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Prepared by the Indiana Office of Judicial AdministrationSample Court Orders Imposing Isolation or Quarantinefor Public Health (March, 2020)Form 1:Verified Petition for Order of Quarantine / IsolationForm 2:Order Exempting Petitioner from Ind. Trial Rule 86IEFS RequirementsForm 3:Standard Order Granting Petition for InvoluntaryQuarantine or Isolation With Notice and Hearing (Process One)Form 4:Emergency Order Granting Petition for InvoluntaryPetition for Involuntary Quarantine or IsolationWithout Notice (Process Two)Form 5:Emergency Order of Involuntary Quarantine orIsolation Without Petition (Non-Adversarial,Recorded Proceeding) (Process Three)Form 6:Emergency Order of Involuntary Quarantine orIsolation Without Petition and Without a Hearing(Telephonic Proceeding) (Process Three)Form 7:Immediate Order of Public Health Authority UnderExigent Circumstances (Process Four)Form 8:Order Renewing the Involuntary Detention forQuarantine or Isolation With Notice and Hearing (Process Four)STATE OF INDIANA)IN THE ______ SUPERIOR COURT)SS:COUNTY OF)CAUSE NO. _______-MI-_________________, Health Commissioner) _____ County)Department of Health,)Petitioner,))v.))[Last Name, First Name],)Respondent.)VERIFIED PETITION FOR EMERGENCY ORDER OF ISOLATION AND RESTRICTIONSThe Petitioner, by counsel, and by this verified Petition, respectfully requests this Court to issue an emergency order imposing isolation and other restrictions upon the person of Respondent. In support of this Petition, Petitioner states the following:1.Pursuant to Ind. Code 16-41-9-1.5(e), the Petitioner, the Health Commissioner of the _____ County Department of Health, has the authority to petition the court to isolate a person that poses a public health threat. 2.The Petitioner and the _____ County Department of Health have received reports of increasing numbers of ill people exhibiting symptoms of a disease that has in its common course severe illness or death.3.The biological agent causing this disease has been identified as SARS-CoV-2, a novel (new) coronavirus which causes a disease commonly now known as COVID-19.4.Respondent has been tested and diagnosed with COVID-19. 5.COVID-19 is a dangerous communicable disease as that term is defined in Ind. Code § 16-18-2-91. The disease meets the definition of “severe acute respiratory syndromes” as specified under United States Executive Order 13295, as amended by United States Executive Orders 13375 and 13674. Moreover, the Director General of the World Health Organization has declared that the outbreak of COVID-19 constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern; the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has declared that COVID-19 constitutes a public health emergency; and the governor of the state of Indiana has declared a public health emergency surrounding COVID-19.6.The characteristics of this disease include flu like symptoms such as fever, cough and shortness of breath. COVID-19 infection can cause mild flu like symptoms, and about 20% of cases appear to progress to more severe disease, including pneumonia, respiratory failure, and, in some cases, death.7.Studies have shown that COVID-19 is easily transmissible from person-to-person. People who are in close physical contact with or in the proximity of 6 feet or less of an individual infected with this disease are likely to contract the disease themselves and exhibit symptoms within approximately 2 – 14 days (the incubation period). 8.There is no vaccine for COVID-19 and no cure. The most effective method currently known to medical science to contain and curtail the spread of this disease is the isolation of anyone exhibiting symptoms of the disease or testing positive for the disease, and the quarantine of anyone who has been exposed to a person infected with the disease for the duration of the incubation period.9.On [date], the Indiana State Department of Health confirmed that Respondent has tested positive for COVID-19.10.If Respondent is not caused to be isolated, Respondent will come into contact with numerous other individuals on a daily basis, including contact that would be sufficient to cause the transmission of the disease to those individuals. 11.Isolation of Respondent in Respondent’s home or other appropriate facility will reasonably protect those with whom Respondent would otherwise come in contact with from acquiring the disease.12.The _____ County Health Department is the agency with the authority to control the spread of communicable diseases.13.Pursuant to this authority and in an effort to prevent Respondent from undertaking activities that may spread the COVID-19 disease and thus potentially harm the public’s health, the Health Commissioner issued a Health Directive on [date] ordering Respondent to remain isolated until released by the Health Department. Attached hereto as “Exhibit A” is a true and correct photocopy of the Health Directive.14.Respondent failed to comply with the order. [Insert statement regarding violations of Directive].15.This Emergency Petition for Isolation is being made because the Respondent has infectious COVID-19 disease and is likely to expose an uninfected person to the disease before Respondent can be provided with notice and opportunity to be heard on the subject.16.Petitioner requests that the Respondent’s isolation begin immediately. 