ESL conversation lesson on flying


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

|1) |What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘flying’? |

|2) |What are the best things about flying? |

|3) |Can you remember the first time you flew? |

|4) |Do you think flying has got better or worse over the years? |

|5) |Do you prefer flying or taking the train? |

|6) |Do you have an ‘airplane routine’ or ‘in-flight habits’ when you fly? |

|7) |Do you think flight attendants like flying? |

|8) |Which airlines would you recommend (or not) and why? |

|9) |How safe do you think flying is? |

|10) |Do you think we’ll be flying to the Moon and Mars one day? |

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

|1) |Do you like flying? |

|2) |What are the worst things about flying? |

|3) |Do you think we’ll be using flying cars one day? |

|4) |Would you like to learn to fly? |

|5) |Which is better, flying in an airplane or helicopter? |

|6) |What does it mean if you’re flying in your dreams? |

|7) |Would you like to be able to fly like a bird? |

|8) |Do you think the skies of the future will have traffic jams? |

|9) |Do you ever think or worry about the plane crashing when you’re flying somewhere? |

|10) |Where would you like to fly to right now? |


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