The University Colloquium - Florida Gulf Coast University

The University Colloquium

IDS 3920 – CRN 50114

Tuesdays 8:00-12:00

BHG 170

We have made a commitment as a university to make environmental education an integral part of our identity. One of our university-wide outcomes is that all students will develop "an ecological perspective." A way to accomplish this perspective is to devise a course, or group of experiences, with an environmental focus that all FGCU undergraduate students must complete, and in which faculty from all five colleges would be involved. Because "ecology" applies to our total living space and interrelationships, human and natural, it is relevant to all our disciplines and professions. Thus, an ecology course would touch on all nine of the university-wide goals and outcomes, and more. Students would not only be introduced to FGCU values, they would participate in them.

Concept Adopted at the January 15, 1997 Dean's Council Meeting

Summer, 2006

|Instructor: |Nora Egan Demers Associate Professor of Biology (Comparative Immunology) and Interdisciplinary Studies |

|Office: |Whitaker 218 |

|Hours: |T 12:30 – 1:30 pm |

| |or call to make an appointment |

|Phone: |(239) 590-7211 FAX (239) 590-7200 |

|Email: | |

Course Objectives

This is YOUR Colloquium, and you should take ownership of all things offered in this unique, once-in-a-lifetime class. The Colloquium is designed to be one of the most interesting, inspiring and personally transforming courses you will ever take. Do not miss the opportunity!

“My Colloquium”: The goals for students are to:[pic]

As I begin my colloquium with professor Demers, I feel a sense of place and an understanding of the unique ecological features of the Southwest Florida environment. I start to get a sense of what the environment and community of Southwest Florida is like (as compared with other places and times that I have been in). This area is definitely unique and I anticipate seeing, hearing, feeling, and experiencing in ways I had not thought of before. It’s exciting!

I know that, as a student (and future alumni of) Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU), I am expected to carry with me “an ecological perspective.” I suspect that professor Demers will facilitate teaching us the related outcomes, so that we will “know the issues related to economic, social, and ecological sustainability; analyze and evaluate ecological issues locally and globally; and participate in collaborative projects requiring awareness and/or analysis of ecological and environmental issues.” I know also that FGCU has other learning goals and outcomes. I hope professor Demers will provide experiences to assist us in moving toward achieving the eight other FGCU learning goals and their related outcomes. Ultimately, I imagine professor Demers will guide us in order to enable a working understanding of sustainability, of environmental education, and of ecological literacy.

OAS statement

Florida Gulf Coast University, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the University’s guiding principles, will provide classroom and academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities.  If you need to request an accommodation in this class due to a disability, or you suspect that your academic performance is affected by a disability, please see me or contact the Office of Adaptive Services.  The Office of Adaptive Services is located in Howard Hall, room 137.  The phone number is 590-7956 or TTY 590-7930.


The following textbooks will be used in this section, referred to in this syllabus by author. Other handouts will be provided during the semester as indicated in the schedule.

Experience and Education, John Dewey

Ecological Literacy: Education and the Transition to a Postmodern World David W. Orr

A Sand County Almanac, Aldo Leopold

State of the World 2006

Audubon Society Field Guide to Florida

The Swamp Grumwald

Course grading:

The grade for this course is based on the following:

|ITEM |% Value |

|Attendance – numerous outdoor field trips dress accordingly |10 |

|Participation |10 |

|Group presentation |10 |

|Journal |15 |

|Papers and summaries (5% per paper, summaries worth 20%) |35 |

|Final Project |10 |

|Species Exam |10 |

|Total |100 |

|93-100% A |

|83-89% B |

|73-79% C |

|63-69% D |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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