17.The isolation premises should be [Respondent’s home or other facility – with street address].18.Respondent should be isolated until Respondent is no longer positive for the COVID-19 infection and is free from symptoms or such other amount of time as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determines is necessary to protect the public.19.Petitioner requests an emergency order of isolation pursuant to Ind. Code § 16-41-9-1.5(e) for the reason that Respondent is infected with a dangerous communicable disease (COVID-19) and is likely to expose an uninfected individual with the disease before Respondent can be provided with notice and an opportunity to be heard.20.Petitioner requests that an Order of Isolation be issued on an emergency basis without notice and an opportunity for hearing because Respondent is likely to expose uninfected persons to COVID-19 before Respondent can be provided with notice and an opportunity for hearing.21.Petitioner requests the Court to order the court clerk and all court staff to keep all proceedings and filings in this case confidential. 22.Petitioner requests the Court to order that Respondent:a.Be isolated at [address] until Respondent is no longer positive for the COVID-19 infection and is free from symptoms or such other amount of time as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determines is necessary to protect the public. b.Wear a surgical mask, properly tied, any time Respondent has any, even incidental, contact with other people, or when Respondent is directed or required to have contact with other people for health care purposes, including staff of the Department of Health. c.Submit to appropriate laboratory tests to determine whether Respondent is still infected with COVID-19. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Court:(1)Order the court clerk and all court staff to keep the proceedings and filings confidential;(2)Order each of the least restrictive, medically necessary measures required to protect the public health as set forth in Paragraph No. 22 above;(3)Order all other relief just and proper in the premises.VERIFICATIONI affirm, under the penalties of perjury, that the foregoing representations are true, to the best of my knowledge and belief.______________________________________________________, Health Commissioner_____ County Department of Health Respectfully submitted,_________________________________________ ____________________________________________ __________, IN _____ Telephone (xxx) xxx-xxxxFacsimile (xxx) xxx-xxxxE-mail: _______@________STATE OF INDIANA)IN THE _____ SUPERIOR COURT)SS:COUNTY OF _____)CAUSE NO. _____-____-MI-_______IN RE: THE QUARANTINE OF))ORDER EXEMPTING PETITIONER _________________________)FROM IND. TRIAL RULE 86 Name)IEFS REQUIREMENTS_________________________)Street Address)_________________________)CityStateZIP)Respondent.)Pursuant to Indiana Trial Rule 86(D)(2), the Court exempts the _____ County Board of Health and attorneys representing the _____ County Board of Health from the requirement that Ind. Code § 16-41-9-1.5 petitions and documents be filed in the Indiana E-Filing System (IEFS). Petitions and documents intended to be filed under I.C. § 16-41-9-1.5 by attorneys for the _____ County Board of Health shall be filed by emailing the petitions and documents to the _____ Superior Court Civil Division at ______@___________ The Clerk of the _____ Superior and Circuit Court is Ordered to open a new case in the IEFS in this matter, designated with an MI case type classification. ____________, 2020___________________________JUDGE ____________________STATE OF INDIANA)IN THE _____ SUPERIOR COURT)SS:COUNTY OF _____)CAUSE NO. 02D02-____-MI-_______IN RE: THE QUARANTINE OF))STANDARD ORDER GRANTING _________________________)PETITION FOR INVOLUNTARYName)QUARANTINE OR ISOLATION_________________________)WITH NOTICE AND HEARINGStreet Address)_________________________)CityStateZIP)Respondent.)On ________, 2020, the Court conducted a hearing on the Petition for an Order Granting Involuntary Quarantine or Isolation filed by the _____ County Board of Health (“Petitioner”) on __________, 2020. Present at the hearing were: ______________________________________________. The Court has restricted the Respondent from appearing, as the Respondent will likely expose uninfected persons to a dangerous communicable disease or outbreak if the Respondent is permitted to appear before the Court. The Court has allowed the Respondent to appear before the Court by telephone. The Court has considered the pleadings, the declaration of ___________ in support of the petition, and the evidence and arguments. The Court now finds, concludes, and Orders:This proceeding is conducted pursuant to Ind. Code § 16-41-9-1.5(b) and (c).The Court has jurisdiction over Respondent and the subject matter in this proceeding.Pursuant to the Indiana Rules on Access to Court Records, Rule 5(B)(1), (2), and (8), the Respondent’s identity and location of isolation and quarantine should be kept