Types of Jobs

|Lesson Synopsis: |

In this lesson, students will learn about job requirements and the characteristics of a job well done. They will also learn how specialized jobs can improve production and the quality of the product.


|1.10 |Economics. The student understands the value of work. The student is expected to: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|1.10A |Describe the components of various jobs and the characteristics of a job well performed. |

|1.10B |Describe how specialized jobs contribute to the production of goods and services. |

Social Studies Skills TEKS:

|1.18 |Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. The student is expected to: |

|1.18A |Express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences. |

|1.18B |Create visual and written material including pictures, maps, timelines, and graphs. |

|Getting Ready for Instruction |

|Performance Indicator(s): |

• Design an advertisement for a specialized job related to a good or service. Describe the requirements of the job and the characteristics of a job well done. (1.10A, 1.10B; 1.18A, 1.18B)

• 3B

|Key Understandings and Guiding Questions: |

• Las personas con destrezas especiales adquiere empleos para proveer bienes y servicios para la comunidad y se esfuerzan por hacer un buen trabajo.

— ¿Qué factores influyen en los empleos que eligen las personas?

— ¿Cómo afecta la especialización la producción de bienes y servicios?

— ¿Cómo saben las personas que ha hecho un buen trabajo?

|Vocabulary of Instruction: |

• línea de montaje

• calidad

|Resources and References: |

• None identified


• Teacher Resource: Flower Power Jobs

• Handout: Newspaper Jobs Pictures

• Teacher Resource: Newspaper Jobs

• Handout: Dry Cleaning Jobs Pictures

• Teacher Resource: Dry Cleaning Jobs

• Handout: Bingo Card

• Teacher Resource: Bingo Clues

|Advance Preparation: |

1. Become familiar with content and procedures for the lesson.

2. Refer to the Instructional Focus Document for specific content to include in the lesson.

3. Select appropriate sections of the textbook and other classroom materials that support the learning for this lesson.

4. Preview websites according to district guidelines.

5. Gather books to read aloud.

6. Display vocabulary words on a “word wall” to be used during the lesson.

7. Make a tissue paper flower using the directions below.

a. Cut tissue paper into 5 x 7 rectangles or cut standard sheets into fourths.

b. Stack 4 pieces of tissue paper. You can use the same color or different colors.

c. Accordion pleat the tissue paper working from the long side.

d. Wind a pipe cleaner around the middle of the accordion pleated tissue paper.

e. Gently separate each layer pulling upwards towards the center of the flower.

f. Stick ends of pipe cleaner into a straw and tape.

g. If desired, cover straw with green crepe paper.

8. Make a chart with Flower Power Jobs on it.

9. Put materials needed for each Flower Power Job into bags.

a. Tissue Paper Cutters – tissue paper and scissors

b. Stackers – no additional materials needed

c. Folders – no additional materials needed

d. Pipe Cleaner Attachers – pipe cleaners

e. Fluffers – no additional materials needed

f. Straw Attachers – straws and clear tape

g. Quality Control – no additional materials needed. Provide a well-made completed flower as an example.

10. Get a full edition of a newspaper.

11. Get a dry cleaning bag with an article of clothing.

12. Have a pocket chart available.

13. Print out Handout: Newspaper Jobs Pictures and Handout: Dry Cleaning Jobs Pictures. Cut apart for use in a pocket chart. Mount if desired.

14. Make copies of the Handout: Bingo Card, Handout: Newspaper Jobs Pictures, and Handout: Dry Cleaning Jobs Pictures for each student.

15. Print additional copies of the Handout: Newspaper Jobs Pictures and Handout: Dry Cleaning Jobs Pictures so each child can have one picture. Cut apart and put into a gift bag.

|Background Information: |

Division of labor means dividing the work so that each person has a special job. Specialization is an important concept because it allows us to produce better services for the same amount of work. Each worker can become skilled at their task. All jobs have a set of skills and requirements usually specified in a job description. These requirements are used to evaluate how well a job is performed. Quality is a goal of every job and every employer.

Market – a physical location such as a shopping district in a town or state, or a mechanism such as telephones, the telegraph, or the internet which brings buyers and sellers together. Markets serve local, regional, national, or global regions.

Technology – the application of processes, methods, or knowledge to achieve a specific purpose; advancements created by humans to solve problems

Change – to make different in some way, especially over time

Specialization – a division of labor such that each person does one part, and the sum of the parts creates a whole

Work – labor or task accomplished

Specific Vocabulary Note: The newspaper job copy editor can either be spelled as two words, copy editor, or as one word, copyeditor, or as a hyphenated word Copy-editor.

|Getting Ready for Instruction Supplemental Planning Document |

Instructors are encouraged to supplement and substitute resources, materials, and activities to differentiate instruction to address the needs of learners. The Exemplar Lessons are one approach to teaching and reaching the Performance Indicators and Specificity in the Instructional Focus Document for this unit. Instructors are encouraged to create original lessons using the Content Creator in the Tools Tab located at the top of the page. All originally authored lessons can be saved in the “My CSCOPE” Tab within the “My Content” area.

