

of teacher of English


of general secondary school №____



Maktabi direktori

_________________________ /________ /

____________ shahri(tumani)

___-umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktabi

ingliz tili fani o’qituvchisi


5-9 sinflar uchun


__________________ o’quv yili


The 5th form Control work 1. Word dictation

Bag, cat, hat, map, rat, bat, man, can, fat, bag, sad, map, lamp, flat, camp, lamb, hand, flag, pen, bed, pencil, desk, hen, he, she, me, we, see, sea, meat, seat, weak, speak, cap, name, cake, face, place, city, big, dog, game, age, cage, change, give, page, in, it, sit, list, pit, time, life, five, nine, fine, is, pig, film, milk, I , hi, mine, nice, like, sister, I, you, hot, on, of, got, not, go, so, note, no, tone, book, noon, cook, took, look, hook, moon, food, tool, pool, room, quail, quick, quiz, queen, kitten, kill, keep, kite, kit, kitchen, squirrel, ring, river, room, rain, grey, green, dress, read, right, car, far, park, large, for, sport, port, corn, nose, rose, vase, please, visit, match, catch, put, bush, pussy, cut, nut, but, pupil, tune, mute, the, this, that, these, those, mother, father, brother, weather, three, thank, thing, think, zip, zoo, zed, zero, zebra, how, now, town, down, brown, low, know, show, yellow, window, old, hold, told.

The 5th form Control work 2. Translate the text

A) Mrs. Whitfield is from England. She is English. She is Lucy and John’s mother. Mrs Whitfield is an English teacher. She has got a father and a mother. Her father, Mr Simpson, is an electronic engineer. Her mother Mrs Simpson, is a secretary in an office. Mr Simpson and Mrs Simpson are Lucy and John’s grandparents.

B) Lucy: Hello. My name is Lucy. What’s your name?

John: Hello. Lucy. My name is John. How are you Lucy?

Lucy :I am fine ,thank you. How old are you John?

John: I am 9 years old. And you?

Lucy: I am 9 years old too. Where are you from John?

John: I am from America .Where are you from Lucy?

Lucy: I am from England. Nice to meet you John.

John: Nice to meet you too, Lucy.

Lucy: Good bye John.

John : Good bye Lucy.

C) This is Kite. She is a girl. She is seven years old. She lives in Tashkent. Her family is big. She has got a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a grandfather and a grandmother. Her father is a cook. Her mother is a doctor.

She likes to eat ice-cream, sweets, cakes, pineapples, strawberries and pears. She doesn’t like to eat soup, porridge, cucumbers and potatoes. Her favourite fruit is orange.

D) This is my friend Mike. He is six years old. He has got dark hair and large brown eyes. He has a pet. His pet is a parrot. It is very funny. Mike likes to play with his parrot.

E) These are my pets: dogs and cats. This is a little cat. Its name is Yussi. It is orange. It likes to run and jump. It likes to eat fish. I like to play with my cat. This is my dog. Its name is Olapar. It is grey. It has got long soft tail and funny ears. It lives in its den. I like Olapar very much.

F) This is my friend. Her name is Rita. She is eight years old. She is blond. She has got blue eyes. Rita likes to go to the zoo. She has got two pets. They are cats. Their names are Momikvoy and Paxmokvoy. They like to jump and run. Rita likes to play with them. Rita is a good friend.

G) These are my grandparents. This is my granny. Her name is Mukarram. She is very old. She is a pensioner. She has got grey hair and brown eyes. She is very kind. This is my granddad. His name is Abdujalil. He is not very old, but he is a pensioner, too. He has got brown hair, brown beard and green eyes.

H) This is my little sister. She is very small girl. She is a child. Her name is Malika. She has not got hair. She has got black eyes and red lips. She has got many toys. She likes to play with her toys.

I) This is me. My name is Helen. I have dark hair, brown eyes and pink lips. I am nine years old. I live in England, in Central Street. My family is very big. I have got a father, a mother, a sister, a brother, a grandfather and a grandmother. My father is a journalist. My mother is a teacher. My grandmother and grandfather are very old. They are pensioners. My sister is a small girl. She is a child.

I have got many toys. I have got three nice dolls, two green balls, one big toy-train, a long skipping rope, two funny teddy-bears and a bicycle. I like to play with my toys.

I have got many pets. They are three dogs and two cats. They like to eat meat and fish. They can run and jump well. I like to play with my pets.

J) I am a boy. My name is Dima. I am seven years old. I am very clever. I live in Russia. My father is a driver. My mother is a teacher. My sister is a secretary. I would like to be a fireman.

I am a girl. My name is Zuhra. I am eight. I am very nice. I live in Bukhara. My father is a journalist. My mother is a hairdresser. My brother is a pilot. I would like to be a teacher.

K) My name is Kate. I am seven years old. I live in London. This is my room. It is not very big. It is small. There are blue curtains on the window. Under the window there is a green armchair. There is a pillow on it. There is a vase on the window. There are two red flowers in the vase. To the left of the window there is a picture. In front of the armchair there is a small table. To the left of the table there is a carpet on the floor. Under the picture there is a TV set.

The 5th form Control work 3. Dictation

A)School subjects

Every day I go to school. On Monday I have got four lessons. They are: Reading, Russian, Mathematics and Music. On Tuesday the first lesson is Mother tongue, the second lesson is Mathematics, the third lesson is Reading and the fourth lesson is P.E. On Wednesday I have got five lessons, they are Russian, Mathematics, Botany, Reading and Handicrafts . I have got Mother tongue, Drawing, Mathematics and Reading on Thursday. On Friday I usually have got English, Russian, Mathematics and P. E. On Saturday I usually have got three lessons: they are: Reading, English and Mathematics. On Sunday I don't go to school. On that day I have a rest with my parents.

B) My name is Dick. I live in London, the capital of Great Britain. I am a schoolboy, I am nine. In England, school begins in September. English children have classes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. They do not have classes on Saturday and Sunday, they are at school from nine o'clock in the morning till half past four in the afternoon. But they have a long break from twelve o'clock till two o'clock. In Great Britain school is over in July.

The 5th form Control work 4. Test

The 5th form The 2nd term (Variant-I)

1.Choose the best answer: … [i:]. a) A b) I c) E d) U

2. Choose the best answer: Good morning ! a)1200 -1800 b)800\1200 c) 1800-2200 d)-

3.Write the transcription of the given words: cup, gym

a) [k(p], [dzim] b) [cup],[jim] c) [kip], [gum] d) [cip],[jum]

4. Translate into English:(xayrli kun).

A)good morning b) good afternoon c) hello d) Hi

5.What___your name? a) is b) am c) are d) has

6. Where are you from? a) My name is .. b) I am fine

c) I am from Uzbekistan d) I live from Uzbekistan

7. Choose the best answer: I’ve got = a)I have got b)I am got c) you‘ve got d)She’s got

8. - …? -I am 12 years old. a) How old are you? b) Where are you from?

c) What is your name? d) How are you?

9. Choose the best answer: “There is a pencil case in my bag. a) Sumkamda qalam bor b)Bu qalamdon c)Uyerda sumkada qalamdon bor d) Sumkamda qalamdon bor

10.Translate into English: Men Bobur ko’chasida yashayman

a) I live in a Bobur street b) I have a book Bobur

c) He lives in a Bobur street d) You live in a Bobur street

11.Choose the best answer: -________________? - Lucy is from London

a)Is she from London? b)Is he from London? c)Where is she from? d)Where are you from

12. I have not a sister. Translate into Uzbek. a)mening singlim bor b)mening singlim yo’q c)mening opalarim bor d)mening 1ta singlim bor

13. Choose the best answer: How … are you? -12 a) is b) old c) have d) years old

14. Choose the best answer :– How … you Rustam? -- I … fine , thank you.

a) is/am b) are/am c) have/are d) old/ live

15. Choose the best answer :- How old is Rano? . --…

a) she is eleven b) she’s fine c) hello, I’m Anvar d) Rano is OK!

16. Choose the word belongs to “My family”. a) mother, mum, dad, Karim, I

b) father, mother, granny c) I, you, he, she d) baby, sister, popular

17. Find words which given to the sound[g].

a) German, got b) son, gym c) good, game d) jump, go

18.Read the sounds: [ ∫ ], [t∫]. a) sh, ch b) ch, ch c) s, z d) l, ch

19.Choose the transcription of “the, three”: a) [θe],[ðri] b)[ ze],[sri]c)[de],[tri] d)[ce],[zri]

20. Find odd word. a) teacher. Pupil, doctor b) farmer, mechanic, pupil,

c) doctor, teacher, taxi-driver d) engineer, businesswoman, farm.

21.What’s your telephone number? a)222-56-78 b)2013.2014 c)1998,23 555 d) 03,01

22. Bu odam inglizcha gapirmaydi.

a) This man don’t speak English. b) This man speaks English.

c) This man doesn’t speak English . d) This man doesn’t speaks English

23.How many people are there in your family?

a) There is 4 people in my family b) there is 5 man in my family

c) we have got 6 pupil in our class d) There are 4 people in my family

24. How do you go to school? -… . a) I go to school on foot b) I go to school at 8 c) I don’t go to school d) You go to school by tram

25.Choose the best answer: There is/ are a lot of pupils in the school

a) is b)are c) is/are d) have

|5/4 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |

|A |A |B |B |B |D |A |

18- year 19-her 20-open/close


22-to 23-name 24-you 25- I live

The 5th form The 4th term (Variant-II)

1.What’s your favourite season?

a) at spring b) My favourite season is summer c) in spring

2. Iliq, issiq, qahraton

a) warm, hot, freezing b) warm cold, cool c) war, foggy, cool

3. When is your birthday?

a) My birthday is in January b) My birthday in May c) on May

4. Havo issiq. Quyosh charaqlab turibdi. Bolalar suzayapti.

a) It’s hot. The sun is shining. Children swimming. b) It’s hot. The sun is shining. Pupils

are swimming. c) It’s hot. The sun is shining. People swim

5.Thank you. I’m sorry. OK.(translate into English)

a) Rahmat.Kechirasiz. Yaxshi b) raxmat. Yo’q. Uzr c) a,b

6. Lobar reads book and stay at home when it rains

a) Yomg’ir yoqqanda Lobar kitob o’qiydi va uyda o’tiradi b) Yomg’ir yoqqanda Lobar

kitob o’qiydi c) Yomg’ir yoqqanda Lobar uyda o’tirmaydi va kitob o’qiydi

7. Havo issiq bo’lganda men do’stlarim bilan o’ynayman a) When it hot I play games friends b) When it’s hot I play games with my friends c) I play when it hot

8. The eighth of May, The thirties of July, The thirty first of December

a) 8may, 30 iyul, 31 dekabr b) 18 may, 13 iyul, 13 dekabr C) 28 may, 30 iyul, 3 dek

9. Translate into Uzbek( sitting in the yard, going for a walk, having a rest)

a) hovlida o’tirish, sayrga chiqish, dam olish b) hovlida o’ynash, dam olish, uyda bo’lish c) hovlini tozalash, dam olish, o’ynash

10. I am going to buy __ lamp a) a b) - c) an d) on

11. Bu odam inglizcha gapirmaydi. a) This man don’t speak English. b) This man speak English. c) This man doesn’t speak English .

12.U tennis o`ynashni yoqtiradi.

a) He like to play tennis. b) He liked to play tennis. c) He likes to play tennis.

13. Today is the … of September. a) ten; b) the ten c) tenth ;

14. -…? - Bob’s birthday is on the 21st of December

a) When Bob’s birthday? b) When is Bob’s birthday c) What is his name?

15. Season, month, year, holiday, wind, blow a) fasl, oy, yil, ta’til, shamol, esmoq

b) fasl, oymomo, yil, gul, shamol c) fasl, oy, yil, ta’til, shamol

16. What is the weather like in summer in Uzbekistan?

a) It’s hot b) It’s warm c) It’s cool

17. When the weather is cold, people … their coats a) put in b) put at c) put on

18. What do you do when it’s cold? a) I put on my coat b) I go for a walk c) I play

19. Write the degrees: 40, -20 C

20. Which months are winter months?

21. Translate into English. (Men momoqaldiroqni yoqtirmayman).

22. Complete the words (t-ermometer, fr-ezing, a-ful)

23. Find the odd word. (sad, angry, happy, foggy)

24. Can you speak English?

25. Draw a smile: happy, angry, sad

|5/8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 | talk,to iron, to sleep,to cook

20.wardrobe 21. in the bedroom

22. tuxum,yog’, sut, shirinlik,moy,tuz,go’sht 23.nineteen ninety eight, two thousand twelve, one hundred and five, a thousand four hundred and forty one

24. had, was, lived, went, got, helped

25. Own answer

The 6th form The 4th term (Variant-II)

1. Do you want to be healthy?

A) Yes, I do B) Yes, I have C) No, You don’t D) So, do I

2. Make up question.(your/What’s/job/mother’s)

A) What’s your mother’s job? B) What’s job your mother’s?

C) What’s your job mother’s? D) b, c

3.Choose only verbs. (to water, iron, to iron, to sleep, cooker, to cook)

A) to water, to iron, to cook, to sleep B) to iron, cooker, iron C) No verbs D) iron, cooker

4. Countable nouns: …..

A) apple, orange, egg B) apple, oil, butter C) milk, butter, sweet D)sugar, salt, flour

5. Find odd words. (curtain, interpreter, kettle, yurt, circle)

A)kettle B) yurt C) curtain D) circle

6. How … .. chocolates are there? A) many B) much C) any D)some

7. How ……. meat is there? A) many B) much C) any D)some

8.Elithabetta ................. in New York. A) are B) lives C)is lived D) is

9. --Is there any rice? -- ….

A) yes, there is some. B) no, there are not any C) A,B D) Yes, there are a lot of

10. -How much … onions cost? -- ….cost 1000 soums a kilo

A) do, they B) does, they C) are, their D) is, It.

11. -- When … your birthday? -- It is … the 21 … December

A) is, on, st B) am, in, rd C) is, on, nd D) are,on,th

12.How … palov is there in the kazan, mummy? --- There … a lot of.

A) much, is B) many, is C) how, am D) much,are

13.Choose the Past Tense of these verbs: have, be, live, go, get, help,

A) had, be, live, went, got, helped B) had, was, lived, went, got, helped

C) had, was, live, went, got, help D) had, was, lived, went, get, helped

14. Find the gerund.A)going,interesting B)cutting, stopping C)boring, reading D)smoke

15. Whose bag is that? A) It’s mine B) it’s my bag C) a,b D)Yes, I do

16.What thing are there in your room?

17. In the Hisor mountains …. houses are stone.

18.We use the radio … listen.

19. What thing are there in your fridge?

20.The Present Simple tense(write a sentence)

21.The Present Continuous tense(write a question)

22. I buy bread in the ….

23. Write countable nouns

24. Write uncountable(mass) nouns

25.How much do … cost? – they cost 40p each

Keys: 6/8 V-II

1a |2a |3a |4a |5a |6a |7b |8b |9c |10a |11a |12a |13b |14b |15c | |

16.What thing are there in your room? Table, chair, wardrobe, shelf, cupboard, armchair, bed

17. In the Hisor mountains …. houses are stone.(a lot of)

18.We use the radio … listen.(to)

19. What things are there in your fridge?(fruits, vegetables)

20.The Present Simple tense(write a sentence)(I sometimes play the piano)

21.The Present Continuous tense(write a question)(Are you working in the garden now?)

22. I buy bread in the ….(bakery)

23. Write countable nouns(pen book, apple, pupil, cat)

24. Write uncountable(mass) nouns(water, oil, flour…)

25.How much do … cost? – they cost 40p each (cabbage or cucumber)


The 7th form. Control Work 1. Dictation


Tashkent is the capital of the independent Republic of Uzbekistan. It is a very old city. It was founded more than 2000 years ago. The city is located at the foothills of the Tian Shan mountain range and lies in the Chirchik river valley. The population of the city has already grown to more than 2,5 million people.

There are several muslim monuments and historical buildings such as the Kukaldosh madrasah and the Barakkhon mosque which were built in the 16th century.

Tashkent, which has new avenues, squares, high buildings and fountains, has become the most modern city in Uzbekistan. There are buses, trolley-buses, trams, taxis and a subway with many beautiful metro stations decorated with traditional Uzbek art.

Tashkent is the educational and scientific centre of Uzbekistan, where there are a lot of universities, institutes, schools and special secondary schools. It is also a cultural centre with many libraries, theatres and cinemas.

Tashkent is often called a city of peace and friendship. A lot of embassies and offices of many international organizations, companies and firms have opened in the city.


Samarkand is one of the most ancient cities of the world. Samarkand stood at the cross-roads of caravan routes and played an important role in the economic ties of the countries of the East. Many centuries ago, it was a centre of ancient civilization and the seat of historical and cultural traditions of the peoples of Central Asia.

Samarkand had a difficult and, at times, contradictory history. The city is associated with the names of Alexander the Great, the Arab general Kuteib ibn Muslim, the great Amir Temur, the astronomer Ulugbek and the terrible conqueror Genghis Khan. Visitors who come to this city admire the artistic talent and skill of the ancient architects who created such amazing structures as the Shakhi-Zinda ensemble, the Bibikhanim mosque, the Gur-Amir mausoleum, the Ishrat-khana mausoleum and the Ulugbek, Sherdor and Tillya-Kari madrasahs in Registan square. The creations of the people's genius and skills have deservedly become part of the treasury of world architecture.

My future profession

There are a lot of interesting and useful professions. I am going to become a teacher. I suppose my future profession to be one of the most important nowadays. My future specialty is English (Literature, Russian, History, Geography). I love children very much and to become a teacher has been my dream since my early childhood.

To teach and to bring up children is the most important and noble thing, to my mind. I am eager to get the proper education to be able to do my best to teach my future pupils my favourite subject. I'll try not only to help them to master it. I'll try to help them to become good and clever people, to be honest, kind and noble.