confidential and excluded from public access to protect the privacy of the Respondent’s health care information.The Court has considered the following facts supporting the Respondent’s belief that isolation or quarantine should be imposed:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. The Petitioner made the following efforts to obtain the Respondent’s voluntary compliance with isolation or quarantine before filing this petition: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. The Petitioner has provided sufficient notice to the Respondent.The Petitioner has established by clear and convincing evidence that:The Respondent has been infected with, or exposed to a dangerous communicable disease or outbreak; andThe Respondent is likely to cause the infection of an uninfected individual if the Respondent is not restricted in the Respondent’s ability to come into contact with an uninfected individual.Based on the above findings and conclusions, the Court now ORDERS:The Petition is GRANTED. The Respondent is ORDERED detained for quarantine or isolation as necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare at ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ from ________, 202__, at _____ am/pm to ________, 202__, at _____am/pm, unless the Petitioner notifies the Respondent that Respondent no longer present a threat to the public health, safety and welfare.The above imposed conditions are the least restrictive conditions of quarantine or isolation that are consistent with the protection of the public.Pursuant to the Ind. Rules on Access to Court Records, all documents containing the identifying information about the Respondent, including the location of isolation or quarantine, are hereby excluded from public access to protect the privacy of the Respondent’s health care information.____________, 2020___________________________JUDGE ____________________NOTICE TO THE RESPONDENTNOTICE: You have the right to petition the _____ Superior Court for release from isolation or quarantine. You have the right to legal counsel. If you are unable to afford legal counsel, then counsel will be appointed for you at government expense, and you should request the appointment of counsel at this time. If you currently have legal counsel, then you have the right to contact that counsel for assistance.STATE OF INDIANA)IN THE _____ SUPERIOR COURT)SS:COUNTY OF _____)CAUSE NO. 02D02-____-MI-_______IN RE: THE QUARANTINE OF))EMERGENCY ORDER GRANTING _________________________)PETITION FOR INVOLUNTARYName)QUARANTINE OR ISOLATION_________________________)WITHOUT NOTICE Street Address)_________________________)CityStateZIP)Respondent.)On _________, 2020, the Court considered the Petition for an Emergency Order Granting Involuntary Quarantine or Isolation filed by the _____ County Board of Health (“Petitioner”) on __________, 2020. The Court has considered the Petition, and the declaration of ___________ in support of the petition. The Court now finds, concludes, and Orders:This proceeding is conducted with no hearing pursuant to Ind. Code §§ 16-41-9-1.5(e) and (f).The Court has jurisdiction over the Respondent and the subject matter in this proceeding.The Respondent’s identity and location of isolation and quarantine should be kept confidential and excluded from public access to protect the privacy of the Respondent’s health care information under Indiana Rules on Access to Court Records, Rule 5(B)(1), (2), and (8).The Court has considered the following facts supporting the Petitioner’s belief that isolation or quarantine should be imposed: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. The Petitioner made the following efforts to obtain the Respondent’s voluntary compliance with isolation or quarantine before filing this petition: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.The Petitioner has established by clear and convincing evidence that:The Respondent has been infected with, or exposed to a dangerous communicable disease or outbreak; andThe Respondent is likely to cause the infection of an uninfected individual if the Respondent is not restricted in the Respondent’s ability to come into contact with an uninfected individual; andThe Respondent may expose an uninfected individual to a dangerous communicable disease or outbreak before the Respondent can be provided with notice and an opportunity to be heard.Based on the above findings and conclusions, the Court now ORDERS:The Petition is GRANTED. The Respondent is hereby detained for quarantine or isolation as necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare at ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ from ________, 202__, at _____ am/pm to ________, 202__, at _____ am/pm, unless the Petitioner notifies the Respondent that the Respondent no longer presents a threat to the public health, safety and welfare.The above imposed conditions are the least restrictive conditions of quarantine or isolation that are consistent with the protection of the public.Pursuant to the Ind. Rules on Access to Court Records, all documents containing the identifying information about the Respondent, including the location of isolation or quarantine, are hereby excluded from public access to protect the privacy of Respondent’s health care information.