JULY 27, 2020

9:00 A.M.

Call to Order: President Tom Ruiz

This Executive Committee Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. and was a zoon meeting hosted by President Tom Ruiz. The Pledge of Allegiance was said and the invocation was done by Past President Ron Ribaric. Secretary Althea Parrish took roll call.

President Tom Ruiz Present

President Elect Jamie Brown Present

Vice President Mike McCabe Present

Secretary Althea Parrish Present

Treasurer Lee Ann Luhrs Present

(and Rick Keeney) Present

Council of Chapters Delegate Robert Garland Present

Immediate Past President John Dunton Present

District No. 1 Rep Keith Bryant Absent

District No. 2 Rep Jon Yarborough Absent

District No. 3 Rep Lisa Baker Absent

District No. 4 Rep Joey Duncan Present

District No. 5 Rep Elia Twigg Present

District No. 6 Rep Robert Nowak ` Present

District No. 7 Rep Richard Perkins Present

District No. 8 Rep Bill Vest Present

District No. 9 Rep Patrick Day Present

District No. 10 Rep Kyle Scott Present

District No. 11 Rep Mark Collins Present

Officers Report

1. Secretary – Althea Parrish No written minutes to report on at this time. On May 1, 2020 there was an abbreviated Virtual Executive Committee Meeting.

On July 14, 2020 there was an e-mail that was sent out to all Voting Executive Committee Members. Because of the COVID-19 restrictions it was determined (at this time) to postpone the Annual Florida Chapter EXPO in Tampa 2022. It was also motioned to have the President, President-Elect and Vice President stay in their appointed positions for another year.

MOTION: The motion was made by Secretary Althea Parrish to keep the current President Tom Ruiz, President Elect Jamie Brown and Vice President Mike McCabe for another term because of the COVID 19 Pandemic. Said motion was seconded by District Rep Robert Nowak. Motion passed unanimously.

Again, this motion was from July 14, 2020.

2. Treasurers Report - Lee Ann & Rick Keeney

Lee Ann and Rick went over the Chapter’s budget and annual report from all the Branches. Still at this time signatures cards are next to impossible to have signed over with the new treasurer because the lobbies of the banks are still closed. Rick is still helping out as Treasurer and working closely with Lee Ann. Quick Books have been implemented into the Branches for bookkeeping. Rick is continuing to work with Lee Ann on the Treasurer transition.

3. President’s Report - Tom Ruiz

Tom reported that Plan Ahead Events is putting together the impacts of the Tampa Expo being moved to 2022. This information is forthcoming and will be provided to the Board. The Hotel and the Convention center have credited the Chapter the moneys to the 2022 Tampa Expo.

The reason for the July 27, 2020 Executive Board Meeting was because the pandemic has done so much to so many that we need to re-group as we move forward to new heights and a “different normal”.

He congratulated the City of Lakeland PWD for their APWA Re-accreditation.

He stated that the Florida Chapter is still planning our next Executive Board Meeting at the Zota Beach Resort in Longboat Key on 10/30 -10/31/2020, but will be monitoring the pandemic situation to see if we can make it a safe one. He then introduced his new committee chair persons.

Next Tom spoke of the Contract for Plan Ahead Events 2023 – 2024 – 2025. Discussion: Plan Ahead Events, Rose Shiftlet was on the Zoom meeting answering questions.

MOTION: Vice President Mike McCabe made the motion to accept the contract with Plan Ahead Events with the Amendment of: “overall” included and their storing of EXPO materials along with an inventory of equipment and materials. District Rep Robert Nowak seconded said motion. Motion passed unanimously.

MOTION: District Rep Joey Duncan made a motion to accept the above motion with said amendment contract to Plan Ahead Events 2023 – 2024 – 2025. District Rep Patrick Day seconded said motion. Motion passed unanimously.

4. President Elect - Jamie Brown

Jamie spoke of the pandemic where he is at in South Florida.

5. Vice President - Mike McCabe

Mike spoke of the pandemic and because of the cancellation of the EXPO people still need CEU’s & PDH’s for various reasons. He spoke of how to incorporate that in webinars. He suggested to purchase a ZOOM license to include webinar add ons for training and meetings for the Chapter and the Branches.

Discussion: Rick Keeney stated that the funds would come out of the Chapter budget.

MOTION: Vice President Mike McCabe made a motion to purchase a Zoom license to include webinar add ons for training for use for the Chapter and the Branches. District Rep Robert Nowak seconded said motion. Motion passed unanimously.

6. Council of Chapters - Robert Garland

Robert spoke of National APWA also being affected by the COVID pandemic. Because of the pandemic it has affected APWA National membership. National PWX has also been cancelled. National APWA is also going virtual.

7. Immediate Past President - John Dunton

JD spoke of how the pandemic is also affected his job and area of where he is.


8. District Rep 1 Keith Bryant Absent No Report

9. District Rep 2 Jon Yarbrough Absent No Report

10. District Rep 3 Lisa Baker Absent - No Report

11. District Rep 4 Joey Duncan

Spoke about the Branch trying to stay active and going virtual also because of the Pandemic.

12. District Rep 5 Elia Twigg

Also spoke about the Branch trying to stay active and going virtual also because of the Pandemic.

