NOVEMBER 2020 Approved Motions

SUMMARY OF PUBLIC APPROVED MOTIONSNOVEMBER 2020This report is a summary of motions from the approved minutes requiring actions made at the Public Meetings of the Board, Standing, and Statutory and Sub Committee meetings for the month of NOVEMBER 2020. Detailed information can be found in the relevant Meeting Minutes and/or the TCDSB website. Student Achievement and Well-Being Public Minutes – November 4, 2020 Governance and Policy Public Minutes – November 10, 2020Special Board Public Minutes – November 11, 2020Corporate Services Public Minutes – November 12, 2020 Audit Public Minutes – November 17, 2020Special Education Advisory Committee Public Minutes – November 18, 2020Regular Board Public Minutes – November 19, 2020SA PUB2020-11-04DESCRIPTIONBOARD ACTION/DIRECTIONS10.Delegationsa)Julie Altomare-Di Nunzio, President, Toronto Elementary Catholic Teachers, regarding November School Re-OrganizationReceived and referred to Staff.b)Marianna Kaminski and Olena Shklar, Co-Chairs, Catholic School Parent Committee (CSPC), Josyf Cardinal Slipyj regarding Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Staffing ChangesReceived and referred to Staff.12.Notices of Motiona)From Trustee Lubinski regarding the Toronto Catholic District School Board to Commemorate Canada’s First National Internment Operations (1914-1920)Will be considered at the December 3, 2020 Student Achievement Meeting:WHEREAS: On October 28, Canadians from many backgrounds commemorated Canada’s First National Internment Operations – the forced internment of 8,579 Ukrainians and other Europeans who were branded ‘enemy aliens’ and sent to 24 internment camps across Canada between 1914 and 1920;WHEREAS: Men, women, and children suffered during Canada’s First National Internment Operations, not because of anything they had done, but only because of who they were and where they had come from;WHEREAS: On this day, we remember the victims of this injustice and we are united in our resolve to bring an end to prejudice and discrimination, wherever they may appear;WHEREAS: All Canadians are encouraged to mark this important day of commemoration in their communities; andWHEREAS: The TCDSB Ukrainian Canadian Advisory Committee requested that our Board Commemorates Canada’s First National Internment Operations 100th anniversary in 2020 and every October 28 Thereafter.BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The TCDSB adopt October 28 of each year as Annual Internment Commemoration Day in recognition of Ukrainians and other Europeans who were interned in Canada during the First World War; andBE IT RESOLVED THAT: The TCDSB acknowledge the year 2020, as the 100th anniversary of the closing of the internment camps in 1920.13.Consideration of Motions for which previous notice has been givena)From Trustee Di Pasquale regarding the Vatican for Laudato Si' yearWHEREAS: This year is recognized by the Vatican as the Year of Laudato Si’, in recognition of the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ environmental stewardship encyclical “On Caring for Our Common Home”;WHEREAS: The Vatican has a full program of learning activities that schools can take part in during Laudato Si’ year;WHEREAS: The Vatican plans to grant an award to the most outstanding Laudato Si’ school; andWHEREAS: A climate emergency has been declared by Canada and the City of Toronto.BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) explores activities planned by the Vatican for Laudato Si’ year and consider having our schools take part;BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: Staff consider awarding an annual Laudato Si’ School Award, for the school that best exemplifies care for our common home, and have that school be our formal application to the Vatican for their annual Laudato Si’ school award;BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: Staff explore encouraging schools to become an Eco School to achieve the goals of the Laudato Si’ encyclical; andBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: Staff explore the Laudato Si’ Action Network and consider expressing an interest in joining the Laudato Si’ Action Network for Education.17.Staff Reportsa)Toronto Catholic District School Board K-12 Professional Learning Plan to Support Student Achievement and Well-Being 2020-2021Received.b)Policy S.24 - Combined Grade Classes and September Re-Organization for Elementary SchoolsReceived.c)Elementary Catholic Student Leadership Impact Team Report 2020Item not discussed.d)Establishment of Bilingual Youth CouncilReceived.e)Toronto Catholic District School Board Outdoor EducationItem not discussed.f)Return to School UpdateWHEREAS: Toronto Public Health (TPH), an unbiased organization, should determine which schools are classified as “higher risk”; andWHEREAS: There has been new data published since TPH provided the Board with their original ranking of schools.1. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Toronto Catholic District School Board request an updated list from TPH based on more recent data at their disposal. (e.g. neighborhood positive test rates).2. WHEREAS: Toronto Public Health (TPH) has not taken into account that some schools have numerous busses that bring children to the school and are not just local students attending, that we request TPH take this into account.3. That TCDSB urge Toronto Transit Commission to continue to take all possible steps to facilitate safe physical distancing in transit vehicles with priority to services in neighbourhoods with a higher incidence of COVID-19;4. That TCDSB urge City Council and Ministry of Health to make city facilities available for the distribution of the flu shot with consideration of establishing drive-through flu shot stations; and5. That TCDSB call on the Province of Ontario to increase the availability and accessibility of pop up COVID-19 testing in neighbourhoods disproportionately affected by the pandemic.g)Enrolment Status Report 2020/2021 All WardsItem not discussed.20.Updating of Pending Lista)Annual Calendar of Reports and Policy MetricsReceived.b)Monthly Pending ListReceived.GAP PUB2020-11-10DESCRIPTIONBOARD ACTION/DIRECTIONS14.Staff Reportsa)Update To Permits Policy B.R. 05That this item be deferred until such time as staff is able to complete the report.b)Update to Electronic Communication System - Acceptable Use A.29Received; andThat the revised Acceptable Use of Technology Policy A.29 provided in Report Appendix B be adopted.c)Rescindment of Release of Holdbacks F.M.04That the Release of Holdback Policy F.M.04 (Appendix A) be rescinded.d)Rescindment of Border Brokers Policy F.P.03That the Border Brokers Policy F.P.03 (Appendix A of the Report) be rescinded effective immediately.e)Update to Policy Priority List 2020Received17.Updating of Pending Lista)Monthly Pending ListReceivedb)Annual Policy Priority ScheduleReceivedSPL BOARD PUB2020-11-11DESCRIPTIONBOARD ACTION/DIRECTIONS12.Delegationsa)From Paolo De Buono regarding Trustees Code of Conduct ComplaintsReceivedb)From Kyle Iannuzzi regarding Ethics Violations by dissenting Trustees on external report concerning Trustee ConductReceived and Referred to Staffc)From Nicole Richard regarding Multiple Ethics ViolationsReceived and Referred to Staffd)From Danielle Hidi regarding EquityItem Withdrawn by delegatee)From Josephine Luetke regarding Confidential Report on Trustee Michael Del Grande's November 7, 2019 Proposed AmendmentReceivedf)From Kathleen Wynne regarding Ethics Violations by Dissenting Trustees on External Report Concerning Trustee ConductReceived and Referred to Staffg)From Teresa Pierre, representative of Parents as First Educators regarding Free Speech of TrusteesReceived and Referred to Staffh)From Jody Maillet regarding Trustees Code of Conduct ComplaintsReceived and Referred to Staffi)From Christopher Elliott regarding Defense of Trustee Del GrandeReceivedj)From Jose Luis Bundoc Dizon regarding Report on Michael Del GrandeMotion of Receipt LOST ON A TIEk)From Julie Altomare-DiNunzo, representative of Toronto Elementary Catholic Teachers (TECT) regarding Trustee Code of ConductReceived and Referred to Staffl)From Mandy Kulic regarding Review of Code of Conduct DecisionReceived and Referred to Staff14.Unfinished Business from Previous Meetingsai)Update on all sanctions imposed by the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB)Received explanation from the Director and that in future whenever a Trustee has breached the Trustees Code of Conduct and there were sanctions, that a report come back to the Board of Trustees.aii)Reconsideration of a Code of Conduct decision involving a Trustee from the August 20, 2020 Regular Board Meeting1. That we reconsider the Board’s decision of August 20, 2020 in the matter of the public vs Trustee Del Grande on the decision made that there was no breach in the Code of Conduct;2. WHEREAS: It is alleged that Trustee Del Grande breached the Code of Conduct by his comments and his proposed amendment of a motion at a November 7, 2019 Trustee Board meeting that were offensive and inappropriate.BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board find Trustee Del Grande in breach of the Trustee Code of Conduct;3(i). That, in accordance with Section 10(a) of Policy T.04 (Trustee Code of Conduct), and section 218.3 of the Education Act, the Board censure Trustee Del Grande for behavior which was disrespectful to the LGBTQ community as a whole, as well as the TCDSB community; and further,?(ii) That the Board requests that Trustee Del Grande present a public apology; and further,??(Resolution (iii) failed based on 2/3 Majority vote requirement:?