____________, 2020___________________________JUDGE ____________________NOTICE TO RESPONDENTNOTICE: You have the right to petition the _____ Superior Court for release from isolation or quarantine. You have the right to legal counsel. If you are unable to afford legal counsel, then counsel will be appointed for you at government expense, and you should request the appointment of counsel at this time. If you currently have legal counsel, then you have the right to contact that counsel for assistance.STATE OF INDIANA)IN THE _____ SUPERIOR COURT)SS:COUNTY OF _____)CAUSE NO. _____-____-MI-_______IN RE: THE QUARANTINE OF))EMERGENCY ORDER OF _________________________)INVOLUNTARY QUARANTINE ORName)ISOLATION WITHOUT PETITION _________________________)(NON-ADVERSARIAL, Street Address)RECORDED PROCEEDING)_________________________)CityStateZIP)Respondent.)This matter is before the Court upon the request of the _____ County Board of Health (“Petitioner”) for an Emergency Order Granting Involuntary Quarantine or Isolation Without Petition, made ___________, 2020. On _________, 2020, the Court conducted a nonadversarial, recorded proceeding on this request. Present at the proceeding were: ___________________________________________________________.The Court has considered the sworn testimony of ______________________, an officer of the _____ County Board of Health. The Court now finds, concludes, and Orders:This proceeding is conducted pursuant to Ind. Code §§ 16-41-9-1.5(g) and (h).The Court has jurisdiction over Respondent and the subject matter in this proceeding.Respondent’s identity and location of isolation and quarantine should be kept confidential and excluded from public access to protect the privacy of Respondent’s health care information under Indiana Rules on Access to Court Records, Rule 5(B)(1), (2), and (8).The Court has considered the following facts supporting the Respondent’s belief that isolation or quarantine should be imposed: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. The Respondent made the following efforts to obtain the Respondent’s voluntary compliance with isolation or quarantine before filing this petition: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.The Petitioner has established by clear and convincing evidence that:The Respondent has been infected with, or exposed to a dangerous communicable disease or outbreak; andThe Respondent is likely to cause the infection of an uninfected individual if the Respondent is not restricted in the Respondent’s ability to come into contact with an uninfected individual; andThe Respondent may expose an uninfected individual to a dangerous communicable disease or outbreak before the Respondent can be provided with notice and an opportunity to be heard.Based on the above findings and conclusions, the Court now ORDERS:The request is GRANTED. The Respondent is hereby detained for quarantine or isolation as necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare at ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ from ________, 202__, at _____ am/pm to ________, 202__, at _____ am/pm, unless the Petitioner notifies the Respondent that the Respondent no longer presents a threat to the public health, safety and welfare.The above imposed conditions are the least restrictive conditions of quarantine or isolation that are consistent with the protection of the public.Pursuant to the Ind. Rules on Access to Court Records, all documents containing the identifying information about the Respondent, including the location of isolation or quarantine, are hereby excluded from public access to protect the privacy of Respondent’s health care information.____________, 2020___________________________JUDGE ____________________NOTICE TO RESPONDENTNOTICE: You have the right to petition the _____ Superior Court for release from isolation or quarantine. You have the right to legal counsel. If you are unable to afford legal counsel, then counsel will be appointed for you at government expense, and you should request the appointment of counsel at this time. If you currently have legal counsel, then you have the right to contact that counsel for assistance.STATE OF INDIANA)IN THE _____ SUPERIOR COURT)SS:COUNTY OF _____)CAUSE NO. 02D02-____-MI-_______IN RE: THE QUARANTINE OF))EMERGENCY ORDER OF _________________________)INVOLUNTARY QUARANTINE ORName)ISOLATION WITHOUT PETITION _________________________)AND WITHOUT A HEARINGStreet Address)(TELEPHONIC PROCEEDING)_________________________)CityStateZIP)Respondent.)This matter is before the Court upon the request of the _____ County Board of Health (“Petitioner”) for an Emergency Order Granting Involuntary Quarantine or Isolation Without Petition orally through telephonic communication. The proceeding was conducted on _______, 2020, at _____ am/pm. The Court has considered the sworn testimony of ______________________, an officer of the _____ County Board of Health. The Court now finds, concludes, and Orders:This proceeding is conducted pursuant to Ind. Code §§ 16-41-9-1.5(g) and (h).The Court has jurisdiction over the Respondent and the subject matter in this proceeding.The