13. District Rep 6 Robert Nowak

Also spoke about the Branch trying to stay active and going virtual also because of the Pandemic. Stated they are not having their rodeo and are still thinking about maybe having a golf outing.

14. District Rep 7 Richard Perkins

Also spoke about the Branch trying to stay active and going virtual also because of the Pandemic.

15. District Rep 8 Bill Vest

Stated that their branch has had one virtual meeting.

16. District Rep 9 Patrick Day

Stated this branch has had Zoom Meetings and is working to have speakers on Zoom.

17. District Rep 10 Kyle Scott

There branch held a virtual branch meeting and what their branch is trying to do during the pandemic.

18. District Rep 11 - Mark Collins

His branch has held a virtual branch board meeting. He stated that Public Works Directors are asking for/on protocol on the COVID pandemic.


19. Annual Chapter Dinner Plan Ahead Events No Report

20. Association Alliance Jim Myers Absent No Report

21. Auditing Paul Moore Absent

Paul did contact Althea and stated at this time he’d still work on the auditing committee.

22. Awards Chapter/Nation Don Jacobovitz Absent

Don contacted Althea and said he is still receiving applications for Chapter Awards. It has been determined that since the COVID pandemic this year, Chapter awards will be awarded at the next Chapter EXPO. It’ll be a double year award ceremony.

23. By-Laws Tom Pugh It’s been quiet

24. Chapter Annual EXPO Jamie Brown

Since it’s been voted on to keep the same Chapters Officers next year and the venue transition, Plan Ahead Events are currently working on said transition. Between Tampa and Orlando all changes are being worked out. We will return to Tampa in 2022. The 2021 EXPO is still scheduled to be in Orlando.

25. Education & Training Mike McCabe

Mike did discuss this earlier in his VP report. He did talk about the 2021 Show abstract and working with Arnesa.

26. Emergency Management Chuck McLendon Absent No Report

27. Engineering & Technology Nabil Muhaisen Absent No Report

28. EXPO Task Force Mike McCabe

Mike talked about an upcoming Steering Committee Meeting for the Orlando EXPO.

29. Facilities & Grounds Vacant

30. Finance Lisa Sterling Absent No Report

31. Fleet Services Richard Perkins Not much activity

32. Government Affairs David Wilkison Absent No Report

33. Historical Bob Nowak No activity

34. Leadership & Management Addie Javed

Talked about getting with Elia for information since Elia is on this National committee.

35. Magazine Chas Jordan

Chas is working on the Summer Chapter magazine. Please send info and he asked all the district representatives to forward articles to him.

36. Marketing Jennifer Nolen

She is going to get with Mike McCabe about marketing the Chapters new Zoom account.

37. Member of the Year Russell Ketchem Absent No Report

38. Memberships Elia Twigg

At this time, Florida is 2 people behind the Texas Chapter.

39. Nominating Sam May

Since the voting of the Florida Chapter to have the same officers for the next year, the nominating committee will have no report.

40. PACE Award Amy Blaida

The Florida Chapter received the PACE Award. Amy thanked everyone who helped and sent reports in to her.

41. Past President’s Council Ron Ribaric Nothing to Report

42. Public Works Academy/Instituted Mark Collins

Mark talked about classes being postponed due to the Pandemic. He is still in contact with the Institute and waiting to see what happens.

43. Public Works Week Carsey Patrick

Nothing because of the COVIC and he stated the Big Bend Branch is working on having a Zoom meeting.

44. Rodeo Robert Nowak Still working on the rodeo manual.

45. Scholarship Trust John Dunton Nothing to report

46. Scholarships Sam May

Sam has a list of people, but nothing definite yet.

47. Solid Waste Brad Kaine Absent No Report

48. Sustainability Jon Ridley

Jon is new to this committee and is looking forward to learning more about APWA.

49. Transportation Troy McCain Absent No Report

50. Utilities & Public Right of Way Dale Laird

Dale is on this National Committee and will be having a virtual committee meeting.

51. Water Resources Patrick Day

Patrick is interested in connecting with this National Committee.

52. Website/Insurance Plan Ahead Events

They continue to do a great job with the website. It was mentioned that the District Representatives are responsible for any branch meeting they might have. Of course, after this pandemic is over…

Respectfully Submitted:

Althea Parrish

Florida Chapter Secretary





Tom Ruiz

City of Miami Gardens

105 NW 163 Drive

Miami Gardens, Fl 33169




. Jamie Brown

. City of Lake Worth

. 1749 3rd Ave., South

. Lake Worth, Fl

. 561-628-4403

. jbrown@


Mike McCabe


Althea Parrish (Retired)

City of Sanford

P.O. Box 1788

Sanford, FL 32772

(O) 407-688-5107



Lee Ann Luhrs

City of Margate, PWD

102 N. Rock Island Road

Margate, Fl 33063



Past President

John Dunton

City of Pt. St. Lucie

450 SW Thornhill Dr.

Port St. Lucie, Fl 34984

(O) 772-344-4035


Council of Chapters

Robert Garland

McKim & Creed

378 Interstate Ct.

Sarasota, Fl 34240


e-mail: rgarland@

(Atl. Council of Chapters – Amy Blaida)


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