Ground Vehicle Chairman Handbook


March 2008

Thank you for contributing to Technical Standards

SAE Technical Standards serve as industry’s fundamental and comprehensive set of common design requirements, recognized within industry and by international regulatory bodies as industry’s best practices – its stamp of ground vehicle quality.

The need for, development and approval of SAE Technical Standards is, and has always been, entrusted to the working committees of SAE International – a voluntary global coalition of industry’s leading engineers, its technical managers and professionals from government and academia.

Participation in this consensus-based program gives industry professionals the unique community to voice and advance their engineering concerns, ideas and technologies for the betterment of industry. Their day-to-day technical challenges surface in the work of the SAE committees for discussion, debate, discovery…the development of timely technical solutions: standards. It is at the standards table that vehicle technology advances. Those who participate shape industry’s agenda and pave the way for successful product development.

To obtain information not found in this booklet contact

SAE Automotive Headquarters at 248-273-2455.

Table of Contents


1.1 Introduction 5

1.2 Scope 5

1.3 Objective 5

1.4 Technical Standards Board 5

1.4.1 TSB Governance Policy 5

1.4.2 Councils of the SAE Technical Standards Board 5


2.1 Objectives 6

2.2 Principles 6

2.3 Scope 6

2.3.1 Subordinate Technical Committee Structure 6


3.1 Chairperson Selection Process 7

3.2 Chairperson Duties 7

3.3 Vice – Chairperson Duties 8

3.4 Secretary Duties 8


4.1 Qualifications & Conditions of Membership 8

4.2 Membership Roles 9

4.3 Membership Balance 9


5.1 Meetings 9

5.2 Planning SAE Technical Committee Meetings 9

5.2.1 Meeting Scheduling at SAE Automotive Headquarters or Outside Facility 9

5.2.4 Conference Calls 10

5.2.5 WebEx Sessions 10

5.3 Basic Meeting Facilitation Guidelines 10

5.3.1 Agenda 10

5.3.2 Presentations: 11

5.3.3 Committee Votes (other than ballots) 11

5.3.4 Minutes 12

5.3.5 Meeting Facilitation Hints 12



7.1 Document Format 13

7.2 Initiation of Projects 13

7.3 Selection of Projects 13

7.4 Sponsor 14

7.5 Document Review 14


8.1 Process: 16

8.2 Voting Options 16

8.3 Voice Votes at Committee Meetings 16

8.4 Simultaneous Ballots between two or more committees 16

8.5 Consensus Criteria: 16

8.6 Ballot Summary 17

8.7 Disposition of Comments 17

NOTE: All comments must be addressed. 17

14 Day Affirmation Ballot 17

9. SAE Operates Electronically 18

10. AWARDS 18

10.1 Outstanding Contribution Award 18

10.2 Certificates of Appreciation 19

12. SAE Staff Responsibility 20

13. Retention Times 20

14. U.S Technical Advisory Groups (USTAG) 20


Appendix A1 - Request for Membership 22

Appendix A2 - Sample Letter for Removing Members 23

Appendix A3 - Preferred City List 24

Appendix A4 - Agenda Template 25

Appendix A5 - Meeting Minutes Template 26


Appendix B1 - Project Initiation Form 28

Appendix B3 - Copyright Form 31

Appendix B4 - Limited Scope Revision Form 32


Appendix C1 - Ground Vehicle Standards Organizational Chart 33

Appendix C2 - Standards Acronyms 34

Appendix C3 - Glossary of Terms 38

Appendix C4 - Publicity Form 45


1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to set forth the objectives and procedures of the Ground Vehicle Standards, its Councils and Technical Committees.

2. Scope

These guidelines were written to provide information needed by SAE technical committee members. Subject matter covers relations of technical committees to the SAE organization and, in broad terms, committee operating procedures.

The guidelines are the outgrowth of the principles and policies of SAE, and they reflect the philosophies, traditions, and methodology that have emerged from years of successful operations of SAE technical committees.

3. Objective

The objective of SAE is to promote the Arts, Sciences, Standards, and Engineering Practices connected with the design, construction, and utilization of self-propelled mechanisms, prime movers, components thereof, and related equipment. SAE serves its members and the General Public through meetings and programs developed by its various Engineering Activities and Sections, through the Placement Committee, and through its publications; it serves industry, government, and the public through the development of technical reports, including engineering standards, recommended practices and information reports and distributing these documents.

4. Technical Standards Board

The SAE Technical Standards Board is the agent of the SAE Board of Directors with authority to direct and supervise services to government and industry, including standardization, research, and the participation in technical committee activity of other organizations.

It is the duty of the Technical Standards Board to promote and supervise Technical Committee activities of SAE, including participation in technical committees of other organizations and to approve and issue technical reports including standards, recommended practices, and information reports (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Technical Reports") resulting from its activities.

1. TSB Governance Policy

Document developed by the Technical Standards Board which defines the rules set forth to govern the committees. A copy of the Technical Standards Board Governance Policy can be accessed at

2. Councils of the SAE Technical Standards Board

The SAE Technical Standards Board delegates to its council the authority to direct and approve SAE Standards, Recommended Practices and Information Reports (subject to the right of anyone to appeal a decision to the board). The councils are authorized to establish committees that may be needed to accomplish this assignment. The Ground Vehicle related Councils of the TSB are:

Motor Vehicle Council

Specialized Vehicle & Equipment Council

Fuels & Lubricants Council

Materials, Processes and Parts Council

Construction, Agricultural & Equipment Council

Truck & Bus Council


5. Objectives

The objectives of a technical committee are to coordinate and utilize the knowledge, experience, and skill of engineers and other qualified individuals on technical problems within the scope of its activities to:

a. Conduct necessary investigations (testing, research) and develop technical reports.

b. Review technical reports periodically, revise as necessary, and maintain content abreast of latest technology.

c. Advise, consult, and cooperate with industry, government, educational institutions, the public, other standardizing bodies, and other SAE committees and members.

d. Assist committees of the SAE Engineering Meetings Board in the preparation and presentation of papers at national meetings and specialty conferences.

6. Principles

The end products of the committee’s work are offered as the best judgment of a group technically competent to deal with the problems covered and do not represent an industry-trade position. Employers of committee members are not committed by an action of an SAE committee. Over many years, the extensive use of SAE technical reports clearly indicates that committee members, working as individuals, do produce results that are practical and useful to industry, government, and the public.

7. Scope

A technical committee shall be responsible for a field of endeavor, as defined by its scope. In cases where projects overlap areas of interest of another council’s committee, the originating committee shall submit the project(s) for review and approval to the other concerned committee and its council prior to issuance. A committee is established when a new major project area is to be undertaken and no existing committee is available. A committee is discharged when the assigned work is completed and there is not further need for its services. The councils retain responsibility for periodic review of technical reports developed by their disbanded committees. Each committee is required to establish a scope of work and post on the Standards Works.

1. Subordinate Technical Committee Structure

Working groups such as Subcommittees, Task Forces, ad hoc Technical Committees, panels or other groups may be organized under a Technical Committee with membership having specific specialized expertise for the purpose of drafting proposed Technical Reports. Such groups should be balanced in accordance with the requirements specified; however, the fact that such group does not achieve balance shall not affect the status of the proposal. Such groups may be specifically organized to develop recommendations for standards for military use or for use by other governmental agencies. The work of all such subordinate Technical Committee groups shall be subject to review and approval by the parent Technical Committee. See below example.



3.1 Chairperson Selection Process

Committee officers are elected by the voting members of the committee. Nominations should be made and voted on by the members.

It is also encouraged to elect a vice-chairperson to act in the absence of the chairperson as well as name a secretary to take meeting minutes.

Suggested Criteria for selecting a Chairperson for a SAE Committee/Subcommittee

o Leadership qualities - Ability to effectively lead and facilitate group in professional manner.

o Commitment - Believe in & committed to furthering goals of committee and SAE.

o Knowledge - Working knowledge of all areas of committee scope.