(iii) That Trustee Del Grande be barred from sitting on the following committees of the Board for a three month period beginning with the next scheduled meeting of each of the following committees:?-Committee of the Whole (Regular Board),?-Corporate Services?-Student Achievement?-Governance and Policy-Nurturing Our Catholic Committee-SEAC-Catholic Parent Involvement Committee,?-Audit Committee,?-Any Advisory Committee,?-Appeals Hearing Panels,?-Toronto Student Transportation Group?-Expulsion Hearing Panels, and?-Any Ad Hoc Committee established by the Board); and further,?(iv).That the Board refrain from appointing Trustee Del Grande to any representative position or role on behalf of the Board for a period of three months; and further;?(v). That Trustee Del Grande immediately undertake and complete within a month an Equity Training program, to be recommended by the Board’s Human Rights and Equity Advisor;4. That a retracted version of the Rubin Thomlinson Report be made available to the public; and5. That we release only the portion of the report beginning at Section 8 on Page 11and the Findings and Analysis section to the public including any necessary redaction(s).15.Matters referred/deferred from Committees/Boarda)Approved Minutes of the Governance and Policy Committee Meeting Held September 8, 2020Referred to the next available meeting as determined by staffb)Approved Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting Held June 22, 2020Referred to the next available meeting as determined by staffc)Approved Minutes of the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Meeting Held September 16, 2020Referred to the next available meeting as determined by staffd)Approved Minutes of the Governance and Policy Committee Meeting Held March 02, 2020Referred to the next available meeting as determined by staffe)Approved Minutes of the Governance and Policy Committee Meeting Held August 25, 2020Referred to the next available meeting as determined by stafff)From the Governance and Policy Committee: Delegations and Public Participation T.14Referred to the next available meeting as determined by staffg)Inquiry from Trustee Di Pasquale regarding the implementation of Anti-Black and Indigenous Motion passed at the June 2020 Regular Board MeetingReferred to the next available meeting as determined by staffh)Communication From Abundant Life Centre - Loretto Sisters Project in KenyaReferred to the next available meeting as determined by staffi)Safe Schools Report 2019-2020Referred to the next available meeting as determined by staffj)H.M.33 Acceptance of Hospitality of Gifts Policy Metric 2019-2020Referred to the next available meeting as determined by staffk)Voices that Challenge 2020 Catholic Student Leadership Impact Team (CSLIT) – Inspiring Active Citizenship in Catholic EducationReferred to the next available meeting as determined by staffl)From the Governance and Policy Committee: Meta Policy M.01Referred to the next available meeting as determined by staffm)Catholic Student Leadership Impact Team (CSLIT) 2020-2021 Pillars of Focus (Refer Item 15k)Referred to the next available meeting as determined by staff19.Listing of Communicationsa)From Carla Hindman regarding Reconsideration of Trustee Code of Conduct DecisionReferred to the next available meeting as determined by staffb)From Catherine Copelin regarding Trustee Del Grande's Comments -Violation in Code of ConductReferred to the next available meeting as determined by staffc)From Julie Altomare-DiNunzio, representative of Toronto Elementary Catholic Teachers (TECT) regarding Trustee Code of ConductReferred to the next available meeting as determined by staffCS PUB2020-11-12DESCRIPTIONBOARD ACTION/DIRECTIONS11.Presentationsa)Pat Daly, President of Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association (OCSTA), regarding OCSTAThat fees in the amount of $209,487 be paid to OCSTA for the 2020-2021 membership year.12.Priority Staff Reports12a)Return to School UpdateReceived; andThat Toronto Public Health be invited to the December 3, 2020 Student Achievement and Well-Being Committee Meeting to speak on process.12b)Return to School Update (With Appendix B - Process for Selection of Projects for Covid-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream (CVRIS)Funding Submission) (Refer Item 12a)(Refer Item 12a)16.Matters referred or deferreda)Approved Minutes of the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Meeting Held September 16, 2020Received; and That Recommendations 1 & 2 be referred to Staff for a report:1. To develop and draft a policy with protocol and procedures outlining the use of exclusions and the appeal process for Exclusion Appeals;2. That a report be prepared for the counting the number of Individual Education Plans (IEP) due at the beginning of a