DEP FORM No. 62-210.900(1) and INSTRUCTIONSI. APPLICATION INFORMATIONAir Construction Permit – Use this form to apply for an air construction permit:For any required purpose at a facility operating under a federally enforceable state air operation permit (FESOP) or Title V air operation permit;For a proposed project subject to prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) review, nonattainment new source review, or maximum achievable control technology (MACT);To assume a restriction on the potential emissions of one or more pollutants to escape a requirement such as PSD review, nonattainment new source review, MACT, or Title V; orTo establish, revise, or renew a plantwide applicability limit (PAL).Air Operation Permit – Use this form to apply for:An initial federally enforceable state air operation permit (FESOP); orAn initial, revised, or renewal Title V air operation permit.Identification of Facility1.Facility Owner/Company Name: 2.Site Name: 3.Facility Identification Number: ___________________ ?Unknown 4.Facility LocationStreet Address or Other Locator: City: County: Zip Code: 5.Relocatable Facility??Yes ? No6. Existing Title V Permitted Facility??Yes ?NoApplication ContactApplication Contact Name: _____________________________ Title: _____________________________2.Application Contact Mailing AddressOrganization/Firm: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: 3.Application Contact Telephone NumbersTelephone: (___) _____-_______ ext._________ Fax: (____) ____- _________ 4.Application Contact E-mail Address: Application Processing Information (DEP Use Only)1. Date of Receipt of Application: 3. PSD Number (if applicable):2. Project Number(s):4. Siting Number (if applicable):Purpose of ApplicationThis application for air permit is being submitted to obtain: (Check one)Air Construction Permit? Air construction permit.? Air construction permit to establish, revise, or renew a plantwide applicability limit (PAL).? Air construction permit to establish, revise, or renew a plantwide applicability limit (PAL), and separate air construction permit to authorize construction or modification of one or more emissions units covered by the PAL.Air Operation Permit? Initial Title V air operation permit.? Title V air operation permit revision.? Title V air operation permit renewal.? Initial federally enforceable state air operation permit (FESOP) where professional engineer (PE) certification is required.? Initial federally enforceable state air operation permit (FESOP) where professional engineer (PE) certification is not required.Air Construction Permit and Revised/Renewal Title V Air Operation Permit (Concurrent Processing) ? Air construction permit and Title V permit revision, incorporating the proposed project.? Air construction permit and Title V permit renewal, incorporating the proposed project. Note: By checking one of the above two boxes, you, the applicant, are requesting concurrent processing pursuant to Rule 62-213.405, F.A.C. In such case, you must also check the following box: ? I hereby request that the department waive the processing time requirements of the air construction permit to accommodate the processing time frames of the Title V air operation permit.Application Comment Scope of Application Emissions Unit IDNumberDescription of Emissions UnitAirPermit TypeAir Permit Processing Fee Application Processing Fee Check one: ?Attached - Amount: $________________ ? Not ApplicableOwner/Authorized Representative Statement Complete if applying for an air construction permit or an initial FESOP.1.Owner/Authorized RepresentativeName: __________________________________ Title: ___________________________ 2.Owner/Authorized Representative Mailing AddressOrganization/Firm: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: 3.Owner/Authorized Representative Telephone NumbersTelephone: (___) _____-_______ ext._________ Fax: (____) ____- _________ 4.Owner/Authorized Representative E-mail Address: 5.Owner/Authorized Representative Statement:I, the undersigned, am the owner or authorized representative* of the facility addressed in this air permit application. I hereby certify, based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, that the statements made in this application are true, accurate and complete, and that, to the best of my knowledge, any estimates of emissions reported in this application are based upon reasonable techniques for calculating emissions. The air pollutant emissions units and air pollution control equipment described in this application will be operated and maintained so as to comply with all applicable standards for control of air pollutant emissions found in the statutes of the State of Florida and rules of the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) and revisions thereof. I understand that a permit, if granted by the Department, cannot be transferred without authorization from the Department, and I will promptly notify the Department upon sale or legal transfer of any permitted emissions unit. Signature___________________________________Date ______________________* Attach letter of authorization if not currently on file.Application Responsible Official Certification Complete if applying for an initial, revised, or renewal Title V air operation permit or concurrent processing of an air construction permit and revised or renewal Title V air operation permit. If there are multiple responsible officials, the “application responsible official” need not be the “primary responsible official.”1.Application Responsible OfficialName: _______________________________ Title: _______________________________2.Application Responsible Official Qualification (Check one or more of the following options, as applicable):? For a corporation, the president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision-making functions for the corporation, or a duly authorized representative of such person if the representative is responsible for the overall operation of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities applying for or subject to a permit under Chapter 62-213, F.A.C.? For a partnership or sole proprietorship, a general partner or the proprietor, respectively.? For a municipality, county, state, federal, or other public agency, either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official.? The designated representative at an Acid Rain source or CAIR source.3.Application Responsible Official Mailing AddressOrganization/Firm: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: 4.Application Responsible Official Telephone NumbersTelephone: (___) _____-_______ ext._________ Fax: (____) ____- _________5.Application Responsible Official E-mail Address: 6.Application Responsible Official Certification:I, the undersigned, am a responsible official of the Title V source addressed in this air permit application. I hereby certify, based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, that the statements made in this application are true, accurate and complete and that, to the best of my knowledge, any estimates of emissions reported in this application are based upon reasonable techniques for calculating emissions. The air pollutant emissions units and air pollution control equipment described in this application will be operated and maintained so as to comply with all applicable standards for control of air pollutant emissions found in the statutes of the State of Florida and rules of the Department of Environmental Protection and revisions thereof and all other applicable requirements identified in this application to which the Title V source is subject. I understand that a permit, if granted by the department, cannot be transferred without authorization from the department, and I will promptly notify the department upon sale or legal transfer of the facility or any permitted emissions unit. Finally, I certify that the facility and each emissions unit are in compliance with all applicable requirements to which they are subject, except as identified in compliance plan(s) submitted with this application. Signature____________________________________Date ____________________Professional Engineer Certification1.Professional Engineer Name: Florida License Number: 2.Professional Engineer Mailing AddressOrganization/Firm: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: 3.Professional Engineer Telephone NumbersTelephone: (___) _____-_______ ext._________ Fax: (____) ____- _________4.Professional Engineer E-mail Address: 5.Professional Engineer Statement:I, the undersigned, hereby certify, except as particularly noted herein*, that:To the best of my knowledge, there is reasonable assurance that the air pollutant emissions unit(s) and the air pollution control equipment described in this application for air permit, when properly operated and maintained, will comply with all applicable standards for control of air pollutant emissions found in the Florida Statutes and rules of the Department of Environmental Protection; andTo the best of my knowledge, any emission estimates reported or relied on in this application are true, accurate, and complete and are either based upon reasonable techniques available for calculating emissions or, for emission estimates of hazardous air pollutants not regulated for an emissions unit addressed in this application, based solely upon the materials, information and calculations submitted with this application. If the purpose of this application is to obtain a Title V air operation permit (check here ?, if so), I further certify that each emissions unit described in this application for air permit, when properly operated and maintained, will comply with the applicable requirements identified in this application to which the unit is subject, except those emissions units for which a compliance plan and schedule is submitted with this application.If the purpose of this application is to obtain an air construction permit (check here ?, if so) or concurrently process and obtain an air construction permit and a Title V air operation permit revision or renewal for one or more proposed new or modified emissions units (check here ?, if so), I further certify that the engineering features of each such emissions unit described in this application have been designed or examined by me or individuals under my direct supervision and found to be in conformity with sound engineering principles applicable to the control of emissions of the air pollutants characterized in this application.If the purpose of this application is to obtain an initial air operation permit or operation permit revision or renewal for one or more newly constructed or modified emissions units (check here ?, if so), I further certify that, with the exception of any changes detailed as part of this application, each such emissions unit has been constructed or modified in substantial accordance with the information given in the corresponding application for air construction permit and with all provisions contained in such permit.____________________________________________ __________________________SignatureDate(seal)* Attach any exception to certification statement.A. GENERAL FACILITY INFORMATIONFacility Location and Type1.Facility UTM CoordinatesZone: East (km): North (km): 2.Facility Latitude/LongitudeLatitude (DD/MM/SS): Longitude (DD/MM/SS): ernmentalFacility Code: 4.Facility StatusCode: 5.Facility Primary Major Group SIC Code: 6.Facility SIC(s): 7. Facility Primary NAICS 2-digit Code:8. Facility NAICS(s) 6-digit Code(s):9.Facility Comment: Facility Contact1.Facility ContactName: ______________________________ Title: _______________________________ 2.Facility Contact Mailing AddressOrganization/Firm: Street Address: City: ___________________________ State: ________ Zip Code: _______________ 3.Facility Contact Telephone Numbers:Telephone: (___) _____-_______ ext._________ Fax: (____) ____- _________4.Facility Contact E-mail Address: Facility Primary Responsible OfficialComplete if an “application responsible official” is identified in Section I that is not the facility “primary responsible official.” 1.Facility Primary Responsible Official Name: ______________________________ Title: _______________________________2.Facility Primary Responsible Official Mailing AddressOrganization/Firm: Street Address: City: ____________________________ State: _________ Zip Code: ___________ 3.Facility Primary Responsible Official Telephone NumbersTelephone: (___) _____-_______ ext._________ Fax: (____) ____- _________ 4.Facility Primary Responsible Official E-mail Address: Facility Regulatory ClassificationsCheck all that would apply following completion of all projects and implementation of all other changes proposed in this application for air permit. Refer to instructions to distinguish between a “major source” and a “synthetic minor source.”1.? Small Business Stationary Source ? Unknown2.? Synthetic Non-Title V Source3.? Title V Source4.? Major Source of Air Pollutants, Other than Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs)5.? Synthetic Minor Source of Air Pollutants, Other than HAPs 6.? Major Source of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs)7.? Synthetic Minor Source of HAPs8.? One or More Emissions Units Subject to NSPS (40 CFR Part 60)9.? One or More Emissions Units Subject to Emission Guidelines (40 CFR Part 60)10.? One or More Emissions Units Subject to NESHAP (40 CFR Part 61 or Part 63)11.? Title V Source Solely by EPA Designation (40 CFR 70.3(a)(5))12.Facility Regulatory Classifications Comment: Potential Greenhouse Gas Emissions (For PSD applications only.)List the potential emissions, in tons per year, of the following greenhouse gases:Greenhouse GasTons/year2. x GWP =CO2e (Tons/year)carbon dioxide1nitrous oxide298methane25sulfur hexafluoride22,800hydrofluorocarbonsperfluorocarbons3. Total carbon dioxide equivalents4. Greenhouse Gases Comments:List of Pollutants Emitted by Facility1.Pollutant Emitted2.Pollutant Classification3.Emissions Cap[Y or N]? B. EMISSIONS CAPS Facility-Wide or Multi-Unit Emissions Caps 1.Pollutant Subject to EmissionsCap2. Facility-Wide Cap[Y or N]? (all units)3.Emissions Unit ID’s Under Cap (if not all units)4.Hourly Cap (lbs/hr)5.AnnualCap(tons/yr)6.Basis for Emissions Cap 7.Facility-Wide or Multi-Unit Emissions Cap Comment: C. FACILITY ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONAdditional Requirements for All Applications, Except as Otherwise Stated1.Facility Plot Plan: (Required for all permit applications, except Title V air operation permit revision applications if this information was submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought) ? Attached, Document ID:? Previously Submitted, Date: 2.Process Flow Diagram(s): (Required for all permit applications, except Title V air operation permit revision applications if this information was submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought) ? Attached, Document ID:? Previously Submitted, Date: 3.Precautions to Prevent Emissions of Unconfined Particulate Matter: (Required for all permit applications, except Title V air operation permit revision applications if this information was submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought)? Attached, Document ID:? Previously Submitted, Date: Additional Requirements for Air Construction Permit Applications1.Area Map Showing Facility Location? Attached, Document ID:? Not Applicable (existing permitted facility)2.Description of Proposed Construction, Modification, or Plantwide Applicability Limit (PAL) ? Attached, Document ID:3.Rule Applicability Analysis ? Attached, Document ID:4.List of Exempt Emissions Units? Attached, Document ID:? Not Applicable (no exempt units at facility)5.Fugitive Emissions Identification ? Attached, Document ID: ? Not Applicable6.Air Quality Analysis (Rule 62-212.400(7), F.A.C.) ? Attached, Document ID: ? Not Applicable7.Source Impact Analysis (Rule 62-212.400(5), F.A.C.)? Attached, Document ID: ? Not Applicable8.Air Quality Impact since 1977 (Rule 62-212.400(4)(e), F.A.C.)? Attached, Document ID: ? Not Applicable9.Additional Impact Analyses (Rules 62-212.400(8) and 62-212.500(4)(e), F.A.C.)? Attached, Document ID: ? Not Applicable10.Alternative Analysis Requirement (Rule 62-212.500(4)(g), F.A.C.)? Attached, Document ID: ? Not ApplicableC. FACILITY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (CONTINUED)Additional Requirement for FESOP ApplicationsList of Exempt Emissions Units? Attached, Document ID: ? Not Applicable (no exempt units at facility)Additional Requirements for Title V Air Operation Permit Applications1.List of Insignificant Activities (Required for initial/renewal applications only)? Attached, Document ID: ? Not Applicable (revision application) 2.Identification of Applicable Requirements (Required for initial/renewal applications, and for revision applications if this information would be changed as a result of the revision being sought. For federal regulations where applicability is dependent on the specific type of facility, provide the level of detail required to determine which specific set of regulations apply.)? Attached, Document ID: ? Not Applicable (revision application with no change in applicable requirements)pliance Report and Plan (Required for all initial/revision/renewal applications) ? Attached, Document ID: Note: A compliance plan must be submitted for each emissions unit that is not in compliance with all applicable requirements at the time of application and/or at any time during application processing. The department must be notified of any changes in compliance status during application processing.4.List of Equipment/Activities Regulated under Title VI (If applicable, required for initial/renewal applications only)? Attached, Document ID: ___________? Equipment/Activities Onsite but Not Required to be Individually Listed? Not Applicable5.Verification of Risk Management Plan Submission to EPA (If applicable, required for initial/renewal applications only)? Attached, Document ID: ? Not Applicable 6.Requested Changes to Current Title V Air Operation Permit? Attached, Document ID: ? Not ApplicableC. FACILITY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (CONTINUED)Additional Requirements for Facilities Subject to Acid Rain or CAIR Program1.Acid Rain Program Forms:Acid Rain Part Application (DEP Form No. 62-210.900(1)(a))? Attached, Document ID:? Previously Submitted, Date: ? Not Applicable (not an Acid Rain source)Phase II NOX Averaging Plan (DEP Form No. 62-210.900(1)(a)1.)? Attached, Document ID:? Previously Submitted, Date: ? Not ApplicableNew Unit Exemption (DEP Form No. 62-210.900(1)(a)2.)? Attached, Document ID:? Previously Submitted, Date: ? Not Applicable2.CAIR Part (DEP Form No. 62-210.900(1)(b)):? Attached, Document ID:? Previously Submitted, Date: ? Not Applicable (not a CAIR source)Additional Requirements CommentEMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONSection[]of[]III. EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONTitle V Air Operation Permit Application - For Title V air operation permitting only, emissions units are classified as regulated, unregulated, or insignificant. If this is an application for an initial, revised or renewal Title V air operation permit, a separate Emissions Unit Information Section (including subsections A through I as required) must be completed for each regulated and unregulated emissions unit addressed in this application. Some of the subsections comprising the Emissions Unit Information Section of the form are optional for unregulated emissions units. Each such subsection is appropriately marked. Insignificant emissions units are required to be listed at Section II, Subsection C.Air Construction Permit or FESOP Application - For air construction permitting or federally enforceable state air operation permitting, emissions units are classified as either subject to air permitting or exempt from air permitting. The concept of an “unregulated emissions unit” does not apply. If this is an application for an air construction permit or FESOP, a separate Emissions Unit Information Section (including subsections A through I as required) must be completed for each emissions unit subject to air permitting addressed in this application for air permit. Emissions units exempt from air permitting are required to be listed at Section II, Subsection C.Air Construction Permit and Revised/Renewal Title V Air Operation Permit Application – Where this application is used to apply for both an air construction permit and a revised or renewal Title V air operation permit, each emissions unit is classified as either subject to air permitting or exempt from air permitting for air construction permitting purposes, and as regulated, unregulated, or insignificant for Title V air operation permitting purposes. A separate Emissions Unit Information Section (including subsections A through I as required) must be completed for each emissions unit addressed in this application that is subject to air construction permitting and for each such emissions unit that is a regulated or unregulated unit for purposes of Title V permitting. (An emissions unit may be exempt from air construction permitting but still be classified as an unregulated unit for Title V purposes.) Emissions units classified as insignificant for Title V purposes are required to be listed at Section II, Subsection C.If submitting the application form in hard copy, the number of this Emissions Unit Information Section and the total number of Emissions Unit Information Sections submitted as part of this application must be indicated in the space provided at the top of each page.EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONSection[]of[]A. GENERAL EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONTitle V Air Operation Permit Emissions Unit Classification Regulated or Unregulated Emissions Unit? (Check one, if applying for an initial, revised or renewal Title V air operation permit. Skip this item if applying for an air construction permit or FESOP only.)? The emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section is a regulated emissions unit.? The emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section is an unregulated emissions unit.Emissions Unit Description and Status1.Type of Emissions Unit Addressed in this Section (Check one)? This Emissions Unit Information Section addresses, as a single emissions unit, a single process or production unit, or activity, which produces one or more air pollutants and which has at least one definable emission point (stack or vent).? This Emissions Unit Information Section addresses, as a single emissions unit, a group of process or production units and activities which has at least one definable emission point (stack or vent) but may also produce fugitive emissions.? This Emissions Unit Information Section addresses, as a single emissions unit, one or more process or production units and activities which produce fugitive emissions only. 2.Description of Emissions Unit Addressed in this Section: 3.Emissions Unit Identification Number: 4.Emissions UnitStatus Code:menceConstruction Date:6.Initial Startup Date:7.Emissions Unit Major Group SIC Code:8. NAICS Code:9.Federal Program Applicability: (Check all that apply)? Acid Rain Unit? CAIR Unit10.Package UnitManufacturer: Model Number: 11.Generator Nameplate Rating: MW12.Emissions Unit Comment: EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONSection[]of[]Emissions Unit Control Equipment/Method: Control __ of ____1.Control Equipment/Method Description:2.Control Device or Method Code:Emissions Unit Control Equipment/Method: Control __ of ____1.Control Equipment/Method Description: 2.Control Device or Method Code:Emissions Unit Control Equipment/Method: Control __ of ____1.Control Equipment/Method Description: 2.Control Device or Method Code:Emissions Unit Control Equipment/Method: Control __ of ____1.Control Equipment/Method Description: 2.Control Device or Method Code:EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONSection[]of[]B. EMISSIONS UNIT CAPACITY INFORMATION(Optional for unregulated emissions units.)Emissions Unit Operating Capacity and Schedule1.Maximum Process or Throughput Rate: 2.Maximum Production Rate: 3.Maximum Heat Input Rate: _____________mmBtu/hr4. Maximum Incineration Rate: _____________lbs/hr ______________tons/day5.Requested Maximum Operating Schedulehours/day:days/week:weeks/year:hours/year:6.Operating Capacity/Schedule Comment: EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONSection[]of[]C. EMISSION POINT (STACK/VENT) INFORMATION(Optional for unregulated emissions units.)Emission Point Description and Type1.Identification of Point on Plot Plan or Flow Diagram: 2.Emission Point Type Code: 3.Descriptions of Emission Points Comprising this Emissions Unit for VE Tracking: 4.ID Numbers or Descriptions of Emission Units with this Emission Point in Common: 5.Discharge Type Code: 6.Stack Height (feet):7.Exit Diameter (feet): 8.Exit Temperature (F):9.Actual Volumetric Flow Rate (acfm):10.Water Vapor (%): 11.Maximum Dry Standard Flow Rate (dscfm):12.Nonstack Emission Point Height (feet):13.Emission Point UTM CoordinatesZone: East (km): North (km): 14.Emission Point Latitude/LongitudeLatitude (DD/MM/SS): Longitude (DD/MM/SS): 15.Emission Point Comment: EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONSection[]of[]D. SEGMENT (PROCESS/FUEL) INFORMATIONSegment Description and Rate: Segment of 1.Segment Description (Process/Fuel Type): 2.Source Classification Code (SCC): 3.SCC Units: 4.Maximum Hourly Rate: 5.Maximum Annual Rate: 6.Estimated Annual Activity Factor: 7.Maximum % Sulfur: 8.Maximum % Ash: 9.Million Btu per SCC Unit: 10.Segment Comment: Segment Description and Rate: Segment of 1.Segment Description (Process/Fuel Type): 2.Source Classification Code (SCC): 3.SCC Units: 4.Maximum Hourly Rate: 5.Maximum Annual Rate: 6.Estimated Annual Activity Factor: 7.Maximum % Sulfur: 8.Maximum % Ash: 9.Million Btu per SCC Unit: 10.Segment Comment: EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONSection[]of[]D. SEGMENT (PROCESS/FUEL) INFORMATION (CONTINUED)Segment Description and Rate: Segment of 1.Segment Description (Process/Fuel Type): 2.Source Classification Code (SCC): 3.SCC Units: 4.Maximum Hourly Rate: 5.Maximum Annual Rate: 6.Estimated Annual Activity Factor: 7.Maximum % Sulfur: 8.Maximum % Ash: 9.Million Btu per SCC Unit: 10.Segment Comment: Segment Description and Rate: Segment of 1.Segment Description (Process/Fuel Type): 2.Source Classification Code (SCC): 3.SCC Units: 4. Maximum Hourly Rate: 5.Maximum Annual Rate: 6.Estimated Annual Activity Factor: 7.Maximum % Sulfur: 8.Maximum % Ash: 9.Million Btu per SCC Unit: 10.Segment Comment: EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONSection[]of[]E. EMISSIONS UNIT POLLUTANTSList of Pollutants Emitted by Emissions Unit1.Pollutant Emitted2.Primary Control Device Code3.Secondary Control Device Code4.Pollutant Regulatory Code EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONPOLLUTANT DETAIL INFORMATIONSection[]of[]Page[]of[]F1. EMISSIONS UNIT POLLUTANT DETAIL INFORMATION – POTENTIAL, FUGITIVE, AND ACTUAL EMISSIONS(Optional for unregulated emissions units.)Complete a Subsection F1 for each pollutant identified in Subsection E if applying for an air construction permit or concurrent processing of an air construction permit and a revised or renewal Title V operation permit. Complete for each emissions-limited pollutant identified in Subsection E if applying for an air operation permit.Potential, Estimated Fugitive, and Baseline & Projected Actual Emissions1.Pollutant Emitted: 2.Total Percent Efficiency of Control: 3.Potential Emissions lbs/hour tons/year4.Synthetically-Limited?? Yes ? No5.Range of Estimated FugitiveEmissions (as applicable):__________ to ____________ tons/year6.Emission Factor: Reference: 7.EmissionsMethod Code: 8.a. Baseline Actual Emissions (if required): tons/year8.b. Baseline 24-month Period:From: To: 9.a. Projected Actual Emissions (if required): tons/year9.b. Projected Monitoring Period:? 