Waterford Positioning Framework – 3/28/07

Pearson Virtual Learning powered by Florida Virtual School – 10/28/10

|Product Name |Pearson Virtual Learning powered by Florida Virtual School |

|Short Name |Pearson/FLVS |

|Acronym |PVL@FLVS |

|Short Description |Pearson/FLVS is your complete e-learning partner, offering the best and most cost-effective virtual and blended classroom resources available today for your |

| |students and teachers. |

|Tagline |Virtually anything is possible (idea that the possibilities are endless) |

|1 Sentence Description |Pearson now offers a Virtual Learning program that is powered by Florida Virtual School to provide solutions for some of the most challenging obstacles every |

| |district faces—providing personalized instruction for every student while retaining funding within the district. |

|25 Word Description |Together, Pearson/FLVS provides schools and districts with consultation, courseware, and custom solutions to create an e-learning solution that offers students the |

| |blended education they crave. |

|50 Word Description |Students and teachers alike will benefit from the virtual and blended classroom resources of Pearson Virtual Learning powered by Florida Virtual School while saving|

| |districts money. Pearson/FLVS provides schools and districts with consultation, courseware, and custom solutions to create their own virtual learning program. |

|100 Word Description |For over 100 years, Pearson has worked with partners to create innovative ways of helping both students and teachers reach their potential through education and |

| |development, while addressing district challenges. Florida Virtual School pioneered virtual learning for K-12 public schools, becoming the first to bring any time,|

| |any place learning to students as part of a free, public education.  With Pearson’s dedication to superior education combined with FLVS’ mastered instructional |

| |design and model, Pearson Virtual Learning powered by Florida Virtual School offers the best and most cost-effective virtual and blended classroom resources |

| |available today for your students and teachers. |

|Brand Affiliation |PVL@FLVS is content provided by Florida Virtual School and sold through Pearson’s K-12 Curriculum Division. |

|Associated and Complementary Solutions |Professional Development: full day training, online webinar series (101, 102, 103), e-teachers guides, VLT |

| |Materials Included (for some delivery models): includes text, etc. |

| |Learning Management System (for some delivery models): BrainHoney |

|Enabling Products and Services |eCollege |

| |Campbell Biology ebook |

Main Solution Benefit Statements

|Empower District |Access to Instruction |Proven Results |

|Position your district as a value add to your community by expanding |Increase graduation rates and decrease drop out rates with a personal |Be confident with setting up your own virtual learning program because |

|curriculum choices and access. |and flexible educational model. |we have worked with nearly 400,000 students and successfully completed |

| | |over 700,000 student enrollments over the last 10 years. |

|Be the leader in education by offering 21st century courses, teaching |Create a scalable blended or online program using our LMS or yours and | |

|digital skills and preparing students for college and work. |our teachers or yours. |Achieve a successful virtual program by letting us guide you from |

| | |orientation through implementation with our proven-through-practice |

|Save money by leveraging your existing infrastructure to provide |Get exceptional outcomes by using virtual teachers who are subject |methodology. |

|on-demand choices for students and teachers. |matter certified and NCLB highly qualified. | |

| | |Increase student achievement with the only program that has been tested |

|Reduce class size by providing students the option to take courses | |time and again and has awards to prove it. |

|virtually. | | |

| | |Engage students using our activity based lessons, rigorous instructional|

|Expand your teacher’s capacity by empowering them to learn a new set of | |design and diverse array of assessments inside or outside of the |

|skills delivered by subject matter certified and NCLB highly qualified | |classroom. |

|teachers. | | |


|Primary Competitive Alternatives |PVL@FLVS Differentiation |

|Apex | |

|. |Main Differences: |

| |-focus on instructor led, not blended |

|Differentiators: |-comparable to NOVANET |

|Plan to expand into blended model | |

|Supplying supp. Materials into classroom settings as well as online |HITS: |

|Talented sales reps. |-can’t host it |

|“Beyond Books” |-can’t modify it |

|Credit Recovery – one of primary focuses |-classroom model, not virtual model |

|Exam test prep – including FCAT | |

|Advertise summer school | |

| | |

|What they say about themselves: | |

|No server or learning management system needed (they only need Internet access) | |

