Somerset Academy - Central Miramar Campus

Somerset Academy Central Miramar High School 2019-2020 School Year Syllabus ______________________________________________________________________________Mr. Talavera (Mr. T)Course: Physical Science Textbook: Holt McDougal — Science Spectrum – Physical Science.Room: D215 Email: dtalavera@Course description:Physical Science provides students with the maternal outlined in the Florida Recurring Standards, Topics covered will include scientific foundation, states of matter, atomic structure, periodic table, bonding and naming, reactions, electromagnetism, Newton’s Laws, electromagnetism, sound, waves, heat transfer, energy, force and motion. Grading Policy: Grades will be based on homework, classwork, participation, quizzes, tests and projects. It is your responsibility to complete assignments accurately and in its ENTIRETY and turn them in ON TIME. Submitting late assignments will result in deduction of points. Test/Quizzes – 40 %Classwork – 35% Homework/Class participation – 15%Projects – 10% (rubrics provided)Homework: Expect to have homework assigned daily. Homework grades are assigned from 0% to 100% based on the correctness of a subset of the questions. Note: In either case, students will not receive credit unless their work is clearly shown and/or explained. No Explanation or show of work will result in NO credit. Pinnacle: Students (and parents) can check their grades on Pinnacle, the online grade book system. Pinnacle can be accessed via the Internet; a short cut is available on my school website. Pinnacle also allows parents to receive an automatic email notification when grades fall below a user-specified level (parents must sign on to Pinnacle and setup this feature).School Rules (Warriors Rule!):Warriors will be in assigned seats, prepared for class when the bell rings.Warriors will respect the rights and property of self, others and the school:Warriors will follow teacher's instructions the first time they are given.Warriors will exhibit behavior that does not interfere with the teaching or learning process.Warriors will refrain from bringing food, drink or other distracting items to class.Warriors will adhere to school rules as stated in Broward County Code of Student Conduct Handbook. Students Rules:Follow directions the first time they are given.It is YOUR responsibility to turn in all assignments by the due date specified. Assignments will NOT be accepted late unless you have an excused absence, NO EXCEPTIONS. (see below),Taking accurate notes is critical for success. All students are responsible for keeping record of class notes, PowerPoints, test/quizzes reviews. Raise your hand for permission to speak or to leave your seat for any reason.A hallway pass log will be placed by the classroom entrance. You are responsible for signing yourself in and out anytime you need to leave the classroom for restroom use and/or school matters. You will also need to take a hallway pass with you every time you need to step out.You will be allotted a total of 3 hallway passes per quarter, use them wisely. If you have a medical condition or any other needs that would require extra passes, please come see me and I will gladly accommodate you. Teacher Rules:I will make myself available to you should you have any questions and concerns pertaining to the class material.I will answer each question and address any concerns fairly and to the best of my abilities.I will assign grades fairly and on-par with school policies, However, if you are confused or not in agreement with your grade, you are strongly encouraged to come see me to discuss the assigned grade and revise it if appropriate.Assignments:All students are expected to write complete and legible sentences when answering any assigned questions. All assignments that require proof of work MUST be shown in order to receive full credit. Turning in “answers only” without a complete legible sentence, will result ? credit or NO CREDIT. All work assigned in class must be completed before the end of the class period. Use your time wisely.All students are expected to keep his or her work and notes neatly organized in a 1 ? inch binder. This will count as part of your participation grade. Notebooks will be collected at the end of every quarter for grading purposes. Incomplete notebooks or any missing work will result in a grade deduction.Make-up Work Policy: A student has the same number of days missed plus one day to complete any missed assignments. For example: If you missed class on Tuesday, you are expected to pick up your missed work on Wednesday and turn it in by Thursday, All make-up assignments must be obtained before or after class. It is the student's responsibility to obtain make-up work!Expectations & Infraction Procedure:Every student is expected to abide by the school rules. Most importantly, respect your schoolmates, teachers, personal and school property at all times. The school progressive discipline plan will be strictly enforced and includes the following progression of consequences: warning (for minor infractions only), parent contact, detention, administrative referral.Required course materials: 1 ? inch binder with four labeled dividers (Notes, Tests/Quizzes, Homework, Classwork) 1 Subject Notebook 70 sheets Colored Pencils Loose lined paper & Highlighters #2 Pencils or mechanical pencils and erasers (NO pens} Calculator (The following are FLDOE-approved calculators for the 2019-20 school year: Texas Instruments TI-30Xa * Casio fx-260 solar * Casio fx-82 solar * Sharp EL-S1OR Sharp EL-S10RN). (NO graphing calculators are needed). What to do if you are absent:Missed assignments will receive a “Z" (no credit — counts as a “0 %") until the assignment is received.All students are responsible for learning the material and asking any appropriate questions to either myself or your classmates. On the day of coming back, refer to the make-up work folder where a copy of the assigned classwork can be obtained. If in any doubt, do not hesitate to ask the teacher either before or after class. Any questions regarding make-up work will not be answered during class time. Electronics:Under NO circumstances are cell phones allowed during class time. IPads, and others electronics that may be a distraction to the classroom are also NOT allowed. Acknowledgement:I have read and agreed with all components of the syllabus. I understand it is my responsibility to abide with all school rules and policies. I also understand the teacher reserves the right to change any component of the syllabus as appropriate/needed.Student Name:Parent/Guardian Name:_______________________ ____________________________Student Signature: Parent/Guardian Signature:_____________________________________________________ ................

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