5 years ? 10 years10.Calculation of Emissions: 11.Potential, Fugitive, and Actual Emissions Comment: EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONPOLLUTANT DETAIL INFORMATIONSection[]of[]Page[]of[]F2. EMISSIONS UNIT POLLUTANT DETAIL INFORMATION -ALLOWABLE EMISSIONSComplete Subsection F2 if the pollutant identified in Subsection F1 is or would be subject to a numerical emissions limitation.Allowable Emissions Numerical Emissions Limitation ___of ___1.Basis for Numerical Emissions Limitation Code: 2.Future Effective Date of Numerical Emissions Limitation: 3.Numerical Emissions Limitation and Units: 4.Equivalent Allowable Emissions:lbs/hour tons/year5.Method of Compliance: 6.Allowable Emissions Comment (Description of Operating Method): Allowable Emissions Numerical Emissions Limitation ___of ___1.Basis for Numerical Emissions Limitation Code: 2.Future Effective Date of Numerical Emissions Limitation: 3.Numerical Emissions Limitation and Units: 4.Equivalent Allowable Emissions: lbs/hour tons/year5.Method of Compliance: 6.Allowable Emissions Comment (Description of Operating Method): Allowable Emissions Numerical Emissions Limitation ___of ___1.Basis for Numerical Emissions Limitation Code: 2.Future Effective Date of Numerical Emissions Limitation: 3.Numerical Emissions Limitation and Units: 4.Equivalent Allowable Emissions: lbs/hour tons/year5.Method of Compliance: 6.Allowable Emissions Comment (Description of Operating Method): EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONSection[]of[]G. VISIBLE EMISSIONS INFORMATIONComplete Subsection G if this emissions unit is or would be subject to a unit-specific visible emissions limitation.Visible Emissions Limitation: Visible Emissions Limitation ___ of ____1.Visible Emissions Subtype: 2.Basis for Opacity Limit:? Rule ? Other3.Opacity LimitNormal Conditions: %Exceptional Conditions: %Maximum Period of Excess Opacity Allowed: min/hour4.Method of Compliance: 5.Visible Emissions Comment: Visible Emissions Limitation: Visible Emissions Limitation ___ of ____1.Visible Emissions Subtype: 2.Basis for Opacity Limit:? Rule ? Other3.Opacity LimitNormal Conditions: %Exceptional Conditions: %Maximum Period of Excess Opacity Allowed: min/hour4.Method of Compliance: 5.Visible Emissions Comment: EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONSection[]of[]H. CONTINUOUS MONITOR INFORMATIONComplete Subsection H if this emissions unit is or would be subject to continuous monitoring.Continuous Monitoring System: Continuous Monitor of 1.Parameter Code: 2.Pollutant(s): 3.CMS Requirement:4.Monitor Manufacturer: Model Number: Serial Number: 5.Installation Date: 6.Performance Specification Test Date: 7.Continuous Monitor Comment: Continuous Monitoring System: Continuous Monitor of 1.Parameter Code: 2.Pollutant(s): 3.CMS Requirement:4.Monitor Manufacturer: Model Number: Serial Number: 5.Installation Date: 6.Performance Specification Test Date: 7.Continuous Monitor Comment: EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONSection[]of[]H. CONTINUOUS MONITOR INFORMATION (CONTINUED)Continuous Monitoring System: Continuous Monitor of 1.Parameter Code: 2.Pollutant(s): 3. CMS Requirement:4.Monitor Manufacturer: Model Number: Serial Number: 5.Installation Date: 6.Performance Specification Test Date: 7.Continuous Monitor Comment: Continuous Monitoring System: Continuous Monitor of 1.Parameter Code: 2.Pollutant(s): 3.CMS Requirement:4.Monitor Manufacturer: Model Number: Serial Number: 5.Installation Date: 6.Performance Specification Test Date: 7.Continuous Monitor Comment: EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONSection[]of[]I. EMISSIONS UNIT ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONAdditional Requirements for All Applications, Except as Otherwise StatedProcess Flow Diagram (Required for all permit applications, except Title V air operation permit revision applications if this information was submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought) ? Attached, Document ID: __________ ? Previously Submitted, Date 2.Fuel Analysis or Specification (Required for all permit applications, except Title V air operation permit revision applications if this information was submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought)? Attached, Document ID: __________ ? Previously Submitted, Date 3.Detailed Description of Control Equipment (Required for all permit applications, except Title V air operation permit revision applications if this information was submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought)? Attached, Document ID: __________ ? Previously Submitted, Date 4.Procedures for Startup and Shutdown (Required for all operation permit applications, except Title V air operation permit revision applications if this information was submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought)? Attached, Document ID: ___________ ? Previously Submitted, Date ____________? Not Applicable (construction application)5.Operation and Maintenance Plan (Required for all permit applications, except Title V air operation permit revision applications if this information was submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought)? Attached, Document ID: ___________ ? Previously Submitted, Date ___________? Not Applicable pliance Demonstration Reports/Records? Attached, Document ID: _____________Test Date(s)/Pollutant(s) Tested: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Previously Submitted, Date: ____________Test Date(s)/Pollutant(s) Tested: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________? To be Submitted, Date (if known):Test Date(s)/Pollutant(s) Tested: _______________________________________? Not ApplicableNote: For FESOP applications, all required compliance demonstration records/reports must be submitted at the time of application. For Title V air operation permit applications, all required compliance demonstration reports/records must be submitted at the time of application, or a compliance plan must be submitted at the time of application.7.Other Information Required by Rule or Statute ? Attached, Document ID: ____________ ? Not ApplicableEMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONSection[]of[]I. EMISSIONS UNIT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (CONTINUED)Additional Requirements for Air Construction Permit Applications1.Control Technology Review and Analysis (Rules 62-212.400(10) and 62-212.500(7), F.A.C.; 40 CFR 63.43(d) and (e)) ? Attached, Document ID: ? Not Applicable2.Good Engineering Practice Stack Height Analysis (Rules 62-212.400(4)(d) and 62-212.500(4)(f), F.A.C.)? Attached, Document ID: ? Not Applicable3.Description of Stack Sampling Facilities (Required for proposed new stack sampling facilities only)? Attached, Document ID: ? Not ApplicableAdditional Requirements for Title V Air Operation Permit Applications1.Identification of Applicable Requirements (For federal regulations where applicability is dependent on the specific type of emissions unit and/or emissions unit subgroup, provide the level of detail required to determine which specific set of regulations apply.):? Attached, Document ID: pliance Assurance Monitoring? Attached, Document ID: ? Not Applicable3.Alternative Methods of Operation? Attached, Document ID: ? Not Applicable4.Alternative Modes of Operation (Emissions Trading)? Attached, Document ID: ? Not ApplicableAdditional Requirements Comment Department of Environmental ProtectionDivision of Air Resource ManagementINSTRUCTIONS FOR DEP FORM NO. 62-210.900(1)APPLICATION FOR AIR PERMIT – LONG FORM USE OF THIS FORMThe Application for Air Permit – Long Form is to be used to apply for an initial, revised, or renewal Title V air operation permit; an initial federally enforceable state air operation permit (FESOP); or an air construction permit for one or more of the following situations: a proposed modification of a facility currently operating under a FESOP or a Title V air operation permit; a proposed project subject to prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) review, nonattainment area (NAA) new source review, or maximum achievable control technology (MACT); any source where the applicant is proposing to assume a restriction on the potential emissions of one or more pollutants to escape a federal program requirement such as PSD review, NAA review, Title V, or MACT; or any source where the applicant is proposing to establish, renew or revise a plantwide applicability limit (PAL). Also, this form is to be used to apply for both an air construction permit and a revised or renewal Title V air operation permit incorporating the proposed project if requesting optional concurrent processing of both applications. The form, including these instructions, has been adopted by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) at Rule 62-210.900(1), F.A.C., and is available as a hard-copy or word processing document, or as an online electronic permit application. Copies of the form and instructions may be obtained from any DEP air permitting office or from the Division of Air Resource Management (DARM) through its website at As a courtesy to those applicants who were in the process of completing an air permit application upon the effective date of this form, the department will accept previous versions of this form for a reasonable period after its effective date.ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONThe department encourages air permit applications to be submitted electronically using the DARM’s electronic permit application. The electronic application is designed to save work for the applicant while helping the department maintain an accurate database of permitted facilities. For example, rather than entering all of the information required on the form, applicants may import information currently stored in the department’s Air Resources Management System (ARMS) database into the electronic product and simply correct any inaccuracies that are found. The electronic permit application form may be accessed from the DARM website at or by calling the Electronic Products Help Line at (850) 717-9000.AVAILABILITY OF ARMS INFORMATIONIf the applicant chooses not to use the electronic permit application, the department can provide the applicant a copy of the information currently stored in the ARMS database to assist in filling out the application. The applicant may request this information from any DEP air permitting office.SMALL BUSINESS TECHNICAL AND COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCEThe Department of Environmental Protection has established a small-business technical and environmental compliance assistance program in the Division of Air Resource Management. The program has responsibility to assist small-business stationary sources of air pollution in determining applicable permit requirements, collect and disseminate information concerning compliance methods and technologies, and provide information regarding pollution prevention and accidental release detection and prevention. Small businesses requiring assistance may contact the program office by calling 1-800-SBAP-HLP (1-800-722-7457).DEFINITIONSDefinitions of terms used throughout these instructions are as set forth in Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C., including the terms "facility," "Title V source," "emissions unit, " and “unit-specific applicable requirement." The terms "DEP" and "department" are meant to be inclusive of all local air programs that exercise permitting authority on behalf of the DEP.DATA FORMATSData obtained from the Application for Air Permit are stored in the department's Air Resources Management System (ARMS), a computer database which supports the agency's air permitting, compliance monitoring, emissions inventory, enforcement and reporting activities. In accordance with federal reporting requirements, information in ARMS is transmitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for inclusion in the EPA's National Emissions Inventory (NEI) system. Therefore, the Application for Air Permit is structured so as to provide the information needed for permit processing in formats that are compatible with the data handling conventions of ARMS and NEI.APPLICATION PROCEDURESPermits RequiredAs set forth in Rule 62-210.300, F.A.C., the owner or operator of any emissions unit which emits or can reasonably be expected to emit any air pollutant shall obtain an appropriate air permit from the Department of Environmental Protection prior to beginning any activity for which such a permit is required. Air Construction Permits - Chapter 62-212, F.A.C., provides general preconstruction review requirements for proposed new emissions units or facilities, and proposed modifications, as well as specific requirements for projects subject to prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) or nonattainment-area new source review. Specific requirements for projects subject to case-by-case maximum achievable control technology (MACT) determination are provided at 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart B. All air construction permits issued by the department are federally enforceable.Unless exempt from permitting pursuant to Rule 62-210.300(3), F.A.C., or Rule 62-4.040, F.A.C., an air construction permit shall be obtained by the owner or operator of any proposed new or modified facility or emissions unit prior to the beginning of construction or modification of the facility or emissions unit. Applicants are encouraged to submit the application sufficiently in advance of the planned start of construction to allow time for permit processing and any possible administrative hearing. Applicants are also encouraged to obtain local zoning approval for any proposed new facility prior to submitting an application to the department.An air construction permit shall also be obtained for any proposed new or modified facility or emissions unit that would be licensed under the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act, if the proposed new or modified facility or emissions unit would be subject to the prevention of significant deterioration or nonattainment-area new source review requirements of Rule 62-212.400 or 62-212.500, F.A.C., respectively. If the owner or operator of such proposed new or modified facility or emissions unit would propose to assume a federally enforceable restriction on the hours of operation or on the type or amount of material combusted, stored, or processed, thereby reducing potential emissions so as to escape the applicability of Rule 62-212.400 or 62-212.500, F.A.C., the restriction must be embodied in both the air construction permit and the Title V air operation permit for the facility. The owner or operator of any facility licensed under the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act must obtain a Title V air operation permit if the facility would be considered a Title V source.Finally, an air construction permit shall be obtained by the owner or operator of any facility proposing to establish, revise, or renew a plantwide applicability limit (PAL) pursuant to the requirements of Rule 62-212.720, F.A.C. A “PAL permit” shall be considered a construction permit for purposes of Chapters 62-4, 62-110, 62-210, 62-212, and 62-213, F.A.C., but shall not authorize the addition of any new emissions unit to the facility with a PAL permit, any physical change to the facility that would constitute a modification under Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C., or any change to an existing emissions unit that would constitute a modification or reconstruction under 40 CFR Part 60, 61 or 63. A separate air construction permit shall be obtained for any such addition or modification to a facility with a PAL permit. If such addition or modification would likely cause an increase in emissions above the cap authorized in the PAL permit, the department shall authorize such increase only through a PAL permit revision, but the applicant may submit a single Application for Air Permit (DEP Form No. 62-210.900(1)), addressing both the proposed addition or modification and the proposed PAL revision.Air Operation Permits - Rule 62-210.300(2)(b), F.A.C., establishes air operation permitting requirements for federally enforceable state air operation permits (FESOPs). Chapter 62-213, F.A.C., implements the federal operating permit program under Title V of the Clean Air Act and contains special provisions applicable only to facilities (Title V sources) and emissions units subject to the permitting requirements of that chapter. A permit issued pursuant to Chapter 62-213, F.A.C., is referred to throughout these instructions as a Title V air operation permit or Title V permit. FESOPs and Title V permits issued by the department are federally enforceable and are facility-wide permits.An air operation permit, permit revision, or permit renewal shall be obtained by the owner or operator of any new or modified facility or emissions unit subsequent to construction or modification of the facility or emissions unit and after demonstrating compliance in accordance with the terms and conditions of the construction permit, except as provided in Rules 62-213.405 and 62-213.412, F.A.C. If the newly constructed or modified emissions unit would be permitted under an existing Title V air operation permit, the owner or operator of the facility shall obtain an appropriate revision of the existing operation permit to address the new or modified emissions unit.The owner or operator of any proposed new or modified emissions unit at an existing Title V source with a Title V air operation permit may request concurrent processing of applications for air construction permit and Title V air operation permit revision or renewal pursuant to the provisions of Rule 62-213.405, F.A.C. Under those provisions, the application for air construction permit must comply with the requirements of Rule 62-213.420(3) and (4), F.A.C., and must be subject to federally enforceable preconstruction review. Further, the owner or operator must waive the processing time requirements for the air construction permit to accommodate the processing time frames of the Title V permit revision or renewal. In such case, only one Application for Air Permit (DEP Form No. 62-210.900(1)), addressing all construction and operation permit application requirements, need be submitted.If an application for an air construction permit and an application for a Title V air operation permit are processed separately, nothing precludes the department from combining the public notice for air construction permit and Title V air operation permit revision or renewal, provided the processing time frames accommodate concurrent notice or the applicant waives the processing time requirements to accommodate concurrent notice.There is also a mechanism to accomplish the revision of a Title V permit without unduly delaying the owner or operator's ability to begin operating the new or modified emissions unit. If the new or modified emissions unit would represent a modification of the Title V source pursuant to the definition of modification at Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C., but would not otherwise constitute a modification pursuant to 40 CFR Part 52, 60, or 61 or 42 U.S.C. s. 7612, and if certain other conditions are met as set forth in Rule 62-213.412, F.A.C., the air operation permit may be revised in accordance with the provisions of that rule. Under those provisions, the draft Title V air operation permit revision may be issued concurrently with the issuance of the department's notice of intent to approve the construction permit for the proposed new or modified emissions unit. If final issuance of the air operation permit revision would occur subsequent to construction or modification of the emissions unit, the new or modified emissions unit may commence operation in accordance with the terms and conditions of its construction permit, pending issuance of the operation permit revision. In such case, only one Application for Air Permit, addressing all construction and operation permit application requirements, need be submitted.As set forth in Rule 62-213.420, F.A.C., a timely and complete application for Title V air operation permit renewal shall be submitted by the owner or operator of any Title V source prior to continuing the operation of the facility beyond the permit expiration date. For Title V air operation permits, the permittee shall apply for renewal prior to 225 days before the expiration date. For FESOPs, the permittee shall apply for renewal prior to 60 days before the expiration date of such permit in accordance with Rule 62-4.090, F.A.C.Duty to Submit ApplicationThe applicant for an air construction permit, an initial/revised/renewal Title V air operation permit, an initial federally enforceable state air operation permit (FESOP), or a concurrently processed air construction permit and revised/renewal Title V air operation permit shall submit an Application for Air Permit to the Department of Environmental Protection or local air pollution control agency which is exercising permit authority on behalf of the department. The application should be submitted to the DEP or local air program office which has responsibility for processing the type of permit application involved.An application for a concurrently processed air construction permit and Title V air operation permit revision or renewal shall be submitted to the DEP or local air program office having both Title V permitting authority and appropriate air construction permitting authority. All air construction permit applications subject to review under Rule 62-212.400, F.A.C., (prevention of significant deterioration) or Rule 62-212.500, F.A.C., (nonattainment-area new source review) and all air operation or air construction permit applications for emissions units subject to the federal acid rain program (Acid Rain units), the CAIR program (CAIR units) or Power Plant Siting (i.e., power plants and waste to energy facilities) shall be submitted to the Bureau of Air Regulation in Tallahassee. Information on the division of permitting responsibilities among DEP and local air program offices for other types of applications may be obtained from the Bureau of Air Regulation or any DEP district air section. The Application for Air Permit does not necessarily provide all the information needed by the department to process a permit application. In some cases, the applicant may need to supplement the application form with other information requested on the form or otherwise required by rule or statute. Examples of such other information are plot plans, flow diagrams, control equipment design details, stack test reports, operation and maintenance plans, and air quality modeling reports. It is also possible that the department may not need all the information called for on the application form. For example, if an application is being submitted to obtain a revision to an air operation permit prior to its scheduled renewal, the department only needs information related to or affected by the revision being sought. In such case, the applicant should coordinate with the department prior to submittal of the application to ensure the acceptability of excluding specific items of information not considered necessary.In accordance with the provisions of Section 403.111, Florida Statutes, the applicant may request that certain information be kept confidential. Any information submitted to the department under a claim of confidentiality should be submitted separately from the application form.The Application for Air Permit and all required additional information must be filed with the department in quadruplicate (if submitted in hard-copy) and in accordance with all other applicable provisions of Chapter 62-4, F.A.C. If the application is submitted using the department’s electronic permit application, it shall be submitted in accordance with the online procedures for such applications.Application Processing FeeEach permit application shall be accompanied by the appropriate processing fee as set forth in Rule 62-4.050, F.A.C.Note: No processing fee is required in the case of an application for an air operation permit, permit revision, or permit renewal under Chapter 62-213, F.A.C., nor is any processing fee required for an air construction permit for a facility which has been issued an air operation permit under Chapter 62-213, F.A.C., unless the air construction permit is subject to review under the prevention of significant deterioration or nonattainment-area new source review requirements of Rule 62-212.400, F.A.C., or 62-212.500, F.A.C., respectively. In addition, no processing fee is required in the case of a FESOP application for a facility with a valid air operation permit issued under Chapter 62-213, F.A.C.In general, when an application processing fee must be submitted, a separate air permit application fee is required for each emissions unit. However, in accordance with Rule 62-4.050(4)(a)3., F.A.C., where new or existing multiple emissions units located at the same facility are substantially