Respondent’s identity and location of isolation and quarantine should be kept confidential and excluded from public access to protect the privacy of Respondent’s health care information under Indiana Rules on Access to Court Records, Rule 5(B)(1), (2), and (8).The Court has considered the following facts supporting the Respondent’s belief that isolation or quarantine should be imposed: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. The Respondent made the following efforts to obtain the Respondent’s voluntary compliance with isolation or quarantine before filing this petition: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.The Petitioner has by clear and convincing evidence established that:The Respondent has been infected with, or exposed to a dangerous communicable disease or outbreak; andThe Respondent is likely to cause the infection of an uninfected individual if the Respondent is not restricted in the Respondent’s ability to come into contact with an uninfected individual; andThe Respondent may expose an uninfected individual to a dangerous communicable disease or outbreak before the Respondent can be provided with notice and an opportunity to be heard.Based on the above findings and conclusions, the Court now ORDERS:The request is GRANTED. The Respondent is hereby detained for quarantine or isolation as necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare at ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ from ________, 202__, at _____ am/pm to ________, 202__, at _____ am/pm, unless the Petitioner notifies the Respondent that Respondent no longer presents a threat to the public health, safety and welfare.The above imposed conditions are the least restrictive conditions of quarantine or isolation that are consistent with the protection of the public.Pursuant to the Ind. Rules on Access to Court Records, all documents containing the identifying information about the Respondent, including the location of isolation or quarantine, are hereby excluded from public access to protect the privacy of Respondent’s health care information.____________, 2020___________________________JUDGE ____________________NOTICE TO RESPONDENTNOTICE: You have the right to petition the _____ Superior Court for release from isolation or quarantine. You have the right to legal counsel. If you are unable to afford legal counsel, then counsel will be appointed for you at government expense, and you should request the appointment of counsel at this time. If you currently have legal counsel, then you have the right to contact that counsel for assistance.STATE OF INDIANA)ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER OF THE)______ COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTHCOUNTY OF _____)[Individual’s Name])[Street Address])[City], [State] [ZIP Code])IMMEDIATE ORDER OF [ISOLATION OR QUARANTINE]TO:[Individual’s Name][Street Address][City], [State] [ZIP Code]You are NOTIFIED that the Health Commissioner of the ______ County Department of Health, pursuant to Ind. Code § 16-41-9-1.5(k), hereby ORDERS YOU TO IMMEDIATELY BE [ISOLATED or QUARANTINED] at [your residence or other facility] located at [Street Address], [City], [State].This ORDER is necessitated by the possible existence of an immediate and serious threat to public health, safety, and welfare. This ORDER is based on the following:The Health Commissioner reasonably believes that you have been exposed to a dangerous communicable disease as that term is defined in Ind. Code § 16-18-2-91. The dangerous communicable disease at issue is 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), the disease meets the definition of "severe acute respiratory syndromes" as specified under United States Executive Order 13295, as amended by United States Executive Orders 13375 and 13674.The Director General of the World Health Organization has declared that the outbreak of COVID-19 constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. The Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has declared that COVID-19 constitutes a public health emergency and the Governor of the State of Indiana has declared a public health emergency with respect to COVID-19.The characteristics of this disease include flu like symptoms such as fever, cough and shortness of breath. COVID-19 infection can cause mild flu like symptoms, and about 20% of cases appear to progress to more severe disease, including pneumonia, respiratory failure, and, in some cases, death.The Health Commissioner reasonably believes that Respondent has or has been exposed to COVID-19 through [contact during travel OR community transmission] due to [circumstances].The incubation period for COVID-19 is thought to be between 2 and 14 days.Due to [circumstances such as imminent travel or the number of people at risk for exposure], it was impracticable for the Health Commissioner to seek your voluntary cooperation to implement the least restrictive, medically necessary measures to protect the public health.As a result of the foregoing facts and circumstances, you are ORDERED to abide by the following least restrictive, medically necessary measures that are consistent with the protection of the public:The only travel