|Instructional Procedures |

|Instructional Procedures |Notes for Teacher |

|ENGAGE – Focus on hobbies |NOTE: 1 Day = 30 minutes |

| |Suggested Day 1 – 15 minutes |

|Share with students something you do very well. This can be a hobby or talent. If |Materials: |

|possible, bring an example to display. Explain to students the skills you need to do your |Packages of tissue paper either single color or multicolored |

|special hobby or talent and why you like doing it. |Green pipe cleaners |

|Ask: |Non-bendable straws |

|What is it that you do very well? Give students time to think about what they do. Prompt |Green crepe paper (optional) |

|with suggestions such as: Do you draw, sing, read, or take care of a pet? Have students |Scissors |

|share with one another things they do well. Ask students to share these with the class. |Tape |

|Scribe the list on the board as students share. | |

| |Purpose: |

|Say: |Focus on hobbies or talents and how they relate to future jobs. |

|We all have something that we do well and like to do. Many times our hobbies or talents | |

|can help us to choose our profession or job when we grow up. For example, if you like to |TEKS: 1.10A; 1.10B; 1.18A; 1.18B |

|draw funny pictures as a child, you might become a cartoonist when you grow up. If you | |

|like to grow things, you might be a florist or a farmer when you grow up. If you like to |Instructional Note: |

|take care of people, you might be a nurse or a doctor when you grow up. | |

| |What We Like to Do Possible Job |

|Refer to the list on the board and ask students what jobs these could become. | |

|EXPLORE – Making flowers |Suggested Day 1 (continued) – 15 minutes |

|Form 7 groups. Show the flower that you have made previously. |Attachments: |

|Say: |Teacher Resource: Flower Power Jobs |

|Today, we are going to make something very special. We are going to make some flowers to | |

|give to the other teachers to thank them for doing a good job. Maybe, if we do a really |Purpose: |

|good job making the flowers, we will be asked to make flowers for other people. We need to|Create flowers working in 7 specialized groups to complete the finished |

|make a lot of flowers in a short amount of time and we want to do a good job making them. |product. |

|In order to make these flowers, each group is going to have a special job. | |

| |TEKS: 1.10A, 1.10B; 1.18A, 1.18B |

|Display Flower Power Jobs chart (created from Teacher Resource: Flower Power Jobs). As you| |

|explain each job, demonstrate the job. The last job is quality control. Explain that this | |

|group will inspect the flower and make sure it is made correctly. If it is not done right,| |

|quality control can either put it in a reject pile or repair it. Demonstrate quality | |

|control. | |

| | |

|Distribute materials needed to the first group. Students in the first group begin work | |

|while you watch. Then move to the next group. The first group passes their product to the | |

|second group. If there are additional materials needed, give these to the group. Watch the| |

|second group begin their job and then move to the next group. Continue until all have | |

|started their jobs. Explain that this is called an assembly line. We are all assembling | |

|part of the final product. When one group completes a task, the next group does their part| |

|until everyone has contributed and the product is completed. | |

| | |

|When students have completed their flowers, check the reject pile and the completed pile. | |

|Give the students praise for working and producing the flowers. | |

|EXPLAIN – Was there success in making flowers? |Suggested Day 2 – 10 minutes |

|Ask: |Purpose: |

|When we made the flowers, everyone had a special job. What were our jobs? (Students name |Conclude that when each person did a specific job and did that job well,|

|the jobs. Post the Flower Power Jobs chart where they can see it.) |the number of flowers created was increased as well as the quality. |

|What did you have to do if you were the tissue paper cutter? (Cut the paper in | |

|rectangles.) |TEKS: 1.10A, 1.10B; 1.18A, 1.18B |

|What special skills did you need? (Cut straight) | |

|How would you know if you did a good job? (Rectangles are the same size, the edges are | |

|straight) | |

| | |

|Ask these or similar questions about each of the jobs. Students turn and talk to a partner| |

|to answer each question and then take turns reporting to the group. Write student’s | |

|responses to skills needed on the chart. | |

|When you made the tissue paper flowers, you had a specific job to do and you had special | |

|skills you needed. Do you think this made it easier or harder to make the flowers? Why? | |

|(Possible responses: Easier, because you had just one thing to do not all of it. Harder, | |

|because you only did that one thing and if you didn’t like it, you were stuck with it or | |

|it could get boring OR if you weren’t good at it, you might contribute to a poor quality | |

|product.) | |

| | |

|Say: | |

|Having a specific job to do allowed us make more flowers in a shorter amount of time. This| |

|is called a specialization. When several people work together to create a product, it is | |

|called division of labor. Jobs are divided among the workers in order to be more | |

|efficient. Every person has to do a specific job to do and must do his or her job well so | |

|the product will be of good quality. | |

| | |

|ENGAGE – Introduce other specialized jobs |Suggested Day 2 (continued) – 5 minutes |

|Creating flowers in the previous lesson illustrated how specializing in a task increases |Materials: |

|the number of products and the quality of production. Let’s look at what other products or|A full edition of a newspaper |