similar in nature, the applicant may submit a single application and permit fee for construction of the similar emissions units at the facility. To be considered substantially similar, each of the emissions units must be substantially similar in regard to each of the following: nominal description or type of emissions unit; type of fuel burned; type of material processed, stored, or handled; type of air pollution control equipment; pollutants emitted; applicable emissions standards; and applicable regulatory control criteria. In such case, the single application fee shall be the fee that would apply for a single emissions unit with emissions that equal the total of the potential emissions of all of the substantially similar emissions units at the facility.Scope of ApplicationAn Application for Air Permit may address a single emissions unit or multiple emissions units at a facility. If the application addresses more than one emissions unit within the facility (as will be the case for most initial and renewal Title V permit applications and initial FESOP applications), a separate Emissions Unit Information Section (Section III of the Application for Air Permit) must be completed for each such emissions unit. A separate Emissions Unit Information Section is not required for units or activities exempt from air permitting (in the case of an application for air construction permit or FESOP) or insignificant units or activities (in the case of an application for Title V air operation permit). Such units and activities are required to be listed at Section II, Subsection C, of the Application for Air Permit.Except for exempt and insignificant units as stated above, a separate Emissions Unit Information Section is generally required for each process or production unit, or pollutant-emitting activity, at a facility. (The terms "process/production unit" and "pollutant emitting activity" describe types of "emissions units" as defined under Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C.) However, two or more process/production units or activities which are regulated collectively may be addressed in a single Emissions Unit Information Section. Examples of this situation would be a group of volatile organic liquid storage tanks regulated in terms of the group's total capacity and throughput, a group of related, small manufacturing operations regulated in terms of the total production rate of the group, or a bank of combustion turbines regulated in terms of total fuel consumption for the bank.Two or more process/production units or activities which would be regulated individually must be addressed in separate Emissions Unit Information Sections, even if the emissions units are "similar" and only one air construction permit application processing fee is assessed. An example of this situation would be two similar boilers, each of which would be tested for compliance with emission limitations individually. In general, any readily identifiable source of process-related fugitive emissions, such as an unenclosed product coating operation, or any diffuse source of fugitive emissions that is subject to regulation, such as equipment leaks regulated under 40 CFR 61, Subpart V, should be addressed as a specific emissions unit in a separate Emissions Unit Information Section.As explained above, a one-to-one correspondence between application processing fees and Emissions Unit Information Sections, though common, is not required. An air construction permit application involving substantially similar emissions units for which only one processing fee is charged may consist of more than one Emissions Unit Information Section. Furthermore, the department may choose to issue a single air construction permit covering multiple, non-similar emissions units. For Title V sources that include emissions units subject to regulation by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the applicant may elect to submit multiple applications for the Title V source and request that corresponding multiple permits be issued by the department. Irrespective of the number of application fees and permits involved, each process/production unit, group of process/production units, or emission point subject to an individual determination of compliance shall be treated as a single emissions unit for purposes of completing the Emissions Unit Information Section of the Application for Air Permit.Note: Additional information regarding the manner in which emissions units are defined for purposes of completing the Application for Air Permit is found in the instructions for Section III of the form.I. APPLICATION INFORMATIONIdentification of Facilityl.Facility Owner/Company Name Enter the name of the corporation, business, governmental entity, or individual that has ownership or control of the facility addressed in this application for an air permit. Common abbreviations should be used with blanks left between each word to insure readable entries (e.g., Fla. Electric Co., U.S. Pulp, Inc., Dept. of Health, etc.).2.Site Name Enter the common name, if any, of the facility site addressed in this application (e.g., Okeechobee Plant, Fernandina Mill, Fla. State Hospital, etc.). Also, use this field to enter any alias name under which the corporate owner of the facility is doing business. This field is optional and may be left blank.3.Facility Identification Number - Enter the DEP facility identification number, if known. 4.Facility LocationStreet Address or Other Locator - Enter the street address or approximate location of the facility as shown on a road map. This may be an intersection description or any locator which will allow a person unfamiliar with the facility to determine its physical location (e.g., 3 mi. W. of U.S. 41 off S.R. 786; etc.).City Enter the name of the city in which the facility is located. If the facility is not located within city limits, enter the name of the nearest city preceded by "N. of," "W. of," etc.County - Enter the name of the county in which the facility is located.Zip Code Enter the fivedigit postal zip code of the facility's physical location (not necessarily the mailing address zip code).5.Relocatable Facility - Check "Yes" if the facility addressed in this application is a relocatable facility as defined in Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C. Otherwise, check "No."6.Existing Title V Permitted Facility? - Check “Yes” if the facility addressed in this application currently holds a Title V air operation permit. Otherwise, check “No.”Application Contactl.Application Contact Enter the name and title of the person the department may contact regarding any information contained in this application. If the owner or operator used a consultant to complete this application and has no objection to the department contacting the consultant directly, this person may be that consultant. Note: the department will direct all official mailings related to this application, such as requests for additional information, to the owner/authorized representative or application responsible official.2.Application Contact Mailing Address - Enter the complete mailing address of the application contact named in Field 1.3.Application Contact Telephone Numbers - Enter the telephone number and FAX number, if available, of the application contact.4.Application Contact E-mail Address - Enter the e-mail address, if available, of the application contact.Application Processing Information (DEP Use Only)The purpose of this part of the Application for Air Permit form is to provide hard-copy documentation of the permit application (PA) tracking record created for this application and, where applicable, the PSD or Siting numbers assigned this application.1.Date of Receipt of Application - Record the date of receipt by the department of this air permit application, as entered into PA.2.Project Number(s) - Record the project number(s) assigned by PA to this application. For optional concurrent processing, record the project number assigned to the application for air construction permit and the project number assigned to the application for Title V permit revision or renewal.3.PSD Number - Record the prevention of significant deterioration (PSD-FL) tracking number assigned this application, if applicable.4.Siting Number - Record the power plant siting (PPS) or other siting act number assigned this application, if applicable.Purpose of ApplicationCheck the purpose for which this Application for Air Permit is submitted. If none of the choices apply to your facility, contact the department for assistance.If concurrent processing of an application for air construction permit and an application for Title V air operation permit revision or renewal is requested, check the box to request that the department waive the processing time requirements of the air construction permit to accommodate the processing time frames of the Title V air operation permit.Application CommentEnter, in the space provided, comments about this application or about the information given in this section of the Application for Air Permit form. In particular, give the reason for this application for air permit (e.g., air construction permit for proposed new facility or emissions unit, Title V air operation permit revision for newly constructed emissions unit, Title V air operation permit revision to address new applicable requirement). If applying for an initial FESOP, give current air construction permit numbers and air operation permit numbers of all emissions units and pollutant emitting activities to be operated at the facility. If applying for an air construction permit to supersede a previous air construction permit for one or more existing emissions units at a facility, provide the permit number of such air construction permit. If applying for an air operation permit revision to change, and thereby supersede a condition of a previous air construction permit in accordance with Rule 62-210.300(1)(b)1., F.A.C., provide the permit number of such air construction permit.Scope of Application Columns 1 & 2: List all emissions units covered by this permit application. For each such emissions unit, enter the DEP emissions unit identification number, if known, and a brief description of the emissions unit. Include any unit designations and other information helpful in describing the emissions unit and differentiating it from other units at the facility. Example descriptions are given in the instructions for "Description of Emissions Unit" in Section III-A.Columns 3 & 4: If the purpose of this application is to obtain a FESOP or an air construction permit alone or concurrently with a Title V air operation permit revision or permit renewal, and a permit processing fee is required, enter the appropriate permit type code and permit processing fee applicable to each emissions unit. Enter from the list below the appropriate permit type code for each emissions unit. These codes correspond to the fee schedule in Rule 62-4.050, F.A.C., and allow entry of the proper processing fee for each emissions unit addressed in this application.Note: If a Title V air operation permit has been issued to a facility and that facility remains subject to Title V permitting, air construction permit processing fees apply only to emissions units subject to prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) or nonattainment-area (NAA) new source review. Prior to issuance of a Title V air operation permit, all emissions units are subject to air construction permit processing fees.CodeTypeAC1AConstruction permit for emissions unit subject to PSD or NAA reviewAC1BConstruction permit for emissions unit having potential emissions of 100 tpy or more of any single pollutant and not subject to PSD or NAA reviewAC1CConstruction permit for emissions unit having potential emissions of 50 tpy or more, but less than 100 tpy of any single pollutantAC1DConstruction permit for emissions unit having potential emissions of 25 tpy or more, but less than 50 tpy of any single pollutantAC1EConstruction permit for emissions unit having potential emissions of 5 tpy or more, but less than 25 tpy of any single pollutantAC1FConstruction permit for emissions unit having potential emissions of less than 5 tpy of each pollutant ACM1Minor revision to construction permitACM2Minor revision to construction permit for which the fee is less than $300AF2AFederally enforceable state operation permit for emissions unit required to measure actual emissions by stack samplingAF2BFederally enforceable state operation permit for emissions unit required to measure actual emissions by any method other than stack samplingAF2CFederally enforceable state operation permit for emissions unit not required to measure actual emissionsAFMMMinor revision to federally enforceable state operation permitApplication Processing FeeCheck whether the appropriate application processing fee, as set forth in Rule 62-4.050, F.A.C., and summed from the Scope of Application table, has been attached; indicate the amount paid; and show any fee calculations. If no application fee is required, check "Not Applicable."Owner/Authorized Representative Statement l.Owner/Authorized Representative Enter the name and title of the individual owner or the name and title of the person authorized to represent the corporation, partnership, or other legal entity in making this application for permit. This must be the person who signs this application. Furthermore, this is the person to whom the department will direct official mailings related to this application, such as requests for additional information. A person other than a corporate officer of a corporation or a managing partner of a partnership or similar officer of another entity who is authorized to represent the legal entity must include written evidence of such authorization.Note: Owner/authorized representative information is required only if this application for air permit is for an air construction permit or a federally enforceable state air operation permit (FESOP). Do not complete Fields 1-5 if this application is for an initial, revised, or renewal Title V air operation permit; instead, complete the Application Responsible Official section. 2.Owner/Authorized Representative Mailing Address - Enter the complete mailing address of the owner or authorized representative named in Field 1, including the nine-digit postal zip code. It must be an address to which certified mail may be delivered and its receipt acknowledged.3.Owner/Authorized Representative Telephone Numbers - Enter the telephone number and FAX number, if available, of the owner or authorized representative.4.Owner/Authorized Representative E-mail Address - Enter the e-mail address, if available, of the owner or authorized representative.5.Owner/Authorized Representative Statement - This statement must be signed and dated by the person named in Field l.Application Responsible Official Certificationl.Application Responsible Official Enter the name and title of a responsible official for the Title V source addressed in this Application for Air Permit. This must be the person who signs this application and is authorized to act in an official capacity on all matters related to this application. Furthermore, this is the person to whom the department will direct official mailings related to this application, such as requests for additional information. If there are multiple responsible officials for this Title V source, the “application responsible official” need not be the facility “primary responsible official.” To designate more than one responsible official for this Title V source, submit DEP Form No. 62-213.900(8). The department will direct official mailings related to any permit issued pursuant to this application to the “primary responsible official.”Note: Responsible official information is required if this application for air permit is for an initial, revised, or renewal Title V air operation permit or for concurrent processing of an air construction permit and a revised/renewal Title V permit.2.Application Responsible Official Qualification – Check one or more responsible official qualifications, as applicable, to indicate how the person named in Field 1 meets the definition of responsible official given at Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C.3.Application Responsible Official Mailing Address - Enter the complete mailing address of the responsible official named in Field 1, including the nine-digit postal zip code. It must be an address to which certified mail may be delivered and its receipt acknowledged.4.Application Responsible Official Telephone Numbers - Enter the telephone number and FAX number, if available, of the responsible official named in Field 1.5.Application Responsible Official E-mail Address - Enter the e-mail address, if available, of the responsible official named in Field 1.6.Application Responsible Official Certification - This statement must be signed and dated by the responsible official named in Field l.Professional Engineer CertificationThis certification must be completed if the services of a Professional Engineer are required pursuant to Chapter 471, Florida Statutes, and Rule 62-4.050, F.A.C.Note: Professional engineer certification is not required if applying for an initial federally enforceable state air operation permit (FESOP), provided all emissions units and pollutant emitting activities to be covered under the FESOP are currently covered under one or more existing state air operation permits.l.Name and Registration Number of Professional Engineer Enter the name and registration number of the Professional Engineer whose signature and seal appears on this Application for Air Permit.2.Professional Engineer Mailing Address - Enter the complete mailing address of the Professional Engineer named in Field 1.3.Professional Engineer Telephone Numbers - Enter the telephone number and, if available, the FAX number of the Professional Engineer.4.Professional Engineer E-mail Address - Enter the e-mail address, if available, of the Professional Engineer.5.Professional Engineer Statement – Check the appropriate portion of the statement (paragraph (3), (4), or (5)). This statement must be signed, sealed, and dated by the Professional Engineer named in Field 1.II. FACILITY INFORMATIONA. GENERAL FACILITY INFORMATIONFacility Location and Type1.Facility UTM Coordinates Enter the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates of the approximate center of the points of air pollutant emissions at the facility as below. See also the instructions and note for Field 2.Zone Enter a UTM zone value of 16 if the facility is west of 84 longitude; enter a zone value of 17 if the facility is east of 84 longitude. (84 longitude passes through Jefferson County.)East Enter the UTM easting coordinate to at least the nearest tenth of a kilometer for the approximate center of the points of air pollutant emissions at the facility (e.g., 310.l).North Enter the UTM northing coordinate to at least the nearest tenth of a kilometer for the approximate center of the points of air pollutant emissions at the facility (e.g., 3354.7).Note: UTM coordinates may be accurately determined from a United States Geologic Survey (USGS) l:24,000scale topographic map.2.Facility Latitude/Longitude Enter the latitude and longitude of the approximate center of the points of air pollutant emissions at the facility, to the nearest second.Note: It is not necessary to complete both Fields 1 and 2. Enter only the coordinates (UTM or Lat./Long.) that are most accurately known.ernmental Facility Code - If the owner or operator of the facility addressed in this application is a unit of government, enter, from the list below, the code for such unit of government. If the owner or operator is not a unit of government, enter "0."CodeUnit of Government0None (non-governmental facility) 1Federal2State3County4Municipality4.Facility Status Code Enter, from the list below, the facility status code that would be valid as of issuance of this permit:CodeStatusAActive - One or more emissions units in operation, on standby status, temporarily shut down (including any shutdown while undergoing modification), or on long-term reserve shutdown. This code indicates an existing facility which has not been permanently shut down, though it may not be operating at the time of, or immediately subsequent to, permit onstruction - All emissions units in planning stage or undergoing initial construction, including reconstruction. This code indicates a proposed new facility, or an existing facility which has been or will be shut down in its entirety for reconstruction.5.Facility Primary Major Group SIC Code - Enter the two-digit Major Group Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code as listed in Appendix A that corresponds to the primary economic activity of the facility. In most cases, all emissions units at a facility will directly or indirectly support a single economic activity as represented by a Major Group SIC code. It is possible, however, for a facility to be engaged in more than one Major Group activity. In such case, the primary Major Group should be entered in this field, and any secondary Major Groups should be entered at the emissions unit level. Additional information on the SIC system is available in the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification Manual published by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.Note: If the facility is engaged in separate and distinct economic activities falling within two or more Major Group SIC codes, it may be necessary to consider the emissions units comprising each Major Group separately in determining the regulatory requirements applicable to the facility.6.Facility SIC(s) - If known, enter up to three four-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes to more precisely describe the economic activities of the facility. Four-digit SIC codes are listed in the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification Manual published by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. If no four-digit code is known, leave blank.7. Facility Primary NAICS 2-digit Code: Enter the primary 2-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code that corresponds to the primary economic activity of the facility. In most cases, all emissions units at a facility will directly or indirectly support a single economic activity as represented by a primary 2-digit NAICS code. It is possible, however, for a facility to be engaged in more than one activity. In such case, the primary 2-digit NAICS code should be entered in this field, and any secondary NAICS codes should be entered at the emissions unit level. NAICS codes are published by the U.S. Census Bureau and can be found at . Facility NAICS(s) 6-digit Code(s): If known, enter up to three 6-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes to more precisely describe the economic activities of the facility. NAICS codes are published by the U.S. Census Bureau and can be found at . If no 6-digit code is known, leave blank.9.Facility Comment - Enter any comments about the facility addressed in this application.Facility Contactl.Facility Contact Enter the name and title of the person to be contacted regarding daytoday operations of the air pollutant emissions units at the facility. This is typically, but not necessarily, a person stationed at or in close proximity to the facility such as the plant manager or environmental coordinator. This is the person the department will contact for access to the facility to conduct compliance inspections or observe stack tests. 2.Facility Contact Mailing Address - Enter the complete mailing address of the facility contact person named in Field 1.3.Facility Contact Telephone Numbers - Enter the telephone number and FAX number, if available, of the facility contact person. 