
January 2013

Tel: (416) 397-3000

11 Gadsby Drive

Scarborough, Ontario, M1K 4V4

Tel: (416) 396-6280 Fax: (416) 396-6293

Mr. David Smith – Trustee

Ms. Demitra Zervas – Principal Phone No. (416) 397-3104

Mr. John Chasty – Superintendent (416) 396-9188 Email:

Principal’s Message

What a fantastic first term we have had, full of learning and fun! The evenings of February 13th and 14th have been designated for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Teachers will not be requesting interviews with all parents, however, if the teacher has not requested an interview but you would like one, please indicate this on the Interview Form provided. Parents / Guardians play a key role in the partnership in the education of their children so I look forward to seeing many of you on those two evenings.

Ms. Zervas

Traffic Safety Tips: Help Make This a Safe Winter Season

Now that winter is here, we know that severe weather will be part of our daily lives for the next few months. While traffic safety is an important matter all year long, this is a particularly good time to review what we can do to keep students safe.

The need to be aware and alert at all times, on any road, and even in the most routine circumstances is key to traffic safety. This applies to students and drivers alike. Road conditions can be challenging in the winter months. So to those of us who drive, please take extra care on the roads and in parking lots, especially in areas where children might be present.

School staff periodically review street and traffic safety with students. Parents can help reinforce these safety messages with children at home. Below are some tips that might be helpful to review.

← Stop, look, and listen for traffic.

← Only cross at corners and crosswalks.

← Make eye contact with drivers.

← Walk on the right side of the crosswalk.

← Wear appropriate footwear to reduce the chances of slipping.

← Never run into the street.

← Obey crossing signals.

← Cross only if clear.

← Walk on sidewalks.

← Where there are no sidewalks, walk as far away from traffic as possible, and facing traffic.

The safety of our students is always a top priority. Let's work together to make the winter season safe so we can enjoy all it has to offer.

February is Kindergarten Registration Month

Kindergarten Registration Month is just around the corner. Parents and guardians are encouraged to visit their local public school for more information and to register their child for Kindergarten classes that begin in September 2013.

To attend Junior Kindergarten in September, children must turn four by December 31st of that year. To attend Senior Kindergarten, children must turn five by December 31st of that year.

To Register a Child

Parents/Guardians must bring proof of the child's:

← age (a birth certificate or baptismal record or passport)

← address (two pieces of identification that show your address, such as your telephone bill, drivers license, etc.)

← immunization (the card that shows a list of needles your child has received)

← Ontario Health Card


If your child was not born in Canada, verification of date of arrival is required. Families who are permanent residents and refugee claimants may register directly at the school. All other families should visit the International Program and Admissions Office, Toronto District School Board (TDSB), 5050 Yonge Street, for a TDSB School Admission Letter. Children without immigration status are welcome in our schools and information about them or their families shall not be shared with immigration authorities, as per TDSB Policy P.061 SCH.

Recess During Cold Weather

Elementary school students are kept indoors for recess and lunch times for a number of weather conditions such as rain, lightning in the area, extreme winds and extreme cold. When temperature and wind chill measure -28C or lower, students are kept indoors. Recesses and lunch hour may be shortened if the temperature and wind chill reading is between -28C and -20C.

If a student's medical condition requires further consideration due to weather conditions, or if parents have other questions or concerns about how and when weather conditions affect your child's school day, please contact the school office.

Stay Healthy During Flu Season

Flu season is here again. In Canada, flu season tends to run between October and April. The Ontario government is encouraging Ontarians to avoid getting sick this

flu season by getting their annual flu shot.

Toronto Public Health is recommending that whenever students and staff experience flu-like symptoms, they are sent home and do not return to school until they are no longer infectious to others. Therefore, ill students and staff must be symptom-free (especially from vomiting and diarrhea) for at least 48 hours before returning to school. The primary concern is for the health and safety of all students and staff. Please note that no special measures are required when there is a case of influenza in a school or daycare. However, everyone should do their part to stop the spread of the flu. As parents, you can also assist by:

← reminding children to wash their hands often especially after using the washroom and before and after eating;

← reminding children to cover their sneeze and cough;

← watching for symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and/or high fever;

← informing the school if your child is ill;

← keeping your child at home when he/she is ill.

For more information, please visit the Toronto Public Health website, contact your family doctor, or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.



Upcoming Events / Activities

February 4 - Recognition Assembly

12:45 p.m. – Junior classes

1:35 p.m. – Primary classes

February 7 - Kindergarten Registration

4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

February 13 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

February 14 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

February 15 - Professional Activity Day

(No School for Students)

February 18 - Family Day (School Closed)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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