Children are our future and I want them to be really good and educated people. Of course, the profession of a teacher is not an easy one. It demands a lot of knowledge, a lot of tenderness of feeling and sometimes a lot of patience. But I hope, that I'll be a good teacher and that my pupils will like me and my subject

The 7th form. Control Work 2. Test

The 7th form. The 1st term (Variant-I)

1 . ___ a glass of cherry? a)can I have b)can I c)I can have d) have I can

2. I __ a shower every day.

a)usually have b)am having usually c) have usually d) usually having

3. There aren't ______ people in the street a) any b) some c)- d) the

4. I ... understand this letter. Will you translate it for me?

a) mustn't c) may not b) can't d) shouldn't

5. Diana's parents don't let her go to late-night disco. She ... be at home at 9 o'clock in the evening. a) must c) may b) can d) have to

6. This is ... film I've ever seen.

a) more interesting c) most interesting b) the most interesting d) not interesting

7. Have you ever visited other countries? - Yes, I... to Italy and France.

a) was c) had been b) have been d) would be

8. It has been raining for two hours. I hope it ... raining soon.

a) stops c) would stop b) will stop d) stop

9. When you ... in this city again? - Next month.

a) arrive c) have you arrived b) arrived d) will you arrive

10. Whose house is it? - It's ... . a) my c) her b) mine d) our

11. Today is ... than yesterday. a) - c) colder b) the coldest d) the more

12. Mathematics ... hard. I don't understand it. a) are c) was b) is d) were

13. There is going to be a big art exhibition. It... a lot of visitors.

a) attracts c) has attracted b) will attract d) attracted

14. We ... a new computer not long ago. Now the job will be done much more quickly.

a) had bought c) bought b) was bought d) have bought

15. Small shops are not as ... as supermarkets.

a) more convenient c) most convenient b) convenient d) the most convenient

16. Sarah is a very good pianist. She plays ... piano very well.

17. Mary will be ready soon. She ... coffee at the moment.

18. Playing ... guitar is an interesting hobby.

19. Our city is famous for ... beautiful ancient buildings.

20. Who was the first astronaut who landed on ... Moon?

21. What happened at the end of the film? - I'm sorry to say, but I … the film yet.

22. The students often translate English texts ... Russian.

23. You are a great cook! This cake ... wonderful as usual.(taste, tastes, tasting)

24. My brother will be absent. He ... for his exam tomorrow.

25. What is the motto of the Olympic Games?


7/2 |1a |2a |3a |4b |5a |6b |7b | | |V-I |8b |9d |10b |11c |12b |13b |14d |15 b | | 16. Sarah is a very good pianist. She plays ... piano very well.(the)

17. Mary will be ready soon. She ... coffee at the moment.(is having)

18. Playing ... guitar is an interesting hobby. (the)

19. Our city is famous for ... beautiful ancient buildings.(its)

20. Who was the first astronaut who landed on ... Moon?(the)

21. What happened at the end of the film? - I'm sorry to say, but I … the film yet.(have not seen)

22. The students often translate English texts ... Russian.(into)

23. You are a great cook! This cake ... wonderful as usual.(tastes)

24. My brother will be absent. He ... for his exam tomorrow.(will prepare)

25. What is the motto of the Olympic Games?(faster, higher, stronger)

The 7th form The 1st term (Variant-II)

1.–Excuse me, how do I get to Mustaqillik Avenue?

- …..(Mustaqillik maydoni Amir Temur ko’chasining oxirida)

a) It’s at the end of Amir Temur street b) it’s on the opposite of the street Amir Temur c) it’s in front of the Amir Temur street

2. … is a very old city in the east of England about 80 kms from London.It’s famous for its university. a) Cambridge b) London c) Oxford

3. Translate this words : wrist,finger, shoulder, nail, knee, tongue, back.

a) bilak, barmoq, yelka, tirnoq, tizza, til, orqa bel b) bilak, barmoq, til, tirnoq, bel, oshqozon, tizza c) bilak, barmoq, tirnoq, til, oyoq, qo’l, tish

4. Nuqtalar o’rniga kerakli artklni qo’ying. (I’ve got … headache / I’ve got … earache)

a) a /- b) - /- c) a /a

5. He’s broken his leg. Mark the Tense

a) Present Perfect b) Present Simple c) Past Tense

6. Put the verb into Present Perfect Tense. (I /break/ my pencil. She /hurt/ her thumb)

a) I’ve broken my pencil. She has hurt her thumb. b) I broke m.p. She has hurted h.t

c) I’ve broke m.p. She has hurted

7.Choose the types of sport. a) football, running, dancing, high jump b) football, boxing, jumping, karate, tennis c) playing, jumping, boxing, singing

8.-- …? -- I come from Tashkent / -- …. -- I’m a pupil

a) who are you? What are you doing? B) where are you from? What do you do?

c) where are you came? What do you do?

9. Where can you buy shoes? a) In shoe shop b) In shop c) In shoes market

10.How many states are the re in the USA? a) 50 states b) 55 states c) 12 states

11.-I like watching TV. What about you? -… a) So, do I b) I like coins c) I don’t

12. Have you ever been … Tashkent. a) in b) to c) at

13. How many parts is Uzbekistan divided into ? a) 12 b) 13 c) 2

14. It’s not inside of your body. a)heart b) ear c) blood

15.There are … countries in Great Britain A) 3 B) 4 C) 5

16.The UK has … parts. A) 4 B)5 C)3

17. Oddiy o’tgan zamon …

A)Tugagan vaqtda bajarilgan ish-harakatni bildiradi.B)O’tgan zamonda bajarilgan va tugagan ish-harakatni bildiradi. C)Doimiy takrorlanib turgan va tugagan ish-harakatni bildiradi

18..Bir bo’g’inli sifatlarning qiyosiy, orttirma darajalari qanday yasaladi?

19. Ko’p bo’g’inli sifatlarning qiyosiy va orttirma darajalari qanday yasaladi?

20. Present Perfect tense.

21. Irregular Adjectives

22.Write in the correct form: 1978y, 2015y, 1005, 1336

23.Choose Past tense of these verbs: has, is, live, go, dress, fly.

24. Make up sentence in The Past Continuous.

25.Make up sentence in The Present Perfect Tense in negative form.

Keys: 7/2 V-II

1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 | |a |a |a |a |a |a |b |b |a |a |a |b |a |a |a |a |a,b | |18. S+er, the S+est

19. more+S, The most S


21. Good, bad, much, many, far, little.

22. nineteen seventy eight, two thousand fifteen, one thousand and five, one thousand three hundred and thirty three

23. had, was, lived, went, dressed, flew

24/25. Own answers

The 7th form Control Work3. Test . The 7th form the 2nd term (the 1st half)

1. - I don’t like volleyball because it’s difficult. - ….

a) Neither do I b) Nor, do I c) I don’t either d) all answers

2. This is ... film I've ever seen.

a) more interesting b) most interesting c) the most interesting d) not interesting

3. Have you ever visited other countries? - Yes, I... to Italy and France.

a) was b) had been c) have been d) would be

4. It has been raining for two hours. I hope it ... raining soon. a)stops b)‘d stop c)‘ll stop d)stop

5. When you ... in this city again? - Next month. a) arrive b) to arrived c) arrived d) will you arrive

6. Whose house is it? - It's ... .a) my b) her c) mine d) our

7. Choose the answer:[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]

a)High jump, , Skiing ,Tennis ,Football ,Volleyball ,Skating ,Boxing Kurash, Running ,Long jump ,Swimming b)High jump, ,Long jump ,Swimming, Skiing , Kurash, Running ,Long jump ,Swimming Kurash, Running c)High jump, Kurash, Running ,Long jump , Football ,Volleyball ,Skating ,Boxing Swimming, Skiing d)High jump, Kurash, Running ,Long jump ,Swimming, Skiing ,Tennis ,Football ,Volleyball ,Skating ,Boxing

8. I … football. I .. tennis. a)play, play b)do, play c)play, play d) do, do,

9.I like gymnastics, because it’s a beautiful sport a) So, do I b) I do to c) Neither do I d) a, b

10. Choose the best answer:_programme,_centre, about_, _ club .a) sports, sports, sport, sports b) sport, sport, sport, sport c) sports, sports, sports, sports, d) sport, sport, sports, sports

11. Translate:Men kelasi oy gimnastikaga qatnashmoqchiman. a)I’m going to go gymnastics next month b)I will play gymnastics in a month c)I’m going to do gym in a month d)a, b

12.What prize do Olympic champions get? a) medals b)money c)present d)flowers

13.”Faster, higher, stronger!” a) motto of Olympic Games b) logo of Olympic Games

c) mascot of Olym.Games d) motto of sportsmen

14. … 1997 I … the Asian Champion a) on, is b) in, was c) in, are d) in, am

15.Where were you born? A) I was born in Navoi b) I were in Tashkent

c) You were born in London d) I was from Wales

16.Choose the best answer: CAN(ability) a) Can you go home now? b) I can count to 1000 in English c) What can I do for you? D) Can we have a cup of tea?

17. Write the question with “to be going to”. What sports (you watch) on TV at the weekend?

a) What sports are you going to watch on TV at the weekend? b) a) What sports are you going on TV at the weekend? c) What sports you are going to watch on TV at the weekend d) What sports are you go to watch on TV at the week

18. The sun …. every day last month. a)Shine b)Shone c)Shines d) is going to shine

19.When it ….. , I take my umbrella. a)Rains b)Rain c)Is raining d) are shining

20.Write Wh-question for answer: I lived in Bukhara 10 years ago. a) when did you go to Bukhara? b) Where do you live? c) Where did you live? d) Where were you Lived?

21. What are the symbols of the Sydney Games?

a) Olly, Sad, Millie b) Olly, Ozzie, Lily c) Olly, Milly, Ozzy d) Cheetah, birds, eagl

22. _you give me some advices about the language courses? a) Have b) Should c) May d) Can

23. Why didn't you … me yesterday? a) call c) made b) must d) phoned

24. I … my passport last month, and nobody has found it yet .

a) lost c) has been lost b) was lost d) had been lost

25.Translate into Uzbek: diving, water polo, synchronized swimming. a) sho’ng’ish, suzish, suv futboli b) sho’ng’ish, suv futboli, sinxron suzish c) suvga sakrash, sinxron sho’ng’ish, suv volley. d) balanlikdan suvga sakrash, suv sporti, sinxron gymnastika

KEY: 7/3

|1d |2c |3c |4c |5d |6c |7d |8c |9d |10a |11d |12a |13a |14b |15a |16b |17a |18b |19a |20c |21c |22d |23a |24a |25b | |The 7th form Control Work. 4 Test

The 7th form The 2nd term (Variant-I)

1. Put the verb into Present Perfect Tense. (I /write/ a letter. She /tidy up/ her room)

a)wrote, tidied up b) written, tidied up c) writed, tidyed

2.Choose the types of sport. a) football, running, dancing, high jump b) football, boxing, jumping, karate, tennis c) playing, jumping, boxing, singing

3.The origin of the Olympic Games was in … .a) Greece b)India c)Italy& Rome

4.The Modern Olympic Games began in … . a) 1896 b) 1986 c) 1486

5. “Faster, higher, stronger”. What is it?

a) The Motto of the Olympic Games b) The Low of sport c) The rule of health

6.-- …? -- I come from Tashkent / -- …. -- I’m a pupil

a) who are you? What are you doing? b) where are you from? What do you do?

c) where are you came? What do you do?

7. --….? -- I take a size 36 / -- Will you try it on? -- … .

a)What size do you take?/Yes, I will b)What size you take?/Yes, I do

c) What do you take?/No, I don’t

8. You wear a school uniform, ..? a) don’t they b) do you? c) don’t you

9. American pupils don’t wear a school uniform, …?

a) do they b)don’t they c) don’t you

10. Where can you buy shoes? a) In shoe shop b) In shop c) In shoes market

11. … informs people about new products. a) Advertising b) Internet c) Book

12.-I like watching TV. What about you? -…

a) So, did I b) I like collecting coins c)No, I don’t

13.How many states are there in the USA?

a) 50 states b) 55 states c) 12 states

14.Montana is in the north-west .

a) janubi- g’arbiy b) g’arbiy c) shimoli g’arbiy

15. The capital of Great Britain is … . a) London b) Cambridge c) The UK 16.School uniforms are good. Pupils think … a) that uniforms are good b) if uniforms are good c) these uniforms are not good

17._pupils don’t wear school uniform a)Britain b)Uzbek and Japan c)American

18. …. trousers … not yours, it’s mine. a)these, are b)this, is b)those, was

19.What is the cap made of?

a)It’s made of fur b) it’s make of leather c) it’s made from fur.

20.Scotland national costumes: a) kilt, lace cap, adras b) kilt, apron, lace cap c) boot, apron, red skirt, green suit

7/4 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 | |V-I |b |b |a |a |a |b |a |c |a |a |a |b |a |c |a |a |c |a |b |b | |

The 7th form The 2nd term (Variant-II)

1. The origin of the Olympic Games was in …. a) Greece b) France c) Italy d)England

2. What is the name of the valley where the first Games took place?

a) Fergana b) Olympia c) Kizilkum d)Andijan

3. At the Olympic Games women began to compete in ….a)1992 b) 1890 с)1900 d)1994

4. What kind of competitions were in the original Olympic Games?

a) Poetry and music competition b) athletics competition c) a , b d) sports

5. The original Olympic Games were only for …. a)Men b)women c)children d)all

6. When began the Modern Olympic Games? a) 1890 b) 1896 c) 1680 d)1892

7. When and were took please to Modern Olympic Games?

a) in 1897 in Athens the capital of Greece b ) in 1860 in Tashkent

c) in 1987 in London the capital of Great Britain d) in 1867 in Tashkent

8. What kind of prizes is there in the Olympic Games?

a)There are no prizes,only medals b)medals and money c)The president’s cup d)money

9. I’m ….. watch the gymnastics. a) going to b) want c) like d)liked

10. What is the motto of the Olympics? a) cleaner, fresher, brighter. b) faster, higher

c) Better, higher, cleaner. d) Faster, higher, stronger

11. The Olympic Games’ flag is ….. a) White with five circles b) blue with four circles

c) black with one circle d) White with two circles

12. What colour are the five circle of the flag

a) grey, brown, blue, white, green. b) brown, pink, grey, white, black.

c) black, blue, green, red and yellow. d) brown, pink, grey

13. What represents the circles of the flag of Olympic Games?

a) the five continents b) the five towns c) the five competitions d)the five region

14. What does the international Olympic committee do?

a) They choose the place for the next Olympic and new sports for them

b) They congratulate the competitions c) they bring the Olympic Flame d)they run

15. Who are A’zam, Farrux and Parviz Abdumavlonov?

a) they are bad boys b) they are karate champions

c) they are workers d)they are students

16. What are the Uzbek national costumes for girls?

a) atlas dress, embroidered duppi b) jeans, blouse

c) sweater, skirt, tights d) atlas dress, embroidered duppi, jeans

17. What are the uzbek national costumes for women?

a) jeans, blouse b) mahsi and kovush, national dress, a big shawl on head

c) trousers and jacket d)dress

18. Can I try it … ? a) on b) in c) at d)-

19. What’s gloves made of ?

20. …. is it made? It is made in Uzbekistan?

21. You wear a school uniform in your school , __?

22. The President of Uzbekistan welcomes the players at the opening __of the __and wishes them good luck. (competition, ceremony, sport, Cup)

23. . I like reading about …… in the newspaper (sport, sports)

24. I don’t like stories with …..ending. They make me cry.(happy, unhappy)

25. Autumn is the time … we pick the cotton.(when, which)

7/4 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 | |V-II |A |B |C |C |A |B |A |A |A |D |A |C |A |A |B |A |B |A | |

19. It’s made of leather

20. Where …

21. Don’t you?

22. ceremony, competition

23. sport

24. unhappy 25.when

The 7th form Control Work 5. Dictation


Shopping can be both a "must" (zarurat) & a pleasure. Those who hate shopping place order by phone & it saves them a lot of time. Ordering food products by phone is therefore growing more popular. Most housewives would like to see what they are getting for their money & do their shopping out themselves.

My friend Alice & I do our shopping together, generally on Saturdays. Last Saturday I went to the butcher's for a small joint of beef & then to the greengrocer's, which is also a fruiter’s for some eating apples & cooking apples, a dozen oranges, beans, potatoes & a good-sized head of cabbage. Then we went to the baker's & paid for the bread and bought some fruit-cake & half a dozen small cakes.

We all wear clothes & eat food that's why shopping is very important in our life.


Everybody know much enough about physical training and sports. They are part of our everyday life. Sports help people to keep in good health. Many children are interested in sport. They take part in sports activities, they go to a sport club or to sports school. From time to time competitions are held in sports and games and we often hear about new champions. We know that during such competitions they find out those who can produce the best results. And the main thing is to help young people to be healthy and strong. All people can go in for sports, but not all of them can become champions. A sportsman must train for very much time and know many things about this kind of sport. At the same time it must be said that physical training and sports are very useful.

If someone asks each one of you to name your favourite sport or game, there will be many different answers. They will be athletics, tennis, hockey, football, swimming, basketball and so on. Suppose you are asked if you prefer to play team games or individual games. Again the answers will be different. Team sports are more interesting because they need quick thinking, character and self –control.

Always remember that you are playing for the school, not yourself, with a team, not only you.


Sports serve a great purpose, helping to bring up a strong and healthy generation of courageous young men and women. Sports teach people how to work together, improve coordination and increase players’ self-confidence.

Our Republic pays a great deal of attention to physical education and sports. Hundreds of stadiums, gymnasiums, basketball courts, swimming pools and other facilities have been built all over the country for the millions of people who enjoy sports.

Physical training, sports and games are an important part of the education of our youth. The sports programs for youth sometimes includes boxing, wrestling, swimming, karate, kurash, running, weightlifting, skiing, cycling and shooting, as well as games like football, volleyball, gymnastics, tennis and badminton.

Numerous sports clubs have fostered dozens of athletes who have achieved great fame in our country. Athletes set many new world records in various sports. (142)

The Parts of Body

The human body consists of the following main parts: a head, a torso and limbs. Our head is the centre of all bodily activity. The forehead, the eyes, the eyebrows and the eyelashes, the nose, the mouth, the cheeks and the chin, make the face. The mouth consists of two lips, teeth and a tongue. The eyes and the ears are very important organs. We see with our eyes and we hear with our ears.

The main parts of the torso are the chest, the shoulders, the blades, the back, the waist and the hips. The leg consists of a thigh, a calf, a knee, a chin, an ankle and a foot. The foot in its turn consists of a heel, a sole, an instep, a ball and toes


Shopping has common elements wherever it takes place. A buyer looks for a seller who is offering something the buyer wants or needs at a price the buyer can afford to pay.

Sellers often advertise their wares in newspapers, on the radio or TV, on posters etc. Sellers use a variety of tactics to induce buyers to purchase from them at a price which leaves some profit.

Shopping is a part of our daily life. And we have to deal with it whether we like it or not. There are people who hate going shopping. So they make a list of what they need and run through stores buying the needed things.

Sometimes they even don't care about the price. And there are people who go form store to store looking for goods of better quality and lower price. Those don't worry about the time they spend shopping.

But there is a very good service called Postal Market. It really helps you to save your time and get goods of high quality. You just have to look through a catalogue, choose the things you like, order them and wait a little to get them. 


Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people. Many people do morning exercises and train themselves in different sections and take part in sport competitions.

Sport does people a lot of good and brings us a lot of moments of joy. Sports help to make people strong, brave and cheerful, because we must work hard to show good results in sport.

We can go in for sport in winter and in summer, indoors and outdoors.

Sport helps people to keep in good health. It is very useful to walk a lot, to play active games, to spend a lot of time outdoors in the fresh air.