4.Facility Contact E-mail Address - Enter the e-mail address, if available, of the facility contact person.Facility Primary Responsible Official l.Facility Primary Responsible Official Enter the name and title of the “primary responsible official” for the Title V source addressed in this Application for Air Permit. This is the person to whom the department will direct official mailings related to any Title V air operation permit issued pursuant to this application.Note: “Primary responsible official” information is required if this application for air permit is for an initial, revised, or renewal Title V air operation permit or for concurrent processing of an air construction permit and a revised/renewal Title V permit and multiple responsible officials are designated.2.Facility Primary Responsible Official Mailing Address - Enter the complete mailing address of the “primary responsible official” named in Field 1, including the nine-digit postal zip code. This is the address to which the department will direct official correspondence related to any Title V air operation permit issued pursuant to this application. It must be an address to which certified mail may be delivered and its receipt acknowledged.3.Facility Primary Responsible Official Telephone Numbers - Enter the telephone number and FAX number, if available, of the “primary responsible official” named in Field 1.4.Facility Primary Responsible Official E-mail Address - Enter the e-mail address, if available, of the “primary responsible official” named in Field 1.Facility Regulatory ClassificationsNote: Check all that would apply following completion of all projects and implementation of all other changes proposed in this application for air permit.1.Small Business Stationary Source- Check if the facility addressed in this application would qualify for the department's small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program under section 403.0852, Florida Statutes. If the answer is unknown, check "Unknown."2.Synthetic Non-Title V Source Check if the facility addressed in this application would be classified as a non-Title V source by virtue of a federally enforceable restriction, assumed by the applicant, on hours of operation or on the type or amount of material combusted, stored, or processed. If checked, briefly describe in Field 12, Facility Regulatory Classifications Comment, the nature of the restriction. No check indicates the facility is a Title V source or a true non-Title V source.Note: In order for a facility to be classified as a synthetic non-Title V source, it must be either a synthetic minor source of regulated air pollutants other than HAPs (Field 5) or a synthetic minor source of HAPs (Field 7). If this field is checked, one or both of Fields 5 and 7 must also be checked.3.Title V Source - Check if the facility addressed in this application would be classified as a Title V source as described in the definition of “Title V Source” or "Major Source of Air Pollution" in Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C. No check indicates that the facility is a synthetic non-Title V source or a true non-Title V source.Note: In order for a facility to be classified as a Title V source, it must be a major source of regulated air pollutants other than HAPs (Field 4), a major source of HAPs (Field 6), or designated by EPA as a “Part 70” source (Field 11) or a Title V source (Fields 8, 9 or 10) in a federal regulation. If this field is checked, one or more of Fields 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11 must also be checked.4.Major Source of Air Pollutants Other than Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) - Check if the facility addressed in this application would be classified as a major source of regulated air pollutants other than hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). For purposes of this field, the term "major source of air pollutants other than HAPs" refers to any emissions unit or group of emissions units as described in paragraph (b), (c), (d), or (e) of the definition of "Major Source of Air Pollution" or "Title V Source" as set forth in Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C., except as those definitions would apply to any emissions of hazardous air pollutants. No check indicates that the facility is a true minor source, synthetic minor source, or non-emitting source of air pollutants other than HAPs.5.Synthetic Minor Source of Air Pollutants Other than HAPs Check if the facility addressed in this application would be classified as a minor source of regulated air pollutants other than HAPs by virtue of a federally enforceable restriction, assumed by the applicant, on hours of operation or on the type or amount of material combusted, stored, or processed. If checked, briefly describe in Field 12, Facility Regulatory Classifications Comment, the nature of the existing or proposed restriction. No check indicates that the facility is either a major source of air pollutants other than HAPs (check Field 4), or it is a true minor or non-emitting source of such air pollutants.6.Major Source of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) - Check if the facility addressed in this application would be classified as a major source of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) as described in paragraph (a) of the definition of "Major Source of Air Pollution" or "Title V Source" as set forth in Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C. No check indicates that the facility is a true minor source, synthetic minor source, or non-emitting source of HAPs.7.Synthetic Minor Source of HAPs Check if the facility addressed in this application would be classified as a minor source of HAPs by virtue of a federally enforceable restriction, assumed by the applicant, on hours of operation or on the type or amount of material combusted, stored, or processed. If checked, briefly describe in Field 12, Facility Regulatory Classifications Comment, the nature of the existing or proposed restriction. No check indicates that the facility is either a major source of HAPs (check Field 6), or it is a true minor or non-emitting source of such air pollutants.8.One or More Emissions Units Subject to NSPS- Check if the facility addressed in this application has one or more emissions units subject to a standard promulgated by the EPA under section 111(b) of the Clean Air Act (40 CFR Part 60, Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS)).9.One or More Emissions Units Subject to Emission Guidelines - Check if the facility addressed in this application has one or more emissions units subject to a standard promulgated by the EPA under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act (40 CFR Part 60, Emission Guidelines for Existing Sources).10.One or More Emissions Units Subject to NESHAP - Check if the facility addressed in this application has one or more emissions units subject to a standard promulgated by the EPA under section 112(d) of the Clean Air Act (40 CFR Parts 61 and 63, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)) as described in paragraph (f) of the definition of "Major Source of Air Pollution" or "Title V Source" as set forth in Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C.11.Title V Source Solely by EPA Designation - Check if the facility addressed in this application would be classified as a Title V source by virtue of it belonging to a category specifically designated by the EPA Administrator as a "Part 70" source category as described in paragraph (h) of the definition of "Major Source of Air Pollution" or "Title V Source" in Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C.12.Facility Regulatory Classifications Comment - Enter any comments about the regulatory classifications of the facility addressed in this application, particularly as required to explain any synthetic restrictions.Potential Greenhouse Gas Emissions (For PSD applications only.)Potential Emissions - List the potential emissions, in tons per year, of the following greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, sulfur hexafluoride, hydrofluorocarbons, and perfluorocarbons.Calculation of Carbon Dioxide Equivalents - Multiply the potential tons per year of emissions of each greenhouse gas by its Global Warming Potential (GWP), for a 100-year time horizon, and enter the tons per year of equivalent carbon dioxide. For hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons use the most appropriate GWP for the particular set of potential emissions. For a list of GWP, see Table A-1 to Subpart A of 40 CFR Part 98, Global Warming Potentials, at Carbon Dioxide Equivalents - Sum the potential equivalent carbon dioxide of each greenhouse gas and enter the total carbon dioxide equivalents. If the facility has the potential to emit 100,000 tons per year or more of carbon dioxide equivalents, a Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) review may apply. Potential Greenhouse Gases Comment – Enter any comments about the potential greenhouse gases.List of Pollutants Emitted by Facility1.Pollutant Emitted - Enter, in this column, the pollutant code, as listed in Appendix D, of each pollutant: 1) the facility emits, has the potential to emit, or, after any proposed construction or modification, would emit or have the potential to emit in a major amount (major pollutant); 2) for which the facility’s emissions are, or would be, synthetically limited to less than a major amount (synthetic minor pollutant); and 3) which is neither a major pollutant nor synthetic minor pollutant, but which is, or would be, subject to an emissions limitation or work practice standard at one or more emissions units within the facility. If a code is not listed for the pollutant, enter a narrative description of the pollutant. Major pollutant threshold levels are as follows:a.5 tons per year for lead (Pb) and lead compounds expressed as lead;b.10 tons per year for any HAP (H001 through H189), including fugitive emissions;c.25 tons per year for HAPS (total HAPs, all species), including fugitive emissions; d.100 tons per year for CO, NOX, PM10, SO2, VOC. In determining whether emissions of these pollutants equal or exceed a major amount, fugitive emissions need not be considered unless the facility belongs to one of the following categories:Coal cleaning plants (with thermal dryers)Kraft pulp millsPortland cement plantsPrimary zinc smeltersIron and steel millsPrimary aluminum ore reduction plantsPrimary copper smeltersMunicipal incinerators capable of charging more than 250 tons of refuse per dayHydrofluoric, sulfuric, or nitric acid plantsPetroleum refineriesLime plantsPhosphate rock processing plantsCoke oven batteriesSulfur recovery plantsCarbon black plants (furnace process)Primary lead smeltersFuel conversion plantSintering plantsSecondary metal production plantsChemical process plantsFossil-fuel boilers (or combination thereof) totaling more than 250 million British thermal units per hour heat inputPetroleum storage and transfer units with a total storage capacity exceeding 300,000 barrelsTaconite ore processing plantsGlass fiber processing plantsCharcoal production plantsFossil fuel-fired steam electric plants of more than 250 million British thermal units per hour heat inputAny other stationary source category, which as of August 7, 1980, is being regulated under section 111 or 112 of the Act; ande. 100 tons per year for any other regulated air pollutant.2.Pollutant Classification - Enter, in this column, the pollutant classification code from the list below for each pollutant identified in Column 1.CodeDescriptionAMajor pollutantSMSynthetic minor pollutantBRegulated pollutant, not major or synthetic minor3.Emissions Cap - Enter, in this column, “Y” if the pollutant emitted is or would be subject to a facility-wide or multi-unit emissions cap; an “N” if the pollutant emitted is not. Section II-B must be completed for each pollutant subject to a facility-wide or multi-unit emissions cap. Requirements of the Acid Rain program and CAIR program are not considered emissions caps for purposes of this field.B. EMISSIONS CAPS Facility-Wide or Multi-Unit Emissions Caps 1.Pollutant Subject to Emissions Cap - Enter, in this column, the identification code as listed in Appendix D of each pollutant subject to an emissions cap or for which the applicant proposes to establish, revise or renew (as required) a multi-unit or facility-wide emissions cap. One type of multi-unit or facility-wide emissions cap occurs when the group of emissions units or the facility as a whole is limited to an amount of emissions less than the sum of the potential emissions of the individual emissions units. For example, if two emissions units are each permitted to operate 8760 hour per year, but together are limited to 12,000 total hours of operation, the result is an emissions cap. (Do not treat, as a multi-unit or facility-wide emissions cap, any restriction on potential emissions that results directly from restrictions placed on the potential emissions of individual emissions units.) A second type of multi-unit or facility-wide emissions cap is a plantwide applicability limit (PAL), as set forth at Rule 62-210.720, F.A.C. Requirements of the Acid Rain program and CAIR program are not considered emissions caps for purposes of this section of the application form.2.Facility-Wide Cap - Enter, in this column, “Y” if the pollutant is or would be subject to a facility-wide emissions cap; an “N” if the pollutant is or would be subject to a multi-unit, but not facility-wide, cap . A facility-wide cap covers air emissions of a pollutant from all units at the facility.3.Emissions Unit ID Nos. Under Cap – Enter, in this column, the emissions unit ID numbers under the emissions cap for the pollutant listed in Column 1, if this pollutant is not subject to a facility-wide cap.4.Hourly Cap – If the facility or affected group of emissions units is or would be subject to an hourly cap, enter, in this column, the capped rate of emissions of the pollutant, in pounds per hour (lbs/hr).5.Annual Cap – If the facility or affected group of emissions units is or would be subject to an annual or 12-month average cap, enter, in this column, the capped rate of emissions of the pollutant, in tons per year (tons/year).6.Basis for Emissions Cap - Enter from the list below the code which corresponds to the basis for the emissions cap for this pollutant. Use Field 7, Pollutant Comment, to further explain any entry made. Code Basis for Emissions CapRULEEmissions cap required by rule (Specify rule in comment field)ESCTVRequested by applicant to allow facility to escape classification as a Title V sourceESCPSDRequested by applicant to allow facility or modification to escape prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) reviewESCNAARequested by applicant to allow facility or modification to escape nonattainment area (NAA) new source reviewESCMACTRequested by applicant to allow facility or modification to escape maximum achievable control technology (MACT) requirementsESCRACTRequested by applicant to allow facility to escape reasonably available control technology (RACT) requirements AMBIENTRequested by applicant to reduce impact of facility on ambient concentrations (Explain further in comment field) ACTPALRequested by applicant pursuant to the “Actuals PAL” ruleOTHERRequested by applicant for other reasons (Explain in comment field)7.Facility-Wide or Multi-Unit Emissions Cap Comment - Enter any comments about the emissions cap(s) addressed in this subsection. In addition, provide any explanation needed to further understand the basis for the emissions cap(s). For example, if an emissions cap is the result of emissions trading among two or more emissions units, explain how the trading is implemented.C. FACILITY ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThis subsection of the Application for Air Permit form provides additional information related to this application and to the facility as a whole. (Additional information related to individual emissions units within the facility is provided in Subsection III-I of the form.) Additional information must be submitted as an attachment to each copy of the form, in hard-copy or computer-readable form. Entry of a "Document ID" for each attachment will aid the department in determining the completeness of the application. Electronic submission of additional information is encouraged. Applicants should contact the department regarding acceptable formats for word processing, spreadsheet, and graphic files.All additional information required pursuant to this subsection of the Application for Air Permit must be submitted to the department along with the form in order for the application to be considered complete. Additional Requirements for All Applications, Except as Otherwise Stated1.Facility Plot Plan Provide a plot plan of the facility showing the location of existing and proposed manufacturing processes, control equipment, stacks, vents, identifiable sources of fugitive emissions and principal buildings. If this application is being submitted to obtain an air construction permit for a proposed new emissions unit at the facility, the plot plan should be drawn to scale, show the precise location of the new emissions unit and its emission point(s), include at least one UTM or latitude/longitude reference coordinate point and compass direction, and provide dimensions, including height, of any buildings or structures that may affect dispersion of pollutants from the new emissions unit.Note: A facility plot plan is required for all permit applications, except Title V air operation permit revision applications if such plot plan was submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought. While a scale plot plan showing building dimensions is not required for air operation permit applications, the department reserves the right to request such information from permittees on an as-needed basis. For example, building dimensions may be needed for air quality modeling studies performed by the department in support of rulemaking activities and by other applicants in the area of the facility in support of their air construction permit applications.2.Process Flow Diagram(s) Provide a general process flow diagram or set of diagrams showing any proposed new or modified emissions units and all existing emissions units at the facility. Indicate the operating rate of each emissions unit, and identify the pathways by which raw materials and products flow from unit to unit.Note: A process flow diagram is required for all permit applications, except Title V air operation permit revision applications if such flow diagram was submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought.3.Precautions to Prevent Emissions of Unconfined Particulate Matter - Identify any unconfined particulate matter emissions that may result from construction, modification, or operation of the facility and describe the precautions that will be taken to prevent or control such emissions. For purposes of this requirement, it is not necessary to quantify such emissions. Examples of reasonable precautions to control unconfined emissions of particulate matter are listed at Rule 62-296.320(4), F.A.C.Note: A description of precautions to prevent emissions of unconfined particulate matter is required for all permit applications, except Title V air operation permit revision applications if such description was submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought.Additional Requirements for Air Construction Permit Applicationsl.Area Map Showing Facility Location If the facility addressed in this application for air construction permit does not hold any current air construction or air operation permit, provide a scale map (e.g., the relevant portion of a USGS topographic or other commercially available map) showing the location of the facility and points of air pollutant emissions in relation to residences, roads, and other features of the surrounding area.2.Description of Proposed Construction, Modification, or Plantwide Applicability Limit (PAL) Provide a detailed description of the proposed construction or modification project including a description of the nature, location, design capacity, and projected operations of each proposed new emissions unit and any proposed modification or change to any existing emissions unit. Also provide an explanation of any associated changes to other emissions units at the facility and a description of how the proposed project will affect the operations and actual emissions of the facility as a whole. Give the date on which construction is projected to commence on the proposed new or modified emissions unit(s) and an estimate of the expected latest date of the completion of construction to provide the department with a basis for specifying the expiration date of the construction permit.If this application is being submitted to establish, revise or renew a plantwide applicability limit (PAL), provide all permit application information required by Rule 62-210.720(3), F.A.C. Note: Before submitting any application for air construction permit, the applicant or the applicant’s professional engineer is encouraged to consult with the department concerning permitting requirements, control technology requirements, and ambient air quality concerns.3.Rule Applicability Analysis – Based on the nature, location, design capacity, operating schedule, emissions, and any other relevant information related to the proposed new or modified facility and to each emissions unit addressed in this application, identify all state, federal, and local air pollution control rules applicable to the facility and to each such emissions unit. In particular, provide a detailed analysis of how the various provisions of Chapter 62-212, F.A.C. (Stationary Sources – Preconstruction Review), apply on a pollutant-by-pollutant basis, including general preconstruction review requirements, prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) review, and nonattainment area (NAA) new source review. If the project includes a netting analysis to avoid PSD or NAA review for one or more pollutants, identify the “contemporaneous period” for the proposed project, each emissions increase or decrease that has occurred or will occur during the contemporaneous period, the basis of emissions calculations, whether or not each increase and decrease is creditable, and whether or not there would be a significant net emissions increase of any pollutant. If the project requires an emissions offset under the NAA review rules, identify the source and nature of the offset commitment, the quantify of emissions to be offset, the effective date of the offset, the basis of emissions calculations, and whether or not the committed offset is creditable and sufficient. If any exemptions or special provisions of Chapter 62-212, F.A.C., would apply, provide all information necessary for the department to verify applicability of each such exemption or special provision. If the project involves relaxation of a federally enforceable limitation on the pollutant emitting capacity of the facility, indicate whether or not such relaxation would trigger retroactive application of PSD or NAA new source review.4.List of Exempt Emissions Units – List each proposed new emissions unit that is exempt from the requirement to obtain an air construction permit. Identify the rule provision under which each such unit is exempt. If no exempt emissions units are proposed at the facility, indicate such.Note: The department may require determination of potential emissions from exempt emissions units for pre-construction review purposes.5.Fugitive Emissions Identification – Identify and quantify any fugitive emissions to the extent required by rule and not otherwise addressed in a specific Emissions Unit Information Section of the application form. In general, any readily identifiable source of process-related fugitive emissions, such as an unenclosed product coating operation, or any diffuse source of fugitive emissions that is subject to regulation, such as equipment leaks regulated under 40 CFR 61, Subpart V, must be addressed as a specific emissions unit in a separate Emissions Unit Information Section of the application form. 6.Air Quality Analysis – If the proposed project is subject to PSD review, provide an analysis of existing ambient air quality in the area of the proposed project as required pursuant to Rule 62-212.400(7), F.A.C. Indicate whether the analysis is based on project-specific preconstruction monitoring data collected by the applicant or on existing air monitoring data considered representative of the project area.Note: Prior to the submittal of an application and as early in the project planning as possible, the applicant is advised to discuss with the department the appropriateness of using existing air monitoring data versus the need to conduct project-specific preconstruction monitoring. Prior to the initiation of any project-specific air monitoring program, the applicant is advised to submit a monitoring plan to the department, demonstrating how the program will be conducted in accordance with the quality assurance requirements of 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix B, and taking into account any PSD ambient monitoring guidance provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.7.Source Impact Analysis – If the proposed project is subject to PSD review, provide a demonstration in accordance with the provisions of Rule 62-212.400(5), F.A.C., that the increase in emissions from the proposed facility or modification, together with all other increases and decreases in emissions resulting from the construction or modification (including secondary emissions), will not cause or contribute to a violation of any ambient air quality standard or maximum allowable increase (PSD increment). If the proposed project is subject to NAA new source review and is required to demonstrate a net air quality improvement pursuant to Rule 62-212.500(6), F.A.C., provide such demonstration. Include all input and output files necessary for the department to verify proper application of any air quality models used for ambient impact analysis.8.Air Quality Impact since 1977 – If the proposed project is subject to PSD review, provide information relating to the air quality impacts of, and the nature and extent of, all general commercial, residential, industrial and other growth which has occurred since August 7, 1977, as required at Rule 62-212.400(4)(e), F.A.C.9.Additional Impact Analyses – If the proposed project is subject to PSD review, provide the additional impact analyses required at Rule 62-212.400(8), F.A.C., using EPA-approved methods, if available. If the proposed project is subject to NAA new source review, provide a visibility analysis as required at Rule 62-212.500(4)(e), F.A.C.10.Alternative Analysis Requirement – If the proposed project is subject to NAA new source review, provide an analysis in accordance with Rule 62-212.500(4)(g), F.A.C., of alternative sites, sizes, production processes and environmental control techniques, demonstrating that the benefits of the proposed project outweigh the environmental and social costs imposed as a result of its location, construction, or modification.Additional Requirements for FESOP ApplicationsList of Exempt Emissions Units – List each emissions unit that is exempt from the requirement to obtain an air operation permit. Identify the rule provision under which each such unit is exempt. If no exempt emissions units exist at the facility, indicate such.Note: The department may require determination of potential emissions from exempt emissions units to verify FESOP eligibility.Additional Requirements for Title V Air Operation Permit Applications1.List of Insignificant Activities – List all process or production units and other pollutant-emitting activities at the Title V source addressed in this application which, by virtue of size or operating rate, are eligible for treatment as insignificant emissions units in accordance with the criteria of Rule 62-213.430(6), F.A.C., and are requested to be treated as such pursuant to Rule 62-213.420(3), F.A.C. For all activities and units listed, provide reasonable justification that such activities and units are insignificant, including calculations where necessary.Note: A list of insignificant activities is required for initial and renewal Title V air operation permit applications only.2.Identification of Applicable Requirements - Note: The identification of applicable requirements is required for all initial and renewal Title V air operation permit applications, and for Title V air operation permit revision applications if this information would be changed as a result of the revision being sought. Regulations: List each federal, state, and state-enforceable local air pollution regulation applicable to the facility as a whole. The intent of this list of regulations is to provide the applicant the opportunity to identify all rule-based "applicable requirements" as defined in Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C., and thereby claim the "permit shield" described in Rule 62-213.460, F.A.C. Applicable requirements not based directly on federal, state, or local regulations; e.g., any facility-wide