|Built-in grade book | |

|Web-Based Reporting System | |

|Provides solutions tailored to meet specific educational objectives. | |

| | |

|Aventa (recently purchased by K12, still receiving marketing in the name of Aventa) | |

| |Main Differences: |

| |-More courses in their catalog |

|Differentiators: |-will do virtually anything to get a sale, including dropping their price very low |

|Primarily license course to states, districts, schools | |

|Global services #1 competitor |Hits: |

|Large catalog/course offering |-courses not consistent in look and feel-tough for navigation and learning how to use each course |

|Offer credit recovery program |-lack depth |

|Try to give people what they want |-lack assessments to prove “real” skill mastery |

|Aggressive sales force |-courses need supplemental material to make it robust |

|FLVS sales reps started Aventa learning |-difficult to customize due to “pointers” |

|Course customization for districts and states |-legal issues between Aventa and K12 |

|Map to local standards | |

|Don’t have materials in courses – students have all they need online. | |

| | |

|What they say about themselves: | |

|“Aventa Learning is the leading education technology company for schools.” | |

|Specialize in distribution of technology-based K-12 online courses, independent study courses, credit recovery and | |

|test preparation supplements for students. | |

|Curriculum is “engaging and educationally sound.” | |

|Services include custom content development and training for teachers and districts. | |

|Not accredited until April of next year – credit comes from school, only online curriculum. Students must speak to | |

|school first to assure approval. | |

| | |

|K12 | |

| |Main Differences: |

| |-have to pay for materials in “global school” model |

|Differentiators |-only use their LMS |

|Work from top down (FLVS works from bottom up) | |

|Well connected legislatively | |

|FLVS work with guidance they work with supers |HITS: |

|Direct marketing to families | |

|More courses |-outsource/for profit |

|Large number of foreign languages |-reactive teaching approach |

|Offer elementary |-one month shorter time to complete a course per semester |

|Offer summer courses – 4-8 weeks summer session |-knock brick and mortar |

|Variety of programs to districts |-pulling students away from school |

|Fulltime, supplemental, summer |-legal issues between Aventa and K12 |

|What they say about themselves: | |

|Build their curriculum from the ground up. | |

|Curriculum is one year ahead from other virtual and public schools. | |

|Obtain feedback from colleges and parents to improve course content. | |

|Offer full solutions | |

|Virtual School in a box solutions | |

|Traditional Classroom solutions | |

|Professional development | |

Day in the Life

|Superintendent |

|“Day in the life of” Roles & Activities |Needs and Desires in Relation to PVL@FLVS |Statement of Key PVL@FLVS Benefits |

|Set priorities and goals for meeting state standards in student and |Understanding for factors that will improve learning performance |Position your district as a value add to your community by expanding |

|school achievement | |curriculum choices and access. |

| |Alignment with standards | |

|Publish district report card and inform constituencies about school | |Be the leader in education by offering 21st century courses, teaching |

|and district performance |Improve public image and community satisfaction by reducing the drop |digital skills and preparing students for college and work. |

| |out rate and providing greater access to content | |

|Provide staff and teachers with the necessary tools, resources and | |Save money by leveraging your existing infrastructure to provide |

|training to improve school and district performance |Improve tools and resources so staff and teachers can be more effective|on-demand choices for students and teachers. |

| |in improving school and district performance | |

|Manage budgets | |Reduce class size by providing students the option to take courses |

| | |virtually. |

|Improve public image and community satisfaction by offering 21st | | |

|Century alternatives. | |Expand your teacher’s capacity by empowering them to learn a new set of |

