November 22, 2013





Dear Prospective Contractor:

The enclosed addendum has been issued for consideration in the preparation of your response to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Solicitation No. 2014011C, entitled "Invitation to Bid (ITB) for Petroleum Cleanup Services for the Pik Quick site in Chipley, Florida", issued on November 8, 2013.

Responses to the subject solicitation must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. ET on December 6, 2013. A response received after the exact time specified will not be considered. Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, or failure to post the bond or other security required by law within the time allowed for filing a bond shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes (F.S.). Written notices, formal requests and proceedings must conform with the requirements set forth in Chapter 28-110, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Protests must be filed with the Procurement Section, Department of Environmental Protection, Douglas Building, Room 438, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS#93, Tallahassee, Florida 32399 within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes and Chapter 28-110, Florida Administrative Code.

Any person who files an action protesting a decision or intended decision pertaining to contracts administered by the DEP pursuant to Section 120.57(3), F.S. shall post with the DEP at the time of filing the formal written protest a bond payable to the DEP in an amount equal to 1 percent (1%) of the estimated contract amount as determined pursuant to Section 287.042(2)(c), Florida Statutes, which bond shall be conditioned upon the payment of all costs which may be adjudged against him in the administrative hearing in which the action is brought and in any subsequent appellate court proceeding. In lieu of a bond, the DEP may accept a cashier's check or money order in the amount of the bond. FAILURE TO FILE THE PROPER BOND AT THE TIME OF FILING THE FORMAL PROTEST WILL RESULT IN A DENIAL OF THE PROTEST.


Jim Reynolds

Jim Reynolds OMC Manager




3800 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS#93 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

November 22, 2013

Addendum to:

DEP Solicitation No. 2014011C, entitled "Invitation to Bid (ITB) for Petroleum Cleanup Services for the Pik Quick site in Chipley, Florida"


In order to address the fact that certain companies are prohibited from responding to the solicitation, the following language is hereby added to Attachment B, Item B.20, Conflict of Interest:

In accordance with Section 287.057(17), Florida Statutes, contractors involved in the development of the remedial action plan upon which the Scope of Services (Attachment C) is based, and/or involved in the preparation of bid documents for this solicitation shall not be eligible to submit a bid for the work to be contracted under this solicitation.


The solicitation has been revised to remove past performance requirements and to revise the documents required to be submitted with the bid response. In order to reflect the changes, Attachment B, Item B.24, part B. Qualifications, is hereby replaced in its entirety with the following language:

B. Qualifications:

The Bidder shall have available under their direct supervision, the necessary organization, experience, equipment and staff to properly fulfill all the conditions, requirements, and specifications required under this solicitation.

The Bidder shall submit the following with their bid:

1. In the spaces provided in Attachment D, the Bidder shall provide the required information to include the Bidders name, address, telephone number and continuous years in operation.

2. A copy of the Professional Engineer's license (may be the prime or an identified subcontractor).

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Failure to provide any of the information requested in this section shall result in the bid being deemed non-responsive and therefore, rejected.


In order to reflect the changes to past performance requirements, Attachment B, Item B.25, part B. is hereby replaced in its entirety with the following language:

B. Price. The lowest price will be determined by the lowest total price quoted on Attachment D for the services requested in this solicitation. The bidder submitting the lowest price responsive bid shall be awarded the contract, provided that the qualification requirements, as outlined in Section B.24, are met. If the bidder fails to meet the qualification requirements, the DEP shall disqualify the bidder from further consideration, and the next lowest bid shall be considered in accordance with the provisions of this section.


Attachment C, Scope of Services, has been replaced by Attachment C-1, Revised Scope of Services (attached), in order to reflect changes made in response to questions and to include the following documentation requirements:

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS All work must be performed in compliance with local, state, and federal laws, regulations and licensing requirements. Copies of the following documents, if applicable to the activities described in this Scope of Services, shall be submitted to the FDEP site manager prior to the performance of any work under this purchase order:

1. Professional Engineer and/or Professional Geologist Licenses; 2. OSHA 40-hour Hazwoper certificate or 8-hour refresher for all workers on site (unless under direct

supervision of Hazwoper trained personnel); 3. Florida well driller's license; 4. Electrician, plumbing, general, or other contractor's license; and 5. NELAP certification and analytical methods for laboratory(ies) performing analyses.