limitation on operating rate or air pollutant emissions assumed by the applicant in a previous air permit, must be listed below under “Other Applicable Requirements.” List each regulation to only such level of detail as may be required to provide an unambiguous interpretation of how the specific provisions of the regulation apply. For example, it is not necessary to list every subsection within a rule section, or every paragraph within a rule subsection, if the rule section or subsection, respectively, applies in its entirety to the facility or emissions unit. Conversely, if a section, subsection, or any other rule division applies in part, but not in its entirety, to the facility or emissions unit, a greater level of detail is needed to identify the applicable rule. Regulations should be entered using the following example formats:Federal:40 CFR 60, Subpart Da (where sufficient detail is provided by reference to subpart only);40 CFR 60, Appendix D (where it is necessary to reference an appendix to a part)40 CFR 60.43a(a)(1) (where it is necessary to go to a greater level of detail than subpart)State:62-296.502 (where sufficient detail is provided by reference to the section only)62-296.404(3)(c)1.b. (where it is necessary to go to a greater level of detail than section)Local:Will vary in format from county to county.Note: An applicant may wish to reference a list of department air rules to which all Title V sources are likely subject, which may be found on the department’s website ( In addition, industry groups may wish to develop "applicable requirements" checklists tailored to the types of facilities they operate. It is recommended that any industry-specific checklist be reviewed by the Division of Air Resource Management before it is used.Other Applicable Requirements: In addition to the applicable regulations identified above, identify all other facility-wide "applicable requirements," as defined in Chapter 62-210.200, F.A.C., to which the facility addressed in this application is subject. For each such requirement, describe the method by which compliance with the requirement will be demonstrated consistent with EPA and department rules, including a description of any recordkeeping and reporting requirements. This part of the application should also be used to identify, and propose for deletion or revision, any facility-wide applicable requirement that is no longer appropriate. For each such applicable requirement, provide justification for its proposed deletion or revision. If this application is submitted to obtain a revised air operation permit in response to an applicable requirement that has come into force since the last submittal of an air operation permit application, only the new applicable requirement and compliance method need be identified.pliance Report and Plan - Provide a report indicating the compliance status of each emissions unit addressed in this application for air permit with respect to each applicable requirement and, for any instance of noncompliance, provide a plan with a description of the actions that will be taken to achieve compliance, including a compliance schedule with enforceable milestones. The compliance plan must be at least as stringent as that contained in any judicial consent decree or administrative order to which the Title V source is subject and provide for submission of certified progress reports no less frequently than quarterly.Note: A compliance report is required for all initial, revision, and renewal Title V air operation permit applications. A compliance plan must be submitted for each emissions unit that is not in compliance with all applicable requirements at the time of application and/or at any time during application processing. The department must be notified of any changes in compliance status during application processing.With respect to any applicable requirement under the federal acid rain program, the requirement for a compliance plan and statement shall be accomplished through submission of an acid rain application.4.List of Equipment/Activities Regulated Under Title VI - List each piece of equipment (air conditioner, chiller, cold-storage unit, etc.) at the Title V source that contains more than 50 pounds of charge of any Class I or Class II ozone-depleting substance regulated under Title VI of the Clean Air Act. If no such equipment exists at the Title V source, but other equipment and activities (e.g., motor vehicle air conditioner repair) are present at the source and involve the use or handling of Class I or Class II substances, check that such is the case. Check "Not Applicable" if no equipment or activities exist at the Title V source which are subject to requirements under Title VI of the Act), or if this is a Title V air operation permit revision application. Note: A list of equipment/activities regulated under Title VI is required for initial and renewal Title V air operation permit applications only.5.Verification of Risk Management Plan Submission to EPA - If the Title V source addressed in this application is required to submit a risk management plan under section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act, provide verification (e.g., copy of letter of submittal ) that such plan has been submitted to the EPA Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office. If the Title V source is not subject to section 112(r) or if this is a Title V air operation permit revision application, check "Not Applicable."Note: Verification of risk management plan submission to EPA is required for initial and renewal Title V air operation permit applications only.6.Requested Changes to Title V Operation Permit – If this application is submitted to obtain an air operation permit renewal or revision, identify any changes requested in the current air operation permit document, including any corrections or updates to information given in the permit, and any requested changes to permit conditions with appropriate justification.Additional Requirements for Facilities Subject to Acid Rain or CAIR Program1.Acid Rain Program Forms - If the facility is an Acid Rain source and this application is being submitted to obtain a Title V air operation permit renewal, complete and attach an Acid Rain Part Application, DEP Form Number. 62-210.900(1)(a), and other Acid Rain Program forms, as applicable (DEP Form Numbers 62-210.900(1)(a)1. or 2.). If this application is for an initial Title V air operation permit, or revised Title V air operation permit where the revision requires a new or revised Acid Rain Part Application or other Acid Rain Program form, complete and attach all required forms or provide the date on which any such form was previously submitted. For example, an Acid Rain Part Application for a newly constructed Acid Rain unit may have been submitted prior to this application to allow the unit to commence operation while action on this application is pending. Check the form(s) attached or previously submitted, or indicate "Not Applicable."2.CAIR Part - If the facility is a CAIR source and this application is being submitted to obtain a Title V air operation permit renewal, complete and attach a CAIR Part, DEP Form Number. 62-210.900(1)(b). If this application is for an initial Title V air operation permit, or revised Title V air operation permit where the revision requires a new or revised CAIR Part, complete and attach a CAIR Part or provide the date on which such form was previously submitted. For example, a CAIR Part for a newly constructed CAIR unit may have been submitted prior to this application to allow the unit to commence operation while action on this application is pending. Check the form(s) attached or previously submitted, or indicate "Not Applicable."Additional Requirements CommentEnter, in the space provided, any comment about the additional requirements addressed in this section of the Application for Air Permit form.III. EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONTitle V Air Operation Permit Application - For Title V air operation permitting only, emissions units are classified as regulated, unregulated, or insignificant. If this is an application for Title V air operation permit, a separate Emissions Unit Information Section (including subsections A through I as required) must be completed for each regulated and unregulated emissions unit addressed in this application for air permit. Some of the subsections comprising the Emissions Unit Information Section of the form are optional for unregulated emissions units. Each such subsection is appropriately marked. Insignificant emissions units are required to be listed at Section II, Subsection C.Air Construction Permit or FESOP Application - For air construction permitting or federally enforceable state air operation permitting, emissions units are classified as either subject to air permitting or exempt from air permitting. The concept of an “unregulated emissions unit” does not apply. If this is an application for air construction permit or FESOP, a separate Emissions Unit Information Section (including subsections A through I as required) must be completed for each emissions unit subject to air permitting addressed in this application for air permit. Emissions units exempt from air permitting are required to be listed at Section II, Subsection C.Air Construction Permit and Revised/Renewal Title V Air Operation Permit Application – Where this application is used to apply for both an air construction permit and a revised/renewal Title V air operation permit, each emissions unit is classified as either subject to air permitting or exempt from air permitting for air construction permitting purposes and as regulated, unregulated, or insignificant for Title V air operation permitting purposes. A separate Emissions Unit Information Section (including subsections A through I as required) must be completed for each emissions unit addressed in this application that is subject to air construction permitting and for each such emissions unit that is a regulated or unregulated unit for purposes of Title V permitting. (An emissions unit may be exempt from air construction permitting but still be classified as unregulated for Title V purposes.) Emissions units that are classified as insignificant for Title V purposes are required to be listed at Section II, Subsection C. If submitting the application form in hard copy, the number of this Emissions Unit Information Section and the total number of Emissions Unit Information Sections submitted as part of this application must be indicated in the space provided at the top of each page. Note: An Emissions Unit Information Section may address, as an emissions unit, a single process/production unit or activity; a group of collectively-regulated process/production units or activities; or one or more process/production units or activities having fugitive emissions only. The most appropriate breakdown of process and production operations, and other pollutant-emitting activities, at a facility into separate emissions units is determined through the permitting process and, once established, should be adhered to in completing subsequent air permit applications and any required reports such as periodic compliance reports and annual operating reports. For existing, permitted facilities, the department will have already defined and assigned emissions unit identification numbers to emissions units within the facility. Any questions regarding the manner in which emissions units have been defined by the department, or any proposed changes in such, should be discussed with the appropriate permitting office prior to submittal of any air permit application.A. GENERAL EMISSIONS UNIT INFORMATIONTitle V Air Operation Permit Emissions Unit Classification Regulated or Unregulated Emissions Unit? – If this is an application for an initial, revised or renewal Title V air operation permit, check whether the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section is a “regulated” or “unregulated” emissions unit as defined below. Skip this item if this is an application for air construction permit or federally enforceable state operation permit (FESOP) only.Regulated Emissions Unit - An emissions unit which emits at least one “emissions-limited pollutant”* or an emissions unit which is subject to a unit-specific work practice standard for the control of a pollutant or family of pollutants or to a unit-specific visible emissions standard. An emissions unit that emits fugitive emissions only, where such emissions are subject to a unit-specific work practice standard, shall be considered a regulated emissions unit.Unregulated Emissions Unit - An emissions unit which emits no “emissions-limited pollutant”* and which is subject to no unit-specific work practice standard, though it may be subject to regulations applied on a facility-wide basis (e.g., unconfined emissions, odor, general opacity) or to regulations that require only that it be able to prove exemption from otherwise applicable unit-specific emissions or work practice standards (e.g., recordkeeping requirements for small storage tanks under 40 CFR 60, Subpart Kb). All fugitive emissions not subject to unit-specific work practice standards may be included in the application as one or more separate unregulated emissions units.*“Emissions-Limited Pollutant” - An emissions-limited pollutant, for purposes of this portion of the application form, is any pollutant which is subject to a numerical emissions-limiting standard for the emissions unit addressed in this section of the application, either individually or in combination with other emissions units at the facility (e.g., a “cap”). The term includes any emissions limitation that would be assumed by the applicant, or any limitation on potential-to-emit created by a limitation on process rate or hours of operation assumed by the applicant. It does not include pollutants regulated only by a work practice standard or visible emissions standard.Emissions Unit Description and Status1.Type of Emissions Unit Addressed in this Section - Check whether the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section represents a single process/production unit or activity, a group of process/production units and activities, or a process/production unit or activity (or group of such units or activities) which produces fugitive emissions only.2.Description of Emissions Unit Addressed in this Section - Provide a brief description of the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section. Include any unit designations and other information helpful in describing the emissions unit and differentiating it from the other emissions units at the facility. Example descriptions are:Type 1 - Single process/production unit or activity:Wetprocess cement kilnPower boiler No. lUnit No. 2 Multiplechamber incineratorNo. 3 doublecontact sulfuric acid plantType 2 - Collectively-regulated group of process/production units or activities:Distillate/gas fired combustion turbine units l5; each 10 MWGasoline storage tanks A, B, and C; each 250,000 barrels, floatingroofType 3 - One or more process/production units or activities with fugitive emissions only:Fugitive particulate emissions from coal pileFugitive VOC emissions from equipment leaks throughout facility 3.Emissions Unit Identification Number - If known, enter the threedigit emissions unit identification number assigned by the department to the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section. DEP Note: If this application is being submitted to obtain an air construction permit for a proposed new or reconstructed emissions unit, select a currently unused emissions unit identification number. Do not delete from the system any emissions unit which has been permanently shut down or is proposed to be reconstructed. Instead, give each such emissions unit an "I" status (inactive). The same procedure applies in the case of a reconfiguration of currently defined emissions units.4.Emissions Unit Status Code Enter, from the list below, the emissions unit status code that would be valid as of issuance of this permit:CodeStatusAActive Emissions unit in operation, on standby status, temporarily shut down (including any shutdown while undergoing modification), or on long-term reserve shutdown. This code indicates an existing emissions unit which has not been permanently shut down, though it may be not be operating at the time of, or immediately subsequent to, permit onstruction - Emissions unit in planning stage or undergoing initial construction, including reconstruction. This code indicates a proposed new emissions unit, or an existing emissions unit which has been or will be shut down in its entirety for reconstruction.mence Construction Date - If this application is submitted to obtain a post-construction air operation permit or permit revision for a newly constructed or modified emissions unit, enter the date on which construction commenced, as defined at Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C., on the newly constructed or modified emissions unit.6.Initial Startup Date - If this application is submitted to obtain a post-construction air operation permit or permit revision for a newly constructed or reconstructed emissions unit, enter the date that the emissions unit began or is expected to begin its initial operation. Do not enter, as a startup date, the date on which an active emissions unit resumed operations following a temporary or long-term reserve shutdown period.7.Emissions Unit Major Group SIC Code - Enter the two-digit Major Group Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code as listed in Appendix A that corresponds to the economic activity of the facility to which this emissions unit provides direct or indirect support. In most cases, the Major Group SIC code for the emissions unit will be the same as the primary Major Group SIC code for the facility. It is possible, however, for a facility to be engaged in more than one Major Group economic activity. In such case, it may be necessary to enter a secondary Major Group SIC code in this field.Note: If the facility is engaged in separate and distinct economic activities falling within two or more Major Group SIC codes, it may be necessary to consider the emissions units comprising each Major Group separately in determining the regulatory requirements applicable to the facility.8. NAICS Code: Enter the 6-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code that corresponds to the economic activity of the facility to which this emissions unit provides direct or indirect support. NAICS codes are published by the U.S. Census Bureau and can be found at . If no 6-digit code is known, leave blank.9.Federal Program Applicability – If the emissions unit addressed in this section is an Acid Rain unit or CAIR unit as defined at Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C., check each such box as appropriate.10.Manufacturer and Model Number of Package Unit - If the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section is a package unit (e.g., a small package boiler, combustion turbine, incinerator, crematory, soil burner, spray booth, degreaser, etc.) enter the name of the manufacturer and the model number of the package unit.11.Generator Nameplate Rating - If the emissions unit powers an electrical generator, enter the nameplate rating of the generator in megawatts (MW) to the nearest whole MW.12.Emissions Unit Comment - Enter any comments about the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section.Emissions Unit Control Equipment/Method For the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section, a separate set of control equipment/method data (Fields 1-2) must be completed for each emissions control device or method associated with the emissions unit. Indicate, in the space provided for each set of Fields 1-2, the number of this set of control equipment/method data and the total number of control equipment/method data sets submitted for this emissions unit.1.Control Equipment/Method Description – Enter a brief description of the emission control device or method addressed in this set of Fields 1-2 (e.g., centrifugal wet scrubber, type N rotoclone, etc.). Only control devices and methods installed for the express purpose of reducing the uncontrolled emissions associated with the emissions unit should be reported. Control methods installed for reasons other than emission control (e.g., low NOx burners installed to improve combustion efficiency) need not be reported unless a control efficiency is known or can be calculated. Also, do not report equipment that is a normal part of the emissions unit, even though a quantity of some pollutant emission may be reduced as a result of it.2.Control Device or Method Code Enter the appropriate code, as listed in Appendix B, for the air pollution control device or method described in Field 1. If none of the equipment or method codes appear to be applicable, choose the code that most nearly resembles the actual device or method. B. EMISSIONS UNIT CAPACITY INFORMATION(Optional for unregulated emissions units.)Emissions Unit Operating Capacity and ScheduleThe usual purpose of the operating capacity information requested in this portion of the form is to establish the required operating rate of an emissions unit at the time of emission testing. If the potential emissions of the emissions unit would increase as the result of any physical or operational increase in the unit’s capacity, the information provided in this portion of the form may also be used to establish a permit limitation. If the operating capacity cannot be expressed in terms of one or more of the parameters given in this subsection, use the comment field to address the operating capacity of the emissions unit. Also use the comment field to identify any variations in capacity that may be associated with alternative methods of operating the emissions unit. For example, if the emissions unit uses multiple fuels where the maximum heat input rate varies with the choice of fuel, indicate in the comment field the fuel which corresponds to the heat input rate given in Field 3, and list the additional fuel-type/heat-input rate relationships that apply to the unit.1.Maximum Process or Throughput Rate If the operating rate of the emissions unit is ordinarily expressed in terms of a process or throughput rate, enter the maximum process rate of which the emissions unit is capable, including a description of the units of measurement. If this application involves a proposed new emissions unit, enter design data.2.Maximum Production Rate If the operating rate of the emissions unit is ordinarily expressed in terms of a production rate, enter the maximum production rate of which the unit is capable, including a description of the units of measurement. (For sulfuric and phosphoric acid plants, enter the production rate in terms of 100% H2SO4 and 100% P2O5, respectively.) If this application involves a proposed new emissions unit, enter design data.3.Maximum Heat Input Rate If the emissions unit is a combustion unit, enter the maximum heat input rate of which the unit is capable, in million Btu's per hour. If this application involves a proposed new unit, enter design data.4.Maximum Incineration Rate If the emissions unit is an incinerator, enter the maximum capacity of the incinerator in pounds per hour and tons per day. If this application involves a proposed new incinerator, enter design data.5.Requested Maximum Operating Schedule Enter the requested maximum hours per day, days per week, weeks per year, and/or hours per year that the emissions unit be allowed to operate as a condition of its permit.6.Operating Capacity/Schedule Comment - Enter any comments about the operating capacity or requested operating schedule of the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section.C. EMISSION POINT (STACK/VENT) INFORMATION(Optional for unregulated emissions units.)Emission Point Description and Type1.Identification of Point on Plot Plan or Flow Diagram - An emission point is a stack, vent, or other identifiable location at which air pollutants are discharged into the atmosphere. Enter the identification number or symbol for the emission point associated with the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section, as shown on the facility plot plan or flow diagram. If the emissions unit has multiple emission points (e.g., a group of volatile organic liquid storage tanks or bank of combustion turbines), enter the identification numbers or symbols for all of the emission points serving the emissions unit. If the emissions unit represents diffuse fugitive emissions, describe the general area(s) from which the fugitive emissions arise.2.Emission Point Type Code - The emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section may have a single emission point, share an emission point with one or more other emissions units, have multiple emission points, or have no true emission point (e.g., an emissions unit with fugitive emissions only). Enter, from the list below, the type of emission point associated with the emissions unit.CodeDescription of Emission Point1A single emission point serving a single emissions unit (e.g., a single stack serving a single boiler). The emission point is not shared with another emissions unit, nor does the emissions unit have other emission points. 2An emission point serving two or more emissions units capable of simultaneous operation (e.g., a single stack serving two boilers). 3A configuration of multiple emission points serving a single emissions unit (e.g., a series of building vents serving a single enclosed process operation, a group of exhaust stacks serving a collectively-regulated bank of combustion turbines, a collection of roof vents serving a collectively-regulated group of volatile organic liquid storage tanks, or a variety of emission point types associated with an emissions unit not subject to any unit-specific applicable requirements).4No true emission point (e.g., fugitive emissions from a coal pile or equipment leaks).Note: If the emission point is of Type 3, it is necessary to complete Fields 5-12 of this subsection of the form for a single emission point that is "representative" of the multiple emission points serving the emissions unit. The first choice of a representative emission point is the point having the greatest emission rate. Use Field 15, Emission Point Comment, to explain the choice of emission point reported.3.Description of Emission Points Comprising this Emissions Unit for VE Tracking - If the emissions unit addressed in this section has multiple emission points (Emission Point Type 3), and if the emissions unit is subject to any visible emissions (VE) limitations, enter a brief description of each emission point comprising this emissions unit at which VE observations may be made. This will enable the department to associate VE tests with specific emission points, while otherwise treating the emissions unit as a single entity for regulatory purposes. 