There are some popular kinds of sports in our country: football, volleyball, basketball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing, skating, figure skating.

Many kinds of sports are included into the Olympic Games.

The 7th form Control Work 6. Test

The 7th form The 3rd term (Variant-I)

1. Where was the origin of the Olympic Games?

a) Greece b) France c) England d) the USA

2. Who could take part in ancient Olympic Games? a) athletics, musicians, poets c) only rich men b) athletics, boxers, runners d) everybody who wants

3. Who was the organizer of the Modern Olympic Games?

a) President of the USA c) Boron Pierre de Coubertin

b) Jorge Mourn d) President of Greece

4. Where and when did the first Modern Olympic Games take place?

a) Athens, 1797 c) Athens, 1897 b) Paris, 1897 d) England, 1797

5. What do the circles in the Olympic Games mean?

a) 5 continents c) 5 countries b) peace and rainbow d) nothing

6. Who is Muhammadkodir Abdullaev?

a) runner b) tennis player c) boxer d) singer

7. How do you translate “The Millennium Games”?

a) Olympiya o’yinlari c) Yangi ming yillik o’yinlari

b) Yangi olimpiya o’yinlari d) I don’t know.

8. Choose the right pronoun. There are … eggs. a) some b) a little c) any d)-

9.You don’t wear a school uniform in your school, …?

a) do you b) don’t you c) do not d) are you

10. You wear a school uniform in your school, …?

a) do you b) don’t you c) do not d) are you

11. We think … school uniforms are good. a) this b) these c) that d) those

12. Show me the place … it hurts. a) that b) where c) what d) how

13. Translate. This dress is too long. a) Bu kuylak 2 ta b) Bu kuylak juda uzun

c) Bu kuylak juda kalta d) Bu kuylak juda tor

14. Translate. My father wears a duppi every day. a) Mening dadamda do’ppi bor

b) Dadam har kuni do’ppi oladi c) Mening dadam har kuni do’ppi kiyadi d) a,b

15. Translate. Friday is the day when I go swimming. a) Juma men suzishga boradigan kun

b) Juma cho’milish kuni c) Juma men uchun dam olish d) Juma suzish kuni emas

16.Who is the head of State in The UK?

a) Queen Elizabeth I b) Queen Elizabeth II c) parliament d) Queen Catherine I

17.What does the Queen do? a)travels about the UK b) meets the people ,makes official visits c)entertains important foreign visitors d) A,B,C

18. What does "Toshqurgon" mean?

a) a castle of stone b) a home of stone c) stone d) mud

19. There … a big, old tree. There … many apple trees.

a) is/is b) are/are c) is/ are d) were/was

20. What does "puppet theatre" mean?

a) qo’g'irchoq teatri b) futbol maydoni c) muzey d) qo’g’irchoq

7/6 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 | |V-I |a |a |c |c |a |c |c |a |a |b |c |b |b |c |a |b |d |a |c |a | |The 7th form The 3rd term (Variant-II)

1.The capital of The UK is.... A)Edinburgh B)Nottingham C)London D)Alabama

2.1 have decided. l....visit my grandmother this weekend.

A)will B)am going to C)go D)like

3.Who composed the Uzbek national anthem? A)Navoi B)Sharipov C)Aripov D)Burxonov

4.The tie is really expensive because it's made of pure …

A)paper B)silk C) leather D)wood

5.What is the main agricultural product in Uzbekistan?

A)cotton B)potatoes C)wheat D)gold

6. You wear a school uniform,....? A)do they B)don't you C)doesn’t you D)have you

7.Books are usually made of ....A)paper B)silk С) wool D)metal

8. This is ...story in this book. l liked it best of all

A)more interesting B)the most interesting C)not so interesting D)interesting

9.Find noun+noun. A) shoe shop B) electrical shop C) lazy pupil D) hot day

10.Choose modal verb: What … I do for you? / … I help you?

A) can, might B) must, can C) can, must D) can, can

11. … for the best price. A) Cotton B) Bargain C) Shops D) Customers

12.Choose the advice. A) You should go to the doctor B) You may come in.

C) You must sit here D) You can not swim in this river

13.Find the best translation:hoarding, pester, advertisement, advertiser,customer, consumer

A) afisha, xarxasha, reklama, reklama beruvchi, sotuvchi, iste’molchi B) afisha, xarxasha, reklama, reklama beruvchi, xaridor, iste’molchi C) afisha, xarxasha, reklama, yorliq, iste’molchi, talab D) afisha, reklama beruvchi ,yorliq, iste’molchi,xaridor

14.Adverts make children … their parents to buy things for them.

A) to pester B) pester C) to sell D) to take

15.Tashkent is the biggest city in Central Asia,_?A)is it?B)isn’t it? C)does it?D)aren’t you?

16. Disadvantages of TV: A) dangerous for eyes, unhealthy thing B)useful for children, healthy thing C) help pupils at school, waste of time D) they are exciting, useful information

17.Who is the head of State in The UK?

A) Queen Elizabeth I B) Queen Elizabeth II C) parliament D) Queen Catherine I

18.What does the Queen do? A)travels about the UK B) meets the people ,makes official visits C)entertains important foreign visitors D) A,B,C

19. What happened in 1949? A) Founded the Commonwealth B) Founded Commonwealth colonies C) Founded the UNICEF D) Founded the Britain Colonies

20.Britain … divided into more than … counties. A) is, 4 B) are, 90 C) is,90 D) is, 3

21….. is called the Land of Lincoln. A) Illinois B) Washington C) Texas D) Alaska

22…. is a port and railway center. … is famous for khon atlas. ….is the center of a big cotton -growing. A) Termez, Namangan,Navoi B) Termez, Namangan, Djizzak C)Navoi, Bukhara, Nukus D) Tezmez, Navoi, Namangan

23.Nukus is a center for ….A) cotton growing B) silk worms C) fruits D) Aral Sea

24. The red cross of … on a white background for England, the white cross of … on a blue background for Scotland and the red cross of … on a white background for Ireland.

A) St. George, St.Andrew , St. Patrick B) St.Andrew , St. Patrick St. George

C) St. George, St.Andrew , St. Alexadr D) St. Georgiy, St.Andrew , St. Patrick

25.Choose the Passive Present. A)Sumalak is made in spring B)Sumalak is the most useful meal C)Sumalak was made last year in our school D)Navoi is the famous for Kosim Shayx mosque

7/6 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-II |c |b |d |b |a |b |a |b |a |d |b |a |b |b |b |a |b |d |a |c |a |b |b |a |a | |

The 7th form The 3rd term (Variant-III)

1. What does "Toshqurgon" mean? a)a castle of stone b)a home of stone c)stone d)mud

2. There … a big, old tree. There … many apple trees.

a) is/is b) are/are c) is/ are d) were/was

3. … is the art gallery? a) what b) where c) how d) When

4.What means "puppet theatre"? a)qo’g’irchoq teatri b)futbol maydoni c)muzey d)qo’g’irchoq

5. I've got a … a) flu b) backache c) headache d) earache

6. I've got … a) cold b) flu c) high temperature d) runny nose

7. I … just finished my homework . a) have b) had c) has d) was

8. He … just washed the clothes. a) have b) had c) has d) was

9. What is "high jump" in your language?

a) uzoqqa sakramoq c) chang'i sporti b) balandga sakramoq d) sekin sakrash

10. What is "tournament" in your language? a) xalqaro b) turnir c)raketka d)kort

11. What is "sport kits" in your language?

a) sport kiymi, jixozi b) turnir c) raketka d) sport poyavzali1.

12.Choose the appropriate article. Sometimes I get _headache. When this happens my mum make _tea from _flowers. A)the/a/- B)a/-/- C)-/a/a D)a/-/the

13.The red cross of _ on a white background for England, the white cross of _ on a blue background for Scotland and the red cross of _ on a white background for Ireland.

A) St. George, St.Andrew , St. Patrick B) St.Andrew , St. Patrick St. George

C) St. George, St.Andrew , St. Alexadr D) St. Georgiy, St.Andrew , St. Patrick 14…….you speak English? A) Need B)Can C)May D)Must

15. Find the odd word. A) A headache B)A stomachache C)A sore throat D)food

16.Find the antonym. “Early” A) Late B) Always C) Before D) After

17. Choose the synonym “go” A) Buy B) visit C)walk D)work

18. Choose the right form of the verb. Every year people of Uzbekistan _ Navruz.

A) Celebrate B) to celebrate C) celebrated D)are celebrating

19. They … already ... the clothes

A) washed B)wash C)have washed D)has washed

20. My brother just …….my father with the animals.

A) helps B)helped C)have helped D)has helped

21. The children took…..their school uniforms when they got home.

A) of B)off C)in D)on

22. Please pick up your things. This room is very-. A)mass B)untidy C)dusty D)clean

23.. What … you … about Cambridge?

a) are/learn b) do/know c) is/know d) was/was

24. Can people of Great Britain watch the President’s Cup on TV?

a) No, they cannot b) No, they do. c) maybe d) Yes, they can.

25. Translate . One hot summer day I decided to see my friend.

a) Yozning issiq bir kunida do’stimni ko’rishga qaror qilgan edim

b) Yozning issiq bir kunida do’stimni ko’rdim c) Yozda do’stimni ko’rishga bordim

d) Yozda Kunlar juda issiq bo’lganligi uchun do’stimnikiga bordim

7/6 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | | |a |c |b |a |c |b |a |c |b |b |a |b |a |b |d |a |b |a |c |d |b |b |b |d |a | |The 7th form Control Work 7. Dictation

Television - advantages and disadvantages.

In our days many people speak about television: some said it's doing a lot of harm; other said that nobody makes you watch TV. But television - is a great amount of information and has got its advantages and disadvantages.

TV gives wonderful possibilities for education. Besides, there is a considerable variety of programmes. We can choose what we want to see.

Television brings the world to our living room. We see people in our country and in other lands, and learn of their customs, occupations, opinions and problems.

So, television has many advantages, but there are bad sides too. Some pupils do their homework in front of the television screen. Some pupils are so attracted by television that they do not do their homework at all.

Some children have made watching TV their main leisure activity and they are not enriching their personalities by developing hobbies and belonging to clubs.

Travelling to the ancient cities

Uzbekistan is land of ancient culture. At the present time more than 200, 000 tourists almost from 80 countries visit Uzbekistan every year. They want to see the remarkable monuments of the past in Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva and Tashkent.

Bukhara is one of the ancient towns of Uzbekistan. It is more than 2000 years old. The outstanding poets Firdausi and Rudaki, the famous scholar Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna) and many others lived and worked there. Numerous mosques, madrasahs and mausoleums survived in Bukhara to the present time. Its masterpieces of architecture are the mausoleum of Ismail Samani, the madrasah of Ulugbek and others. They are famous not only in our country but abroad too.

One more ancient town of Uzbekistan – Khiva –lies thirty –two kilometers from Urgench. Khiva was in existence somewhere between the 6th –8th centuries. It was the major centre of the Moslem religion. There are many unique mosques, mausoleums and madrasahs in Khiva. They make Khiva a museum and attract many tourists.

Books in our life

People all over the world enjoy books. Books are our friends and teachers. We can learn a lot of interesting and useful things from the books.

We can learn a lot about new lands and the world around us reading books about travellings and adventures. When we read books on history we learn a lot about the history and traditions of our country and many foreign countries.

Stories about birds and animals to love and to care of nature, to help animals and birds and to understand the beauty of nature. Fables teach us to understand what is right and what is wrong, not to be lazy and naughty.

Some children like to read fairy tales and stories about magic and imaginary lands.

We learn from the books how to be hard-working and take care of people, we read about true friends, noble, brave and honest people.


A hobby is a favourite pastime, which a person chooses to his or her liking. If you have chosen a hobby to your liking, lucky you are: you have made your life more interesting.

Numerous hobbies can be subdivided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things, and learning things.

The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball. A relatively new hobby, which is becoming more popular, is computer games. Also teenagers like to draw, paint, and write music.

Almost everyone collects something at some period of his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. Many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items.

Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousands small islands. Their total area is over 244 000 square kilometers. Its population is over 57 million.

The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast respectively. Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales and does not include Northern Ireland. But in every speech "Great Britain" is used in the meaning of the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland". The capital of UK is London.

One of main sights of Great Britain is the greatest English church - St. Paul's Cathedral. It is situated in London. It was designed and builds by an outstanding English architect Christopher Wren. Not far away is Westminster - the administrative center of London. The House of Parliament is here. The most beautiful London park - Hyde Park - is in the West End part of London.

The 7th form Control Work 8. Test

The 7th form The 4th term (Variant-I)

1. Choose the verb. Every year people of Uzbekistan _ National Holiday Navruz.

A) Celebrate B) to celebrate C) celebrated D)are celebrating

2. We……. a rest in the country last year. A) have B)had C)are having D)to have

3. They … already… the clothes A) washed B)wash C)have washed D)has washed

4. My brother just …….my father with the plants.

A) helps B)helped C)have helped D)has helped

5.Choose the appropriate article. In spring all_trees are in_blossom. They are _big and strong. A) the/-/- B)-/the/- C)the/a/a D)the/-/a

6. Who is famous for his journeys across Asia?

a)Mark Twain b)Marco Polo c)Pierre de Coubertin d) Marco Twain

7. I am … than you. a)old b)oldest c)older d)as old as

8. Samarkand is _ than I thought. a)more beautiful b)beautiful c)the beautiful d)most beautiful

9.Whose words are these: “I’ve not told half of what I saw ,because no one can believe it.”?

a)Amir Temur; b)Marco Polo; c )Mark Twain d) Pierre de Coubertin

10. Remember that … the end … a trip your suitcase is usually full.

a)at /of; b)in /for; c)at /in d)with/in

11. What islands are in the central part of the Pacific Ocean and belong to the USA?

a)Hawaiian b)Sandwich Island c)Alaska d)England

12.When and where was born Marco Polo?

a)Venice,1254 b)Athens,1324 c)London,1245 d)Athens,1325

13. When Hawaii became the state of the USA? a)1234 b)1959 c)1987 d)1986

14. The …gun went and the race started. a) starting; b)start; c)started d)is starting

15.Children _their grandparents last week. A)visited B)visit C)are visiting d)will visit

16. Marco Polo wrote a famous book called … .

a)”Silk Road” b) “Traveling” c) “The Travels” d) “Travel”

17. We just …….the dinner and…….up.

A) cook/wash B)have cooked/washed C)cooked/washed d) to cook/to wash

18. Nodira interested in ancient coins. What does Nodira collect?

a) badges b) coins c) pictures d) nothing

19. Munira makes different things from paper. Find what kind of hobby she interested in…

a) origami b) carving c) decoration d) –

20. Adela makes bracelets, rings and other decorations from beads of different colour.

a) carving b) doing bracelets c) origami d) –

21. Translate: Men shaharda qolishni istamayman. a) I’ll stay in town. c) I won’t stay in town. b) I’ll no stay in town. d) I want stay in town.

22. The official name of Great Britain is … a) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island b) United Kingdom of Northern Island c) the UK d) I don’t know.

23. Great Britain has … parts. a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 d) 2

24. The capital of England is …a) London b) Edinburgh c) Cambridge d) Washington

25. The USA is divided into … states. a) 60 b) 52 c) 50 d) 40

7/8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-I |A |B |C |D |A |B |C |A |B |A | | |B |A |A |C |B |B |a |d |C |A |C |A |C | |The 7th form The 4th term (Variant-II)

1. California is situated in … a) London b) the USA c) the UK d) Australia

2. The capital of the USA is … a) New York b) Florida c) Washington d) London

3. Choose the preposition: I’m interested … carving. a) in b) for c) on d) of

4. What is it made …? It’s made … cotton. a) in/in b) on/in c) of/of d) of/in

5. Can I try it …? a) on b) in c) to d) for

6. I’m going … watch TV this evening. a) to b) for c) of d) –

7. I’m going to play football on Sunday. a) Men futbol o’ynayman. b) Men futbol o’ynamoqchiman. c) Yakshanba kuni men futbol o’ynamoqchiman.

d) Yakshanba kuni men futbol o’ynamoqchi emasman.

8. How many regions are there in Uzbekistan? a) 12 b) 13 c) 14 d) 10

9. Find true sentence. a) Sumalak is made in winter. c) Navruz is celebrated in autumn.

b) Cotton is picked in autumn. d) Mather’s day is celebrated in 21st of March.

10. If you _____ (look) in the fridge, you _____ (find) some cold drinks.

a)look; will find b)look; find c)do not look; will find d) looked, will find

11. Translate into Uzbek: administrative, region, island, country

a) viloyat, orol, mamlakat mahalliy, b) horijiy, viloyat, orollar, mamlakat

c) mahalliy, viloyat, orol, mamlakat d) madaniyat, viloyat, orol, temiryo’l

12. Translate into English: temiryo’l, milliy, joylashmoq, yo’l boshlovchi

a) railway, national, situated, guide b) railway, perform, situated, guide

c) part, cross, administrative, ride d) divided, island, north, guide

13. Translate into English: yarim oy, yulduz, orqa fon, krest

a) railway, national, situated, guide b) administrative, region, island, country

c) crescent moon, star, background, cross d) moon, star, background, crosses

14. Find the words with the sound [θ] a) think, three, Thursday, thing b) thing, brother, these, music c) thick, skirt, these, think d) this, think, tennis, design

15. Find the words with the sound [ð] a) think, three, Thursday, thing b) this, think, tennis, design c) these, brother, together, those d) mathematics, month, films, thank

16. Find right transcriptions of these words: think, north, month a) [θiηk], [no:θ], [mΛnθ]

b) [θiη], [norθ], [mΛnθ] c) [ðiηk], [no:ð], [mΛnð] d) [θiηg], [no:θ], [mΛnð]

17. Find right transcriptions of these words: information, special, chess

a) [informei∫эn], [΄spe∫l], [ches] b) [infэ΄mei∫oon], [΄spe∫l], [t∫es]

c) [infэ΄mei∫эn], [΄spe∫l], [t∫es] d) [infэ΄mei∫эn], [΄spesh∫l], [t∫e]

18. Birior kishining gapini bo’lish yoki bezovta qilishdan oldin kechirim so’rash maqsadida ishlatiladigan so’z qaysi? a) Excuse me. b) I am sorry. c) Can you say? d) May I said?

19. Find question: I can speak English. a) Do I can speak English? c) Can you speak English? b) Did I can speak English? d) Could you spoke English?

20. Choose the preposition: . … air, … foot a) on/on b) by/on c) on/by d) by/of

21. Sifatlarning orttirma darajasini toping: bad, good, tall. a) badest, gooder, tallest

b) worse, better, taller c) worst, best, tallest d) There isn’t right answer.

22. Sifatlarning qiyosiy darajasini toping. Strong,beautiful,big a)stronger,more beautiful, bigger b)strongest,most beautiful,biggest c)more stronger,beautifuller,bigger d)stronger, beautiful, big

23. Translate. He has got toothache. a) Uning tish o’g’rimaydi. b) Uning tishi o’g’ridi.

c) Uning tishi o’g’rigan edi. d) to’g’ri javob yo’q.

