Weekly Homework Sheet

Name: Nonfiction: Time Order – Q2:4 Date:As you answer this week’s questions, highlight your evidence in the text.Nonfiction: Time Order – Q2:4 MondayTuesdayBefore you read, make a prediction about the text based on the title and text features.___________________________________________What was the problem with the first flying machine?___________________________________________Based on the 1st paragraph, what did the first flying machine look like?___________________________________________According to the article, what was the outcome of the glider flight in 1005?___________________________________________What materials were used to build the first flying machine in 853?___________________________________________How were the two glider flights mentioned in the 3rd paragraph different?___________________________________________Based on the text, what is the meaning of the word rigid?___________________________________________What year was the first hot air balloon invented?___________________________________________WednesdayThursdayWho were the first hot air balloon passengers?___________________________________________What is the difference between a glider and an airplane?___________________________________________When did the first manned hot air balloon flight take place?___________________________________________What year was the first airplane flown?___________________________________________Based on the text, what is the meaning of the word launched?___________________________________________What information do you gain from the caption under the second photograph?___________________________________________What problem did French inventor, Henri Giffard, solve?___________________________________________How did the author organize the information in this article?___________________________________________ ................

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