Please return to:

A) Program Name: Access Project 2019-2020


Florida Department of Education Office of Grants Management Room 332 Turlington Building 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Telephone: (850) 245-0496


Date Received

B) Name and Address of Eligible Applicant: The School Board of Brevard County 2700 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, Florida 32940-6601

Project Number (DOE Assigned)

C) Total Funds Requested:


Applicant Contact & Business Information

$ 730,125.00

Contact Name: Christina Yu

Telephone Numbers:

DOE USE ONLY Total Approved Project: $

Fiscal Contact Name: Pennie Zuercher

Mailing Address:

3000 Jolly Street Titusville, Florida 32780-4998

Physical/Facility Address: 3000 Jolly Street Titusville, Florida 32780-4998

321-269-2326 Ext. 4040

E-mail Addresses: Yu.Christina@

DUNS number: 364622886 FEIN number:F596000522003


I, Mark W. Mullins, Ed.D_, (Please Type Name) as the official who is authorized to legally bind the agency/organization, do hereby certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that all the information and attachments submitted in this application are true, complete and accurate, for the purposes, and objectives, set forth in the RFA or RFP and are consistent with the statement of general assurances and specific programmatic assurances for this project. I am aware that any false, fictitious or fraudulent information or the omission of any material fact may subject me to criminal, or administrative penalties for the false statement, false claims or otherwise. Furthermore, all applicable statutes, regulations, and procedures; administrative and programmatic requirements; and procedures for fiscal control and maintenance of records will be implemented to ensure proper accountability for the expenditure of funds on this project. All records necessary to substantiate these requirements will be available for review by appropriate state and federal staff. I further certify that all expenditures will be obligated on or after the effective date and prior to the termination date of the project. Disbursements will be reported only as appropriate to this project, and will not be used for matching funds on this or any special project, where prohibited.

Further, I understand that it is the responsibility of the agency head to obtain from its governing body the authorization for the submission of this application.

E) ________________________________________________ Superintendent

Mark W. Mullins, Ed.D.


________ Date

DOE 100A Revised July 2015

Page 1 of 2 Richard Corcoran, Commissioner

Instructions for Completion of DOE 100A

A. If not pre-populated, enter name and TAPS number of the program for which funds are requested.

B. Enter name and mailing address of eligible applicant. The applicant is the public or non-public entity receiving funds to carry out the purpose of the project.

C. Enter the total amount of funds requested for this project.

D. Enter requested information for the applicant's program and fiscal contact person(s). These individuals are the people responsible for responding to all questions, programmatic or budgetary regarding information included in this application. The Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS), or unique agency identifier number, requirements are explained on page A-2 of the Green Book. The Applicant name must match the name associated with their DUNS registration. The Physical/Facility address and Federal Employer Identification Number/Tax Identification Number (FEIN/FEID or TIN) (also known as) Employer Identification Number (EIN) are collected for department reporting.

E. The original signature of the appropriate agency head is required. The agency head is the school district superintendent, university or community college president, state agency commissioner or secretary, or the chairperson of the Board for other eligible applicants.

? Note: Applications signed by officials other than the appropriate agency head identified above must have a letter signed by the agency head, or documentation citing action of the governing body delegating authority to the person to sign on behalf of said official. Attach the letter or documentation to the DOE 100A when the application is submitted.

DOE 100A Revised July 2015

Page 2 of 2 Richard Corcoran, Commissioner

Cooperative Agreement Between The Florida Department of Education

AND Brevard County School District

I. Purpose

THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the State of Florida, Department of Education, with headquarters in Tallahassee, Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "DEPARTMENT"), and Brevard County School District (hereinafter referred to as the "PROVIDER"), for the purpose of implementing the non-competitive, discretionary project The Access Project.

II. Authority

A. Pursuant to the following funding authority the PROVIDER is charged with carrying out the activities of the discretionary project: 1. Public Law 108-446, Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA), Part B, Section 611, 2. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) # 84.027A ()

B. The PROVIDER represents that it is fully qualified and eligible to receive these funds to provide the services identified herein.

C. The DEPARTMENT is authorized to disburse the funds under this agreement. D. Both parties shall be governed by applicable State and Federal laws, rules and regulations.