24. Translate. I think tennis players must be strong. a)O’ylaymanki, tennischilar kuchli bo’lishlari kerak. b)O’ylashimcha, tennischilar kuchli bo’lmaydi.

c) Menimcha tennischilar kuchli emas. d) I don’t know.

25. Translate. I can speak three languages. a) Men uch tilda gapira olaman. b) Men uch tilda gapira olmayman. c) Men chet tilda gapira olmayman. d) to’g’ri javob yo’q.

7/8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-II |B |C |A |C |A |A |C |A |B |A |C |A |C |A |C |A |C |A |A |B |C |A |B |A |A | |The 7th form The 4th term (Variant-III)

1. Nuxtalar o’rniga tegishli so’zni qo’ying. … Christmas and Happy New Year!

a) Merry b) Happy c) Fortune d) Good

2. Your … is in the top of your body. a) hand b) arm c) head d) shoes

3. Where … secretary now? a) were b) is c) - d) was

4. Choose the appropriate preposition. Do you like to wear … a school uniform?

a) at b) for c) of d) -

5.Translate into Uzbek: travelling companion, hike, camp.

a)suhbatdosh, sayr, lagerga borish b)sayohat, sayr qilish, dam olish joyi

c)sayohatdagi hamroh, sayr qilish, lager d)hamroh, sayr, dam olish

6. Translate into Uzbek: noisy, kind, story-teller a) shovqin-suron, tur, hikoya b) shovqin, mehribon, hikoyachi c) tinchlik, mehribon, hikoya d) jonli, hikoya, mehirsiz

7. Translate into English: kashf qilmoq, konyon, tor, o’yin-kulgu, quchmoq, atraksiyon

a) discover, canyon, narrow , entertainment, cuddle, roller-coaster b) discover, canyon, long, entertainment, kind, roller-coaster c) belong to, continent, long, joy, kind, happy d) respect, canyon, short, happy, cuddle, roller

8. Find the words with the sound [ai] a) Irish, hi, sky, blind b) night, eight, hail, nine

c) again, break, fight, dining d) light, potato, kite, paint

9. Find right transcriptions of these words: again, light, smile, mail

a) [э΄gein], [lait], [smail], [meil] b) [э΄gen], [lai], [sail], [mail]

c) [э΄gen], [lait], [sail], [teil] d) [э΄gien], [mait], [smai], [meil]

10. Eat as many fresh … and fruit as possible to stay healthy.

a) fish b) animals c) candies d) vegetables

11. Find the word which doesn’t belong to other.

a) shoes b) trousers c) sandals d) boots

12. Who … him yesterday? a) see b) saw c) seen d) -

13. Nobody advised him to wear … bright jacket. a) at b) for c) in d) of

14. If you are fond … animals you could study to be a vet. a) for b) with c) in d) of

15. If there _____ (be) no oil in the engine, the car _____ (break) down.

a)was; will break b)is; will break c)Is not; will break d) may be, broke

16. Choose the correct sentence. a) People from Australia speak Japanese.b) Russian people speak French. c)Paris is the capital of America. d)There is a cinema in our town.

17. Choose the correct word. To see animals you should visit ….

a) museum b) botanical garden c) a history garden d) zoo park

18. To watch a sport events you should go to …a) a perk b)a stadium c) a circus d) a theatre

19. If _____ this evening, do not wait for me.

a)I am late b)I will be late c)I would late d) you were late,

20, If he _____ (save) all his money, he _____ (be able to go) on holiday to Canada.

a)save;will be able to go b)will saves;will able to go c)saved ;would be able to go d)save, is

21. Choose the appropriate form of the verb. Has your brother English book? – Yes, he …

a) have b) have not c) has not d) has

22. Choose the pronoun. What are … doing now? a) he b) the c) she d) you

23. He _ phone his girlfriend. a)is going not to b)is not going c)is not going to d)am not going

24. ______ buy bread this afternoon? a)He is going to b) is he going to c) He going d) I were

25. It _____ rain, so you do not need to take an umbrella. a)will not b)would c)will d) is

7/8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-III |A |C |B |D |C |B |A |A |A |D |B |B |D |D |B |D |D |B |A |C |D |D |C |B |A | |


The 8th form. Control Work 1. Dictation

Official Holidays in Uzbekistan

Each year Uzbekistan celebrates seven public holidays: 1st of January – New Year, 8th of March – International Women’s Day, 21st of March – Navruz, 9th of May – Memorial Day, 1st of September – Independence Day, 1st of October – Teacher’s Day, 8th of December – Constitution Day. Also Uzbekistan celebrates the Day of Defenders of Motherland on January 14 and the Day of Remembrance for the victims of political repressions, observed on August 31, though these holidays are not free days. Two major Muslim holidays in Uzbekistan, Ramadan Khait and Kurban Khait, are days off and are celebrated each year according to the lunar calendar. Holidays in Uzbekistan have own history and its particular significance for Uzbek people. Such holidays as Navruz, Eid-Al-Fitr and Eid-Al-Adha came from the ancient times. Uzbekistan people also widely celebrate international holidays: New Year, the most favorite and magic holiday around the world, and the International Women’s Day, devoted to wives, mothers, daughters and all beautiful women of the Earth


Festivals are part of our lives. We have personal festivals, like birthdays. And we have big festivals, like Navruz and New Year. Then there are national festivals, like Independent Day. In some towns, there are special, local festivals to celebrate local events.

There are also the religious festivals: Ramadan and Eid for Muslims, Christmas, Lent and Easter in the Christian World, Diwali for Hindus, Buddha’s Birthday In Asia. Now there are modern festivals, like Women’s Day and World Environment Day, too. The list goes on and on.

Many festivals have their own food and celebrations. Some festivals occur in different forms in different countries. And some change their dates, like Valentine’s Day (14th February in Europe and North America, June in Brazil).

Let’s try to understand these differences. In this way, we can find out about people in different places and cultures. Why are they different? Perhaps, through their festivals, we can understand other people better.

In “Festivals”, we have information and pictures about festivals in different places. There are also opportunities to reflect, to compare, and to do research.

Independence Day

Each of you know that Independence of Uzbekistan was declared on August 31, 1991. Well, let me start the story about the holiday we've just observed. Yesterday (or the day before yesterday, or some days ago)it was First of September, the day on which the people of Uzbekistan usually celebrate the National Independence Day. On this day in 1991 our republic became an independent country. Today our Homeland is one of the Newly Independent States of Central Asia. Here are some important information on the history of the Independent Republic of Uzbekistan you are interested in First, to begin with, you have to know and remember the date of Independence, it's the First of September. Second, the date of Constitution-December 8, 1992. Third, Uzbekistan became the member of the United Nations Organization (UNO)on March 2, 1992, . Happy Independence Day! I wish each of you much success in this school year!

The 8th form. Control Work 2. Test

The 8th form The 1st term (Variant-I)

1.When do Uzbek people celebrate the Independence Day? a)Sept.1 b)31 Aug. c)Dec.31 d)Oct.21

2. … is Guy Fawkes Night in Britain. a)Nov 5 b)Nov 15 c) Dec.31 d) July1

3.Choose the best answer. Guy Fawkes tried to kill …..

a) King James II b)King James I c) King James V d) Elizabethan I

4.Find odd word: Cracker, Father Christmas, pudding, summer, winter

a) winter b) summer c) pudding d) cracker

5.What is the special food for Christmas and New year?

a) cake b) turkey c) pudding d) soup

6.People in the UK and The USA give each other presents _Christmas Day. a)in b)at c)on d)of

7.When do English people celebrate Halloween? A)Oct.30 b)Oct.29 c)Dec.31 d)Oct.31

8.Tick the nouns:1) invite, 2)invitation, 3)instruction,4) pronounce,5) worker, 6) beautiful

a) 2,3,5 b) 1,2,3 c)1,5,6 d) 1,3,4

9.Make a list of newspapers in Uzbekistan. a) Darakchi, Ma’rifat, New York Times

b) The Guardian, New York Times c) Uzbekistan Today, Darakchi, Bekajon

d) Uzbekistan Today, The Guardian

10.Choose the best answer. My favourite is Darakchi. He said that ….

a) his favourite is Darakchi b)her favourite is D. c)My favourite is D d)their favourite is D.

11. Choose the best answer. I want to watch a film this evening. He said that …

a) he wanted to watch a film that evening b) he want to watch a film that evening

c) I wanted to watch a film that evening d) he wanted to watch a film this evening

12.What is your favourite programme? a)Yoshlar b)Darakchi c)Sports news d)Uzbekistan Today

13. Choose the best answer. Past Perfect Tense.

a) S+ had+ V3 b) S+have+V3 c) S+had+ving d) S+has+V2

14.Had you ever been .. TV before? a) on b) at c) with d)in

15.Find odd word: TV, news, programme, reporter, President a)president b)reporter c)news d)–

16. The Jefferson High School Radio and TV broadcasts … … . a)24 hours,7days a week b)24hours, 6days a week c)20 hours,7 days a week d)24 hours, 5 days a week

17.Write the sentence in The Past Perfect tense. I (do) my homework when my mother

came back home a) had done b) have done c) did d) have been doing

Write the best answers.

18. Make up sentence in the Past Perfect Tense.

19. Give a list of Uzbek magazines

20.Find odd word: Merry, Cherry, Grapes, Apple, Banana.

21. Translate into Uzbek: After I had done the cleaning I listened to the radio

22.Translate into English: Lola darsini tayyorlab bo’lgach sayrga chiqar edi.

23.Write the missed word: Nargiza always brushes her long ….

24. My birthday is ... the 5th of July

25. Write word with sound [tS] .

Key:8/2- V-I

1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 | |A |A |B |B |B |C |D |A |C |A |A |C |A |A |A |A |A | |18. For ex.: After you had had breakfast, you got dressed and went out.

19. Own answer (Mushtum, Xalq ta’limi, G’uncha)

20. Merry

21. Men uyni tozalab bo’lgach, radio tingladim

22. After Lola had done his homework, she went for a walk

23. hair 24. on 25. Own answer (chalk, cheese, chick, China, cherry)

The 8th form The 1st term (Variant-II)

1. Halloween symbols: a)cake, pumpkin, witch b) lanterns, witch, pumpkin , scarecrows

c) roses, scarecrows, witch, candies d) sweets, scarecrows, witch, pancakes

2. _November 5th is _ in Britain. a) on, Pancake Day b)-, Guy Fawkes Night

c) in, Bonfire Night d) before, Guy Fawkes Night

3.Choose the best answer. Guy Fawkes tried to kill …..

a) King James II b)King James I c) King James V d) Elizabethan I

4.Find odd word: guy, rodeo, fire, fireworks, wood and straws.

a) guy b) rodeo c) wood d) fireworks

5. People hide __ __ the pudding. a) silver can, in b) silver coin, in

c) gold ring, in d) cracker, in

6.People in the UK and The USA give each other presents _Christmas Day. a)in b)at c)on d)-

7.When do English people celebrate Halloween? A)Oct.30 b)Oct.29 c)Dedc.31 d)Oct.31

8.Tick the verb:1) compete 2)competition, 3)instruction,4) pronounce,5) congratulate

a) 2,3,5 b) 1,2,3 c)1,5,6 d) 1,4,5

9.Make a list of newspapers in Uzbekistan. a)Darakchi, Ma’rifat, New York b)The Guardian, New York Times c)Uzbekistan Today, Darakchi, Bekajon d)Uzbekistan Today, The Guardian

10.Choose the best answer. “I am looking forward your coming”-she said me. She said that ….

a) she is looking forward your coming b) she was looking forward my coming

c) I’m looking forward your coming d) she is looking forward my coming

11. Choose the best answer. I want to watch a film this evening. He said that …

a) he wanted to watch a film that evening b) he want to watch a film that evening

c) I wanted to watch a film that evening d) he wanted to watch a film this evening

12.What is your favourite channel? a)Yoshlar b)Darakchi c)Sports news d)Uzbekistan Today

13. Choose the best answer. Past Perfect Tense.

a) I had gone b) she had cut c) He has played d) a,b

14. Had you ever been .. TV before? a) on b) at c) with d)in

15.Find odd word: political, social, financial, headache

a) political b) financial c) social d) headache

16. The Jefferson High School Radio and TV broadcasts … … . a)24 hours,7 days a week b) 24 hours, 6 days a week c) 20 hours, 7 days a week d) 24 hours, 5 days a week

17.Write the sentence in The Past Perfect tense. They (break) the window when their teacher

came in the classroom

a) had broken b) have broken c) did break d) broke

18.She …. and broke her leg. She had to go to hospital. a)had fallen b)had fell c)has feel d) felt

19. Give a list of Uzbek magazines

20.Find odd word: went, gone, done, broken, written

21. Translate into Uzbek: When my aunt came to us, we had already got dressed and we were ready to go out

22.Translate into English: Peter rasmni chizib bo’lgach uni onasiga ko’rsatdi.

23.Write the missed word: Boys like sports programmes more __ girls

24. We wish you _ Marry Christmas, And _ Happy New Year

25. Write word with sound [tS] .

Key: 8/2 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 | |V-II |B |B |B |B |B |C |D |D |C |B |A |A |D |A |D |A |A |B | | 19. Own answer (Mushtum, Xalq ta’limi, G’uncha)

20. went 21. Xolam kelganlarida biz allaqachon kiyingan va ketishga tayyor edik

22. After Peter had drawn the picture, he showed it to his mother

23. than 24. a/a 25. Own answer (chalk, cheese, chick, China, cherry)

The 8th form. Control Work 3. Written work

Task 1. Listen and choose the best answer.

You want to know about my dream? Oh, I have so many dreams, I really don’t know which one to start from. My biggest dream is to become a doctor. Not a doctor who works in a hospital and treats patients. I want to be a scientist. I want to make a medicine which can cure all illnesses. If I could create such a medicine. Nobody would ever be ill for more than two days. You know, last year my younger sister was seriously ill, and everybody in the family was so unhappy. My mum was so worried she nearly fell ill herself. Now my sister is OK, but it took her such a long time to get some smaller ones too. If I had a lot of money, I could buy a car for my dad and a really good bike for myself. And there is a girl in our class…she is very nice. If I could only make friends with her

Which of the following things doesn’t he talk about?

A) His younger sister’s illness

B) How his sister feels now

C) His father’s profession

D) Things he would like to buy for his mother

E) A thing he would like to buy for himself

F) A girl he would like to make friends with

Task 2. Listen again and write True, False and Don’t know.

A) The boy has only got one dream

B) He would like to become a scientist

C) Last year his mother was seriously ill

D) His father needs a car for his job

E) The boy would like to have a bicycle

F) The boy hasn’t got many friends

Task 3. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. If I (could/couldn’t) travel to one place in the world, I (would/will) choose Japan

2. If I ( found/find) a good teacher, I (will/would) learn Japanese before going there

3. I (would/ wouldn’t) read horoscopes if I ( didn’t/don’t) believe them.

Keys – 8/3:

1. C,D

2. A) F

B) T

C) F


E) T


3. 1.Could/would

2. found/Would

3. wouldn’t/ didn’t

The 8th form. Control Work 4. Test

The 8th form The 2nd term (Variant-I)

1.Choose the best answer: … is a story about a crime and a detective who tries to find out who did it. A) A detective story B) poetry C) a novel D) science fiction

2. One of his books called “Farewell, Childhood”.

A) Mark Twain B) Oybek C) Tohir Malik D) O’tkir Hoshimov

3. If I …. him I would be worried. A) were B) was C) am D) see

4. “The Secret” was written by … .A)Arthur C.Clarke B)A.C.Doyle C)Oybek D) T.Malik

5. Choose the characters of “The Secret”.

A) Chandra Coomaraswamy, Henry Cooper, Dr.Hastings, B) Hasting, Coomar, Hamster

C) Coomaraswamy, Coomar, Hamster D) Hoshimjon, Karim, Dr.Watson

6. If (work) on the moon, I would be a newspaper reporter

A) work B) worked C) working D) to work

7. Cooper had already visited and written about the famous place where the first men had landed on the moon.(What is this tense called? )

A) Past Perfect B) Past Simple C) Present Perfect D) Present Simple

8.If I (have) a computer I would play games on it. A)Had B)have had C)had had D)have has

9. If it was hot and sunny I … outdoors A)’d sit B)would sit C) write D) wrote

10. “Who has seen the wind?”A)Arthur C.Clarke B)Christina Rossetti C)James Fenton D) A,B

11. Choose the best answer:221B Baker Street, London. You have heard this__before, haven’t you?) A) address B) guess C) easy D) violin

12. What is your favourite film?

A) “O’tkan kunlar” B) Yes, it is C) No, I don’t D) goodies and baddies

13. Charlie Chaplin is one of the famous … in the history of movies

A) address B) exciting C) funny D) actor

14.He was a tall man with funny face .

A) Jackie Chan B) Yuri Nikulin C) Cooper D) Amitabh B

15.Find the correct translation: silly, frightening, funny A) axmoqona, jangovor, mungli B) ajoyib, vahimali, kulguli C)zerikarli, jangovor, komediya D) axmoqona, jangovor, zavqli

16.The first film she appeared in was “Shohsanam and Poor” .

A) Rano Shodiev B) Guli Ikromova C) Nargiza Solmonova D) Gulchehra Jamilova

17.U jingalak sochli chiroyli odam edi.

A) He was a handsome man with a curly hair B) She was a handsome man with a curly hair

C) He was a beautiful man with a curly hair D) He was a handsome man with a hair

18. Would you like … to the school video club? A)come B)coming C)came D)to come

19. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

A) Hayakama B) Richard Steele C) James Fenton D)Abu Nasr Faraby

20. __ is the writer’s story of his or her life A)Autobiography B)Biography C)Novel D)Poetry

21. “All men are poets at heart”___ A) R.W.Emerson B) R.Steele C) T.Malik D) R.Frost

22. Find odd word: pay, lake, ten, game A) ten B) play C) game D) pay

23. “I’m going to interview the managing Director”- John said A)He said that he was going to B)He said that he is going to C)She said that she was going to D)He said if she was going to ….

