Margate Elementary

Margate Elementary

“Excellence Through Caring”

Fifth Grade Team Retreat

Professional Learning Community

Monday, January 30, 2017

← Sharing of Grade Level Graphs/Trends from BSA, Achieve, I-Ready

← BSA Scores from IBTP/Filemaker Pro

← Test Design Summaries


← Crunch-time Plans

o ELA Checklist, Math Checklist

o I-Ready Standards-Based Assessments

▪ ELA and Mathematics-Electronic Necessary

o Cycle of Remediation/Assessment for Crunch Time

o Infrastructure Test-February 7th/Students Modeled Practice Tests on

o AIR Online Practice Test


o Brainstorming Session

o How are the Ready, Rally, USA Test Prep, Achieve Resources being utilized?

o Push-In Support for Targeted Classes

o Overview for Standards-Based Push-In (Math/ELA)

▪ Lafantano-Wertheimer

▪ Lafantano-Treuren

▪ Lanfantano-Brady

← Mock FSA Dates

o ELA FSA Mock #1 February 23rd –I-Ready Standards Based

o Math FSA Mock #1 February 24th —I-Ready on Computer

o ELA FSA Mock #2 March 16th-I-Ready Standards Based

o Math FSA Mock #2 March 17th—I-Ready Standards Based



Our mission at Margate Elementary School is to create a nurturing environment so that our students will become independent, successful, life-long learners by providing a high quality, differentiated, and innovative curriculum based on the Florida State Standards.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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