Understand and know committee and SAE rules and procedures.

o Public speaking - Comfortable talking in front of people.

o Planning skills - Well prepared for meetings, Significant industry experience, Responsible and accountable, Strong communication skills, Willingness to make decisions yet lead through consensus, Global perspective, One or more years of active committee participation.

3.2 Chairperson Duties

The duties of the Chairperson include but are not limited to:

• Plan and conduct meetings.

• Keep control of the meeting by following the agenda.

• Appoint committee secretary to capture meeting minutes and miscellaneous other duties, as requested.

• Establish subcommittees and work groups and supervise their operation.

• Assign projects so as to balance and expedite the committee’s work.

• Manage the five-year review process.

• Review the membership annually to maintain an active and balanced committee.

• Monitor ballot postings.

• Establish or adopt operating procedures and recommend revisions of committee procedures, as needed, if applicable.

• Act in a neutral capacity.

• Address any potential intellectual property issues with assistance of SAE Staff.

• Assist with document inquiries received from customers.

Note: Reasonably frequent rotation of committee chairperson is encouraged. Each council will establish a term of office.

3.3 Vice – Chairperson Duties

• The Vice Chair is responsible for assisting the chair in the management duties of the committee. The Vice Chair is responsible for fulfilling the obligations of the Chair in their absence.

3.4 Secretary Duties

• The Secretary is responsible for recording all meeting minutes, action items and decisions made by the committee and such other functions as may be directed by the Technical Committee Chair and submitting to SAE staff.


4.1 Qualifications & Conditions of Membership

Technical committee members must be competent and authoritative in the field(s) outlined by the committee scope. In discharging their responsibilities, members of committees act as individuals and not as agents or representatives of any organization which they may be associated. In order to carry out their work, Technical Committee Members are expected to have access to a computer, an email address to receive and send information, and access to the World Wide Web.

Individuals who have interests and expertise in the activities of a committee can request membership by completing a Request for Membership Form (Appendix A1) and submitting to the Committee Chair. The Chair will determine the membership classification and notify SAE staff. Membership in SAE is encouraged of all Technical Committee Members, but is not required.

o The Chairperson and/or SAE Staff must explain to the individual requesting membership the responsibility that comes with being a voting member, i.e. meeting attendance and voting.

o Committee members are appointed on the basis of their individual qualifications which enable them to contribute to the work of the committee.

Members are expected to actively participate in the work of the Committees. This includes regular attendance at meetings and voting on ballots. The chairperson is responsible for periodically reviewing Committee rosters and taking such action as may be required to ensure an active and participative membership.

The Chairperson and/or SAE Staff should notify any voting member of a change in their membership classification. A sample letter is attached as Appendix A2.

4.2 Membership Roles

The various classifications of membership include; Member, Liaison, and Mailing List Recipient.

Member – Members contribute to the work of the technical committee, vote on all technical report ballots in a timely manner and maintain active participation on a respective technical committee. Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary shall have voting member status.

Liaison – Liaisons have access to the work of the technical committee and provide coordination with parallel activities occurring in the government, other agencies and related SAE Technical Committees. Liaisons receive technical report ballots and may provide comments; however, their approval or disapproval is not tabulated in the approval requirements.

Mailing List Recipient – Mailing List Recipients only receive information on Technical Committee meetings. Mailing list recipients do not receive information related to Technical Report ballots or committee roster.

4.3 Membership Balance

Overall technical committee membership shall attempt to attain an equitable balance of representation by knowledgeable persons at interest so as to provide a competent and authoritative committee. In considering the equitable balance of a technical committee, the individual’s point of view as a producer, user or consumer or regulator shall be considered.

Annually, all Technical Committee members will be asked to declare their interest category.

(1) Producer: Suppliers, Consultants*

(2) User: OEMs, Consultants*, Government

(3) General Interest: Test Laboratories, remaining Consultants*, Consumer Advocates, Academia

*Consultants category based on dominant interest of work.

Request for Membership on a Technical Standards Committee, Subcommittee, or Task Force is attached in the Appendix A1.


5.1 Meetings

Meetings of Technical Committees shall be conducted in the manner set forth by the TSB Governance Policy. All meetings shall be open to all interested parties, but the Chair shall have the discretion as to the number of observers who may be permitted to address the committee.

5.2 Planning SAE Technical Committee Meetings

5.2.1 Meeting Scheduling at SAE Automotive Headquarters or Outside Facility

SAE encourages committees to meet at the SAE Automotive Headquarters located in Troy, Michigan. When planned in advance, the facility can accommodate committees with meeting rooms, A/V equipment and refreshments.

When scheduling a committee meeting please advise SAE Staff of the meeting date/time, number of attendees, A/V equipment, and use of Webex and/or conference call capability.

5.2.2 Off-Site/Out of State Meeting: When a committee decides to meet offsite from the SAE offices, they need to refer to the Preferred Meeting Location List attached as Appendix A3. SAE utilizes a centralized event planning which can negotiate lower rates for hotel and meeting rooms in or near the preferred cities.

SAE Staff reserves the right to decline off – site meeting locations if a reasonable cost cannot be negotiated. SAE Staff may bring A/V equipment with them when present at off-site meetings. Please note that due to the high costs of A/V equipment rentals at off-site locations, SAE reserves the right to decline rental of the equipment.

5.2.3 Company Host for Off-Site/Out of State Meetings: Should a company wish to host the committee meeting at their facility or acquire the costs for the meeting, they should communicate meeting & hotel information to SAE staff who will send the meeting details to the committee members.

5.2.4 Conference Calls

SAE will provide committees teleconferencing capability at no charge. Due to the high costs of conference call equipment at hotels and conference centers, conference calls may not be available.

5.2.5 WebEx Sessions

WebEx is a utility for supporting interactive meetings via the internet. Documents can be shared and modified in real-time while committee participants are at remote locations. A WebEx training session is available upon request. A conference call is required with every Webex.

5.3 Basic Meeting Facilitation Guidelines

5.3.1 Agenda

The committee chairperson is responsible for developing the agenda for the meeting which will briefly summarize the items to be reviewed. It is helpful to have the agenda prepared and submitted to the SAE Staff Representative so that it may be made available to committee members at least 5 days prior to the meeting for attendees to review so as to encourage committee member participation.

For offsite meetings, an Agenda must be provided with the meeting notice (or at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting) so members can determine travel arrangements.

The agenda is a great tool for keeping the meeting organized and on schedule. A Sample Agenda Template is attached as Appendix A4.

Areas to cover during the meeting:

• Self-introductions

• Disclaimer

“In discharging their responsibilities, members of the Technical Standards Board, Councils and Technical Committees function as individuals and not as agents or representatives of any organization with which they may be associated, except that government employees participate in accordance with governmental regulations. Members are appointed to SAE Technical Committees on the basis of their individual qualifications which enable them to contribute to the work of the Committee.”

Approve agenda

• Circulate attendance roster

• Approve minutes from the previous meeting

• SAE Information briefing

• Document review

Committee Code of Conduct during meeting:

Following are general items for committee conduct:

• No Commercialism – stick to the technical issues and never endorse or belittle specific products

• Only one person speaking at any given time

• Attack the issue, not the person

• Be on time

• Set all pagers and cellular phones to silent mode

• Meetings are not to be tape recorded

• Respect all ideas and comments

• No silent skepticism, be candid

• Do not dominate discussions

• Stay focused on the meeting

• Avoid unauthorized or “private” meetings. Discussions should be open and follow the agenda or other legitimate direction agreed upon by consensus of the committee

• Never participate in discussions of cost, pricing plans, pricing policies, product usage surveys, marketing plans, or any related topics.

• Participate as individuals and not as agents or representatives of any organization

• Secure strategic staff advice as well as legal counsel when necessary

• Strive for an open atmosphere that promotes a free-flowing interchange of technical information.

• Strive for high-quality standards that benefit all stakeholders – users, producers and the industry at whole.