24.Choose only nouns.(invite, celebration, competition, instruct, congratulate, invitation)

A) celebration, competition, invitation B) invite, celebration, competition

C)No nouns D) invite, celebration

25.. Mathematics ...difficult. I don't understand it A) are B) was C) is D) were


8/4 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-I |A |C |A |A |A |B |A |A |B |B |A |A |D |B |D |D |A |D |B |A |A |A |A |A |C | |The 8th form The 2nd term (Variant-II)

1.Choose the best answer: … describes imaginary future developments in science and their effects on life A) A detective story B) poetry C) a novel D) science fiction

2. One of his books called “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”.

A) Mark Twain B) Oybek C) Arthur C.Doyle D) R.Kipling

3. If I …. him I would have been worried. A)were B)was C)had been D) see

4. “The Secret” was written by _ A)Arthur C. Clarke B)A.C.Doyle C)Oybek D)T.Malik

5. Choose the characters of “The Secret”.

A) Chandra Coomaraswamy, Henry Cooper, Dr.Hastings, B) Hasting, Coomar, Hamster

C) Coomaraswamy, Coomar, Hamster D) Hoshimjon, Karim, Dr.Watson

6. If (work) on the moon, I would be a newspaper reporter

A) work B) worked C) working D) to work

7.Cooper had already visited and written about the famous place (What is this tense called?) A)Past Perfect B)Past Simple C)Present Perfect D) Present Simple

8. Choose the best answer: (221B Baker Street, London. You have heard this … before, haven’t you?) A) address B) guess C) easy D) violin

9. What is your favourite film?

A) “O’tkan kunlar” B) Yes, it is C) No, I don’t D) goodies and baddies

10. Charlie Chaplin is one of the famous … in the history of movies

A) address B) exciting C) funny D) actor

11.He was a tall man with funny face .

A) Jackie Chan B) Yuri Nikulin C) Cooper D) Amitabh B

12.If I (have) a computer I would play games on it.

A) Had B) have had C) had had D) have has

13. If it was hot and sunny I … outdoors A) sit B)would sit C) write D)would write

14. “Who has seen the wind?” … .

A) Arthur C. Clarke B) Christina Rossetti C) James Fenton D) A,B

15.Find the correct translation:marvelous, dreadful, entertaining A)axmoqona,jangovor,kulguli B)ajoyib,vahimali,kulguli C)zerikarli,jangovor,komediya D)ajoyib,ko’ngil ochar, yomon

16.She has played more than 20roles in films since then like“Past Times”,“Angel Grandmother” A)Rano Shodieva B)Guli Ikromova C)N.Solmonova D)Gulchehra Jamilova

17.U jingalak sochli chiroyli odam edi.

A) He was a handsome man with a curly hair B) She was a handsome man with a curly hair

C) He was a beautiful man with a curly hair D) He was a handsome man with a hair

18. Would you like … to the school video club? A) come B) coming C) came D) to come

19. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

A) Hayakama B) Richard Steele C) James Fenton D)Abu Nasr Faraby

20. __ is the writer’s story of his or her life A)Autobiography B)Biography C)Novel D)Poetry

21. “All men are poets at heart”___ A) R.W.Emerson B) R.Steele C) T.Malik D) R.Frost

22. Find odd word: pay, lake, ten, game A) ten B) play C) game D) pay

23. “Are you going to interview the managing Director?”- Jane asked A)He asked me if I was going to interview … B) She asked me if I was going to interview C)She said that she was going to D)He said if she was going to ….

24.Choose only verbs. (to water, iron, to iron, to sleep, cooker, to cook) A) to water, to iron, to cook, to sleep B) to iron, cooker, iron C) No verbs D) iron, cooker

25.. Mathematics ...difficult. I don't understand it A) are B) was C) is D) were

Key;8/4 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-II |D |A |C |A |A |B |A |A |A |D |B |A |B |B |D |D |A |D |B |A |A |A |B |A |C | |The 8th form. Control Work 5. Dictation

Mark Twain

Mark Twain was born in 1835 in the USA. His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He spent his boyhood in the small town of Hannibal on the Mississippi River. When he was 12, his father died. After his father’s death he left school and went to work. For ten years, Twain worked as a printer in different towns and cities. Later he became a pilot on the Mississippi River.

His first short story was published in 1867 under the pen name “Mark Twain. ” The name Mark Twain comes from a term used by riverboat pilots to call out the depth of a river. After his first short story, he continued writing under this name and he be- came well known as the best short story writer in America.

In 1876 he published “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. Mark Twain is known as America’s greatest humorist, and his works are full of humour, from jokes to satire. He died in 1910. Music in our life

I love music. I think people can not live without it. The first thing I do in the morning I switch on my tape-recorder. We can hear music everywhere: in the streets, in the shops, on TV, over the radio, in the cars, in the parks, everywhere. I think it's really doesn't matter what kind of music you prefer: rock, pop, classic, jazz. A lot of people are fond of music. They buy tapes, go to the concerts, and visit Concert Halls and Opera Theatres.

I enjoy listening music because it reflects my moods and emotions. Very often when I’m blue, I play my favourite merry songs and feel much better.

Some people go to music schools, they play different musical instruments, sing in the chorus, try to compose music.

My Favourite Book

My favourite book is "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe. D. Defoe (1660—1731) was a great master of realistic detail. The novel "Robinson Crusoe" was written in 1719. The novel is praise to human labour and the triumph of man over nature.

Defoe shows the development of his hero. At the beginning of the story we see an inexperienced youth, a rather frivolous boy, who then becomes a strong-willed man.

Robinson Crusoe's most characteristic trait is his optimism. His guiding principle in life become "never say die" and "in trouble to be troubled is to have your troubles doubled". He had confidence in himself and in man. He believed it was within the power of man to overcome all difficulties. Crusoe was an enthusiastic worker and always hoped for the best. Defoe is a writer of the Enlightenment. He teaches people how to live, he tries to teach what's good and what's bad. His novel "Robinson Crusoe" is not only a work of fiction, an account of adventures, a biography and an educational pamphlet.

My favourite poet

Now I want to tell you about my favorite writer. So, I keen on modern Uzbek literature very much. Muhammad Yusuf is my favorite writer. As far as we know was Muhammad Yusuf a great poet . He was born in Marhamat district of Andijan region in 1954. He has two daughters.

Muhammad Yusuf was one of the remarkable writers. In 1978 he graduated from the Republican Institute of the Russian literature. Muhammad Yusuf edited more than is collection of poems. Surely, his works have entered the treasure of world literature and have been translated into many languages.

He wrote plenty of poems for singers. His immortal poems are still in our souls. In 1998 he was awarded “The People Poet of Uzbekistan”.

The 8th form. Control Work 6. Oral

Books in our life.

Books… I think, that we can't live without them.

People all over the world enjoy books. Books are our friends and teachers. We can learn a lot of interesting and useful things from the books.

We can learn a lot about new lands and the world around us reading books about traveling and adventures. When we read books on history we learn a lot about the history and traditions of our country and many foreign countries.

Stories about birds and animals to love and to care of nature, to help animals and birds and to understand the beauty of nature. Fables teach us to understand what is right and what is wrong, not to be lazy and naughty.

Some children like to read fairy tales and stories about magic and imaginary lands.

We learn from the books how to be hard-working and take care of people, we read about true friends, noble, brave and honest people.

Answer the questions:

1. What can you learn from books?

2. What kind of books do you know?

3. Can we say that “Books are our friends”?

Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousands small islands. Their total area is over 244 000 square kilometers.

The United Kingdom is one of the world's smaller countries. Its population is over 57 million. About 80 percent of the population are urban.

The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast respectively. Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales and does not include Northern Ireland. But in every speech "Great Britain" is used in the meaning of the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland". The capital of UK is London.

One of main sights of Great Britain is the greatest English church - St. Paul's Cathedral. It is situated in London. It was designed and builds by an outstanding English architect Christopher Wren. Not far away is Westminster - the administrative center of London. The House of Parliament is here. The most beautiful London park - Hyde Park - is in the West End part of London.

Answer the question:

1. How many countries are there in the UK?

2. What countries consists Great Britain of?

3. Where is St. Paul’s cathedral situated in?

Big Ben.

Why is this bell called “ Big Ben”? When the great bell was cast in London foundary in 1858, the question of its name was discussed in Parliament. One member said: “ Why not call it Big Ben?”

There was much laughter among the members because the man in charge of public buildings was Sir Benjamin Hall , very tall, stout man whose nickname was “Big Ben”.

From that time the bell has been known as Big Ben. The bell is 7 foot 6 inches high, and 9 foot 6 inches across the mouth. It weights 13 tons. Big Ben is the name of the bell only – not the clock, and not the tower.

1.Who called the Bell as Big Ben?

2.What did he look like?

3. How many tons is the Big Ben?

Alisher Navoiy

Alisher Navoi was a great poet, statesman and the founder of Uzbek literature. He was born in Herat, on February 9, 1441. Navoi became a very famous poet. He was active for many years in the society which was torn by endless wars after the death of Temur. Alisher Navoi got a very good education for those days. He knew all poetic forms. Navoi wrote mostly in Turkish and used Persian very little.

Navoi was well known as a literary scholar. He supported poets, scientists and artists. He was a great master of fine arts and knew how to handle a painter's brush himself. He was a very good architect, and designed many schools, hospitals, inns, bridges, roads and channels.

Navoi's poems in old Uzbek were collected into four parts, which were called "Chor-Devon" (The Four Divans). His poems in Persian were collected and called "Devoni-Foni" (Foni's Divans). His most important work is the "Khamsa" (Quintuple), five poems written between 1483 and 1485.

The first, "Hayrat ul-Abror" (Astonishment of Nice People) is a philosophical work. The second poem is "Farhod and Shirin". The third is "Layly and Majnun". The fourth, "Sabbai Sayyor" (Seven Planets), consists of seven short works around a common theme, the quarrel between King Bahrom and his beloved Dilorom. The fifth is "Saddi Iskandari" (The Wall of Iskandar).

Alisher Navoi spent his last years in Herat. His last book, "Mahbub-al-qulub" (The Love of Sweethearts), which was written in prose, is very popular with the Uzbek people tothis day. Alisher Navoi died on January 3, 1501. His works have entered the treasury of world literature and have been translated into many languages.

Comprehension Questions

1. Why is Navoi famous?

2. In what languages did he write?

3. Name at least seven of Navoi's works?

The 8th form The 3rd term (I)

1. While Tom______a book, Marhta______TV. a) was reading, watched c) was reading, was watching b) read, watched d) read, was watching

2. The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen______delicious.

a) is smelling b) smelt c) smells d) will smell

3 If we______to study, we could go out tonight.

a) hadn't b) hadn't have c) haven't d) didn't have

4. If you had asked me, I______you the truth.

a) could not tell b) did not tell c) would not have told d) will not tell

5. It______outside; 1 do not like to walk in such weather.

a) rains b) is raining c) is rain d) is rained

6.We stopped at the supermarket____some food. a)for buying b)buying c)buy d)to buy

7. Let us__when you are coming. a) to know b) of knowing c) know d) knew

8. She is proud______a scholarship. a) to award b) of awarding

c) of being awarded d) with being awarded

9. - How long______you______? — Since I was 17.

a) have been driving c) did drive b) have driven d) do drive

10. She______always______in Moscow.

a) —, lives c) has been living b) has lived d) has live

11. I______to the news on television at nine o'clock lastnight.

a) was listening b) have been listening c) listened d) had been listening

12. What is____longest river in____world? a) a, a b) the, a c) the, the d) a, the

13.______giraffe is______tallest of all animals. a) the, the b) an, the c) a, a d) -, -

14. Last night I______home at 11. I______supper and then______to bed. a) have come, had. went b) came, have had, went c) came, had, went d) came, had, have gone

15.All tickets______before we got in the theatre.

a)were sold b)are sold c)have sold d)had been sold

16. "A Farewell to Arms"______in 1929.

a) was published c) published b) were published d) has published

17. The dinner______by five o'clock tomorrow.

a) will be served b) will have been served c) is served d) will serve

18. The jam sandwiches____with white bread. a) made b)are made c) makes d) is made

19. All information______to me, before I found her address.

a) had given b) was given c) had been given d) is given

20. The library___this year. a) builds b) is building c) has been built d) was built

21.1 didn't play football last Sunday.______.

a) So did I b) Neither was I c) I didn't too d) Neither did I

22.1 am not reading a book now.______.

a) Neither am I b) Neither do I c) So do I d) I am not

23. If I______my exams, my mother______me go to adisco.

a) don't pass, won't let c) won't pass, let b) won't pass, won't let d) won't pass, doesn't let

24. If he__well, he'll always be tired.a) sleeps b) '11 sleep c) doesn't sleep d)won't sleep

25. I'll feel really sorry for her if she____-__all the work without any help.

a) has done b) do c) did d) has to do


8/3term |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-I |C |C |D |C |B |D |C |C |A |A |A |C |A |C |D |A |B |B |C |C |D |A |A |C |D | |The 8th form The 3rd term (II)

1 If I _______ a million pounds, 1______it to the charity organization. a) won, would give c) had won, would give b) won, would have given d) had won, would have given

2. If I______that you were busy, I______interrupted you. a) knew, wouldn't have b) had known, wouldn't have c) know, wouldn't have d) has known, wouldn't have

3.I wish I__so rude to her yesterday. a) wasn't b) hasn't been c) weren't d) hadn't been

4. If you______provoked the dog, it______attacked you.

a) hadn't, wouldn't have b) hadn't, wouldn't c) didn't, wouldn't d) didn't, won't

5.______kind of weather do you like? a) what b) that c) which d) where

6. How long______this book? How many pages of this book______?

a) have you been reading, have you been reading b) have you read, have you read

c) have you read, you read d) have you been reading, have you read

7. Canada is a huge country, second in size only to Russia, ______it?

a) isn't b) is c) don't d) does

8.______did Madonna marry? a) which b) that c) who d) what

9. If I______a diary I would forget my appointments.

a) didn't keep b) wouldn't keep c) hadn't kept d) kept

10. English is the main foreign language which______within most school systems.

a)teach b)teaches c) is taught d) is teaching

11. Japan______from Korea by the Sea of Japan.

a) is separated b) separated c) separates d) is separating

12.A lot of jazz festivals___every year in America. a)are held b)are holding c)hold d)-

13. Scotland ______ from London but in many ways it is a separate nation.

a) governed c) is governing b) was governed d) is governed

14. The famous actress______now for the "HELLO" magazine.

a) is interview b) is being interviewed c) interview d) was interviewed

15.1 played football last Sunday.______a) So am I b) So did I c) So was I d) So do I

16. Peter___up photography as a hobby. a) took b) has taken c) was taken d) takes

17-______ you speak any foreign languages? a) could b) must c) can d) might

18. It's not hot today,______? a) isn't it b) wasn't c) is it d) was it

19. We don't have to go yet,______?

a) do we b) haven't we c) don't we d) have you

20. I'd better go to the cinema,____? a) hadn't I b) didn't I c) wouldn't I d) had I

21. My sight is getting worse. Next year, I am afraid, I______ read without glasses.

a) cannot b) could not c) may not d) will not be able to

22. The questions______by the teacher now.

a) are asked b) are being asked c) are asking d) have been asked

23. The novel "The Mother" by Gorky______into many languages.

a) has been translated b) has translated с) had been translated d) hasn't translated

24. This monument______by the new year.

a) will erect b) will have erected c) '11 be erected d) will have been erected

25. A lot of concerts_______by amateur actors in this theatre.

a) was given b) gave c) were given d) give

Key: 8/3term |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-II |A |B |D |A |A |D |A |C |A |C |A |A |D |B |B |D |C |C |A |A |D |B |A |D |C | |The 8th form. Control Work 7. Written

Written work (Variant-I)

Task 1. Listen and say what the woman’s profession is.


In today’s programme you will hear about an actress who was famous for being extremely beautiful and graceful, as well as talented. Audrey Hepburn was born in Belgium and appeared in both British and American films. she played the main role in “My fair lady”, which is the cinema version of Bernard Shaw’s play “Pygmalion”. The music by Lower helped the actress to show her talent as a dancer. Audrey Hepburn also worked for UNICEF, helping poor and sick children in places like Africa and Latin America

Task 2. Listen again and write True, False or Don’t Know

1. It is a radio programme about a dancer

2. The woman’s name is Audrey Hepburn

3. She was born in 1929

4. She was born in Belgium

Task 3. Report the following.

1. The teacher said, “Read the play by the next lesson”.

2. The girl asked, “Tell us about your young actors, please”.

3. She said to her little son. “Look at the stage”.

Task 4. Write words which have silent letters. E.g. : listen, high, sick

Written work (Variant-II)

Task 1. Listen and say how she was famous as dancer.

Task 2. Listen again and write True, False or Don’t Know

1.Audrey Hepburn played the role of Eliza Doolittle in the film based on Bernard Shaw’s play

2.She played in more than thirty American films

3.She helped poor and sick children

4.She travelled to the places where these children lived

Task 3. Report the following.

1. The stage director said. “Amanda, I’d like you to try again”.

2. She asked the stage director, “Give me any role”.

3. He said to his assistant, “Get me the text of the tragedy now”.

Task 4. Write words which have silent letters. E.g. : listen, high, sick

Keys: 8/7 – V-I.

Task 1. An actress

Task 2. 1-F; 2- T; 3-DK; 4-T

Task 3.

1. The teacher told them to read the play by the next lesson. 2. The girls asked him to tell them about their young actors. 3. She told her little son to look at the stage

Task 4. Answers will vary

8/7 – V-II.

Task 1. The music by Lower helped the actress to show her talent as a dancer.

Task 2. 1-T; 2- DK; 3-T; 4-DK

Task 3.

1. The stage director asked Amanda to try again. 2. She asked the stage director to give her any role. 3. He ordered his assistant to get him the text of the tragedy

Task 4. Answers will vary

The 8th form. Control Work 8.Test

The 8th form The 4th term (Variant -I)

1.When Americans celebrate their Independence Day? A)5July B)4June C)4July D) Sept.

2. What do people hide in the pudding on Christmas?

A) silver coin B) tangerines C) a sock D) nuts

petitors run a race and must throw and catch three times during the race which takes about a minutes which holiday is it ? A)Labour Day B)Pancake day C)Faster D)Halloween

4. “What time is it?” “3:45” A)It is quarter past three. B)It is fifteen past four. C)It is quarter to four. D)It is fifteen to four.

5.I didn’t see Sandy very often __we talked on the telephone.A)and B)but C)until D)when

6.Choose the article._Aral Sea problem is very serious. A) the В)а С)an D)-

7. London is on .. .river Thames ? A) a B)an C)the D) in

8. What is the name of Oybek's book about childhood?

A) Bolalik B) Bolalar C) Yoshlik estaliklari D) Xotiralar

9. Pickering ... to Eliza to do what he told her. A) is B) told C) am D) Tell

10. The newspaper ,, Ma’rifat” is. ... ,,Darakchi”.

A) the same as B) different from C) not the same as D) difficult

11. “This is a simple story ...” By __

A)Mark Twain B)Robert Frost C)Arthur Charles D) Ch.Rosetti

12. Coal, wood, straw, dung, gas, oil. Translate. A) ko’mir, xoda, xas-xashak, go’ng, gaz, neft B)gaz, go’ng, neft, xas-xashak, xoda, ko’mir C)-D) kislorod go’ng,neft, xas-xashak,xoda, ko’mir

13. Find the sound [tS] A)chicken, cheese B)architect, champion C)china, chef D)shoes, chalk

14. .... is a imaginative and emotional writing. The words are arranged so that they have rhythm. A)Poetry B) a novel C)music D) science fiction

15.Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson. They are his the famous characters of his detective stories find him? A)A.C.Doyle B)Tohir Malik C)Arthur Charles D)R.Kipling

16.If I... him I.. a good actor. A)was,will be B)were,will be C)were,would be D)am,am

17. Mark the word combinations. A) film star, industry film B) national, teacher, worker C) science fiction, western D) Big Ben, Hot and dogs

18. Find the structure “To be going to…” A)Are you going to play a new film? B)I’ll go to Tashkent next year C) I’m going to school D) Are you doing the test now?

