Keyboard shortcuts

In Mozilla Thunderbird

, while working with your e-mails, you have been toggling between the mouse and keyboard

frequently so far. The

keyboard shortcuts

are easy to use and helps to perform your operations faster. We have listed out


most useful keyboard shortcut keys for Thunderbird

in different categories based on their function.

Like most other programs, even Thunderbird recognizes keyboard combinations

with which you can take care of tasks often faster than you could with a mouse.

This is especially interesting when you are composing new e-mails, since you can

work without using the mouse.

You want usual short-cut keys for printing, copying, pasting, cutting, undo, and

redo work. However, in addition to this there are other shortcut keys that help save

time when managing the inbox. Instead of working one’s way through menus with the

mouse a single press of the [N] or the [P] key, for instance, helps you go forward

or backward to the next unread mail.

Likewise, you can call-up the new mails for the active account with the [F5] key.

When composing e-mails, you can fnish off the usual formatting through the keyboard

and execute tasks. This can even assist you in sending mails much faster. However,

you need to continue using the mouse for file attachments.

Mozilla Thunderbird Keyboard Shortcuts


F8 Toggle the message pane’s visibility

F2 Rename current folder

F5 Send + Receive

Ctrl+U View current email’s source

Ctrl+M Create blank email

Ctrl+N (Also works)

Del Delete selected email

Ctrl+Q Exit Thunderbird

Email Organization

J Mark selected email as "junk mail"

Shift+J Mark selected email as "not junk"

M Toggles the selected email’s "Read" status

Ctrl+Shift+C Marks as "Read" all emails in current folder

G Group-sort your emails

i Toggles the selected email’s "Flag" status

1-5 Assign a label to the selected email

0 (zero) Un-label the selected email

* Expand all threads

/ Collapse all threads

Ctrl+A Select all emails in folder

Ctrl+Shift+A Select all emails in thread

Email Reading

Ctrl++ Increase email text size

Ctrl+- Decrease email text size

Ctrl+0 (zero) Normal email text size

F Next email (tip: F as in Forward)

B Previous email (tip: B as in backward)

N Next unread email (tip: N as in Next)

P Previous unread email (tip: P as in Previous)

T Next unread thread

Ctrl+O Open current email

Ctrl+P Print current email

Email Message

Ctrl+R Reply to email

Ctrl+Shift+R Reply to all recipients

Ctrl+L Forward email

Ctrl+Enter Send an email immediately

Ctrl+Shift+Enter Send an email later

Email Formatting

Ctrl+B Bold

Ctrl+U Underlined

Ctrl+I Italic

Ctrl+L Insert Link

Ctrl+A Select All

Ctrl+X Cut selected text

Ctrl+C Copy selected text

Ctrl+V Paste

Ctrl+K Check spelling

Find & Search

Ctrl+F Find text in current email

Ctrl+G Find again (find next)

Ctrl+Shift+G Find previous

Ctrl+Shift+F Search messages

Address Book

Ctrl+2 Show Address Book (when in email side of Thunderbird)

Ctrl+1 Show Thunderbird (when in Address Book)

Ctrl+N New Address Book Card

Ctrl+I Opens current contact’s properties

Ctrl+Shift+F Find a contact in address book

Keyboard shortcuts


Keyboard shortcuts

About keyboard shortcuts

In Thunderbird, keyboard shortcuts are context sensitive. That is, they vary according

to the area of the Thunderbird interface that is currently "active". For example,

when a message is selected in the message list, the Cut, Copy and Paste keyboard

shortcuts are disabled (because it doesn't make sense to cut and paste text into

the message list). Similarly, if you select text while you are reading a message,

the Copy shortcut is available, but not the Cut or Paste shortcuts (because while

it makes sense to copy text from a message you are reading, it doesn't make sense

to paste text into or cut text from a message you are reading).

Sometimes the keyboard shortcut functions themselves vary depending on the part of

the Thunderbird interface that is active. For example, if you are writing a message,


Ctrl + A

keyboard shortcut selects all the text in the message. However, if a message is

highlighted in the message list,

Ctrl + A

selects all the messages in the message list.

