LCHS GUIDANCE OFFICE SUMMER INFORMATION TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES 1 - 2 WELCOME E-MAIL PAGE 3 TELEPHONE INFORMATION SUMMER GUIDANCE APPOINTMENTS IMPORTANT LINKS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS PAGE 4 MANDATORY STATWIDE ASSESSMENTS/TESTING PAGES 4-7 SUMMER OPTIONS PAGE 7-11 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS GUIDANCE OFFICE INFORMATION SUMMER 2019WELCOME We are excited to provide our summer information for students, parents and prospective students. This information is to assist you by answering questions and providing information to help you during the summer months as we are on a limited schedule and are not fully staffed. The Guidance Staff working this summer is happy to assist you; however, please be patient and use the information below in lieu of speaking and/or meeting with someone directly since we typically have high volume and limited staff during this time. INFORMATION INCLUDED EMAIL PHONE APPOINTMENTS IMPORTANT LINKS MANDATORY STATEWIDE ASSESSMENTS/TESTING SUMMER OPTIONS CLASS OF 2019CLASS OF 2020 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS EMAIL – The Guidance Office email address is lchs.summerg@ , you may send your questions to this email address for information. This email address is only available during the summer months beginning on June 4 and will not be available after, August 2; following this date, please send emails to your Guidance Counselor directly as indicated here based on your student’s last name: (These email addresses are available beginning August 5) GUIDANCE COUNSELOR EMAILS AVAILABLE BEGINNING AUG. 5: Mrs. Natalie Garner A - De garnern@ Mrs. Kim Brumage Dh - Ha brumagek@ Ms. Alice Mathis He - Mc mathisa@ Mrs. Jennifer Benton Me - Se bentonj@ Ms. Jessica O’Neal Sh – Z onealj@ Please note that the 2019-2020 school year begins for Faculty on August 5, 2019. TELEPHONE – Telephone messages for the Summer Guidance Staff must be left on the following line 850-488-1756 ext. 2235. If you choose to leave a message on this line, please remember that calls will be returned in the order received (PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE MULITIPLE MESSAGES-leaving multiple messages will slow down the response time); please include the following information when leaving a message: Student name, return telephone number, email address and specific reason for call. Please speak clearly when leaving a message. APPOINTMENTS – There are a limited number of appointments available during the summer months and they are reserved for the following: New Student Registration, Schedule Conflicts and Academic Issues. Please contact the Attendance Office directly regarding questions and/or concerns pertaining to Attendance. IMPORTANT LINKS – The following are links to information on this website and other websites where you may find important and helpful information: Bright Futures - Leon County Virtual School - Florida Virtual School - Florida Shines College information resource ACT (college placement test) SAT (college placement test) GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS For the most up to date information regarding graduation requirements, please go to the Florida Department of Education website, make certain you are referencing the correct requirements based on when your student enters the ninth grade. Be advised that changes are pending based on 2019 legislative updates. The website for Florida Department of Education is: MANDATORY STATEWIDE ASSESSMENTS/TESTING Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) English Language Arts (ELA) Writing Test –FSA ELA tests are not administered during the summer. Fall Re-takes of the FSA/ELA are administered during September or October. End of Course Exams (EOCs) - Make-ups and retakes for Algebra I, Geometry, Biology and US History EOCs will be administered July 15 – July 19. For more information please contact our Testing Coordinator, Aaron Clark at clarka@ FSA and EOCs - additional information and details regarding these assessments can be found on the Florida Department of Education’s website at: Options – Students who are interested in re-taking or taking a class during the summer can do so using any one or a combination of the following options listed below. Please know that when re-taking a class the grade will count and be replaced only when the student initially earned a grade of “D” or “F”. In order to receive grade forgiveness you must earn at least a “C” when retaking a class. Refer to Frequently Asked Questions below – questions # 6 and 7 for grade forgiveness guidelines. SUMMER OPTIONSApproval from the Guidance Counselor is required to enroll in any and all summer school options. Please remember that students must complete a pre-requisite course prior to the beginning of the school year in order to move on to the next course. Students need to work directly with the School Counselor at Chiles regarding academic advisement. To ensure correct course placement for the 2019-2020 school year. Students need to communicate with the Chiles HS Guidance Office after completion of a summer course. 1. Leon County Schools Adult & Community Education (ACE-taught at both the Chiles and ACE Campuses) – no cost to student. Most courses may be completed through three different formats: book format, computer format (PLATO system) or online format. Classes offered for credit recovery/grade forgiveness in core academic classes or remediation for an EOC exam. Registration – Students may register for the summer session on the first day of class in Room 9113 for the Chiles location. Students must bring a co-enrollment form from their Guidance Counselor. Classes - June 5th – June 27th Summer school starts on Tuesday, June 5 and continues Monday through Thursday until June 27th. Classes meet for a 4 hour block from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon in room 9113 for the Chiles location. Credit will be issued after the coursework has been completed and graded by the teacher. Students should check with the teacher to verify they have completed the course. Coursework not finished during the summer can be completed in the fall. In order to continue in the Fall, students will need a new ACE Co-Enrollment form for fall registration. VIRTUAL SCHOOL OPTIONS & DIRECTONSLCVS - Leon County Virtual School - no cost to student. a). As