19. I’ve got a headache. She said that... A) I’ve got a headache B) You had got a headache C) She had got a headache D) It had got a headache

20. The landmark ,,Hollywood” sign was built in .....A)1982 B)1980 C)1982 D) 1990

21.Agar men sening o’rningda bo’lganimda dam olgan bo’lardim.A)If I were you,I would have a rest B)If I am you,I’d go to bed C)If I was you,I’d have a rest D)If I were you, I would go a rest

22.,,All Men Are Poets At Heart” A) Robert Frost B) Fly High 8 C) Ralph Waldo Emerson D) A.C. Clarke

19.My birthday is ... the 5th of July A) in B) are C) on D) at

20. I have got ... sister A) a B) the C) – D) an

21. People in Britain speak ... A) English B) British C)Scotsh

22. I said ,, Mrs. Smith, you’re wrong “ .a) Mrs. Smith was wrong b) He said Mrs. Smith was wrong c) He Mrs. Smith wrong

23. What does SMS mean ? a) Standard Message System b) Send me sings c) Short Messaging Service

24.Italy is in .. South of ...Europe , isn’t it? a) an/a b) the/- c) the/the

25. He .... ill for three months . a) has been b) was c) is

Key:8/8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-I |C |A |B |C |B |A |C |A |B |C |B |A |A |A |A |A |C |B |C |A |A |B |C |B |A | |The 8th form The 4th term (Variant -II)

1.When is the Independence Day of America?

A)on 4 th of July B)on 4th June C)on 5th August D)on 12th August

2.What kind of holiday is the Christmas? A)friendly B)special food C)religious D)traditional

3.Contemplate the right answer. People in the UK and the USA give each other presents on Christmas Day. A)true B)false C)don’t know D) -

4.are/a lot of/there/on/Independence /Day/fireworks A)Independence Day are a lot of fireworks on there B)Day on Independence there are a lot of fireworks C)There are a lot of fireworks on Independence Day D)There a lot of are fireworks on Independence Day

5….. this word in English? A)how do you call B)how is called C)call D)called

6. Is he married or …? A)alone B)lonely C)single D)free

7.Who is_? A)in b)this c)to d)for

8.”Must I take my umbrella?” “No, you - . It’s not going to rain.”

A)mustn’t B)needn’t C)have to D)don’t

9.____ boots were where they left them. A)The three players` B) The three player`s C) The three players D) The players` their

10. I…….a headache. I need to have a rest.

A)has got B)had got C)have got D)had

11. “I know the woman. She is a good doctor”. She said that … A)She know the woman. She was a good doctor B)She known the woman. She was a good doctor C) She knew the woman. She was a good doctor.

12.He went …. foot. A) on B) by C) from D) with

13. …study hard when you were at school? A)Did you B)Do you C)Were you D)are you

14.He as ….. intelligent than his sister. A) much B) more C) many D) the most

15. I'm meeting her ...4o'clock …Monday A)on, at   B)with, on,     C)at, on     D)at, in

16.At the beginning of the filmI realized that I_it before.A)see B)’d seen B)saw B)’ve seen

17. They........ the jewellery and walked out as if they hadn't done anything.

A)had stolen       B) have stolen        C)stole D) was stoling

18.Cildren put a sock or a stocking under the Christmas Tree.

A)false B)true C)know D)don’t know

19.If I ..some fish, will you cook it for me? A)will catch B)caught C)catch D)am catching

20. When do we celebrate Independence Day in Uzbekistan?

A)21stof March B)1st of September C)8thof March D)9thof May

21. “Tight-rope walker” Translate into Uzbek ?A)Dorbozchi B)Hazil C)Dorboz D)Hayojonli

22.Write the following sentence in reported speech . “I watched TV every day last week”

A)He had watched TV every day B)She watch TV last week C)I said watched TV every day last week D)He said that he had watched TV every day last week

23. Find true sentence A)I go to like programmes B)I am radio station in your school

C)I like to listen to radio D)There is a school radio in my region

24.Choose the preposition. We live …. Earth? A)In B)To C)At D)On

25. Last week a British band … a concert in Tashkent A)gave B)Spoke C)Went D)Tell

8/8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-II |A |C |A |C |A |C |B |B |A |C |C |A |A |B |C |B |A |B |C |B |C |D |C |D |A | |The 8th form The 4th term (Variant -III)

1. Write the following sentence in reported speech . I watched TV every day last week

A.He had watched TV every day B.She watch TV last week C.I said watched TV every day last week D.He said that he had watched TV every day last week

2. Translate into English? Mahalliy radio stansiya, Tijoratga oid radio stansiya

A. Station programme, phone in B. A local radio, national C. local radio station, , commercial radio station D. local radio station, musical radio.

3. Find the true sentence. A. I go to like programmes B. I have a radio station in your school C. I like to make programmes D. There is a school radio in my region

4.Put preposition. We live …. Earth? A. In B. To C. At D. On

5. What is your teacher’s job?

A. to play football B. to teach pupils C. Doctor D. Nurse

6.Find the Present Perfect Tense A. I have two brother B. She worked hard at her English C. You have already learned the rule D. She has a brother

7. When is Independence Day celebrated in Uzbekistan?

A. 1nd September B. 1 st of September C. 8 th of March D. 9 th of May

8. “Tight-rope walker’ Translate into Uzbek ?

A. Dorbozchi B. Hazil C. Dorboz D. Hayajonli

9. When is “Bonfire Night” celebrated?

A. 1st of October B. 31st of December C. 5 th of November D. 10 th of February

10. What was made of “guy”?

A. Cotton B. Paper, wood, straw and old clothes C. Paper D. old clothes

11. Translate into English ! Paqildoq, quvnoq

A. cracker, carol B. Pudding, cake C. Card, greeting D. Present, party

12. We … a school newspaper A. Have B. Do C. is D. be

13. Last week a British band … a concert in Tashkent A. gave B. Spoke C. Went D. Tell

14. I … a pupil A. am B. is C are D. Go

15.Translate into uzbek “Carol” A. Quvnoq qo’shiq B.shirinlik C. Ashula D Archa

16.Translate into uzbek Santa Claus A. Qor qiz B. Qor bobo C. Archa D. Daraxt

17.What is made of a coat of “guy” A)wool B) metal C)paper D)wood

18. What special food do the people eat for Christmas?

A. Christmas cake B. Turk kabab C. Christmas pudding D. sweets

19. What’s Uzbek for “ trick – or – treating”?

A. Barcha muqaddaslar kuni B. Aldov yoki siylov C. Yangi yil D. Nishonlamoq

20. What can you find on the fist pages of Newspaper?

A. Latest news B. crosswords C Index; horoscope D. Cartoon

21 Translate into uzbek Applause A Zal B Sahna C musiqa D Olqish

22. Translate into uzbek “Cartoon” A. Kino B Zal C. Multfilm D. Olqish

23. Complete with “The same as”, “Not the same as” or “different from”

The newspaper ‘Ma’rifat is ….. Darakchi A. The newspaper ‘Ma’rifat is not the same as Darakchi B. The newspaper ‘Ma’rifat is the same as Darakchi C. The newspaper ‘Ma’rifat is different from Darakchi D. The newspaper ‘Ma’rifat is not same as not Darakchi

24. Had you been on TV before?

A. Yes, I have B. No, I hadn’t C. Yes, I am D. No, I don’t

25. Do you watch TV? A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I do C. No, I didn’t D. Yes, it is

8/8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-III |A |C |D |D |B |C |B |C |C |B |A |A |A |A |A |B |A |A |B |A |D |C |A |B |B | |The 8th form The 4th term (Variant -IV)

1.Find the Present Perfect Tense A. I have two brother B. She worked hard at her English C. You have already learned the rule D. She has a brother

2. Complete with “The same as”, “Not the same as” or “different from”

The average rainfall for September is … May.

A. the same as B. is not the same as C. different from D. b/c

3. Have you ever been on TV before?

A. Yes, I have B. No, I hadn’t C. Yes, I am D. No, I don’t

4. What was made of “guy”?

A. Cotton B. Paper, wood, straw and old clothes C. Paper D. old clothes

5. Write the following sentence in reported speech. I watched TV every day last week

A. He had watched TV every day B. She watch TV last week C. I said I watched TV every day last week D. He said that he had watched TV every day last week

6. Do people go to work on Independence day in Uzbekistan?

A. Yes, they do B. No, they don’t C. I don’ know D. Yes, I have

7. Translate into Uzbek Bonfire Night?

A. Yangi yil B. Gulhan kechasi C. Mustaqillik kuni D. Navro’z

8. Translate “up to day” A. Zamonaviy B. Siyosiy C. Moliyaviy D.Tarixiy

9. Change into reported speech the following sentence: I said, “Mrs. Smith, you’re wrong!”

A. I said that Mrs. Smith was wrong B. We said that Mrs Smith was wrong

C. He said that Mrs. Smith was wrong D. I told Mrs. “Smith is wrong”.

10.Put the words in order . Bonfire / night/they/tomorrow/celebrate/will?

A)Tomorrow they celebrate will Bonfire night? B)They will celebrate Bonfire Night tomorrow C) Will they celebrate Bonfire Night tomorrow? D)They will Bonfire Night celebrate tomorrow

11. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective. It is ... in there than it is in the street.

A) hot B) the hottest C) hotter D)—

12. Is he married or …? a)alone b)lonely c)single d)free

13. I ….exams with excellent marks and began to study at the Lyceum .

A)pass B)had passed C)had pass D)was passed

14. I … to learn English very well. A)want B)wanting C)wants D)was wanted

15. I want ……. a useful specialist to further the development of our country.

A) be B)was C)to be D)will be

16. Choose the right answer. Some people …… the advice of their parents.

A)followed B)was followed C)follow D)following

17.What kind of holiday the Christmas? A)friendly B) religious C)meal D)traditional

18. … this word in English? A)how called B)how do you call C)call D)called

19.”Must I take my umbrella?” “No, you … . It’s not going to rain.”

A)mustn’t B)am not C)have to D)needn’t

20.____ boots were where they left them.

A)The three player’s B)The three players’ C)The three players D)The players` their

21. Put article. Can you play …. piano A. A B. The C. An D. On

22. I live … Navoi town. A) at B) in C) for D) on

23. There is a TV, musical centre, carpets on the floor and a sofa in the ....... A) bedroom B) a dining room C) sitting room D) hall

24. Great Britain is situated on the .. A) British Isles B) Central Asia C) Russian D) USA

25. How many parts is Great Britain divided into ? A) 5 B) 3 C) 6 D) 4

8/8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-IV |C |D |A |B |D |B |B |A |A |C |C |C |B |A |C |C |B |B |D |B |B |B |C |A |B | |The 8th form The 4th term (Variant -V)

1. The British people like to … tea. A) drink B) eat C) think D) speak 2. When was the national flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted? A)In 1990 the 18thof Nov. B)In 1992 the 2nd of July C)In 1991 the 18th of Nov. D)In 1992 the 8th ofDec.

3.Choose the antonym to the underlined word. He thinks his son has a good future.

A) nice ; B) five ; C) bad ; D) kind

4.Choose the appropriate antonym to the underlined word I often read English books

A) Weak; B) clever; C) seldom; D) always

5.Choose the word which is out of the logic list

A) Moscow; B) Tashkent; C) New York; D) London

6. Find the word with the most general meaning A) man; B) person; C) boy; D) woman

7. Choose the right continuation: I've got a terrible toothache, I think I must consult...

A) a surgeon; B) an oculist; C) a hair-dresser; D) a dentist

8.There was a time when Latin played the role of ___ language .

A) official B)traditional C) local D) international

9. My sister is interested __ the environment. A)at B)on C)for D)in

10 . ___ too fast? A) talk B) to talk C) don’t talk D) talking

11.I’m phoning __ hello and find out all the news. A)to say B)to get C)to ask D)__

12. __ you good at English? A) do B) are C)does D) have

13 How many people in __ world speak English? A) a B) an C) the D)is

14.Be at the bus stop__ ? A) in a time B) on time C) with D) on a time

15. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective. This exercise is ... than the last one.

A) — B) good C) best D) better

16. Choose the appropriate preposition. A must go to village ... Sunday.

A)in B)with C) on D)-

17. Choose the right form of the verb. Who … to Great Britain last month?

A) did go B) went C) will go D) does go

18.Write the sentence: I/pretty/dress/that/think/is/her

A) I think that her dress is pretty. B) I think her dress that is pretty.

C) I think that is pretty her dress. D)I think that dress is her pretty

19. I’m really ... . I’m looking for some water. A)hungry B)thirsty C)tired D)awful

20. ... sun shines by day and .... moon shines by night

A) a, a B)a, - C) the, the D) without article

21 They ... having their breakfast A) are B) is C) am D) -

22. Is your name John ? Yes , ... is. A) she B) he C) it D) without words

23. There is an interesting ... on TV. A) book B) cinema C) film D) newspaper

24. ... is a person who studies people’s bodies, animal, and plants.

a) ecologist b) economist c) biologist d) stylist

25. The telephone is ringing! Diana’s ...... it.

A)answers B) answering C)responding D) to answer


8/8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-V |A |C |C |C |C |B |D |D |D |C |A |B |C |B |D |C |B |A |B |C |A |C |C |C |B | |THE 9th FORM ( 8 CONTROL WORKS)

The 9th form. Control Work 1. Dictation

International communication

Nowadays English is worth not just knowing but it is worth really knowing. We do not live behind the “iron curtain” any more. There is a great importance to understand up-to date English. English is the chief language of international business and academic conferences, and the leading language of international tourism. English is the main language of popular music, advertising, home computers and video games. Most of the scientific, technological and academic information in the world is expressed in English. International communication expends very fast. The English language becomes the means of international communication, the language of trade, education, politics, and economics.

My future profession

Sometimes it is difficult to give answer the question about future profession.

Every boy & girl stepping into the independent life after finishing school choose their future profession. There are professions of an engineer, a teacher a builder, an economist, a translator, a painter, an agronomist, an engineer-technologist & so on.

A builder builds high buildings, offices for us, an economist works on the economical problems of every office & city, an agronomist works on the fields and this profession deals with the agricultural products & etc,

In short every profession is interesting in its way. This year I’ve finished the 11th form of the secondary school & entered the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute.

After Institute I’m going to continue my studies. I want to be a teacher. I like this profession very much. We have 3 or 4 lesson a day we have chemistry, mathematics, English & other subject. I hope to be a teacher.

My future profession

There are a lot of interesting and useful professions. I am going to become a teacher. I suppose my future profession to be one of the most important nowadays. My future specialty is English (Literature, Russian, History and Geography). I love children very much and to become a teacher has been my dream since my early childhood. To teach and to bring up children is the most important and noble thing, to my mind. I am eager to get the proper education to be able to do my best to teach my future pupils my favourite subject. I'll try not only to help them to master it. I'll try to help them to become good and clever people, to be honest, kind and noble. Children are our future and I want them to be really good and educated people. Of course, the profession of a teacher is not an easy one. It demands a lot of knowledge, a lot of tenderness of feeling and sometimes a lot of patience. But I hope, that I'll be a good teacher and that my pupils will like me and my subject.

English is the Language of Communication

“Do you speak English?” — with this phrase begins the conversation between two people, which speak different languages and want to find a common language. It’s very good when you hear: “Yes, I do”, and start talking. People of different countries and nations have to get along well with the progress in world trade and technology as well as with each other. So it is very useful to learn foreign languages. Knowledge of foreign languages helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people. English is very popular now. It's the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. It's spoken all over the world. It is the official language of the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, and Australia. There are more than 750 million speakers of English in the world.

The 9th form. Control Work 2. Test.

The 9th form The 1st term (Variant-I)

1.What is your telephone number?

a) 0550 b) 1996 y c) 375 9090

2. Put in order: 03,01, 050 --- …,….,….. .

a) the emergency services, fire brigade, telephone b) services, fire brigade, telephone

c) ambulance, fire brigade, the emergency services

3. This phrases are used for …., …. . (Unfortunately…, I am writing to tell you..)

a) giving bad news, explaining the reason for writing b) closing, greeting c) apologizing, good news

4.Be quick! A dog … after your child.

a) runs b) ran c) is running

5.I … not translate this text yesterday. ,… you help me?

a) could/ can b) must / can c) may / must

6.Pupils … speak only English at their English lesson.

a) must not b) can c) must

7.Fax machines work like …. .

a) photocopies b) TV set c) answer phone

8. The internet was invented in the … .a) 1960s b) 1960 c) 1945

9. Internet access in Uzbekistan began around …a) 1997 b) 2001 c) 1991

10. All our news will … . Not only schools but kindergartens will ….

a) come through computers. Have computers b) be disappeared, have TV c) a,b

11.English speaking countries are …

a) USA. Great Britain. Canada b)Korea,Canada, USA c) Japan,New Zealand , Ireland , America

12.I’m phoning to …you “Happy Navruz” a) tell b) wish c) say

13.Find someone … earns a lot of money a) who b) which c) that

14. I like sitting at a desk. …

a) I’m good at paperwork. b) I’m an outdoor type c) I am energetic

15.When do you get up on Sundays?

a) at 7 o’clock b) 8:30 c) 1990

16. My friend went … a cycling tour last week

a) to b) for c) at

17.We live ….. the city center.

a) near b) next c) at

18.He is looking …… a present to buy his girlfriend.

a) for b) at c) forward

19.Find out odd word : architect, nurse, dentist, look

20.Nasiba likes to be around a lot of people. She is …(sociable, energetic, quite)

21.What is your mother’s job?

