Lesson Plan 1

|ART: Grade Five |

|Lesson Plan |

|Lesson Plan Title: Pieces of a Puzzle – Community (two day assignment) |

|Concept / Topic To Teach: Effective ways of using symbols to create a self-portrait. Define community and understand everyone plays an |

|important role in creating a community. |

|Standards Addressed: SOL 5.1, 5.3, 5.5, 5.7, 5.9, 5.17, 5.20 |

|SOL 5.1 |

|The student will synthesize information to produce works of art. |

|SOL 5.3 |

|The student will use the elements of art – line, shape, form, color, value, texture, and space – to express ideas, images and emotions. |

|SOL 5.5 |

|The student will use the principles of design, including proportion, rhythm, balance, emphasis, variety, contrast, and unity, to express ideas |

|and create images. |

|SOL 5.7 |

|The student will collaborate with others to produce a work of art that characterizes a historical time period. |

|SOL 5.9 |

|The student will demonstrate an understanding of symbolic meanings by incorporating symbols in a work of art. |

|SOL 5.17 |

|The student will describe and discuss various commercial art careers (e.g., product designer, fashion designer, graphic artist, photographer). |

|-muralist |

|SOL 5.20 |

|The student will research a variety of cultures and the works of art they have produced. |

|General Goal(s): Art Grade Five – Symbols, Community |

|The students will be able to demonstrate various ways of creating a self-portrait using symbols. |

|The students will gain a strong understanding of what a community is and how they play an important role in their “school community”. |

|Specific Objectives: |

|The student will investigate and understand what a symbol is and how to use them in art. |

|Symbol- something visible that represents something meaningful. |

|Examples of a symbol: the American flag is a symbol for the United States. |

|The student will be able to define symbolic color |

|Symbolic Color – a color that has a feeling associated with it. |

|Example of symbolic color: red heart = love, black heart = hate. |

|The student will discuss and develop a clear definition for community. |

|Community- A unified body of individuals. People with a common interest, living in a particular area. |

|The student will discover murals with examples of Diego Rivera’s work. |

|Mural- is any piece of artwork painted directly on a wall, ceiling, or other large permanent surface. |

|Diego Rivera- a Mexican painter and muralist that became well known for his artwork that represented the people of Mexico (his community). |

|The student will discover self-portraits with examples of Frida Kahlo’s work. |

|Frida Kahlo- a Mexican painter that became well known for her self-portraits, in addition to her relationship with Diego Rivera. |

|The student will discuss and discover (by creating) what an installation piece of artwork is. |

|Installation- a group of objects and effects that relate to their surroundings. They are usually displayed for a temporary period of time. |

|The student will discuss and discover (by creating) what a collaborative piece of artwork is. |

|Collaboration- is the act of working together on one project. |

|The student will investigate and understand what unity is, and how it applies to this assignment. |

|Unity- the feeling of wholeness or oneness that is achieved through the effective use of the elements and principles of art. |

|The student will investigate and understand what variety is, and how it applies to this assignment. |

|Variety- A principle of art that is concerned with difference or contrast. |

|Required Materials: |

|Puzzle piece templates |

|Instructional props (posters, images, etc.) |

|Teacher example(s) |

|Pencil |

|Scissors |

|Tag board |

|Mirrors (optional) |

|Crayons |

|Eraser |

|Symbolic colors handout |

|Flowers and their symbolic meanings handout (optional) |

|Animals and their symbolic meanings handout (optional) |

|Small piece of paper (for writing the symbol explanations on) |

|Tape (for attaching the symbol explanations to the back of the puzzle pieces) |

|Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): |

|Show an example of a completed puzzle piece (teacher example) |

|Ask students questions to spark their interest such as: |

|What does the word community mean to you? |

|Do you think your school is a community? |

|Who makes up your school community? |

|Why do you think we are working on puzzle pieces instead of normal square paper? |