In order to reflect the removal of past performance requirements and to incorporate changes to the Rate Sheet, Attachment D, Bidder Response Form and Rate Sheet, is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with Attachment D-1, Revised Bidder Response Form and Revised Rate Sheet (attached).


In order to reflect the removal of past performance requirements, Attachment E, Evaluation of Past Performance, is hereby deleted in its entirety.

DEP Solicitation No. 2014011C, Addendum No. 1, Page 2 of 3

ITEM #7 In order to reflect the removal of past performance requirements and the changes to documentation requirements, Attachment H, ITB Response Checklist, is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with Attachment H-1, Revised ITB Response Checklist (attached).

ITEM #8 Questions which were raised by prospective contractors, and the DEP's answers, are herein provided for your consideration in responding to the above referenced solicitation (see Exhibit 1).

END OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 Attachments to Addendum No.1: Attachment C-1, Revised Scope of Services (17 pages) Attachment D-1, Revised Bidder Response Form and Revised Rate Sheet (4 pages) Attachment H-1, Revised ITB Response Checklist (2 pages) Exhibit 1, Questions and Answers (11/22/13) (11 pages)

DEP Solicitation No. 2014011C, Addendum No. 1, Page 3 of 3




Pik Quick Facility 1612 West Highway 90, Chipley, Washington County, Florida

FDEP Facility ID #: 67/8735379

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS All work must be performed in compliance with local, state, and federal laws, regulations and licensing requirements. Copies of the following documents, if applicable to the activities described in this Scope of Services, shall be submitted to the FDEP site manager prior to the performance of any work under this purchase order:

1. Professional Engineer and/or Professional Geologist Licenses; 2. OSHA 40-hour Hazwoper certificate or 8-hour refresher for all workers on site (unless under direct

supervision of Hazwoper trained personnel); 3. Florida well driller's license; 4. Electrician, plumbing, general, or other contractor's license; and 5. NELAP certification and analytical methods for laboratory(ies) performing analyses.

BACKGROUND This scope of work (SOW) has been prepared for the Pik Quick site which is located at 1612 West Highway 90, Chipley, Florida (Figure 1*). A biosparge system will be installed to remediate the petroleum contaminated groundwater plume at the subject site. This SOW includes the three following phases: 1) Remediation system construction, 2) Remediation system installation, and 3) Operation and maintenance (O&M) of the system for one year.

*Note: Figures in this scope are from the approved Remedial Action Plan and are not numbered sequentially.

A Level 3 Limited Scope Remedial Action Plan (LSRAP) was prepared by Mallard, Inc. (Mallard) and submitted to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) in May 2013 to address the groundwater plume. The LSRAP was approved by FDEP on July 22, 2013. The facility was approved for the Early Detection Incentive (EDI) Petroleum Cleanup Program in 1989. The details of this scope of work are based on the LSRAP prepared by Mallard and approved by FDEP. The selected contractor (Contractor) will be responsible for all work regardless of whether performed by the prime or a subcontractor.

1.0 SITE DESCRIPTION Per the background information obtained from the LSRAP prepared by Mallard, the subject site is currently an active convenience store. The facility formerly sold retail gasoline and diesel. The former underground storage tanks (USTs) are no longer present onsite and were located approximately 35 feet west of the existing store (Figure 1). The USTs were removed by an independent tank contractor hired by the site owner concurrent with the source removal activities conducted in 2010. Approximately 2,054 tons of petroleum contacted soil was excavated and disposed at a state licensed disposal facility. A historically, the water table has been encountered from approximately 3 feet to 12 feet below land surface (bls). Historical site compliance report from 1988 documented free product being measured (1/2-inch) in one of the compliance wells. The potential source of the free product was alleged to be a piping leak beneath the diesel dispenser. No free product has been measured in any of the monitoring wells since 2010.

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During the various soil assessment activities, soil lithology data from land surface to approximately 64 feet bls (bls) was collected. Based on the lithologic logs developed during the performance of the soil borings, the soil profile of the majority of the site consists of the following:

Depth (feet bls) Soil Lithology


Medium grained sand


Soft to medium stiff sandy clay


Stiff clay lenses interbedded with sandy clay


Limestone, soft to medium hard

The average depth to groundwater is approximately 5 feet bls in the area of hydrocarbon impacts but may vary

significantly based on variations in topography and seasonal fluctuations in water table elevations.