The specific terms and conditions of this agreement are as follows:

III. Budget Period and Effective Date

A. The budget period for this agreement will be October 1, 2019 - September 30, 2020. B. The project period for this agreement will be the date signed by all parties through September

30, 2020. C. The Executed Agreement Notification (DOE 250) states the effective (start) and end date for the

project period, unless the project is terminated earlier consistent with provisions of this cooperative agreement. The following items are incorporated by reference and are hereby made a part of this agreement:

1. This agreement 2. Standard Project Narratives, Attachment A

a) Project Abstract b) Baseline Data c) Established Need d) Description of Alternate Methods for Trainings and Meetings e) Support of the Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services (BEESS)

Strategic Plan and State Performance Plan f) Evaluation Plan

Agreement Page 1

g) Support for Strategic Plan h) General Education Provisions Act i) Equitable Services for Private School Participation 3. Project Performance Accountability (Schedule of Deliverables), Attachment B a) Product b) Training c) Service Delivery 4. DOE 101 Budget Narrative Form for the fiscal year, Attachment C 5. General Terms, Assurances and Conditions for Participation in Federal and State Programs, to comply with, as applicable: a) 34 CFR 76.301 of the Education Department General Administration Regulations

(EDGAR) which requires local educational agencies to submit a common assurance for participation in federal programs funded by the U.S. Department of Education (USED). b) Chapter 2, Code of Federal Regulations 200, Uniform Grant Guidance requiring agencies to submit a common assurance for participation in federal programs funded by the USED. c) Applicable regulations of other Federal agencies. d) State regulations and laws pertaining to the expenditure of state funds and the Project Application and Amendment Procedures for Federal and State Programs (Green Book). The complete text may be found at grants/greenbook.

Attachments A, B, and C are to be completed using the templates provided by the DEPARTMENT and emailed to BEESSDiscretionaryProjectTeam@

IV. Scope of Work

The PROVIDER will dedicate the funds outlined in the Budget Narrative Form (DOE 101) to the support, coordination, and implementation of activities related to this discretionary project. A. Funding Purpose and Priorities ?

Provide, develop and support statewide professional development in evidence-based strategies, tools and resources that support access to the Florida State Standards for students with significant cognitive disabilities. B. Program Expectations ? The Access Project focuses on evidence-based instructional strategies and supports that align with the Florida Standards Access Points. The Access Project will continue to support statewide professional development for educators to ensure a greater understanding of Florida Standards Access Points, resources and supports as they apply to more effective instructional planning, the teaching and learning of academic content for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Understanding the critical need for identification and development of communication strategies for this population of students, the Access Project will support training for communicative competence and positioning for learning. The discretionary project also supports alternate assessment activities, as needed, that align instruction with assessment. Project initiatives include the following:

? Support statewide training for teachers in the access points and essential understandings and effective instructional practices strategies and supports through a variety of formats to include coaching model, train-the-trainer, communities of practice model, and instructional planning.

Agreement Page 2

? Identify supports and processes for the development of student communication skills

and positioning for learning including support of prekindergarten teachers who serve

students for whom a mode of communication has yet to be identified.

? Collaborate with other BEESS discretionary projects to design/deliver trainings which

support districts in the teaching and application of access points.

? Assist BEESS in supporting school improvement that targets instruction in access points.

? Support and facilitate development of core content resources aligned to access points.

C. Target Population ?

Students with a significant cognitive disability; school districts; school administrators;

teachers, support staff and parents.

The total amount for the 2019-20 budget period is:

IDEA, Part B:

$ $730,125.00

V. Funding Method

The option(s) indicated below will be the funding method for the full budget and performance period noted in section III. B. 2 above. Discretionary project funds may not be used to supplant existing programs or funding. Supporting documentation for expenditures is required for all funding methods and should be kept on file with the PROVIDER.

Federal Cash Advance (Public Entities only as authorized by the FDOE): Federal cash advances will be made by state warrant or electronic funds transfer to PROVIDER for disbursements. For federally-funded programs, requests for federal cash advance must be made through the DEPARTMENT'S Florida Grants System (FLAGS). Examples of such documentation include, but are not limited to, payroll records, contracts, invoices with check numbers verifying payment and/or bank statements ? all or any of these items must be available upon request.

? The BEESS project liaison and project manager will verify, on a quarterly basis, that the project's activities and deliverables are progressing in a satisfactory manner, consistent with the scope of work, project narrative and performance expectations.

VI. Responsibilities

A. Responsibilities of the PROVIDER 1. In order to receive funding, must have on file with DEPARTMENT Office of the Comptroller, a signed statement by the agency head certifying applicant adherence to General Assurances for Participation in State and Federal Programs. The complete text may be found in Section D of the Green Book. a) For School Districts, State Colleges, State Universities, and State Agencies - The certification of adherence, currently on file with the DEPARTMENT'S Bureau of the Comptroller, shall remain in effect indefinitely. The certification does not need to be resubmitted with this application, unless a change occurs in federal or state law, or there are other changes in circumstances affecting a term, assurance or condition.

Agreement Page 3


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