| | |skills delivered by subject matter certified and NCLB highly qualified |

|Keep students in District. | |teachers. |

| | | |

| | |Be confident with setting up your own virtual learning program because we|

| | |have worked with nearly 400,000 students and successfully completed over |

| | |700,000 student enrollments over the last 10 years. |

| | | |

| | |Achieve a successful virtual program by letting us guide you from |

| | |orientation through implementation with our proven-through-practice |

| | |methodology. |

| | | |

| | |Increase student achievement with the only program that has been tested |

| | |time and again and has awards to prove it. |

|Curriculum Director |

|“Day in the life of” Roles & Activities |Needs and Desires in Relation to PVL@FLVS |Statement of Key PVL@FLVS Benefits |

|Ensure curriculum and lesson resources are in alignment with |Develop curriculum that helps district meet state standards |Be the leader in education by offering 21st century courses, teaching |

|standards | |digital skills and preparing students for college and work. |

| |Improve assessment scores | |

|Determine the best curriculum to improve learning | |Expand your teacher’s capacity by empowering them to learn a new set of |

| |Make efficient use of learning resources |skills delivered by subject matter certified and NCLB highly qualified |

|Improve standardized test scores | |teachers. |

| |Improve teaching methods and content | |

|Develop curriculum standards across multiple subject and grade levels| |Get exceptional outcomes by using virtual teachers who are subject matter|

| |Identify curriculum opportunities |certified and NCLB highly qualified. |

| | | |

|Find and map learning resources to curriculum standards |Effectiveness of curriculum to teachers, schools, district, community |Increase student achievement with the only program that has been tested |

| |and parents |time and again and has awards to prove it. |

|Develop assessment and measurement approaches to ensure teaching is | | |

|conducted according to standards |Ensure all student groups receive appropriate curriculum and learning |Engage students using our activity based lessons, rigorous instructional |

| |resources |design and diverse array of assessments inside or outside of the |

|Evaluate teaching and teacher training | |classroom. |

| | | |

|Monitor special needs programs | | |

| | | |

|Develop, implement and evaluate district curriculum | | |

| | | |

|Solve difficult scheduling issues. | | |

|IT Professional |

|“Day in the life of” Roles & Activities |Needs and Desires in Relation to PVL@FLVS |Statement of Key PVL@FLVS Benefits |

|Inform decision makers about new technology initiatives that enhance |Meet user expectations and needs for information |Save money by leveraging your existing infrastructure to provide |

|the learning environment and improve reporting | |on-demand choices for students and teachers. |

| |Deploy low-cost technology solutions | |

|Provide access to Information | |Create a scalable blended or digital program using our LMS or yours and |

| |Integrate new technology with legacy systems |our teachers or yours. |

|Leverage existing data and resources | | |

| |Improve management and decrease operational costs of existing systems |Be confident with setting up your own virtual learning program because we|

|Find ways to build on existing resources while adopting new |and applications |have worked with nearly 400,000 students and successfully completed over |

|technologies | |700,000 student enrollments over the last 10 years. |

| | | |

|Oversee technology initiatives and plan implementations | | |

| | | |

|Manage and provide access to large amounts of data | | |

|Principal |

|“Day in the life of” Roles & Activities |Needs and Desires in Relation to PVL@FLVS |Statement of Key PVL@FLVS Benefits |

|Provides guidance for teachers and students. |Make efficient use of learning resources |Position your district as a value add to your community by expanding |

| | |curriculum choices and access. |

|Evaluate teaching and teacher training. |Improve teaching methods and content | |

| | |Be the leader in education by offering 21st century courses, teaching |

|Monitor education and activities within school. |Improve public image and community satisfaction |digital skills and preparing students for college and work. |

| | | |

|Liaison between the community, school and district. |Effectiveness of curriculum to teachers, schools, district, community |Expand your teacher’s capacity by empowering them to learn a new set of |

| |and parents |skills delivered by subject matter certified and NCLB highly qualified |

