969); State Representative (R-WA), Washington State Legislature (1979-1987); President, Columbia Basin Paper and Supply (1983-1994).

Scheduler: Scheduler/Office Manager Ilene Clauson

Fax: (202) 225-3251

E-mail: ilene.clauson@mail.

Legislative Director Brianne Miller[pic]

Start Date: 2010

Legislative Responsibilities: Energy; Environment; Health/Health Care; Immigration; Transportation/Infrastructure


Fax: (202) 225-3251

Education: Florida State 2004 BS

Career: Legislative Correspondent, Office of Senator Mel R. Martinez (R-FL), United States Senate (2005-2007); Policy Advisor, House Republican Conference, United States House of Representatives (2007-2008); Legislative Assistant, Office of Representative Peter G. Olson (R-TX), United States House of Representatives (2009-2010)

|Committee Assignments |

|Committee |Subcommittee(s) |

|Committee on Natural Resources, Chairman |Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, Ex Officio, Non-Voting |

| |Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans, and Insular Affairs, Ex Officio, |

| |Non-Voting |

| |Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs, Ex Officio, Non-Voting |

| |Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, Ex Officio, Non-Voting |

| |Subcommittee on Water and Power, Ex Officio, Non-Voting |

[pic][pic]Senator Patty Murray [D-Washington]

NOTE: she is obviously the key person in the Washington state delegation for our issues at present

Russell Senate Office Building, SR-173, Washington, DC 20510-4704

Tel: (202) 224-2621

Fax: (202) 224-0238

Web Form E-mail:


Reelection Year: 2016

Began Service: 1993

Fax: (202) 224-0238

Date of Birth: October 11, 1950

Education: Washington State 1972 BA

Home City: Seattle

Religion: Catholic

Career: Parent Education Instructor, Shoreline Community College (1984-1987); Member, Board of Directors, Shoreline School District (1985-1989); State Senator, Washington State Senate (1988-1992); Democratic Whip, Washington Senate (1990-1992).

Scheduler: Executive Assistant/Scheduler Grace Rooney

E-mail: schedule@murray.

Fax: (202) 224-0238

Career: Staff Assistant, Office of Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA, District 16), United States House of Representatives; Deputy Scheduler, Office of Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), United States Senate (2007-2008)

Health staff: Legislative Assistant Paula Burg[pic]

Start Date: 2007

Legislative Responsibilities: Appropriations (Health and Human Services); Budget; Health Care; Medicare/Medicaid; Pensions; Social Security; Women's Issues/Choice


Fax: (202) 224-0238

Career: Legislative Assistant, Office of Representative Brian Baird (D-WA), United States House of Representatives

|Committee Assignments |

|Committee |Subcommittee(s) |

|Committee on Appropriations | |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Defense |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Homeland Security |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans’ Affairs, and Related Agencies |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies, |

| |Chairman |

| | |

|Committee on Health, Education, Labor and | |

|Pensions | |

| |Subcommittee on Children and Families |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety, Chairwoman |

| | |

|Committee on Rules and Administration |This committee has no subcommittees |

|Committee on the Budget |This committee has no subcommittees |

|Committee on Veterans’ Affairs , |This committee has no subcommittees |

|chairwoman | |

|Joint Committee on Printing |This committee has no subcommittees |

[pic]Senator Maria Cantwell [D-Washington]

Dirksen Senate Office Building, SD-511, Washington, DC 20510-4705

Tel: (202) 224-3441

Fax: (202) 228-0514

Web Form E-mail:


Reelection Year: 2012

Began Service: 2001

Fax: (202) 228-0514

Date of Birth: October 13, 1958

Education: Miami U (OH) 1981 BA

Home City: Edmonds

Religion: Roman Catholic

Career: State Representative (D), Washington House of Representatives (1987-1992); U.S. Representative, (D-WA), Office of Representative Maria Cantwell, United States House of Representatives (1992-1994); Associate, RealNetworks (1995-2000).

DC Scheduler Laura Benbow[pic]

Start Date: 2010


Fax: (202) 228-0514

Career: Staff Assistant, Office of Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA), United States Senate (2008-2009); Assistant to the Chief of Staff, Office of Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA), United States Senate (2009-2010); Assistant to the Chief of Staff and DC Scheduler, Office of Senator Maria Cantwell (w-WA), United States Senate (2010)

Health staff: Legislative Assistant Janel George[pic]

Start Date: 2010

Legislative Responsibilities: Adoption; Arts/Humanities; Census; Children's Issues; Education; Family Issues; Food and Drugs; Guns/ATF; Health Care; Health Issues; Judiciary Issues; Lobbying; Medicaid; Medicare; Reproductive Rights/Abortion; Social Security; Stem Cell Research; Welfare; Women's Issues


Fax: (202) 228-0514

Current Memberships: Member, Women's Congressional Staff Association

Career: Legislative Assistant, Office of Representative Donna Edwards (D-MD), United States House of Representatives (2009-2010)

|Committee Assignments |

|Committee |Subcommittee(s) |

|Committee on Commerce, Science and | |

|Transportation | |

| |Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs, Insurance, and Automotive Safety |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard, Chairman |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and|

| |Security |

| | |

|Committee on Energy and Natural Resources | |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Energy, Chairwoman |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Water and Power |

| | |

|Committee on Finance | |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Health Care |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on International Trade, Customs, and Global Competitiveness |

| | |

| |Subcommittee on Taxation, IRS Oversight, and Long-Term Growth |

| | |

|Committee on Indian Affairs |No subcommittee assignments |

|Committee on Small Business and |No subcommittee assignments |

|Entrepreneurship | |









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