GHSA New GR Checklist

GHSA New GR and Coordinators’ Checklist



|Organization and Staffing |Highway Safety Office (HSO) Organization |HSO Organization Chart | |23 USC Chapter 4, section 402 |

| |Chart and staff responsibilities | | | |

| | |Staff position descriptions | |GHSA Website/Members Only/SHSO Organization/Sample |

| | | | |Position Descriptions |

| | | | | |

| | | | |“The Role of the State Highway Safety |

| | | | |Representative” – see GHSA website>GHSA SHSO |

| | | | |Guidance |

| | | | | |

|Planning and Program Impact |Highway Safety Plan (HSP) process |HSP for current and past three years | |NHTSA Updates on GMSS (Grants Management Solution |

| |Annual Report (AR) process | | |Suite) |

| |Review key Deadlines and current status in |Most recent NHTSA HSP Review results and approval| | |

| |SHSO – customize GHSA MR and Deadline |letter | |GHSA Guidance for Developing HSPs |

| |Calendar to include the SHSO’s specific | | | |

| |deadlines and activities |AR for past three years | |GHSA Annual Report Guidance |

| |Review current State Strategic Highway | | | |

| |Safety Plan (SHSP) |Most recent NHTSA AR review letter | |GHSA MR Deadline and Reminder Table |

| | | | | |

| | |Most recent State SHSP | |GHSA Traffic Safety Performance Measures Materials |

| | | | | |

| | | | |GHSA Attitudes Survey Guidance and Questions |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Countermeasures That Work: Ninth Edition |

|State Data Systems |Traffic Records Strategic plan |Latest State TR Strategic Plan | |Model Performance Measures for State Traffic Records|

| | |Latest State traffic crash trends report | |Systems |

|Financial Oversight |Federal Funding – current and past year, |NHTSA Fund Balance Report | |NHTSA Highway Safety Grants Resources – on website |

| |fund liquidation status | | | |

| |State funding – sources, fiscal year, |Most recent State Auditor review of HSO | |23 CFR Part 1300 – Uniform Procedures for State |

| |budget process | | |Highway Safety Grant Programs |

| |State audit report findings | | | |

| |GTS System responsibility and backup | | |2 CFR Part 200 Uniform Guidance (financial |

| | | | |administration rules for all federal grants) |

|Leadership and Management |GHSA Management Review (MR) Self- |Most recently completed GHSA MR Self Assessment | |GHSA MR Self-Assessment Checklist, Deadline and |

| |Assessment Checklist |Checklist and Timeline Schedule | |Reminder Table and Timeline Schedule |

| |NHTSA MR Process including MR Elements and | | | |

| |Guidelines |State’s most recent MR Final Report and | | |

| |Key State traffic safety legislation – |Corrective Action Plan and/or Recommended Actions| | |

| |current, pending, goals |Tracking Form (if any) | | |

| | | | | |

|Grant Programs |Understand the State’s own internal process|State HSP for current year | |GHSA Monitoring Advisory |

| |for administering grants | | | |

| |Status of current HSP – performance goals |State Policies and Procedures Manual | |GHSA Policies and Procedures Manual |

| |and key strategies to address data-driven | | | |

| |identified problems | | |NHTSA Highway Safety Grants Management Resources |

| |Monitoring policy for grant program and | | |– including Uniform Guidelines for State Highway |

| |tracking monitoring completion | | |Safety Programs |

| |Policies & Procedures (P&P) Manual and | | | |

| |process for updating | | | |

|7. Partnerships and Collaborations |Relationship with NHTSA Regional Office, |NHTSA, FHWA and FMCSA websites | |A Guide for Effectively Partnering with State |

| |Federal Highway Regional Administration | | |Highway Safety Offices – GHSA Publication 2018 |

| |(FHWA) State Division Office and Federal |GHSA web site – Public and Members only sites, | | |

| |Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)|attendance at Annual Meetings, Newsletter and | | |

| |State Division Office |periodic Publications | | |

| |NHTSA Regional office – Regional | | | |

| |Administrator (RA) and Regional Program | | | |

| |Manager (RPM), services available, schedule| | | |

| |of periodic reviews and visits | | | |

| |Understanding GHSA’s role, services offered| | | |

| |and relationship to NHTSA (Executive | | | |

| |Seminar, Business Meetings, website, | | | |

| |membership products, networking) | | | |

|8. Electronic grant processes |SHSO grant application and claim process | | |E-Grants States: Arkansas, California, Connecticut, |

| |system – online process or future plans to | | |Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, |

| |adopt an online system | | |New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, |

| |NHTSA GMSS (Grant Management Solutions | | |Ohio, Oregon (2020), Pennsylvania, South Dakota, |

| |Suite) – electronic system development | | |Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin |

| |beginning with FY19 and optional for FY20 | | | |


For GHSA Resource materials including MR Elements, Guidelines and other MR related materials, see GHSA Resources/SHSO Guidance at and in the Members Only website (required log in)

For NHTSA Resource materials, see NHTSA Highway Safety Grant Resources


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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