22. When is your birthday?

23. Havo issiq bo’lganda men do’stlarim bilan o’ynayman

24. . -…? - Bob’s birthday is on the 21st of December

25. A- ……? B-I’m at home now

9/2 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 | |V-I |C |C |A |C |A |C |A |A |A |A |A |B |A |A |A |B |A |A | |

19. look

20. sociable

21.Own answer

22. Owm answer

23. When it’s hot I play with my friends

24. When is Bob’s birthday

25. Where are you now?

The 9th form The 1st term (Variant-II)

1.Choose the appropriate antonym to the underlined word. My right hand is stronger than yours. A) Left ; B) wrong ; C) dirty ; D) pretty

2.Choose the appropriate antonym to the underlined word. Peter's car is very expensive

A) dear ; B) cheap; C) rich; D) nice

3.Choose the appropriate antonym to the underlined word I often read English books

A) Weak; B) clever; C) seldom; D) always

4. Choose the continuation: tree, plant, flower, bush,...

A) field; B) bird; C) animal; D) grass

5. Find the word with the most general meaning A) man; B) person; C) boy; D) woman

6. Find the word with the most general meaning A) men; B) people; C) women; D) girls

7. Vocations are ___ . A) needing a lot of attention B) working a working day C) skills and knowledge D) holidays

8.__you __ understand the question? A) are /not B)is/not С) do/- D) have /not

9. ___ Uzbek is our mother tongue. A) a B) an C) the D) -

10. I like to speak on the telephone . I am good __ people. A)at B)of C)for D)in

11. Choose the appropriate article.

... sun came out right after ... rain and there was ... beautiful rainbow in ... sky.

A) the/the/a/the B) the/a/the/the C) a/a/the/a D) a/~/a/~

12. ... youngest boy has just started going to ... school, ... eldest boy is at.. college .

A) the/the/the/-- B) the/-/the/a C) the/-/the/- D) -/--/--/-

13. Choose the synonym to the underlined word. Ann's face turned red with anger.

A)mad B) black C)ashamed D)pale

14. Choose the synonym to the underlined word. There is a small boat with a man in it.

A) shout B) large C)little D)thin

15. Choose the antonym to the underlined word. He gave his friend a book last week.

A) bought B) took C) sold D) had

16. Choose the logically out of the group. A) speak B)say C) punish D) talk

17. Choose the logically out of the group. A)goldfish B)horse C)fox D)three

18. Choose the appropriate question . I came to Toshkent last week .

A) Who came to Toshkent last week? B) Did you come to Tashkent ?

C) When did you come to Tashkent? D) A/C.

19. Choose the appropriate form of the verb. If he ... ill, he would stay at home.

A) is B) be C) were D) am

20. Elena said she __ TV .A) to watch B) watching C) watches D) had watched

21.I threw it __ . A) for B)away C) near D)_____

22. How ... do you go shopping ? A) usually B) often C)ever D)always

23.Man, woman , son, daughter, parents A)relatives B) guest С)family D)house

24. She had - money ,so she couldn't buy a car

A)little B)much C)many D) no

25.Children - at the black board.

A) see B) watch С) look D) hate


9/2 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-II |A |B |C |D |B |B |D |C |D |A |A |C |D |C |B |C |D |D |C |D |B |B |A |D |C | |The 9th form The 1st term (Variant-III)

1.What is your telephone number? a) 0550 b) 1996 y c) 375 9090

2. Put in order: 03,01, 050 --- …,….,….. .

a)the emergency services,fire brigade, telephone b)services,fire brigade, telephone

c) ambulance, fire brigade, the emergency services

3. This phrases are used for …., …. . (Unfortunately…, I am writing to tell you..)

a) giving bad news, explaining the reason for writing b) closing, greeting c) apologizing, good news

4.Be quick! A dog … after your child. a) runs b) ran c) is running

5.I … not translate this text yesterday. ,… you help me?

a) could/ can b) must / can c) may / must

6.Pupils … speak only English at their English lesson.

a) must not b) can c) must

7.Fax machines work like …. .

a) photocopiers b) TV set c) answer phone

8. The internet was invented in the … .a) 1960s b) 1960 c) 1945

9. Internet access in Uzbekistan began around …a) 1997 b) 2001 c) 1991

10. All our news will … . Not only schools but kindergartens will ….

a) come through computers. Have computers b) be disappeared, have TV c) a,b

11.English speaking countries are …

a)USA.Great Britain.Canada b)India,Canada, USAc)Japan,NewZealand,Ireland,America

12.I’m phoning to …you “Happy Navruz” a) tell b) wish c) say

13.Find someone … earns a lot of money a) who b) which c) that

14. I like sitting at a desk. …

a) I’m good at paperwork. b) I’m an outdoor type c) I am energetic

15.When do you get up on Sundays? a) at 7 o’clock b) 8:30 c) 1990

16. My friend went … a cycling tour last week a) to b) for c) at

17.We live ….. the city center. a) near b) next c) at

18.He is looking …… a present to buy his girlfriend. a) for b) at c) forward

19.Find out odd word

a) architect, nurse, dentist, look b) cook, chef, nurse c) teacher, professor, librarian

20.Nasiba likes to be around a lot of people. She is …a) sociable b) energetic c) quite

21.What is your mother’s job? a) I don’t like b) interpreter c) school

22. When is your birthday?

a) My birthday is in January b) My birthday in May c) on May

23. Havo issiq bo’lganda men do’stlarim bilan o’ynayman

a)When it hot I play friends b)when it’s hot I play with my friends c)I play when it hot

24. . -… - Bob’s birthday is on the 21st of December

a) When Bob’s birthday? b)When is Bob’s birthday c)What is his name?

25. A- …… B-at home

a)When do you have your meal? b)Where do you have your meal?

c)Do you have meals at home?


9/2 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-III |С |C |A |C |A |C |A |A |A |A |A |B |A |A |A |B |A |A |A |A |B |A |B |B |B | |

The 9th form The 1st term (Variant-IV)

1.When I- my sister she was reading a book. A. seen B. see C. saw D. look

2.London is divided - the river Thames. A. across В. by С. of D. on

3.What is the name of the official residence of the president of the USA.

A. capitol B. Whitehall С. white house D. Trafalgar square

4.Our new … year begin on the second of September

A. leap B. lunar C. school D. academic

5.“Darling” she said in soft voice. “I have wonderful …”

A. holiday B. news С tired D. spend

6. I … I were a famous singer. A. want В. wish C. like D. hope

7. "Romeo and Juliet" is the best known play by ....?

A. W Shakespeare B. Ch . Dickens C. B Show D. Ch . Darvin

8. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective. My clothes have never been ... than this.

A. cleaner B. cleanest C. clean D. ------

9. Choose the synonym to the underlined word. There is a small boat with a man in it.

A. shout B. large C. little D. thin

10. Choose the antonym to the underlined word. They gave his friend a book last week.

A. bought B. took C. sold D. had

11. Choose the appropriate question . I came to Tashkent a week ago.

A. Who comes to Toshkent a week ago? B. Did you come to Tashkent ?

C. When did you come to Tashkent? D. Who did you come to Tashkent?

12. Choose the appropriate preposition. I must go to village ... Sunday

A. in B. with C. on D. -

13. If He ... ill, he would stay at home. A. is B. be C. were D. am

14. Choose the right form of the verb. Who ... to Great Britain last month?

A. did /go B. was/- с) will/go d) went

15. Choose the antonym to the underlined word. The Thames is a short river but it is wide and deep. A. long B. shallow B. narrow D. nice

16. They ... having their breakfast. A. are B. is C. am D. without to be 17. I ... interested in art. A. are B. is C. have D. am

18. Fights in the ring .... A. manager B. mechanic C. boxer D. doctor

19 Complete the dialogue

-Hello! -Hello ... I speak to Mr John, please ? A. must B. could C. need D. may

20. Leave a ... on my answerphone A. letter B. telegram C. message D. postcard

21. If you feel bad , call .... A. fire brigade B. ambulance C. emergency D. service 22. Choose synonym Popular A. widespread B. weak C. interesting D. famous

23. They … do this the day after tomorrow , they are very busy . A. many B. will be able to C. can D. were able to

24. A person who works with children A. doctor B. engineer C. teacher D. lawyer

25. ... is a person who studies people’s bodies, animal, and plants.

A. ecologist B. economist C. biologist D. stylist


9/2 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-IV |C |B |C |D |B |B |A |A |C |B |C |C |C |D |B |A |D |C |B |C |B |D |B |C |C | |

The 9th form. Control Work 3. Written.

Written work

Task 1. Read the article and write what it is about.

1) Your idea to invite “occasional teachers” such as writers or footballers to

2) visit school in nothing new. Schools have always invite experts to

3) share their skills and knowledge in various subjects. Indeed, earlier this

4) month, last year’s Nobel Prize winner for medicine, Dr Tim Hunt, gave a

5) master class at Ashford school to an audience of pupils, staff and

6) parents. We, teachers, are happy to welcome “the best people” as you

7) describe them, to enrich our pupils’ education

Task 2. Read again and write the words which mean:

a) not regular (1);

b) people with special skills or knowledge which comes from training (2);

c) different (3);

d) all the workers (5);

e) to improve the quality (7)

Task 3. Write the missing words:

1. Skilful (adj.) – (n)…

2. Believe (v.) – (n) …

3. Application (adj.) – (v) …

4. Intelligent (adj.) – (adv.) …

5. Achieve (v) – (n) …


Task 1. About inviting people of different profession to school, where they can help teachers to enrich pupils’ education.

Task 2. a) occasional b) experts c) various d) staff e) enrich

Task 3. 1. Skill 2.Belief 3. Apply 4. Intelligently 5. Achievement

The 9th form. Control Work 4. Test.

The 9th form The 2nd term (Variant-I)

1. I live … Navoi town. A) at B) in C) for D) on

2.Tenth and eleventh grade students are called…., twelfth are …. .

A) juniors, seniors B) junior, private C) senior, juniors D) public, private

3. How many parts is Great Britain divided into ? A) 5 B) 3 C) 6 D) 4

4.Translate into Uzbek: Before leaving the office, check that all the machines are switched off. A) Idoraga kelganda chiroqlarni yoqing. B) Idoradan ketishdan oldin jihozlarning o’chirilganligini tekshiring C) Idoradan ketishdan oldin eshikni yoping

D) Idoradan ketishdan oldin jihozlarni tozalang

5 .Choose the appropriate antonym to the underlined word He thinks his son has a good future. A) nice ; B) fine ; C) bad ; D) kind

6. Mike is an .... A) accountist B) account C)accountant D) accounting

7.Choose the word which is out of the logic listA)Moscow;B)Tashkent;C)NewYork;D) London

8. The telephone is ringing! Diana’s ...... it.

A)answers B) answering C)responds D) to answer

9. Choose the right continuation: I've got a terrible toothache, I think I must consult...

A) a surgeon; B) an oculist; C) a hair-dresser; D) a dentist

10.Choose the gerund. A) playing, understanding, bringing B) interesting, going, boring C) gunny, joining, coming D) lighting, interesting, bring

11.School rules: …. A) pupil must wear uniform , no animals should be brought to school B) pupil must live in the school C) pupil must come on time, pupil must play in the classroom D) Get no mark, don’t be on time, speak loudly

12. My sister is interested __ the environment. A)at B)on C)for D)in

13.A coffee-maker is a machine … makes coffee A) why B) what C) which D) that

14. Today is spring holiday. Anora phoned us this morning to wish us___.

A) Happy Navruz B) Happy New year C) Valentine’s Day D) Teacher Day

15.Before signing the contract, check the all the figures are correct. (find the tense)

A) Present Simple Tense B) Past Simple Tense C) No tense D) Passive Voice

16 How many people in __ world speak English? A) a B) an C) the D) is

17. That film was really .... A)beared B)boring C) bearing D) bringing

18. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective. It is ... in there than it is in the street.

A) hot B)) the hottest C) hotter D) —

19.He is looking …… a present to buy his girlfriend. A) for B) at C) forward D) through

20. Choose the right form of the verb. Who ... to Great Britain last month?

A) did B) went C) will D) does

21.Nasiba likes to be around a lot of people. She is …A) sociable B)energetic C)quite D) kind

22. I’m really ... . I’m looking for some water . A)hungry B) thirsty C)tired D) awful

23. If I.... him I... a good actor. A) was, will be B) were, will be C) were, would be D) had been, had been

24. ... sun shines by day and .... moon shines by night

A) a, a B)a, __ C) the, the D ) without article ,

25. Kelasi zamonda rejalashtirilgan ish-harakatni bildiruvchi gapni belgilang.

A) I’m going to play a new film B) I’ll go to Tashkent next year

C) I was going to school D) I would like to go to Tashkent

9/4 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-I |B |A |B |B |C |A |C |B |D |A |A |D |C |A |A |C |B |C |A |B |A |B |C |C |A | |The 9th form The 2nd term (Variant-II)

1.Choose school rules:1.Wear the school uniform.2.Don’t bring radios.3. Bring jewellery to school.4.Don’t bring chewing gum. 5. Wear shorts and short skirts

A) 1,2,4 B) 1,2,3,4 C) 2,3,5 D) 1,3,5

2. There is a TV, musical centre, carpets on the floor and a sofa in the ....... A) bedroom B) a dining room C) sitting room D) hall

3.Translate into English: sababsiz dars qoldirish, haydalish, qo’rqitish, ko’mak.

A) truancy, exclusion, bullying, maintenance B) punish, exclusion, bullying, maintenance C) A&B D) tolerate, punishment, bulliyng

4. The British people like to …… tea. A) drink B) eat C) think D) speak

5. Put in order: 03,01, 050 --- …, …., ….. .A) the emergency services, fire brigade, telephone B) services, fire brigade, telephone C) ambulance, fire brigade, the emergency services D) ambulance, fire brigade, the energy service

6. Choose the appropriate antonym to the underlined word I often read English books

A) Weak; B) clever; C) seldom; D) always

7. He gets home at about seven in the ... . A) midnight B)evening C)daytime D)-

8. Find the word with the most general meaning A) man; B) person; C) boy; D) woman

9. That text book has a lot of useful ...... in it.

A) informations B) information C) knowing D) massages

10.There was a time when Latin played the role of ___ language .

A) official B)traditional C) local D) international

11.Nobody told me how to behave __ the interview. A)at B)on C)for D)in

12.What is the name of the man .. lives next door?

A) who B) which C) this D) where

13. ___ too fast? A) talk B) to talk C) don’t talk D) talking

14. Jack lives in a … …. is 1000 years old.

A) house, which B) city, what C) which, who D) car, where

15. Have you repeated ___ ideas? A) some B)every C) any D) no

16.The economy went into a deep 2008-2009.

A) recession B) receding C) depressing D) development

17.Be at the bus stop__ ? A) in a time B) on time C) with D) on a time

18.I don't like ........... in the morning. A)to raise B)raise me C)getting up D) wake

19. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective. This exercise is ... than the last one.

A) — B) good C) best D) better

20.Find out odd word A) architect, nurse, dentist, look B) cook, chef, nurse

C) teacher, professor, librarian D) took, look, cook

21. I send a .... by air mail A) parcel B) hello C) answerphone D) without words

22. Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson. They are his the famous characters of his detective stories find him ? A) Arthur Canon Doyle B) Tohir Malik

C) Arthur Charles Doyle D) Agatha C.

23 What is the English for “anketa” A)blank B)application C)paper D new paper

24. Mark the word combinations.

A) film star, industry film B) national, teacher, worker C) a, b D) faster, lonely

25 I don’t wear .... at the interview?A)suits B)jacket C)sunglasses D) without words

9/4 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-II |A |C |A |A |C |C |B |B |B |D |B |A |C |A |A |C |B |C |D |A |A |A |B |A |C | |The 9th form. Control Work 5. Dictation.

National Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The flag of our country is a symbol of the sovereignty of the Republic. The national flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan represents the country internationally when official delegations from Uzbekistan visit foreign countries, as well as at conferences, world exhibitions and sports competitions.

The national flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a right-angled coloured cloth consisting of three horizontal stripes: blue, white and green.

Blue is the symbol of the sky and water, which are the main sources of life. Mainly blue was the colour of the state flag of Temur. White is the traditional symbol of peace and good luck, as Uzbek people say "Oq yo'l". Green is the colour of nature and new life and good harvest. Two thin red stripes symbolise the power of life. There is a new moon which symbolises the newly independent republic. There are twelve stars which represent the 12 provinces in Uzbekistan.

The State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The state emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan presents the image of the rising sun over a flourishing valley. Two rivers run through the valley, representing the Syr Darya and Amu Darya. The emblem is bordered by wheat on the right side and branches of cotton with opened cotton bolls on the left side.

An eight-pointed star is located at the top of the emblem, symbolising the unity and confirmation of the Republic. The crescent and star inside the eight-pointed star are the sacred symbols of Islam. The mythical bird Semurg with outstretched wings is placed in the centre of the emblem as the symbol of the national renaissance. The entire composition aims to express the desire of the Uzbek people for peace, happiness and prosperity. At the bottom of the emblem is inscribed the word "Uzbekistan" written in Uzbek on a ribbon in the national colours of the flag of the Republic.

The government of Great Britain

The United Kingdom is a parliamentary monarchy, but it is well-known that the monarchy today has no state power. The real power belongs to the Parliament. Parliament is a group of people who make the laws for their country. British Parliament consists of two houses, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

The houses of Parliament are situated in London on the riverside near Westminster Abbey. Westminster Abbey is a very beautiful, ancient church in London in which the coronation ceremony of almost all English kings and queens has taken place.

The main political parties represented in the British Parliament are the Labour, Conservative, Liberal-Democratic, Welsh and Scottish national parties. The government of the country is formed by the party which has the greatest number of members elected to Parliament.

About English

The word “English” comes from the country of England. But people didn’t always speak English there. In fact, 2000 years ago England was not the name of the country, and the English people didn’t even live there.

At that time, another group of people, the Celts, lived in the place that is now England. They didn’t speak English – the name of their language was Celtic. Then, groups of people came to England from other countries in Northern Europe. The Celts had to leave England when these people came.

Today, only a few people in the world still speak a Celtic language – in Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and France. And there are only one or two English words that came from Celtic. But the names of some towns and places in England are from Celtic, such as Kent, York, Thames, and London.

The 9th form. Control Work 6 Test.

The 9th form The 3rd term (Variant-I)

1.What are the official names of Uzbekistan, the USA and The UK?

A) Republic of Uzbekistan, The United States of America, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland B) Uzbekistan, The United States of America, The United Kingdom of Great Britain

C) Republic of Uzbekistan, The United States America, The United Great Britain and Northern Ireland

D) Republic of Uzbekistan, The United States of America, The United Kingdom of Great Britain

2. The … emblem consists of a standing lion on the left and a standing unicorn on the right. At the bottom there is a motto. At the top there is a crown and another lion. There is a shield in the centre.