5.3.2 Presentations:

In order to have presentations available online for attendees, they may be posted to the committee work area in either an electronic format or an URL address by the presenter, committee secretary, chairperson, or SAE staff. Please note: PowerPoint presentations must be in PDF format and should not contain company names.

Note: To avoid a presentation that is a sales pitch, requesting an abstract of the presentation prior to the meeting is suggested.

5.3.3 Committee Votes (other than ballots)

Any voice votes taken on committee business must have a quorum of members in attendance; then approval from the majority. Quorum is defined as one half of all voting members on the committee. Meeting minutes must reflect the voice vote results.

If the vote is of extreme high importance, with people moving in and out of the meeting, etc.; it is advised that an announcement be made that the vote will be taken at a specific time. For meetings that do not meet quorum, questions may be posted to the committee work area for voting purposes.

5.3.4 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting shall be prepared by a committee officer or an individual designated by the Committee Chair. The minutes will be released promptly and shall be subject to confirmation, with corrections if necessary, at the following meeting. The minutes of the Technical Committee are business records of SAE and will be maintained in accordance with the TSB Governance Policy.

Meeting Minutes Considerations

• The SAE Meeting Minutes Template, attached as Appendix A5, shall be utilized when preparing the meeting minutes.

• Minutes taken should follow the agenda

• Minutes should not be a word for word transcript of what took place.

• Committee Members participate as individuals and should not be affiliated with any company in the minutes. Examples of where it is permissible to use company names include presentations, providing test data, and recognizing company hosts.

• Copyrighted material or trademarks should not be included without written permission from the respective company or trademark/copyright holder.

• Minutes are to be submitted in an editable electronic format to the SAE Staff Representative for review and posting on the committee web page.

• Any reports or presentations of draft documents need to be provided to the secretary in an electronic format.

• Presentations given at the meeting are posted in a separate folder and are not an official part of the meeting minutes.

Minutes should contain the following minimum information:

o Name of committee

o Date, place and time of meeting

o Name of chairperson or acting chairperson

o Presence of a quorum of members (the name of the voting Members in attendance)

o Approval of previous meeting minutes

o Reports given: by whom and any actions recorded

o Committee decisions

o Committee actions

o Roster changes / Voting Membership

o Next meeting information

5.3.5 Meeting Facilitation Hints

1. Always start the meeting on time and with a definite agenda. The whole purpose of an agenda is to save time and keep the meeting on course.

2. Be a good host. Make sure everyone is introduced and acquainted.

3. Review the facts; take time to lay the groundwork before getting to specific suggestions on each agenda item.

4. Encourage participation. To initiate discussion, direct a challenging question to a committee member. Do not dominate discussions

5. Keep the meeting moving and the members on the subject.

6. Only one person speaking at any given time. (The presenter has the floor).

7. Summarize major points during the course of a meeting. This will facilitate orderly progress through the discussion.

8. Pay attention to factors that may be affecting relations between members.

9. If there is a lack of interest, consider a brief recess.

10. Solicit opinions and experiences, especially when disagreements occur. Talk to the group, not individuals; side conversations are disrupting and accomplish nothing.

11. Try to draw-out silent members. An easy question or the asking of an opinion is a good committee participation starter.

12. Check at the end of the meeting to see if the members feel that particular subjects have been properly covered.

13. Don’t argue with the individual who has the floor. Ask questions if you disagree, but remember that as the presiding officer, you are to be neutral.

14. Adjourn on time.


SAE Standards

These Technical Reports are a documentation of broadly accepted engineering practices or specifications for a material, product, process, procedure, or test method.

SAE Recommended Practices

These Technical Reports are documentations of practice, procedures, and technology that are intended as guides to standard engineering practice. Their content may be of a more general nature, or they may propound data that have not yet gained broad acceptance.

The recommended practice should emphasize the capabilities and limitations of the information contained therein. A Technical Committee preparing such a report may add an introductory note stating, “This SAE Recommended Practice is intended as a guide toward standard practice and is subject to change to keep pace with experience and technical advances.”

SAE Information Reports

These Technical Reports are compilations of engineering reference data or educational material useful to the technical community. Information Reports require only one (1) level of consensus for approval and publication.


7.1 Document Format

SAE Technical Reports shall be written in accordance to the editorial and technical requirements defined by the below documents which are available on any committee standards works page:

J-Report Template

J-Report Instructions

J-Report Guidelines

Track Changes, Table of Contents and Equation Instructions

7.2 Initiation of Projects

Technical Reports are prepared by the committee when needed to accomplish a project within its scope. Projects may come from Committee Members, industry, regulatory agencies, etc. A Project Initiation Form (attached as Appendix B1) must be completed through the SAE Standards Works prior to any initiation of project.

7.3 Selection of Projects

In determining the need for a new technical report, the following should be considered: a) new technologies being developed; b) compatability with new and existing technologies; and c) foreseeable difficulties concerning adaptability to current technologies. Technical reports attempt to accomplish the following:

Will this Technical Report help to:

· Create common language

· Enhance safety

· Facilitate trade through reduced regulations

· Harmonize global markets

· Improve the environment

· Increase productivity of processes

· Permit common interfaces

· Promote uniform testing or performance

· Reduce costs

7.4 Sponsor

Prior to the development of a new technical report, or revision of an existing technical report, the committee/subcommittee shall appoint a sponsor to serve as the focal point for all activities associated with document development and deployment. Sponsor shall be a voting member of the committee. These tasks include, but are not limited to:

• A Sponsor must complete the Project Initiation Form (appendix B1) on Standards Works which also includes a Copyright Form. Copyright forms are required to be signed and on file at SAE at the start of each new project or document revision. A copyright form protects SAE’s intellectual property and the work of the committee. A document cannot be balloted without a signed copyright form. A Copyright form is attached as appendix B3.

• Obtain a document number (new document) or word conversion (revision) from SAE Staff

• Prepare all drafts of the report

• Submit all drafts electronically through the SAE Standards Works.

• Ensure that a sufficient number of ballots have been received for consensus

• Review ballot summary

• Resolve all comments received from ballots

• Make all changes to the draft necessary to achieve consensus

A sponsor checklist has been established to assist sponsor and is attached as Appendix B2.

7.5 Document Review

Each Technical Report is to be reviewed at least every five years. The purpose of the five year review is to determine what action is required on a document. SAE initiates the review by providing the committee chairperson (or other designated member) with a list of the documents that will be up for review. It is recommended the report be made available so that the committee will have approximately one year to review the documents.

It is the responsibility of the Technical Committees to review technical reports periodically and revise as necessary in order to maintain content abreast of the latest technology.

As part of the review, the technical reports can be reaffirmed, revised, made non-current or canceled.

• Reaffirm – The committee confirms the information is still valid within the scope of the document.

A reaffirm vote can be by means of a voice vote at a committee meeting, provided members have been informed in advance of this action (agenda).

A reaffirm can take place by means of a ballot; only committee level ballot required.

• Revised – The committee determines that sufficient changes are required and a sponsor is identified to begin the revision process. Ballot is required to both technical and process level groups.

• Cancel – The committee has determined that a document is no longer needed or has been superseded. Cancellation must be in ballot form, to both technical and process levels groups.

• Re-Issue - Re-instate a dropped document. A Re-Issue must be in ballot form, to both technical and process levels groups

• Non-Current – The committee determines that a document is known to be in use by some areas of industry but it is not the most up-to-date technical information.

o A non-current vote can be by means of a voice vote at a committee meeting, provided members have been informed in advance of this action (agenda).

o A non-current vote can take place by means of a ballot; only committee level ballot required.

• Limited Scope Revision – To expedite the revision process so that necessary technical changes in a technical report can be made efficiently, a limited scope revision may be performed upon Technical Committee Chairperson approval. A limited-scope revision will result in a new revision letter or date for the technical report.

A Limited Scope Revision form (Appendix B4) must be completed by the document sponsor. A limited scope revision requires two levels of balloting using the 28 day process. All votes and corresponding comments are confined to the proposed changes indicated on the ballot. For comments outside the scope of the proposed changes, the committee participant may request the committee to begin a full revision of the document.