school year or term/semester and the number and percent of completed IEPs that were sent to parents on or before the 30-school day period has passed.The report to Include IEPs due no earlier than the beginning of the 2020/21 school year;The report to accumulate new reporting periods as the 30-school day period expires;The report should not include more than the previous 5 school years of reporting; andThe report to separate Elementary and Secondary results with a board wide cumulative result; andThe report be included with the annual accountability framework Report;Recommendation #3:3. That the Board accept the letter of interest from Hilary Quinn and that she be appointed to serve as Special Education Advisory Committee member;That the Board approve Recommendations 4, 5 and 6:4. That SEAC is in favour of the Policy and Operational Procedures on the Policy on Age-Appropriate Placement: Curriculum/ProgramSupports, provided in Report Appendix A, and the accompanying TCDSB Operational Procedures, provided in Report Appendix B;5. i) That a budget presentation be made as soon as possible to SEAC on the Special Education Budget;ii) That SEAC review, provide feedback and make recommendations about the Special Education Plan; andiii) That membership be encouraged on the SEAC Committee;6.i) That the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Policy on Accessible Education for Students with Disabilities be included in the cross-references section;ii) On page 76, Line 2: That in the most inclusive way possible be added after students; andiii) That the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) be included in the cross-references section as well.17.Staff Reportsa)Monthly Procurement ApprovalsThat the Board of Trustees approve all procurement activities/awards listed in Appendix A of the Report.kb)Renewal Plan 2020-2021 and Three-Year Forecast (All Wards)Referred to the next available meeting (Held by Trustee Rizzo)c)2019-2021 Capital Priorities Funding AnnouncementReferred to the next available meeting(Held by Trustee Lubinski)d)Elementary Catholic Student Leadership Impact Team Report 2020Received; and That the Agenda order for Student Trustees’ presentations and reports be referred to the By-Law Review Ad Hoc Committee.e)Toronto Catholic District School Board Outdoor EducationReferred to the next available meeting (Held by Trustee Rizzo)f)Enrolment Status Report 2020/2021 All WardsReferred to the next available meeting (Held by Trustee Di Giorgio)AUDIT PUB2020-11-17DESCRIPTIONBOARD ACTION/DIRECTIONS9.Presentationa)Paula Hatt, presenting the Toronto and Area Regional Internal Audit Team (Refer to Item 14a)Received.b)Paula Hatt, representing the Toronto and Area Regional Internal Audit Team (Refer to Item 14b)Received.14.Staff Reportsa)Paula Hatt, representing the Toronto and Area Regional Internal Audit Team (RIAT), regarding the RIAT Update (Refer to Item 9a)Received.b)Paula Hatt, representing the Toronto and Area Regional Internal Audit Team (RIAT), regarding the RIAT Records Management and Privacy Audit Report (Refer to 9b)Received.c)Audit Committee Community Members Assessment1.That the Audit Committee approve the recommended process detailed in Section D of the report and the draft Community Member Assessment Form in Appendix A of the report; andThat the Audit Committee approve the distribution of the Community Member Assessment Form to the Community Members.2. That the Audit Committee Community Member Assessment Form be completed on an annual basis and that it be concurrent with the Audit Committee Self-Assessment.d)2019-20 Annual Report of the Audit CommitteeThat this 2019-20 Annual Report be adopted by the Audit Committee and submitted on its own behalf to the Board at its Corporate Services Committee (Private Session) meeting on December 9th 2020, and subsequently to the Ministry of Education in the required condensed format.e)Audit Committee Annual Agenda/ChecklistReceived.16.Listing of Communicationsa)Audit Committee Meeting DatesProposed: January 27, 2021 (Wednesday)Proposed: April 7, 2021 (Wednesday)Proposed: May 26, 2021 (Wednesday)Proposed: September 29, 2021 (Wednesday)Proposed: November 16, 2021 (Tuesday)Received.17.Updating of Pending Lista)Pending ListReceived; andThat Staff provide a report to the Audit Committee regarding fees paid or payable to the external auditor for audit and audit-related and permitted non-audit services in concurrence with the Audited Financial Statements.SEAC2020-11-18DESCRIPTIONBOARD ACTION/DIRECTIONS9. Delegationsa)Julie Altomare-Di Nunzio and Anthony Bellissimo, representatives of Toronto Elementary Catholic Teachers (TECT) regarding the Elementary Special Education Delivery ModelReceived and referred to Staff.10.Annual Calendar Itemsa)Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Annual Calendar (Draft) as of November 18, 2020Received.b)Special Education Plan Review? Special Education Placements Provided by the Board ? Special Education is included in our ongoing self improvement with respect to the Board Improvement Plan for Student AchievementRefer to Item 10c).c)Report from the Informal Working Group to Review the Toronto Catholic District School Board Special Education Plan (Refer to Item 10b)Received and referred to Staff.12.Nominationsa)Letter of Interest to Serve as Special Education Advisory Committee Member from Lisa McMahon, Community MemberThat SEAC recommend to Board that the letter of interest from Lisa McMahon to serve as Special Education Advisory Committee Community member be accepted.13.Reports of Officials for Information by the Board/Other Committeesa)Special Education Superintendent Update - NovemberReceived and that the Superintendent Update Report be included with the SEAC Minutes that are submitted to Board on an ongoing basis.b)Ontario Regulation 274 Revocation (Verbal) - Maria Meehan, Superintendent Special ServicesReceived.c)Update on Professional Assessments (Verbal) - Maria Meehan, Superintendent Special ServicesReceived and that the data numbers provided in the Superintendent verbal update regarding the Completed Professional Assessments be included in the Minutes.d)Special Education Plan Checklist Submission to Ministry of EducationReceived.e)Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) Update (Verbal) - Maria Meehan, Superintendent Special ServicesReceived.f)Special Incidence Portion (SIP) Update (Verbal) - Maria Meehan, Superintendent Special ServicesReceived.g)Identification Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) – Placement (Verbal) - Maria Meehan, Superintendent Special ServicesReceived; and That SEAC recommend to Board that the IPRC Form include additional services available to students as per their identification.18.List of Communicationsa)Letter of Resignation from Joy Alma as a Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Community RepresentativeReceived and that SEAC recommend to Board the acceptance of the resignation of Joy Alma from the Special Education Advisory Committee and that a letter be sent to the resignee thanking her for her interest.20.Inquiries and Miscellaneousa)From Trustee Kennedy regarding Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and the ability of the Special Education teachers to access the applicationReceived.21.Pending Lista)Pending List as at November 18, 2020Received.BOARD2020-11-19DESCRIPTIONBOARD ACTION/DIRECTIONS11.Presentationsa)From the Chair of the Board (Verbal)Receivedb)From the Director of EducationReceivedc)From the Student Trustee(s)Received12.Delegationsa)From Sandra Mastronardi regarding Equity and Inclusion of Special Education Needs StudentsReceived and Referred to Staff and SEACb)From Nicole Richard regarding 2020/2021 Catholic Student Leadership Impact Team (CSLIT) Pillars of Focus and Student SurveysWithdrawn by Delegatec)From Julie Altomare-DiNunzio, representative of Toronto Elementary Catholic Teachers (TECT) regarding Return to Work PlanReceived and Referred to Staff13.Consideration of Motions for which previous notice has been givena)From Trustee Li Preti regarding Public Broadcasting of the Governance and Policy Committee MeetingsWHEREAS: The TCDSB Board of Trustees play a vital role in setting policy and establishing good governance as the governing body of the TCDSB;WHEREAS: In order to be fully transparent and accountable to our various stakeholders, and providing strategic direction of the Board, it would be prudent for the Board of Trustees to initiate public broadcasting of the Governance and Policy Meetings;WHEREAS: The implementation of publicly-broadcasted Governance and Policy Meetings would improve the framework in place for: effective and transparent decision-making for our students, staff and stakeholders;BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Staff investigate the costs and feasibility of initiating public broadcasting of the Governance and Policy meetings and report the findings to the Board of Trustees.b)From Trustee Di Giorgio regarding Deployment of Contingency Fund for School UpgradesWithdrawn by Trustee Di Giorgioc)From Trustee Di Giorgio regarding Transparency in Allocation of Clerk Typists at all Toronto Catholic District School Board Elementary Schools Item Not Discussed (Held by Trustee Li Preti)WHEREAS: Errors may exist in the allocation of clerk typists across our elementary schools; andWHEREAS: Similar human resource allocation issues have occurred in the past and school communities would like additional transparency on the matter.BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Staff produce a list of all clerk typist allocations as of October 15, 2020 at all elementary