A) USA B) British C) Canada D) Australia

3. Find the phrases which describe the national emblem of Uzbekistan

A) flowering valley, shining Sun, standing lion, a crown B) flowering valley, shining Sun, spreading wings, wheat ears, cotton seed cloves, eight-pointed star C) Shining moon, spreading wings, wheat ears, cotton seed cloves, eight-pointed star D) flowering valley, shining Sun, wheat, cotton , eight- star, standing lion

4. Complate the sentence. Clothes are made by… .

A) textile industry B)car manufacture C) aircraft industry D)agro- chemical industry

5. ... British national anthem is called “God save....Queen” A)-/- B)the/- C)-/the D)the/the

6.How many regions does Uzbekistan consist of? A)12 B)14 C)10 D)9

7.The British Houses of Parliament....(situate) right beside the River Thames

A)was situated B)were situate C)is situated D)are situated

8.If I were you, I ....south Africa. A)will go B)would go C) would gone D)went

9.What age do children go to kindergarten in the USA? A)2 B)3 C)4 D)5

10.There is ... in the room. lt's empty A)anybody B)somebody C)anyone D)nobody

11.After I....the washing up I listened the radio A)had done B)have C )do D) had read

12.Since 1066 there have been … monarchs in England, … kings, …queens and … dynasties.

A) 45,44,30,8 B) 40, 35, 6,7 C) 40, 35, 5, 7 D) 45, 40, 8, 7

13. … stands at the end of a long boulevard called The Mall and it has 600 rooms on the 3 floors, 400 staff and 300 clocks. A) Buckingham Palace B) White House C) House of Parliament D) Queens Place

14. the British Parliament consists of 3 elements- …. A) the Monarchy, the House of Lords and the House of Commons B) the Monarchy, Lords and Commons C) House of Lords and the House ,Commons D) the Monarchy, the House of Lords

15. British people over the age of .. can vote in a general election. A) 17 B) 19 C) 15 D) 18

16. Promotion… A) persuading your customers to buy your products B) telling customers about your products C) deciding on a product, its price D) telling customers about your advertising.

17.Special offers: A) price cut, free gift, extra product, money back B) coupon, token

C) free money, free present, money back D) a,c

18. Be …….. than you were yesterday. A) best B) the best C) better D) good

19. If I ……….. a company I ……….. rich. (to have/to be)

20 .When I . ……….. in Manchester, I….. in a bank(to live/to work).

21.Why…….you…….your coat today? It’s very warm.(to wear)

22. Write an advertisement.

23. In Britain government ministers ……… by the Prime Minister.(to appoint)

24. Well, what are you doing…………. Wednesday evening?

25.That text book has a lot of useful ............................... in it.

9/6 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 | |V-I |A |B |B |A |D |A |D |B |D |D |A |C |A |A |D |A |A |C | |

19. had\would be

20. lived\worked

21. are/ wearing

22.Own answer

23. are appointed

24. on

25. information

The 9th form The 3rd term (Variant-II)

1. I was very sad … that one of my neighbors had died.

A)to hearing B)to hear B)hearing C)have been heard

2. Ronald is more serious about studying …

A)than his brother B)has his brother C) so his brother D)such his brother

3. On Thursday Simon left the conference at midday although he … to stay till 4.00.

A)supposed B)was supposed C) is supposed D) would be supposed

4. Please describe exactly what … A) did you do B)you did C)did you D)had done

5. I don’t want a new airport near here. I don’t want to … by traffic and planes.

A)spoil the village B)have the village spoilt C)have spoilt village D)spoiling the village

6. A: Tom’s very musical. He can play the saxophone really well.

B: …? I didn’t know he had a saxophone. A)Can’t he B)Does he D)Can he D)So can he

7. Put the right answer. Sergei and Oleg live in –St. Petersburg. A)the B)A C)- D) with

8. A: Do you know who ‘Tim Watts’ is? B: No. I’ve … him.

A)never heard from B)never heard about C)never heard of D)never hear about

9. Ben and Stephen … to the beach today but the weather’s too bad.

A)were going to go B)are going to go C)will be going D)will go

10. In a few years , many people … at home.

A)will be working B)are working C)work D)will work

11 . … is Sally. A)Jane’s best friend’s name B)The best friend’s name of Jane C)A name of Jane’s best friend D)The best friend of Jane

12 .Timothy was … to hear that the concert had been cancelled.

A)so annoying B) too annoying C) very annoyed D)such an annoyed

13. Richard … me this week so I don’t know how he is.

A) didn’t phone B) hadn’t phoned C)hasn’t phoned D)has just phoned

14. …. in this country?

A)Were you born B)Are you born C)Have you been born D)Was you born

15. Translate “represent” A)ifodalamoq B)namoyon etmoq C)orqa fon D)yo`l-yo`l chiziqlar

16. “spreading wings” A) charaqlayotgan quyosh B) ikki yoqqa yoyilgan qanot C)uchayotgan qanotlar D) qanotlar

17. It’s got a blue background. In the top left-hand corner is the Union flag. It’s got six stars. Five of them have seven points and one five points. The stars represent the different states of the country. What flag is it? A) It is the flag of UK B) It is the flag of the USA

C) It is the flag of Uzbekistan D) It is the flag of Australia

18. What is the official name of Uzbekistan? A)The Uzbekistan B)Republic of Uzbekistan

C) The Republic of Uzbekistan D)Uzbekistan

19. Answer the question. When was our constitution adopted?

20. British Parliament consists of 3 elements 21.The British emblem consists of…

22. What is the name for the Houses of Parliament?

23. She works with plants

24. Primary schools are divided into

25. Estover Community College is in

9/6 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 | |V-II |B |A |B |B |B |D |C |B |B |D |C |A |C |A |A |B |D |C | |19. It was adopted in 1992, December 8

20. (the Monarchy, the House of Lords, the House of Commons)

21. (a standing a lion on the left and a standing unicorn on the right. At the bottom there is a motto. At the top there is a crown and another lion. There is a shield in the centre.)

22. Westminster 23.Gardener

24. Infant and junior 25. (Plymouth, England)

The 9th form The 3rd term (Variant-III)

1.Where is the building of Oqsaroy situated?

A)in Tashkent B)in Samarkand C)in Navoi D) in Karshi

2. Find the definition “constitution”. A) the highest B) the system of laws and principles for governing a country or an organization C) believing in or practicing the principles of equality D) the group of people who govern

3. What kind of state is the USA? A)Federal Republic B) Monarchy

C) Constitutional monarchy D) Sovereign Republic

4.How many houses does the legislative branch consists of (The USA)? A)2 B)3 C) 5 D) 4

5. How many dynasties have there been in British monarchy up to present? A)14 B)7 C)55 D)44

6. Who will be the next monarch? A) Prince Charles B) Prince William

C) Prince Phillip D) Princess Anne

7. Who elects the Prime Minister of the UK? A) the Queen B) the members of the parliament C) the people D) the leader of the House of Lords

8. What is the another name for the Houses of Parliament? A) Westminster

B) The Houses of Lords C) The Houses of Commons D) The Capitol

9. Put the right answer. Sergei and Oleg live in – St Petersburg. A)the B) A C)- D) with

10. Complete the sentence. Horror films are often …..

A) exciting B) frightening C) boring D) worrying

11. How many political parties are there in Uzbekistan? A) 5 B) 4 C)3 D)2

12. Read and choose the best answer. It’s got 5 stripes: blue, red, white red and green. There is a crescent and 12 stars in the top left hand corner . The crescent means newly independent country and the stars represent the different provinces of the country. What flag is it?

A) New Zealand B) Australia C) Uzbekistan D) USA

13. What is the official name of the UK? A) England B) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland C) Britain D) Great Britain

14. You … smoke here. Go to a special place to smoke.

A) may not B) mustn’t C) have to D) can

15.A: George is a student , and you? B: …

A) He Is B) Yes, I am C) So am I D) Yes, I do

16. Find the right answer to the question. When was the sovereign Republic of Uzbekistan founded?

A) December 8, 1992 B) August 31, 1991 C) September 1, 1992 C) March 2, 1993

17.Find the element that you can’t see on American Flag. A)leaf B)stars C)white stripes D)red stripes

18. Find the country in which emblem you find flowering valley.

A) USA B) UK C) Australia D) Uzbekistan

19. Every time that I miss the bus, it means that I ... walk to work.

A) has to B) had to C) have to D) could

20.Choose the appropriate synonym to the underlined word. Walter Scott is a well-known English writer A)great B) little C) famous D) unknown

21.The US president ... for four years. A)elect B) elects C) elected D) is elected

22. Complete the sentence. The British Houses of Parliament ... right beside the River Thames.

A) situated B) is situated C) are situated D) situates

23. Complete the sentence. Uzbekistan ... into twelve regions and the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

A)is divided B) are divided C) dividing D) divide

24. How many parts does the UK Parliament consist of? A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5

25 .Special offers: A) price cut, free gift, extra product, money back B) coupon, token

C) free money, free present, money back D) a,c

9/6 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-III |A |B |A |A |B |A |A |A |C |B |B |C |B |B |C |B |A |D |C |C |D |C |A |B |D | |The 9th form. Control Work 7 Written.

To write an essay on the theme:

1. Industry in Uzbekistan

For already 19 years Uzbekistan with confidence is going along the way of democratization of social-political development, Economic of Uzbekistan modernization of economy and formation of real owners of property. The transition from economy stabilization to its qualitative growth is observed. The conducted reforms during the years of independence in the field of economic development are aimed mainly at the transition from a strong state to a strong civil society, and fast integration of the republic into the world community.

The economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan represents by itself the multi-branched territorial-productive complex. Its basis consists of the following sectors of productive specialization: gas, oil, electric energy generation, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, Uzbekistan economic machine building, cotton ginning, textiles, chemical, and the others. Industry is the leading sector of national economy of Uzbekistan. It is the basis for the majority of territorial-production complexes, and it forms the complicated system of internal and inters district trade and economic links. Industry of the republic appeared and developed mainly on the: basis of the requirements and needs of the main national economy branches: cotton growing, silk culture, fruit growing, astrakhan breeding. Further, it became the leading link of the national economic cotton complex. Industry of the republic is characterized by the developed specialization and cooperation of its main branches.

2. Foreign Languages in Our Life

Learning a foreign language isn't an easy thing. Nowadays it's especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying foreign languages is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider. I study English. It's a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts. Over 300 million people speak it is as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations. English language is a wonderful language. It's the language of the great literature. It's the language of William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and others. Half of the world's scientific literature is in English. It's the language of computers technology. The great German poet Goethe once said, «He, who knows no foreign language, doesn't know his own one ». That's why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to learn foreign languages. I think, that to know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.

The 9th form. Control Work 8 Test.

The 9th form The 4th term(Variant-I)

1 When was founded the UN? A)1949 B)1945 C)930 D)1935

2 What are the official languages of the UN?

A)English French B)German English C)English Spanish D)Chinese Russian

3 Translate the word “ferocity” A)mehr В)nafrat С)shavqatsizlik D)sadoqat

4 When did Uzbekistan become a member of UNESCO?

A)September 23, 1992 B)September 21, 1993 C) October 20, 1992 D)October 29, 1993

5 When was UNESCO founded? A)1946 B)1950 C)1960 D)1940

6 Translate: ‘nizom’ A) state B)statute C)start D)stand

7 Write the following sentence using the passive. International Women’s Day … on

March 8th each year. A) is celebrated B) was celebrated C) are celebrated D) celebrate

8 Choose the right word. There was a time when Latin played the role of a … language.

A) official B) traditional C)International D) communication

9 Find the translation. “atrof-muhit”

A) education B) local C) environment D) building

10 When was the Red Crescent in Uzbekistan?

A) May 28, 1992 B) April 26, 1990 C) June 18, 1993 D) March 25, 1988

11 What is short name of United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.


12 Where is the headquarters of UNESCO?

A) England B) Spain C) Paris D) Tashkent

13 Translate: “Ta’lim” A) environment B) education C) equipment D) technology

14 Where has World Heritage Site officially listed?

A) Bukhara B) Navoi C) Khiva D) Termiz

15 Find short name of United Nations Children’s Fund


16 When was UNICEF created? A) 1940 B) 1943 C) 1944 D) 1946

17 Write correct question. Got/ you/ at home/ have/ a telephone?

A) Have you got a telephone at home? B) Got you have a telephone at home?

C)Have you got at home a telephone? D) You have got a telephone at home?

18 .Write the names of NGOs in Uzbekistan?

A) Healthy Generation, The Business Women’s Association B) The Business Women’s Association C) Kamolot D) Healthy Generation, International Help

19. NGOs work to improve all areas of life --- ____________________.

20 Write full name ICRC?

21 What are the Red Cross and the Red Crescent?

22 Translate the sentence. They organized a camp for young people.

23 Answer the question. How long does it take you to eat your breakfast?

24 What is the purpose of the UN? 25 Write full name of UNESCO?

9/8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 | |V/I |B |A |C |D |A |B |A |C |C |A |B |C |B |C |A |D |A |A | |

19. health, education, business…

20. International Command of the Red Crescent

21. NGOs

22. Ular yoshlar uchun musobaqa tashkil qildilar.

23. Own answer

24. To maintain peace and security in the world

25.The United Nations Educational Scientific Organization.

The 9th form The 4th term(Variant-II)

1. What age do children go to the kindergarten? A) 3-6 B) 4-6 C) 3-7 D) 3-5

2. How many types of schools in the US education system? A) 1 B) 5 C) 3 D) 4

3. What is “private school” in the UK? A) o’rta maktab B) davlat maktabi C) oilaviy maktab D) xususiy maktab

4. How many types of school in the English and Welsh education system has?

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6

5. In Scotland children start school … the age … 5. A) in/of B) at/to C) for/to D) at/of

6.What types of schools are there in England and Wales?A)kindergarten,elementary B)middle,high,private C)primary, secondary D)nursery, primary, secondary, private

7. Translate into English: “Maktabga o’z vaqtida kel. A) Go to school on time. C) Come to school on time. B) Don’t be late to school. D) Come to school at times.

plete. No … should be brought to school.A)pens B) pencils C) pictures D) animals

9. Correct the sentence.Punishments/which/the most/are/serious? A)Which punishments are the most serious? B) Which are punishments the most serious?

C)Are which punishments the most serious? D) The most serious punishments which are?

10.Find word which can finish with –or.A) organize B) manage C) train D) instruct

11.Before going to bed, … .

A) I sleep B) I open the window C) I say hello D) I bush my teeth

12. Complete. …. , I check my school things.A) Before going to school C) Before going to the cinemaB) Before helping my mother D) Before reading a book

13. Translate into English:” Jazo” A) punish B) bullying C) punishment D) tolerance

14. The doira is a type of drum, … is a traditional Uzbek musical instrument.

A) who B) what C) whose D) which

15. Choose the right form of verb. If you do not……….. , ask a question.

A) understand B) understanding C) understood D) don’t understand

16. Translate the word. Application form

A) aplikatsiya B) ariza C) sarlavha D) dalolatnoma

17.Eat and drink only in the canteen.A)oshxonada suv ichmoq. B)oshxonadaovqatlanmoq va ichmoq. C)faqat maktab oshxonasida ovqatlanmoq. D)faqat restaranda ovqatlanmoq.

18. How fast your messages are transmitted from the fax machine?

A) after 2 hours B) immediately C) after a year D) 2 days ago

19. Could I speak to….A) take a massage B) good bye C) Mr.Smirnov, please? D) thanks

20. Complete the end of the words. Econom…. / Congratulat….

A) ist / on B) tion / or C) ist/ ion D) ion/ er

21. In…. USA ….fourth of July is….. greatest national holiday.

A) the/-/the B) an/ tie/ an C) the/the/the D) the/a/ an

22. When telephone was invented? A) in 1976 B) in 1867 C) in 1967 D) in 1876

23. He looks after for your peace. He is a…..

A) journalist B) policeman C) shop worker D) fireman

24. Which is the easiest way to send a message?

A) air mail B) post office C) e-mail D) fax

25. Complete the sentence. I’m phoning to … to a party on Saturday.

A) wish B) invite C) say D) ask

9/8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-II |A |B |B |D |D |D |C |D |A |D |D |A |C |D |A |B |C |B |C |C |C |D |B |C |B | |

The 9th form The 4th term(Variant-III)

1. Put the words in order . 1) got 2) you 3) at home 4) have 5) a telephone 6) ?

A) 5,2,4,1,3,6 B) 2,4,3,1,5,6 C) 2,4,5,3,1,6 D) 4,2,1,5,3,6

2.Choose the preposition. I’m good ……telling jokes. A) about B) in C) at D) on

3.Find the synonym. Vacations A) Advantage B) holidays C) salary D) ability

4. Complete the sentence. If you are fond of……you could study to be a vet.

A) plants B) animals C) money D) jeweler

5. Working during a part of the regular working day is…..

A) flaxy-time job B) full-time job C) useful job D) part-time job

6. A biologist is a person who….. A) Studies people’s bodies, animals and plants

B) cheeks pollution or organizes the protection of trees and animals C) is an outdoor type

7. If you are good at technical machinery and interested in operational problems you should be…..A) a biologist B) a teacher C) a doctor D) an engineer

8. If you eat too much….. A) you catch a cold B) you get a headache

C) you become fat D) you lose weight

9.What can we do with “ answer phone”? A)to find address B)to send a parcel C)to record messages when no one is available to answer the phoneD)to send or receive message

10.Can you use a mobile phone? A)Yes, I do B) No, I haven’t C)Yes, I can D)Yes, they

11. What is the emergency number for the police? A) 01 B) 02 C) 03 D) 04

12. Which is the easiest way to send a message?

A) air mail B) post office C) e-mail D) fax

13. How many syllables have the following word “ambulance” A) 3 B) 4 C) 2 D) 5

14. What is the emergency number for the fire brigade?A) 01 B) 02 C) 03 D) 04

15. Complete the sentence. Pupils must……… A) wear identity badges at all time

B) sleeping during the lesson C) stay after school D) punish who break the rules

16. What is bullying? A) it’s pulling somebody’s hair B) beating another pupil C) running in the corridor D) frightening another pupil so that he or she gives you money

17. What age do children go to the kindergarten in the USA? A) 3 B) 7 C) 5 D) 6

18. Put the words in correct order. different/ from/ came/ and/ countries/ boys/ girls / the

A) the girls and boys come from different countries B) the different countries come girls and boys from C) The countries different come from the boys and girls.

19. The capital of Northern Ireland is…A) Cardiff B) Edinburgh C) Belfast D) Scotland

20. Translate into Uzbek. Election A) saylamoq B) saylov C) saylovchi D) nomzod

21. When a teacher gives a pupil “lines” he must…… A) not come the school for a few days B) he must write the same sentences again 50 or 100 times C) stay after school D) to go to another school

22.When was Uzbekistan becomes a member of UNESCO. A) On October 29, 1993.

B) On September 1, 1991. C) On October 25, 1991. D) On December 8, 1991.

23. Choose the full name of UNESCO. A) United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. B) United National Non – governmental organization. C) United Nations International children’s Emergency fund. D) United Nations children’s fund.

24.Who is the head of the government in Great Britain? A)The Queen B) The Prime – Minister C) The President D) The mayor is the head of the state

25. She … a journalist nowadays. A) Are B) was C) is D)

9/8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 | |V-III |D |C |B |B |D |A |D |C |C |C |B |C |A |A |A |D |C |A |C |B |B |A |A |A |C | |


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