Conditions and limitations

• Proposed changes must be of sufficient clarity to communicate directly in a “Change from Change to” fashion.

• The Sponsor must note in the document rationale that the current revision is limited in scope. The changes to the document must also be listed in the rationale.

• All references will be updated in limited scope revisions.

• Committees will be limited to one limited scope revision per standard before a full technical revision is required.

• A limited scope revision will reset the five-year review clock.

• The Council reserves the right to send the document back to the Committee for a full revision.

• The Council will consider the number of limited scope revisions as a measure of the technical committee’s quality of work.


All documents MUST be balloted through SAE and go through the appropriate levels of approval.

1. Committee Level Ballot: Approval by the Technical Committee. The Committee Members will review the technical report for technical content.

2. Council Level Ballot: Council members will review SAE Technical reports for policy implications and impact of the SAE technical report on users and the public in terms of broad technological considerations. Council will not alter the technical content of a SAE Technical Report without referring it back to the responsible committee.

8.1 Process:

o Ballots are conducted via SAE Standards Works

o Document sponsor will post the document for ballot in the document work area. SAE Staff will approve the commencement of the ballot and send an email with a link to the ballot. This is sent to all voting members (liaisons also receive notification).

o Ballots are open for a 28-day period (or 14 day if a reaffirmation).

o No votes on ballots are possible after the close of the ballot.

8.2 Voting Options

o Members MUST vote using one of the following options:

o Approve – means the voting member has reviewed and agreed with the draft technical report. Minor typographical comments can be made with approval ballot.

▪ Typographical errors – applies to misspelled words only

• Does not apply to abbreviations

• Cannot change the content of the document

o Disapprove – means the voting member has reviewed and disagreed with the draft technical report. Disapproval ballots must include the rational for disapproval along with alternative language. A disapproval ballot without rationale will not be recognized.

o Waive – means the voting member has reviewed the draft technical report and determined that the subject matter is outside of their expertise.

8.3 Voice Votes at Committee Meetings

Voice votes on technical reports can be taken if the ballot is submitted electronically to all Members at least 28 days prior to the meeting. Voice vote must meet the same response criteria as electronic ballots. The results of the voice votes must be recorded in the meeting minutes. All voting Members must have the opportunity to review and vote on any changes made or agreed to at the meeting.

8.4 Simultaneous Ballots between two or more committees

Technical reports that are of direct concern to more than one committee can be simultaneously balloted. In the event of a simultaneous ballot, the vote from the sponsoring committee will determine moving the document forward. The vote from the secondary committee will be for information only.

8.5 Consensus Criteria:

The committee shall strive for full agreement.

Where full agreement cannot be achieved, Technical Reports shall have the approval of at least 66% of the responding voting members who constitute at least one-half of all members receiving a ballot.


Number of members on committee 24

Minimum of 50% must respond 12

Minimum number of approval (66%0 (12*.66) 8

At the close of the ballot period, the summary along with any related comments will be sent to the document sponsor and/or committee chair electronically.

8.6 Ballot Summary

When a ballot has closed the sponsor will receive from SAE a summary of the ballot responses and any comments.

8.7 Disposition of Comments

NOTE: All comments must be addressed.

Approval with no comments: minimum number of ballots received with the required percentage of approvals.

• Document can move forward to next step.

Approval with comments: minimum number of ballots received with the required percentage of approvals, but with comments.

Once a document has gone through a 28-day committee ballot, the only change a sponsor can make without requiring an additional committee ballot is:

• Typographical errors – applies to misspelled words only

o Does not apply to abbreviations

o Cannot change the content of the document

All other editorial changes require a committee ballot, including updates to references and formulas. This can be done by either a re-ballot or a 14 day Affirmation ballot.

Disapprovals on ballots:

An effort should be made to resolve all disapprovals. Dissenting views, including those of liaison members shall accompany draft technical reports when they are circulated to the Council for final review and approval prior to publication. The committee’s reasons for not accepting the dissenting views shall be included.

• Editorial changes beyond those in accordance with TSB Governance Policy as listed above made by the sponsor requires approval of the committee. This can be done by either a re-ballot or a 14 day Affirmation ballot.

• Any unresolved votes along with the committee’s reply to the negative ballot shall be submitted to the Council for ballot

14 Day Affirmation Ballot

14-Day Affirmation ballot provides a means to inform all members of editorial or minor technical changes to a document that has already gone through the 28 day Committee ballot. All technical comments from disapprovals must be discussed and resolved between the sponsor and the person(s) disapproving the document prior to a 14 Day Affirmation Ballot.


- Only the changes need to be posted; not the entire document. However, it is optional to post the entire document highlighting the changes.

- A disapproval option is the only voting option.

- Members are to respond if they have a concern with the proposed changes.

At the end of the 14 days, SAE will send a ballot summary to the sponsor. If no comments are received, the document will proceed to the next level of ballot. If comments are made, the comments will then need to be resolved and/or taken back before the committee.

Comments from Liaisons:

Liaisons may comment on ballots, however, they do not have a formal approval/disapproval vote. Comments from liaisons must be reviewed and considered.

Disapprovals at the Council level

It is the Sponsor’s responsibility to resolve all disapprovals. If a Council member wishes to change their vote from a disapproval to approval, they must do so on the SAE Standards Works ballot. Minor editorial changes, in accordance with the TSB rules, are permitted without reballot to the Committee level and the document can proceed to publication. If in order to resolve the Council disapproval, technical or editorial changes (other than those previously defined) are required, the sponsor must send the draft technical report back to the Committee for resolution and possible re-ballot.

9. SAE Operates Electronically

The paper era has come and gone. SAE has worked diligently to get the organization to conduct business and maintain records in an electronic format.

The SAE Standards Works are designed to assist with SAE’s dedication to operating electronically. All documents that are balloted, committee meeting correspondence such as meeting minutes and agendas, and other committee related documents are maintained within the Standards Works. The Standards Works even allow committee members to communicate amongst each other through email and discussion postings. This method allows the committee participation to run more efficiently and effectively.

The Standards Works are easy to use and contain information specific to each committee. SAE staff representatives will be more than happy to assist members with technical difficulties. The Standards Works Guidelines can be accessed on all committee pages at


10.1 Outstanding Contribution Award

The Technical Standards Board (TSB) encourages you to submit a nomination for the TSB Award.

This award recognizes individuals for outstanding service in the Technical Committee activities of the Society. This includes:

• valuable contributions to the work of SAE Technical Committees

• unusual leadership in the activities of an SAE Technical Committee

• significant contributions as a representative of the Society to the accomplishments of technical committees of other organizations or of government agencies

• outstanding contributions to SAE Technical Committee work in the form:

o research

o test methods and procedures, and/or

o development of standards.

This award was established in 1953. In 2003, the Technical Standards Board renamed the award title (which was Certificate of Appreciation) to the "Outstanding Contribution Award.” Outstanding Contribution Award best reflects the prestige of this Award. The award is a certificate.

To assist you in submitting a nomination, the following documents are attached:

1. Award Description Information

2. Nomination Form (a short, one-page form)

Please take advantage of this opportunity to recognize a fellow committee member.

10.2 Certificates of Appreciation

SAE also encourages the committees to present Certificates of Appreciation to deserving committee members.

These certificates of appreciation are to recognize the hardworking members of the committee, chairpersons, etc.

A committee wishing to present Certificates of Appreciation should contact their SAE Staff Representative.

11. Inquiries About Technical Reports


Clarifications imply making plain or intelligible what is not immediately obvious or entirely known.

Interpretations imply explaining based on individual belief, judgment, or circumstance.

Clarifications of SAE Standards

Formal requests for clarifications of SAE standards:

- should be placed on the committee agenda for consideration at the next meeting. If by general Technical Committee consensus the Technical Committee determines that the Technical Report requires clarification the

- technical Committee should initiate a revision of the Technical Report in accordance with Section 2.16 -Approval of Technical Reports and

- the Requestor should be notified of the decision to revise such Technical Report.

