Buyer's Estimated Closing Costs

Date: Prepared for: Property Address: Prepared by:

Buyer's Estimated Closing Costs

Property Type: Single Family Financing Type: Cash Mortgage Type: Conventional

Price & Loan

Purchase Price

Downpayment ( __20_._0_ %) OR enter amount: ( ______$_0______ ) 1st Mortgage 2nd Mortgage

Total Loan


$0 $0 $0


Loan Items

1st Mortgage Loan Fees ( _2_._0_0_ %) 2nd Mortgage Loan Fees ( __1._0_0_% ) Buyers Fee (FHA/VA) Mortgage Documents Appraisal Fee Credit Report Fee Flood Review Fee Tax Service Fee Lender Underwriting Fee Condo Doc Review Fee

$0 $0 $0 $275 $623 $23 $20 $90 $500 $0

Escrow & Title Items Owners's Title Insurance (Home Owners Policy)


Escrow Fee


Lender Title Policy


Notary Fee


Recording Fees


Condo Transfer Fee


Misc. (Wire, mailing, etc.)


Contract Items Leasehold Items

Property Inspection Fee (SF-$550 Condo - $350) Building Permit Package Residential Home Warranty Other __________________________________________ Other __________________________________________

Lessor Consent Fee (LH) Additional Escrow Fee (LH) Attorney Review Fee Other __________________________________________

$550 $100 $300



$0 $0 $0 $0

Total Costs




Prepaid Interest ( __2_8__ days) Property Tax ( __8___ months) Hazard Insurance ( __1_4__ months) Maintenance Fee ( 1 month) Lease Rent (when applicable) Other __________________________________________








Total Estimated Cash Required to Close


Monthly Payments

P & I ( _3_0__ yrs @ _6_._0_0_%)


2nd Mtg P & I ( __1_0__ yrs @ __2__0__%)


PMI __0___% Current Loan to Value


Property Tax


Hazard Insurance


Maintenance Fee


Lease Rent


Other (Sewer fee, etc.) __________________


Total Estimated Monthly Payment


The above data is for information purposes only and is not guaranteed. This worksheet is only a guide, actual costs may vary.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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