Shortcut keys and operating systems

On Windows and Linux, the shortcut accelerator key is usually the Ctrl key

On Mac OS X, the shortcut accelerator key is usually the Command (⌘) key

On Mac OS X laptops, you must hold down the fn key to enable a function key

Message functions

New message (default format)

Ctrl + M (Windows)Command + N (Mac)

New message (non-default format)

Shift + Ctrl + M (Windows)Shift + Command + N


Open message (in new window or tab)

Ctrl / Command + O


Ctrl / Command + P


Ctrl / Command + C

Move to previous folder Again

Ctrl / Command + Alt / Option + M



Delete bypassing trash

Shift + Del

Select All (messages or text in a message)

Ctrl / Command + A

Select Thread

Ctrl / Command + Shift + A


Ctrl / Command + Z


Ctrl / Command + Y

Edit Message as New

Ctrl / Command + E

Expand All Threads


Collapse All Threads


Find Text in Current Message

Ctrl / Command + F

Find Again in Current Message

Ctrl / Command + G, F3

Find Previous in Current Message

Ctrl / Command + Shift + G, Shift + F3

Search All Messages in Folder

Ctrl / Command + Shift + F

Caret Browsing


Close window or tab

Ctrl / Command + W

Forward Message

Ctrl / Command + L

Get New Messages for Current Account

Ctrl / Command + T, F9 (Linux / Mac), F5


Get New Messages for All Accounts

Ctrl / Command + Shift + T

Increase Text Size

Ctrl / Command + +

Decrease Text Size

Ctrl / Command + -

Restore Text Size

Ctrl / Command + 0 (zero)

Add/Remove Tag

1 to 9

Remove All Tags from Message

0 (zero)

Mark Message as Read/Unread


Mark Thread as Read


Mark All Read

Shift + C

Mark as Read By Date


Mark as Junk


Mark as Not Junk

Shift + J

Add Star




View Message Source

Ctrl / Command + U

Reply to Message (sender only)(default format)

Ctrl / Command + R

Reply to Message (sender only)(non-default format)

Shift + Ctrl / Command + R

Reply to All in Message (all recipients)(default format)

Ctrl / Command + Shift + R

Reply to All in Message (all recipients)(non-default format)

Shift + Ctrl / Command + Shift + R

Reply to List

Ctrl / Command + Shift + L

Save Message as File

Ctrl / Command + S

Search Messages

Ctrl / Command + Shift + F (Windows / Mac), Shift


F (Linux)

Send and Receive All Messages

Ctrl / Command + T, F5




Ctrl / Command + Q

Newsgroup Messages

Expand Collapsed Thread

right arrow

Collapse Expanded Thread

left arrow

Ignore or Unignore Thread


Ignore or Unignore Subthread

Shift + K

Watch Thread


Moving around Thunderbird

Toggle Message Pane


Go to Next Message


Go to Next Unread Message


Go to Previously Viewed Message


Go to Next Viewed Message


Go to Next Unread Thread


Go to Previous Message


Go to Previous Unread Message


Move to Next Mail Pane


Move to Search Bar

Ctrl / Command + K


Ctrl / Command + ?


Ctrl / Command + M

Mail & Newsgroups

Ctrl / Command + 1

Saved Files

Ctrl / Command + J

Address Book

Ctrl / Command + Shift + B


Ctrl / Command + 1

Hide Thunderbird

Ctrl / Command + H

Hide Other Windows

Ctrl / Command + Alt / Option + H


Ctrl / Command + Q

Writing messages

New message

Command + N (Mac) Ctrl + M (Windows)


Ctrl / Command + C


Ctrl / Command + X


Ctrl / Command + V

Move / Copy Again

Ctrl / Command + Shift + M

Select All (text in a message)

Ctrl / Command + A


Ctrl / Command + Z


Ctrl / Command + Y

Delete current word

Ctrl + Del (Windows)

Delete previous word

Ctrl + Backspace (Windows)

Find Text in Current Message

Ctrl / Command + F

Find Again in Current Message

Ctrl / Command + G, F3

Find Previous in Current Message

Ctrl / Command + Shift + G, Shift + F3

Increase Text Size

Ctrl / Command + +

Decrease Text Size

Ctrl / Command + -

Restore Text Size

Ctrl / Command + 0 (zero)

View Message Source

Ctrl / Command + U

Save Draft

Ctrl / Command + S

Send Message Now

Ctrl / Command + Enter / Return

Send Message Later

Ctrl / Command + Shift + Enter / Return

Add Additional Recipient

Alt / Option + down arrow

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Page last modified on Saturday 04 of September, 2010 14:54:03 PST.



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