If by general Technical Committee consensus the Technical Committee determines that no clarification or further review is required, the Requestor shall be notified of such determination.

Informal requests for clarifications of SAE standards:

- may be handled directly by committee chairmen or assigned by him/her committee member.

- SAE staff should be made aware of such a request.

- It must be clear that the response by committee member, chair or any other individual is a personal opinion and not obtained by committee consent. SAE stationery must not be used for such response.


No member or participant of an SAE Technical Committee, Council, or Technical Standards Board, or SAE staff representative shall make any interpretation of a Technical Report in the name of SAE. In no event shall any such interpretation or clarification pursuant to an informal request in section above be binding upon SAE or the technical committee responsible for such SAE Standard

12. SAE Staff Responsibility

SAE Staff is responsible for the overall management and well-being of the SAE Technical Standards program. This oversight includes the preparation of the final copy for all Technical Reports. The Staff also ensures compliance with this procedure and its appendices.

The SAE staff committee responsibilities may include:

o Advising committee officers and members on SAE policies, procedures, and practices.

o Distributing meeting notices, correspondence, agendas and minutes.

o Serving as a focal point for information contacts.

o Coordinate and attend meetings

o Recordkeeping and retention according to the TSB Governance Policy

If necessary, acts as a liaison representative to other SAE committees, maintains an awareness of the scope and activities of other technical committees and encourages utilization of these activities where practicable to strengthen new SAE Technical Reports and to minimize duplication of effort.

In accordance to the TSB Governance 3.2, “The SAE staff representative shall have authority to suspend any committee or group activity which is undertaken in or carried out in contravention of these rules or any laws or order. The suspended activity may only be commenced upon affirmative vote of the responsible Council.”

13. Retention Times

Ballots: The comments returned by the individual Technical Committee members in response to the circulation of a Technical Report for a vote. Discard as soon as the Technical Report to which the summary relates has been published.

Ballot Summary: A record of the votes and comments of the individual Technical Committee members. Discard as soon as the Technical Report to which the summary relates has been published.

Basis Documents: All documents provided to SAE which contain information that the members of the Technical Committee used to develop, revise, or reaffirm a Technical Report. Discard at time of publication.

Non-Basis Documents: All documents which do not contain information from which the Technical Report was developed. Discard upon publication of the meeting minutes (i.e. meeting notice, agenda, roster).

Minutes: The formal minutes of Technical Committees and Sub Committees meetings. Discard minutes with a meeting date older than five years

14. U.S Technical Advisory Groups (USTAG)


ANSI (American national Standards Institute) has authorized the formation of the U.S. Technical Advisory Groups listed below for coordination with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). SAE has been appointed as USTAG Administrator.

TC22 Road Vehicles

TC23 SC15 Machinery for Forestry

TC70 Internal Combustion Engines

TC127 Earth Moving Machinery

TC195 Building Construction Machinery & Equipment

USTAG Responsibilities

The U.S. Tag will be responsible for the following:

o Operating the TAG According to the policies and procedures of SAE. Such operation shall be consistent with ANSI rules on the operation of Technical Advisory Groups.

o Maintaining TAG Operating Procedures.

o Representing the industry in matters pertaining to the U.S. technical input.

o Maintain roster for active membership.

Refer to the USTAG Committee Handbook for details which can be accessed on any USTAG committee standards works page at


Appendix A1 - Request for Membership



|I am requesting membership on: (name of group) | |

| |

|Applicant’s Name | |

|Company | |

|Title | |

|Address | |

| | |

|Phone | |

|Fax | |

|Email | |

| |

|Applicant is an SAE Member |SAE Number |Membership Expires |

| | | |

| |

|All Committees must maintain a balanced membership. | |User |

|Please indicate proper category. | | |

| | |Producer |

| | |General Interest |

| | |Government |

| |

|Status you are applying for | |Voting member |

| | |Associate (Mailing List Recipient) |

| | |

|Chairman Approves | |

|Date | |

| | |

|SAE Staff Completes Roster Update | |

Applicant should be aware of the following:

▪ Chairperson must consider maintaining a balanced committee (users, producers, general interest, government) when granting membership.

▪ Chairperson will approve new members based on balance and on their ability to contribute to the group.

To maintain membership, the following requirements must be met:

▪ Attend meetings (miss two meetings and your membership may be suspended).

▪ Vote on all ballots (miss two ballots and your membership may be suspended)

Send completed form to your SAE Staff Representative - fax to (248) 273-2494

Appendix A2 - Sample Letter for Removing Members

Dear (name of member)

One of the responsibilities of the voting membership status within an SAE Committee is the review of the proposed documents and document revisions, along with the timely submission of ballot responses reflecting the results of the member’s review.

In order to ensure that any approved document has been thoroughly reviewed and represents a true consensus of experts in the field, SAE requires a minimum number of ballot approvals before a document can be submitted to Council for process level ballot. Before a document can proceed to the Council level, at least 50% of the voting members on a Technical Committee must submit a ballot (either approval, disapproval or waive). Of those, 66% must be approvals.

The Committee records indicate that you have not been responding to document ballots, so your membership status is being changed from Voting Member to Mailing List. This will allow you to receive meeting announcements and minutes without impacting the balloting process.

If you desire to resume participation in the balloting process, now or in the future, please contact me via email requesting reinstatement, stating your commitment to respond to future ballots. I will see that you request is addressed promptly.

Alternatively, you might consider requesting Liaison status. In this case, you will receive ballots and your responses will be addressed, but failure to respond will not impact the approval process.

The Committee wishes to thank you for your past participation as a voting member. Please contact me if you have any questions.


Appendix A3 - Preferred City List


Appendix A4 - Agenda Template



(Name of Committee)

(Name of Chairman)

(Date of Meeting)

(Time of Meeting)

(Location of Meeting)

1. Welcome and Introductions

2. Review of the Minutes from Last Meeting (insert date)

3. Membership Review

4. Liaison Activities

(List activities with sponsor’s name)

5. Document(s) in Need of Five-Year Review

(List Standards)

6. Old Business

7. New Business

8. Next Meeting

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be sure to provide the minutes and all attachments to the minutes in electronic format to your SAE Staff Representative.

Appendix A5 - Meeting Minutes Template


These minutes are for the use of the committee. Unless authorized by SAE, they should not be published or further circulated.






|Members Present |Members Absent |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|SAE Staff | |

| | |

| | |

|Guests Present | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


__% of Committee Members Present





















Appendix B1 - Project Initiation Form



Name ___________________________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________________________________________________________

Email ___________________________________________________________________________

Committee _______________________________________________________________________

Complete the below for all documents

Document Type:

Standard Recommended Practice Information Report

Document Status:

New Revised Cancelled Non-current

Draft/Document Number: ______________________

Title: ___________________________________________________________________________


Scope – Give a clear indication of the coverage of the proposed new work item.

Rationale – Explain the need for developing a standard or the factor(s) which drove a revision.

Relationship of project to activities of other international bodies (if applicable)


Project approved by committee

A draft will be submitted for ballot by estimated (month/year)      

The estimated publication date is (month/year)      

ALSO REQUIRED: SAE Copyright Agreement (attached)

Your project request cannot be processed until you complete 1 of the following 2 options:

I will fax the completed form to SAE at (248) 273-2494.

I am electronically attaching the completed copyright form and this new project form.

Appendix B2 - Sponsor Checklist


Document Sponsor Checklist

( Committee determines document type (Standard, Recommended Practice, Information Report)

( Complete New Project Request Form (located in your committee's Standards Works area)

( Include Rationale statement (document will not be published without

a clear rationale statement)

( Include Signed Copyright Form (document will not be balloted without a signed Copyright Form)

( If this is a New Document, your SAE Staff Representative will assign

a document number (use the template located in your committee's

Standards Works area)

( If this is a revision of an existing document, a Word file will be

emailed to you upon completion of the New Project Form

( Work with committee to gather data & develop draft

( Submit draft electronically via your committee's Standards Works area

( Review summary of ballot results and either:

1. Make changes resolving disapprovals/comments and reballot or

2. Submit via your committee's Standards Works area for next level of


( Once all committee level balloting is complete, submit final draft via your committee's Standards Works area for formatting and Council Ballot.