|Meet requests from parents, school board members and government | |teachers. |

|officials. |Connect professional development to school learning goals. | |

| | |Increase the graduation rates and decrease drop out rates with a personal|

|In charge of hiring, firing, and disciplining teachers and staff. |Provide opportunities for teachers to work, plan, and think together. |and flexible educational model. |

| | | |

|Ensures smooth operation of the school in terms of state and federal | |Get exceptional outcomes by using virtual teachers who are subject matter|

|laws. | |certified and NCLB highly qualified. |

| | | |

|Reviews government grants and funding acquisitions. | |Achieve a successful virtual program by letting us guide you from |

| | |orientation through implementation with our proven-through-practice |

|Keep students in School. | |methodology. |

| | | |

|Solve difficult scheduling issues. | |Increase student achievement with the only program that has been tested |

| | |time and again and has awards to prove it. |

| | | |

| | |Engage students using our activity based lessons, rigorous instructional |

| | |design and diverse array of assessments inside or outside of the |

| | |classroom. |

|Teacher |

|“Day in the life of” Roles & Activities |Needs and Desires in Relation to PVL@FLVS |Statement of Key PVL@FLVS Benefits |

|Cope with overcrowding and larger class sizes |Personalize instruction for struggling and advanced students |Reduce class size by providing students the option to take courses |

| | |virtually. |

|Struggle to reach the students on a personal level so they remain |Differentiate instruction to engage students by using technology | |

|engaged | |Expand your teacher’s capacity by empowering them to learn a new set of |

| |Learn how to reach students in the ways in which they want to learn |skills delivered by subject matter certified and NCLB highly qualified |

|Desire to engage students with hands-on and minds-on activities | |teachers. |

| |Improve test scores | |

|Labor over how to help struggling students and challenge accelerated | |Increase the graduation rates and decrease drop out rates with a personal|

|students while having only so much time to cover the core material |Obtain invaluable skills to be an invaluable instructor |and flexible educational model. |

| | | |

|Live in Fear of AYP; want standards and only standards | |Increase student achievement with the only program that has been tested |

| | |time and again and has awards to prove it. |

|Panicked by budget cuts and potential loss of job | | |

| | |Engage students using our activity based lessons, rigorous instructional |

| | |design and diverse array of assessments inside or outside of the |

| | |classroom. |

|Quick Pitches by Segment |

|Superintendent |

|For Superintendents who want to be the leader in education by offering 21st century courses, teaching digital skills, and preparing students for college and work. By adding our tools, activity-based lessons, |

|rigorous instructional design, and diverse array of assessments, you can expect to increase graduation rates and decrease drop out rates! Create a scalable, blended or online program using our |

|proven-through-practice methodology. Let our 14 years of experience in online instruction guide you from orientation through implementation. |

|Curriculum Director |

|For Curriculum Directors looking to expand curriculum choices with exceptional online courses that are cost effective and easy to implement. It’s the perfect way to increase graduation rates, decrease drop-out |

|rates, and empower teachers and students with new skills. |

|IT Professional |

|For IT Professionals who want to implement a program by leveraging existing infrastructure and saving money. Our personal and flexible model allows us to support you regardless of where you are in your program. |

|Our courses can be imported into a variety of learning management systems (LMS), or we can host them for you. We are also flexible, with instructional options that allow you to use our teachers or your own |

|teachers. |

|Principal |

|For Principals who need to achieve a successful virtual program while empowering teachers and students. Our proven through practice methodology and 14 years of experience will guide you from orientation through |

|implementation. Our program is the perfect way to save school dollars, provide on-demand choices, reduce class size, and providing teachers and students with new skills. |

|Teachers |

|For teachers yearning to engage their students by incorporating digital technology into their classroom. With the addition of our tools, our activity-based lessons, rigorous instructional design, and diverse array|

|of assessments, you can expect to increase student knowledge and retention. We offer AP* and honors courses for students who want to be challenged and for struggling students, we offer credit recovery courses that|

|allow them to focus on content they have yet to master. |


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