|services have specialized jobs. | |

| |Purpose: |

|Display a newspaper. Distribute one section or one page to each student. |Introduce other jobs that produce goods or services that are |

| |specialized. |

|Ask: | |

|How do you think the newspaper is made? Write student responses on the board. (Possible |TEKS: 1.10A, 1.10B; 1.18A, 1.18B |

|responses: someone writes the story, someone types the story, and someone takes the | |

|pictures.) | |

|EXPLORE – Newspaper and dry cleaning jobs |Suggested Day 2 (continued) – 15 minutes |

|Say: |Materials: |

|There are many people who work to produce a newspaper. |Item of clothing in a dry cleaning bag |

| |Pocket chart |

|Place the Handout: Newspaper Job Pictures in a pocket chart. Using the Teacher Resource: | |

|Newspaper Jobs, explain each job at the newspaper, or if time permits, read a book about |Attachments: |

|how a newspaper is published. |Handout: Newspaper Jobs Pictures |

|Say: |Teacher Resource: Newspaper Jobs |

|A newspaper is a product you can buy. |Handout: Dry Cleaning Jobs Pictures |

|Ask: |Teacher Resource: Dry Cleaning Jobs |

|What about a service or something someone does for you? Sometimes, I take my clothes to | |

|the dry cleaners. Show the bag with an article of clothing. |Purpose: |

|How do you think they cleaned my clothes? |Understand there are other jobs that produce goods or provide services |

|What jobs do you think are at the dry cleaners? (Someone takes the clothes; someone cleans|that are specialized. |

|them.) | |

| |TEKS: 1.10A, 1.10B; 1.18A, 1.18B |

|Place the Handout: Dry Cleaning Jobs Pictures in the pocket chart. Using the Teacher | |

|Resource: Dry Cleaning Jobs explain each job at the dry cleaners. |Instructional Note: |

|Ask: |Conduct an internet search for more information on newspaper publishing |

|Why do you think people choose the jobs at the newspaper or the dry cleaners? (They liked |and dry cleaning. |

|to write, take pictures, run machines, talk to people, etc.) | |

|How would we know they have done a good job? (The clothes are clean, the newspaper is | |

|bought.) | |

|EXPLAIN – Bingo |Suggested Day 3 – 10 minutes |

|Distribute to each student a Handout: Bingo Card and a copy of the Handout: Newspaper Job |Materials: |

|Pictures and Handout: Dry Cleaning Job Pictures. Students cut the pictures out and glue |Markers or counters |

|them on their Bingo Card in random order. The Free Space in the middle should be left | |

|empty. |Attachments: |

| |Handout: Bingo Card |

|When students are finished making their cards, distribute counters or markers to use. Read|Handout: Newspaper Job Pictures |

|the Teacher Resource: Bingo Clues. Students mark their Bingo cards. Play until everyone |Handout: Dry Cleaning Job Pictures |

|has covered their card. |Teacher Resource: Bingo Clues |

| | |

|When finished playing Bingo, students turn and tell a partner one important job in |Purpose: |

|creating a newspaper or cleaning clothes at a dry cleaners. |Match picture cards with job description by placing a marker on the |

| |Bingo card. |

|ENGAGE/ELABORATE – Key Understandings |Suggested Day 3 (continued) – 5 minutes |

|Facilitate a discussion based on Key Understandings and Guiding Questions: |Purpose: |

|People with special skills acquire jobs to provide goods and services for the community |Answer guiding questions to demonstrate an understanding of concepts. |

|and strive to do the job well. | |

|What factors influence the jobs that people choose? |TEKS: 1.10A, 1.10B; 1.18A, 1.18B |

|How does specialization affect the production of goods and services? | |

|How do people know they have done a good job? | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|EVALUATE – Design an advertisement |Suggested Day 3 (continued) – 15 minutes |

|Design an advertisement for a specialized job related to a good or service. Describe the |Materials: |

|requirements of the job and the characteristics of a job well done. (1.10A, 1.10B; 1.18A, |Construction paper, 12 X 18 |

|1.18B) | |

|[pic] 3B |Attachments: |

| |Handout: Newspaper Jobs Pictures |

|Students create and explain an advertisement for a specialized job at a newspaper or a dry|Handout: Dry Cleaning Jobs Pictures |

|cleaner that describes the requirements of the job and the characteristics of a job well | |

|done. |Purpose: |

| |Determine mastery. |

|Place a set of the pictures from the Handout: Newspaper Jobs Pictures and Handout: Dry | |

|Cleaning Jobs Pictures into a gift bag. |TEKS: 1.10A, 1.10B; 1.18A, 1.18B |

| | |

|Each student selects a picture from the bag and names it. Tell them they are going to | |

|pretend to be a boss in the newspaper business or the dry cleaners business. They are | |

|going to create an advertisement for the job they have selected. The advertisement should | |

|have the name of the job, two job requirements, and one way to know that the job was well | |

|done. | |

| | |

|Distribute a sheet of construction paper to each student. Allow them time to develop and | |

|draw their advertisement. | |



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