4.ID Numbers or Descriptions of Emissions Units with this Emission Point in Common - If the emissions unit addressed in this section shares an emission point with one or more emissions units addressed in separate Emissions Unit Information Sections (Emission Point Type 2), list the emissions unit identification numbers, if known, or provide descriptions of all emissions units having an emissions point in common with the emissions unit addressed in this section.Note: The stack parameters (Fields 5-14) shown in the Emissions Unit Information Sections for all emissions units having a common stack must be identical.5. Discharge Type Code - Enter the code for the type of discharge, as defined below, which characterizes this emission point.CodeDescription of DischargeDA stack discharging downward, or nearly downward. FFugitive emissions; no stack exists. HA stack discharging in a horizontal, or nearly horizontal direction. PA process vent, not otherwise classified. RA building roof or wall vent. VA stack with an unobstructed opening discharging in a vertical, or nearly vertical direction. WA vertical stack with a weather cap or similar obstruction in the exhaust stream.Note: If the emissions unit addressed in this section has multiple emission points (Emission Point Type 3) and is also characterized by multiple discharge types from the above list, select the discharge type that is most "representative" of the multiple emission points serving the emissions unit. The first choice of a representative discharge type is that which would be associated with the point having the greatest emission rate. Use Field 15, Emission Point Comment, to explain the choice of discharge type reported.6.Stack Height If the emission point is a "traditional" stack (i.e., a stack of discharge type "V"), enter the vertical distance between ground level and the point of emission, to the nearest foot. If the emission point is not a traditional stack; e.g., fugitive emissions or any discharge type other than “V,” leave blank Fields 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11 and complete Fields 8 and 12.7.Exit Diameter If the stack is round, enter the inside diameter of the stack at the point of emission. If the stack exit is rectangular or otherwise not round, enter the equivalent diameter, De = (l.128) x (square root of A), where A is the measured or calculated crosssectional area of the stack exit in square feet. The diameter is to be entered to the nearest tenth of a foot.8.Exit Temperature Enter in degrees Fahrenheit, to the nearest 10 F, the temperature of the exhaust gas stream at the point of emission under normal emissions unit operating conditions. If measured temperatures are not available or vary widely, enter an estimate based on engineering principles. If multiple fuels are involved, enter the temperature corresponding to combustion of the most commonly used fuel. If no fuel combustion is involved in the process and the exhaust gas appears to be discharged at ambient air temperatures, enter a temperature of 77 F. If a nonstack emission height is entered in Field 12, enter a value of 77 F for emissions units without combustion and an estimate of the actual temperature for emissions units with combustion.9.Actual Volumetric Flow Rate Enter the actual exhaust gas flow rate corresponding to the temperature and water vapor content of the exhaust gas stream while the emissions unit is operating under normal conditions. Assume that the gas pressure is equal to the standard atmospheric pressure. The entry is to be recorded in actual cubic feet per minute to the nearest 100 acfm. If measured flow rates are not available or vary widely, enter an estimate based on engineering principles. If multiple fuels are involved, enter the flow rate corresponding to combustion of the most commonly used fuel.10.Percent Water Vapor - If the emission unit is regulated under a grain loading standard (gr/dscf) or is associated with a control device whose performance is expressed in terms of such units, enter to the nearest whole percent the water vapor content in the exhaust gas stream at the point of emission under normal emissions unit operating conditions.11.Maximum Dry Standard Flow Rate If the emission unit is regulated under a grain loading standard (gr/dscf) or is associated with a control device whose performance is expressed in terms of such units, enter the calculated dry standard exhaust gas flow rate at standard temperature (68 F) and pressure. The entry is to be recorded in cubic feet per minute to the nearest 100 dscfm.Note: For batch and intermittently operated emissions units, the data in Fields 9 and 11 should correspond to conditions occurring while the emissions unit is operating at its maximum rate, even if such rate would not be sustained for more than a few minutes.12.Nonstack Emission Point Height Enter the emission height, as described below, if the emission point is not a traditional stack and Fields 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11 have been left blank. If stack height, exit diameter, and actual volumetric flow rate are reported, leave blank.Note: This field must be completed for all discharge types other than type "V." If there is a physically definable height above ground level where the pollutants are emitted, enter this value (in feet). Examples of this case are liquid storage tanks and uncontrolled graindrying operations where the height of the tank or dryer would be considered the emission height. On the other hand, some emissions units, such as a semienclosed manufacturing building or a materials storage pile, have no discernible emission height. In such cases, enter zero in this field. Processes that emit pollutants at ambient temperatures, mainly through groundlevel leakage or diffusion, should also be considered to have a zero emission height. Groundlevel emissions which are coded zero emission height should nevertheless have an appropriate temperature entered in Field 8.13.Point UTM Coordinates If UTM coordinates for the emission point associated with the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section are available, enter them to at least the nearest 0.01 kilometer.Note: This is an optional field and may be left blank.14.Point Latitude/Longitude – If latitude/longitude coordinates for the emission point associated with the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section are available, enter them, to the nearest second.Note: This is an optional field and may be left blank. Further, it is not necessary to complete both Fields 13 and 14. Enter only the coordinates (UTM or Lat./Long.) that are most accurately known.15.Emission Point Comment - Enter any comments about the emission point associated with the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section.D. SEGMENT (PROCESS/FUEL) INFORMATION For the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section, a separate set of segment data (Fields 1-10) must be completed for each segment required to be reported and for each alternative operating method or mode (emissions trading scenario) under Chapter 62-213, F.A.C., for which the maximum hourly or annual segment rate would vary. Indicate, in the space provided for each set of Fields 1-10, the number of this set of segment data and the total number of segment data sets submitted for this emissions unit. The purpose of this section of the form is to provide information on the raw materials, processes, fuels, stored volatile organic liquids (VOLs), products and other activities associated with the emissions unit addressed in this section in a format consistent with the U.S. EPA Source Classification Code (SCC) system for point sources. The U.S. EPA uses SCCs to classify different types of activities that generate emissions. Each SCC represents a unique source category-specific process or function (“segment”) that emits air pollutants. The SCCs are used as a primary identifying data element in EPA’s WebFIRE database (see ), where SCCs are used to link emissions factors to an emission process. In general, SCCs use a hierarchical system in which the classification of the emissions process becomes increasingly more specific with each of the four levels (starting on the left of the code and moving from left to right). EPA’s searchable database containing the most updated SCC list can be found at scc. In this section of the form, information must be provided for each segment (i.e., each material handling, process, fuel burning, VOL storage, production, or other such operation) to which the emissions of the emissions unit are directly related. If the emissions unit addressed in this section represents facility-wide fugitive emissions or other such emissions, information on each segment to which the fugitive or other emissions of the facility are related must be provided. Note: It is critical that the emissions unit be properly classified in terms of its segment operations and SCCs. Retrievals from ARMS, emission estimates, and annual operating reports are keyed to the SCC system. Therefore, if you have any questions regarding the completion of these fields, please contact the DEP or local program office to which the application will be submitted for assistance. Segment Description and Rate1.Segment Description Enter a description of the segment (i.e., the material handling, process, fuel usage, VOL storage, production, or other operation) that is addressed on this Segment Information page. Use description breakdowns consistent with those used in the EPA SCC system. Examples are:For cement kiln:Cement production (emissions related to tons cement produced)Coal burned in kiln as inprocess fuel (emissions related to tons burned)For boiler using two fuels (alternatively or simultaneously):No. 6 oil used in boiler (emissions related to thousand gallons burned)Natural gas used in boiler (emissions related to million cubic feet burned)For organic chemical storage tank:Breathing loss (emissions related to thousand gallons storage capacity)Working loss (emissions related to thousand gallons throughput) For source representing facility-wide fugitive emissions from surface mining:Hauling (emissions related to vehicle-miles traveled by haul trucks)Wind erosion (emissions related to acres of exposed area)If the maximum hourly or annual rate or activity factor for the segment identified in this field would vary according to the method or mode of operation of the facility or emissions unit, as described in the Facility or Emissions Unit Additional Information subsections of this application, include in this field a description of the alternative method or mode of operation to which the rate or activity factor information given in Fields 4-9 of this set of segment data would apply. For example, if the segment identified in this field is a production operation and the maximum rate of production would vary according to the operating mode of this or another part of the facility, a separate set of segment data (Fields 1-10) addressing this same operation must be completed for each separate operating mode of the facility for which the maximum production rate would vary.Note: Entry of at least one segment is required for each emissions unit. In some cases, it will be necessary to enter more than one segment description. For example, if a boiler burns both natural gas and distillate fuel oil, the data appropriate for each should be entered in separate segment data sets.2.Source Classification Code Enter the SCC number corresponding to the segment identified in Field 1. The list of SCC codes is available through the EPA Technology Transfer Network at . If the most appropriate SCC description appears to be significantly different from the actual process, use the most appropriate existing code ending in 999/99 or 99 and include a brief description of the process in Field 10, Segment Comment.DEP Note: Do not invent SCC codes. If there is need for the creation of a new SCC to specifically describe the process, a request should be submitted to the EPA through the Division of Air Resource Management.3.SCC Units for Fields 4-6 Enter the applicable units from Appendix C for the maximum hourly rate (Field 4), the maximum annual rate (Field 5), and the estimated annual activity factor (Field 6) for the segment identified in Field 1. All such fields used must be expressed in the same units, and the units must correspond to those used in the SCC system. Required units for the most common segments are given in Appendix C. If the segment rates or activity factor cannot be expressed in terms of one of the specific units given in Appendix C, please contact the DEP or local program office to which the application will be submitted for assistance. 4.Maximum Hourly Rate Enter, in terms of the units defined in Field 3, the maximum hourly rate for the segment identified in Field 1. This should be the higher of the maximum rate actually achieved or the rate at design capacity. For boilers, a maximum hourly fuel usage rate may be calculated by dividing the maximum capacity (million Btu/hour) by the fuel heat value (million Btu/fuel unit).Note: For SCCs where the units are timeindependent, such as petroleum storage tanks with units in terms of capacity, the maximum hourly rate does not apply. For other emissions unit types, such as storage piles or facility-wide fugitive emissions, a maximum hourly rate cannot be defined. In cases where a maximum hourly rate does not apply or cannot be defined, enter zero in this field and complete Field 6.5.Maximum Annual Rate Enter, in terms of the units defined in Field 3, the maximum annual rate for the segment identified in Field 1. This should be the higher of the maximum rate actually achieved or the rate at design capacity.Note: For SCCs where the units are timeindependent, such as petroleum storage tanks with units in terms of capacity, the maximum annual rate does not apply. For other emissions unit types, such as storage piles or facility-wide fugitive emissions, a maximum annual rate cannot be defined. In cases where a maximum annual rate does not apply or cannot be defined, enter zero in this field and complete Field 6.6.Estimated Annual Activity Factor Enter, in terms of the units defined in Field 3, the estimated annual activity factor for the segment identified in Field 1. This field should be completed only when the maximum hourly and annual rates in Fields 4 and 5 do not apply or cannot be defined. It is in this field that activity factors to which fugitive emissions are related are reported. For example, storage tank capacity (to which breathing losses are related) or vehicle-miles traveled (to which road dust emissions are related) would be reported in this field.7.Maximum Percent Sulfur If the segment identified in Field 1 relates to combustion of coal, oil, process gas, or LPG, enter on a weightpercent basis the expected maximum fuel sulfur content, to the nearest 0.01 percent accuracy (or greater accuracy if available).8.Maximum Percent Ash If the segment identified in Field 1 relates to combustion of coal, enter on a weightpercent basis the expected maximum fuel ash content, to the nearest 0.1 percent.9.Million Btu per SCC Unit If the segment identified in Field 1 relates to combustion of any fuel, enter the expected asfired heat value of the fuel in million Btu's per ton (solid fuels), per thousand gallons (liquid fuels), or per million cubic feet (gaseous fuels). The fuel quantity unit should correspond to the units defined in Field 3.10.Segment Comment - Enter any comments about the segment addressed on this Segment Information page, especially as described in the instructions for Fields 1 and 2.E. EMISSIONS UNIT POLLUTANTSList of Pollutants Emitted by Emissions Unit1.Pollutant Emitted - Enter in this column, the pollutant code, as listed in Appendix D, of: 1) each pollutant the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section would emit or have the potential to emit in an amount equal to or greater than a threshold amount, as set forth below, and 2) each “emissions-limited pollutant”* which would be emitted from this emissions unit, even if in less than a threshold amount. If a code is not listed for the pollutant, enter a narrative description of the pollutant. Emissions thresholds are as follows:5.0 tons per year for CO, NOx, PM, PM10, SO2, and VOC;500 pounds per year for lead (Pb) and lead compounds expressed as lead;1,000 pounds per year for each HAP (H001 through H189;2,500 pounds per year for HAPS (total HAPs, all species); and 12.5 tons per year for NH3, where the facility emits or has the potential to emit greater than 250 tons per year NH3.*Emissions-Limited Pollutant - An emissions-limited pollutant, for purposes of this portion of the application form, is any pollutant which is subject to an emissions limiting standard for the emissions unit addressed in this section of the application, either individually or in combination with other emissions units at the facility (e.g., a “cap”). The term also includes any emissions limitation that would be assumed by the applicant, or any limitation on potential-to-emit created by a limitation on process rate or hours of operation assumed by the applicant. Note: In the case of an air construction permit application, enter, in this column, the identification code for each pollutant for which potential emissions, fugitive emissions, or baseline & projected actual emissions must be calculated for purposes of the preconstruction review requirements of Chapter 62-212, F.A.C., even if the pollutant would be emitted in less than a threshold amount and would not be an emissions-limited pollutant.2.Primary Control Device Code Enter, in this column, the appropriate code, as listed in Appendix B, for the primary air pollution control device or method responsible for reducing emissions of the pollutant listed in Column 1. See also the instructions for Column 3.3.Secondary Control Device Code Enter, in this column, the appropriate code, as listed in Appendix B, for any secondary air pollution control equipment. Secondary control equipment is a device or method following, in series, another device or method designed to remove the same pollutant. For example, a settling chamber (or gravity collector) for removing large particles is often followed by an electrostatic precipitator. The precipitator should be reported as secondary control equipment. In certain cases, a device installed primarily for removal of one pollutant may also remove another pollutant. For example, sulfur dioxide absorbed by particulate matter may be removed via a bag collector. In this case, the code for the baghouse would be entered as primary control equipment for the pollutant it is intended to remove (particulate matter) and as secondary control equipment for the pollutant which it incidentally removes (sulfur dioxide). If there is no equipment for primary removal of sulfur dioxide, a zero would be entered in the primary control column for sulfur dioxide. If, for a particular pollutant, no control equipment is used, leave both columns blank.4.Pollutant Regulatory Code - Enter, in this column, the pollutant regulatory code from the list below for each pollutant identified in Column 1.CodeDescriptionELEmissions-limited pollutantWPPollutant regulated under work practice standard onlyNSPollutant not emissions-limited nor subject to any work practice standardF1. EMISSIONS UNIT POLLUTANT DETAIL INFORMATION – POTENTIAL, FUGITIVE, AND ACTUAL EMISSIONS(Optional for unregulated emissions units.)Complete a Subsection F1 for each pollutant identified in Subsection E if applying for an air construction permit or concurrent processing of an air construction permit and a revised or renewal Title V permit. Complete for each emissions-limited pollutant identified in Subsection E if applying for an air operation permit.On the hard-copy version of the Application for Air Permit, each set of Pollutant Detail Information is printed on two pages with Potential, Estimated Fugitive, and Baseline & Projected Actual Emissions (Subsection F1, Fields 1-11) on the first page and Allowable Emissions (Subsection F2, Fields 1-6, repeatable) on the second page. Though not literally applicable to electronically submitted application forms, the term "Pollutant Detail Information page" is used in these instructions to refer to a single set of pollutant detail information (i.e., both “Potential, Estimated Fugitive, and Baseline & Projected Actual Emissions” and “Allowable Emissions” where required). Indicate, in the space provided on each page, the number of this Pollutant Detail Information page and the total number of Pollutant Detail Information pages reported for this emissions unit.Potential, Estimated Fugitive, and Baseline & Projected Actual Emissions 1.Pollutant Emitted Enter the identification code, as listed in Appendix D, of the pollutant addressed on this Pollutant Detail Information page. If a code is not listed for the pollutant addressed on this page, enter a narrative description of the pollutant.2.Total Percent Efficiency of Control If a control efficiency is assumed in the calculation of potential emissions of the pollutant identified in Field 1, enter the total assumed collection efficiency of the control equipment (primary and secondary) in percent by weight for such pollutant. If efficiency measurements are not available, either on this emissions unit or on a similar emissions unit as reported in the literature, use an efficiency based on design data or engineering principles. If not applicable, leave blank.3.Potential Emissions Enter the potential emissions of the pollutant identified in Field 1 in pounds per hour and tons per year (include decimal as required). This field must be completed for each pollutant required to be reported unless the emissions unit addressed in this application represents fugitive emissions only. If an emissions unit burns two different fuels, or is otherwise subject to alternative methods or modes of operation, only one set of Fields 1-11 shall be completed per pollutant, even though the potential emissions of a given pollutant may vary with the type of fuel used or with the alternative method or mode of operation employed. In such case, the potential emissions of the pollutant are the potential emissions resulting from use of the worst-case fuel or the otherwise worst-case method or mode of operation for that pollutant. For example, the potential emissions of sulfur dioxide of an emissions unit which burns both fuel oil and natural gas will be determined by the amount of fuel oil allowed to be burned. Where a single set of equivalent allowable emissions (pounds per hour and tons per year) is given for the pollutant addressed on this page, the potential emissions and the equivalent allowable emissions must be the same. Where there are no equivalent allowable emissions, or where there is more than one set of equivalent allowable emissions, the potential emissions represent the worst-case emissions as described above. Note: The definition of “potential to emit” is given in Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C. If you have any questions on the definition or the correct method for computing potential emissions, please contact the DEP or the local air program office to which the application will be submitted for assistance.4.Synthetically-Limited? - Check yes if the potential emissions of the pollutant addressed in Field 1 are limited by virtue of a federally enforceable restriction, assumed by the applicant, on hours of operation or on the type or amount of material combusted, stored, or processed. If yes is checked, briefly describe in Field 11, Potential, Fugitive, and Actual Emissions Comment, the nature of the restriction, and enter one or more sets of equivalent allowable emissions for the pollutant addressed on this page.5.Range of Estimated Fugitive Emissions If fugitive emissions must be estimated for purposes of this application and the emissions unit addressed in this section represents fugitive emissions only, or has both stack and fugitive emissions, enter a numerical estimate of the range of its emissions in tons per year of the pollutant identified in Field 1. The range of estimated annual emissions should be consistent with any estimated annual activity factors entered on the Segment Information section of this form.6.Emission Factor – Enter the emission factor, and its units, used to calculate the potential or estimated fugitive emissions of the pollutant addressed in Field 1. Also, cite the reference for the factor used.7.Emissions Method Code Enter the code from the following list that best describes the method by which the potential emissions or the range of estimated fugitive emissions in Field 3 or 5 are determined. The methods are listed in order of preference.CodeDescription of Emission Method 1AThis entry indicates that the emissions were determined based on emissions measurement using a continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS). 2This entry indicates that the emissions were calculated by the use of materials balance and knowledge of the process.3AThis entry indicates that the emissions were calculated using an emission factor based on site-specific data such as stack test data. 3BThis entry indicates that the emissions were calculated using a directly-applicable emission factor from AP42 (see ), the EPA WebFIRE system (see ), or other published emissions calculation source. 4This entry indicates that the emissions were determined based on a similar, but different, process in AP-42, the EPA WebFIRE system, or other published emissions calculation source. Code 4 should only be used when no directly-applicable emission factor is included in these sources. 