Welcome to my newsletter for December 2016!?VOLUNTEER WANTED #1:Ward 22 (Scarborough East) Needs A New PIAC RepresentativeFor personal reasons, our current Parent Involvement Advisory Committee representative, Jasmine Cotter is unable to continue in the role. I am very grateful to Jasmine and her commitment to the schools of Ward 22. She has visited many of our schools and worked with the School Councils to draft bylaws, resolve conflict and much more. Thank you Jasmine! But now we need a new Rep (and Alternate) to make sure the voices of Scarborough East are heard by the Board.What is PIAC and What is required??In 2010 the Ministry of Education amended the?Ontario Regulation 612/00, by Ontario Regulation 330/10. This resulted in the creation of Parent Involvement Committees (PICS). For further information on the Regulation please click the above Regulation.PIAC Mission Statement?PIAC’s purpose is to support, encourage and enhance parent engagement at the Board level in order to improve student achievement and well being. In working towards this purpose, members of PIAC shall foster open, positive, inclusive and effective communication at all levels of parent involvement, and shall respect the Committee’s accountability to its constituent groups and its responsibility to the Board.Members Roles and ResponsibilitiesRoles & Responsibilities of PIAC members entail:Attending PIAC Meetings (held at 5050 Yonge St.)Participating on a minimum of 1 PIAC Working GroupAttend ward meetings/Council & provide PIAC updatesConnect with Trustee & Superintendents of EducationConnect with school council chairs/ParentsBringing ward information/recommendations PIACIf you are interested in serving as the Ward Rep or alternate,? or have any questions, please send me an email ( stating your interest and the school(s) your child(ren) attend. If more than one rep and one alternate declare interest, we will hold an election as per PIAC’s process. Please make sure I receive the email no later than Dec 20, 2016.You can find more information about PIAC?here.VOLUNTEER WANTED #2:Ward 22 Needs A New FSLAC RepresentativeThe French as a Second Language Advisory Committee advises the TDSB about issues dealing with French programs in our schools (core, Extended and Immersion.)Parents, students, trustees, teachers and staff are invited to attend and participate in FSLAC meetings. Meetings start at 7 pm at the TDSB offices at 5050 Yonge St., ground floor. Meeting notices, reports, newsletters and minutes are posted on the TDSB website:? is important that our Ward 22 schools and our programs are heard from. If you are interested in serving as the Ward 22 FSLAC Representative, or to ask any questions, please send me an email? ( stating your interest and the school(s) your child(ren) attend. Please make sure I receive the email no later than Dec 20, 2016.?High School Information NightsTo help you make an informed decision when choosing a high school, TDSB ?between October and January. Learn everything you need to know about our incredible variety of schools, programs and courses. The dates and times for all High School Information Nights are available online of Busses During Severe WeatherSevere weather conditions may require the TDSB to cancel transportation or, in extreme conditions, close schools. The decision to close schools is made by the director of education. In the event transportation is cancelled or schools are closed, the local media will be informed before the beginning of the school day. Tune in to your radio and television news stations for the latest information or visit? Healthy During Flu SeasonFlu season is here again. In Canada, flu season tends to run between October and April. The Ontario Government is encouraging Ontarians to avoid getting sick this flu season by getting their annual flu shot.Toronto Public Health is recommending that whenever students and staff experience flu-like symptoms, they are sent home and do not return to school until they are no longer infectious to others. Therefore, ill students and staff should be symptom-free (especially from vomiting and diarrhea) for at least 48 hours before returning to school.The primary concern is for the health and safety of all students and staff. Please note that no special measures are required when there is a case of influenza in a school or daycare. However, everyone should do their part to stop the spread of the flu. As parents, you can also assist by:reminding children to wash their hands often especially after using the washroom and before and after eating;reminding children to cover their sneeze and cough;watching for symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and/or high fever;informing the school if your child is ill;keeping your child at home when he/she is ill.For more information, please visit Toronto Public Health?, contact your family doctor, or Telehealth Ontario 1-866-797-0000.Traffic Safety Tips: Help Make this a Safe and Active Winter SeasonAs winter approaches, we know that colder temperatures and snowy conditions will likely be part of our daily lives for the next several months. Although walking to school during the winter may require wearing a few more layers and taking extra safety precautions, it can be a fun way for students and their families to stay active throughout the year.Traffic safety is an important matter all year long.? However, with limited daylight hours during the winter months, it is a particularly important to review what we can do to keep students safe. The need to be aware and alert at all times, on any road, and even in the most routine circumstances is key to traffic safety. This applies to students and drivers alike. Road conditions can be challenging in the winter months. So to those of us who drive, please take extra care on the roads and in parking lots, especially in areas where children might be present.School staff periodically review street and traffic safety with students. Parents can help reinforce these safety messages with children at home. Below are some tips that might be helpful to review.Stop, look, and listen for traffic.Only cross at corners and crosswalks.Make eye contact with drivers.Walk on the right side of the crosswalk.Wear appropriate footwear to reduce the chances of slipping.Wear brightly coloured or reflective clothing, particularly when out at dawn, dusk or at night.?Never run into the street.Obey crossing signals.Cross only if clear.Walk on sidewalks.Where there are no sidewalks, walk as far away from traffic as possible, facing traffic.The safety of our students is always a top priority. Let’s work together to make the winter season safe so we can enjoy all it has to offer.Dates to RememberChristmas BreakDecember 26, 2016 to January 6, 2017 (inclusive)Last day of school is December 23, 2016School resumes January 9, 2017Elementary PA DayJanuary 20, 2017Secondary PA Day(Semestered Schools only)* February 2, 2017Board-wide PA DayFebruary 17, 2017Family DayFebruary 20, 2017March BreakMarch 13 to 17, 2017Good FridayApril 14, 2017Easter MondayApril 17, 2017Victoria DayMay 22, 2017Elementary School PA DayJune 9, 2017Secondary School PA Day?(Full Year Schools only)* June 28, 2017Secondary School PA DayJune 29, 2017Board-wide PA DayJune 30, 2017*High School Semester Change:?The first day of second semester is February 3, 2017. Secondary school calendar includes a PA day for semestered schools only on February 2, 2017 and a PA Day for full-year schools only on June 28, 2017.As always, I can be reached via email ( or by phone at 416-395-8787.I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting your children in their schools by working with the Principals and their staffs. I appreciate you reaching out to me when there are issues that need to be resolved.I wish all of you and your families a very?HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON?and much peace and happiness in 2017.- Jerry ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??Share this email:Manage?your preferences |?Opt out?using?TrueRemove?Got this as a forward??Sign up?to receive our future emails.View this email?online.5050 Yonge St.?Toronto, Ontario | M2N 5N8 CAThis email was sent to continue receiving our emails, add us to your address book. ................

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