( Be certain to indicate if this document is to be balloted at the Council level by checking the appropriate box at the top of the submittal form.

( Review summary of Council ballot results and notify SAE Staff Rep of next step (normally publication)

( Email SAE Staff Rep with approval to publish

Appendix B3 - Copyright Form



I hereby acknowledge my appointment pursuant to Section 3.2.6 of the SAE Technical Standards Board Governance Policy as Sponsor to the Committee to write/revise a Technical Report

|Document or project # and title: |

|J |

In consideration of my appointment and the publication of the Report identifying me, at my option, as Sponsor, I agree to avoid knowingly incorporating in the Report any copyrighted or proprietary material of another without such other's consent and acknowledge that the Report shall constitute a "work made for hire" as defined by the Copyright Act, and, that as to any work not so defined, I agree to and do hereby transfer any right or interest I may have in the copyright to said Report to SAE.

|Date Signed |Sponsor’s Signature |

| |Printed Name: |

| | |

| |Signature required, Hand written or electronic: |

|For Use By SAE |

|Date Received | |

|Committee | |

|Received By | |


SAE Automotive Headquarters

FAX: 248 273 2494

Appendix B4 - Limited Scope Revision Form


28 Day Limited Scope Ballot

| | |


| | |


|(If Applicable) | |

| | |


| | |


| | |


| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


| | |


| | |


|(If Necessary) | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


|(Required) | |

| | |

| | |


Appendix C1 - Ground Vehicle Standards Organizational Chart

Appendix C2 - Standards Acronyms

Standards Abbreviations and Acronyms

International standards organizations

AUTOSAR - Automotive technology

IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission

IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

ISO - International Organization for Standardization

CASCO ISO’s Committee on Conformity Assessment

COPOLCO ISO’s Committee on Consumer Policy

DEVCO ISO's Committee on Developing Country Matters

GA ISO's General Assembly

INFCO ISO's Committee on Information Systems and Services

ISO/CS ISO's Central Secretariat

POCOSA ISO/IEC Policy on Copyright & Sales

TMB ISO's Technical Management Board

ITTF Information Technology Task Force of ISO and IEC

ITU - The International Telecommunication Union

Regional standards organizations

CEN - European Committee for Standardization

CENELEC - European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization

COPANT - Pan-American Standards Commission

ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute

EASC - Euro-Asian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification –

PASC - Pacific Area Standards Congress

UNECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

National standards organizations

Algeria - IANOR - Institut algérien de normalisation

Argentina - IRAM - Instituto Argentino de Normalización

Armenia - SARM - National Institute of Standards and Quality

Australia - SA - Standards Australia

Austria - ON - Austrian Standards Institute

Bangladesh - BSTI - Bangladesh Standards and Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institutio,

Belarus - BELST - Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of Belarus

Belgium - IBN/BIN - The Belgian Institution for Standardization

Belgium - BEC/CEB - The Belgian Electrotechnical Committee

Bolivia - IBNORCA - Instituto Boliviano de Normalización y Calidad

Bosnia and Herzegovina - BASMP - Institute for Standards, Metrology and Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Brazil - ABNT - Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas

Brunei Darussalam - CPRU - Construction Planning and Research Unit, Ministry of Development

Bulgaria - BDS - Bulgarian Institute for Standardization

Canada - SCC - Standards Council of Canada

Chile - INN - Instituto Nacional de Normalizacion

China - SAC - Standardization Administration of China

China - CSSN - China Standards Information Center

Colombia - ICONTEC - Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y Certificación

Costa Rica - INTECO - Instituto de Normas Técnicas de Costa Rica

Croatia - DZNM - State Office for Standardization and Metrology

Cuba - NC - Oficina Nacional de Normalización

Czech Republic - CSNI - Czech Standards Institute

Denmark - DS - Dansk Standard

Ecuador - INEN - Instituto Ecuatoriano de Normalización

Egypt - EO - Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality Control

El Salvador - CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología

Estonia - EVS - Eesti Standardikeskus

Ethiopia - QSAE - Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia

Finland - SFS - Finnish Standards Association

France - AFNOR - Association française de normalisation

Germany - DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung

Greece - ELOT - Hellenic Organization for Standardization

Grenada - GDBS - Grenada Bureau of Standards

Guatemala - COGUANOR - Comisión Guatemalteca de Normas

Guyana - GNBS - Guyana National Bureau of Standards

Hong Kong - ITCHKSAR - Innovation and Technology Commission

Hungary - MSZT - Magyar Szabványügyi Testület

Iceland - IST - Icelandic Council for Standardization

IndiaBIS - Bureau of Indian Standards

Indonesia - BSN - Badan Standardisasi Nasional

Iran - ISIRI - Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran

Ireland - NSAI - National Standards Authority of Ireland

Israel - SII - The Standards Institution of Israel

Italy - UNI - Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione

Jamaica - JBS - Bureau of Standards, Jamaica

Japan - JISC - Japan Industrial Standards Committee

Jordan - JISM - Jordan Institution for Standards and Metrology

Kazakstan - KAZMEMST - Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

Kenya - KEBS - Kenya Bureau of Standards

Republic of Korea - KATS - Korean Agency for Technology and Standards

Kuwait - KOWSMD - Public Authority for Industry, Standards and Industrial Services Affairs

Kyrgyzstan - KYRGYZST - State Inspection for Standardization and Metrology Latvia - LVS - Latvian Standard

Lebanon - LIBNOR - Lebanese Standards Institution

Lithuania - LST - Lithuanian Standards Board

Luxembourg - SEE - Service de l'Energie de l'Etat, Organisme Luxembourgeois de Normalisation

Malaysia - Department of Standards Malaysia

Malta - MSA - Malta Standards Authority

Mauritius - MSB - Mauritius Standards Bureau

Mexico - DGN - Dirección General de Normas

Moldova - MOLDST - Department of Standardization and Metrology

Morocco - SNIMA - Service de Normalisation Industrielle Marocaine

Netherlands - NEN - Nederlandse Norm, maintained by the Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut (NNI)

New Zealand - SNZ - Standards New Zealand

Nicaragua - DTNM - Dirección de Tecnología, Normalización y Metrología

Nigeria - SON - Standards Organisation of Nigeria

Norway - SN - Standard Norge (Standards Norway)

Oman - DGSM - Directorate General for Specifications and Measurements

Pakistan - PSQCA - Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority

Palestine - PSI - Palestine Standards Institution

Panama - COPANIT - Comisión Panameña de Normas Industriales y Técnicas Papua New Guinea - NISIT - National Institute of Standards and Industrial Technology

Peru - INDECOPI - Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual

Philippines - BPS - Bureau of Product Standards

Poland - PKN - Polish Committee for Standardization

Portugal - IPQ - Instituto Português da Qualidade

Romania - ASRO - Asociatia de Standardizare din România

Russian Federation - Rostekhregulirovaniye - Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

Saint Lucia - SLBS - Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards

Saudi Arabia - SASO - Saudi Arabian Standards Organization

Serbia and Montenegro - ISSM -Institution for Standardization of Serbia and Montenegro

Seychelles - SBS - Seychelles Bureau of Standards

Singapore - SPRING SG - Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board

Slovakia - SUTN - Slovak Standards Institute

Slovenia - SIST - Slovenian Institute for Standardization

South Africa - SABS - South African Bureau of Standards

Spain - AENOR - Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación

Sri Lanka - SLSI - Sri Lanka Standards Institution

Sweden - SIS - Swedish Standards Institute

Switzerland - SNV - Swiss Association for Standardization

Syrian Arab Republic - SASMO - The Syrian Arab Organization for Standardization and Metrology

Taiwan (Republic of China) - BSMI - The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection

Tanzania - TBS - Tanzania Bureau of Standards

Thailand - TISI - Thai Industrial Standards Institute

Trinidad and Tobago - TTBS - Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards

Turkey - TSE - Türk Standardlari Enstitüsü

Uganda - UNBS - Uganda National Bureau of Standards

Ukraine - DSSU - State Committee on Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy of Ukraine

United Kingdom - BSI - British Standards Institution

United States of America - ANSI - American National Standards Institute

United States of America - NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology

United States of America - SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers

Uruguay - UNIT - Instituto Uruguayo de Normas Técnicas

Venezuela - FONDONORMA - Fondo para la Normalización y Certificación de la Calidad

Vietnam - TCVN - Directorate for Standards and Quality

Other Organizations

ANSI - American National Standards Institute

ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials

CARB - California Air Resources Board

DOD - Department of Defense

DOE - Department of Energy

DOT - Department of Transportation

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

FMCSA - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

FMVSS - Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards

NHTSA - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology

OSHA - Occupational Safety & Health Administration

TMB - ISO Technical Management Board

USCAR - United States Council for Automotive Research

WP29 - World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations

List of abbreviations

Add - Addendum

Amd - Amendment

AWI - Approved work item

CAG - Chairman's advisory group

CD - Committee draft

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations

CHF - Swiss Francs

COR - Corrigendum

CS - ISO Central Secretariat

DAM - Draft Amendment

DIS - Draft International Standard

DISP - Draft International Standardized Profile

DR - Defect Report

DTR - Draft technical report

Ed. - Edition

Ext. - Extract

FCD - Final committee draft

FDAM - Final Draft Amendment

FDIS - Final draft International Standard

FPDAM - Final Proposed Draft Amendment

GTR - Global Technical Regulation

IS - International Standard

ISBN - International standard book number

ISSN - International standard serial number

ITS - Intelligent Transport Systems

JTC - Joint ISO/IEC technical committee

JWG - Joint Working Group

MB - Member Body

NB - National Body

NP - New project

O-member - Observer member (in a TC or SC)

PAS - Publicly Available Specification

P-member - Participating member (in a TC or SC)

PDAM - Proposed Draft Amendment

PDC - Policy development committee

PDTR - Proposed Draft Technical Report

PRF - Proof of a new International Standard

R - Recommendation

SC - Subcommittee (of a TC)

Suppl. - Supplement

TA - Technical Advisor

TC - Technical committee

TR - Technical Report

TS - Technical Specification

TTA - Technology Trends Assessment

USTAG - United States Technical Advisory Group

UTC - Coordinated Universal Time

WD - Working document

WG - Working group (of a TC or SC)

Appendix C3 - Glossary of Terms



Assessment and approval of the process by which standards bodies develop standards, and by which conformity assessment bodies certify products, services, and systems in accordance with recognized accreditation standards. When used in relation to testing facilities, accreditation refers to the process of evaluating testing facilities for competence to perform specific tests using standards test methods.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI )

A private, non-profit organization that coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system. Its mission is to enhance U.S. global competitiveness and the American quality of life by promoting, facilitating, and safeguarding the integrity of the voluntary standardization system. The Institute represents the interests of its company, organizational, government, institutional and international members. ANSI accredits national standards developing organizations and approves American National Standards. It represents U.S. interests in international standards development activities.

American National Standards (ANS)

ANSI facilitates the development of American National Standards (ANS) by accrediting the procedures of standards developers. This accreditation signifies that the procedures used by the standards developer in connection with American National Standards meet ANSI’s essential requirements for openness, balance, consensus and due process. ANSI approves a standard only when it has been shown that the standard submitted by an ANSI-accredited standard developer meets these requirements.

ANSI Members

The ANSI Federation has 1,000 U.S. companies, professional societies and trade associations, standards developers, government agencies, institutes and consumer and labor interests as members, all working together to develop voluntary national consensus standards.


Opposing or intended to restrain trusts, monopolies, or other large combinations of business and capital, with a view to maintaining and promoting competition.

ANSI-accredited standards developers

An organization that has fulfilled ANSI accreditation requirements for standards development.


Participants from diverse interest categories (stakeholders) are sought to participate in the standard development process (e.g., committee) with the objective of achieving balance in the process.

Building Codes

Laws or regulations that specify minimum standards of construction for buildings to protect public safety and health. Voluntary standards are incorporated into building codes.


A scheme, structure or process that ensures that the origin, material, quality, mode of manufacture, accuracy, or other characteristics of a product or service has met certain agreed upon-criteria developed for that product, service or profession.


Laws or regulations that specify minimum standards to protect public safety and health such as codes for construction of buildings. Voluntary standards are incorporated into building codes.

Code of Good Practice

Acceptable procedures and behavior delineated in a written document.


To arrange and condense laws, rules, etc. into a systematic collection as a code.

Company Standards

Internal documents prepared by a company for its own use that define such activities as production processes, material characteristics, and purchasing requirements.

Conformity Assessment

A process whereby a product, procedure, service or system is evaluated or measured against a standard. Activities associated with conformity assessment include testing, certification, accreditation, and quality assurance system registration.


General agreement that involves seeking and taking into account the view of all parties concerned, and to reconciling any conflicting arguments. Consensus does not imply unanimity.


An open and informal group of independent organizations joined by common interests.


The exclusive right, granted by law to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a published work.

Executive Standards Council (ExSC)

The ANSI ExSC is responsible for the approval of accreditation and reaccreditation of standards developers and ANSI-accredited U.S. Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) to ISO. It has oversight responsibilities for the audit program and is the appeals body for procedural and accreditation issues.

De facto standard

Standards that have come into use by general acceptance, custom or convention but have no formal recognition.

Design standard

Standards that specify the design or technical characteristics of a product in terms of how it is to be constructed, assembled or manufactured.

Due process

Any organization, company, government agency, or individual with a direct and material interest has a right to participate by expressing a position and its basis, having that position considered, and appealing if adversely affected.

Guidance documents

A document that describes a particular procedure or process but that does not include any requirements.

Harmonized standards

Equivalent standards on the same subject approved by different standardization bodies, which allow for establishment of interchangeability of products, processes and services, and for mutual understanding of test results or information provided according to these standards.

Industry Standard

A voluntary, industry-developed document that establishes requirements for products, practices, or operations.

International Trade

Measures the difference between imports and exports of both tangible goods and services. The level of the international trade balance, as well as changes in exports and imports, indicate trends in foreign trade.


The purpose of International Organization for Standardization (founded in 1947) is to facilitate the internationalization and unification of standards and related activities over almost the entire range of technology (except that covered by IEC).

ISO 9000

The ISO 9000 family of standards represents an international consensus on good management practices with the aim of ensuring that the organization can time and time again deliver the product or services that meet the client's quality requirements developed by an ISO Technical Committee. These good practices have been distilled into a set of standardized requirements for a quality management system, regardless of what an organization does, its size, or whether it's in the private, or public sector.

ISO 14000

The ISO 14000 series of standards provide guidance on several aspects of environmental management, including environmental auditing, performance evaluation, and life cycle assessment. The series addresses the needs of organizations worldwide by providing a common framework for managing environmental issues. Developed by an ISO Technical Committee that has as its scope of work “standardization in the field of environmental management tools and systems,” ISO 14000 is a series of international, voluntary environmental management standards, guides and technical reports.


The purpose of the International Electrotechnical Commission (founded in 1906) is to promote international cooperation in standardization in the fields of electricity, electronics and related technologies.

Intellectual Property

Property that results from original creative thought such as patents, copyright materials, and trademarks.

International standard

A standard adopted or developed for global use.


Ability of a system or a product to work with other systems or products without special effort on the part of the customer. Interoperability is made possible by the implementation of standards.


Ability of a system or product to be compatible with or to be used in place of other systems or products without special effort by the user.

Management System Registration

Filing of management systems registrations with a recognized registration authority.

Management system standard

Standards that specify process requirements that can be applied to any organization, regardless of the product it makes or the service it performs.

Mandatory Government Standard

A standard set by government that prescribes safety, health, or environmental requirements.