5This entry indicates that the emissions were calculated using an emission method other than one of those listed above.8.Baseline Actual Emissions a. Enter the baseline actual emissions of the pollutant identified in Field 1 in tons per year (include decimal as required), if baseline actual emissions must be computed for purposes of this application. Baseline actual emissions are required only if this application involves a modification where the applicant proposes to escape PSD review based on comparison of baseline actual emissions to projected actual emissions. b. Enter the 24-month baseline period used to establish baseline actual emissions. In Field 11, Potential, Fugitive, and Actual Emissions Comment, or as an attachment to this application form, as needed, provide information supporting the selection and computation of baseline actual emissions.9.Projected Actual Emissions a. Enter the projected actual emissions of the pollutant identified in Field 1 in tons per year (include decimal as required), if projected actual emissions must be computed for purposes of this application. Projected actual emissions are required only if this application involves a modification where the applicant proposes to escape PSD review based on comparison of baseline actual emissions to projected actual emissions. b. Check “10 years” if, following resumption of regular operation, the change increases the design capacity of that emissions unit or its potential to emit that PSD pollutant. Otherwise, check “5 years.” In Field 11, Potential, Fugitive, and Actual Emissions Comment, or as an attachment to this application form, as needed, provide information supporting the selection and computation of projected actual emissions.Note: The definitions of “baseline actual emissions” and “projected actual emissions” are given in Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C., and required procedures for computing such emissions are given in Rule 62-210.370, F.A.C. If you have any questions on the definitions or computational methods, please contact the DEP or the local air program office to which the application will be submitted for assistance.10.Calculation of Emissions - Show, in the space provided or as an attachment to the application form, the calculations made to determine the potential emissions, estimated fugitive emissions, as applicable, and baseline & projected actual emissions, if required, of the pollutant addressed in Field 1. Document the source of any measured emission values or emissions factors used. Also, document any assumptions made regarding capture efficiency, control efficiency, and any other relevant parameters used in the calculations. If necessary, attach additional sheets for more extensive calculations or to provide supporting documentation regarding any methods of calculation.11.Potential, Fugitive, and Actual Emissions Comment - Enter any comments about the potential emissions, estimated fugitive emissions, and baseline & projected actual emissions of the pollutant addressed in Field 1.F2. EMISSIONS UNIT POLLUTANT DETAIL INFORMATION -ALLOWABLE EMISSIONSComplete Subsection F2 if the pollutant identified in Subsection F1 is or would be subject to a numerical emissions limitation.This part of the form must be completed if the pollutant addressed on this Pollutant Detail Information page would be subject to a numerical emissions limitation as a specific condition of the emissions unit's permit. A numerical emissions limitation, for purposes of this portion of the application form, is any numerical emissions limiting standard required by rule for the pollutant addressed on this page or any numerical emissions limitation that would be assumed by the applicant. If more than one numerical emissions limitation applies to the pollutant addressed on this page (e.g., NSPS and BACT), Fields 1-6 of this part should be completed for each separate numerical emissions limitation. Indicate, in the space provided for each set of Fields 1-6, the number of this set of allowable emissions information and the total number of allowable emissions information sets submitted. Field 6, Pollutant Allowable Emissions Comment, should be used to further explain the basis for each of the numerical emissions limitations.1.Basis for Numerical Emissions Limitation Code - Enter from the list below the code which corresponds to the basis for the numerical emissions limitation in this set of Fields 1-6. Use Field 6, Numerical Emissions Limitation Comment, to further explain any entry made. Code Basis for Numerical Emissions LimitationRULENumerical emissions limitation required by rule (Specify rule in comment field)ESCTVRequested by applicant to allow facility to escape classification as a Title V sourceESCPSDRequested by applicant to allow facility or modification to escape prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) reviewESCNAARequested by applicant to allow facility or modification to escape nonattainment area (NAA) new source reviewESCMACTRequested by applicant to allow facility or modification to escape maximum achievable control technology (MACT) requirementsESCRACTRequested by applicant to allow facility to escape reasonably available control technology (RACT) requirements AMBIENTRequested by applicant to reduce impact of facility on ambient concentrations (Explain further in comment field) OTHERRequested by applicant for other reasons (Explain in comment field)2.Future Effective Date of Numerical Emissions Limitation - If the numerical emissions limitation addressed in this set of Fields 1-6 would have a future effective date (e.g., a compliance deadline contained in a recently promulgated applicable requirement), enter such date.3.Numerical Emissions Limitation and Units Enter the maximum rate of emissions (with units), of the pollutant addressed on this Pollutant Detail Information page, that the emissions unit would be limited to as a specific condition of its permit, where the permit condition would be expressed in units other than pounds per hour and tons per year (e.g., 0.1 lb/million Btu, 10 ppm, etc.). Use an abbreviation for the units of emission from the list below.Unit of Emission Abbreviationpounds per million Btu heat input lbs/mmBtupounds per ton of product lbs/ton productpounds per ton of material input lbs/ton inputpounds per hour per ton of material storedlbs/hr-ton storedparts per million by volume ppmvgrains per dry standard cubic foot gr/dscfmicrograms per dry standard cubic meterug/dscmother (attach explanation) (common form)If the numerical emissions limitation of the pollutant addressed on this Pollutant Detail Information page would vary according to the method or mode of operation of the facility or emissions unit, as described in the Facility or Emissions Unit Additional Information subsections of the form, use Field 6, Pollutant Allowable Emissions Comment, to provide a description of the alternative method or mode of operation to which the numerical emissions limitation given in this set of Fields 1-6 would apply. For example, if the allowable emissions of the pollutant would vary according to method or mode of operation of this emissions unit, a separate set of Fields 1-6 addressing this same pollutant must be completed for each operating method or mode of the emissions unit for which the allowable emissions of the pollutant would vary.Note: If an entry is made in this field, Field 4 must also be completed.4.Equivalent Allowable Emissions Enter the maximum rate of emissions in pounds per hour and tons per year, of the pollutant addressed on this Pollutant Detail Information page, that the emissions unit would be limited to as a specific condition of its permit. If the permit condition would be expressed in units other than pounds per hour or tons per year (e.g., lbs/million Btu, gr/dscf, etc.), calculate the equivalent hourly and annual emission limits for entry into this field, and enter the limit as would be stated in the permit in Field 3.If the allowable emissions of the pollutant, in terms of pounds per hour and tons per year, would vary according to the method or mode of operation of the facility or emissions unit, as described in the Facility or Emissions Unit Additional Information subsections of the form, use Field 6, Pollutant Allowable Emissions Comment, to provide a description of the alternative method or mode of operation to which the pound-per-hour and ton-per-year limitations given in this set of Fields 1-6 would apply. For example, if the hourly or annual allowable emissions of the pollutant would vary according to method or mode of operation of this emissions unit, a separate set of Fields 1-6 addressing this same pollutant must be completed for each operating method or mode of the emissions unit for which the allowable emissions of the pollutant would vary.5.Method of Compliance - Enter a brief description of the method by which compliance with the emissions limitation described in this set of Fields 1-6 would be demonstrated. 6.Allowable Emissions Comment - Enter any comments about the emissions limitation described in this set of Fields 1-6.G. VISIBLE EMISSIONS INFORMATIONComplete Subsection G if this emissions unit is or would be subject to a unit-specific visible emissions limitation.The intent of this subsection of the form is to identify each activity associated with the emissions unit addressed in this section for which a separate opacity limitation would be applicable. A separate set of visible emissions limitation information (Fields 1-5) must be completed for each such activity. Indicate, in the space provided for each set of Fields 1-5, the number of this set of visible emissions information and the total number of visible emissions limitation sets submitted.Visible Emissions Limitation1.Visible Emissions Subtype Enter the visible emissions subtype code for the activity addressed in corresponding Fields 25 of this subsection of the application form. For an opacity standard, the visible emissions subtype code is simply the letters “VE” followed immediately by two digits representing the opacity standard; for example, “VE20” is the appropriate visible emissions subtype code for an opacity limitation of 20% and “VE05” is the appropriate code for an opacity limitation of 5%. If visible emissions Method 22 applies, the subtype code is “VM22”.2.Basis for Opacity Limit - Enter, from the list below, the code which corresponds to the basis for the visible emissions limitations addressed in this set of Fields 1-5. Use Field 5, Visible Emissions Comment, to further explain any entry made.CodeBasis for Visible Emissions LimitationRULEVisible emissions limitation required by rule (Specify rule in comment field)OTHERVisible emissions limitation for other reasons (Explain in comment field)3.Opacity Limit - Complete as follows:Normal Conditions Enter the maximum opacity, to the nearest whole percent, that the emissions unit would be allowed during normal operating conditions as a specific condition of its permit. This is the opacity limit corresponding to the visible emissions subtype code given in Field 1.Exceptional Conditions Enter the maximum opacity, to the nearest whole percent, that the emissions unit would be allowed during exceptional conditions as a specific condition of its permit.Min/hr Enter the maximum minutes per hour of excess opacity that the emissions unit would be allowed as a specific condition of its permit.Note: There is no opacity limit associated with visible emissions Method 22.4.Method of Compliance Enter a brief description of the method by which compliance with the visible emissions limitations described in this set of Fields 1-5 would be demonstrated.5.Visible Emissions Comment - Enter any comments about the visible emissions information provided in this set of Fields 1-5.H. CONTINUOUS MONITOR INFORMATIONComplete Subsection H if this emissions unit is or would be subject to continuous monitoring.A separate set of continuous monitor information (Fields 1-7) must be completed for each monitoring system required. Indicate, in the space provided for each set of Fields 1-7, the number of this set of continuous monitor information and the total number of continuous monitor information sets submitted.Continuous Monitoring System1.Parameter Code - Enter, from the list below, the identification code for the parameter monitored by the continuous monitoring system addressed on this set of Fields 1-7 of the application. If the parameter is one or more pollutants being monitored for compliance with emission limiting standards (other than visible emissions), enter “EM” in this field and the identification code(s) for the pollutant(s), as given in Appendix D, in Field 2. If the parameter is not a pollutant, enter one of the parameter codes listed below. If a parameter code is not listed for the system addressed in this set of Fields 1-7, enter a narrative description of the parameter monitored.CodeParameterEMEmissions of one or more pollutantsVEVisible emissions (opacity) O2OxygenCO2Carbon dioxideTEMPFlue gas temperatureFLOWVolumetric flow rateWTFWater-to-fuel ratioPRSPressure dropPHpHAMPSFan ampsMAMilliampsFOFlame outageOTHERExplain in comment field2.Pollutant(s) - If the parameter code “EM” was entered in Field 1, enter the ID code(s) from Appendix D of the pollutant(s) monitored by the continuous monitor addressed in this set of Fields 1-7.3.CMS Requirement - Check, from the list below, the code which corresponds to the regulatory basis for the continuous monitoring system (CMS) reported in this set of Fields 1-7. Use Field 7, Continuous Monitor Comment, to further explain any entry made.CodeBasis for Continuous MonitorSIP SourceAcid RainEnhanced MonitoringEnforcement Action, Compliance Order, or Consent DecreeOther (Specify in Comment)Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)9NSPS4.Monitor Manufacturer, Model Number, and Serial Number - Enter the name of the manufacturer, the model number, and the serial number of the continuous monitor addressed in this set of Fields 1-7.5.Installation Date - Enter the date on which the continuous monitor addressed in this set of Fields 1-7 was installed.6.Performance Specification Test Date - If performance testing is required for the continuous monitor addressed in this set of Fields 1-7, enter the date on which the performance specification test for the monitor was done.7.Continuous Monitor Comment - Enter any comments about the continuous monitor information provided in this set of Fields 1-7.I. EMISSIONS UNIT ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThis subsection of the Application for Air Permit form provides additional information related to the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section. Additional information must be submitted as an attachment to each copy of the form, in hard-copy or computer-readable form. Entry of a "Document ID" for each attachment will aid the department in determining the completeness of the application. Electronic submission of additional information is encouraged; applicants should contact the department regarding acceptable formats for word processing, spreadsheet, and graphic files. All additional information required pursuant to this subsection of the Application for Air Permit form must be submitted to the department along with the form in order for the application to be considered complete.Additional Requirements for All Applications, Except as Otherwise Statedl.Process Flow Diagram(s) Provide a flow diagram or set of flow diagrams identifying the individual operations and processes associated with the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section. Indicate where raw materials and fuels are input, solid and liquid wastes are removed, and finished products are obtained. Note: A process flow diagram is required for all permit applications, except that such flow diagram is not required for Title V air operation permit revision applications if it was submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought.2.Fuel Analysis or Specification - If the emissions unit is a fuel-combustion device (not an incinerator) or an incinerator which burns a supplemental fuel, provide a typical analysis or specification of each fuel that would be used. The analysis or fuel specification should give the density, heat value, and percent content by weight of sulfur, nitrogen, and ash. If the emissions unit would use a non-fossil fuel (e.g., pelletized wood or hazardous waste used as fuel), used oil, or a fuel additive, provide all information on the fuel or fuel-additive needed to provide the department with reasonable assurance that the use of such fuel or fuel-additive would result in no violation of any air pollution statute of the State of Florida or rule of the Department of Environmental Protection. Note: A fuel analysis is required for all permit applications, except that such analysis is not required for Title V air operation permit revision applications if it was submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought.3.Detailed Description of Control Equipment Provide a description of the air pollution control equipment associated with the emissions unit addressed in this section including design details such as baghouse cloth-to-air ratio, scrubber crosssectional sketch and design pressure drop, afterburner temperature, etc. For each control device or method, provide either a copy of the manufacturer's guarantee of control efficiency or an acknowledgment that the applicant's professional engineer is satisfied that the device will achieve a control efficiency sufficient to meet any applicable emission limitations. If available, include test data for similar emissions units to support the control efficiency assertion. Note: A description of control equipment is required for all permit applications, except that such description is not required for Title V air operation permit revision applications if it was submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought.4.Procedures for Startup and Shutdown - If this application is submitted to obtain an air operation permit and excess emissions are possible during periods of startup or shutdown of the emissions unit, provide a brief, nonexclusive description of the general procedures to be followed during such periods to ensure that the best operational practices to minimize emissions will be adhered to and that the duration of any excess emissions will be minimized. Note: Startup/shutdown procedures are required for all operation permit applications, except that such procedures are not required for Title V air operation permit revision applications if they were submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought.5.Operation and Maintenance Plan - If the emissions unit is required to have an operation and maintenance plan, provide a current copy of the required plan. Note: An operation and maintenance plan is required for all permit applications, except that such plan is not required for Title V air operation permit revision applications if it was submitted to the department within the previous five years and would not be altered as a result of the revision being sought.pliance Demonstration Reports/Records - If a compliance demonstration report/record is required with this application, provide the required test report/record and enter the test date(s), the pollutant(s) tested, and document identification. If a report/record has either been previously submitted or will be submitted, indicate such and enter the test date(s), the pollutant(s) tested, and the date of previous or proposed submittal. If a compliance demonstration report/record is not required, check "Not Applicable."Note: For FESOP applications, all required compliance demonstration records/reports must be submitted at the time of application. For Title V air operation applications, all required compliance demonstration reports/records must be submitted at the time of application, or a compliance plan must be submitted at the time of application.7.Other Information Required by Rule or Statute - Provide other information related to the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section, and not elsewhere provided in the application form, as may be required by any applicable air pollution statute of the State of Florida or rule of the Department of Environmental Protection.Additional Requirements for Air Construction Permit Applications 1.Control Technology Review and Analysis – Identify the emissions limiting standards and methods of determining compliance for this emissions unit based on the requirements of all applicable federal standards under 40 CFR Parts 60, 61, and 63; all applicable state standards under the department’s air pollution rules; and all applicable local air pollution control standards. If a case-by-case determination of best available control technology (BACT), lowest achievable emissions rate (LAER) or maximum achievable control technology (MACT) is required, provide all information necessary for the department to determine that the technology proposed for this emissions unit represents the application of BACT, LAER, or MACT, as required. If the emissions unit is subject to BACT, provide an analysis of the proposed technology relative to the definition of BACT in Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C., and the criteria of Rule 62-212.400(10), F.A.C. If the emissions unit is subject to LAER, provide an analysis of the proposed technology relative to the criteria of Rule 62-212.500(7), F.A.C. If the emissions unit is subject to case-by-case MACT, provide an analysis of the proposed technology relative to the criteria of 40 CFR 63.43(d) and (e). For each emissions limiting standard, describe the monitoring, recordkeeping, and testing procedures that will be used to ensure continuous compliance.2.Good Engineering Practice Stack Height Analysis – If a good engineering practice (GEP) stack height analysis is required pursuant to Rule 62-212.400(4)(d), F.A.C., or Rule 62-212.500(4)(f), F.A.C., provide all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with Rule 62-210.550, F.A.C.3.Description of Stack Sampling Facilities - If the emissions unit is subject to a stack sampling requirement, provide a description of the stack sampling facilities including sampling ports, work platforms, means of access, and equipment support structures, unless such information has previously been provided.Additional Requirements for Title V Air Operation Permit Applications1.Identification of Applicable Requirements - Note: The identification of applicable requirements at the emissions unit level is required for all initial, revised, and renewal Title V air operation permit applications.Regulations: For all initial, revision, and renewal Title V air operation permit revision applications, list each federal, state, and state-enforceable local air pollution regulation applicable to each emissions unit addressed in this section of the application. The intent of this list of regulations is to provide the applicant the opportunity to identify all rule-based "applicable requirements" as defined in Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C., and thereby claim the "permit shield" described in Rule 62-213.460, F.A.C. Applicable requirements not based directly on federal, state, or local regulations; e.g., any facility-wide or unit-specific limitation on operating rate or air pollutant emissions assumed by the applicant in a previous air permit, must be listed below under “Other Applicable Requirements.” List each regulation to only such level of detail as may be required to provide an unambiguous interpretation of how the specific provisions of the regulation apply. For example, it is not necessary to list every subsection within a rule section, or every paragraph within a rule subsection, if the rule section or subsection, respectively, applies in its entirety to the facility or emissions unit. Conversely, if a section, subsection, or any other rule division applies in part, but not in its entirety, to the facility or emissions unit, a greater level of detail is needed to identify the applicable rule. Regulations should be entered using the following example formats:Federal:40 CFR 60, Subpart Da (where sufficient detail is provided by reference to the subpart only);40 CFR 60, Appendix D (where it is necessary to reference an appendix to a part)40 CFR 60.43a(a)(1) (where it is necessary to go to a greater level of detail than subpart)State:62-296.502 (where sufficient detail is provided by reference to the section only)62-296.404(3)(c)1.b. (where it is necessary to go to a greater level of detail than section)Local:Will vary in format from county to county.Note: An applicant may wish to reference a list of department air rules to which all Title V sources are likely subject, which may be found on the department’s website ( In addition, industry groups may wish to develop "applicable requirements" checklists tailored to the types of facilities they operate. It is recommended that any industry-specific checklist be reviewed by the Division of Air Resource Management before it is used.Other Applicable Requirements: In addition to the applicable regulations identified above, identify all other "applicable requirements," as defined in Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C., to which the emissions unit addressed in this section is subject. For each such requirement, describe the method (stack test, continuous emission monitor, materials balance, etc.) by which compliance with the requirement will be demonstrated consistent with EPA and department rules, including a description of any recordkeeping and reporting requirements. This part of the application should also be used to identify, and propose for deletion or revision, any applicable requirement that is no longer appropriate. For each such applicable requirement, provide justification for its proposed deletion or revision. If this application is submitted to obtain a revised air operation permit in response to an applicable requirement that has come into force since the last submittal of an air operation permit application, only the new applicable requirement and compliance method need be identified. Likewise, if this application is submitted to obtain a revised air operation permit incorporating an assumed emissions reduction; for example, an "Early Reductions" proposal, only the details of the proposed emissions reduction need be identified.pliance Assurance Monitoring Plan - If the emissions unit addressed in this section of the application is subject to the compliance assurance monitoring requirements of 40 CFR Part 64, provide the required monitoring plan.3.Alternative Methods of Operation - Describe all requested alternative methods of operation of the emissions unit addressed in this Emissions Unit Information Section, if any. Alternative methods of operation are alternative means of operating the emissions unit such that air pollutant emissions may be affected. A common example is that of a combustion