previously posted on the Chiles Listserv, the last day to register for courses with LCVS was June 3 as they are offering a small selection of courses during an expression session this summer. FLVS - Florida Virtual School - no cost to student. Go to and click on “Sign up” and choose FLVS-Flex (part-time) at top of screen to begin. (If you already have an account with FLVS skip this part and go to “Log in” and select classes from there). From “FLVS- Flex” click on Grades 6-12 in order to begin the process to select courses and register. Next click on “New Students Start Here” Then student selects that he/she is a Florida resident “I live in Florida” Then student selects that he/she is a Leon County student and then selects that he/she is a public/charter school student and clicks on “Continue”. Next, you will then be directed to BROWSE THE COURSE CATALOG and select the classes you need by adding them to your back-pack icon. (a maximum of 3 classes may be stored in your backpack (i.e. taken at one time). You can narrow your selection by clicking on the subject area you are looking for (i.e. Foreign Language for Spanish I).Click on the class you want and then choose the segment/semester you need and the date you want to begin the class. (You must select BOTH segments 1 and 2 if you are taking the full year of the class). Next you will be prompted to select your start date by clicking on the calendar icon and choosing one of the dates open on the calendar (the LCVS calendar is the box on the right and you will need to click on the drop down in the box to see Leon County Virtual School). Pick the earliest date possible if you are ready to begin. If you are signing up for a class you want to take later, you may select your start date up to three months in advance. (You will not be assigned a class earlier than your requested start date). Because some course may be in greater demand, keep in mind that there may also be a one-two week wait period even if you choose to start right away. You will then be directed to create your Virtual School account. Follow directions and enter demographic information for your profile. Your PARENT MUST send an e-mail Summer Guidance at lchs.summerg@ stating that you have registered for the specific class with FLVS and that they approve said course. The counselor will then submit approval on-line. Your status will then change to CRC (course request completed). Counselors cannot submit approval until you have registered for the class you need, have demonstrated parent approval, and then contacted Summer Guidance via e-mail. Log into your account daily to see when a teacher has been assigned and for your “status” to be updated from Course request complete (CRC) to Course Active (CA). Once you see your status change to CA, you may begin accessing and completing your assignments on-line. (You will also be asked to complete a brief orientation session). CHECK THE MESSAGE LINK in your Virtual School account every day because your teacher will let you know it's time to set up the required WELCOME CALL. If you don’t respond, you may be dropped from the course. Make a plan to work on your online coursework without skipping many days. ALWAYS check your FLVS messages because that's where you get warnings. IF you withdraw from the class before the 14 day grace period ends, there is no penalty. IF you stop working or forget to withdraw, you may be withdrawn with an F. Please stay in contact with your FLVS teacher and let him/her know if you will be out for an extended time (i.e. vacation, illness). Private Schools – may be available in our community for a fee. Approval form from Chiles HS Guidance Counselor is required in order to register and make sure your credit will count. You must contact the private schools directly for more information and fees. Frequently Asked Questions Is school open in the summer and what are the hours of operation? The main office is open Monday-Thursday 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. How do I contact Guidance in summer? The best way is through our Summer Counselor E-mail system at lchs.summerg@ Phone calls will be directed to the summer extension 2235. Please keep in mind that a counselor is available Mondays through Thursday only from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Please do not leave multiple messages, as this will slow down the response time. Multiple calls may cause delay in response when messages have to be left by the counselor, and then once again by the parent/student (i.e. phone tag). Therefore, email may be the quickest and more efficient method of communication. What happens if a student fails a class? The student can register for one of the summer program options to recover the credit (see Summer Options list, on page 4 of this document). Credit can only be recovered for a 1st or 2nd semester “D” or “F” grade (not for a 9 week grade). Is there summer school? Not offered by Chiles, but there are summer programs available through Adult & Community Education (ACE) from June 5 – 27 (held on the Chiles campus and the ACE Campus) contact 850-717-2020, and Florida Virtual School – (see summer options list). All programs require Guidance approval once registered. Email the guidance office during the summer at lchs.summerg@ for Virtual School approvals. I have a question about the grade my student received on the report card? Grade corrections can be made if necessary. Please contact the attendance office if your student has unexcused absences that affected the grades. If your student received an incomplete grade “I”, please contact the Mrs. Richardson at richardsonm@. Most other grade issues cannot be resolved until teachers return in August, so it is recommended that you make contact with them via email once school is back in session. Please remember that grade corrections can be made if necessary. Can my incoming 9th grade student retake a high school course they took in middle school? Yes, he/she can retake a high school course where they earned a “C” or below for a semester/final grade; please follow-up with your Counselor regarding this for approval. Once a student is in high school it is recommended that courses that need to be re-taken are done so as soon as possible within the first year of high school. Please see “Summer Options” for methods of retaking a course. Can my current high school student retake