Mandatory standards

Standards incorporated into laws or technical regulations for the protection of public health, safety, and the environment; or when incorporated into contractual agreements, between buyers and sellers.

Model Building Codes

Building codes that establish minimum acceptable requirements for commercial and residential construction to preserve the public health, safety and welfare. Model building codes are developed nationally then adopted by state and local authorities.

NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology

A government agency that develops technologies, measurement methods and standards, that help U.S. companies compete in the global marketplace, and that coordinates U.S. federal government use of voluntary standards.

NIST’s major programs include NIST Laboratories which provide measurements and standards for U.S. industry, Manufacturing Extension Partnership which provides technical and business assistance to smaller manufacturers, and the Advanced Technology Program which partners with the private sector to develop broadly beneficial technologies.


The National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 is legislation that requires government agencies to use voluntary standards from the private sector where feasible.

National standard

A standard developed primarily for domestic use. U.S. national standards may be adopted as international standards and international standards may be adopted as U.S. national standards.


Participation in the standard development process shall be open to all persons who are directly and materially affected by the activity in question, and the committee’s activities are publicly available.


The exclusive right granted by the government to an inventor (individual, company or organization) to manufacture, use or sell an invention for a certain number of years.

Performance Standards

Performance standards specify the level of expected performance for a product, not how it should be designed, and may include test methods that simulate performance under actual conditions.

Personnel certification

Personnel certification verifies that individuals in various professions have the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to perform their work. The purpose of certification of personnel is to provide improvement in professional competence, a more highly skilled workforce, particularly within industries that have an impact on public safety and protection.

Process standard

Process standards relate a series of actions or operations used in making a product and provide the methodology to perform these processes in a consistent and reproducible way.


To obtain or purchase technical, administrative or domestic goods and services through a systematic method.

Product standard

Product standards can either define how the product should perform or how it should be designed.

Professional association or society

Professional societies are generally membership organizations that represent the individual professionals in a specific profession from diverse industries, and have activities and programs that support the profession.

Regional standard

A standard developed by a specific region of the world, such as Latin America, that may be adopted as an international standard.


A rule adopted by a federal or state regulatory agency to implement, interpret, or make specific the law enforced or administered by it, or to govern its procedure.

Simple majority

More than half of the total votes cast in support of a particular position.


A set of conditions and requirements of precise and limited application that provide a detailed description of a procedure, process, material, product, or service for use primarily in procurement and manufacturing. Standards may be referenced or included in specifications.


A standard is a document that defines the characteristics of a product, process or service, such as dimensions, safety aspects, and performance requirements.

Standards Bodies

National, regional and international standards bodies that develop standards and/or that coordinate the standards activities of a specific country, region or the world. Standards bodies may be supported by the private sector, the government, or some combination thereof. Some standard bodies facilitate the development of standards through support of technical committee activities, and some may be directly involved in standards development.

Strategic standardization

Strategic standardization is a management discipline that investigates all aspects of standardization across a business or industry, then defines, recommends, and implements appropriate strategies and policies that can give a company a competitive advantage, or avoid a competitive disadvantage.

Standard Developer or

Standard Developing Organization (SDO)

An organization, committee, company, governmental agency or group that develops standards.

Standard Development Process

A step-by-step formalized committee process for developing voluntary consensus standards. For example, the national process includes beginning with a draft of the proposed standard through the various steps to application to ANSI for approval of the standard. ANSI does not approve the technical content of the standard. It approves the process by which the standard was developed. Not all national standards developed are submitted to ANSI for approval.


The use of common products, processes, procedures, and policies to facilitate attainment of business objectives.

Technical Regulation

A mandatory government requirement that defines the characteristics and/or the performance requirements of a product, service or process (see also Regulation).

Technical barriers to trade

Differences in product requirements and approval schemes, occurring in laws, regulations and standards, which restrict trade between countries.

Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement (WTO)

Technical regulations and industrial standards are important, but they vary from country to country. Having too many different standards makes life difficult for producers and exporters. If the standards are set arbitrarily, they could be used as an excuse for protectionism. Standards can become obstacles to trade. The Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade tries to ensure that regulations, standards, testing and certification procedures do not create unnecessary obstacles.

Technical committee

Technical committees are, generally, groups of technical subject matter experts who volunteer their time to draft and write the content of a standard in periodic standards development sessions.

Trade association

Trade associations, whose members include companies in the same business serving a specific industry, have activities and programs that support the industry.

U.S. national body

ANSI is the U.S. member body to ISO and the IEC, via the U.S. National Committee to IEC, representing United States interests in international standards development. National standards bodies in other countries are the member bodies to ISO and IEC for their countries.

Voluntary Government Standard

A standard written by a government department or agency that prescribes requirements for a product or service, such as food grade standards developed to facilitate the marketing process. Use of the standard is voluntary.

Voluntary Standard

The term "voluntary" distinguishes the standards development process from governmental or regulatory processes. Voluntary standards are also made mandatory at times by being incorporated into law by governmental bodies.

Voluntary Standards System

A system used to develop voluntary standards wherein participation in the system itself is voluntary. All interested stakeholders participate, including producers, users, consumers, and representatives of government and academia.

Voluntary Consensus Standard

The term "voluntary" distinguishes the standards development process from governmental or regulatory processes. All interested stakeholders participate, including producers, users, consumers, and representatives of government and academia. Voluntary standards are also made mandatory at times by being incorporated into law by governmental bodies.

World Trade Organization

The WTO, located in Switzerland, is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified by their governments. It provides a forum for trade negotiations, handling trade disputes, and monitoring trade policies. The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters and importers to conduct their business.

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Appendix C4 - Publicity Form

SAE Ground Vehicle Standards

Significant Document Summary

The document named below has been identified as one of the most significant 2006publications from the SAE Ground Vehicle Technical Standards Development Program. Your work in bringing this to publication and your Technical Committee service are most sincerely appreciated at SAE International and throughout industry. As the document sponsor, your insight and knowledge of its impact and background will assist us in publicizing and promoting the document’s use, adoption and sale.

Please complete questions 3 – 7 of this electronically enabled form. Its text fields will expand to fit your needs; to begin typing, click inside the box close to the left side. Multiple choice questions are “e-checkable”. Complete, save, and return this form via email to Caroline Michaels (carolinemicheals@). Please also provide any supplemental and/or background documents you think may be helpful. Please contact us if you need assistance. Thank-you very much for your help!


1. Document Number/Title:


2. Committee Name:


3. Sponsor Name:


4. Company:


5. Briefly describe the impact of this document and why it is needed. For example, what problem or issue does it solve or help solve; what prompted its creation or revision (e.g., changing technology, quality improvements, safety issues, security, etc.); how does it impact operators, OEMs, and/or suppliers with respect to specific design/build/service/operation issues and what is the benefit to the end user. Please be specific.

6. Please note any/all regulatory or government agencies/organizations (example: ISO, NHTSA, NTSB, etc.) who requested or influenced the need for/development of this document. Briefly describe their role(s). Please be specific.

7. Is there a need for education or training as a result of the standard? If yes, please explain.


8. Is there any need for certification as a result of the standard? If yes, please explain.


9. What publications (magazines, industry news, etc) should this go to?


10. May we have a member of our editorial or public relations staff contact you/a colleague for further information? Check one.

Yes, contact me at this phone number: _______________________________

Yes, contact this individual: Name:____________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________

Job function/Company________________________

We would prefer not to participate in editorial coverage or public relations concerning this document.

Additional comments     

SAE International staff use only



Contact / Return to:

Caroline Michaels / 1-248-273됌됍됏됐됞됟될둫둬둺둻둼땕땖땤땥땦뗏뗐뗜뗣뗤뗮뗯똀햿헥ꧥ햓该湾繝嵆ȭ脈樃锳ࠆᔁ딑ᘀ鵨ꝯ㔀脈䩃䩏 䩑 ࡕ封脈̡jᘀ鵨ꝯ㔀-2490 /


SAE International / 755 W. Big Beaver Road

Troy, MI 48084 USA

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