unit capable of firing multiple fuels. Each fuel or mixture of fuels that the applicant expects to use should be identified as an alternative method of operation of the emissions unit. Another example would be a volatile organic liquid storage tank or collectively-regulated group of tanks where emissions would vary according to the type of liquid being stored. In such case, each type or class of liquid the applicant expects to handle should be identified as an alternative method of operation. Alternative methods of operation that involve emissions trading among emissions units are defined as alternative modes of operation and should be described in Item 4 of this subsection.4.Alternative Modes of Operation - If the Title V source addressed in this application would employ any alternative modes of operation (emissions trades) involving the emissions unit addressed in this section, describe all requested alternative modes of operation, if any, of the emissions unit for which this Application for Air Permit is submitted (e.g., this unit, Boiler 1, will burn natural gas whenever Boiler 2 is on-line but may switch to No. 2 fuel oil when Boiler 2 is off-line). Also, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 62-213.415, F.A.C., describe how continuous compliance with any restrictions or special conditions applicable to this unit will be assured in each alternative mode of operation.Additional Requirements CommentEnter, in the space provided, any comment about the additional requirements addressed in this section of the Application for Air Permit form.APPENDIX AMAJOR GROUP STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION (SIC) CODESCodeMajor Group Title01Agriculture production - crops02Agriculture production - livestock and animal specialties07Agricultural services08Forestry09Fishing, hunting, and trapping10Metal mining12Coal mining13Oil and gas extraction14Mining and quarrying of nonmetallic minerals, except fuels15Building construction - general contractors and operative builders16Heavy construction other than building construction - contractors17Construction - special trade contractors20Food and kindred products21Tobacco products22Textile mill products23Apparel and other finished products made from fabrics and similar materials24Lumber and wood products, except furniture25Furniture and fixtures26Paper and allied products27Printing, publishing, and allied industries28Chemicals and allied products29Petroleum refining and related industries30Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products31Leather and leather products32Stone, clay, glass, and concrete products33Primary metal industries34Fabricated metal products, except machinery and transportation equipment35Industrial and commercial machinery and computer equipment36Electronic and other electrical equipment and components, except computer equipment37Transportation equipment38Measuring, analyzing, and controlling instruments; photographic, medical and optical goods; watches and clocks39Miscellaneous manufacturing industries40Railroad transportation41Local and suburban transit and interurban highway passenger transportation42Motor freight transportation and warehousing43United States Postal ServiceAPPENDIX A (Continued)MAJOR GROUP STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION (SIC) CODESCodeMajor Group Title44Water transportation45Transportation by air46Pipelines, except natural gas47Transportation services48Communications49Electric, gas, and sanitary services50Wholesale trade - durable goods51Wholesale trade - nondurable goods52Building materials, hardware, garden supply, and mobile home dealers53General merchandise stores54Food stores55Automotive dealers and gasoline service stations56Apparel and accessory stores57Home furniture, furnishings, and equipment stores58Eating and drinking places59Miscellaneous retail60Depository institutions61Nondepository credit institutions62Security and commodity brokers, dealers, exchanges, and services63Insurance carriers64Insurance agents, brokers, and services65Real estate67Holding and other investment offices70Hotels, rooming houses, camps, and other lodging places72Personal services73Business services75Automotive repairs, services, and parking76Miscellaneous repair services78Motion pictures79Amusement and recreation services80Health services81Legal services82Educational services83Social services84Museums, art galleries, and botanical and zoological gardens86Membership organizationsAPPENDIX A (Continued)MAJOR GROUP STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION (SIC) CODESCodeMajor Group Title87Engineering, accounting, research, management, and related services88Private households89Miscellaneous services91Executive, legislative, and general government, except finance92Justice, public order, and safety93Public finance, taxation, and monetary policy94Administration of human resource programs95Administration of environmental quality and housing programs96Administration of economic programs97National security and international affairs99Nonclassifiable establishmentsAPPENDIX BCONTROL DEVICE AND METHOD CODESCodeControl Device/Method48Activated Carbon Adsorption84Activated Clay Adsorption112Afterburner31Air Injection68Alkaline Fly Ash Scrubbing40Alkalized Alumina32Ammonia Injection38Ammonia Scrubbing64Annular Ring Filter78Baffle74Barometric Condenser138Boiler at Landfill89Bottom Filling207Carbon Injection19Catalytic Afterburner20Catalytic Afterburner w/Heat Exchanger203Catalytic Converter116Catalytic Incinerator39Catalytic Oxidation-Flue Gas Desulfurization109Catalytic Oxidizer65Catalytic Reduction Tank130Caustic Scrubber7Centrifugal Collector, High Efficiency (95.0 - 99.9%)8Centrifugal Collector, Medium Efficiency (80.0 - 94.9%)9Centrifugal Collector, Low Efficiency (Less than 80%)83Chemical Neutralization80Chemical Oxidation81Chemical Reduction37Citrate Process Scrubbing148Clean Burn132Condenser88Conservation Vent33Control of %O2 in Combustion Air91Conversion to Floating Roof Tank92Conversion to Pressurized TankAPPENDIX B (Continued)CONTROL DEVICE AND METHOD CODESCodeControl Device/Method90Conversion to Variable Space Vapor Tank118Crossflow Packed Bed134Demister21Direct Flame Afterburner22Direct Flame Afterburner w/Heat Exchanger79Dry Electrostatic Granular Filter41Dry Limestone Injection119Dry Scrubber206Dry Sorbent Injection36Dual Alkali Scrubbing108Dust Suppression - Traffic Control62Dust Suppression by Chemical Stabilizers/Wetting Agents106Dust Suppression by Physical Stabilization61Dust Suppression by Water Sprays56Dynamic Separator (Dry)57Dynamic Separator (Wet)159Electrified Filter Bed128Electrostatic Precipitator10Electrostatic Precipitator, High Efficiency (95.0 - 99.9%)11Electrostatic Precipitator, Medium Efficiency (80.0 - 94.0%)12Electrostatic Precipitator, Low Efficiency (Less than 80%)127Fabric Filter16Fabric Filter, High Temperature (T > 250oF)17Fabric Filter, Medium Temperature (180oF < T < 250oF)18Fabric Filter, Low Temperature (T < 180oF)151Fiber Mist Eliminator23Flaring120Floating Bed Scrubber26Flue Gas Recirculation71Fluid Bed Dry Scrubbing208Freeboard Refrigeration Device13Gas Scrubber, General63Gravel Bed Filter4Gravity Collector, High Efficiency (95.0 - 99.9%)5Gravity Collector, Medium Efficiency (80.0 - 94.9%)APPENDIX B (Continued)CONTROL DEVICE AND METHOD CODESCodeControl Device/Method6Gravity Collector, Low Efficiency (Less than 80%)101High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter124High Pressure Scrubber55Impingement Plate Scrubber115Impingement Type Wet Scrubber133Incinerator147Increased Air/Fuel Ration with Intercooling97Installation of Secondary Seal for External Floating Roof Tank158Ionizing Wet Scrubber201Knock Out Box49Liquid Filtration System29Low Excess-Air Firing205Low-NOX Burners125Low Pressure Scrubber102Low Solvent Coatings35Magnesium Oxide Scrubbing58Mat or Panel Filter150Mechanical Collector59Metal Fabric Filter Screen (Cotton Gins)99Miscellaneous Control Devices152Mist Eliminator, High Efficiency14Mist Eliminator, High Velocity (V > 250 Ft/Min)15Mist Eliminator, Low Velocity (V < 250 Ft/Min)24Modified Furnace/Burner Design66Molecular Sieve98Moving Bed Dry Scrubber77Multiple Cyclone with Fly Ash Reinjection76Multiple Cyclone w/o Fly Ash Reinjection121Multiple Cyclones87Nitrogen Blanket0No Control Equipment140Non-Selective Catalytic Reduction (NSCR)204Overfire Air82Ozonation155Packed Bed Scrubber - High Efficiency117Packed ScrubberAPPENDIX B (Continued)CONTROL DEVICE AND METHOD CODESCodeControl Device/Method50Packed-Gas Adsorption Column103Powder Coatings149Pre-Combustion Chamber46Process Change54Process Enclosed60Process Gas Recovery105Process Modification - Electrostatic Spraying122Quench Tower27Reduced Combustion - Air Preheat73Refrigerated Condenser113Rotoclone139Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)107Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) for NOX 157Screen154Screened Drums or Cages129Scrubber75Single Cyclone Devices145Single Wet Cap69Sodium Carbonate Scrubbing70Sodium-Alkali Scrubbing System202Spray Dryer144Spray Screen123Spray Scrubber52Spray Tower25Staged Combustion28Steam or Water Injection93Submerged Filling45Sulfur Plant43Sulfuric Acid Plant - Contact Process44Sulfuric Acid Plant - Double Contact Process131Thermal Oxidizer51Tray-Type Gas Adsorption Column72Tube and Shell Condenser for External Floating Roof Tank94Underground Tank30Use of Fuel w/Low Nitrogen Content96Vapor Lock Balance Recovery SystemAPPENDIX B (Continued)CONTROL DEVICE AND METHOD CODESCodeControl Device/Method47Vapor Recovery System (Including Condenser, Hooding/Other Enclosure)110Vapor Recovery Unit53Venturi Scrubber86Water Curtain153Water Sprays104Water-Based Coatings34Wellman-Lord/Sodium Sulfite Scrubbing85Wet Cyclonic Separator146Wet Electrostatic Precipitator67Wet Lime Slurry Scrubbing42Wet Limestone Injection141Wet Scrubber1Wet Scrubber, High Efficiency (95.0 - 99.9%)2Wet Scrubber, Medium Efficiency (80.0 - 94.9%)3Wet Scrubber, Low Efficiency (Less than 80%)143Wet Suppression95White PaintAPPENDIX CCOMMON SOURCE CLASSIFICATION CODE (SCC) UNITSMaterials Consuming OperationsTons UsedGallons UsedUnits UsedMaterials Processing OperationsTons ProcessedHundred Tons ProcessedThousand Gallons ProcessedMillion Cubic Feet ProcessedThousand Barrels Fresh Feed ProcessedThousand Barrels Refinery Feed ProcessedThousand Barrels Vacuum Feed ProcessedThousand Barrels Clear Water ProcessedThousand Barrels Waste Water ProcessedUnits ProcessedMaterials Handling & Storage OperationsTons Transferred or HandledTons StoredThousand Gallons Transferred or HandledThousand Gallons StoredDrains OperatingSeals OperatingValves OperatingAcres StorageFuel Burning (Including In-process Fuel Use)Tons Burned (all solid fuels)Thousand Gallons Burned (all liquid fuels)Million Cubic Feet Burned (all gaseous fuels)APPENDIX C (Continued)COMMON SOURCE CLASSIFICATION CODE (SCC) UNITSProduction and Manufacturing OperationsHundred Pounds Produced or ManufacturingTons Produced or ManufacturedGallons Produced or ManufacturedThousand Gallons Produced or ManufacturedThousand Barrels Produced or ManufacturedCubic Yards Produced or ManufacturedMillion Cubic Feet Produced or ManufacturedTons Air-Dried Unbleached Pulp ProducedThousand Square Feet CoatedUnits Produced or ManufacturedThousand Units Produced or ManufacturedAPPENDIX DPOLLUTANT CODESPollutant NameCodeAmmoniaNH3Carbon DioxideCO2Carbon Dioxide Equivalents/Greenhouse GasesCO2ENote: Greenhouse gases are the group of following gases (expressedas Carbon Dioxide Equivalents): carbon dioxide; methane; nitrousoxide; sulfur hexafluoride, perfluorocarbons; and hydrofluorocarbons.Carbon MonoxideCODioxins/FuransD/F(including all tetra- through octa-chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxinsand dibenzofurans)Fluorides - TotalFL(Emissions of fluorine which occur either aselemental fluorine, or as a fluoride compound, reported as the mass of the fluorine atoms only.)Halogens, TotalTHHalogens and Hydrogen HalidesHHH (as defined by federal regulation subpart)HydrocarbonsHCHydrocarbons (Non-Methane)NMHCHydrocarbons, TotalTHCHydrocarbons, Total EquivalentsTHCEHydrocarbons, Total VolatileTVHHydrocarbons plus Nitrogen OxidesHC+NOXHydrocarbons (Non-Methane) plus Nitrogen OxidesNMHC+NOXHydrofluorocarbonsHFCSHydrogen SulfideH2SLead - TotalPB(Emissions of lead which occur either as elemental lead or as a chemical compound containing lead, reported as the mass of the lead atoms only.)APPENDIX D (Continued)POLLUTANT CODESPollutant NameCodeMercuryH114A(emissions of mercury which occur either as elemental mercury or as a chemical compound containing mercury, reported as the mass of the mercury atoms only)MethaneCH4Municipal waste combustor metalsPM(measured as particulate matter (PM))Municipal waste combustor acid gasesSO2(measured as sulfur dioxide (SO2) and hydrogen chloride (H106))H106Municipal waste combustor organicsD/F(measured as dioxins/furans (D/F))Municipal solid waste landfill emissionsNMOC(measured as nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC))Nitrogen OxidesNOX(including nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide, expressed asnitrogen dioxide)Nitrous OxideN2OOrganic Compounds, NonmethaneNMOCOrganic Compounds, TotalTOCOrganic Compounds, VolatileVOC(as defined at Rule 62-210.200, F.A.C.)Particulate Matter, CondensableCPM(material that is vapor phase at stack conditions, but which Condenses and/or reacts upon cooling and dilution in the ambient air to form solid or liquid particulate matter immediately after discharge from the stack)Particulate Matter, FilterablePM(particles, including all filterable PM10 particles, that are directly-emitted by a source as a solid or liquid at stack or release conditions and which can be captured on the filter of a stack test train)APPENDIX D (Continued)POLLUTANT CODESPollutant NameCodePM10, FilterablePM10(filterable particulate matter, including all filterable PM2.5,with an aerodynamic diameter equal to or less than 10 microns)PM10, PrimaryPM10-PRI(PM10 + CPM)PM2.5, FilterablePM2.5(filterable particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter equal to or less than 2.5 microns)PM2.5, PrimaryPM2.5-PRI(PM2.5 + CPM)PerfluorocarbonsPFCSReduced Sulfur CompoundsRSC(hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide, and carbon disulfide)Reduced Sulfur, TotalTRS(hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide, and dimethyl disulfide)Sulfur DioxideSO2Sulfuric Acid MistSAMAPPENDIX D (Continued)POLLUTANT CODESAdditional Hazardous Air PollutantsPollutant NameCAS NumberCodeHazardous Air Pollutants, TotalHAPSHazardous Air Pollutants, Total MetalsHAPMHazardous Air Pollutants, Total Selected MetalsTSMHazardous Air Pollutants, Total Non-Mercury MetalsHAPM-NOHGHazardous Air Pollutants, Total Organic ORGHAPHazardous Air Pollutants, Total Volatile VOHAPBTEX HAPS (Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, and Xylene)BTEXAcetaldehyde75-07-0H001Acetamide60-35-5H002Acetonitrile75-05-8H003Acetophenone98-86-2H0042-Acetylaminofluorene53-96-3H005Acrolein107-02-8H006Acrylamide79-06-1H007Acrylic acid79-10-7H008Acrylonitrile107-13-1H009Allyl chloride107-05-1H0104-Aminobiphenyl92-67-1H011Aniline62-53-3H012o-Anisidine90-04-0H013Antimony CompoundsH014(including antimony and any unique chemical substance that contains antimony as part of that chemical’s infrastructure)AntimonyH014A(emissions of antimony which occur either aselemental antimony or as a chemical compoundcontaining antimony, reported as the mass of the antimony atoms only)Arsenic Compounds (inorganic including arsine)H015(including arsenic and any unique chemical substance that contains arsenic as part of that chemical’s infrastructure)ArsenicH015A(emissions of arsenic which occur either aselemental arsenic or as a chemical compoundcontaining arsenic, reported as the mass of the arsenic atoms only) Asbestos1332-21-4H016APPENDIX D (Continued)POLLUTANT CODESAdditional Hazardous Air PollutantsPollutant NameCAS NumberCodeBenzene (including benzene from gasoline)71-43-2H017Benzidine92-87-5H018Benzotrichloride98-07-7H019Benzyl chloride100-44-7H020Beryllium CompoundsH021(including beryllium and any unique chemical substance that contains beryllium as part of that chemical’s infrastructure)BerylliumH021A (emissions of beryllium which occur either aselemental beryllium or as a chemical compoundcontaining beryllium, reported as the mass of the beryllium atoms only)Biphenyl92-52-4H022Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)117-81-7H023Bis(chloromethyl)ether542-88-1H024Bromoform75-25-2H0251,3-Butadiene106-99-0H026Cadmium CompoundsH027(including cadmium and any unique chemical substance that contains cadmium as part of that chemical’s infrastructure)CadmiumH027A(emissions of cadmium which occur either aselemental cadmium or as a chemical compoundcontaining cadmium, reported as the mass of the cadmium atoms only)Calcium cyanamide156-62-7H028(Reserved)Captan133-06-2H030Carbaryl63-25-2H031Carbon disulfide75-15-0H032Carbon tetrachloride56-23-5H033Carbonyl sulfide463-58-1H034Catechol120-80-9H035Chloramben133-90-4H036Chlordane57-74-9H037Chlorine7782-50-5H038APPENDIX D (Continued)POLLUTANT CODESAdditional Hazardous Air PollutantsPollutant NameCAS NumberCodeChloroacetic acid79-11-8H0392-Chloroacetophenone532-27-4H040Chlorobenzene108-90-7H041Chlorobenzilate510-15-6H042Chloroform67-66-3H043Chloromethyl methyl ether107-30-2H044Chloroprene126-99-8H045Chromium CompoundsH046(including chromium and any unique chemical substance that contains chromium as part of that chemical’s infrastructure)ChromiumH046A(emissions of chromium which occur either aselemental chromium or as a chemical compoundcontaining chromium, reported as the mass of the chromium atoms only)Chromium III H046III(emissions of chromium which occur either aselemental chromium or as a chemical compoundcontaining chromium, reported as the mass of the trivalent chromium atoms only)Chromium VI H046VI(emissions of chromium which occur either aselemental chromium or as a chemical compoundcontaining chromium, reported as the mass of the hexavalent chromium atoms only)Cobalt CompoundsH047(including cobalt and any unique chemical substance that contains cobalt as part of that chemical’s infrastructure)CobaltH047A(emissions of cobalt which occur either aselemental cobalt or as a chemical compoundcontaining cobalt, reported as the mass of the cobalt atoms only)Coke Oven EmissionsH048Cresols/Cresylic acid (isomers and mixture) 1319-77-3H049APPENDIX D (Continued)POLLUTANT CODESAdditional Hazardous Air PollutantsPollutant NameCAS NumberCodeo-Cresol 95-48-7H050m-Cresol 108-39-4H051p-Cresol 106-44-5H052Cumene98-82-8H053Cyanide CompoundsH054(including cyanide and any unique chemical substance that contains cyanide as part of that chemical’s infrastructure. X'CN, where X = H' or any other group where a formal dissociation may occur; for example, KCN or Ca(CN)2.)CyanideH054A(emissions of cyanide which occur either aselemental cyanide or as a chemical compoundcontaining cyanide, reported as the mass of the cyanide atoms only)2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), salts and esters94-75-7H055DDE (Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)3547-04-4H056Diazomethane334-88-3H057Dibenzofurans132-64-9H0581,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane96-12-8H059Dibutylphthalate84-74-2H0601,4-Dichlorobenzene(p)106-46-7H0613,3-Dichlorobenzidene91-94-1H062Dichloroethyl ether111-44-4H063(Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether)1,3-Dichloropropene542-75-6H064Dichlorvos62-73-7H065Diethanolamine111-42-2H066N,N-Diethyl aniline (N,N-Dimethylaniline)121-69-7H067Diethyl sulfate64-67-5H0683,3-Dimethoxybenzidine119-90-4H069Dimethyl aminoazobenzene60-11-7H0703,3-Dimethyl benzidine1119-93-7H071Dimethyl carbamoyl chloride79-44-7H072Dimethyl formamide68-12-2H0731,1-Dimethyl hydrazine57-14-7H074Dimethyl phthalate131-11-3H075Dimethyl sulfate77-78-1H076APPENDIX D (Continued)POLLUTANT CODESAdditional Hazardous Air PollutantsPollutant NameCAS NumberCode4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol, and salts534-52-1H0772,4-Dinitrophenol51-25-8H0782,4-Dinitrotoluene121-14-2H0791,4-Dioxane (1,4-Diethyleneoxide)123-91-1H0801,2-Diphenylhydrazine122-66-7H081Epichlorohydrin (1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane)106-89-8H0821,2-Epoxybutane106-88-7H083Ethyl acrylate140-88-5H084Ethyl benzene100-41-4H085Ethyl carbamate (Urethane)51-79-6H086Ethyl chloride (Chloroethane)75-00-3H087Ethylene dibromide (Dibromoethane)106-93-4H088Ethylene dichloride (1,2-Dichloroethane)10706-2H089Ethylene glycol107-21-1H090Ethylene imine (Aziridine)151-56-4H091Ethylene oxide75-21-8H092Ethylene thiourea96-45-7H093Ethylidene dichloride (1,1-Dichloroethane)75-34-3H094Formaldehyde50-00-0H095Glycol ethersH096(Include glycol ethers and any unique chemical substance that contains glycol ethers as part of that chemical’s infrastructure. Include mono- and di- ethers of ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, and triethylene glycol R-(OCH2CH2)n-OR' where: n = 1, 2, or 3; R = alkyl C7 or less; or R = phenyl or alkyl substituted phenyl; R' = H or alkyl C7 or less; or OR' consisting of carboxylic acid ester, sulfate, phosphate, nitrate, or sulfonate. Exclude ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (EGBE, 2-Butoxyethanol – CAS Number 111-76-2).)Heptachlor76-44-8H097Hexachlorobenzene118-74-1H098Hexachlorobutadiene87-68-3H099Hexachlorocyclopentadiene77-47-4H100Hexachloroethane67-72-1H101Hexamethylene-1,6-diisocyanate822-06-0H102Hexamethylphosphoramide680-31-9H103APPENDIX D (Continued)POLLUTANT CODESAdditional Hazardous Air PollutantsPollutant NameCAS NumberCodeHexane110-54-3H104Hydrazine302-01-2H105Hydrochloric acid7647-01-0H106Hydrochloric acid-EquivalentH106EHydrogen fluoride (Hydrofluoric acid)7664-39-3H107Hydroquinone123-31-9H108Isophorone78-59-1H109Lead CompoundsH110(including lead and any unique chemical substance that contains lead as part of that chemical’s infrastructure)LeadPB(emissions of lead which occur either as elemental lead or as a chemical compound containing lead, reported as the mass of the lead atoms only.)Lindane (all isomers)58-89-9H111Maleic anhydride108-31-6H112Manganese CompoundsH113(including manganese and any unique chemical substance that contains manganese as part of that chemical’s infrastructure)ManganeseH113A(emissions of manganese which occur either as elemental manganese or as a chemical compound containing manganese, reported as the mass of the manganese atoms only)Mercury CompoundsH114(including mercury and any unique chemical substance that contains mercury as part of that chemical’s infrastructure)MercuryH114A(emissions of mercury which occur either as elemental mercury or as a chemical compound containing mercury, reported as the mass of the mercury atoms only)Methanol67-56-1H115Methoxychlor72-43-5H116Methyl bromide (Bromomethane)74-83-9H117Methyl chloride (Chloromethane)74-87-3H118APPENDIX D (Continued)POLLUTANT CODESAdditional Hazardous Air PollutantsPollutant NameCAS NumberCodeMethyl chloroform (1,1,1-Trichloroethane)71-55-6H119(Reserved) Methyl hydrazine60-34-4H121Methyl iodide (Iodomethane)74-88-4H122Methyl isobutyl ketone (Hexone)108-10-1H123Methyl isocyanate624-83-9H124Methyl methacrylate80-62-6H125Methyl tert butyl ether1634-04-4H1264,4-Methylene bis (2-chloroaniline)101-14-4H127Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane)75-09-2H128Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI)101-68-8H1294,4-Methylenedianiline101-77-9H130Mineral fibers (fine), includes H131mineral fiber emissions from facilities manufacturing or processing glass, rock, or slag fibers (or other mineral-derivedfibers) of average diameter 1 micrometer or lessNaphthalene91-20-3H132Nickel CompoundsH133(including nickel and any unique chemical Substance that contains nickel as part of that chemical’s infrastructure)NickelH133A(Emissions of nickel which occur either as elemental nickel or as a chemical compound containing nickel, reported as the mass of the nickel atoms only)Nitrobenzene98-95-3H1344-Nitrobiphenyl92-93-3H1354-Nitrophenol100-02-7H1362-Nitropropane79-49-6H137N-Nitroso-N-methylurea684-93-5H138N-Nitrosodimethylamine62-75-9H139N-Nitrosomorpholine59-89-2H140Parathion56-38-2H141Pentachloronitrobenzene (Quintobenzene)82-68-8H142Pentachlorophenol87-86-5H143Phenol108-95-2H144APPENDIX D (Continued)POLLUTANT CODESAdditional Hazardous Air PollutantsPollutant NameCAS NumberCodep-Phenylenediamine106-50-3H145Phosgene 75-44-5H146Phosphine7803-51-2H147Phosphorus7723-14-0H148Phthalic anhydride85-44-9H149Polychlorinated biphenyls (Aroclors)1336-36-3H150Polycyclic organic matter (POM) (includes H151organic compounds, such as polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), with more than one benzene ring, and which have a boiling point greater than or equal to 100C)1,3-Propane sultone1120-71-4H152beta-Propiolactone57-57-8H153Propionaldehyde123-38-6H154Propoxur (Baygon)114-26-1H155Propylene dichloride (1,2-Dichloropropane)78-87-5H156Propylene oxide75-56-9H1571,2-Propylenimine (2-Methyl aziridine)75-55-8H158Quinoline91-22-5H159Quinone 106-51-4H160Radionuclides (including radon), aH161type of atom which spontaneously undergoes radioactive decaySelenium CompoundsH162(including selenium and any unique chemical substance that contains selenium as part of that chemical’s infrastructure)SeleniumH162A(emissions of selenium which occur either as elemental selenium or as a chemical compound containing selenium, reported as the mass of the selenium atoms only)Styrene100-42-5H163Styrene oxide96-09-3H1642,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin1746-01-6H1651,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane79-34-5H166Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene)127-18-4H167Titanium tetrachloride7550-45-0H168Toluene108-88-3H169APPENDIX D (Continued)POLLUTANT CODESAdditional Hazardous Air PollutantsPollutant NameCAS Number Code2,4-Toluene diamine95-80-7H1702,4-Toluene diisocyanate584-84-9H171o-Toluidine95-53-4H172Toxaphene (chlorinated camphene)8001-35-2H1731,2,4-Trichlorobenzene120-82-1H1741,1,2-Trichloroethane79-00-5H175Trichloroethylene79-01-6H1762,4,5-Trichlorophenol95-95-4H1772,4,6-Trichlorophenol88-06-2H178Triethylamine121-44-8H179Trifluralin1582-09-8H1802,2,4-Trimethylpentane540-84-1H181Vinyl acetate 108-05-4H182Vinyl bromide 593-60-2H183Vinyl chloride75-01-4H184Vinylidene chloride (1,1-Dichloroethylene)75-35-4H185Xylenes (isomers and mixtures)1330-20-7H186o-Xylenes95-47-6H187m-Xylenes108-38-3H188p-Xylenes106-42-3H189 ................

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