schools including the following information for each school:- Current enrollment including breakdown of in-person vs. online learning- Weighted enrollment assuming 100% in-person learning16.Matters recommended by Standing Committees of the Boarda)Approved Minutes of the Governance and Policy Committee Meeting Held October 6, 2020Item Not Discussed (Held by Trustee Rizzo)17.Matters recommended by Statutory Committees of the Boarda)Approved Minutes of the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Meeting Held October 14, 2020That SEAC recommend to Board that the letter of interest application from Geoffrey Feldman, Association Representative from Ontario Disability Coalition, be approved based on the application meeting the criteria for SEAC Membership.b)Approved Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting Held September 30, 20201. That the Audit Committee recommend to Board that Staff include in the notes of the Financial Statements the impact of COVID-19 financial considerations for 2019-2020 and 2020-2021; and2. That the Audit Committee recommend to Board that Staff provide the Board with the process on recovering any devices that were provided on loan for remote learning to students who are no longer students of the Toronto Catholic District School Board.18.Matters referred/deferred from Committees/Boarda)Approved Minutes of the Governance and Policy Committee Meeting Held September 8, 2020Item Not Discussed (Held by Trustee Rizzo)b)Approved Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting Held June 22, 2020Receivedc)Approved Minutes of the Governance and Policy Committee Meeting Held March 02, 2020Item Not Discussed(Held by Trustee Rizzo)d)Approved Minutes of the Governance and Policy Committee Meeting Held August 25, 2020Item Not Discussed(Held by Trustee Rizzo)e)Voices that Challenge 2020 Catholic Student Leadership Impact Team (CSLIT) - Inspiring Active Citizenship in Catholic EducationItem Not Discussed(Held by Student Trustees)f)Catholic Student Leadership Impact Team (CSLIT) 2020-2021Pillars of Focus (Refer Item 18e)Item Not Discussed(Held by Student Trustees)19.Reports of Officials for the Information of the Board of Trusteesa)Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) Partnership with TAIBU Community Health CenterItem Not Discussed(Held by Trustee Tanuan)b)Youth Association For Academics, Athletics and Character Education (Y.A.A.A.C.E.)Item Not Discussed(Held by Trustee Li Preti)c)Multi-Year Strategic Plan Annual Update for 2019-2020Receivedd)Return to School UpdateItem Not Discussed(Held by Trustee Rizzo)20.Reports of Officials Requiring Action of the Board of Trusteesa)REVISED: Recommendation for Resolution to Reaffirm Toronto Catholic District School Board's (TCDSB) Commitment to International Education ProgramThat the Board of Trustees approve the following motion: “The TCDSB reaffirms its commitment to continuing its International Education program in compliance with the guidelines for accepting international students that have been established by the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Canadian Federal Government.”b)2021 Calendar of Board and Committee MeetingsThat the Board approve the 2021 Calendar of Board and Committee Meetings as per Appendix A of the report in order to best meet the needs of the Board.c)Net Zero Update (All Wards)That the Board execute the Participation Agreement for the City of Toronto Green Will Initiative included as Appendix A of the report.d)From the Governance and Policy Committee: Rescindment of Release of Holdbacks F.M.04Item Not Discussed(Held by Trustee Rizzo)e)From the Governance and Policy Committee: Rescindment of Border Brokers Policy F.P.03Item Not Discussed(Held by Trustee Rizzo)f)From the Governance and Policy Committee: Update to Electronic Communication System - Acceptable Use A.29Item Not Discussed(Held by Trustee Rizzo)g)2019-20 Draft Audited Financial StatementsThat the Board of Trustees approve the attached 2019-20 Draft Audited Financial Statements and the recommended appropriation of the accumulated surplus as amended by the Audit Committee appearing in Section E.5 of the Report.h)Presentation by Staff to Trustees regarding Oath of Fidelity and Denominational Rights (Verbal) – Trustee Del GrandeThat staff arrange for Trustees a workshop/presentation to conduct a RCA (Root Cause Analysis) of the recent Catechism issue to help clarify the conduct of this Board of Trustees in relationship to the denominational rights and the Oath of Fidelity and that staff arrange sensitivity training for all Trustees specific to LGBTQ+ systemic homophobia within our Board through Catholic lens.22.Listing of Communicationsa)From the Archdiocese – (Verbal) - Trustee Martino Received ................

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