you shall engage in is that which is necessary to go from _____________ to your home located at [address].Said travel shall be in a private vehicle, and shall be limited to yourself and a driver, if needed. All passengers in the vehicle shall wear a medical mask at all times.Stops shall be kept at a minimum for restroom convenience and shall be conducted while wearing medical masks.Should a stop be necessary for restroom convenience, you shall maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from all other persons. Upon arriving at your home, you shall quarantine [or isolate] yourself from others until such time as a hearing is held, within 72 hours of the effective date of this order, excluding weekends and holidays.The _____ County Department of Health shall assist in monitoring your condition and you shall follow all instructions given to you by that agency.THIS ORDER IS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON DELIVERY ANDTHIS ORDER SHALL REMAIN IN EFFECT FOR SEVENTY-TWO (72) HOURS, EXCLUDING SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS.A PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY OR INTENTIONALLY VIOLATES A CONDITION OF ISOLATION OR QUARANTINE COMMITS VIOLATING ISOLATION OR QUARANTINE, A CLASS A MISDEMEANOR.Dated at __________, Indiana, this __ day of _________, 2020._________________________________________________Health Commissioner, _____ County Department of HealthSTATE OF INDIANA)IN THE _____ SUPERIOR COURT)SS:COUNTY OF _____)CAUSE NO. 02D02-____-MI-_______IN RE: THE QUARANTINE OF))ORDER RENEWING THE Name)INVOLUNTARY DETENTION FOR _________________________)QUARANTINE OR ISOLATIONStreet Address)WITH NOTICE AND HEARING_________________________)CityStateZIP)Respondent.)On _______, 2020, the Court conducted a hearing on the Petition for an Order Renewing the Involuntary Quarantine or Isolation, filed by the _____ County Board of Health (“Petitioner”) on __________, 2020. Present at the hearing were ______________________________________. The Court has restricted the Respondent from appearing, as the Respondent will likely expose uninfected persons to a dangerous communicable disease or outbreak if the Respondent is permitted to appear before the Court. The Court has allowed the Respondent to appear before the Court by telephone. The Court has considered the pleadings, the declaration of ___________ in support of the petition, and the evidence and arguments. The Court finds, concludes, and Orders:This proceeding is conducted pursuit to Ind. Code §§ 16-41-9-1.5(l) and (m), and the _____ County Protocol for Court Orders Imposing Isolation or Quarantine for Public Health (March 2020).The Court has jurisdiction over the Respondent and the subject matter in this proceeding.Pursuant to the Indiana Rules on Access to Court Records, Rule 5(B)(1), (2), and (8), the Respondent’s identity and location of isolation and quarantine should be kept confidential and excluded from public access to protect the privacy of the Respondent’s health care information.The Court has considered the following facts supporting the Petitioner’s belief that isolation or quarantine should continue to be imposed: ________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.The Petitioner made the following efforts to obtain the Respondent’s voluntary compliance to remain in isolation or quarantine before filing this petition:______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.An Immediate Order of Isolation or Quarantine / Emergency Order of Isolation or Quarantine was issued by the _____ County Board of Health / the Court on ________, 202__. This Order authorized the involuntary detention for quarantine or isolation of the Respondent.The Petitioner has provided sufficient notice to the Respondent.The Petitioner has established by clear and convincing evidence that:The Respondent has been infected with, or exposed to a dangerous communicable disease or outbreak; andThe Respondent is likely to cause the infection of an uninfected individual if the Respondent is not restricted in the Respondent’s ability to come into contact with an uninfected individual.Based on the above findings and conclusions, the Court now ORDERS:The Petition is GRANTED. The Respondent, ______________ is ORDERED to hereby remain in quarantine or isolation as necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare at ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ from ________, 202__, at _____ am/pm to ________, 202__, at _____ am/pm, unless the Petitioner notifies the Respondent that the Respondent no longer presents a threat to the public health, safety and welfare.The above imposed conditions are the least restrictive conditions of quarantine or isolation that are consistent with the protection of the public.Pursuant to the Ind. Rules on Access to Court Records, all documents containing the identifying information about the Respondent, including the location of isolation or quarantine, are hereby excluded from public access to protect the privacy of the Respondent’s health care information.____________, 2020___________________________JUDGE ____________________ ................

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