Sentence Fluency

Sentence Fluency

There are 4 Kinds of Sentences. Good writers vary the 4 kinds of sentences to make interesting reading.

|Kind of Sentence |Definition |Punctuation |Example |

|Declarative |Makes a statement |(.) |Halloween is on October 31. |

| | |Period | |

|Interrogative Sentence |Asks a question |(?) |What are you going to be for Halloween? |

| | |Question Mark | |

|Imperative |A command or request |(.) |Have your parents check your candy before you eat |

| | |Period |it. |

|Exclamatory |Expresses strong feelings |(!) |Hey, you scared me! |

| | |Exclamation Point | |

Directions: Pick a picture and write 4 kinds of sentences that could go with the picture.

Picture Title: ___________________________

1. _____________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________

Picture Title: ___________________________

1. _____________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________


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