2.0 BIOSPARGE SYSTEM WELL INSTALLATION The following sections below detail the requirements for the installation of the biosparge wells and the vapor monitoring points.

a.) Using hollow stem augers, install seven (7) biosparge wells as shown on Figure 5. Each biosparge well (BS-1 to BS-7) will be set to a total depth of 60 feet bls. The wells will be constructed of 1-inch diameter Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) riser with 2 feet of 0.010 inch slotted Schedule 40 PVC screen (58 to 60 feet bls). The biosparge wells will need a minimum 2-inch sand pack around the well and addition of water into the borehole during installation is discouraged. Using the tremie method, a 20/30 grade sand pack will be installed from 57 feet to 60 feet bls and bentonite seal from 56 feet to 57 feet bls. Bentonite grout slurry will be installed from 2 feet to 56 feet bls. The top of the riser pipe will be capped with a 1"-ID Schedule 40 PVC cap, and the boring filled with a sand pack and capped with cold patch asphalt or grout to temporarily protect the riser and passersby until further construction.

b.) Using hollow stem augers, install three vapor monitoring points as shown on Figure 8. Each vapor monitoring point (VMP-1 to VMP-3) will be set to a total depth of 6 feet bls. The wells will be constructed of 2-inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC riser with 3.5 feet of 0.010 inch slotted Schedule 40 PVC screen (2.5 to 6 feet bls). The vapor monitoring points will need a minimum 2-inch sand pack around the well and addition of water into the borehole during installation is discouraged. Using the tremie method a 20/30 grade sand pack will be installed from 2.5 feet to 6 feet bls and fine sand seal from 1 foot to 2.5 feet bls. The wells will be finished as described in Section 3.2.1. If the Contractor chooses to wait and finish the wells at the time of construction, then the top of the riser pipe will be capped with a 2"-ID Schedule 40 PVC cap or grout to temporarily protect the riser and passersby until further construction.

c.) Develop the biosparge wells using an appropriate pump. Purge water will be drummed. The biosparge wells will be developed until the purged water is clear of any visible suspended particulate matter.

d.) Attached Figures 6 and 9 show the proposed well construction details.

2.1 General Drilling Requirements The drilling must be conducted by a well driller (Driller) licensed in the State of Florida. Drilling can be conducted by the contractor if they have a licensed driller on staff or subcontracted to a well driller in the State of Florida.

a.) The Driller will abide by standard drilling procedures per USEPA Region 4 guidance document and Monitoring Well Design and Construction Guidance Manual, FDEP, 2008.

b.) The Driller shall post-hole borings to 4 feet bls to determine presence of subsurface utilities or structures. The post-hole boring shall be equal or greater than the diameter of the auger used to install the wells.

c.) The Driller shall provide all equipment and material necessary for the decontamination process. The Driller is responsible for providing a steam cleaner, hoses, extension cords, laboratory grade detergent, brushes, buckets, emery paper, aluminum foil, and plastic sheeting. Cleaning and decontamination of all equipment shall occur at the designated decontamination staging area. There may not be any access to a potable water source at the site.

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d.) Large equipment (e.g. augers and drill pipe) shall be cleaned prior to use, between sample locations, and prior to demobilization. Any portion of the drill rig that will be over the borehole or sampling location (e.g., mast, drilling platform, hoist or chain pulldowns, spindles, cathead, etc.) shall be decontaminated prior to arriving at the site and between boreholes if necessary by steam cleaning and using a wire brush to remove soil and rust.

e.) Drill cuttings and fluids from decontamination activities will all be drummed in 55 gallon drums provided by the Driller. All drums need to be labeled accordingly (Site name, address, contents, well ID).

f.) All drums shall be disposed to a State of Florida approved Subtitle D landfill or to a thermal treatment facility. Collection of all necessary samples and perform analytical testing to meet the requirements of the selected disposal facility is the responsibility of the Contractor. The drums will be disposed within 45 days from the generation of the Investigative Derived Waste (IDW).

g.) The Driller should at a minimum provide one lead driller and two helpers for the duration of the drilling activities. The drilling crew should have current 40-hour OSHA certification, with 8-hour refresher as needed.

h.) Contractor is responsible for obtaining and complying with all FDOT and/or local agency right of way (ROW) permits to install biosparge wells on the ROW of Highway 90. Driller is responsible for obtaining and complying with all other required drilling permits.

i.) Contractor is responsible for verifying all underground utilities on public and private property prior to drilling activities.

j.) Contractor is responsible for providing safe access for customers, owners, and others at any time to all facilities at the project site.

k.) Potable water is available at the site however the Driller is required to supply potable and non-potable water as needed for personnel use, equipment decontamination or any other use.

l.) Contractor is responsible for providing lighted barricades and other safety equipment as necessary to protect the public 24 hours a day during the duration of the drilling. Barricades are to be in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) Federal Highway Administration (FHA).

m.) Contractor accepts liability and is responsible for repair, as necessary, to original condition any and all damaged utilities, structures, pavement, curbs and vegetated areas to include trees, bushes, shrubs and grass.

n.) After construction activities are completed, the Contractor shall clean the site to original condition, acceptable to FDEP and its on site representative.