|Why do you think there are four different puzzle piece shapes? |

|Step-By-Step Procedures:   |

|Complete all of the steps of the anticipatory set (above). |

|Discuss the big idea of community. Give the formal definition of the word, and then elaborate on all of the different areas that could be |

|considered a community. |

|Show examples of Diego Rivera’s work, and discuss the important moments of his life, his career as an artist, and what his artwork was about. |

|Show examples of Frida Khalo’s work, and discuss the important moments of her life (bus accident; mirror on the ceiling), her career as an |

|artist, and what her artwork was about (self-portraits made up of symbols). |

|Discuss what symbols are, what symbolic colors are, and how they could be used when creating a self-portrait for this assignment (using the |

|poster board with examples of both and the completed teacher’s example for how I applied them to this assignment). |

|Demonstrate to students how the different puzzle pieces will fit together, and why it is so important to follow directions when it comes to |

|having the puzzle pieces’ top be the top of their puzzle piece (with examples of my four complete teacher’s examples). |

|Distribute the materials needed to complete the assignment. |

|Next, have the students trace one of the puzzle pieces at their table. Instruct them to pay close attention to the “top” label on the template |

|(making sure to mark the correct “top” on their traced puzzle piece) and the color of the puzzle piece template they have selected (making sure|

|to write the correct color on the back of their traced puzzle piece). |

|Have each student carefully cut out the puzzle piece that they just traced. |

|Have each student write their first name, last name, and art code on the back of their traced puzzle piece. |

|Again remind the students to look at the puzzle piece template that they traced and make sure that the information (top and color) is correctly|

|labeled on their traced/cut out puzzle piece. |

|Next, have the students draw their self-portraits, in pencil, using symbols (that represent them) on their puzzle piece. Instruct the students |

|to write down every symbol (as they draw it), and/or every symbolic color as they use it, on the small separate piece of paper, along with an |

|explanation of how each symbol/symbolic color represents them. |

|Once they have successfully drawn their self-portraits, instruct the students to use the crayons to “color in” and elaborate their |

|self-portraits made of symbols. |

|Go over the directions for clean up (the directions for clean up may differ based on changes made to the lesson plan or based on the supplies |

|available). |

|Finally, when the students have completed their puzzle pieces, instruct them to carefully place them in the correct “completed assignment |

|pile”. |

|Kinesthetic Learners: Have them arrange the puzzle piece templates at their tables (for a clear understanding of the pieces fitting together |

|and the importance of following directions). Have them complete the assignment. |

|Visual Learners: Show a completed “Puzzle Piece” project, in addition to artwork that demonstrates this assignment’s objectives. |

|Plan For Independent Practice: Have the students write down possible symbols and symbolic colors they would like to include in their |

|self-portrait, and have them practice drawing them. |

|Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): |

|Students will compare their completed puzzle pieces with the rest of the class (if time permits). |

|As a class, we will have a review. The review will consist of going over all of the objectives of this assignment (symbols, symbolic colors, |

|community, mural, Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, installation, collaboration, unity, variety). |

|Assessment Based On Objectives: |

|“Grade” the “Pieces of a Puzzle” pre-test and post-test (for the participating classes). |

|Examine the students’ completed puzzle pieces. I will be specifically looking for: |

|The use of symbols (with separate piece of paper with explanations) |

|Correctly labeled artwork (ability to follow directions) |

|Craftsmanship (neatly traced and cut puzzle pieces) |

|Adaptations (For Students With Learning Disabilities): |

|Provide assistance in tracing and cutting our their puzzle piece. |

|Make sure their puzzle piece is correctly labeled (color, top, name, art code). |

|Discuss what sorts of shapes I see on their face. |

|Ask questions about them that will help them determine what sort of symbols they should include in their self-portrait. |

|Extensions (For Gifted Students): Encourage further thinking on applying this lesson to other areas. What other “communities” do they belong |

|to in addition to Great Bridge Intermediate? What else could have been done to create a sense of community, besides a puzzle piece? |

|Possible Connections To Other Subjects: Art History, Math/Geometry. |

|Notes: |

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