a course? Yes, he/she can retake a high school course where they earned a “D” or below for a semester/final grade. Please be aware that in order to receive grade forgiveness you must earn a “C” or higher during your 2nd attempt. See “Summer Options” for methods of completing the retake. Can my student change classes for next year? The deadline has passed to make elective course changes. Only core academic courses will be reviewed to address changes resulting from credit earned over the summer, change in test scores, etc. Please send an email to Guidance at lchs.summerg@. Your request will be reviewed and a Guidance Counselor will get back to you. Can my incoming 9th grader still qualify for the Pre AP or AP Accel Programs? Yes, please contact Mrs. Sherri Winsett at winsetts@ . She will need middle school GPA and test scores to determine eligibility. My child passed a summer class and I need to make a change to his classes for next year? To ensure credit is awarded and correct course placement for the 2019-2020 Chiles schedule, the student must communicate with the Chiles HS Guidance Office after completion of a summer course. We can verify credit awarded at ACE, LCVS or FLVS. An official transcript is required from all other sources (i.e., approved private schools.) and will be required to document credit earned. How do I register at Chiles? To register to be a student at Lawton Chiles High School please go online and use the following link: you have completed the online registration and you have all required documents, please contact the Registrar at 850-488-1756 ext. 2234 to set up an appointment. (NOTE: If you are coming from a Charter School or Homeschool in Leon County-you do not need to complete the online registration; rather, please gather all documents form the Registration Checklist on the Chiles Homepage and then contact the Registrar to schedule an appointment). When is the first day of school? The first day of school is Monday, August 12, 2019. We host an orientation program on Friday, August 9 at 8:30 a.m. for all new students. What time does school start on the first day and where do I go? School starts at 7:30 a.m. (for students with a first period) and 8:25 a.m. (for students who begin their day at second period). Students will report to homeroom. Homeroom lists will be posted on auditorium doors starting Friday, August 9th and on Monday, August 12th. Is there a summer reading requirement? Yes, all grade levels are required to complete a summer reading assignment. From the Chiles Homepage click on Summer Assignments to see what the reading assignment for the English/Language Arts course you are enrolled in. Is there a summer math requirement? Yes, some math courses have required work to complete during the summer. From the Chiles homepage click on Summer Assignments to see if the course you are enrolled in has a summer math assignment. When do I get my schedule of classes? All students receive their class schedules at Orientation which is the Friday prior to the first day of school.When will we receive FSA and/or EOC scores? FSA and/or EOC – When these scores are released from the Florida Department of Education, they will be posted and available in FOCUS, the online grade portal. Parents and students may access directly through FOCUS once posted. What is the process for Bright Futures processing for the Class of 2019? Student records will automatically be re-evaluated based on GPA in core coursework through graduation, test scores through June 30, 2019 and community service hours completed and documented by graduation. This process typically takes place during the first week of July; therefore, counselors cannot determine a student’s eligibility status before this timeline. OSFA will post all official/award notifications to the student’s online record in early August. Students will receive an "application received" e-mail within 48 hours of application which will provide log on information to check award and update application. What if my 2019 graduate applied, but did not qualify for a Bright Futures scholarship, although we thought he/she would be eligible? If this happens please take the following steps: Please review requirements at (State grants & scholarships; Bright Futures Scholarship) in order to make sure you have qualified in the designated time frame. Remember that 8th semester notification will not be posted until approximately August 1, 2019. Email Kim Brumage at brumagek@ with your specific concern. Write “Bright Futures” in the subject line.Where can I find information about Bright Futures Community Service Hours? Please review Service Forms on the Chiles Homepage, from the Homepage click on the Guidance Department link to find and print Service Forms. Students may begin earning service hours during the summer prior to ninth grade. Students will submit paperwork during their senior year to Mrs. Fisher in the Guidance Office. How can my upcoming senior begin the college application process? Your student can work on a resume, first drafts of admissions essays, review websites of colleges of interest in order to gather information and review admissions requirements as well as begin completing the online applications to include utilizing the Common Application where applicable. Students who have not taken SAT or ACT may also want to register and prepare for these tests, for more information on SAT go to or for ACT go to What is the Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (P.E.R.T), and how does it affect students? The PERT is Florida's customized common placement test. The purpose of the P.E.R.T. is accurate course placement based on the student's skills and abilities. It can be used to qualify Seniors for on-campus Dual Enrollment.Can the P.E.R.T qualify me for FAMU Dual Enrollment (on Chile’s campus)? In order to qualify for FAMU Dual Enrollment students must meet the following criteria: Be a senior during the 2019-2020 school yearHave an un-weighted cumulative GPA of 3.00 Achieve qualifying test scores on one of the following: PERT, ACT or SAT (For more information and details regarding PERT, please go to: deadline for Dual Enrollment is at the time of Chiles High School course registration in the spring. May 18 was the deadline for on campus dual enrollment for rising seniors. May 2019 ................

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