2.2 Site Conditions a.) There are existing monitoring wells onsite which need to be protected. b.) Work site conditions include surfaces paved with concrete and asphalt. The exact thickness of the asphalt or concrete pavement is unknown. c.) Elevation points and contours are not shown.

3.0 BIOSPARGE SYSTEM INSTALLATION The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment required to complete installation of the biosparging systems as specified below and in the attached figures and drawings. Specifications for the biosparge system are detailed in Section 4.0.

3.1 Pre-Construction Activities

3.1.1 Site Access and Traffic Control The site is currently an active convenience store with a normal amount of traffic. All onsite work conducted by the Contractor must be conducted in a manner to minimize disruption to the store's normal operating business. Prior to the commencement of construction activities, a traffic control strategy will be developed and communicated to the property owner.

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3.1.2 Permits The Contractor is responsible for obtaining and complying with all required permits for, but not limited to, environmental, notice of commencement, trenching, maintenance of traffic, disposal, construction, and electrical activities. An FDOT permit for work performed in the right-of-way will be required.

3.1.3 Site Security Lighted barricades, orange polyethylene safety fencing, and caution tape will be erected around the work areas for the duration of the project to increase safety and minimize the impact on the surrounding area. Additional site security shall be provided as required by permits obtained.

Traffic control will be instituted through the use of lighted barricades and yellow caution tape. The Contractor is to provide adequate lighting for nighttime, work area safety, if necessary. Open trenches will not be permitted overnight. At completion of construction activities for each day, lighted barricades and yellow caution tape will be used to secure work areas and excavation equipment.

3.1.4 Utility Clearance The Contractor shall be responsible for locating and field marking all utilities including but not limited to water, sewer, natural gas, propane, telephone, fiber optic and electrical above (including power line insulation if required) and below ground prior to commencing any excavation related activities.

All known utilities that lie within the areas to be excavated will be delineated, mapped, and posted with survey flags as "no dig" areas or areas to be excavated using hand tools. If any buried utilities or related structures are encountered during excavation, they will be flagged and properly supported, braced, or adjustments to the proposed construction/trench area will be made. The FDEP site manager will be notified of changes from the field.

3.2 Well Vault, Piping, and Trenching Installation

3.2.1 Vapor Monitoring Point Connections a.) Four, 2-inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC vapor monitoring points, as shown on Figure 9, will be installed as

mentioned in Section 2.0. b.) The Contractor will provide and install three, 8 inch circular manhole vaults with lockable traffic bearing

steel covers (AASHTO/DOT approved) as shown on Figure 9.

3.2.2 Biosparge Well Connections a.) Seven (7) 1-inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC biosparge wells, as shown on Figure 5, will be installed as

mentioned in Section 2.0. b.) The Contractor will provide and install seven, 12-inch diameter water tight well vaults with 12-inch skirts (12

inch by 12 inch well vaults) with lockable traffic bearing steel covers (AASHTO/DOT approved) and all components included in each vault as shown on Figure 6 including a Schedule 40 PVC ball valve (on/off) and pressure gauge (0-30 psi) inside the well vault as shown on Figure 6. A pressure tap and portable pressure gauge can be substituted for a well mounted gauge. c.) The Contractor will provide all equipment, piping, and labor necessary to complete piping and connections of the seven biosparge wells to the biosparge system at the compound as per the trench layout detailed on Figures 7 and 10. d.) Plumb into the biosparge system header piping using 1-inch Schedule 80 manifold piping. All below grade piping will be 1-inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC pipe. All above grade piping will be 1-inch diameter Schedule 80 PVC pipe. e.) All valves to be utilized for on/off services only will be ball, double union Schedule 80 PVC type with Viton orings and Teflon disk seals. f.) The two pressure gauges shown on Figure 4 shall be stainless steel, glycerin filled ?-inch bottom mount (pressure 0-30 psi).

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